Journal of the National Research School

Page 17


IRFAN IRFAN Institution University of Agder Project International Business and Outsourcing Age 31 | Nationality Pakistani

How has your PhD gone so far?

How do you envisage your future career?

I’m very motivated, because anyone who

I come from Pakistan, a developing country,

wants to go far in academia and expand their

and I’d like to serve my country with the

horizons in their own profession needs a doc-

knowledge I’ve gained. To me, a career

torate. I’m always learning something new,

means constantly learning new things and

and for me a conference like the research

communicating them successfully to others.

school is very useful.

I want to publish articles in leading journals. Knowledge is the number one thing for me.

What is the greatest challenge? I began my doctorate in 2010 and think I’ve

Where will you be in ten years?

learnt a lot, but it’s also been a tough and

I see myself as a lecturer at a university in

complex process. You have to take criticism,


and so you need a high degree of precision. You also have to come up with something new, which isn’t that easy. Financially, it’s a challenge because I’m not on a scholarship and have to work in a restaurant on the side.


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