5 Tips to Create a Positive First Impression Using Packaging

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5 Tips to Create a Positive First Impression Using Packaging

Summary Packaging is used to protect the products when they have to be transferred to long distances. Not only for the protection purposes it has now become the matter of attraction for the customers as well. Product packaging always conveys a message to the customer. The more appealing design of the packaging convinces the customer to purchase it. The custom boxes provide you highest quality and customized boxes for packaging that serves both purposes protection and attraction. Packaging gives the first impression about your product and so it should always has positive impact on customer’s mind.

Intelligent Designing The thing which customer always sees first is the packaging and it should create a positive impression. Design of the packaging is something which cannot be ignored. The customers will keen to buy the product if the design attracts them. Don’t use so many bright colors, some big companies like Apple are creating attraction by simply designed packaging

Add Logo & Attractive Design You can also add a logo of your company, design an attractive logo representing your company and it can be textured as bulging logo creating enormous attraction. Observe your competitors in the market. Your product packaging should be in contrast to their. Use different colors, typography and metallization for your packaging so that it can create a difference, these aspects make packaging to create a great first impression.

Selection of Words Packaging conveys a convincing message to the customers. In case of writing content on the product packaging make sure that you use the words very wisely. The sentence should not be long or too short. Use the words which conveys the message swiftly. Use “easy” and “fast” on the package if the product is meant to provide quick solution. You can also use “safe” and “protective” if the product is made to provide some kind of protection.

Promotional Messages On Packaging You can also write interesting promotional messages on the packaging such as “buy one get one free� Instead of long and boring sentence use affective punch lines which save the time of the customer and have a deep message inside. A positive message written on the packaging gives a positive impression regarding the product. These punch lines are sometimes very attractive and appealing that the customer makes the purchasing decision in no time.

Always Make Changes Change always creates the attraction. Don’t limit the packaging with the typical and regular designs. Customers get bore by seeing the same kind of packaging results in loosing customer’s interest. Change in the design will be the fresh breeze for the customers. This will really create the favorable first impression.

Always Welcome Feedback Always welcome the feedback as there is always room to improve. Note what your customers want to see and buy, make changes according to that. If your business is new then don’t make your first production in bulk. Make few units and float them in market. Accept feed backs and then you can easily make changes according to the need. Changing in design is refreshing and gives a positive impression.

Presentation and Overall Design The regular and typical packaging doesn’t get the attention so always be organized in presenting the product. Use innovations and new ideas in packaging of the products so that it can gain extra attention from the customers. For example if customer orders a product and you are providing door step services, if you use a plastic bag to pack the product and deliver it the customer will get ordinary impression.

Customized OR Fancy Packaging In the same case if you use customized or fancy packaging made up of cardboard or paperboard tied up with some colorful ribbons it will definitely create the difference. Another growing trend is to wrap the product in tissue paper or colorful wrapping paper as it will make the customer to feel that he is getting a gift. The customer will get extra ordinary impression and hence it results in the boom of your business.

Quality Always Matters When the customers have their hand on the product packaging, the first thing they feel is the quality of the packaging. Fine quality packaging always give a positive impression to the customer. First impression is the last impression so it should always be good and favorable.

Branded packaging

Always use the branded packaging for your products, don’t go for the cheap ones as they can ruin the name and reputation of your company and will result in the decrease of sales. If you can afford always buy the customized boxes made up of high quality cardboard or paperboard having your company name printed on them. If your business is infant yet another affordable method is to print the stickers of your company name and put it on the packaging. High quality packaging gives favorable impression to the customer.

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