Rising star update 18 now96 service control tower final

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How Perfect Transaction Is About Delivering Winning Service Performance Update # 18

Priority: Winning Service Performance; Initiative: Now96 (Perfect Transaction) Now96 is an essential building block of our Winning Service Performance to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers. This initiative is all about driving us forward every day with delivering that perfect service transaction.

Within Now96, the AMEA Service Control Tower was formed to monitor and track the levels of service performance in the countries. Other projects under this initiative include partner country programme and OU service plans. Initiative owner Marja Kuusisto says, “Service Performance is about meeting the Transit Times promised to our customers. We want to deliver every consignment on time and in good condition. This makes us more competitive and gives our sales People more confidence in selling our products.”

OPP - the Heartbeat of our Service Performance

To be in the pink of health, our OPP which stands for Operations Process Performance, has to AMEA OPP Target: 96% stay in the healthy range as close to our AMEA target of 96%. On a daily basis, (Perfect Transaction Europe) our Ops teams across AMEA receive service reports from the Control Tower highlighting the OPP measures service-related issues which impact OPP. The 5 key areas where our People look to improving shipments delivered on time. service performance are: Sender, Receiver, Origin and Destination at TNT locations, Linehaul and Customs. Understanding the lifecycle of each consignment allows our process improvement managers to quickly nip the problem in the bud. Marja hopes to build a proactive mindset, “When we see a potential problem, we immediately raise the alarm so our People on the ground can fix it before it’s too late. Every con counts. People may say it’s only 3 cons but it’s not just 3 cons, it’s somebody’s con and there’s a customer waiting for it.”

For example, a 90% OPP means 90% of our consignments are delivered on time by due date & 10% have failed.

Ops Director for UAE, Turab Rahaman views the daily OPP report closely,” This is the first thing we do at the start of the day. All failure buckets are investigated at the con level and taken up with the respective depots / hubs or departments. Recurrent issues are escalated with action plans.” Turab cited “unsendables” as a big hurdle in their failure bucket, “A large part of it is due to incomplete or wrong information from the sender/receiver to meet the rigorous customs requirements in the Middle East. To overcome this, a cross functional team approach was adopted where sales and CS are called upon to contact the customers.”

PUD Manager Maxie D'Souza (right) and Samuel Gitau from CS (left) working on an unsendable issue in UAE.

“We also prepare our drivers with the right documents such as Lithium Battery forms so these can be filled out at the time of collection and enable shipments to move the same day. These and other efforts helped reduced the number of unsendables by 75% over 3 months.”

Turab also explored integrating Dubai’s ‘city address locator’ mobile App into our GPS enabled Mobile Worker Incab (MWI) device to help our drivers locate addresses faster. Overall, UAE has shown significant improvement in its service performance with OPP hitting 90% and beyond. “Staff engagement has increased. Feedback from customers has also been very positive and the mere fact that the sales people are more confident of our services has made us in Ops very happy too,” added Turab. UAE Ops team (photo on right) giving service performance the thumbs up .

How Perfect Transaction Is About Delivering Winning Service Performance Update # 18

Priority: Winning Service Performance; Initiative: Now96 (Perfect Transaction) Marja cautions that service performance is not just a numbers game. “While we provide reports centrally we want countries to take ownership in analysing the data and going to the ground to observe what’s happening. We want to build more urgency into the handling of every con.” Northeast Asia Managing Director Lucy Lee agrees, “Service is not just a ‘percentage’, it's the number of satisfied customers. The Service Control Tower concept is driving change towards a service culture focused on how we can serve our customers better and use service to beat our competitors.” In a service oriented environment, every employee can make a difference. Lucy believes in walking the talk by being on the ground, “I would personally call and visit those customers who have logged in complaints. I look at root causes but more importantly the big picture to see how we can serve our customers better.”

Lucy Lee takes service seriously and ensures our People stay on top of issues. She is seen here with Jason Lee, PUD Team Leader Taipei

Since its launch last November, the AMEA Service Control Tower has helped our People to keep their fingers on the pulse to deepen our commitment to delivering quality service.

We love to hear your views about how we can further improve our service performance. Write to us @ Risingstar@tnt.com And visit the Rising Star portal to learn more about our strategy.

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