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Minutes of the Yorkshire and the Humber Specialised Commissioning Group The Board RECEIVED and NOTED the minutes of the Yorkshire and the Humber Specialised Commissioning Group held on 16 January and 20 February 2009.


Any Other Business KPCT/09/69.1

Estates Shared Service

Bryan Machin advised that it had been proposed to create a shared service for Estates. Therefore it was likely there would be a transfer of employment from Wakefield to Kirklees. KPCT/09/69.2

Appointment of Assistant Director of Finance

It was noted that Alex Wilson had been appointed as the new Assistant Director of Finance for the PCT to replace Julie Lawreniuk. KPCT/09/69.3

Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust

Peter Flynn advised that Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust had published a report of their perceived failings of public-sector IT in Britain. It criticised Government initiatives including the National Programme for IT (NPfIT). NPfIT programmes such as the Summary Care Record (SCR), Electronic Prescription Service (EPS), Picture Archiving and Communications System (PACS) and Choose and Book were given amber status, meaning the authors believed them to have significant problems. The Secondary Uses Services (SUS) and Detailed Care Record were assigned red, meaning the report would recommend them for closure or redesign. The Department of Health have rejected these findings, quoting: “It is simply wrong to claim that the Summary Care Record and other aspects of the National Programme for IT are unlawful. This report is full of basic errors and below the standards usually expected for a Rowntree report. Neither patient consent nor confidentiality are being overridden. The aim of the National Programme for IT is to provide information to doctors and nurses which will save lives and improve the quality of care. Central to it is patient consent and the right of patients to opt out.” KPCT/09/96.4

Use of the Seal

Helena Corder requested the Board’s permission to fix the seal of approval for a Deed of Novation in respect of the PCT’s agreement with Kirklees Council and Voluntary Action Kirklees.

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