Online Vistaril Doctors California- My MMJ Doctor

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Online Vistaril Doctors California

My MMJ Doctor

About Vistaril

An antihistamine, Vistaril's generic name is Hydroxyzine Pamoate. It is a member of the class of drugs called Antiemetic Agents. The medication Vistaril can be used to treat anxiety, tension, itching, and hives on the skin. Additionally, it is employed to sedate patients before surgery. It can be used in conjunction with other medications to treat a variety of conditions.




If a person experiences stress or excessive worry, Vistaril may also be prescribed.

What are the Uses of Vistaril?


To make patients feel at ease both before and after surgery, doctors utilize Vistaril to sedate their patients.


Histamine is a naturally occurring chemical that the human body releases after an allergic reaction. In addition to treating allergies like itching and hives on the scalp, the antihistamine Vistaril prevents this chemical.

Short-term relief from anxiety brought on by the nervous system and mental issues is possible with hydroxyzine. This is a result of the medication's relaxing impact on the patient.

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