Self Esteem

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Self Esteem

Self esteem is how a person feels about themselves. Most of the time we can be our own worst critics. Not feeling good about how you look or your personality can lead to anxiety when you are in a group. You may be shy and reserved even though you want to talk to other people. Having self esteem doesn’t mean you are always confident or that you think you are better than others. It just means you have accepted who you are and you are willing to live with it. Having self esteem doesn’t just happen, it is a process. Many people go through an awkward stage during adolescence. It can be hard to like yourself when you are always comparing yourself to your peers. It can be difficult to be an individual when to be popular you have to be like everyone else. Yet life isn’t always like high school and that will pass. Yet at the time this is a very important time in a child’s life. Parents need to remember what that was like so they can offer support. Parents need to realize how important self esteem is. Teaching children from an early age to find good qualities in themselves is important. It will allow them to be happier and healthier individuals. A poor self esteem can affect a person in many ways. They may decide to drop out of school or have a hard time keeping a job. They may withdraw from other people and turn to vices such as drugs or alcohol to feel comfortable around others. There has been a great deal of information in recent years to link poor self esteem to those with depression. Counseling is often a very effective tool in order to help with this. Changing behaviors and seeing yourself as others do is the first step of developing your self esteem. Relationships can be detrimental at times to a person’s self esteem as well. For example they may have a partner that calls them names and tells them they are stupid. They may get the impression from them that no one else will ever want them. Over a period of time they come to believe this. The self esteem a person has is very important to their overall happiness and mental stability. Building Self Esteem

Individuals beginning developing their self esteem at a very early age. How they feel as a child often depends on the type of encouragement and nurturing they get. Children that are encouraged to try their best and to learn from their mistakes have a more positive self esteem outlook than those that are constantly belittled for things. It makes them doubt their own abilities and it squashes their desire to attempt new things for fear of failure. For teenagers, self esteem can go through a complete transformation. Some feel very strange as their bodies change. They end up not being comfortable with others for a very long time due to this. Others end up being very popular though and they love the attention. This results in them having a very healthy self esteem outlook. As their own image improves it makes others more comfortable around them as Wealth Masterminds Society

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well. It is amazing how many adults suffer from low self esteem. They may have always felt this way or it can be due to something in their life. Losing a job, getting a divorce, or just life in general can result in someone losing some of their self esteem. Many adults are less willing to accept changes as they get older. This can result in them doubting their decisions and having a poor self image. It can be difficult to build your self esteem but you need to work hard at it. You will build up more confidence as you do. The biggest challenge is to channel your energy into changing your outlook on things. You need to be very positive and look for the good in things. Instead of worrying about what people won’t like about you focus on what you do have to offer them. Chances are that what you see as your faults many others don’t see in the same way. Give yourself some well deserved attention. We tend to take care of the needs of our family and let our own go. If you worry about how you look then change what you don’t like. Start exercising more if you worry about your overall size. Cut your hair and style it differently if you don’t think it makes you attractive. Don’t be afraid or guilty about spending some time and money to make yourself look and feel good. Self Esteem Activities

Self esteem is a common issue that everyone has to deal with. Some people have a very positive outlook about themselves and others don’t. Since the issue of poor self esteem is so common, there are plenty of activities out there that people can take part in. They can be implemented in the classroom, at home under the direction of parents, in a counseling session, and even on your own if you want to improve your self image. Some of these various activities can be done in a group setting. This can be really fun but the rule is that only positive things can be said. People are often surprised about the various attributes that others find in them. Pass around a sheet of paper with each person’s name on one. Once everybody has written something it should go back to the person that has their name on it. Many facilitators review them first though to make sure no harmful information is written on the papers. Individuals that view themselves to harshly can spend some time writing about themselves each day. They should have to commit to writing positive things about themselves for at least ten minutes a day. This should focus on their qualities as well as the goals they want to accomplish for themselves in the area of self esteem. This is a type of behavioral transformation that will take time to complete. Make sure that the self esteem activities are appropriate for the age of the person or the people involved. It can take some encouragement for people to be honest about how they really feel about themselves. Even if they aren’t able to say it out loud they can put it on paper. Have them do so early in Wealth Masterminds Society

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the activities. After a period of time has gone by have them review it again. Hopefully their self esteem prospective will have changed for the better over that span of time. The internet is a great place to find different types of self esteem activities. Many of them work well for a variety of people. If you make the activities fun people will be more willing to try them. If you are dealing with youths though you should look for those where they don’t have to share their information with others. This way they will be more honest about their feelings towards themselves. Self Esteem & Depression

Many experts have the believe that a poor self esteem is directly connected to depression. This is due to the various assessments that are completed in mental health establishments. It is often the poor self esteem that leads a person to withdraw from various types of social situations. It can also allow them to self destruct various types of relationships. They may not believe that someone so great would actually care about them so they end the relationship. They may continue to push that person away until they decide to leave them. That scenario though tends to just reinforce their belief that they aren’t good enough for anyone. There is a substantial amount of information out there to indicate that the reason so many adolescents in our society suffer from depression is due to their poor self esteem. This is why so many health classes in junior high and high school cover self esteem. They also do various types of activities in order to help students get a better image of themselves. Youths tend to classify themselves by how others see them or how they perceive that others see them. Many adolescents simply aren’t ready for the transitions that will occur. Even a jump from junior high to high school can affect them. In junior high they are an upper classman and have their friends around them. When they enter high school though they are the new kid on the block. Many of their old friends are now scattered and they have to struggle to assess their own identity. Adults can also suffer from poor self esteem and depression. Yet the fact that most bouts with depression start out in adolescents make sense. Research on groups of adults with depression have found that when they are feel negative about themselves is when the depression is at its worst. Due to the correlation between self esteem issues and depression, many doctors and mental health professionals now require therapy. They don’t want to just give the individual some medication to take. The combination of medication and therapy really seems to help them to reduce the effects of depression and to improve their self esteem.

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Teen Self Esteem

Teens sometimes seem to be alien creatures. They have hormones going in all directions and so many things change for them. Self esteem is a very important issue for teenagers so parents need to address it. The best scenario is to start looking at this with your children from an early age. Always encourage them to see the good qualities in themselves. These should be a combination of physical attributes as well as aspects of their personality that are a quality reflection of who they are. For teenagers, self esteem often revolves around their physical appearance. This is why they may have a melt down when they have a bad hair day. It is why your son may decide to cancel a date he waited for all week when he sees a pimple forming on his forehead. While adults don’t see these things as big issues, for a teenager they are very important. The self esteem a teenager has is a reflection of how they see themselves. It is important for parents to understand this. For example your child may look very good to you but they feel they are fat. That is the self image they have and it will negatively affect their self esteem. It can result in them withdrawing and it can result in them developing some type of eating disorder. The way that a teenager’s body looks is a great part of their self esteem. This tends to be more of an issue for girls than for boys. If they aren’t developing their breasts like the girls around them it can affect their self esteem. Girls that get them too soon or that find them too large can also feel the same way. Boys also go through this so don’t think that they don’t. They just tend to keep it to themselves more. Many teenagers can also end up suffering from depression due to poor self esteem. Too many parents don’t realize that. Instead they believe their teenager is just moody or that they want to have more time to themselves. Communication is very important at this age and you need to make sure you are willing to listen. This type of depression has also been linked to teenage suicide.

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