Getting to Know Your Teammates

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Northeastern Huskies 20 1 4-20 15

Gefilng to hour

hur harnmahs


Lauren Kelly

Watertown, MA Wi nchendon School Whom doyou modellourelf afterasa player? I model my game afur Kacey Bellamy on the USA womenl natlonal team, she ls an amadng deftnseman, and a phenomenalleaderl

therc any slgnlfcance to the number that 1ou ryear? lwas bom on May2n4 and l\rc ahrays thought of number 2 as belng my lud<y number. ls

What arc thrce wods )lou would use to descdbe purself as a hockey plapr? Hlcated. Determlned. Responslble.

\ rhat dolou llsten to befoie a game? I llsten to country muslc (Gnle Underwood and Luke Br),an) beforc the team warmup Beforc the gnme wtrlle lam gettlng drcssed I llsten to motlrratlonalspeedres Wrat arc you most qdhd about lMng ln Boston? Favorlh thlng about Boston ls the pdde ln the dty. I am o<dted to be arcund an envlrcnment that

ls so


and a unll

What ls one thlng that hadly anpne knows about you? I am tentfied of the Grlndr. Do )ou hara any hldden talents? I can dance llke MldraelJadson. (Knd


What lsyournldanme? r.t(

)ou could have dlnner wlth three people lMng or decease4 wtro would lt be? Canle Undervrood. l.rtl<e Bryan. Jennlftr lawrence lf

What Hnd of legacy do 1ou want to leave at Northeastem? Someone wlro was a had worker who alvmys trled her best, and had a good attltude thrcughout the yeats


Halle Silva

Acushnet, MA Whom do 1ou model puruelf after as a player and why? I model my game afor ffilce Belgercn. He's a strcng thrce ane player wlth tre ablllty to be a play maker and a goal scorcn Hel a team player wtro wodrs extrcmelywell s'lth hls llne mates and ls ne\rrer selfish. Hel a pleasurc to because he ls eftctlve ln allthrce zones and ls a key player ln everyrcne.


therc any slgnlficance to the number that 1ou yvear? I vyear number 5 because lt has alwa),s been ln my famlly. tvty dad was ahvap number 5 and so was my brcdrer, thercfuie I Just kept lt golng and lt has become very spedal to me. ls

What arc thrce wods 1ou would use to dccrlbe Agrcsstve. Tenadous Competrtlve.


as a hod<ey player?

What ls one thlng hadV anpne lmows about you? Sushlls myfavorftefuod. Whafs your nldmame? Hal

t rhat ls your favorlte sports team? Brulns

What ls your favorlte candy? Swedlsh Flsh Wherc would your drcam wcatlon be?

Bon Bon )ou could have dlnner wlth thrce people, allve or deceased, wtro would they be? Itly Gnndfathen Moryan Frceman. Jack Ednrads lf

What Hnd of legacydolou wantto leave at Northeastem? I want to wln a natlonal dramplonshlp and make a huge lmpact on the success of the team. I want to be rcmembercd as a had wod<er, grcat teammate and leaden I want to make a posltlve lmprcsslon on everyone I meet ln the communltyand make ltftlong rclatlonshlps.


Shelby Herri ngton

Bow NH Bishop Brady Wrom do 1ou modellourself


as a player?

Ovedrldn because heb blg and shoots the puckall the tlme and worls had (qdudlng hls deftnse) and Selanne because he has always been myfworh playerdueto hls sldll.

What are thrce wods 1ou wrould use to descrlbe HadrrorHng. Compedthrc. Tall.


as a hockey player?

t ,hat ls one thlng hadlyanyone knorvs aboutyou? I'm good at plng pong. Do


have any hldden talents?

lcanJuggle. What ls your nldanme? Shelbs orShelb. Do )ou have any slbllngs? Yes. Thrce older brothe6 one older slster and one

loungel slster.

What lsyourfavorlte sports team? PltBburyh Shelerl

t ,hat ls yourfavorlte candy? Really dark drocolate wlth almonds

Howdolou handlestrcss? I

thlnk of the phrase 'Don't wony about thlngs )lou can't contrcl'. Also I get as mudr sleep as posslble.

l/Vhere would


drcam vacatlon be?

Italy What ldnd of legacydolou want to leave at Northeastem? I want to be rcmembered as a hadworldng and grcat hod<ey pla),er but morc lmportantV as a good pe6on.


Mckenna Brand Nevis, MN

NAHA rod \tlhom doyou modellouruelf afterasa player? Ty'er Seguln and Alo<Orcdrldn. therc any slgnlfcance to the number that 1ou rvear? lwear numberseven because of KrlssyWendell. Shewas myldolwhen luas llttle. ls


have any pregame rttuals? LJstenlng to muslcand hadtysac tttllrat arc three yvords that descrlbe

)ou as a hod<ey player? Fasslonate Hadwoddng. Detemlnated.

Wrerc are you most llkelyto be fuund ln the ofteason? Slttlng W ffre lake or shootlng puds ln my garage. What ls one thlng hadlyanpne lmows aboutyou? hrc always wanted to go to space.

Whafsyour nldarame? Kenna, Kery Kennyor MckenE athleh? Alennder Ovedrldn.

trVlro ls 1ou r favorlte

tttllrdslourfavorltepruft sslonalsportsteam? Boston Brulns

tl,hat ls your favodte candy? YorkPeppemlnt Pattles What legacydoyou hopeb leaveat Northeastem? lwant to be rcmembered as a had worldng hockey player and rcsponslble Idnd peson offthe lce.


Chelsiea Goll

nthrop, MA Brewster Academy


therc anyslgnlficance to the numberthatlou urcar? I love the number & my llcense plate ls 4449&l am not surc therc ls a slgnlficance to dose to my hearl I lookat lt as the number 8 has been a lot of places wlth me. ls

l[ btt

the number 8 ls very

What lsyourfavorlb prcgame meal? Myfavortte prc game med ls the standad drlcken parm wlth spaghettl or dtl.Yummmmm.

Wrerc can )lou be fuund ln the ofteason? I would llke to be fiound ln MarthalVlngnd on a boat or usuallyJust at the beadr or a pool. Somewhere to be rcla<ed. I drc love to be yvfth frlends ItVlro ls your favorlte athlete?

rcally llke how Davld Ortlz carles hlmself but my favorfte athle"h to u/atdr ls Lebrcn because he ls so athletlc and lts fu nny to see hor erreryone Just hates on hlm. I


could have dlnner wlth thrce people altve or decease4 wlto would they be? Opnh, Bgpnce and Jayz lf

How do you llke to be dreercd up lf you arc ftellng down? Look back at old plctures and laugh.

tlrhat ls lour favorlh movle? Howto losea GuylnTen Days. U,hat ls lour favorlh candy? Reseds and dark dtocolah wlth almonds.

\tllro arc wlrat arc 1ou llstenlng to befuie a game and why? I lore to llsten to np fiat I can slng along to or country. I know that they arc two dlftrcnt spectrums of muslc . What Hnd of legacyvrculd pu llke to leave at Northeastem? A grcat legacy wherc eyeryone looks back and says wow those days werc avuesome ot a poslth/e lnfiuence.

#9 Bella Sinsigalli

Reddihg, CT Berkshire School What arc thrce wods 1ou would use to dscrlbe puruelf as a hockey playeil I nhnse. Porverfu l. Competlttrre.

f ,hat ls one thlng hadly anyone knows abotrtpu? My real name ls Gabrlela.

What'syour nldanme? Bella. Do you have any slbllngs? I have thrce brcffierE

ti,hat lslourfavorlh sports ham? NewYork Rangen

t ,hat lsyourfavorlh candy? Sour Patdr llllhtermelons

What ls lour blggest fuar? Falllng ls my blggest ftan

lflou could have dlnnerwlth thrce peopleallve ordecease4wtrowould theybe? Bglonce BlllleJean Klng and Caml Granato. lf

)ou arc dowry hor do


llke to be dreercd up?


Howdolou handlestrcss? lkeep ltto myself and hold ltallln. tlthat ldnd of legacydoyouwantto leaveat Northeastem? I rrrould llke to leave a legacyas grcat hod<ey player at northeastem who was dedlcated and lqnl to her teammates and frlends


Colleen Murphy Caty, NC

NAHA Wrom do 1ou model your game frer and why? Krls letang because he ls an oftnslve deftnseman. What arc thrce wods that pu would use to descdbe Conslstent Oftnslve. Dependable.


as a player?

What ls one thlng that hadly anpne knows about you? I hate cats. Do you have any hldden talents?

lugillng. Whafsyour nldmame? Murph. Smurph. Do you have any slbllngs?


What ls the hadest thlng )lou have ever done? SAS lntemshlp. your favorlte prcrftsslonal sports team? Grcllna Hunlcanes and Plttsburgh Steelers



Wherc would


drcam wcatlon be?

Mycoudr. lf

)ou could have dlnner wlth three people allne or deceased, who would they be?

I'tyMom Da4and Slsten

What ldnd of legacy do you want to leave at Northeastem? Onethat lwlll be prcud to call myself a husky.


Christina Zalewski CannonsbUrg, PA Wi lliston School therc anyslgnlficance tothe numbertha 1ou rrvear? It ls alrc a number that I sharc wlth two of my best frlends, we all worc lt for our sdrool team and plan to keep lt for college. ls

ln thrce wod+ hor would pu desalbe Composed. TenadouE RelentlesE ls


as a hod<ey player?

therc anythlng that people hadly lcrow aboutyou?

lhate ltwhen peopletoudt myelboun Do you have any hldden talents?

l'm prcttygood at ldlllng f,les. Do you have any slbllngs? Yet I have two older bruthers Erlc ls 22 years old and Ben

ls 20 years


Who lslourfavorlh sports team? Plttsburyh Pengulns your farodty candy? Reese6 Cups or Red Sktttls



lf you could have one super power, what would ft be and why? I

would droose to be able to fly mostly because I thlnk I could get a lot done and go places faster than drMng.

ftellng down, how do you llke to be dteercd up? It depends on the leason. Sometlmes I llke to be alonq, but most of the tlme I llke to be sunounded $frlends lf you arc

thatJust make me laugh. What ldnd of legacy do you want to leave at Northeastem? I want to leave wlth havlng known that I dld my best ln everythlng that I could.l want to be known as a had worldng and posltlve student athlete.


Tayturn Clairmont

Waterloo, ON

Toronto Aeros Whom do you model your game after and why? I model my game after Martln Sf,Louls because I ldeallre hls speed,focus, and determlnaffon when he plays. Another player I model my gnme after ls Datqruk because of hls crcatlvtty and how well he sees the lce when he plays there anyslgnlficance as to wttyyourwearlour number? worc number 12 gruwlng up, hovyever last year 12 was taken rc I declded to be number 26 because I and moreover St Louls weals lt as well. ls


Do )lou have any pregame rltuals? My pegame rltuals I always do ls I tape my stlck befiore every game, and put my equlpment on ln a certaln


What arc thrce wods that would descrlbe you as a player? Tenaclous. Hadworldng. Crcatlve.

What ls one thlng hardly anyone lcrotrs about Howdose me and myfamllyarc.


Do you have any hldden talen6? say my hldden tatent woutd be that I have the ablllty to get along wtth I guess you

everlone I meet


Whafsyour nldoame? Some people call me Tayte" T, or


Do )ou harre any slbllngs? I have one brcther named Jadr yyho ls two years

lounger than me.

your favodte athlete? fvlyfavourlte athlete would be Jennlhr Botterlll. I look up to her ln terms of what she has adrleved durlng her sdrool and hod<ey career and what she has done wlth her sdrool and hockey carcer today.



What legacydoyou want to leave at Northeastem? The legacy I vmft to leave at Northeastem ls well rcspected byftllowteammates and dassmates, lemembercd lfr/hs a leader both on the team and ln the studenUschool communltyand also be known as a posltlve person.

#14 Hayley Scamurra

Williamsvi lle, NY

Nichols School ftr

and whn Wrom do you modelyour game I thlnk I model my game afur my dad because of hls lnf uence on how I look at $e game. ttfiy favoilG phyet of alltlme though ls Pavel Datqrukbecause of hls sldlland had workoftnsh/elyand deftnslvely.

therc any slgnlficance as to why 1ou drose the number you wear? I drose my number afur my bruther Colln. I looked up to myolder bruthen wlrlle they plqcd hlgh sdtool hod<ey. ls

Dolou have any prcgame ftuals? lalways tape mysUd<$the rlnkand llshn to my pump up muslc play'lstThen lfuam rcll.Then lJuggle a soccel ball wlth fussltVhen I'm half way drcssed, I have to stlckhandle wlth the rvelghted ball and PVC plpe to work on myrvrlsts

What arc thrce wods )ou would use to descrlbe purcelf as a hod<ey player? Determlned. Grltty'. Tough. What ls one thlng hadlyanyone knour aboutyou? Not many people lcrow that I play soccer and tennls durlng the offseason.

Wrafslour nldanme? Scams or hayls.l llke both


Do )lou have any slbllngs? 3 older brcfters.

Wlro ls lour favorlh prcftsslonal sporB team? Detrolt Red Wngs and llJbshlngton Capltals.


handlestrcss? I llshn to muslc or talkto frlends and famlly. U,hat legacy do pu want to learrc at Northeastem? I vyant people to knov horv had I uorked to get our team to the hlghest level.


Jordan Krause Kelowha, BC Minnesota-Duluth therc any slgnlficance to the number that 1ou vyear? I am typlcally number 14, whldr ls the number I hane wom fur many yearu, but wlll be swltdrlng yead ltrhoever ls weadng #14 thls year, know I wlll ahmp be secrctlyJealous of you. ) ls


number thls

have any pregame rftuals? Not rcally,Just a lot of dandng and slnglngl Do


Wrat thrce wolds uould Smart Solld. Slmple.


use to descrlbe


as a player?

What makesyou most qdted about lMng in Boston? t'm o<dted fur the constant enegy fiat the dty hast Belng dose to my bruther wlll also be an added bonusl \,l,hat ls one thlng ftat hadlyanlone knours aboutpu? I lore to watdr docnmentarles and am fasdnated byWorld ltthr 2 and the Holocaust

Dolou I

harre any hldden talents?

am very muslcal - can play the f,ute, trumpef, planq tookvolce lessons for 2 yeas and was ln a muslcal.

Uthat lsyour nldmame? lGause, Krls l(nusqJ0awgJor4 Gl, Bugs&the llstgoes harre any slbllngs? One bruther Tyder who gocxt




to Bentley Untverslty.

tl,hat ls lour favorlte sports team? The Ollen wlll always be my hometown team, but I dreer fur


wrlety of otherul

pu arc dorn, how do 1lou llke to be dteercd up? Make me laugh - lt lsn't had. tf

t that Hnd of legacydolou vmntto leave at Northeashm? lwantto be known as a had worldngteamorlentated playerand student,wtto anyonewould enJoy havlng a sft down dlnnerwfthl


Ann Doherty Park Ridge, lll Phillips Academy thele any slgnlficanae to the number that 1ou yvear? tVeryomnarlatlons of 6l slnce Iwasyoung. ls

tllhat arc thrce wods that Had worker. Smart


would use to desolbe pulself

as a hod<ey player?

What ls rcmedrlng hadlyanyone lmovus aboutpu? It would no longer be somethlng anlone else hadly lmorts.

)ou hare any slbllngs? Itlyslshr Kaltlln. Do

Who lslourfanorlte sports ham? The Bladdrandcr

Wro ls lour favorlh athleh? lllke Kevln Duranta lot Urhat ls your

farodh candy?

Butterfingers What ls your blggest ftar? ldorft llke bugs


could harre dlnner wlth thrce people alh/e or decease4 who would they be?

louls Fasteur, FD& MIK

Howdolou handlestrcss? lJust push thrcugh


What ldnd of legacy do you want to leane at Northeashm? I yvant to be rcmembercd as a good teammafrq, student, and person.


Melissa Haganey Frankl ih, MA

Loomis Chaffee Whom do 1ou model )lour game after and wM Jonathan Toews because he ls a grcat all arcund pla),er. He ls a play maker as vrell as a goal scorâ‚Źr:

therc anyslgnlficance as towtrypu wearyour number? SteveYzennan. ls

Itltrat thrce wolds would Self,ess. Fast Smart


use to descrlbe


What ls one thlng hadly anpne knour about fm an open book

as a hod<ey



Do )ou have any hldden talents? I can toudr my tongue to rry nose.

Ul/hafsyour nldmame? Mellss. lJss Hags Mel.

tthat ls the hadest thlng you have ever done? losea brothen your favorlh sports ham? Chlcago Bladdatitls?



Who ls your favorlh athlete? JohnathanToews.


handlestrcss? somedtlng fun.

Take a brcather and do

What Hnd of legacydoyou wantto learre at Northeastem? I want to be the hnd of peson and player that people respect trust, and look up to.


Hayley Masters

Shanty Bay, ON Mississauga Chiefs pu

model you game after and vyhy? Mllan Ludc Hds a porver furwad and llkes to grlnd. Hds not the most shlle4 but the guy ls a wolk hone.

\tVlro do

therc anyslgnlficance to the numberfiatlou wear? Mydad used to wear lt, and so dld Nate Scottfrom OneTree Hlll. ls

What lsyourfavorlte prcgame meal? Chlcken parm lsasolld meall Do you have any prcgame rftuals? I

always tape my stlckwlth Haggs.

t,hat arc thrce wods 1ou would use to descrlbe purcelf Tough. Havoc Battle.

as a hockey player?

tl,hat dolou llsten to befurc games? sounds od4 but I llke mellow muslc beforc games A llttle Bon lvef Matt Corby,Tracy Champan hnda stuff. Then rlght befoie game tlme lllthrcw on some dubstep to get me fircd up. Wrerc arcyou most llkelyto befuund ln the ofteason? \ihkeboadlng atthecottage lnthe gym,or playlng shlnnywtth gup.

Whafsyourfavorlh thlng about lMng ln Boston? TheAquarluml What lsyour nldmame?

Mast \i/hen you arc ftellng down, how do 1ou llke to be dteercd up? Some good muslc and good people to hangout yvtthl What Hnd of legacy do you want to leave at Northeastem? I want to be rcmembercd as not only a dedlcated athlete but a rcma*able student ln the dassrcom. I want to be rcmember€d as someone who sharcd good vtbs, and made an lmpact ln the llves of others

#24 Chelsey Goldberg

Agoura Hills, CA NAHA Wrom do 1ou model your game after and yuhy? lU say I try to model my game mostly afor my teamrnateg so I lmon that I can glve them my best at


therc anyslgnlficance at to whypu weal)lour number? yrear I 24 because one of my best frlends that I used to play wlth worc ls


so he


me to keep

the numberallve.

)ou have any prcgame rltuals? Prcgame normatec, make a corftq,and put myBauerbeanle on. Do

What arc thrce words to descrlbe lourcelf as a hod<ey player?

Hadworldng. Determlned. Grltty. What ls one thlng hadly anpne knorvs about you? Sony', I harre two: I am one mlnute older than my trrln bpther and that I prcftr to not be called Goldy.

Whafsyour nld<name? I prcftr Che[ ChelE I actually don't llke lt wben people call me Goldy. Do you have any slbllngs? Four slbllngs.Two brcfters (One

twln bruther), one slstel:

tl,hat ldnd of legacydolou rv'antto learrc at Northeastem? I want to crcate a legacy that wlll last vtfth Northeastem for yearc to come. Crcate a communlty wherc all of the athletes lmow and ftel comfortable wlth eadt other, get morc lnvohrcd with the communlty, and most lmportantly make a dlftrcnce. I want people to have lsrown me whlle I was at Northeastem notJust fur the hockey but ln every aspect of llft as welh I hope everyone wlll ahrays rcmember to cany on the posltlve eneryy that odsb wtthln the athletlc communlty.


Heather Mottau

Milton, MA Shattuck St. Mary's Whom do you model your game after and yyhy? Myfarodte hockey player ever ls JoeVltale. Vttale atGnded Northeastem and I ftll ln love wtth hls game watdrlng hlm play. He nwer glves up on any puds, alwqrs laeps hls ftet movlng and wlll glye lm96 dry ln and dayout He ls true a leaderwho leads Soomple.

rvods you would use to descrlbe youruelf as a phpr? Competltve. HarchrorHng. Quldc

l,Vhat arc three

What ls one thlng hadly anpne knows about you? I thlnk people may not lmou that I love aoryuncturc and go twlce a mont{t.

Whafspur nldanme? Sometlme people llke call me'Mottau' ptonounced llke'Motto'.


werc stnnded on an lslan4 rdrat arc thrce thlngs you couldrt ltve wlthotrt? lf I was stnnded I would need books to rca4 a pen and some paper. I love to wrlte. lf

Who ls lour favorlte sports team? I lore the Brulns Wtrat ls lour blggest ftar? lam petrtfied of splders

wlth thrce people allve or decease4 who would they be? I would want to have dlnner wlth H Tllmary Joe Vltale and my hadrer fr,om Shattud< St Mary/s Revercnd Caveled. Allthrceofthese peoplearc myrcle models ln ltft. lf )lou could have dlnner

lrVhat hnd of legacy do 1ou want to learre at Northeashm? Thls questlon made me thlnkfur qulte rcmeffme and lt kept leadlng me backto the fact that I want to be rcmembercd as belng part of the ham to wln the first ever natlonal dtamplonshlp ln hlstory herc at Northeastem. I bellene to wln a dramplonshlp on thls scale llke the Natlonal Champlonshlp lt all has to do wtfft what team work the hadest that yean, I want to be on that team that worls the hardest and wlns lt all. I alrc hope to leave thls had worldng envlrcnment at Northeastem when I gnduate.

#28 Paige Savage

Johns Creelc GA NAHA Wrom do you modelyour game after and vyhy? I would sayJoe Parrelsld.Thls ls because he ls has grcat hockey sense, an al /esome play maker and lmpact on the lce.

ls an

trerc any slgnlficance at to why pu wGar your number? Yes, tte wom my number slnce 8ffr gnde. All myfilends ln NewYolkwerc the number 28 so wlren I mored from NewYorktoTelos I dranged to 28to rcmemberthem or ln rememberance of them. ls

tl,hat arc thrce wods to descrlbe you as a player? Smart Playmaker. Strong. tlrhat ls onetrlng hadlyanpne knows aboutyou? I hate hot or cold thlngs. I uould ntherJust have firlpgs luke warm. lrly mouth


WAYtoo senslttve.

Do )ou have any hldden talents? I lorrc to palnt and slng


Whaffspur nldmame? Paglna. Pnasty. What ls the haldest thlng 1ou hatre ever done? Mo/ed at very dlficuh tlmes ln my llft. Because of the mo\,rss I had to go away fur hod<ey and sdtool and I wanted to make my hod<ey career successfi,rl but lost plenty of tlme I wlll nerrer get bad(s'tth myfamlly.






your favorlte athleh?

favorlte sports team? Pengulns. Noquestlon.

AluMorynn. Urhat hnd of legacydoyou want to leave at Northeashm?

lnevergnre upl


Chloe Desjardins St. ProspeL QC

Brewster Academy Do )lou have any prcgame rftuals?

l'm very qulet befuie game. I llke to do my own thlngs and fucus What arc thrce wods )lou would us to descrlbe yourself as a player? Had worldng. Pererverance. leaden

Itlhat do pu lls,ten to befure a gnme? ldon't llsten to muslc befoie game.

thlng hadly anpne knows about pu? I came ln the Unlted States at 17 yean old and I dldn't any know any Engllsh.

lrtthat ls one

)ou hare any hldden talents? I rcilty llke to go O, long runs ln myfree tlme. Do

Uthat ls lour nldmame?

Clo Do


have any slbllngs?

Two older bruthen Aloandrc and Davld.

What ls the hardest thlng 1ou harrc ever done? leave myfamllyto come ln the Unlted Stateswhen I could not speakany Engllsh. your favodte sporb team? Boston Brulns

VUlro ls

Howdopu handlestrcss? I llke

to play hod<ey when I'm strcssed. When I am on the lce I fuiget about everythlng arcund me.

What ldnd of legacy do pu want to leave at Northeastem? I want to make surc I have no rcgrcts beforc I leave Northeastem. I would llke to wln Hodcy East


Taylor Crosby Cole Harboun NS

Shattuck St. Mary Doyou havea prcgame rftual? I have lots mostly areJust rcutlne. What I ea[ how I get dressed. Dolng my own strctdtlng orJuggllng Wrat thrce words would descrlbe )lou as a player? Had worldng. Competltlve. leaden Do )lou have any hldden talents?

lcanJuggle. rrrl=r Wrafs your nldanme?

cJw. Do )lou have arry slbllngs? I have one brcther.

your favorlte sports team? Plttsburgh Pengulns



your favorlte athete? Sldney Crcsby* Shannon Szabados



What ls your blggest ftar? Drcrvnlng. What ls the best gft)rou hare ever been glven? lvly grandmother gave me her engagement rlng. That ls very spedal to me.

ftellng donnr, how do you llke to be cheercd up? Laughlng. Sometlmes belng alonq, but laughlng ls alwayc tte best cure. lf you are

ti/hat ldnd of legacy do you want to leave at Northeastem? I want to leave a wlnnlng legacy. I want people to thlnk of me and thlnk of wlnnlng and that I helped be a part of a wlnnlng team.


Denisa Krizova

Horni Cerekev, CZ NSA Whom do 1ou model your game after and vyhy? lmodel mygameafter Davld lftejd because lthlnkhe playsverywelland also he ls myfarorfte player. therc anyslgnfficance as towhyyou weatyour number? always nave traO number 1 4 slnie I started io play hockey. So I llke to wear has number 141 dranged lt to the number4l. ls I

What arc thrce wolds to descrlbe )lou as a player? Team player. Fast Good Passes. t'Uh#s your nldsrame? Krlzak

the lottery, wtrat would lwould call my mom. lf you won

pu do first?

Do you harre any slbllngs? Yet I have one older slster, Erlka.

\ttltrafs the hadest thlng you harre ever done? I thlnlc the hadest thlng was leavlng my home and go to the Unlted States. ttVlro ls your

favorlb sporB team?

BrulnE What ls your blggest ftar? Snakes arc ftellng dowo hou do pu llke to be dteercd up? I llke to be dreercd up S telllng me any encoungement lf


tl,hat Hnd of legacydolou wantto learre at Northeastem? The bestwayof rcprcsentatlon ln hockeyand atsdtool.


Because one of our teammate

#42 Sarah Foss

North Readihg, MA

# NSA therc any slgnlficance to the number that you vyear? Ys, 21 ls a very lmportant number to me and I rrear 42 because I needed to wear a goalle number and lt ls double 21. tttly dad worc lt wlren he played at Boston Unlverlty, and my undes also worc ft thrcugh thelr cateenr. Now my brother couslns, and I rrear lt whenever we can ln all of our sports ls

What lsyourfavorlh pregame meal? Steakfrom BHOP.

Doyou have any pregame rftuals? I Juggle a soccer ball before e\rely game and the last thlng I do What arc thrce wods you would use to descrlbe Competfthrc. Athletlc Powerli.rl.




mctly 21 tlmes befoie I get dressed.

as a player?

What ls one thlng hadlyanyone knows aboutyou? I absolutely love belng a goalle, but sometlmes mlss belng a forwadl Do I


have any hldden talents?

can catdr grapes ln my mouth as far as anyone can throw one.

What'syour nldmame? Foss Do )lou have any slbllngs? I have a 13 year old brother, Chrlstopher, and a 20 year old bruther, MatL

What lsyourfavorlte sporB team? Boston Brulns

tl/hat legacy do you hope to leave at Northeastern? Ii/hen I leave I rvant to have helped create a culturc of hard work and dedlcatlon. I strlve to lead by oomple and always be the hadest worHng peron on the lcq, ln the welght room, and ln the dass Kxrm. I hope that thls attltude becomes contaglous among my peer and I can lnfluence other to put thelr whole heart lnto everythlng they do at Northeastem.


Anchoragâ‚Ź, AK NAHA pu model )rlur game after and why? Kls letang. He ls such a veratlle playen I admlrc hlm fur hls abllltytoJump up and dellver oftnslve povuâ‚Źr wlrlle also belng an accountable deftnden Wlro do

there any slgnlficance to the number that you wear? Not partlcularly, I was glven to me at NAFIA and have stuckwtth lt ever slnce. ls

What arc three words that descrlbe Tenadous. Versatlle. Passlonate.

pu as a player?

What ls one thlng hadlyanpne lapnr aboutyou? I shot a moose when I was 14 years old. Do you have any hldden talents? tvly

hlp{rop dandng shllsl

pu were stnnded on an lslan4 wtrat arc thrce thlngs 1ou couldnt llve wtthout? lGtfie. tvlyslster. dothlng. lf

Wrafsyour nldamme? T-Bone. Do


)ou have any slbllngs?

One slster,Zoe.

What ls the hadest thlng 1ou harrc ever done? Run thls mountaln nce that takes place at home every Fourth of July.

lt be and why? To fiy so I can tlavel all arcund the world wlthout havlng to go to another alrport ln my llh. lf you could have one super power, wtrat would

What Hnd of legacydoyouwantto leaveat Northeashm? To be prcud of yvhat I have accompllshe4 and glven bad(to the oryanlzatlon durlng myfouryears Knowlng I have.


Ainsley MacMillan

llderton, ON Mississauga Chiefs Shea


modelyour game after and why? Weber. He ls a smart pud<mwlng deftnceman.

Wrom do

therc any slgnlficance to tte number that 1ou vyear? Worcthe number6 grcwlng up,then s,tiltded to66. ls

tl,hat arc thrce rrods you would use to descrlbe Smarl Slmple. Polsed. \rUtrafs


as a player?

pur nldoame?

AlnsorMac Do


harre any slbllngs?

Yes An Older slster O0) Aloondn.


the toughest thlng you hare ever done? Moved awayfrom home at 16fu hoday. ls

Wlro lslourfavorlh sports team? Torcnto Maple Leaft (Sorry) your favorlte prcrftsslonal aftrlete? Scott Molr - frrom rry hometownl



t that ls your blggest ftar? Helghtsl Never been good wlth them.

Hor do pu deal rr'fth sfress? Muslc or runnlng usually helps a


Or talldng to someone about


What hnd of legacy do 1ou want to leave at Northeastem? player that alun)ls gave thelr best Also that I was a good peson That I war a had worldng and to evelyone.



Kendall Coyne Palos Heights, lll

Berkshire School Whom do 1ou model your game #er and why? Patrlck Kane In the oft nslve zone and Jonafian Toews ln the Dzone. ls

therc anyslgnlficance to the numberyou wear?

Ye,77ls the number of a dose filend wtro passed awaythe year befurc I came to Northeastem. Wrat arc thrce wods to descrlbe )lou as a player? Competlton Team first Fun. Sonythafs 4words


Kendall. Coynle. Coynen But prcftrto becalled nvaaAqtr


won the lottery, wtrat ls the first thlng 1ou would do? Donate to the Ronald McDonald House Chlcago lf

Urhat ls the hadest thlng 1ou have ever done? Speahng to slckftermlnally lll ldds.



lour farodte sporb team? Chlcago Bladdawls.


lslourfavodh prc athlete?

FatrlckKane. tfUhat ls your favorlte candy?

Twlderu could have one super power, what would lt be and vyhy? Superhuman strcngth so I dort't have to workout lf you

What ldnd of legacydoyou ryantto leave at Northeastem? A posltlve legacytlmt hopefully leads to a posftlve operlence for those comlng after me.


Lucie Povova Ci zlavicâ‚Ź,


Wyoming Seminary pu

model )ltlur game after and why? I model my game afur Jarcmlr Jagr because of hls smart play and good pass6

Wrom do

therc any slgnlficance to It ls theyear lwas born. ls


number 1ou wear?

What thrce wods would 1lou use to descrlbe Smarl Hadworldng. Team playen


as a hockey player?

thlng hadlyanyone lmol rs aboutpu? I love to slng and dance eventhough I am bad at lt

VVtrat ls one

\lVhafsyour nldanme? Maya. Do )lou have any slbllngs?

Yes,two brutherE

Doyou haveanype,ts? Yes- Dog,


chlndrllla and hamster.

What ls the hadest thlng you have ever done? Recoredng from surgery. Who ls your favorfte athlete? Jarcmlr Jagr or Martlna Sabllkow. ttVlrat ls lour blggest ftar? \ffahng up nut to a blg splden

t rhat Hnd of legacy do you want to leave at Northeastem? I want to leave a posltlve memory of me and I want people to rcspect me fur what I have done.

Asst. Di r,,Ath. Comm,

auakertowl't, PA Boston University What lslourfavodc prcgnme meal? Befoie gnmes, after gnmes, anytlme plza ls my meal of dtolce. Wherc are )lou most llkely to be bund ln the orfteason? I love to Favel and I try b vlslt a new place every )car. Thls past summe; I vlslhd Bradl for the World Cup, and was absolutely lnoedlblel

Dolou have any hldden talents? lcanJuggleand I'm Fâ‚Źttygood at namlng capltals What ls the number one most played song on your lpod? Trlumph SWir-Tang dan. rvon the lothrywlrat ls the firut thlng 1lou yrculd do? Take a long wcaUon and tnvel all overthe uorld.





favodte sporb bam?

Phlladelphla Ftyer.


ls your favoilte candy? lemonheads

What ls lour favodte morle? Pulp Flctlon.

lour drcam wcatlon be? Awcaffon ftat taks me b enery contlnent, lndudlng Antaru{ca.

llVherc rvould


could have dlnnerwtth thrce people allne or decease4 who would they be? Dalal [ama. Jesus. Bob Madey. lf

lflou could have one supepower,vyhatwould lt be and wlqfl Definltelythe abllltyto fly. I could go anywherc and lU never slt ln trafic agnln.


AthiletfrcTrafrner Katfre Deilude

Beilehertown, MA Spr$mgfietd College Why dld you droose Northeastem? It ls an amalngJob wlth amalng people. Do you have any hldden talents?

lcanJuggle. Whafs the number one most played song on your lpod? Thld Eye Bllnd - Horr/s it GolngTo Be.


favorlte actor/actrcss? EmmaStone. ls you r

Wro lsyourfavorlte sports team? Chelsea F.C

Ittllro ls your favorlte athete?

PetrCedr. What ls your favorlte movle?

Heaqpelghts. Wherc would pur drcam rracatlon be? An)ruherc nfth warm weather and warm water: lf you could harre one superpoyyâ‚Źr what would it be and yyhy? The ablltty to move thlngs wlth my mlnd. Thls way I wouldn't have

to phplcally move my stuff lnto my new

apartment lf you arc

ftellng down, how do 1ou llke to be dreercd up?

A monle marathon.

$/tro somethlng AYIIESOME happen+ who ls the first person you tell?


Equlpment Manager Ryan Lavanger Rockfiord, MN

Bemidj i State )ou lnve any prcgame rltuals? I dean the lod<er loom and set lt up furthe game. Do

Wherc can )lou be found ln the ofteason? Parons Fleld/Frledman Dlamond.

stnnded on an lslan4 wtrat arc thrce thlngs you couldnt llve wlthout? Good Frlend. Good Book Matdrs. lf you werc

Whafspur nldoame? R)rGuy. Md-ovln. Rhlno. Do

)ou have any slbllngs?

One Brcilren One Slster.

Dolou haveanypeB? ThrceGoldfish.

Wro ls pur farorlte sports team? Mlnnsota I'lllld and Mlnnesota Twlns What ls lour faroilte W Show? The Blg BangTheory.

lfyou arc ftellng dorn, how do pu llke to be dteercd up? I llke to playMdeo Games and lfilbtdtTelevlslon. Howdoyou handle strcss? I try to work out or go fur a walk li/hafs pur favorlte candy? Butterfi nger and Jelly Beans

Dir" of Hockey Ops

Julie Hershkowi tz Brooklyil, NY Northeastern therc any slgnlficance to the number that 1ou wer? My favorlte number ls 9 because my blrthday ls 919- but I also used to wear 36 because lt rvas my dadl baseball and umplrlng number. ls

Do )lou have any prcgame rltuals? I ahruap talked io-ry befuie a race, she would help dear my head and tell me how mudt she enJoyedJust watdrlng me tmprcrre and have fun out therc. Plus she would saysomethlng slllyto make me laugh.


arc)ou most llkelyto befound durlng the ofteason? Fenuay Farkand Matthenr Arcna or runnlng along the CharleE


What ls one thlng hadly anyone knows aborft pu? \tVhen I was 1 1 I vyas a partldpant on aWgame show.

VUlrafslour nldmame? GTnln. PlzaBagel. J*lerh. the lottery, what ls the first thlng pu would do? Buy my mom a new house wherever she wanted lU lf you won



your favorlte athlete?


What ls lour favorfte movle? Fenls Buelle/s DayOff. lf you could have one superpoyver, be able to I hane ahrays wanted


whldt would lt be and vyhy? teleport I have no ldea wtry lJust thlnkthat would be fun.

What hnd of legacydoyou wantto leaveat Northeastem? I had a lot of grcat mentors dudng my tlme as a student herc at NU and I'm stlll at NU because I dont thlnk I'm done paylng ft furwad yetr So I'd lore fur people to rcmember be as rcmeone who alyya)ts had thelr best lntercst at heart was lqpl and bnrtally honest but ln a good way.

Nick Carpenito

Actofi, MA Northeastern ftr

Wrom do you modellour game and why? game after SteveYzerman. He was an unbellerrable two way playerl but I rvould say I modeled my Grcwlng up, most lmportandy he was a team first type of guy'. Looldng badg I was probably morc llke a Mardtand because I llked to get under people5 sldn. therc any slgnlficane to the number that 1ou urcar? I wore #9 gruwlng up because of Johnny Burylc He was my Gnndmothe/s favorlte Bruln and my Dad and undes allworc lt gmvlng up because of hlm. ls

Wrerc arc )lou most llkely to be fuund ln the ofteason? At the nnk-recnrtUng or worldng a @mp. lf I get some dovvn tlmq, I llke to go up to my famlys hke house ln Malne.

Itllh#syour nldsrame? -^t Grp. Grpy. Carps. tlJhat ls someffrlng hadly anyone lapur about you? I went to a Jason Mraz concert ln Portugal. lrVhat ls lour favodte W Shory? The Office. No qusfon.

Ulhat ls your blggest ftar? I absolutely hate helghts

lfyou could harre dlnnerurtEr thrce people allre or decease4wlro would *rey be? Don Cheny. John Tortorclla. Phll Esposlto.

fmq, whenAdrerc rvould pu go? I would go backto the 1972 so I could go to the Summlt Seds or 1980 so I could go to the Mlrade on lce. lf you could go back ln

What ldnd of legacydopu waftto leaveat Nortreashm? lwantto be rcmembercd as a coadrwlroryould dropeverythlng to help myteam and alvvrays gotheottn mlle to get thlngs done the dglrt way. I want to be knorvn as slncerc and honst, and I want to brlng a Natlonal Champlonshlp Trophy to Huntlngfton.

Assoc. Head Coach

Jeff Pellegrini StoW MA UMass Boston therc any slgnlficance to the number *tat 1ou yvear? Not my numbep btrt definltely the tle that I droose. I cant rrear a tle that has the color of the opponent we arc playlng. ls

Wrat arc you llstenlng to befuie a game? l'm strlctlyHlfFlop Uirt rccentfylG beenJammln toTedrnoandthe Frczen sound


Where arc you most llkely to be fuund ln the oftearcn? Worldng a camp/at frre arena or hanglng wlth mywtftTlfranyand rcn Gunnan

lcttrs aboutyou? Mymodrerdated BobSOn(unfortunatelyltdldn'two*out)and myfatherls lstcousln ls Ellen Pompeo (Mercdlth Grcyfrom Grcfs nnatomy).

What ls somethlng nobody

Dolou have any hldden talents? I can

dancel Serlously,I harc slckrhythm.

lf )ou won the lothry, wtrat ls the first thlng 1lou would do? pay o,tr my debq




;il i;il ffittil;ffirtable

and donate the


to drtldrcn's caner researdr.

your favodte ahle,te?

BoJadson )ou could have dlnner wlt thrce people allve or decease4 wlro would thâ‚Źy be? Helb Brcok* D'ean Smtdr and H Summlt lf

lf you could have one superpowâ‚Źr,

what would lt be and vr'tty? am pull-ups and puslr-ups all day long.

Rldlculous strcngrth so I could do one

What ldnd of legacy do you vmnt to leave at Norilreastem? I want my players to know that I garrc we4fthlng I had wtrlle I was coadrlng tlrem. I also want them to knqv that Itrulycarcabouteadr one of fiem and wantthe bestforthem.

Head Coach Dave Flint

Merrimacb NH North Adams State ftr

Whom do you model your game and wM FatrlckRoy. Hewas one of thefirst rcal butterfiygoalles. llUhafs pur favorlh prcgnme meal? Chld<en Parm from Olfue Garden. Do )ou harrc any prcgame rttuals? I used to hare a blor pop befuie the game and ahmys put my gear on

What arc thrce wods 1ou use to dscrlbe Old. Fnglle. Slov.



same way.

as a player?

What ls onethlng hardlyanpne knovsaboutyou? I have had glassesslne Ivras 18 month old.


werc stnnded on an lslan4 rdrat are thrce thlngs ylou couldrt llrn wlthout? Book Redbull. Flshlng Pole. Whafs lour nldmame? Fllnty. Fllntstone. What ls lour farodh W Show? Modem Famlly. lf could have dlnner rrlth thrce people altve or decease4 wlro would th€y be? GnndmaVera (pased aymybefoie lwas bom). John F lGnnedy. Babe Ruth.


could harrc a supepou,er, what would be lt and wtt)B Superconlc headng so I knew what )lou guy6 werc wlrlspedng about all the ilme. lf

tl,hat ldnd of legacydopu warilto learre at Northeashm? I want to have rcme rcrt of posltfve lmpact on all my playes llves no matter hov small or blg. I would also llke to coadr the first team to an NCAA Natlonal Champlonshlp

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