Accra Anniversary Book

Page 20

Looking Back and Forward first-ever Hip-Life Festival, which raised over $10,000 from local businesses, and now works for the World Health Organization. Another runs a newspaper in Tanzania. To me, these students— and there are so many of these success stories— are NYU Accra’s treasure.

NYU Accra, our link to Africa, offers a unique

curriculum that relates to different departments and schools in New York City. NYU’s Africa House and Institute of African American Affairs have been significant bridges and enormous resources Awam Amkpa, associate professor of social and

for NYU Accra for the development of research,

cultural analysis, interim director of Africana studies,

photography, and writing programs. What NYU

and associate professor of drama at Tisch School

Accra offers now can also be linked to the curricula

of the Arts, is an author, actor, and documentary

at the Shanghai and Abu Dhabi campuses.

filmmaker. When NYU decided to open an academic center in Africa, he moved to Accra to join the team

Recently, I’ve been teaching at NYU Abu

of professors who were asked to take the idea of an

Dhabi and have witnessed the desire of students

NYU location in Ghana and make it reality. Here’s a

there to connect with Africa. And it’s interesting

reflection in his own words.

because Africa was always culturally, religiously, politically, and economically part of the Middle

I grew up in the region, and I, like most Africans,

East—before the Americas, before Europe. It will

believe that the human population is the

be great to see how the Ghanaian scholars can

continent’s most significant asset. Ghana is already

impact the curriculum in Abu Dhabi. China is

one of the top-five rising economies in the world,

already engaging with Africa on a large scale, so

so what can NYU offer? The answer: We can

broadening our reach to NYU Shanghai can also

find a way to stimulate the local production

have positive results in the development of

of knowledge.

new knowledge.

Our students got involved with the local

Currently, I’m making a film with a story that

community almost instantly. They developed

traces art history from Accra to Abu Dhabi to

relationships with neighbors and businesses.

Florence, and it shows the historical connectivity

They set up concerts, conferences, and fundraisers.

of countries that have been intimately related

They volunteered in schools and clinics. They

since the first century when the Moors were

made documentary films about the city and the

importing gold to Italy. The film has taken me to

community. The experience in Accra can and does

NYU locations in these three cities, and I’m also

change lives, and many students have gone on to

setting up visual and performance archives that

careers that are connected to Africa. One student

connect the histories of these places so people can

returned to Ghana after he graduated and now

be more connected to one another and develop

lives and works in Senegal. Another organized the

new knowledge.

18 • NYU Accra: Tenth Anniversary Sankofa

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