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Lafayette Contracts with New Snow Removal Company, Publicly Issues No Parking Warning

The City of Lafayette has recently contracted with a new snow plowing company to remove snow from its public streets and right of ways. They recently posted this notice on their website about it:

“To assist our city staff and our contracted snow removal company, if you live on a ‘No Parking’ area move your vehicles off the street.

All other areas if you do not have off street parking, once the streets have begun to be clieaned, move your vehcile to a plowed side of the street. With the impact of the storm’s potentially high amount of snow and drifting, please have patience. If you have a fire hydrant on yourblock, help to keep it free of snow.”

A massive storm system recently swept the country, including large parts of the Midwest. Nicollet County was inundated for two days with heavy snowfall and one day with very cold temperatures outside. Residents were busy moving their vehicles, shoveling and snowblowing their sidewalks and driveways across Nicollet County.
