Palau Stand Campaign

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Diet Type 2 diabetes typically occurs in adults, but is increasingly affecting all ages, including children. Type 2 diabetes accounts for approximately eighty-five to ninety-five percent of all diabetes cases in the region. The highest prevalence is noted in Pacific Island countries and areasd. This is due to rapid changes from traditional to more affluent lifestyles.” (WHO). The most difficult factor in reducing Type 2 diabetes in Palau will be modifying unhealthy eating habits and increasing physical activity. Obesity is a problem for twenty-four percent of children in Palau and results from poor eating habits, lack of dietary awareness, as well as physical inactivity. Today many are consuming diets rich in carbohydrates and starches.

According to the Journal of Health in Palau and Micronesia states, “many are planting less taro and tapioca in their gardens. The availability of taro and tapioca in the markets depends on weather and farm output” (Heath in Palau and Micronesia, 2005). Elderly Palauans who are the most invested in planting traditional foods are also adopting westernized habits. It is difficult for the elderly to dig out taro and tapioca without another persons help (Health in Palau and Micronesia, 2005). The Journal also suggests that nutrition education should be implemented and targeted to the elderly, who in turn influence younger generations. For instance, “Food preparation, balanced meals, and selecting healthier food choices” . Many non-communicable diseases are caused by poor care of the body. Palau’s Former Minister of Health

Stand Together Against Non-Communicable Diseases


states, Palau is the 7th obese country in the world. Eight out of every ten deaths are related to NCDs. Thirty three percent of our school children are [overweight or] obese. (Health in Palau and Micronesia, 2005)” According to American Heart Association, “The older you are, the higher your risk. Generally, type 2 diabetes occurs in middle-aged adults, most frequently after age forty-five. However, health care providers are diagnosing more and more children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes” (American Heart Association, 2013). The changes in daily intake can have a dramatic effect on type II diabetes risks. By maintaining a healthier diet it can reduce blood sugar and salt hypertension, which is prevalent in type 2 diabetes patients. Type 2 diabetes

Modifiable Determinants

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