Behind The Code Magazine #3

Page 28

INTERVIEW Siwat Kaolueng Part-time Angular Developer at 7 Peaks Software / Angular Thailand Organizer / Angular & Web Enthusiast

const stopLearning = Rx.Observable.never(); by Siwat Kaolueng

Siwat is the Angular & Web enthusiast who passionating front-end architecture. He has experienced in enterprise softwares such as bank and energy companies. He also organize Angular Thailand Meetup. perjerz3434

Why do you love programming?

Programming is the most powerful tool in order to accomplish something with the minimum afford. We can build most of everything by just using our hand and brain. A-ha moment is the best feeling, and we feel that when we make the program work. (but don't know why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol) Did you start your career as a developer? What made you start programming? Yes I did start as a developer. When I was the high school, I have played some online game called SA-MP. The owner of server invite me to help him develop his game. It was the the tipping of my life that I started know the programming. I spent most of free time with developing game mod. It was about 1 year. It has shaped my logic stronger. Finally, I applied to Computer Engineer as a Bachelor Degree. 28



ng-India 2019

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