Sunday telegraph sunday, march 06, 2016 vol 3 no 746

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They almost Beheaded Me - Lagos riot victim

Abia rerun: orji kalu, Ohuabunwa, Onuoha-Bourdex know fate today }4

...fear of reprisal forces residents to flee lThey killed my daughter, dumped her in well - Police Inspector }4&14

SUNDAY Sunday, MARCH 06, 2016 Vol. 3 No. 746

Sanctity of Truth




Religious war looms


... el-Rufai seeks to regulate evangelism

lPreachers to obtain one year renewable licence lPlaying of religious songs in cars prohibited lIt’s like throwing fuel in fire - cleric


RMD helped my career }36


Buhari: I’ll not tolerate Arrest Tompolo, Biafra }5

face war


-Gbaramatu Youths dare FG


bribery: EFCC set to arraign Tarfa, Nwobike }8



Contents | 06.03.16 BODY & SOUL

Five billionaires Five notable Nigerians, four men and a woman, made the latest Forbes’ list of billionaires despite the country’s economic crisis



Absurdity Do five, out of 25-member Kogi State House of Assembly, have the power to impeach the Speaker?



Standoff NERC disobeys Senate on new electricity tariff, says only court can stop it



Rev. King The entire world would rather sink than have Rev. King killed, his pastor says



Sex scandal Team Nigeria boxing squad's Chief coach, Anthony Konyegwachi, says no sex scandal in Lagos training



Agatu massacre Over 300 people were killed while 68 houses were destroyed by herdsmen




Ese: Beyond the outrage


othing perhaps could offer a more graphic highlight of the pain the Orurus must have endured than the contrasting pictures of their daughter, Ese Oruru, in the media. The earlier photograph was one of a fresh-faced child radiating that carefree innocence of youth, while the one, which emerged after her rescue from her abductors' lair, showed an utterlyshrivelled and wizened woman who had seen better days. This, coupled with the indication that she may be pregnant, is the sort of experience that could stoke ambivalent feelings in parents towards their child. The likelihood of having a grandchild they will certainly struggle to love and coming to terms with the fact that their child has suddenly become an expectant mother is indeed one of the worst nightmares any parent could have. But even more galling is the harm the abduction and apparently forcible religious conversion would inflict on the victim in a physical and psychological sense. No punishment can sufficiently atone for the act of violating a minor in the manner that the suspect, Yunusa Bala, had done. Yet, the law must still be invoked to serve as both a deterrent and a reminder that there are consequences for depraved deeds. That is why the report on Thursday that the suspect has been arrested by the police is a cause for cheer - even though it seems like an afterthought given the institution's less-than-impressive response when news of Ese's abduction and whereabouts first made headlines. The statement by the Inspector General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase, which tended to suggest that Ese's release was contingent on the Emir of Kano's support (he has since explained he was misunderstood) may have been considered unguarded, but it masks a much bigger malaise that reflects in the way the state and its agencies treat issues affecting society's most vulnerable ones. Societies are not considered developed for the simple reasons of having remarkable GDPs, world class infrastructure and better standards of living; the degree of care and protection for the most disadvantaged in the society is as vital as every other development indicators. That indifference towards the coun-

try's vulnerable population also underpins the lack of enthusiasm to domesticate the Child Rights Act across states of the federation. But despite the non-committal attitude towards the Child Rights Act by most governors and their state assemblies, there are nonetheless ample provisions in Nigeria's criminal code to prosecute offenders like Yunusa and those who have invariably become accomplices by their inaction. The problem is that the police apparently regard the child-bride phenomenon and sexual violation of minors as mere irritants to which reasonable investigation time should not be committed. This could be discerned in the fact that the Kano State police command did nothing to ensure Ese's return to her parents' home despite having been notified of the incident by the palace of the Emir of Kano, last August. Ese's eventual rescue is largely a function of the outrage that news of her abduction had generated and not because there was an impelling sense of duty from the police. Some reports claim that initial attempts by Ese's parents to visit their daughter in Kano and take her back to Bayelsa where they reside were futile, and that they had been rebuffed with the warning to forget about her because she had found a new faith and was happy in her new home. There is a hint of triumphalism in Yunusa's defiance suggestive more of a desire to make a poignant statement than an expression of love. However, the motive does not matter actually, whether inspired by a pure heart or not. Even if Ese had attained the age of consent, what possible joy could a suitor and his kinsmen derive from the knowledge that their bride's relatives are opposed to their supposed union? For Ese, the walk to rehabilitation has begun with the promise by Bayelsa State Governor, Hon. Seriake Dickson, to support the family. The process of regaining her life would no doubt be a challenging one. But an even greater challenge is the possibility there are other unfortunate teens in situations similar to that from which Ese had been rescued. Their cases should not have to become cause celebres before they are taken seriously by the police.


Funke Egbemode

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News Tai Anyanwu and Ibrahim Musa


hile the Ibrahim El- Zakzaky-led Shiite crisis in Kaduna State is yet to be contained, another religious crisis is looming on the horizon, following Governor Nasir El-Rufai’s recent move to cage clerics from preaching in public. Sunday Telegraph investigation revealed that the governor has sent a controversial bill to the State House of Assembly and sought to get it passed into law without allowing a public hearing first, as due process is required. A reliable source within Christian leaders in the Northern state, told Sunday Telegraph in confidence that Christians in the state legislature found out about the governor’s subterraneous approach and cried out to Christian leaders who quickly took steps to interrupt the process. “The governor should have given room for a hearing on the bill but that was not done. They were ready, actually going to start debating and then pass it into law and we didn’t give room for that. Normally there should be public hearing first, but they didn’t follow due process. “Initially, they wanted to do it quietly; it was actually leaked by some of the members of the House who are Christians, who called the attention of the Christian body. So, that is how they started speaking out,” the source said. A copy of the executive bill, also described as an amendment to the state’s edict on public preaching of 1984 and tilted ‘A Bill For A Law To Substitute The Kaduna State Religious Preaching Law, 1984,’ requires a cleric on preaching assignment in Kaduna State to obtain a permit from the state government, which has a life span of and renewable after one year. The bill also forbids playing of evangelical tapes and CDs in public places; it also allows use of loud speakers only in churches and Mosques but not beyond 8pm. That means, you can be arrested for listening to preaching or religious music inside your car or in any open place but not in your house or religious building. Since all preachings must be done within a building, it means public evangelism will be criminalized. Those who preach early morning, known by some as morning cry, and preaching inside bus, if arrested, will be fined N200,000. This could also means, people will not be allowed to go out for evangelism on streets or move with ve-

Religious war looms in Kaduna el-Rufai moves to stifle evangelism through new bill

hicles with public address systems to advertise their programes. It also stipulates that a preacher would automatically lose his preaching right if government or its agencies considered his preaching offensive. Aside that; the preacher becomes liable to trial by an Alkali Islamic or Customary court and if found guilty, will be sentenced to two years imprisonment with an option of N200, 000 fine or both. An inter-faith ministerial committee, to be chaired by the governor’s appointee, will also regulate the activities of the two major religions, namely, Islam and Christianity, through the Committee of Jama’atu Nasril-Islam (NJI) with equal representation of Izala and Darika religious groups in the case of the Muslims; and a committee set up by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the case of Christians. When contacted for comments, the Vice Chairman of PFN in Kaduna State, Rev Emma Egoh, accused El-Rufai of plotting to cage ministers of God and stifling evangelism in the state. He lamented that the bill also infringes on the Nigerian Constitution which provides for freedom of religion and worship. His words: “If everybody coming from outside Kaduna State to preach has to take permission to do so, then it means that a lot of ministries cannot operate. This is because there are churches in Kaduna State that have coordinators that are outside Kaduna State and such churches and ministries have programmes that go on continuously. So, where will you have time to always be going for one permission or the other? So, at the end of the day, it is like the church is going to be actually caged.” Rev. Egoh also noted that the bill gave too much power to CAN. “The bill has given CAN authority; and CAN always deal with ‘main stream’ churches. If CAN do not feel comfortable with them, CAN will just edge them out. You find out that those that have genuine call of God will not have the privilege of coming out to do ministry,” he stressed. Rev. Egoh expressed concern that the bill, if passed into law, is capable of brewing religious war in the state. His words: “This bill is something that can brew religious war in Kaduna State, because a lot of churches are

L-R: Former Abia State Governor and PPA candidate in Abia North Senatorial rerun, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu, casting his vote at Polling Unit 003, Onu Ibina Primary School, Igbere, Bende Local Government Area...yesterday

going to be affected and at the end of the day, you will just discover that people won’t have the freedom to worship God the way they should. Freedom of worship will not be there, there will be dissatisfaction. Definitely some people are going to feel edged out. Imagine in a country that is secular and then you are now trying to deprive them from worshipping God their own way then it is going to cause tension. Once there is tension, and already Kaduna State is very fragile, any little thing will cause an explosion. Some of us have to really calm nerves for us to have experienced this kind of peace. So anything coming out now is just like throwing some petrol into fire.” It was reliably learnt that the JNI is also not comfortable with the governor’s bill as it is also an infringe-

ment on their right to worship and cripples Islamic evangelism. Meanwhile, Special Adviser to former governor of the state, Muktar Yero, Sheikh Haliru Maraya, have described the proposed law that seeks to restrict preaching to only licensed preachers by the present governor as a waste of time and resources. The Kaduna-based Islamic cleric said: “Islam has given every Muslim the right to preach the religion and section 38(1) of the 1999 Constitution also gives every Nigerian the right to propagate his religion. “The proposed law will be inconsistent with both the Islamic religion and the Constitution of Nigeria. Section 1(3) of the constitution says that any law that is inconsistent with the Constitution is null and void. The

bill will be quashed if it is passed into law and challenged in court.” Also a legal expert and General Overseer of Ababased Christian Fellowship Association, Barrister John Ogbansiegbe, advised that the bill should not be passed into law, because “it goes without saying that the bill is a contravention of the supreme law of Nigeria – the Constitution.” He said: “The bill, introduced by El- Rufai should not be passed; it is a glaring violation of fundamental human rights, as enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution. It is inimical to the visions of the founding fathers of this nation, which is peace and unity.” But the Director General, Interfaith Matters in the state, Engr Namadi Musa, has dismissed such fears insisting: “The bill was

conceived following complaints from people that certain preachers have been maligning their leaders or religious sects or even religion. Similarly, people have been complaining about the high level of noise that some preachers are subjecting them to. The bill is aimed to take care of the interest of all and sundry.” He insisted that the bill would not breach anyone’s freedom of religion. “Rather, it will enhance people to practise their religions without molestation. The law will enhance intra and inter religious harmony in Kaduna State,” he said. When CAN’s General Secretary, Rev. Musa Asake, was contacted for comment, he promised to speak later because at press time, he was burying his late brother.

Lagos abduction: IG deploys elite team in Lagos


etermined to bring closure as soon as possible to the abduction of the three girls of the Babington Macauley Junior Seminary (BMJS), Ikorodu, Lagos State, the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase has deployed the Force’s elite squad, the Intelligence Response Team to support Lagos State Command in the hunt for the kidnappers. The three girls were abducted from the school last Monday and despite a massive man hunt to track them down have so far not been found.

•As Ashafa donates equipment to school However, in confirming a Sunday Telegraph source, who mentioned the deployment of the elite team, Force spokesperson, ACP, Olabisi Kolawole said: “Hello, yes, I can confirm that IGP has deployed the Intelligence Response Team to support Lagos State Command on the kidnap of the girls and that they are making progress, thanks.” Meanwhile, Senator Gbenga Ashafa yesterday promised to donate tricycles to the Babington Macaulay Junior Seminary to boost

security patrol within the school premises. Ashafa, who represents the Lagos East Senatorial District, described the abduction of three female students of the Seminary as unfortunate. He spoke when he paid a visit to the school to commiserate with the school’s management and students, expressing hope that the students would be rescued alive. The lawmaker, who was received by the principal, Venerable Olaoluwa Adeyemi and the Chairman of

the School’s Management Board, Bishop B.J Adeyemi, assured them that all hands are on deck to ensure that the abducted girls were recovered safely. Speaking on the rescue efforts of the state government, an official of the Lagos State, who craved anonymity, said efforts had been intensified to rescue the girls safely. The official, however, declined comment on if the kidnappers had made any ransom demands, but insisted that the search continues.




They almost beheaded me - Lagos riot victim


Muritala Ayinla ying critically ill yesterday at BeKind Hospital located on 69 Aina Road was 55-year-old furniture maker, Moses Ogundaimi, who was caught in the middle of the recent Mile 12 mayhem where several lives and properties worth millions of naira were destroyed. Moses was sleeping on Thursday afternoon when pandemonium broke out at the popular Lagos market rendering him both homeless and bedridden in the hospital. According to him, his make shift structure, located near the river at 34 Adegboyega Street, Agiliti and which he built years back, was also burnt to ashes. Narrating his experience

to Sunday Telegraph, he said only a miracle enabled him escape being beheaded. Hear him:”I was sleeping in my room at 35 Adegboyega Street Agiliti when I heard a hard knock on my door. As I stepped out to see who was knocking, I saw men numbering about 20 who had surrounded my building holding all kinds of weapons. “They moved closer to me and gripped me. I managed to escape and started running away. As I ran, they kept chasing me using their machetes on me. I kept running but they followed me with their machetes trying to behead me. I used my hands to cover my head the machetes kept coming down cutting my hands and arms. They kept cutting me and beating me with all kinds of weapons while

I was shouting for help. The beating and slashing continued until I became unconscious. I still didn’t understand how I came to be in this hospital.” It was learnt that they came to his house through the river beside his house. However, even in the midst of his despair, Moses still managed to see a bright side pointing out that he was lucky since his family was not around when the hoodlums descended on him. He added: “Luckily, my wife and children were not at home. They had all gone to church that Thursday evening. “I want help from government. I can’t be like this and be squatting. The whole house has been set ablaze by the Hausa hoodlums. “I’m just a furniture maker. I acquired the land and built

on it several years ago.” Meanwhile, some aggrieved residents, clearly unhappy with the ugly incident, appealed to the Lagos State Governor Akinwunmi Ambode, to urgently relocate Mile 12 market to Parafa in accordance with the mega city plan of the immediate past administration in order to restore lasting peace in the area. They said prior to the incident, which led to the crisis, the peace in the area had been threatened by the continued influx of northerners in the area who arrived in droves with truck of tomatoes and other perishables goods. They said many of them fled the Boko Haram threatened states to Lagos. They lamented that all efforts to call the state government’s attention to the security implications of the

development had proved abortive, adding that, they had been constantly robbed by the Fulani at night. Speaking with Sunday Telegraph, the Public Relations Officer of the Agiliti Community Development Association, Engr Folajimi Shoyemi, said the Yoruba community has no grudges against the Hausas but the market must be relocated if the government is interested in the peaceful coexistence of residents. “During (Babatunde) Fashola’s tenure, they designed a plan to relocate them to Parafa. The place had been designed for the market. The market and the residential areas in Mile 12 are congested. “They didn’t offend us, we are all members of one family, we eat and live together but for lasting peace, the market must be relocated to the already designated place. When they moved them from Iddo in 1976 to Mile 12, there were no houses in Mile 12 and Agiliti and their environs. When they were initially moved these northerners were not happy then but today the story is different,” he said. He added that many residents cannot reach their houses for days whenever the perishable goods-laden trucks take over the major access roads in the area.

Shoyemi said many of the people who came to the state under the guise of being northern traders have turned the bridges in the area to their houses, alleging that some of them rob them at night. “At any slightest argument, they bring out daggers and knives, threatening to kill us. Governor Ambode should please move the market. The government can still generate revenue if the market is relocated. “About 95 percent of them are the Okada riders in our area and they don’t obey the traffic rules. Over 30 residents have been killed by them while riding motorcycles, while over 40 had been maimed already,” he said. However, another resident, who identified herself as Mrs Adesanya, alleged that the police earlier drafted to the area to maintain peace were biased, saying they “simply gave the Hausas the opportunity to set our houses on fire.” They blamed the incident on some senior police officers in the area who, according to them, are northerners, alleging that, they practically chased them away from their houses with tear gas to enable the Hausas gain access to their houses and set it ablaze.

Arrest Tompolo, face war

– Gbaramatu youths warn FG

L-R: Mrs. Ronke Solomon; Olori Abosede Shotobi; Wife of Lagos State Governor, Mrs. Bolanle Ambode; Groom, Mr. Abdulrasheed Olusola; Bride, Mrs. Riskat Olusola; Lagos State Deputy Governor, Dr. Oluranti Adebule; Wife of former Lagos State Governor, Mrs. Abimbola Jakande and Mrs.Olanilesi Mamora during cutting of the cake by the bride and groom on their wedding day in Lagos…yesterday.

Photo: Godwin Irekhe

Abia rerun: Kalu, Ohuabunwa, Onuoha-Bourdex know fate today

Igbeaku Orji and Chijioke Iremeka Umuahia


he candidate of Progressive Peoples Alliance (PPA), the former Governor of the State, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu; Mao Ohuabunwa of the Peoples Democartic Party (PDP) and David Ogba Onuoha-Bourdex of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) among others, will today know their fate in yesterday’s North Senatorial District rerun in Abia State. As the time of going to the press, the results of the rerun were yet to be announced by the Independent Electoral Commission (INEC). Meanwhile, the conduct

of the rerun was characterised by wide scale voter apathy. In most of the polling stations visited by our correspondent, only a handful of people came out to vote even as there was free movement of people. At about 2pm, voting had ended in most centres and collation of result begun. However, the election was generally peaceful across the state. In keeping with the schedule of the election, the INEC began accreditation and voting simultaneously from 8:30am in most polling stations. Most of the voters voted and left while others waited to know the outcome. At about 10am, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu voted at the Onu Ibina Primary School,

Igbere, in Bende Local Government Area. Kalu told journalists after casting his vote that the exercise was successful and a significant departure from the previous exercise. He commended INEC and security agencies for the improvement. The former governor also observed that the military men on duty were neutral and conducted themselves in a manner worthy of commendation. He noted that the conduct of the INEC officials was commendable; they were there on time for the accreditation and voting. At Abiriba, in Ohafia Local Government Area, the APGA candidate, Onuoha Bourdex, alleged that there was report of security breach at nearby Nk-

poro, the home of the Abia State Deputy Governor, Ude Okochukwu, just as the PDP candidate, Mao Ohuabunwa said in Arochukwu that the rerun was peaceful, adding that no problem had been reported. There was, however, unconfirmed report that a top politician at Umunneochi Local Government Area used security agencies to harass voters and snatch ballot boxes and materials. Also the Director of Voter Education in INEC, Umuahia, Mr. Edwin Enabor, confirmed on phone that the commission received calls reporting ballot box and materials snatching but was yet to receive official report from its field officers to that effect.


he Federal Government has been warned to drop its plan to arrest the former militant leader of the defunct Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), Chief Government Ekpemupolo aka Tompolo on the grounds that it would be counter-productive. This warning was issued by youths from Gbaramatu kingdom in Warri, Delta State, yesterday who threatened that they would not allow their kinsman be humiliated. A frontline Niger Delta youth leader, Azaiye Piniki, who spoke on be­half of Gbaramatu youths in Warri, said what Tompolo is facing was politically engineered; noting that the resultant effect of the ex-militant’s arrest could destroy the fragile peace in the country. Tompolo was declared wanted by a Federal High Court after repeatedly refusing to honour summons to do so to face charges brought against him by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

They also rejected the government’s proposal to scrap the Nigerian Maritime University project proposed by the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) saying it was also politically motivated. Piniki noted that, the university would provide jobs for unemployed Nigerians and further stem the tide of youth restiveness in the riverine communities of the Niger Delta region. “Before the government took that decision, it was expected that the Minister should have visited the site for on-the-spot as­sessment of the extent of work done and not sit in Abuja and cancel a project of such magnitude, which is capable of making the economy of the area to boom, thereby raising the standard of living in the area. “So, I’m joining very many other Nigerians to advise the Minister of Transport to urgently re­trieve the statement which I believe might possibly be a slip of tongue and visit the area to see things for himself,” he said.




Obasanjo: EFCC now a toothless bulldog Kunle Olayeni Abeokuta


ormer president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, has described the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), as “a toothless bulldog.” Speaking yesterday in Abeokuta, the Ogun State capital, Obasanjo, who took a retrospective look at the activities of EFCC, submitted that the commission had become so since the exit of its pioneer Chairman, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu. He spoke during a reception to mark his 79th birthday held at the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL), Abeokuta, Ogun State. At the event were former Vice President Atiku Abubakar; the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki; Governor Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun State; former Akwa Ibom State Governor, Senator Godswill Akpabio; and former Rivers State Governor and Minister of Transport, Rotimi Amaechi.

Others included former Cross River State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke; former Osun State Governor, Prince Olagunsoye Oyinlola; and the Minister of Science and Technology, Dr Ogbonaya Onu, among other eminent personalities. Obasanjo noted that Ribadu, who was in attendance at his birthday celebration, handled his job so well to the extent that Nigerians coined the saying that the “fear of Ribadu was the beginning of wisdom”. The former president, however, bemoaned the current fate of the EFCC, urging all stakeholders to come to the rescue of the commission. The former president said, looking in the direction of Ribadu: “As you all know when Nuhu Ribadu was handling the EFCC, he handled it in such a way that people coined the saying that the fear of Ribadu is the beginning of wisdom. “And the thing you will ask is: how did we go down? How did we lose that? How did we? Nuhu

Ribadu is still here, he is still alive; the institution that we started together is still there. What made the institution to become a toothless bulldog? “And that’s the matter we have to keep looking at so that we don’t take two steps forward, one step aside and three steps back.” Obasanjo stressed the need for Nigerians to be more serious in the task of developing the country. Speaking about tackling terrorism and insurgency, the former president advocated the deployment of technology to fight insurgents at both local and international levels. He noted that the deployment of technology became imperative because the

insurgents too were using technology to unleash terror on innocent people. His words: “One of the things that we now have to take seriously in fighting terrorism and insurgency is technology. “This is because technology impacts on us daily; technology is beamed in our homes, is in our pockets and if those who want to do anything to make life unbearable for us, in terms of security, then we must also use technology as the antidote as the means by which we can ward them (insurgents) off.” Obasanjo, however, argued that the country was making tremendous progress in its democratic experience. Dignitaries, including

serving and former political office holders who paid glowing tributes to the former president, described him as a nationalist and special gift to the country. In his goodwill message, Saraki, who was represented by Senator Lanre Tejuoso, said despite being 79 years old, Obasanjo’s “strength and wisdom have not waned.” Akpabio, who is the Senate Minority Leader, said the former president cannot be bought over because he is a man of justice. The former governor, who recalled his ordeal when he wanted to contest, said he faced persecution from other aspirants and that every stakeholder was bribed to stand against him, except

Obasanjo. Former Vice Abubakar, who donated the sum of N25million to the Centre for Human Security at the event, was represented by the Chairman of Board of Trustees, American University of Nigeria, Akin KekereEkun. Imo State Governor, Rochas Okorocha, and the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of the Federation, Mallam Abubakar Malami, were also represented on the occasion. The founder of Living Faith Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, prayed for the former president, requesting God to grant him more years to continue to serve humanity.

Buhari: I’ll not tolerate Biafra Anule Emmanuel


resident Muhammadu Buhari has vowed that his government will not tolerate any form of agitation intended to frustrate stability and unity of the country. The President stated this recently in Qatar while granting an interview to a foreign television organisation. He said those behind the Biafran movement have failed to reflect on the damage which the civil war of 1967 to 1970 caused the country leading to loss of lives and property worth billions of naira. According to the President: “At least two millions Nigerians were killed in the Biafra war. And for somebody to wake up may be they weren’t born. Looking for Biafra after two millions people were killed, they are joking with security and Nigeria won’t tolerate Biafra.” The administration of Buhari has always maintained that Nigeria’s unity is a priority for the country and that while peaceful pro-Biafran protests are welcome; demanding the separation of the Biafran territories is against the Constitution. Speaking on the dwindling crude oil prices on the international market which is affecting Nigeria negatively, the President ruled out the possibility of the country quitting the international oil-producing cartel, the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Coun-

tries, (OPEC). He said it was in the best interest of the country to remain within the cartel of the OPEC. The President reportedly spoke on the challenges the country was facing now, such as dwindling the naira devaluation, the Boko Haram, anti-corruption crusade, the Biafra issue. Buhari is seeking support for his fight against corruption and to promote muchneeded investment in his country’s ailing economy. Nigeria is Africa’s largest oil producer. The low oil prices have hit the Nigerian economy, which has long depended on the export of oil, badly. Buhari said: “We were unable to diversify our economy; hence we are much more disadvantaged by the lower oil prices.” On naira devaluation, the Nigerian leader said he would not reconsider his insistence on freezing the currency. He said as Nigeria virtually imports everything, from rice to toothpicks, it could not afford to devalue its currency, noting: “If it is against our national interest, why can’t we go against the IMF advice?” Speaking on the Boko Haram, the President restated that none of local government areas out of the 774 local government councils was been occupied by the insurgents, adding that he hasn’t failed against the insurgents.

L-R: Chairman, Troyka Group, Biodun Shobanjo; Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba (Dr) Sikiru K Adetona, and the Pro Chancellor, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Dr. Segun Oshin, during a press conference on the endowment of a professorial chair in governance at the university held at the Oba’s Palace, Ijebu-Ode.

Mile 12 clashes: Fear of reprisal forces residents to flee Camillus Nnaji


ear of reprisal attacks following Thursday’s bloody clashes at Mile 12 market –Agility Road, Lagos has prompted scores of residents living in the area to move out. This is despite a heavy presence of police officers, drawn from Lagos Metro Police, Rapid Response Squad (RRS), OP MESSA and officers of Lagos State Kick Against Indiscipline (KAI) seen at strategic locations in the area when our reporter visited yesterday. Fighting between Yoruba and Hausa residents of Agility area, which broke out on Thursday was only finally curtailed on Friday morning

However, when our reporters visited the scene on Saturday evening some residents still gripped with palpable fear were seen packing out of the area. A resident seen packing his belongings but who declined to give his name said he fears for his life and that of his family. “I cannot toy with the lives of my wife and children; I have made arrangement of where we are packing to. You can see the violence can spring up again and that time those who stayed back in this volatile area will only have themselves to blame.” When asked about his children going to school, he said their lives were more important than any other

thing. At the garages where buses heading north are located, some Hausa women and their children were seen negotiating transport fares apparently to start heading back north. One of the bus ticketers at Bonny Transport Service said since the crisis broke out on Tuesday, they have sold many more tickets. Meanwhile, it was learnt that over 100 trailer load of foodstuffs have remained unloaded at the popular Mile 12 Main Market since it was closed down as a result of the mayhem. Perishables in the trucks were seen rotting away. The trailers were said to be on their way to Lagos only to arrive to meet the

market closed. The traders are begging the Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode to re-open the market because the fight did not break out from the market. One of the affected traders who gave his name as Chinedu said: “You can realize this fight did not break out in the market. We are paying for the sins we never committed. It was Hausa Okada riders and Yoruba people living at Agiliti that fought. I stay at the estate there but I have my shop at Mile 12 Market. We sell perishable food stuffs, many of the traders are losing heavily because the products are going bad. I’m appealing to the governor to reopen the market.”




Kashamu: Buhari not persecuting PDP chieftains

Kunle Olayeni ABEOKUTA


he Senator representing Ogun East Senatorial District, Buruji Kashamu, has faulted claims that President Muhammadu Buhari is deliberately targeting chieftains of opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in his ongoing anti-corruption campaign. Kashamu, a PDP chieftain himself, said it was totally wrong for politicians and critics to be sending wrong signals about the current administration in the country. He said this in an interview with reporters in Ijebu-Igbo, Ijebu North Local Government Area of Ogun State, shortly after a meeting of his political group, Omo-Ilu Foundation. It will be recalled that

several PDP leaders and former officials that served under the immediate past administration of ex-President Goodluck Jonathan have been arrested or arraigned for corruption-related offences, prompting allegations of victimisation in some quarters. But Kashamu dismissed the alleged victimisation of his party chieftains by the Buhari administration, saying he believed such allegation was baseless and unfounded. The senator also maintained that the integrity and reputation of PDP still remained intact notwithstanding the corruption charges being faced by top chieftains of the party. He said: “Mr President too does not have anything to do with those arrested. When a good president who means business for any country emerges, it is

normal for him to clean up his environment before he starts working. That is what Buhari is doing. “If I was in his position, I will do the same. If the man is not good, how could he have discovered that some people stayed in one corner and used billions meant for security of lives and property for their own needs?” Kashamu, who solicited support for the Buhari administration, expressed optimism that the nation’s ailing economy would soon bounce back. He cautioned politicians against undue attacks and needless criticisms against Buhari, saying they should rather be constructive in their assessment of the president. “I am not a member of APC neither am I supporting APC but I will always tell the truth and always follow justice. I urge all Ni-

gerians that we should do what we can in our capacity to assist this government in order to succeed. When the government succeeds, Nigeria would succeed. “President Muhammadu Buhari is on course. Why it looks as if there are some dislocations is because of the blockage of loose funds and sources of financial leakages in the system. I am persuaded that in a short while things will pick up. “Nigerians should not allow politicians to deceive them. We tend to play politics with everything. We forget that the elections or campaigns are over. Now, we have a government in place. “We should rise above selfish and narrow partisan interests and join hands to build our country by offering constructive advice. We have no other country than Nigeria.”

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar in a handshake with Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbeh while the former Managing Director of Ecobank, Mr. Jibril Aku looks on during the send forth dinner for the former bank boss in Abuja on Friday

W’Africa’s Sahel nations to S’Africans will pay ‘sin tax’ set up anti-Islamist units for fizzy drinks Defence ministers from West Africa’s arid Sahel region have agreed to work together to establish special rapid reaction forces to counter the growing threat from al Qaeda and Islamic State-linked militants. With its vast, loosely controlled desert expanses on the edge of the Sahara and its porous borders, the Sahel has proved to be fertile soil for the expansion of Islamist militancy in one of the world’s poorest regions. At a meeting in Chad’s capital N’Djamena, defence chiefs from Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali and Mauritania -- the so-called G5 Sahel countries -pledged to form special units to respond quickly to threats and attacks from Islamist militants. “These groups, each composed of around 100 well-trained and very mobile men, will deploy in zones where the terrorists operate,” the G5 Sahel’s permanent secretary Najim Elhadj Mohamed said following the meeting late on Friday. He said the units, tailored after Spanish forces used against the Basque separatist group ETA, would receive training and support from both Spain and France, reports Reuters.

South Africa has joined the battle against sugar, becoming the first African country to plan a tax on drinks loaded with the sweet stuff. That could hurt many here, for whom a supermarket trip is not complete without stocking up on their beloved garish fizzy liquid. But University of Johannesburg third-year students Nomzamo and Precious tell me they are not about to give up their sugary treats. “I buy fizzy drinks because I love the taste,” says 21-year-old Nomzamo as she surveys her options in a packed supermarket fridge. “It’s also convenient and I don’t have to worry about preparing something to drink if I have people coming over.” Precious, whose hand seems to be drawn to the bright orange Fanta, says the extra tax planned for next year will not put her off, reports the BBC. “We’ll still buy them when the prices increase - we might buy less though but I don’t see us stopping,” she says.

Foundation to promote good leadership in Africa for launch

A new initiative to promote good governance in Africa, Segun Adeleye Foundation for Good Leadership in Africa (SAFFGLIA), is set to be inaugurated on Thursday March 10, 2016, at the Afe Balalola Hall, University of Lagos. The launch will also feature the presentation of the 1st SAFFGLIA African Leadership Lecture by the Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed. Mohammed, a lawyer and former National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), will speak on the topic ‘Setting Agenda for Good Leadership in Africa’, at the event where a book, ‘So Long Too Long Nigeria’ authored by Segun Adeleye, founder of SAFFGLIA, will also be launched. Expected at the launch are top business executives, government officials including ministers, governors, scholars and the media. Adeleye, President/CEO, World Stage Limited, a journalist, author and media entrepreneur, said SAFFGLIA was founded to leverage on his experience over the years to help in whichever way possible in the development of leadership culture in Africa, as his way of giving back to the society henceforth.

Awujale to endow N250m professorial chair at OOU l OBJ, Sanusi to chair panels Mojeed Alabi


n what could be described as a rare gesture, the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, is set to commit a mouth-watering N250 million as an endowment fund for a professorial chair on good governance at the Olabisi Onabanjo University, AgoIwoye, Ogun State. This is even as the Emeritus Professor, Akin Mabogunje, is billed to analyse the Issues and Challenges of Governance in Nigeria at a lecture scheduled as part of activities to mark the unveiling of the intervention. The panel of discussants will also include former President Olusegun Obasanjo and the Sarkin Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II. The royal father, who made the disclosure at the weekend at a press conference held in his palace, said the initiative is aimed at addressing the challenge of poor governance in the country. He noted that since there is no constitutional role for the royal fathers to contribute to governance in Nigeria, one of the ways to feel their impact and effect the desired reform in the system will be to support the human capital development through investment in education. “Education has a pivotal role to play in the quality of governance. So I decided to lend my little support in this area, being a royal father. So I make this move with high hopes that it will help the Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye start a production-line of leaders who will be moulded for good governance. “Time was when gover-

NESG: Why the legislature must give priority to business environment



nance, as it is known today, resided with royal fathers and traditional institutions. With the times we are in, people still expect us as royal fathers to exert some form of influence on the political class, whereas there is no provision in the constitution empowering us to exercise direct control over them. So I reckon that the best way to make this influence effective is through constructive institutional engagement, mentorship and research. These are areas I am convinced this endowment can be very impactful,” Oba Adetona explained. While thanking the Awujale for the kind gesture, the university’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Saburi Adesanya, expressed the view that the endowment is in tandem with the institution’s philosophy of seeking to “give useful learning to its students who will be encouraged to cultivate a world view that facilitates not only the continuous pursuit of academic and moral excellence but also developing competence in reducing the society’s disease.” The VC pledged that the university will strive conscientiously to live up to the desires of the founding fathers, which he noted is now being reinforced by the Awujale’s support. “The university shall be rooted in its community and act, at all times, as a beacon and symbol of the spirit of the community. Therefore, we will strive to fulfil the expectations of the Awujale with efforts to cultivate a distinct tradition and character that reflect those values that would give our host and national communities distinctive identity in quality leadership,” Adesanya said.

he Nigeria Economic Summit Group (NESG) has underscored the importance of the legislature in ensuring a conducive and businessfriendly environment for the growth and development of any economy. The Chairman of the Board of the NESG, Mr. Kyari Bukar, who stated this during the formal presentation of the Business Environment Legislative Review Report to the Senate President, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki in Abuja, said that without such proactive interventions, the nation risks losing the few jobs available as well as the opportunity of moving significantly upwards in the doing business ranking and the world economic forum competitiveness ranking.

He commended the 8th National Assembly for its efforts and commitment at ensuring that there are appropriate regulatory and legislative instruments to make the business environment in Nigeria conducive for investments to thrive. Bukar said: “A friend of mine keeps saying that there is really no difference between running a business and running a country. If you don’t have proper governance processes and in the case of a nation, legislative and regulatory framework in place, you still do not have sustainable outcome. “This is why our legislature has a critical role to play for exercising its powers to make, amend or repeal the necessary laws that will facilitate the development of small and medium enterprises.




DSS arrests Boko Haram gun maker, 5 others Emmanuel Onani


he Department of State Services (DSS) has announced the arrest of one Musa Garba Abubakar, who it said is a major gun fabricator and covert linkman for the Boko Haram sect. A statement by Mr. Tony Opuiyo of the Service, said Abubakar (aka Muhadis Musa Bin Haddad) was picked up in Jos, the Plateau State capital, during a special operation by operatives. In the course of its tactical operations, the DSS said it arrested Umar Khalil Muhammed and Mohammed Yakubu Tahir (aka Mallam Yaro), who are said to be the suspected gunrunner’s associates.

“The Department of State Services (DSS) wish to inform the public that in line with its statutory mandate, and avowed commitment to national security, the Service has continued to record positive milestones in strategic and tactical operations embarked upon across the country. “On 2nd March, 2016, one Musa Garba Abubakar (Engr) aka Muhadis Musa Bin Haddad, was arrested at Jos, Plateau State, during a special tactical operation by the Service. Abubakar is a major gun fabricator, armsrunner and a covert linkman/courier for the Boko Haram group. “During his arrest, two pistols, 80 rounds of live ammunition and several

sensitive documents were recovered from him. In a bid to employ propaganda to manipulate the international community against the efforts of the Federal Government, in the ongoing war against terror in the North-West region, Musa had approached a foreign mission in Nigeria for logistics and financial support to fight the Boko Haram. “However, unknown to the mission, he is actually an unauthorized gun-maker/ runner with intent for mischief and communal strife in the North Central region. “In furtherance of exploited leads, this Service apprehended other suspected associates of the gun-runner, namely: Umar

Khalil Muhammed and Mohammed Yakubu Tahir aka Mallam Yaro, on 2nd March, 2016. Muhammed was arrested at Layin Oscar in Jos South LGA, while Tahir was picked up at Mista Ali area, along Jos-Zaria Road in Bassa LGA. The duo are accomplices and active marketers of Abubakar and his products to criminal elements in the North-Central region of the country,” the statement said. The Secret Service also arrested three suspected members of an extremist group, which is said to have links with the outlawed extremist group, Ansaru. It said: “In strengthening its counter-terrorism strategy, the Service also arrested one

President, Association of Women Doctors, Dr. Boladale Mapayi (r), leading members in protesting violence against women within the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex, Ile-Ife…yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

Pardon detained Shiite members, group begs Army Yekeen Nurudeen ABUJA


he Arewa Youth Leaders’ Forum has appealed to military authorities to pardon and release detained members of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN) also known as Shiite sect. The Forum apologised to the Chief of Army Staff,

Lieutenant General Tukur Buratai over the incident of December 2015 when his life came under threat when the sect members obstructed his convoy in Zaria, Kaduna State. The decision to appeal on behalf of the detained sect members was reached at a roundtable dialogue held in Abuja on Saturday. Isah Ocheja and Jonah

Ali, President and General Secretary of the Forum, in a statement jointly issued on the outcome of the gathering, said: “We resolved at our roundtable in Abuja on Saturday to apologize to the Chief of Army Staff and the Nigerian Government and beg for pardon for detained members of the Shiite sect to be released with a promise not to engage in further acts

Following what has been deemed to be poor services, exploitative billing and unsolicited SMS, the Federal Government has summoned the country’s telecommunication services providers to a meeting. The meeting, to be addressed by the Minister of Communication, Adebayo Shittu, is scheduled for Tuesday in Abuja. Adebayo stated this while featuring on a personality interview programme on the Ibadan, Oyo State station of the African Independent Television on Saturday. Shittu said these and other related issues affecting telecoms customers negatively would be addressed at the meeting.

Tony Chukwunyem


hree months after it announced that the yuan will be added to its basket of reserve currencies with effect from October 1, 2016, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said that it has also approved the addition of the Chinese currency, on the same date, in its quarterly survey of Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER). COFER is an IMF database managed by the Fund’s Statistics Department, containing end-of-period quarterly data of reporting countries and jurisdictions. Seven currencies are currently distinguished in COFER data: the US dollar, the euro, pound sterling, Japanese yen, Swiss franc, the Australian dollar, and the Canadian dollar. All other currencies are included indistinguishably in the category of ‘other currencies’. The IMF stated that from October 1, 2016, data will represent global renminbi (also known as the yuan) holdings by COFER reporting economies. According to the IMF: “COFER data provide a crucial insight into the evolution of the currency composition of foreign exchange reserves, facilitating analysis of developments in inter-

Group, under the aegis of the Senate Secretariat of National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has bemoaned the inability of insurance company saddled with the responsibility of paying compensation to families of students, who lost their lives as a result of illness or accidents despite the exorbitant rates charge for Insurance Policy. The group laments the untimely demise of its members nationwide and said, no effort has been made by insurance company in charge to pay claims to the families of the deceased and called on management of tertiary institutions in the country to wake up to their responsibility or be held responsible for the liability.


national financial markets.” The Fund further stated that: “The separate identification of the renminbi (RMB) in COFER starting October 1, 2016 implies that as of that date, member countries will be able to record as official reserves, their holdings of RMB−denominated external assets that are readily available for meeting balance of payments financing needs.” The IMF attributed the development to, “the continuing internationalization, which has been facilitated by China’s reforms aimed at promoting a gradual transition towards a more market-based economy. “This may lead to its increased acceptance among official holders of foreign exchange reserves,” the IMF stated. It will be recalled that the IMF had, late last year, announced that it had approved the inclusion of the yuan in its elite basket of global currencies -Special Drawing Rights (SDR) - with effect from October 1, 2016. The move, which analysts said will boost Beijing’s global economic ambitions, will see the yuan having a 10.92 per cent weighting in the basket. It will also see the dollar having a weighting of 41.73 per cent; 30.93 per cent for the euro; 8.33 per cent for the yen and 8.09 per cent for the British pound.

Ugwuanyi assures investors of conducive environment Charles Onyekwere


NANS seeks payment of claims to families of deceased students

to travel to Sudan, for terrorist training with other radical elements of the group.” Consequently, the Service renewed its vow to sustain its onslaught against organised crimes, even as it urged the public to continue to support security agencies, as they strive to enthrone a crime-free society.

IMF adds Chinese currency to reserve database


Court orders S’African to Poor services: FG sumforfeit $374,355 to Nigeria mons telecoms operators Justice C.M.A Olatoregun of the Federal High Court, Lagos, on Friday convicted Ngqula Nosisi Pam, a South African for money laundering and bulk cash smuggling. The convict was arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission on February 1 after her arrest at the Murtala Muhammed International Airport. The convict had earlier pleaded ‘not guilty’ but changed her plea to ‘guilty’ and was consequently convicted by the court. Justice Olatoregun ordered that the convict forfeit the entire sum of $374,355.00 to the Federal Government of Nigeria.

of terrorism.” The statement disclosed that the group plans to reach out to the National Assembly while consultations would be embarked upon with traditional rulers on why no individual or group of persons should allow their children to be indoctrinated and radicalised to commit any act of terrorism again.

Armaya’u Yakubu aka Ali Tekwando, Yakubu Sule and Usman Ibrahim on 3rd March, 2016, at Hayin Danmani area in Kaduna metropolis. “The trio were members of an extremist cell under the coordination of Yakubu, with affiliation to the proscribed extremist group, Ansaru and have been perfecting plans

nugu State Government says it is prepared to partner and collaborate with investors, companies and organisations with genuine projects and programmes committed to facilitating the rapid development of the state. Governor Ifeanyi Uguwanyi of Enugu State, represented by his deputy, Mrs. Cecilia Ezeilo, made the assertion during an audience with the Executives of Motir Dusable Energy Investment Company Washington D.C., who paid him a courtesy visit at Government House, Enugu.

Ugwuanyi observed that as solar power systems generate electricity with no associated health hazards, no water to operate, pollute or strain sources of water, government may think about an alternative option to constant electricity power outage to carry on with her services and activities in order to boost other economic sectors that depend primarily on energy to achieve its goals. He noted that the visit is timely, especially now that his administration was poised to revamp some of its ailing industries and firms to attract investors to the state despite the present economic crunch in the country.




Scores injured as two factions of Imo PDP clash Steve Uzoechi



Scores were injured yesterday, when two factions of the Imo State chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), engaged in a free for all fight at the party’s secretariat in Owerri. Eyewitness said trouble started when the faction of the party led by Chief Nnamdi Anyaehie, the immediate past Chairman of the party disrupted a meeting of the new Caretaker Committee led by Barrister Vitalis Okafor. Okafor, whose Caretaker committee was inaugurated on the January 29, this year to pilot the affairs of the party for three months, had hardly settled down for business with his members when the Anyaehie-led group stormed the secretariat in commando style, chased party members away with all sorts of weapons. Members of the warring factions who exchanged blows while the melee lasted were later dispersed by armed policemen who took over the secretariat after which Anyaehie and his supporters drove away in a long convoy to an unknown destination. Okafor who later addressed newsmen accused Chief Anyaehie of causing avoidable confusion within the party and scheming to

illegally perpetuate himself in office. He said that the tenure of Anyaehie had since expired as pronounced by the Party’s National Executive Council (NEC) which subsequently installed his caretaker committee to preside over the affairs of the party for three months and wondered why he (Anyaehie) had refused to comply with this. “The members of the in the state and the PDP have rejected Anyaehie and his group because they have failed, yet they do not want to read the hand writing on the wall” he lamented. “It is regrettable that somebody who parades himself as a party chairman could engage thugs to disrupt a meeting authorized by the National Publicity Secretary of our party, Chief Oliseh Metu. He later made available to newsmen a statement by the National Publicity Secretary of the Party captioned “Imo PDP caretaker committee not removed” and which reads in part: “The PDP National Working Committee (NWC), wishes to informed all members of the party particularly in Imo State as well as the general public that Hon. Vitalis Okafor led Imo State Caretaker Committee of the Party has not been removed but subsists until the conduct of congresses in the state.

Alleged bribery: EFCC set to arraign Tarfa, Nwobike Emmanuel Onani


he Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), has concluded arrangements for separate arraignments of two Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SANs) - Mr. Rickey Tarfa and Dr. Joseph Nwobike - over alleged bribery. A statement signed yesterday by the Head of Media and Publicity, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, alleged that the two members of the Inner Bar offered gratification running into millions, to judges of the Federal High Court sitting in Lagos, ostensibly to compromise justice. The Commission said it has already filed separate charges against Tarfa and Nwobike. While Tarfa is alleged to have “intentionally gave

the sum of N 1,500,000.00 (One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira only) to Hon. Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court,” the anti-graft agency alleges that Nwobike “intentionally gave the sum of N 750,000.00 (Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand, Naira only) to Hon. Justice Mohammed Nasir Yunusa of the Federal High Court,” Lagos. The statement reads: “The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, is set to arraign two Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SANs) Rickey Tarfa and Dr. Joseph Nwobike, at the Lagos State High Court. In two separate charges filed by the anti-graft agency, the learned silk are accused of offering gratification running into millions of naira to judges in bizarre ploy to influence decisions in their favour. Tarfa is facing a 27-count

of alleged willful obstruction of authorised officers of EFCC, refusing to declare asset, making false information to an officer of EFCC and offering gratification to a public official.” Some of the charges preferred against Tarfa, read: “That you Rickey Tarfa (S.A.N) on the 29th day of January, 2014 in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, intentionally gave the sum of N 1,500,000.00 (One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Naira only) to Hon. Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court directly from your Zenith Bank Account No.1002926967, in order that the said Judge acts in the exercise of his official duties. “That you Rickey Tarfa (S.A.N) on the 3rd day of October, 2014 in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, intentionally gave the

sum of N 835,000.00 (Eight Hundred and Thirty Five Thousand Naira only) to Hon. Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya of the Federal High Court directly from your Zenith Bank Account No.1002926967, in order that the said Judge acts in the exercise of his official duties. “That you Rickey Tarfa (S.A.N) on or about the 15th day of December, 2015 in Lagos within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, intentionally gave the sum of N500, 000.00 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira only) to Hon. Mohammed Nasir Yunusa of the Federal High Court indirectly through Awa Ajia Nigeria Limited’s account No. 0000971931 domiciled in Access Bank Plc belonging to Hon. Justice Nganjiwa Hyeladzira Ajiya in order that Hon. Mohammed Nasir Yunusa refrains from acting in the exercise of his official duties”.

I was detained for frivolous reasons – Umeh Biyi Adegoroye


he All Progressives Grand Alliance candidate in the Anambra Central rerun, Chief Victor Umeh, has described his recent detention by the Directorate of State Services as the price he had to pay for leadership. Umeh, who spoke with Sunday Telegraph yesterday, said he was detained for frivolous reasons, but added that he was excited about his release by the DSS because they have no case against him, after they investigated ‘allegations concocted’ against him by his political enemies. He said by the release, he will now continue with his campaign to win the elections as soon as the Independent Electoral Commission is ready to conduct it. According to him, his chances remain very bright in the election, even though his political opponents continue to foment more trouble. “I am very hopeful because my chances are brighter. You know I also won at the Appeal Court in Enugu a couple of days ago, where Senator Uche Ekwunife was asked to even pay me N100,000 in litigation cost .”

The five-man Appeal Court headed by Justice H. M. Ogunwimuji has upheld the verdict of the earlier tribunal, banning Ekwunife from participating in the rerun, and ordered the Peoples Democratic Party to field another candidate for Anambra Centre Senatorial election. On allegations that he was a sponsor of the Movement for the Actualisation of Sovereign State of Biafra, he said it was a mere fallacy, because, “even the movement has issued a press statement to deny the allegations.” He said he would not be deterred, but rather continue with his campaign. Meanwhile, the Media Aide to the former Governor of Anambra State, Mr. Peter Obi, has cautioned the former Chairman of APGA, Mr. Victor Umeh, over what he called “an unwarranted attack on his person.” In a release made available to the press, Obienyem said he was shocked to receive many calls drawing his attention to how Chief Victor Umeh, during a radio programme on Rhythm FM, 95.7 accused him of hiding under a name to make contribution during a phone-inprogramme.

R-L: Senator Gbenga Ashafa; Venerable Olaoluwa Adeyemi and Chairman, Babington Macaulay Junior Seminary’s Management Board, Bishop B.J Adeyemi, during a visit to the school in Ikorodu, Lagos

Citizens Church donates material to Abuja schools


Cleric eulogizes Magnus Atilade

Senior Pastor and General Overseer, Harvesting Faith Ministries, Lagos, Reverend The Citizens Church, Abuja, has put smiles on the faces of over 2,000 primary Dr. Dare Olaoluwa, has called on Nigerians to emulate the characters of Professor school pupils in the nation’s capital. Magnus Atilade being a true man of God To this end, educational materials worth over N1million were donated to LEA Model that has special interest for the less Science Primary School, Garki 2 and UBE privileged in our society. The cleric made this call in Lagos at a Primary School, Kuje all in Abuja. recent programme organized by BreakAccording to the church, the donations through Media tagged: ‘An Evening with which include exercise books, uniforms, Prof Magnus Atilade/Award’ held in Lagos sandals, socks, school bags, writing materials as well as payment of PTA lev- Island, Lagos. ies worth about N200,000 is, part of her He blamed the men of God in Nigeria who are prosperity preachers, saying, “It is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). right time the so called pastors think well Leader of the church, Pastor Peter Olubefore going to the pulpit to preach. mide Balogun, said the gesture was the church’s way of showing love to people in “Do you know why people go to church? It is because; they believe they will meet line with Jesus’ injunction. God in the church. Therefore, whatever The Lead Pastor asserted that giving is you say on the pulpit, people believe is the principal way of showing love. from God. They even believe that at the He therefore harped on the need for religious institutions and non-governmental moment, you the preacher is representing organisations to leave their comfort zone God,” he said. “To me, I will never blame bad governance and show love by giving. for the worst economy Nigeria is facing His words: “Every church should know today, rather I will blame the so called that our message is centered on love. prosperity pastors that will never ask the And love is not complete without giving. In fact, the only way to demonstrate that root of the heavy tithe their followers paid every month,” Rev. Dare said. you love is by giving.

Dangote Sugar secures global food safety certification

Dangote Sugar Refinery (DSR) has obtained the Food Safety Systems (FSSC 22000) Certification. This is contained in a statement issued yesterday in Lagos by the company. The certification, according to the company, is fully recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). The statement stated that the certification came on the heels of other standards already obtained by the refinery such as the ISO 9001:2008, ISO 22000:2005 and ISO OHSAS 18001:2007. It said that recommendation for DSR’s FSSC 22000 certification was given in November 2015, after series of processes, followed by internal and surveillance audits. The statement quoted Mr Abdullahi Sule, Dangote Sugar Refinery acting Group Managing Director, as saying that the feat was part of strategic plan to meet its customer’s needs using good manufacturing practices, enhanced food safety culture and management systems. It added that the certification would boost consumer confidence in the brand and eliminate production loss time in its refinery.




Buhari set to launch Ogoniland cleanup - Minister


resident Muhammadu Buhari is set to launch the cleanup of Ogoniland in the coming weeks, says the Minister of Environment, Amina Mohammed. The minister announced this, when she paid a courtesy visit to Governor Nyesom Wike of Rivers, saying it is hoped that the government will launch the campaign in the coming weeks and the president himself will undertake the launching. She said, “It is really to us, a turning point in the history of the struggle. Ogoniland is the first place where actions need to be – cleanup. There is a wide challenge of pollution in the Niger Delta. We are here to begin activities toward the launch of the cleanup with stakeholders’ dialogue. “We are beginning in Rivers because this is the home of the struggle but we know it is wider. The cleanup of the Ogoniland would span between 25 and 30 years.”

However, Wike said to achieve this success, the exercise must not be politicised, urging Federal Government to be careful not to bring politics into the cleanup in order to achieve success. “It doesn’t matter the political party that anybody belongs to, environmental issue does not affect a political party; it affects the entire state and the entire Niger Delta as a whole. Communities do not know about political parties, what communities know is about how to survive. “And so, I will advice that we approach it in such way that it does not look political, particularly in Ogoniland, it is a very complex place; you have to be extremely careful. Because if you are not careful you may not achieve what you want you intend to achieve,’’ the governor warned.

Catholic Bishop commends Army on insurgency •Britain reinstates commitment


he Catholic Bishop of Maiduguri, Rt. Rev. Oliver Dashe, has commended the Nigerian Armed Forces for their courage and crushing the Boko Haram insurgents in the North-East. The Bishop gave the commendation on Saturday in Maiduguri, during a courtesy visit to Brig. Gen. Victor Ezugwu, the General Officer Commanding (GOC), 7 Division Nigerian Army. A statement signed by Col. Mustapha Anka, spokesman of the Division, Dashe noted that the people

of area had lost many souls due to the insurgency. He said the activities of the Boko Haram insurgents had resulted in wanton destruction of lives and property, as well as disruption of socio-economic lives of millions of Nigerians. The Catholic bishop praised the gallantry of the military for liberating the communities and urged them not to relent in their efforts until peace returns to Borno known as ‘Home of Peace.’ He commended the Army for their professional conduct, saying that their

success was as a result of team work and the spirit of togetherness as well as their well coordinated joint effort. Responding, Ezugwu thanked the bishop for his kindness and prayers, noting that his fatherly prayers have played a noble role in huge successes recorded by the Army. In a related development, the GOC also received a team of British Army led by Col. Brown. According to the statement, the visit by British Army was to broaden relationship and re-energise

the bilateral cooperation between Nigeria and Britain. Brown reiterated the willingness of Britain to help Nigeria in the fight against terrorism. The GOC commended the British Government for its assistance, noting that the Nigerian Armed Forces had enjoyed training and retraining of its personnel for capacity building to crush the Boko Haram insurgents. Ezugwu stated that the Division is succeeding in the clearance operation in order to make North East and Nigeria secured.

NCAA lifts suspension on Sikorsky helicopters Wole Shadare


he Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has lifted the suspension it placed on Bristow Helicopters (Nigeria) Limited Sikorsky S-76 aircraft shortly after the helicopter type was involved in a ditching in the Atlantic Ocean last month. The suspension was lifted after the completion of the NCAA’s comprehensive operational audit and the company’s extensive return to service safety activities. Bristow Group Vice President, Global Operations, Mike Imlach said the firm completed a detailed safety inspection of its S-76 series helicopters and test flights for all 16 S-76 aircraft in compliance with the NCAA. “Our Group president and CEO, Jonathan Baliff, was a passenger in one of the approved non-revenue test flights to demonstrate his confidence in the safety of our S-76 fleet,” he added. Bristow has concluded a number of return to service safety activities with flight crews, engineers and other service employees, clients and key stakeholders, as an additional precautionary measure prior to resuming the S-76 fleet to operation. These activities include maintenance assessment reviews, risk assessment, and pre-flight safety briefings with passengers to give them the opportunity to talk to the crew and ask questions. The company has also engaged a reputable independent third party aviation firm to conduct an additional review of its entire opera-

tions in Nigeria. Imlach stated that the carrier proposes that the review be extended to other operators in Nigeria so that best practices can be shared to enhance safety across the industry, and has commenced discussions with a number of operators regarding their participation. He noted that the company is in full compliance with NCAA regulatory requirements and all Sikorsky directives for its fleet. The company maintains its aircraft to industry standards in accordance with special maintenance and monitoring programs developed by the aircraft and engine manufacturers that are fully approved by the NCAA. “We will continue to cooperate fully with the Accident Investigation Board (AIB), which is investigating the events of February 3, 2016, to determine the cause,” said Senior Legal Director Africa Region, Tolu Olubajo. “We thank our clients for their unwavering support during this time and remain steadfast in our commitment to continuing to honor our contractual obligations with them. Bristow has been committed to Nigeria for nearly 50 years and we will continue to invest in support for our customers and the country.” Bristow has operated variants of the S-76 type for more than 35 years and remains confident in the Sikorsky S-76 family of aircraft, which has an enviable safety record spanning many decades with more than 6.8 million flight hours.

Sokoto State Governor, Aminu Tambuwal; Sultan of Sokoto, Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar; Sen. Aliyu Wamakko; Sokoto State Deputy Governor, Alhaji Ahmed Aliyu and other muslim faithful during a funeral prayer for the late Sokoto State Commissioner for Science and Technology, Malam Nasiru Zarummai, in Sokoto…yesterday. PHOTO:NAN

Angola appoints new central bank governor


Angola has appointed Valter Filipe da Silva as its new Central Bank Governor after José Pedro de Morais resigned, the president’s office said in a statement on Saturday. The economy of Angola has been hammered by the oil price fall, and the government is in talks with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on possible financial assistance. Rating agency Moody’s put Angola’s Ba2 government bond and issuer ratings on review for downgrade late on Friday night to assess the impact of the fall in prices for oil. Angola is said to be Africa’s second-largest oil exporter after Nigeria. The country relies on oil for more than 90 per cent of its foreign exchange revenues. Da Silva will take over the central bank with the Kwanza currency having lost more than a third of its value since the start of 2015. He is said to be a little-known entity in financial circles who had been working as a lawyer in the vice-president’s office. Moody’s said it could take up to two months to assess the credibility and sustainability of Luanda’s plans and its ability to mitigate the impact of the oil price fall.

Police investigate man’s death after prayer vigil

The Lagos State Police Command on Saturday, said it had begun investigation into the alleged suicide committed by one Taofik, who hanged himself on a tree after an all-night prayers in Iju-Isaga area of the State. The Spokesperson of the command, SP Oladapo Badmos, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the surname of the deceased is yet to be ascertained. Badmos said the Police Division at Iju got a report of the incident brought by Pastor Odunike Abiodun of King of Kings Church, No. 45, Taju Bello Street, Iju Isaga. “The pastor brought the report on Saturday at 7.50 a.m. that the man was found dead at about 5.30 a.m. The deceased hanged himself on a tree in a valley close to a river, near the King of Kings Church,’’ he said. The police spokesman said that it was reported that the deceased had earlier participated in an all-night prayer at the Church, stating that the scene of the suicide had been visited by detectives from the division. “Investigation is ongoing to unravel the cause of the death and the corpse has been deposited at a morgue for autopsy,”

Akwa Ibom begins elimination of ghost workers

The Akwa Ibom Government on Saturday said it had commenced the elimination of ghost workers from the State Civil Service. The Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Akan Okon, disclosed this while interacting with newsmen in Uyo. Okon said that the government was conducting staff audit to ensure the success of the exercise. He said that the government was partnering with a Consultant to help it to tie all civil servants on its payroll, to their Bank Verification Number (BVN). “We are undergoing staff audit; we are also ensuring that every civil servant gets BVN. “We are tying our payroll system to the BVN and the outcome is certainly going to help to reduce the issue of ghost workers in the state. “As a state we are working closely with a consultant that is helping us to tie all the civil servants that we pay salaries to, to their BVN. “I believe at the end of the day it will help us to reduce or eliminate ghost workers in Akwa Ibom civil service,’’ the commissioner said




Why EFCC arrested me – Ebonyi Speaker Uchenna Inya ABAKALIKI


peaker of Ebonyi State House of Assembly, Chief Francis Nwifuru, yesterday, said he was never arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), saying he only honoured an invitation from the agancy at its South-East zonal office in Enugu. Nwifuru was picked up at the Akanu Ibiam International Airport, Enugu on Friday by the anti graft agency and allegedly whisked to Abuja over alleged diversion of N60 million constituency funds before he became the Speaker of the Assembly. He was then Deputy Chief of the Assembly during the said diversion of the constituency fund and allegedly refused to

honour invitations by the agency over the matter until he was arrested on Friday. Addressing newsmen in Abakaliki, Nwifuru said, “I was never arrested. I arrived Enugu from Abuja after attending an Agricultural programme in China and decided to honour the initiation, which was brought to my office, when I out. “I have never been to the EFCC office before as they asked me to explain what transpired with 2011, 2012, 13 and 14 constituency projects funds as the representative of Izzi West state constituency.” He continued: “On finishing my explanations, I was told to leave and if I was actually arrested, I could had been bailed, which was not the case.” Nwifuru noted that he honoured the invitation to

save himself the stress of traveling to Abakaliki and back to Enugu again and even visited the Speaker of Enugu House Assembly, who accompanied him to the EFCC office. He stated that he explained all he knew in not more than 30 minutes, showing he was neither arrested nor molested by the EFCC. “I informed them that I was not the House speaker within those periods but knew that some funds were released for the projects by the former state governor, as the then speaker awarded contracts for the constituency projects through bidding processes. “The system of constituency project execution in Ebonyi is such that a succeeding tenure would not complete uncompleted projects, as the projects stops

with the period of award. “I believe the petition was politically motivated because it only involved nine members of the previous assembly, who were re-elected and, who did not support the immediate past administration, when its tenure was ending. Nwifuru noted that the projects for his constituency was duly constituted and executed, as the only uncompleted one was a structure meant for the police, which, however, attained 80 per cent completion. He said that the EFCC officials were shocked with what he revealed, as he promised to sponsor their trip to Ebonyi state to access the projects which will help them find the truth. He noted that he told the EFCC that the House department for Planning, Research and Statistics

(PRS) should be held accountable because it raised the Certificates of Completion to the contractors. Nwifuru, a former Deputy Chief Whip of the state House of Assembly

maintained that in his estimation, the petition was from aggrieved staff of the House who felt they were unduly transferred or not carried along in the execution of projects.

Nigeria’s Dep High Commissioner to Ghana in car crash


eports say the deputy Nigeria High Commissioner to Ghana, Alhaji Osman Nijima, has been involved in a car crash at a village near the Brong Ahafo region. According to Starr News’ Northern regional correspondent Eliasu Tanko, Alhaji Nijima was on his way to the Northern region to attend the ongoing International Trade Fair in Tamale. The cause of the accident

is, however, not known but Starr News gathers that President John Mahama has dispatched the mayor of Tamale Hanan Jundaadow and the former Northern regional Minister Mohammed Limuna to the crash site. Alhaji Nijima was travelling to Tamale on the invitation of President Mahama, who joined the Trade Fair exhibition today. It is also not known if the deputy High Commissioner sustained some injuries.

Dickson probes role of civil servants in Bayelsa polls Chris Ejim YENAGOA


L-R: Deacon Hezekiah Alamu; Pastor Segun Jegede; Pastor Gbesan Adebambo; Principal, Baptist Girls’ Academy, Obanikoro, Lagos, Mrs. E. K. Akanji and Chairman, Parents Teachers Association, Mr.Igho Omoze Sunday, during the school’s 26th Annual Inter-House Sports Competition in Lagos…on Friday. PHOTO: SULEIMAN HUSAINI

Man, 48, disarms two armed robbers


A 48-year old man, over the weekend, engaged two suspected armed robbers in a battle for his life and dispossessed them of two locally-made pistols and some money along the Otiotio area of Yenagoa in Bayelsa State. The incident, which occurred at about 10.30am, however, threw the residents of the area into confusion, following the gallant success with which the man achieved the feat. Eyewitnesses told Sunday Telegraph that the 48 years old man (name withheld), had gone to the bank to withdraw some money to settle labourers in his building site. A resident of the area, identified as Fermowei, said, “What we saw was a man carrying a back pack and in company of another man, suspected to be a friend. When they got to the spot close to the popular new generation church, two men were sighted in a green Toyota Camry brand of car, came down and pointed gun at them. “What we saw next was a miracle. The first armed robber shot at the man carrying the back pack and demanded that he hands over the money to him but the gun failed to go off. He attempted the second time and the gun failed to shoot. It was at that point the victim dealt a deadly blow on the robber and he fell. The victim grabbed the gun.

SNPM calls for stoppage of crude oil export

Southern Nigeria Peoples Mandate (SNPM), a human rights organisation, has called on the Federal Government to stop export of crude oil by the multi-national companies and private companies in Nigeria. According to the organisation, Nigeria is the only member of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) that exports crude oil but imports refined products, thereby, encouraging fraud, called subsidy, which does not exist. In a statement signed by the President of the group, Augustine Chukwudum, the group said, “Today in Nigeria, we have much companies, both multi-nationals and privately owned companies that lift crude oil on daily basis which government does not know the number of barrels lifted on daily basis. The group noted that the practice had continued for lack of check and balances in the sector, saying that is why all talks for diversification of economy by the current administration of President Muhumadu Buhari has not received any serious attention. It stated that such corrupt practices during the former administration of Gen. Ibhraim Babangida, Gen. Sani Abacha, Chief Olusegun Obansjo and Immediate past President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, are responsible for the serious hardship ravaging Nigerians today.

FRSC mobile court convicts 340 traffic offenders

No fewer than 340 motorists were tried and convicted by the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) mobile court in Anambra State in the month of February. The FRSC Sector Commander in Anambra, Mr, Sunday Ajayi, made the disclosure in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Awka, capital of the state on Saturday. Ajayi said a total of 353 drivers were arrested and tried by the court, while 13 were acquitted and discharged. According to him, the motorists were charged with offences, ranging from overloading, worn-out/expired tyres, speed violation and use of cell phone while driving. Other offences were non possession of or expired particulars, no fire extinguishers and dangerous driving. “As part of our effort to ensure sanity on the road, the Anambra command has been on steady patrol and our mobile court has been busy to provide speedy and effective apprehension of offenders and penalty to the culpable. “For the month of February, 353 drivers were arrested and made to face the mobile court.

he Bayelsa State Governor, Henry Seriake Dickson, has constituted a five-man panel to investigate the level of involvement of some career public civil servants in partisan politics in the Bayelsan elections, with a view to saving the civil service of the state from being destroyed by politicians. A statement issued in Yenagoa, yesterday, by the Secretary to the State Government, Chief Serena Dokubo-Spiff, said it has come to the notice of the government that such public servants have been involved in partisan politics in the last December, 2015 and January, 2016 governorship polls, where they were used as coordinators of political parties and party agents at various levels. According to him, the state

government was aware of plans by a particular political party which used some public servants as witnesses during election petitions tribunal. “The action of such public servants, most of whom, were card-carrying members of various political parties, was a clear contravention of the extant Public Service Rules (PSR) No. 030422 (ad) of the 2008 edition,” the SSG stated. The government, he said, would invoke the provisions in the PSR 030401 and 030402 and deal decisively with any public servants indicted by the panel. The members of the panel including Mr. Renner Tiebiri (chairman), Dr. Enokie Bribena is (secretary and Legal Adviser), Suru Oyarede, Walton Liverpool and Ebikipah Ebikake have been empowered to investigate workers in all tiers of the public services in the state.

Rep empowers indigent people in Yobe Hassan Jirgi DAMATURU


s way of empowering indigent women in his constituency, a House member, representing Potiskum/Nangere Federal Constituency of Yobe State, Hon. Sabo Garba, has presented over 100 rural women, widows, divorcees and vulnerable women with various kinds of equipment. Garba, who said the gesture was designed to enable them set up their

businesses as their means of livelihood, urged the beneficiaries to be focused in order to get the best out of their businesses, assuring a monitoring mechanism to ensure they thrive in their career. Hundreds of women and youths, drawn from various communities in his constituency, were empowered with raw materials for soap, cream and detergent making; tailoring and knitting machines, among others after undergoing training in difference skills.



OPINION The sad case of Ese Oruru Femi Fani-Kayode


ne of the things that I like about Mr. Donald Trump, the front-runner for the presidential nomination in America’s Republican Party, is the fact that he is tough, blunt, honest, candid, frank and decisive. Whether you share his views or not at least you know precisely where he stands on any issue and he always speaks his mind. Perhaps that is why he is doing so well against all odds. In this short contribution, I intend to do precisely that and I shall write about an issue which, as it does with many others in our nation, stirs me to anger and burdens me with a deep sense of revulsion and shame. That I will be fated to come from the same country as a group of people who view paedophilia lightly and who, in some cases, actually endorse and encourage it, simply sickens me. Worse still that some of my compatriots will openly defend the abduction of infant girls for the sole purpose of sexual gratification and enslavement and that others will seek to defend it on religious and cultural grounds is a tragedy of monumental proportion. To this extent, I believe that all those that are attempting to distort the narrative about the tragic plight of Miss Ese Oruru are evil and I commit them to God’s judgement. The facts of the case are as follows. Miss Oruru is 14 years old and not 18 and she was abducted from her home. She did not leave her home freely or of her own volition. She was cruelly and wickedly carried away and stolen from her parents, family and loved ones and forcibly taken by complete strangers to a distant land that she had never been before and that was on the other side of the country. This is not a love story about two inseparable young people as some are trying to suggest: it is a story about paedophilia, child abduction, kidnapping, human trafficking, slavery, rape, impunity, wickedness and ritual sex. That little girl has been raped over and over again and she may well have AIDS, VVF or some other strange sexual disease by now. Instead of sympathising with her and acknowledging the fact that she may never be the same again in view of the physical and mental torture and trauma that she has been

subjected to over the last few months, some misguided souls and shameless commentators have had the temerity to say that she was old enough to “get it” and that she ‘’loved it’’ and ‘’wanted it’’. I am utterly disgusted by these sentiments. Where is the humanity of those that speak and think like this? Where is their compassion and where is their soul? How would they feel if their own infant daughters were abducted, forcibly Islamised, raped, enslaved and kept against their will as a sex slave in an Emir’s palace in the same way that Ese was? I doubt that it would bring them any joy. Meanwhile, I watched an AIT video on YouTube in which Miss Oruru’s mother claimed that her daughter’s abductors had told her that it was the Emir of Kano himself that ordered her daughters abduction and that she was kept in his palace for his pleasure. If this is true, it confirms the suspicion that the Emir has many questions to answer. If what she has said is true, it also proves that there are many practising paedophiles and sick men in high places in our country who must be held accountable for their actions. It is important that the Emir of Kano clears the air on this most grievous allegation and tells us precisely what his interest was in this little girl. Quite apart from that, we are compelled to ask whether this sort of thing has happened before and how widespread it is? How many other little girls have been stolen from their homes and forced to join harems all over the north? The famous high society blogger and respected celebrity journalist, Miss Linda Ikeji, has just exposed yet another case. This time it is a young 15-year-old Christian girl, by the name of Miss Patience Paul, who has been abducted from her home, parents and loved ones in Benue State, forcibly taken to Sokoto State, Islamised, raped, married off and kept there against her will in the Sultan’s palace. The same thing happened to a 13-year-old Christian Igbo girl by the name of Miss Charity Uzoechina two years ago when she was again abducted, Islamised, raped, married off and forced to remain in the Etsu Nupe’s palace in Minna, Niger State. This was despite the fact that her parents went to the police and the local authorities

and made every effort to get her back. Sadly, up till today they have not seen their daughter since she was taken from them. Again there was the case of Senator Ahmed Sani Yerima, the former Governor of Zamfara State, who was accused of abducting his Egyptian driver’s 12-year-old daughter from Egypt, brought her to Nigeria, married her in Abuja and kept her under lock and key in his home in Zamfara. The interesting thing to note about this case is the fact that had the senator tried to marry this girl-child in Egypt where she came from or if he was caught having carnal knowledge of her over there, he would have been arrested, prosecuted and sent to jail. This is because even though Egypt is a predominantly Muslim country, child marriage and paedophilia are completely forbidden and strictly prohibited by the law. Yet in multi-religious, multi-ethnic, multicultural and supposedly secular Nigeria, child sex, child marriage and paedophilia are common and it appears that anything goes. Evidently, we live in a strange country where evil is, at best, ignored and swept under the carpet and, at worst, openly justified. We live in a country where those that expose such abominations and that speak truth are shunned, discredited, demonised, hated, despised and, more often than not, threatened with physical violence, persecution, intimidation, arrest, criminal investigation and civil litigation. That is the price we pay for speaking the truth and exposing evil in Nigeria. There is clearly a conspiracy of silence about the perpetuation of wickedness and injustice in this country among the ruling elite. The feeling is that anyone can get away with anything provided they belong to a particular circle and class and provided they have money and power. And it is because they have money and power and they have powerful friends in government and in the political class that they feel that they can silence, crush, kill, abduct, cripple, ruin, sue and jail anybody that tests their will and crosses them or that dares to expose the truth about their bloodchilling and perverse ways. That is the reality of Nigeria and it is a sad and sorry one. All I can say is thank God for the media and particularly for the Punch

Newspapers, which started the ball rolling last Sunday. If not for their cover story about Ese with all those pictures on their front page, the little girl would not be free and at home with her family today. Instead, she would have still been in slavery and captivity at the Emir of Kano’s palace. We should also thank the media particularly for their timely editorials on this issue, which raised some pertinent questions and offered wise counsel about the way forward. Not even the Federal Government, the state governments, the political parties, the politicians, the security agencies, the lawyers or the so-called human rights groups could achieve what the media have managed to achieve. They have helped to secure the freedom of a helpless and defenceless little girl from slavery, torment, humiliation, destruction, death, disease and bondage and they have brought her home safely to her parents. We need more of this. Kudos to the media and God bless them all. It would be out of place for me not to mention the fact that the Alhaji Ishaq Akintolaled MURIC, a leading Islamic organisation based in the South-West, has condemned the actions of those that abducted Miss Oruru. This is a step in the right direction. It is commendable and it will foster a greater and better understanding between Christians and Muslims in Nigeria. Finally, it is my prayer that the Lord silences and shames those that chose to remain silent and that have opted to look the other way during the course of this whole sordid affair. Nigeria is not a nation of heartless paedophiles and godless reprobates and neither shall we sit by silently and allow her to be turned into one. We are a God-fearing, kind, compassionate, humane, hardworking, faithful, decent, long-suffering and resilient people and together, whether they like it or not, we shall expose the sexual deviants and perverts in our midst. We shall name them and shame them before the entire world. We shall shine the light of God in this nation and we shall deliver our land from the darkness of perversion, cruelty and impunity. • Fani-Kayode, a former Minister of Aviation, writes in Lagos

Reversing Sujimoto’s move against Nigerian economy Joe Keshi


was a bit disturbed last Sunday morning when I opened one of the mainstream newspapers and reviewed an advertisement for Lorenzo by Sujimoto. For those that are not familiar with the project, Lorenzo by Sujimoto is dubbed to become the tallest residential building in Ikoyi, Lagos. According to information provided online, the building will soar 25 stories above the prestigious Bourdillon Road and will comprise of 57 luxury apartment units with each equipped with two kitchens. For an individual with an in-depth knowledge of the woodworking industry in Nigeria, I was very excited to read about this project, among others because of the apparent opportunity such a project would afford Nigerian kitchen makers to demonstrate their skills, designs and competence. That s young construction company, Sujimoto Construction, taking on one of the most ambitious large scale development projects in Nigeria was remarkable. However, I became disappointed when I

learnt that the kitchens in the 57 apartments will be manufactured by Italian companies not based in Nigeria, but somewhere in ltaly and imported into the country. These are Italian companies that have not invested one naira in Nigeria. The average price for the kitchens that will be offered by the Italian companies is approximately NGN10, 000,000.00 (Ten Million Naira) and each unit will be equipped with two kitchens. If you do the math, Sujimoto Construction will have to shed out approximately N1.14 billion to the Italian companies for the kitchens alone. This means the company will be exporting thousands of jobs to Europe at a time when Nigeria is experiencing slow growth and raising unemployment. Equally, companies are closing down, shutting their doors and laying off thousands of employees. Additionally, importation of furniture into Nigeria is illegal. I could not but ask myself whether woodworking companies in Nigeria specialising in manufacturing kitchens no longer know how to manufacture high-end kitchens anymore? I could not believe that this is happening at a time the country is facing perhaps its worst eco-

nomic challenges, at a time when the buzzing sounds of machines in furniture factories have been replaced by sounds of pin drops due to the economic slowdown and financial crisis. Some of these furniture factories have reported declining sales while others have gone bankrupt and out of business. This situation has contributed to the rising unemployment we are experiencing in Nigeria. Bringing in or allowing Nigerian kitchen manufacturing companies to participate in this project and investing N1.14 billion in that sector at this time would not only have been a game changer in so many ways but would have helped solidify kitchen manufacturing in Nigeria. This is apart from the hundreds of jobs it would have created in the country. As part of the structural reform, the Federal government has placed a ban on importation of furniture into the country. Are the management of Sujimoto Construction living in a bubble or unaware of this? Or this is just blatant disregard for government policy? What a lost opportunity for the construction company to be part of the league of companies working with the Federal Government

to turn around the economy. My hope remains that Sujimoto will reconsider the whole situation and bring more Nigerian companies to work on the project. A project like this could be part of the silver bullet that would help take industries in Nigeria back to its glorious days and bring broad-based prosperity to Nigeria. The Nigeria economy is in a free fall and in periods like this, companies like Sujimoto Construction need to embrace structural reforms introduced to help stabilise the economy. The country wood industry, furniture and even unemployed youths stand to benefit a great deal from the project, because even as we speak, lots of Nigerian woods are exported into these developed economies. Should the company fail to reconsider its stance, may be the elites investing in this project should withhold their investment until the construction company reconsiders the journey they will be taking to make this dream of putting up the tallest residential building in Lagos a reality. • Ambassador Keshi writes in from Abuja


Sunday Mail




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* Letters to the Editor

The Sunday Telegraph

Sparing a thought for Lagos child hawkers Dear Editor, In Lagos, at places such as Apapa-Oshodi Expressway, Ikorodu Road, Agege Motor Road, Ikoyi-Obalende, Ojuelegba-Stadium, Oyingbo, Carter Bridge, Idumota, Oshodi, Ketu, Mile 12, Third Mainland Bridge, among others, it is not uncommon to see little children of about 9-13 years hawking goods. These children, who hawk by the roadsides, usually suffer from fatigue, irregular attendance at school (if enrolled at all), lack of comprehension and motivation, improper socialisation, exposure to sexual abuse and high likelihood of being involved in crime. Roadside trading, especially by children of school age, is a negation of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child and also not in accord with the Lagos State social protection services. It is, indeed, inhuman for anyone to engage a child in money making venture as seen every day on our roads with children running after moving buses and cars to hawk goods. With all the environmental menace and insecurity associated with street trading, it is quite obvious that it could birth other social and security problems. It should be stressed that Nigeria has enacted legislation concerning child labour within the Labour Act and has also adopted the Child Right Act (CRA) (2003). A key provision of the CRA is that on using children for hawking is a punishable offence under the Act while Section 59(b) of the Labour Act prohibits the employment of children under the age of 16 years in any work which is dangerous and injurious to their health. It is in the light of this that the Lagos State government has the responsibility to execute policies that conform to best practice, that can mitigate environmental nuisance and the security threat which street trading poses to its citizens. It is also essential for parents to desist from engaging their children as hawkers on the highways. It is good for us to know that death arising from such venture amounts to a loss for the nation. For this, our collective efforts should be geared towards securing a better future for our children. ALAO DIYAOLU, AGBADO, LAGOS.



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Roadside parking as nemesis of Lagos road users Dear Editor,

High voltage electrical pole badly located at Agege, Lagos.

Polytechnic students need banks Dear Editor, Please use your good office to appeal to commercial banks in Nigeria to locate some of their branches to Ogwashi-Ukwu Town, where our school, Delta State Polytechnic is situated. We appeal to commercial banks like Fidelity, Stanbic ITBC, Access and GTB to open their branches in Ogwashi-Ukwu Town. This will help us to travel less in the course of doing our school registration and other school transactions in the banks. OGWASHI UKWU CIVIL SOCIETY

Nkata-Umukabia road needs attention Dear Editor,

It is good that Abia State Governor Okezie lkpeazu is re-constructing old roads and building new ones in Aba and its environs but let him also extend his good work to other zones in Abia State that have bad roads, like North Local Government. After all it is not only Aba that voted him into office. Governor lkpeazu should

carry everybody along to move Abia State forward, irrespective of party differences since the election is over and court cases settled. GORDON CHIKA NNOROM UMUKABIA, ABIA STATE

Vision of the Sun Dear Editor,

The desire by our people to do monumental things is beginning to be visible in our society. Soaring stars of creative energy are piercing dark clouds to manifest crystal vision. The West seems to have undue share of this ability. Majestic structures like the Statue of Liberty in New York City, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Big Ben in London have dominated modern history as most favourite tourist attractions. Our culture with its propensity to create magical works of art has not crossed the boundary of this immensity. Apart, dearth of futuristic symbolisms affects the self-image of our people. We view pictures from abroad and marvel at the social design. The glitz and glamour of life in the West often breeds a sense of inferiority complex. The tendency is for us to position anything from overseas as the best. Consequently, we

neglect our traditional way of life as it is not associated with modernism. By default, those of us who are brainwashed by Western education toe this path of self-denigration. Flood of poverty and corruption creates dangerous potholes along the highway in our pursuit of excellence. It erodes our sense of decency. More so, intellectual barrenness stops folks from demanding quality at all cost, making most of our endeavours shallow. As a result, poor architectural designs insult the vision of our landscape. Beauty should not suffer at the scarcity of resources. Our ancestors built houses with mud and straw. The myth about our resourcefulness has exhausted its usefulness. We should march with clear vision to attain our place in the sun. Our ambition should be greater than our imagination. We should push the limits till the walls fall like soldiers battling to conquer a new frontier. God that endowed us with mightiness prepared us for greatness. PIUS OKANEME, UMUOJI, ANAMBRA STATE.

Can tertiary institutions survive without TETFund?


Dear Editor, It is paramount to acknowledge the ‘messiah role’ played by the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Established as an intervention agency under the TETFund Act, 2011, TETFund was saddled with the responsibility for managing, disbursing and monitoring the education tax to public tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It is good to state, however, that TETFund has been efficient in carrying out its intervention role. Within the few years of its establishment, TETFUND has helped to administer and disburse fund to almost all the federal and state tertiary institutions. Specifically, it has effectively supported funding for educational facilities and infrastructural developments, promotion of creative and innovative approach to educational learning and stimulation. Nevertheless, I want to urge the TETFund to continue with the good work, and to also pay close attention to supervision of beneficiary schools to make sure that equipment donated are used for such purposes and constructions are of standard. Nigerian tertiary institutions should also give it full and maximum support. PETER JIYA, LAPAI, NIGER STATE.

Roadsides along major streets in Lagos have become improvised parking spaces. This, of course, constitutes a major nuisance for free vehicular movement and ultimately is partly responsible for the traffic gridlock often experienced in the state. Extreme lawlessness is so manifest in the building sector that some developers even convert areas marked as parking lots to blocks of shops, thus making nonsense of physical planning arrangement. Today, new housing estates are springing up daily across the state without addressing the same issue. Old houses are being pulled down at various places in the state, only to give rise to gigantic shopping complexes along major roads with no designated parking lots. This distasteful practice is now a common sight across the state with its attendant discomfort on commuters and pedestrians. Since roads have suddenly become excessively narrow as a result of vehicles that are parked on either side of the roads, the safety of commuters and pedestrians become seriously compromised. Many have lost their lives while jogging or walking along the road. No thanks to roadside parking! Consequently, many who would have loved to engage in walking for pleasure and fitness have to think twice before engaging in such a risky venture. The state government needs to come with clear-cut policies on the nuisance of road-side parking in Lagos. It is a practice that is not good for investment. No matter how much energy is put into courting foreign and local investments, the enabling environment must, first and foremost, be created before such investment could thrive. Traffic gridlock is, no doubt, bad for business. And roadside parking is partly responsible for most Lagos traffic gridlock. SAMUEL OMOJOYE, LAGOS. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE HEARD! SEND YOUR LETTERS AND PHOTOGRAPHS TO THESUNDAYLETTERS@ GMAIL.COM. LETTERS SHOULD NOT BE MORE THAN 200 WORDS AND MUST HAVE THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SENDER



Execut ve

I’ve affinity for pretty stones, metals – Richard Chukwuocha

Richard Nduka Chukwuocha is the Managing Partner of RichardDenning Legal Practitioners. He speaks to CHIJIOKE IREMEKA on his journey so far and possible ways to pull Nigeria out of its current economic situation The economy for some time, as being under serious tension, with no sign of early recovery. What is your view on the current state of things in Nigeria today? I am pained at the state of our economy and how a vast majority of us have wrecked it with our curious choices. Apart from oil, which accounts for more than 90 per cent of our revenues, we do not as a matter of fact have any meaningful economy. We scarcely produce anything, and almost import everything even toothpicks. Today, the price of crude oil has crashed, and our economy is on the brink. It is pertinent to ask if we have stopped stocking on designer wears like Giorgio Armani, Versace, Michael Kors, Louis Vuitton hand bags and so on. I dare ask if we have reduced and or scaled down our taste for western automobiles. It is still a status symbol to litter our compounds with state-of-the-art western automobiles. Most of us may not have heard, or are rather unconcerned about the giant strides of Innosson Motors in automobiles. Have we stopped holidaying at Victoria Falls or Las Vegas of this world in preference for say, Obudu Cattle Ranch, Tinapa, Oguta Lake, Ikogosi Springs, Gurara Falls, Mambilla Plateau or other tourist destinations, which abound in Nigeria? Although Nigeria does not produce champagne, we were the number one champagne consumers in the world in 2015. What a feat. How then do we attract foreign patronage that could boost our economy and give the naira a competitive edge? There was a long time ago, when Nigeria had a truly strong economy and the naira was one to the dollar, but that Nigeria is not this Nigeria. That Nigeria was, when we were either at the top, or amongst the top exporters of palm oil, rubber, cocoa, groundnuts, etc. Nigerians then holidayed at home in their villages. We attracted foreign tourists, who brought in foreign exchange. I ask again, other than oil what brings in foreign exchange into Nigeria? Even our schools that used to attract foreign students have literally become dumping grounds whilst we require the US dollars and British pound sterling for American and British schools. We need as a matter of urgency to reappraise our priorities and begin to develop our own Coca-Colas, Apples, IBM, ExxonMobils, General Motors, Disneys, JP Morgans, etc. To survive and climb out of the present self-imposed quagmire, we need to start producing and join the league of top exporting economies. It is time for us to look inward and take needful actions. What would you say about President Muhammadu Buhari’s on-going anticorruption fight? I commend the anti-corruption campaign of President Muhammadu Buhari. The campaign may be deemed partisan and or sectional. However, we need to start from somewhere, and would overtime, achieve excellence in the manner of fighting corruption. Please share with us a brief detail of your

to another. My firm currently has, as clients, a good number of multinational companies operating in Nigeria, particularly in the oil and gas sector. I have played significant roles in legal service provision to companies active in exploring oil and gas in the country. I have also, towards fulfilling a lifelong dream of contributing to the development of Nigeria, fought a number of governmental decisions that I felt were not in tandem with the dreams of our founding fathers, and will continue to do so till we birth a better Nigeria, the Nigeria of our dreams. I have done several articles condemning a number of executive and legal decisions, and have been vindicated sometimes when government reversed a number of these decisions. Of particular note is the recent pardon by government of the soldiers condemned to death by court martial for refusing to engage without sufficient arms the insurgents in the north east of Nigeria. In what circumstance did you meet your wife? I am happily married to Dr. (Mrs.) Ngozi Chukwuocha. I recall the first time I met her at the Federal Medical Centre, Owerri in Imo State, where she was then undergoing her housemanship. It still feels like yesterday. Her gait and apparent zest to assist enthralled me. I had gone to the hospital on that day to visit my friend, who was then a senior registrar at the hospital, and when I did not find him, I approached the woman, who would later become my wife for inquiries. She was more than eager to assist me, and thereafter, we exchanged numbers. The rest is history. I do not regret the fortuitous meeting, as I remain glad that our paths crossed. We are blessed with four amazing children. What was her initial reaction to your proposal? Well, my wife was not surprised at my proposal. She told me years after our marriage that the first time she met me, and thereafter we started dating, her spirit told her she had met her husband. She merely waited till I was ready to propose and start the long walk to marriage How do you unwind? I usually unwind by listening to soft music or playing tennis.

family background? I am from Amainyi in Ihitte/Uboma Local Government Area in Imo State. My parents are the late Chief Stephen Ihekweme Chukwuocha and late Chief (Mrs.) Charity Titi Chukwuocha. I am the last child in a family of five children. What will you say of your educational background? I commenced my formal education at Amainyi Primary School, Owerri. Thereafter, I proceeded to Emmanuel College also in Owerri, where I obtained my Senior Secondary School Certificate in 1991. Subsequently, upon gaining admission, I enrolled into the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), where I obtained a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) degree in 1998. In my match towards attaining my set goal as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, I proceeded to the Nigerian Law School, where I obtained a Master’s of Laws (LL.M) degree and was called to the Nigerian Bar in 2000. How did you journey through your career to get to where you are right now?

In fulfilment of the extant laws of Nigeria, soon after completing my Master’s of Laws degree, I commenced my National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) at Obio/Akpor Local Government in Rivers State, then under the Chairmanship of the current Governor of Rivers State, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike. Thereafter, I joined the esteemed law firm of Okocha & Okocha, Manuchim Chambers, belonging to the past president of the Nigerian Bar Association, O.C.J. Okocha (SAN). It was at Manuchim Chambers that I honed my skills, especially in commercial litigation. In 2005, I joined the law firm of Uche Nwokedi & Co, SAN. Having acquired extensive knowledge of commercial practice, including alternative dispute resolution, I represented a number of oil and gas companies at commercial arbitrations in the United Kingdom, including the London Court of International Arbitration. In 2008, I joined the prestigious law firm of Messrs Udo Udoma & Belo-Osagie, and having risen to the position of a Senior Associate, I left to found RichardDenning Legal Practitioners. I have not looked back since then, as it has been one success story

Do you have any hobby? My hobby is playing tennis. I spend a lot of my free time playing tennis, particularly the table tennis. I started learning to play tennis when I was 13 years old. Due to the fact that my parents, including the parents of my age mates, believed that playing tennis was a waste of precious time, they refused to provide us with tennis table. Consequently, we would join long seats and use them as tennis table. It was fun and exciting. How I look back on those happy-go-lucky days with ample nostalgia. I enjoy other things than tennis, reading and listening to music. What is your favourite meal? It may sound strange but I do not have a favourite food. I don’t have a food that I would eat every day for the rest of my life, if I could only choose one thing. That doesn’t exist for me. I like any food that tastes good. Your best perfume is what? I like quality perfumes. Being fashionable by nature, I enjoy identifying with them most of the time. What type of jewellery do you wear? I have an affinity for pretty stones and metals. The need for jewellery, you will agree with me, is synonymous with a need for nature’s beauty.




Lawyers to EFCC: Stop harassing Akpobolokemi’s counsel A Group under the auspices of Concerned Lawyers has raised the alarm over what they described as constant intimidation of the counsel to a former Director General of the National Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Mr. Patrick Akpobolokemi, noting that, the agency should be called to order. It also noted that the trend if not stopped, would gravely undermine the position of the judiciary as the last hope of the common man. The group further urged the commission to embrace the acceptable rules guiding prosecution of cases at the law court and avoid employing methods alien to the rule of law. A statement by its spokesperson Mr. Hanacho Alogie, maintained that these actions smack of attempts to victimize judges who cannot say anything in their own defense publicly, and the victimization of the judiciary is an affront to justice and equity. It further said that the trend is a deliberate attempt to pronounce Akpobolokemi guilty without establishing the allega-

tions leveled against him. His words: ‘’Since the commencement of this case last year, we have watched with keen interest the peculiar manner with which the EFCC is going about the prosecution of Akpoblokemi. While we are not biased about any attempt at probing any alleged misconduct by public servants, we are deeply concerned about the exceptionality of the modus operandi employed in this matter without recourse to the rule of law and the sanctimonious place of the judiciary., ‘’As an arm of government, the independence of this sacred institution should not be a subject of debate any day. But we are taken aback by the calculated attempt by the EFCC to harass, intimidate and subdue the lawyers representing Mr. Patrick Akpoblokemi in this case. As a law abiding citizen conversant with his rights as enshrined in the 1999 constitution, Akpobolokemi did not hide his readiness to fully cooperate with the commission regarding the investigations, but it comes surprising that he is being treated unfairly and his rights violated as well.

Wike: Why APC is desperate to win rerun Emmanuel Masha PORT HARCOURT


overnor of Rivers State, Barr. Nyesom Wike, has alleged that the state chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC) is desperate to win the March 19 rerun state and National Assemblies polls, because it wants to primarily control the majority in the House and impeach him. He described the coming polls as the true test of democracy because the election, which takes place in the state’s three senatorial districts, will prove whether or not the APC was rigged in the last general election in line with the party’s claim. Wike, however, said that the state is fully controlled by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and that the party’s leadership remains certain that no amount of intimidation or arrest of members can suddenly make the state to be controlled by the APC. The governor, who spoke on a radio programme in Port Harcourt yesterday, also said that the APC equally wants to control

the three senatorial districts, and that the party’s leadership was depending on the arrest of PDP candidates before the election to actualise its objectives. Wike, however said that he is not the kind of governor that sits in the office and pretends that the APC was joking, and does not want to execute its plot at all cost. He reiterated his earlier call to the PDP candidates in the coming polls not to allow themselves to be arrested by officers of the Department for State Security (DSS) over petitions written by APC members, stressing that, such arrest were part of the party’s rigging plan. The governor said: “As I speak to you, they have moved to the director of DSS, giving him a list of those to arrest and intimidate. So, I went to the director of DSS and said enough is enough, PDP leaders will report after the election. The governor, who said that he intercepted the message of one of the senatorial candidates of the APC that he cannot win without the support of the military,

vowed that the people of the state will not allow anybody to hijack their mandate in the coming polls, and maintained his earlier threat that whoever attempts such will be treated like an armed robbery. Wike said that he should be lauded by the APC for insisting on credible election by saying that riggers will be treated like armed robbers, and not be condemned, because election is a test of popularity among candidates, and not an opportunity to display lawlessness. He noted that, people did not see anything wrong when President Buhari said that blood would flow if election was rigged, but picked fault when he (Wike) said that rigging will be resisted. He added: “APC has a strategy - they give fake information to their hierarchy... because they want to win the three senatorial seats. But can they really win with what we have on ground? Is it possible that they win at all cost and impeach me?”

The governor also commented on the recent killings in Yeghe and Bori communities, noting that, as the main sponsor of the operation of security forces in the state, he supports the fight against criminality, but was totally against where innocent people are killed while targeting one suspected criminal. He said: “I did not say the military should not fight militants and criminals. What I am saying is that if you are looking for one criminal, innocent people must not die. “ I went to the mortuary and saw dead bodies. I am the one funding most of the security operations in the state... We are worried that innocent people were killed in Ogoni.” According to the governor, ex-militants who have embraced peace, and have not been convicted by any court should not be labelled as criminals, citing the example of President Jacob Zuma, who rose as an enforcer for the Africa National Congress (ANC) to lead South Africa.

They killed my daughter for ritual, cries Police Inspector Abubakar Abdul BIRNIN KEBBI


o the family of Inspector Danladi Kode, December 15, 2015 was a sad day being the last time their daughter, Sararaya (26) was seen alive. For the following 50 days, they made vain search for her until she was discovered to have been killed for ritual. Kode, who serves as a police officer in Rijau, Niger State is a native of Zuru Local Government in Kebbi State. He said at his residence in Rijau, that Sararaya was killed in cold blood by a three-man gang of suspected ritualists who dumped her body in a well at Sanga area of the local government. Upon recovery of her body from the well, police detectives discovered that her two breasts and private part had been severed. He said that the deceased, a holder of Ordinary National Diploma in Accounting from Sokoto Polytechnic, was murdered for ritual purpose on December 15, 2015. “My daughter was murdered and dumped in a well in an uncompleted building in Zanga Area in Zuru Local Government” he lamented. He explained further that the police interrogated the prime suspect, identified as Hassan. He allegedly confessed that the nefarious act was perpetrated by him and two others, one Rabiu and Diri from Zuru, the latter being a businessman. Inspector Danladi explained that they became suspicious that day when Sararaya did not return home as at midnight.

Her sister, Naomi who sent her on errand raised the alarm, and rushed to the Zuru Police Station to report the case. “It was my senior daughter who was doing business with Rabiu that sent the late Sararaya to him to collect money for some cloths from Rabiu who is said to be the brain behind my daughter’s murder,” he lamented. Inspector Danladi, who wept uncontrollably while discussing with our correspondent, said Sararaya was a promising lady, lovable and very caring, whose death should not be left without thorough investigation. “It is not an easy thing to train a child to age 26, only for her to be killed and buried after ritual. I want to appeal to InspectorGeneral of Police to intervene in the matter

to ensure that we get justice. The killers must not go unpunished,” he said. Speaking to newsmen, a friend of late Saraya, who saw her briefly before the murder, Rashida Bello, said that after the business transaction the deceased had planned to return home at about 9pm when the prime suspect, Hassan, allegedly offered her a ride to Rijau. “She visited me around 8pm. I now querried her about where she was coming from that night, especially since she did not even inform me before coming, and the deceased replied that it was her senior sister that sent her to collect money from Alhaji Rabiu. She said that was where she saw somebody that promised to marry her and assured her to buy her some cloths from Alhaji’s

shop,” she said. Rashida said that the prime suspect called her on phone that night to accompany her friend. On getting there, she said they left them at the park where they were waiting for a friend of the suspect to come and take her. Also responding, the senior sister to the late Sararaya, Naomi Kode, who sent her on errand explained that she had been doing business with Alhaji for more than 10 years and never knew that the man is a member of ritualist group. “I called her around 6pm to confirm that he gave her the money and later she told me that Alhaji only gave her N170,000 out of N300,000 and asked her to wait till evening that people were too many. That he would complete the money for her and since then they could not get her on phone again,” she lamented. Inspector Kode expressed worry over the fact that the principal suspect, Alhaji Rabiu, and one of his alleged accomplices were said to have been granted bail by the police, while the other suspect was still in detention. Meanwhile, the body of the young lady has been released to her family after autopsy was conducted by the police. She has since been buried by the family. Commissioner of Police in the state, Mr. Yakubu Jubril, confirmed that the matter was being investigated by Homicide Detectives and assured that justice would be done at the completion of the investigations.




The Sunday Interview

Nigeria is in emergency ward p.17

Nigeria got power sector privatisation wrong –Otis Anyaeji p.18, 19

Mr. President, own up to the reality p.38

Politics The ‘impeachment’ of the Speaker of Kogi State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Momoh Jimoh Lawal, by five legislators out of 25 is one curious action which has turned the state into a theatre of absurd writes MUHAMMAD BASHIR

Biyi Adegoroye Assistant Editor © Daily Telegraph Publishing

Company Limited

Kogi Assembly’s theatre of absurd


he circumstances that led to the emergence of Kogi State Governor, Alhaji Yahaya Bello, can be said to have been put aside in the main, hoping that the issue will be resolved very soon by the court of law. While the nation awaits the resolution of the lacuna created by the death of Prince Abubakar Audu before the conclusion of the election, the state’s legislature has put the Confluence State in a negative light with the ongoing leadership imbroglio among the third tier of government, lawmakers elected to churn out laws that will protect the interests of the people of the state. The Kogi State House of Assembly has now become the epicenter of a drama, where five members impeached a speaker against the wish of 20 other members. Two months ago, some members of the State House of Assembly, led by member presenting Ogori/Magongo State Constituency, Hon. Godwin Osuyi, announced the impeachment of the incumbent Speaker, Rt. Hon. Momoh Jimoh Lawal and was replaced by the same Hon. Osuyi. However, the move met a brick wall, when some signatories to the impeachment notice declined involvement in the move. Hon. Umar Ahmed Imam, was the first to raise the alarm that his signature was forged and therefore, distanced himself from the impeachment move. The State Governor Yahaya Bello, who initially called the two factions to a meeting with the aim of brokering peace could not resolve the crises. He eventually asked the embattled Speaker, Hon. Jimoh, who incidentally comes his (Bello), local government, to resign on moral grounds and hand over to neutral member, who is a member of his APC minority in the House, Hon. Umar Ahmed Imam. The APC in the House is a minority with 11 members while the PDP is the majority with 14 members. The APC membership was further depleted by the Appeal Court which sacked three members and called for a fresh elections. Eventually two of them were returned in the February 20 rerun election and while the third member from Ofu Local Government Area, Hon. Idakwo was barred by the court from participating in the rerun. This brought number of the APC lawmakers to nine. But after the PDP lawmakers after giving nod to the demand of the governor, were said to have been summoned by the PDP national leadership. Sunday Telegraph gathered that the PDP leadership cautioned its members and discussed the implications of the ongoing case in the court. The PDP is challenging the emergence of Alhaji Yahaya Bello as governor, stating that





the members must maintain status quo and the Jimoh must remain the Speaker as he will likely emerge as the acting governor of the state, should the court sack Bello and call for a fresh governorship election in the state. The caution emanating from the PDP leadership eventually made the PDP legislators to subsequently mend fences and drove back to Lokoja, the state capital, insisting that, since PDP is still in the majority in the House, Hon. Lawal must remain the Speaker. After a lull for some days, another high level of impunity reared its head last month, as five member of the state Assembly sat in an office in the State Assembly Complex, impeached the Speaker Lawal for the second time and subsequently declared Hon. Umar Ahmed Alfa from Lokoja 1 Constituency also from the minority APC the new Speaker. However, the newly ‘elected’ Majority Leader, Hon. Friday Sanni

Makama, while addressing journalists, claimed that 15 members of the Assembly signed the impeachment. Meanwhile, there was a mild drama, when journalists moved to the embattled Speaker Lawal’s residence to hear his own side. They met virtually all the members who were said to have signed the impeachment letter right inside the sitting room of the embattled Speaker. The members subsequently passed a vote of confidence on the Speaker and insisted that there was never any move to impeach him. According to them, the signatures were forged by super imposition, wondering how five members could upstage 15 members in the House. Governor Bello, who was said to have been neck-deep in the whole CONTINUED ON PAGE 16




New party will emerge, says Anigbata With the recent development in PDP in Anambra State, what would is your take on its survival amidst stiff competition with other political parties in the state? Well the only thing good about the development was that the problem of our party in the state has been laid to rest by the recent Supreme Court verdict any other thing is playing to the gallery. What is left for us as a party was to reconcile and come together to forge ahead. The Supreme Court had also given their judgment in Anambra Central rerun election, but it appears INEC does not want to obey the court verdict, is this development healthy to our democracy? I read in the papers where Senator Andy Ubah’s group through their lawyer, Dr. Onyechi Ikpeazu has gone for the interpretation of the Supreme Court judgment. I also read in papers where the Chris Ubah-led beneficiaries were accusing Onyechi Ikpeazu consortium of lawyers of applying delay tactics to frustrate the issuance of certificate of return to them. I want to say that Dr. Ikpeazu has no hand in the issuance of certificate of return under normal circumstance. It is sole responsibility of the Independent National Electoral Commission, but it might not be so in this case. Am not a lawyer but I know that in this case the issue of the issuance of certificate of return and its interpretation should be decided by the Supreme Court and INEC because the Supreme Court did not mention anything outside the matter concerning the leadership of the party, so that where there are ambiguities, they should be able to clear it to take the position of the law. The decision on whose right it was to issue certificate of return in this case rests on the INEC not the Supreme Court. INEC disqualified PDP from taking part in the March 5 Anambra Central rerun Senatorial election. As a PDP stakeholders in the state how do you feel? You see, in Nigeria a lot of things go wrong with the judiciary with its attendant abuses. Will it not surprise you that the recent Supreme Court judgment has shown that the Appeal Court has been a disappointment and that the people have also lost confidence in the Appellate Court? I want to call on the Nigerian Judicial Council to recall the recent political party cases in all the Appeal Court in Nigeria starting from the councilor ship to the Presidency to the Supreme Court for a review. It is very sad and shocking that cases decided at the Appeal Court are being rejected at the Apex Court. It is a slight on judiciary and I call on the Chief Justice of Nigeria to appoint new judges who are incorruptible, and have also proved to be certified in character and learning to man the appellate courts. So do you share the same view with Mr. President who said the judiciary is his problem, what do you make out its effect on Nigerians? Judiciary is not only a problem to Mr. President, but to the whole country. Judiciary in Nigeria is no longer the last hope of any man let alone talking of the common man. Where in this world except Nigeria that cases last for over 20 years without an end in sight? A total over-

Chief Victor Ikechukwu Anigbata was a Peoples Democratic Party governorship candidate in 2011 general elections and a chieftain of the party in Anambra State. In this interview with OKEGWO KENECHUKWU, he speaks on the current PDP intra party problem, the Independent National Electoral Commission and the anti-corruption crusade of the President Muhammadu Buhari-led government of whose ox is gored, otherwise he will fail. And let me warn that if Buhari does not confront the leaders starting from him, then he becomes a coward. I also want to state that Nigerians believe that all the money used in sponsoring his election is itself corrupt, but his ability to say yes it is also corrupt makes him different from others. He should become courageous enough to own-up and to take such brave stance, otherwise he would end up a coward. It appears you’re done with politics. Are you no longer interested to serve your people? Am ever ready to serve my people, my political interest is to serve my people and the nation in general.


hauling of judiciary system in Nigeria is a must; it is not negotiable if this country will survive. The anti- corruption war of the present administration will not succeed if the judiciary remains the same, because it will also be business as usual. I make bold to say without any contradiction that the corruption in judiciary is more than the one in executive. The anti-corruption crusade is not for Mr. President alone but for the survival of this nation and as such the only thing that would save Nigeria. Once corruption stops, our economy will improve and what belongs to the public will now be for the public instead of in the individual hands. Nigeria should give Buhari their moral and spiritual support, because Buhari is not witch-hunting anybody as envisaged in some quarters, however, there should be no secret cow. It is also not in doubt that 99 per cent of all those who have ruled Nigeria since the end of civil war in 1970 are themselves corrupt to the bone marrow. So Buhari should extend the anti-corruption war to all frontiers, irrespective

What would you make out of 16 years of PDP leadership as stakeholder? Well there are a lot of gains if you compare the 16 years of democratic leadership under PDP and the over 30 years of the military dictatorship in Nigeria. You will agree with me that leadership is not a straight jacket. What makes a good or bad leader is his or her ability to meet people on the point of their needs and to do that in the best interest of the nation. From your own assessment as a stakeholder of the PDP, is Buhari the Messiah or are we still waiting for another? I am seeing Buhari as person and not as an APC leader. He as a person, I think has the best intent than anybody who has led this country in the past, going by his antecedents. He may have quite different agenda with the APC, but what we all should know is that both members of the APC are former members of the PDP. So it is just like an old wine in a new bottle. They share in the same corruption if there is any, and whatever they thought they could bring in to make a change in APC is what they couldn’t do when they are in PDP. So it is likened to an Igbo adage which says that when a prostitute changes location, she becomes a virgin, but no matter how many times she changes location she remains a prostitute. So my prayer is that God will give Buhari the wisdom and strength to save Nigeria from the present socio-economic instability and cultural woes. Would you still want to remain in PDP in your next outing? Well, I am waiting. It is the system and music played by the band, they say determines the dancing steps. I have the strong believe that PDP will come back because I earlier told you that APC is still PDP. However, I expect a strong mega party that would spring up to swallow both the PDP and APC.

Kogi Assembly’s theatre of absurd C O N T I N U E D F R O M PA G E 1 5

crisis, is said to have insisted that his party (APC) must be leader of the State Assembly. In a commando style, all security aides and vehicles attached to the embattled Speaker were withdrawn that same day of the alleged impeachment. But Bello denied involvements in the ongoing leadership crisis in the state legislative arm. The governor in a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media, Mr. Abdulmalik Abdulkarim, said the governor has never interfered in the affairs of the State Assembly. “Our attention has been drawn to the spurious allegations by some group of legislators in the legislative arm of Kogi State to the effect that the governor was the person stoking crisis in the Assembly. “To drag the name of the governor into the crises in the Kogi State House of Assembly is in the least uncharitable. The crises in the House predate the administration in the state.” The governor in the statement recalled that before he took over government, the State As-

sembly crises had assumed a violent dimension when vehicles belonging to the different caucuses in the House were vandalised. The 15 members, led by the embattled Speaker, in a way expressing their dissatisfaction, relocated to Abuja and submitted a petition to the leadership of the National Assembly, a development that compelled the assembly to set up a 10- man committee led by Hon. Parry Iriase. The committee, which immediately swung into action, paid a working to Governor Bello, with a charge that the status quo ante in the State Assembly leadership must remain, pending the outcome of their findings. But the governor again affirmed that he has no hand in the legislative crises. He said he remained on the side of the truth. When the committee visited the Assembly to meet the two factions, it could only meet with the 15 aggrieved members including the embattled Speaker, Lawal, while other five members who hatched the controversial impeachment did not show up until the committee returned to Abuja.

Meanwhile, in the ensuing melee, two out of the 15 aggrieved members in Lawal’s camp, we’re said to have made a u-turn and joined the five members purportedly enjoying the support of the executive. In what appeared to be an anti-clockwise movement, three new members, (two from the APC and one from the PDP),having secured their certificate of return in the February Assembly rerun election last week Wednesday, drove to the Assembly and were inaugurated by the pseudo Speaker, Alfa. Going by this development, the number of the Hon. Alfa’s faction in the house has increased from five to 10, while that of Lawal’s is reduced from 15 to 13. Speaking on the issue, Lagos-based lawyer, Mr. Jiti Ogunye said what is happening in Kogi State amounts to political madness. He said “Though the Speaker of the State House of Assembly was elected by a simple majority, the Constitution states very clearly that he can only be removed by a two-third majority.” He noted that several judgments of the courts attest to that, but “our politicians

take delight in desecrating the laws and the Constitution. It is impossible for a miserable minority, backed perhaps by the executive and the police to take over the House of Assembly and announce the impeachment of its leadership.” Ogunye added that such action amounts to political gangsterism and it is not tenable in law. “I am waiting for the day when some politicians will be taught a great lesson by the courts. Democracy cannot thrive in this manner,” he said. From all indications, the battle is for the soul of Kogi, borne out of the political war between the PDP and APC. It is a fallout of the last governorship election and a scheme for an alternate plan should the election of Bello be nullified. In the emerging scenario, the stage is set for the outcome of the National Assembly committee’s report to determine the next line of action- whether to stance of the provisions of the Constitution will be upheld or the pendulum will be swung in favour of the ruling APC in the state.




Hon. Zakari Mohammed is Chairman House Committee on Basic Education Services and Chairman House of Representatives Ad-Hoc Committee on Investigation of Oil Swap Agreement. At a recent meeting with newsmen in Ilorin, Kwara State, Zakari, who represents Baruten/Kaima Federal Constituency of the state, took time to highlight some activities of the two committees as they relate to the 2016 budget and other issues related to them. BIODUN OYELEYE brings the excerpt How far has your committee gone in the probe of oil swap deals by the previous government? In the month of January a colleague of ours brought up a motion on the alleged misconduct in the handling of the crude oil swap. Simple; at some point Nigeria had issue in the provision of fuel for its citizenry and became cash-trapped. The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) according to the narrative we got was owing marketers and of course it must provide premium motor spirit (PMS) and other related products for the usage of Nigerians. That is when the swap arrangement came. The crude oil swap is like trade by barter arrangement. We give crude oil to marketers; they take it outside Nigeria and return it as a refined product. Worldwide it is not a misnomer. Countries do it when there are issues. The other alternative is what they call crude in exchange of refined products. At any rate they adopted the oil swap and there were a lot of anomalies. One of the companies was called Duke Oil, a subsidiary of NNP got the contract to do swap and it used to collect 445,000 barrels of crude oil daily. The company believed that it did not have the technical capacity to handle such a transaction and it decided to involve some other marketers. At some point it was going on very well. Between 2012 and 2014 the agreement expired; and when the agreement expired the same thing to do it to renew it. We discovered that between those periods crude of Nigeria was taken away without a valid agreement. Even though they said that they had written to the then Petroleum Minister for the approval of either the President or the Federal Executive Council, but unilaterally Dizeani AlisonMadueke approved an extension. For now, we have interrogated former GMDs, former Petroleum Minister, former PPMC’s heads; former MDs of Duke Oil, oil marketers and the only people we have yet to take on are customs, ports authorities and Prince Haruna Mommoh who was in charge of PPMC when Dizeani AlisonMadueke was the petroleum minister. We are expecting them; at least we have dispatched letters to them. With that we will be winding down so that we can compile our report. The committee has set out not to witch-hunt anybody, but where we find out that there are infractions we will definitely make sure that we recommend appropriately. So far so go we have been getting on well. We have seen the reactions

Mohammed: Nigeria is in emergency ward of Nigerians on what we will do with that. The assurances I have for them is that we have a mandate by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to investigate and expose corruption. For the purposes of investigation, the dramatis personae must make themselves available for us to interact with them to know the rationale behind certain decisions they took while in office. As we saw so far the crude oil agreement was skewed more in favour of the marketers as against Nigerians. Any how we will not say anything that is judgmental now. How would the House handle the shortfall in the education sector in the 2016 budget? There are certain sub-heads such as the Unity Schools that the meal subsidy was slashed down. We have 104 Unity Schools and of the number, we have a population of 19,000 students. The meal subsidy’s proposal should be N450 daily- that means N150 per meal amounting to over N11 billion but it was reduced to about N8 billion. The implication is that their food might be reduced to about N80 per meal. How much will N80 do with what we have today? We at the level on the Committee on Basic Education in the House of Representatives have approached the Appropriation Committee to make provisions for that shortfall. Nigerians are worried about the issues being brought up around the budget? I think some people are not doing their jobs very well. I cannot explain for them as I am not a member of the executive. But the story we heard is that civil servants were already working on the budget before ministers were appointed. When the ministers came in they brought some version and consultants engaged at some levels. The President has started taking steps to ensure that he goes into the crux of the matter. Budget is not a day’s job. It is there you will know whether certain heads are implementable or not. Padding is a relative term. For us in the parliament if a budget is brought to us we should be able to detect all these infractions. If it were the case of garbage in garbage out we wouldn’t have detected that. We want to bequeath an implementable document to Nigerians beyond our long grammar. Because a lot of things are calling for attention; the roads are in very terrible state; power supply shaky; education sector is in shambles. We definitely must make hay while the sun shines. Our case in Nigeria is like a patient in the emergency ward. He needs all the consultants available to revive him. What gave the NASS the boldness to expose this anomaly in the budget based on the fact that the ruling party also has the majority in the assembly? Our parties are vehicles for us to get to the National Assembly. When you get into the National Assembly your people are more paramount than the parties and there is a country called Nigeria. For us we believe that we are a separate arm of government. When we see things that are not right we point them out, because keeping quiet would be a conspiracy of silence that would not help anybody. For instance, I don’t think the president will be happy if he eventually knows that certain things have taken place and we allowed them to go without raising eyebrows. It is not an effrontery we are just doing our jobs. NASS has three responsibilities of representation, over sight and the budget and of course the


budget is our core responsibility. If we fail to do that we will be failing in one of our responsibilities. I can tell that the NASS is a very liberal body. Unlike what people think, we have people who had paid their dues in their different endeavours before going to the National Assembly. Recalling each time there is interruption of the democratic setting it is the legislature that is the whipping boy. The judiciary will be there; the powers of the executive and the legislature would be fused together by the military heads. The only representation that you have is the legislature. In the executive the people only elect the President and Vice President; others are appointees, who owe no allegiance to the people. How would the House handle the Kogi Assembly matter now? Kogi Assembly is a-25 member House. Five members have gone to revalidate their terms as they have issues in the court. So we have 20 members; five members sat and said they have sacked the speaker. Fifteen others are in the same place. I don’t want to dwell on technicalities. I am a member of the committee of the House of Assembly that went to Kogi State last week Thursday. We met with the Governor, Commissioner of Police, Director of DSS and the 15 members, but of course the other five refused to meet with us. But the Nigerian Constitution is very clear, Section 11 (4) says when a state House of Assembly cannot sit for whatsoever reasons, the House of Representatives is empowered to take over the responsibilities pending the time the house can sit and make laws. Kogi State House of Assembly has not sat for three or four weeks and it is very obvious from our interaction that they are not ready to sit. And we cannot keep governance static. I heard some people went to court. I think some lawyers too, I sorry to say, don’t un-

derstand the provisions of the Constitutions. I watched one of their lawyers on television and I am totally disappointed. The lawyer even went further to say they stop the House of Reps from exercising their constitutional responsibility. I see that as a huge joke. One thing that is clear without any iota of ambiguity is that the NASS has the powers to take over the functions of the State House of Assembly. We did that in the Seventh Assembly by taking over the Rivers State House of Assembly when a similar scenario happened. I appeal to elected representatives to be accountable to our people. Like I told them that we should leave the election mood and face governance. The fact that APC has not issued a statement should not be mistaken that the party is not ready for governance. May be the party wants the forces to play themselves our naturally. We are running fiscal federalism and Kogi State is an integral part of the country. The Supreme Court has thrown up questions about the use of card readers for elections; what would our legislators do? What we are going to do is to amend the Electoral Act to include card readers. I think that is what the Supreme Court is saying. They are talking law but you and I know that card reader was able to curb election violence to a greater extent. The Evidence Law we are using in Nigeria till about three years ago was the one of 1930s. Until we amended it in the last assembly; the law was saying electronic evidences are not admissible in court. But we changed that in the last assembly saying that electronic evidences are admissible. Card readers for me, is where the world is going. It is an issue for academic exercise. I think the judges want it in black and white that for the purposes of elections in Nigeria card readers should be used.



The Sunday Interview


Nigeria got power sector privatisation wrong, says Otis Anyaeji Long before the Federal Government decided to privatise its power sector; President of the Nigeria Society of Engineers, Otis Anyaeji, had been a key player in the industry. In this interview with ONWUKA NZESHI, he reveals how the bureaucrats in the last administration misconstrued the advocacy for private sector participation and handed over multi-billion dollar power assets to cronies who had neither the technical capacity nor the financial muscle to take charge of the power sector A lot of controversies have been trailing the recent increase in electricity tariff across the country and many have faulted the decision as well as its timing. Don’t you think that electricity supply ought to have been improved before tariffs are raised? It is a case of chicken or egg which one comes first? But you will find that the electricity supply industry is a kind of utility business that really is vested with public interest. That is why there is regulation so that the regulator on behalf of the government can stand at the gate of commerce between the provider and the consumer to make sure that there is fairness. Usually, the first consideration of the regulator in trying to fix the tariffs is to make sure that the service provider makes sufficient money to cover what he has invested and also have some surplus that will encourage him to continue to invest and sustain that business. That is usually the first principle of such public utility regulation and this issue ought to have been sorted out ab initio. In other words, when you want to create a power market, you must ensure that the tariffs are cost reflective because if they are not, the people who are in that business cannot continue to sustain the operations of such business. So it is not really fair to begin to say let the thing be steady before you begin to charge the appropriate tariff because if the people don’t charge appropriately, they will be losing money and if they are losing money, they cannot continue. It’s like any other business. For instance, if somebody is baking bread and he has to sell the bread to realise less than the amount he or she puts into the baking, in no time the business will fold up. The people doing this business of electricity supply - either distributing it, transmitting it or generating it- have some heavy hardware cost they have to deal with and it is not just in the holding cost but even in the operating cost. If a turbine were to break down, you have to change the blades of the turbines because perhaps, there is so much impurities getting into the blade and then the blade fails and you have to fix them. It costs quite a lot of money. How do you then justify tariff increase without improvement in power supply? Well, changes can come in various forms but the change I believe that people desire is a change where people are doing this business of power supply and earning returns on that such that they continue to do that business. But it really hasn’t been that because the way we pursued the privatisation was a bit narrow-minded and hasty. Of course, at that time, we had the so-called Economic Management Team that operated on the basis of only their own opinion that mattered and any solution they proffered to any prob-


lem was the only thing and the last word to the problem. We went about privatisation in a manner to push government out of business. That was a very wrong move because even in the United States of America, government is still involved in the power sector. Even the regulator there for the transmission side of things, gas and hydro is under the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The government owned power entities are exempted from their regulation. So it is wrong to say that government should not be involved here. The kind of privatisation we should have had is the one where government is forced to try some decentralisation of the facilities under its charge and then encourage private hands to build new facilities in addition to what exist. But some people came and psyched up everybody and even got the media to begin to support that government should get out of everything. Such things were just said for the benefit of those people saying it and a few other persons, because in the United States of America, the government generates till today about 250,000 mega watts. America as a whole generates about one million mega watts of electricity. The private sector generates about 750, 000 mega watts but the government, including the state, municipal and counties collectively generate about 250,000 mega watts. Nigeria is struggling with merely 5,000 mega watts and then you say government should get out of it. This is a country where government is the biggest ‘businessman.’ Government doesn’t want to get out of doing business in oil and gas; they get the biggest stakes in the oil business. Meanwhile, you have a near non-existence private sector but you are saying that they are the ones that should take charge. So, that was the mistake the government or the country made-wrong choice! The government ought to have continued managing the facilities they had but if it appoints some persons to run a facility, it should hold such persons accountable. In addition, government ought to encourage the private sector to play its part. Before now, the power sector was a monopoly run by the government but when the reforms came, it allowed other people to come in but then there was that mistake of tying everything to what existed which is the installed capacity of about 600,000 mega watts.

Yes, we got it wrong completely. Let me give you another dimension of the mistake, but it’s not really the end of the world. In generation, the plants have been given out, but even if the government decides today to build new power plants as they have been doing, they have privatized the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) plants. They completed the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP) plants and they have started also the process of privatising them and they want to go into another phase of building another set of power plants that might be based on hydro and other sources of energy. This is what should have been happening and it ought to continue to happen. There is a hydro-power plant coming up in Zungeru, Niger State; there is another 250 megawatts power plant in Kaduna and there is also the Mambilla hydro-power plant in Taraba State. When they complete all these projects, they can privatise them but that doesn’t mean outright sale. Privatisation could be by management contract, leases or Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis. As for transmission, the Federal Government gave the Transmission Company of Nigeria to Manitoba on management contract but it is still the owner of the facility. However, in power distribution, which is where it matters most because they bring power to our homes, we went ahead to sell all the facilities and also sold the territories to the same people. It is wrong. Look at what happened in the Enugu distribution axis. Somebody who was building a power plant in Aba and part of the arrangement was to also have some distribution franchise for Aba and its environs. It has now become a big issue because the people who bought the Enugu Electricity Distribution Company claimed that Aba is part of their territory and they will not allow any other firm to participate in power distribution there. It tingles the ear to hear that a government used its own hand to sell off territories under its control to people in the name of privatisation. It is just completely unacceptable. They should have privatised the facility themselves but not give that type of exclusivity to the territories because there is still a lot more to do in that distribution end. We are not quite connected up to 50 per cent of the territory.

You’ve just said that the Federal Government got our privatisation of the power sector wrong; how do we get out of this mistake or are we going to live with it?

Why are investors in the generation and distribution companies complaining of lack of funds to run the enterprises sold to them?


The people who went into these businesses are all lamenting that when they were bidding for these companies, they did not have access to what exactly they were purchasing because the PHCN unions would not allow them go in at the time. Of course what was more important to government at the time were the schedules and timelines they set to accomplish these things instead of making sure that these people had full access, full disclosure and full understanding of what was in the facilities they are taking over. That didn’t happen and so there were assumptions. The bids and proposals made were based on assumptions which at the end of the day when they now had access to these places; they found that the situation wasn’t what they thought it was. If somebody is involved in this type of transaction, it becomes a bit tricky to at the same time begin to talk about further investments. They now have the issue of non cost-reflective tariff; they probably thought that the loses were at a certain level but have found out that the loses are even much more. Even the proposals for reducing these loses are no longer feasible. If you produce 100 mega watts and you are losing 40 mega watts, it is a loss because you can’t earn that quantum of money. So that is the situation on ground. There was no due diligence in the transaction because of accessibility constraint as at the time the privatisation exercise was conducted. Aside from these factors you have highlighted, what in your opinion, is the biggest flaw in the power sector reform? Well, the reform somehow has many flaws. The most fundamental in terms of the regulation, the reform packaged the entire entity under one body, the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) and you really can find a parallel to that so easily because if you ask anybody in that community what they would tell you is that the commission is like the American FERC. However, it is not so. The FERC in the US is regulating energy while NERC is regulating electricity. The FERC scope covers what you call inter-state commerce which consists of transmission, gas, electricity and they have responsibility for hydro and nuclear power but the other conventional types of power are regulated by the state while the distribution is regulated by local governments. In fact, regulation in America is done by thousands of entities because they have thousands of local governments and these are the ones that regulate the distribution. They have 50 states and they are involved in one way or the other. For instance, if you want to build a thermal power plant, gasbased power plant, coal based power plant or something like that, it is the state that regulates that and of course the environmental aspect is regulated by the environmental regulatory agency. But here we bundled all these things under one office and the way the enabling law was made it says that all those who want to be commissioners in that commission should be person that have experience in generation, transmission, power system operation, distribution and marketing. Then it says of course, somebody with experience in law, management, economics, finance or something like that. These are two tiers of commissionership over there, they to run the commission and there is no department for generation, there no department for transmission, no department for power system operation and no department for marketing and distribution rather you will be hearing things like the department for management, legal, licensing and all those kind of things that just bring confusion to the whole business of regulating the electricity supply industry. This mistake has been repeated over and over again. I don’t get it; electricity is about electrical engineering and I don’t know how anybody can dispute that fact. Production of electricity is pure electrical engineering and you want to get electrical engineering from lawyers, economists and accountants? That is just not possible.

The Sunday Interview The same commission also has the responsibility for the strategic development of the industry. How can somebody who is not grounded in this electrical engineering business dream dreams in it? How can you see vision in what you don’t know? When you are leading a sector, you lead by visioning. The entire business of strategy is founded on visioning. There is no way a lawyer can dream dreams better than an electrical engineer in the electric power supply industry. It is not possible. Going by the structure of the commission and the calibre of persons currently running it, what are the chances of Nigeria getting out of the woods? As it is today, Nigeria needs more than 50,000 mega watts of electricity to make any headway. Studies have also shown that by around 2017 or 2020, we should be talking about 180,000 mega watts. We don’t have anything near that; we have maybe about 12,000 mega watts in terms of installed capacity but you can’t wheel more than 5,000 megawatts in the transmission grid. So there is just no way out. The people who have been running this game can’t see all these and they don’t want to see. You have just touched on the neglect of Nigerian engineers in a sector where they ought to be in charge, as the President of the Nigeria Society of Engineers (NSE) what is your vision towards ensuring that Nigerian engineers are fully involved in the power sector? We have been trying to engage government at the highest level. We have seen the Vice President to complain to him about this insufficient number of engineers in the policy space in Nigeria. We complained to the government that in America for example, the government there has just 15 ministries but they have 225 ministers. Here we have 26 ministries and we have 36 ministers and usually the ministers are people who don’t know where they are sent to. In the US, they have 15 cabinet secretaries or maybe 19 because in defence alone and they have four cabinet secretaries who are equivalents of full ministers. There is a secretary for the Army, Air Force, Navy and then under each of these secretaries has under secretaries, deputy secretaries and assistant secretaries who are appointed the way the secretaries are appointed. They are nominated to the Senate, relevant Senate Committees screen them before they are given clearance for appointment. But here you take one person and make him or her a minister and almost by definition, he does not know where he is going to because when such a ministerial nominee is being screened by the Senate, the lawmakers don’t even know where such a person is going to serve as a minister. So, tell me how you can interview somebody who you don’t know the job he is going to do? It is a conspiracy to mismanage the entire economy to the highest levels. With this scenario playing out in the power sector at the moment, is there any possibility of attracting additional investments to the sector? The NIPP power plants were sold almost two year ago but because of gas issues, commercial issues, tariffs and the rest of them the people who bought them have not paid. People bided and won eight of the plants which the Federal Government put up for sale. The gas piping issue is still there and because of the commercial implications, there is a stalemate. An oil company cannot just go and begin to develop a well if it doesn’t know who is getting what it wants to produce and what it stands to get. During the military regime, maybe the army could browbeat the people and of course see how to possibly get the money from other ways and put the pipeline and supply to wherever, and if anything happens they just leave it there. But in a civilian regime, you can’t do that. The man wants to know who is buy-

ing the gas and at what rate. An investor would want to know if he is going to make some profit from the venture before he starts to develop the well. If you go and develop the well when nobody needs the gas, what does that mean? You just spent money to do a big toy. What do you think we can do as a nation to find our way back on track in this sector? Well, the way to get back on track is for the government to get responsible. The type of arguments made to push privatisation at the time it was done, were really very pitiable because they were saying that the government is irresponsible and it should have nothing to do with anything that provides service for the people. Who says so? Why is there a government then? It is sort of giving license to government to be irresponsible. First of all, we have to reaffirm that government has to be responsible and in certain critical and strategic businesses, they have to be there and they have to do it responsibly. The private sector has to be there as well, doing their own thing. In a country where all the money is in the hands of the government, why would you exclude government from investing in a critical sector of the economy? You want to abandon your responsibility to the private sector that has no fund to do the big job? It just doesn’t work like that; it is the government that should even be giving money to the private sector because they collect a lot of money from taxation, from pension and from oil business. In other countries, it is such money that is apportioned to be used for developmental purposes from year to year. That is how Japan developed. So for us to really get to grips on the whole economy, you have to be disciplined, you have to first of all decide that everything we need we must produce with exception of a few maybe in certain percentages depending on the items involved. You cannot be producing five per cent of your needs and importing 95 per cent. You can’t meet up. You would have left all your people stranded, all your youth will grow up to age 18 or 50 and have never done anything in their lives How do we go into manufacturing when we do not even have something as basic as steady power supply? That is a wrong argument. When we started to industrialise as a nation, the power wasn’t there either. The power was not there and we didn’t say oh, we don’t build Ajaokuta Steel Mill, we don’t

Otis Anyaeji



build the Delta Steel because the power wasn’t there. You build and also develop power that is needed for the industries. You don’t say build the power first before you begin to build the industries. No, they all come up at the same time. In fact, you need to have a clear programme for industrialization? What is your programme for agricultural, mechanical industrialization? What is your programme for urbanization, vertical city development and all such things. You need to have them before you begin to think about what quantum of power you will need. You just mentioned one part of our industalisation that has been abandoned, the steel sector. In your view, is there still hope that the steel sector can be revived? It depends on the government. The Delta Steel Company for example can be revived if given to the Nigeria Society of Engineers. We will revive and run it effectively. We will put together the Special Purpose Vehicles ( SPVs) to run that place and you will be alarmed at the speed with which that will be done. The NSE can provide an SPV that will be professionally and commercially modeled to get that place running. However, there are infrastructural deficits around it which again are the responsibilities of the government. For the rail line to function between Itakpe and the Delta Steel complex in Aladja, the government has to fix it. It is not part of the steel business. If we need the Escravos estuary to be dredged, is it not steel business that will do that but the federal government. So, that is it and the money to do that is there. If they want, we can show them where the money is. Do you think the DISCOs under their present ownerships have what it takes to run the power supply business effectively? If they have the right tariff and the support of the financial system, they ought to be able to get the business going. Having the manpower is always a challenge to anybody who has a system to manage. It is your duty to train people to do the job. So it is matter of those amongst them who want to succeed and run sustainable organisation and those who want to cut corners and deceive themselves until their system collapses on their heads.

The Sunday Magazine

Paul Ogbuokiri & Cephas Iorhemen,



t seems to me that there is a general conspiracy of silence from the Nigerian mass media and of course security agencies concerning the terrorist invasion of Benue State and it’s adjoining states with the recent being the Agatu massacre where no fewer than 300 people including women, children and aged people were killed. “These so called herdsmen are terrorists in disguise. In my own opinion, the failed Jihadist movement of the 1890s is what I strongly believe they are set to accomplish, hence their mission, ‘Conquer them or destroy them’. There is no justifiable reason for these unprovoked attacks on our people. They just want to turn our farmlands into grazing areas and our homes into grave yards. Our mothers, fathers, sisters, wives, husbands, and children are being sacrificed on the alter of sheer sadism and inhumanity,” laments Benue State born award wining journalist and President of Benue Journalists Forum (BJF), Comrade Joseph Saater Undu. According to Undu, at 5am on Monday, February 25, came from hell, the so called herdsmen in their hundreds, well armed with AK 47 riffles and other sophisticated weapons. They left on their trail many deaths, raped and maimed victims. The burnt houses with alacrity without any challenge from security agencies. In the words of the Vice President of BJF, Comrade Godwin Anyebe, the savage and excessive killing of the people of Agatu and Logo communities in Benue State by the suspected militia (Fulani herdsmen) has destroyed the social and spiritual existence of the mainly agrarian community that whenever they return home from the refugee camps survivors have ran to, life will never be the same again for them. Also, Nigerians under the umbrella body of One Idoma Initiative have called on the Federal Government to set up a judicial commission of inquiry that will investigate the incessant killing of the people of Agatu . Led by the President of Brekete family, Ahmed Isah, the protesters converged on the popular Unity Fountain, Abuja, on Wednesday, March 2. The first stop was at the headquarters of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) where the convener of the group, Barr. Paul Edeh, stated that the agency should establish IDP camps in the affected areas. This is coming as unprecedented outpouring of empathy continue to come in to the survivors of the massacre, as the human race express dismay at the level of bestiality and utter barbarism displayed by supposedly humans against their fellow humans without any provocation. President Buhari has been called upon to intervene. The President, on Wednesday, issued a directive that a panel of Investigation into the Fulani attacks on the villagers be established and announced the establishment of an inter-agency security team to forestall further attacks. Meanwhile, an attempt by Sunday Telegraph early in the week to enter the community was unsuccessful as it became obvious that only natives of Agatu and people who can perfectly understand the Agatu language would find it easy locating the place, due to the hostilities there, which has seemingly rendered it a no-go area for even security operatives. Due to the incessant attacks, the residents are living in fear, especially upon sighting strangers. It was learnt that at Logo, the home of Governor Gabriel Suswam, the insurgents have surrounded the Ukemberagya communities where they recently killed about 30 persons. Ukemberagya is a development area which shares a border with Kente and other villages of Taraba State. A dominant farming community where yams and other agricultural produce are harvested in large scale, Logo is a commercial hub where marketers come to purchase


Agatu massacre: How herdsmen kill

various agricultural produce. The road leading to Logo, from Makurdi through Katsina-Ala and Ugba towns, is quite accessible. Sunday Telegraph learnt that the mayhem lasted for several hours. The militia invaded and opened fire on the community before residents could run for safety. It was learnt that the suspected herdsmen who unleashed the terror did not come with cows, but with sophisticated arms and ammunition as well as charms. After surrounding the community, they started shooting sporadically to wake up the residents from their sleep and gunned down any resident that attempted to escape. A survivor, Mr. Ada Ojechi, told an online news portal, Premium Times, that the Agatu massacre continues unabated despite president Buhari’s-directive. He said that the assailants engaged in physical combat with some residents that struggled to overpower them, while they macheted aged men and women. The militia also grabbed children and threw them into raging fires, they had set to several houses. Benue State Police Commissioner, Paul Yakadi, on Wednesday, said over 5,000 cows accompanied by armed Fulani herdsmen were occupying part of Agatu Local Government Area of the state. Yakadi, who led a team of police officers to assess the scene, confirmed that seven villages, including Okokolo, Aila, Adagbo, Akwu, Omikuidi, Ocholonya and Odugbeho had been completely deserted. He said, “The worrisome renewed attacks on the Agatu communities by Fulani herdsmen was as a result of the alarming influx of the herdsmen into the area through neighbouring towns of Naka in Gwer West Local Government Area of Benue State, Loco and Doma of Nasarawa State, where cattle are made to swim across the water to Agatu. The Command, which was on an assessment tour of the area few days ago to identify areas that security needed to be beefed up, discovered Fulani herdsmen armed with sophisticated weapons with their cows numbering over 5,000. “We saw a number of houses that were either burnt or destroyed and foodstuffs from these areas were looted and some were burnt. The team also discovered that the following villages -Okokolo, Aila, Adagbo, Akwu, Omikuidi, Ocholonya and Odugbeho - were deserted with no trace of persons living there while three corpses were seen in Aila and Adagbo.” Inspector General of Police, Mr. Solomon Arase has also visited the state to assess the invasion by the herdsmen so that the victims could return to their ancestral homes. While in the state, the police helmsman said the force had deployed enough policemen to end the clashes between Agatu farmers and herdsmen in Benue state. Arase spoke at a joint stakeholders meeting between some Agatu farmers and herdsmen, and noted that they had deployed additional four units of police teams to the area to arrest the situation. “I am in Benue on the directives of Mr. President on a fact- finding mission and to also see if there is a way to resolve the crisis. We have enough security officers to end the ongoing crisis between farmers and herdsmen in Agatu Local Government Area of Benue. We have also deployed additional four units of police teams in the area to arrest the situation. There is no way we can all live together without having disagreements with one another at some point; it is the way we manage the disagreements that matters. Both the farmers and herdsmen must learn

to cohabit with one another as a nation for the peace and progress of our people”. Those who spoke at the interactive session including Mr. Akpa Iduh, who decried the continued unprovoked attacks on his people by `Fulani mercenaries.’ Iduh noted that the crisis started over five decades ago, and lamented that it had recently turned into a war because of the types of weapons the herdsmen were using against them. He alleged that the `Fulani mercenaries’ were killing both children and pregnant women on sight, adding that they were powerless after embracing the Benue Amnesty Programme and surrendered illegal arms to government. “The herdsmen are bent on turning our land into their grazing area, thereby rendering us homeless and without food. Is it because we are minority and poor that they are using their numerical advantage and wealth against us? “We are going to remain in Agatu until the day they succeed in killing all of us”. Ado Boderi, who spoke on behalf of the

Fulani community, said that the crisis started as a result of killing of 10,000 cows by the Agatu people. Boderi said that though the governor quickly intervened in the crisis, activities of some criminal elements from both sides led to the escalation of the crisis. Arase after listening to the aggrieved parties, went into a closed door meeting with them and leaders of religious and traditional institutions to proffer solution to the crisis in Agatu, after which he disclosed that he had deployed additional four mobile police teams, enough to contain the crisis as further options were being considered to restore peace in the troubled area. Meanwhile, the state chairman of PDP, Dr Emmanuel Agbo, has alleged that the killings in Agatu was politically-motivated because the people of the area “overwhelmingly voted for Senator David Mark” in the last re-run senatorial election in Benue South Senatorial District. Speaking at the PDP headquarters where he led members of the state executive council on a solidarity visit to the national chair-

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Body Soul S U N D AY, M A R C H 6 , 2 0 1 6

Killer Whatchamacallit 19 26 Dress cool in hot weather 28,29

Richard Mofe Damijo helped my career –Lillian Amah-Aluko 36

Nigerians on Forbes’ latest world’s wealthiest





Contents 06.03.2016


There are ways to combat the challenge of misbehaving hair with styling or accessories




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You should wear lighter colours along with your felt hats and sunglasses when you need to step out in the sun



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Acting is my first love but my parents wanted me to have a responsible job. So I had to go into the banking industry



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Laid–back styles help you to you rock the casual look without looking sloppy



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Despite the economic crisis in Nigeria, five billionaires are said to have increased their net fortunes by N1.4tn according to Forbes magazine




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Each time he looks at the derriere of that particular nurse as she hurries in and out of his room, he feels a stirring in his groin. He smiles as blood rushes to his groin again. He is alive

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T h e Te a m Vanessa Okwara (Editor) Wole Adepoju (Snr. Correspondent) Biwom Iklaki (Correspondent) Abiola Alaba Peters Ugochukwu Nnakwe (Graphics) Edwin Usoboh (Graphics) +234 (0) 818 0515840, +234 (0) 701 110 1014,


Helen Paul

Eyitayo Aloh




StyleSta ker


Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde Sexy personified Vanessa Okwara


motola Jalade-Ekeinde popularly called ‘Omo sexy’ is one gorgeous diva. She has been on the silver screen for over two decades and is regarded as one of Nollywood legends. Omotola have broken the Nigeria internet space on several occasions with her killer curves and her fans practically drool over her curvaceous body. Even with grown up children, Omotola has maintained her amazing shape and is always on point with her unique style and hardly disappoints on the red carpet. Style stalker beams her searchlight on this Nollywood legend as she was seen looking fabulous at recent events. She looked absolutely stunning as she attended Ebony Magazine and Apple’s event celebrating black women in Hollywood. The event was held at NeueHouse Hollywood on February 27, 2016 in Los Angeles, California. For the event, Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde showed off her enviable figure in a strapless floor-length bodycon dress. She accessorized with a black neckpiece and her beauty look was flawless with bouncy curls and a red lipstain. Omotola absolutely killed this look! She equally looked divine at the premiere of ‘Suru L’ere (Patience Pays)” The romantic comedy by The Audrey Silva Company that hit the cinemas on February 12, 2016. For the event, she wore a beautiful red high-low sleeveless gown with black trimmings at the hem that accentuated her lovely figure. She matched it with a lovely gold coloured peep-toe strappy high heeled sandals. She kept her accessories minimal but had an amazing side swept curls that framed her beautiful face. Her makeup was flawless with nude lipstick.




Five Nigerians on Forbes’ Forbes magazine on March 1, 2016, revealed the latest top 10 richest billionaires in the world. Their 30th annual list features 1,810 billionaires around the world with a total net worth of almost $6.5 trillion. Microsoft founder, Bill Gates, maintained the top spot as the world’s richest person. His estimated $75 billion net worth, down from $79.2 billion last year, gave him the number one position for the 17th time in the last 22 years, Forbes said. In the 30 years Forbes has tracked global wealth, only five people have held the title of the richest person on planet. Three of those, including Warren Buffett and Carlos Slim, still rank among the four richest in the world. Holding steady is Buffett at No. 3. Zara’s Amancio Ortega moves up to No. 2 for the first time, displacing Mexico’s Carlos Slim, who slips to No. 4. Slim’s fortune fell by $27.1bn to $50bn in the past year, as shares of his telecom business, AméricaMóvil, tumbled. Mark Zuckerberg had the best year of all the billionaires. The 31-year-old added $11.2bn to his fortune and moved up to No. 6 from 16. He and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos both make their first appearance in the top 10 of Forbes annual ranking of the world’s wealthiest. Among the most notable newcomers are Cameron Mackintosh, the first theater producer to make the billionaire ranks; WeWork’s Adam Neumann and Miguel McKelvey; and Pinterest’s Ben Silbermann and Evan Sharp. Neumann, Silbermann and Sharp are three of a record 66 billionaires under the age of 40. The youngest billionaire in the world is a 19-yearold Norwegain heiress, Alexandra Andresen, who has a 42% stake in her family’s business. The volatile stock markets, economic crunch around the globe, fall in oil prices and a stronger dollar led to a dynamic reshuffling of wealth around the globe and a drop in ten-figure fortunes for the first time since 2009, Forbes noted. Regardless of some of these challenges, it is important to note that five notable Nigerians -four men and a woman - made the list of world billionaires for 2016. The five were on the Forbes 2015 World’s Billionaire list. Despite the economic crisis in Nigeria, the five billionaires are said to have increased their net fortunes by $7bn (N1.4tn). They had a combined net worth of $29.9bn this year, up from $22.9bn the year before. Although not retaining the same positions as last year, the five Nigerians who made the 30th annual guide to the globe’s richest list are: Aliko Dangote, Mike Adenuga, Femi Otedola, Folorunsho Alakija and Abdulsamad Rabiu. Dangote, Adenuga, Otedola and Rabiu emerged 51st, 103rd, 1,011th and 1,577th in this year’s list, from 67th, 393rd; 1,741st and 1,741st, respectively in 2015. Alakija, who was ranked 949th last year, was listed in the 1,121st position this year. President of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote, retained his position as Africa’s richest person and was listed as the 51st richest person in the world in the Forbes 2016 World’s Billionaires list released on Tuesday. VANESSA OKWARA brings to you a chronicle of these great Nigerians, whose fortunes could be traced to their core businesses and hard work. Politicians and individuals whose source of wealth cannot be traced are excluded from the list as Forbes uses current stock prices and exchange rates as snapshots for the list

Aliko Dangote

Aliko Dangote made the 2016 world’s billionaires list and has retained his position as the richest man in Africa and 51st in the world. Aliko Dangote’s net worth, according to Forbes, has risen to $15.4bn from $14.7bn in 2015. Dangote’s 51st position sees him rise above 67th position last year. Dangote founded and chairs Dangote Cement, the continent’s largest cement producer. A spokesman for Dangote told Forbes that the company has until October 2016 to lower Aliko Dangote’s stake and plans to do so by then. Other companies in the Dangote Group, which is active in 15 African countries, include publicly-traded salt, sugar and flour manufacturing companies, with intended plans to invest in oil.

Mike Adenuga

Mike Adenuga, the M.D of Globacom, whose net worth was put at $10bn, was ranked 103rd on the global list and second in Africa. Mike Adenuga, who ranked 393rd in 2015 definitely moved up in 2016. Nigeria’s second richest man built his fortune in telecom and oil production. His mobile phone network, Globacom, is the second largest operator in Nigeria with 32 million subscribers. It also has operations in Ghana and the Republic of Benin. A higher estimate of Globacom’s revenues led Forbes to increase the value they assign to it. His exploration outfit, Conoil Producing, operates six oil blocks in the Niger Delta. He also owns a real estate firm, Proline Investments, which has hundreds of properties throughout Nigeria.




latest world’s wealthiest Folorunsho Alakija

She is the second most powerful woman in Africa and a business tycoon. Folorunsho Alakija is the only Nigerian woman on the list and ranked 1,121st richest person in the world and the 4th in Nigeria with a Net worth of $1.6billion. Alakija is the Managing Director of the Rose of Sharon Group and the executive Vice Chairman of Famfa Oil, a Nigerian oil exploration company that has a 60% participating interest in block OML 127, part of the larger Agbami field, one of Nigeria’s largest deepwater discoveries, about 70 miles offshore. Its partners include Chevron and Petrobras. Alakija’s net worth has fallen in the past year as a result of lower oil prices as compared to her 949th ranking in 2015. She is also known for her philanthropic act of helping widows and orphans. Folorunsho Alkajika’s net worth fell from $2 billion in 2015 to $1.6 billion and currently ranks 1,121st on the list.

Femi Otedola

Femi Otedola controls Africa’s largest oil marketing company, Forte oil, which has more than 500 gas stations across Nigeria. He is also the Chief Executive Officer of Zenon Petroleum and Gas limited, a dominant force in the diesel business (manufactures its line of engine oil). Otedola’s Zenon gas is consumed by top manufacturing companies in Nigeria. Like Mike Adenuga, Femi Otedola’s net worth rose from $1 billion to $1.8 billion and now ranks 1011th richest person in the world compared to 1714th position in 2015.Otedola is the controlling shareholder of publicly traded Forte Oil, an oil marketing and power generation company. Originally a Nigerian subsidiary of British Petroleum (BP), Forte Oil owns oil storage depots and manufactures its own line of engine oils. In 2013, Otedola led the company to purchase a government-owned stake in a gas-fired power plant in Kogi State in Central Nigeria. In 2015, he ranked 1741st.

Abdulsamad Rabiu Abdulsamad Rabiu is an influential business man and the founder and chairman of BUA Group, a privately owned conglomerate active in sugar refining, cement production, flour milling, real estate, logistics and port operations, among others. Rabiu set up his business in 1988 after working for his father and started importing rice, oil, iron rod and steel. Rabiu is expanding in cement production. In September 2015, BUA signed a $600 million deal with Sinoma International Engineering, a Chinese cement equipment and engineering service provider, to construct a second production line at its flagship Obu cement plant, located in Edo State in the western part of Nigeria. Rabiu is the 23rd richest African and well respected for his generosity. He currently ranks the 1577th richest person in the world with a net worth of $1.11 billion. He ranked 1741st in 2015.





Juliet Bumah +234 81 1 675 9770

Killer whatchamacallit 19 Juliet Bumah


omething nibbles at Dr. Keith’s mind...very, very unsettling. Could the suspect in police net be the rapist he’s been trailing for years? Could he be the killer of those innocent women? He frowns again.

“Anything the matter?” DPO asked, studying his face. “No...yeah...but...I think we should test samples of his know, one can never be too sure,” Dr. Keith stuttered. He sounds so unsure of himself. “Well, that can be arranged. You are right, one can never be too sure when it comes to such matters...yeah... although, I think we got our man here. The evidence is just too convincing to be a false lead,” the DPO said. “You know, I believe in empirical evidence. As tantalising as your reasoning is, I’ll wager that a good investigation may throw up surprises,” Dr. Keith said. “You may be right. I was a Thomas as a young officer. You know what? You would have made a very good intelligence officer in a security agency,” DPO said, stretching out his hand for a handshake. Dr. Keith doesn’t know what to make of his comment. Is it supposed to be a compliment? Whatever... He realises that the DPO is done with him. “’s late. I need to get back home. Had a tiring day today. I helped an accident victim to the hospital. Was even supposed to ask you to arrange a meeting with Mr. Mekson for me,” he said, getting up from the chair. “His phone has not been going through since morning. I tried reaching him to brief him on the progress we have made so far on that robbery/ murder case,” the DPO said. Dr. Keith’s mind is already elsewhere. That accident victim. He needs to know more about him. With such humongous whatchamacallit, he’s a special guy. He will check on him in the hospital on his way home. It’s eight days since the accident. Mekson is much better, the pain has subsided. The doctors ensure that. They pump drugs into his system and generally make him feel good with their assurances. He should be well enough to go home in days, they told him. Luckily, he sustained no serious bone injury. Apart from the deep gash on his thigh, others are scratches here and there, most of them surface injuries. Despite the doctors’ assurances, Mekson is worried. He has gotten over the shock of knowing that Dr. Keith brought him to the hospital and deposited some money for his treatment. It was a big shock for both men when they recognised each other two days after the accident. “Mekson!” Dr. Keith had said. The look on his face was indescribable. Mekson has a feeling that Dr. Keith knows more than he is ready to talk about. Two days ago, Dr. Keith had come with news that should sweeten his belly but he is not happy. The police had arrested the armed robber that raped his wife to death, the doctor had told him tonelessly. The doctor wasn’t convinced the guy in the police

net committed that crime, he gathered that from his mien. He had smiled and pretended that the news gladdened his heart. While they chatted, Mekson noticed that Dr. Keith eyes went several times to his groin. He’s sure the Good Samaritan doctor had seen his killer rod. Keith had been visiting him since then. In fact, he’s been his only visitor since the accident. He isn’t sure what Dr. Keith knows right now. He had felt funny when Dr. Keith told him how they rescued him from the accident scene. How he had to tear his trousers to stanch the flow of blood from the injury in his thigh. He had wondered what the doctor of his well kept secret. He had searched the doctor’s face for signs that he noticed anything, but found none. However, he dwells on that news since then. Is it possible that a mugu confessed to a crime he didn’t commit? Is it possible? A crime that heinous? This isn’t Charly Boy Show where anything can happen! Something is definitely fishy. He has to tread with caution. His head aches as he ponders on it and he pulls the bell. A nurse runs in. “My head,” he told her, clutching his head.

“Have you finished your breakfast?” she asked, glancing at the empty tray on his bed. She hurries out with the tray and is back, moments later, bearing some tablets and capsules in a tiny stainless saucer and water in a glass. “Your morning drugs, sir,” she said. “Thanks,” Mekson said. “How are you feeling,” the nurse asked. “I’m feeling much better. But I have a headache each time I think too much,” he complained. “You shouldn’t be thinking so much. You need to relax so you can heal properly and on time too,” the nurse said. He watches as the nurse takes his vital signs and hurries out. Within him, he knows that he’s okay for his man has gotten its life back. Each time he looks at the derriere of that particular nurse as she hurries in and out of his room, he feels a stirring in his groin. He smiles as blood rushes to his groin again. He is alive! He frowns suddenly. His present predicament was caused by wild blood in his groin. It’s high time he did something about the huge, destructive snake between his legs. Over the years, he had learnt a lesson: to be contented with whatever you have, whether endowed or not. If he had lived with his stubble

of a penistus, if he had not gone in quest of a bigger ‘man’, he probably would have been living with a simple woman who would adore him, wart, tiny organ et al. He wouldn’t have been in such a mess he’s found himself the past years. He’s learnt, ones the years, that men who are not too endowed father children who are well really doesn’t matter how big or small but how well one learns to put the organ to good use. He sighs. Too late now... only regrets. He remembers what the old man told him after he got his ‘dream’ killer whatchamacallit...if good comes out of it, he should enjoy it, but if he encounters hardship, there is no remedy. As he ponders on those thoughts on the hospital bed, the door opens and in walks Dr. Keith. As his face creases into a welcoming smile, he beholds a sight that freezes his heart: two policemen in uniform walk in after him. Mekson’s face turns ashen and his heart stops beating abruptly! Is this the end of the road for Mekson? Let’s find out on Sunday.

•Send your observations to:



Here Beyond Season of

red carpets

Biwom Iklaki


his is a great time for designers, stylists, hair and makeup, in fact, all fashion aficionados. The award season comes with a lot of anticipation and excitement. In the diaspora, we had the recently concluded Academy Awards and our AMVCA two days ago. It is easy to say we are all about what the stars will be going home with in terms of winning, but we also know that much of the ado is about what they wore. As they say “fashion over comfort”, many people will be adhering very strictly to this cliché. Though we are often regaled by the futuristic designs of Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, lately, that side of them has taken a back seat as they

too appear in coveted pieces. However deviant they may be, there are many of the celebrities abroad who do dress much like those we have back home. We take a look at some of them as they flaunt styles that remind us that though there may be loads of miles between us, fashion is pretty much dynamic and alike. Take a look at some of the celebrities’ styles from the Academy Awards, 2016, and our homegrown actors at the AMVCA 2015. Look and see and tell me if you do not agree that their styles are almost akin in cut, colour, design and much more. Who enjoyed watching the stars strut their stuff at the AMVCAs? I did, and I am sure you were able to spot even more similarities in their fashion and style, here and beyond.




Dress cool in ho Biwom Iklaki


he weather these days is not friendly at all, even if you just hang around the beach or swimming pool all day! It is relentless in the heat intensity so much so that it is unfair to ladies, we no longer just ‘glisten’, we are full on dripping with sweat. Besides making sure that we try to stay out of the sun and use our SPF creams and moisturisers, our style too needs a

revamp. Only a few weeks ago, we were dressing up with thicker clothing in January, but now, we have to switch up in order to maintain our sartorial style. To stay pristine throughout the day, at least as far as you are not directly in the sun all day, you should invest in some light weight clothing. This is the time to whip out your short skater skirts and dresses in Ankara, 100% cotton, linen, poplin, chiffons, etc these fabrics will keep you cool in the sweltering heat. The fabric test

Editor’s current obsession


28, 29

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Having a bad hair day?

Consider these amazing tips Vanessa Okwara

stantly bail you out of trouble.

veryone has days when they look in the mirror and realise with a sinking feeling that it’s one of those days - a bad hair day. Everyone occasionally wakes up to find that her hair just won’t behave the way it should. You wrestle with your errant locks or yet to be re-touched hair in a battle to transform them into something resembling order. Fortunately, there are ways to combat the challenge of misbehaving hair with styling or accessories. Try these tips when you have a bad hair day.

The Bun High, low, or to one side or the other, the bun is a lifesaver when it comes to long or thick hair that won’t behave. A sock bun is a quick fix for your worst bad hair days. Just pull your hair backwards and make a pony. Now, pull that pony and make a bun out of it. Conceal the bun with the help of bobby pins. This bun would make you look classy and stylish at the same time.


ot weather is simple: is it light to the touch as they tend to dry faster, light in weight, you can see through it a bit. These are all important as compared with heavy clothes which tend to cling to your skin and trap sweat. Break out your frilly chiffon tops, sleeveless dresses, short sleeved blouses and skirts or pants that are not too clingy. This will allow room for air to circulate or touch your skin. Sleeveless jumpsuits and rompers are a perfect ensemble to beat this summer sun. If you must wear blazers,

stick with unlined ones as they are often lined with fabrics like polyester, satin or silk which trap heat in the layer between the lining and the fabric. Lighter colours reflect light making them cooler, while darker colours absorb light which will make them hotter. You should wear lighter colours along with your felt hats and sunglasses when you need to step out in the sun. Some people even bring along their umbrellas.

Pull into a ponytail A simple ponytail is often the best solution for those who have longer hair. It can also look quite stylish, especially if you pop in a fabric flower or fancy pins to make it look more like a style. A ponytail can never go wrong. A high pony will not only make you look classy but it will also help with your bad hair texture. Whip out a wig Wigs are actually pretty fashionable these days, and women even wear them on nights out. It’s a great way to get a different look, and an excellent method of disguising a bad hair day! So keep a wig on hand for those days when your hair won’t behave, and you can pretend that you simply fancied a different look for the evening. Wear a scarf or bandana If you are going for a casual outing, then wear a scarf or a bandana. Choose the colour of your bandana so that it complements your outfit. You are wearing your style, so wear it confidently. This can in-

Use a hair serum Hair Serums are specially formulated for dry hair and frizz. Use a good hair serum if your hair is too dry to manage. Serum will make your hair soft and manageable. Serums are also available depending on different hair textures and types. Use styling tools Styling tools like a hair straightener or curler can also bail you out of a bad hair day. Just wet your hair with a water spray, and then use any styling tool to manage a style that would suit best.





Classy laid-back l oo ks Vanessa Okwara


hile tightly fitted ensembles and tailored suits are clothes that are commonly found in modern day fashion, sometimes it’s nice to just let loose and wear clothing that is fun, baggy and all-around comfortable. These laid-back menswear styles are all about providing that casual yet contemporary design, offering men the chance to wear ensembles that are visually appealing while simultaneously easy and practical to wear. Laid–back styles help you to you rock the casual look without looking sloppy. Laid back look is all about looking good and yet appearing not to have put in too much effort at achieving it. It gets you comfortable and yet classy all at the same time. Make it a casual

look that is totally pulled together. You can do this by matching a jacket to dark wash blue jeans, a dark blue shirt, and loafers. It could be something as simple as a shirt, jeans and comfortable sandals. Pair your jeans with an ironic graphic tee and some sneakers for a fun weekend look. It could be something simple as even a good shirt and trousers. You can stick with one colour scheme such as gray—creating a monochrome look that seems laid-back and polished at the same time. The whole idea is to wear clothing that gets you comfortable, relaxed and ready for a fun evening with friends and family. To get a laid-back look, here are some essentials that could help you get started: jeans, shorts, face caps, tank tops, t-shirts, boat shoes, loafers, sandals, cardigan and polo.

Flavour N’abania High-volume entertainer

Vanessa Okwara


hinedu Okoli better known by his stage name Flavour N’abania or simply Flavour is a prolific Nigerian recording artist, dancer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and performer. He began his musical career as a drummer for a local church in his hometown in Enugu State. Flavour is popularly known across Africa and the world for his massive club banger “Nwa Baby (Ashawo Remix)”. He is currently signed to 2nite Entertainment. At the age of 19, Flavour emerged into Nigeria’s musical scene as a drummer and pianist for a local Enugu band. He recorded the single ‘N’abania’ in Lagos where he featured Nigga Raw. The song was recorded at Kingsley Ogoro’s Studio. That became a platform for him to start recording other songs and become a full time musician and entertainer. Flavour is well known for his ability to sing fluently in the Igbo language. His family is originally from Umunze in Orumba South LGA, Anambra State, Nigeria. In the course of his music career, He has won several awards such as Nigeria Music Video Awards (NMVA), City people Entertainment Awards and MTV Africa Music awards; especially with his popular hits song ‘Ada Ada’. Ladies simply love Flavour Nabania! Flavour loves to show off his well-toned physique by taking shirtless selfies that shows off his tattooed body. The sexy singer’s dance moves has the ladies swooning like butterflies to a honey pot. No wonder he is rumoured to currently have kids with two Nigerian beauty queens- Sandra Okagbue and Anna Banner. Flavour is a brand ambassador for Onga, Harp and Glo Mobile.





Kitchen décor hacks Biwom Iklaki


any of us are warmed by compliments to any area of our houses. The kitchen most especially, gives a woman great pride. It is also a place where it is easy to work your DIY magic on if you are low on budget or for the heck of it. A few hacks you may decide to go with are… Garden rake utensil hanger: A condemned garden rake doesn’t have

to be thrown away. You can convert it to a utensil hanger and hang your spatula, cooking prongs, spoons, etc. this will also lend a rustic feel to the kitchen. Be careful when sticking the nail that will hang the garden rake. You may break off the kitchen wall plaster if you do not use the right nail. When in doubt, get a handyman or carpenter to set up the nail for you. Large jars and biscuit tins: You know those large cookie jars and tinc/

cans that your favourite cookies come in? They are perfect as storage units in and around the kitchen. The transparent or glass jars can be repurposed to hold your dry food stuff or grains like rice, corn, garri, etc. another cool way to display them other than a shelf is to create a space in the ceiling to hold the lid and they could be screwed suspended from the ceiling top. Window dressing dishes: The dish rack where you drain your dish-

too and longed for a man’s touch which she wasn’t getting from her husband. Are there separate rules for a man and a woman in marriage? Does a man get to cheat and get away with it while a woman is crucified for same? I just need answers o!

Crazy ex ruining me

I don’t know what it is about exes that refuse to stay just that, an ex! They always find a way to poke their noses into your business. This is my rant, that my ex, after cheating on me and messing up our fiveyear love story, has the guts to come now and try to mess my new relationship up. It was a painful process getting over her and she probably knows it. She also knows that I was madly in love with her. Recently, we were signed up for a retreat at work (yes, we are colleagues too) and one night at the hotel, she comes into my room and pretends to watch TV and fall asleep. I was so mad at her. I woke her up by shaking her vigorously and she didn’t respond. She is not a heavy sleeper and that is how I knew she was pretending. Anyway, she reluctantly woke up and started inching closer to me. I got the message that she wanted something to happen between us, but I wasn’t having any of it. Once a cheater, always a cheater they say. Now, she wants to drag me down with her into her cheating hemisphere. I would have none of it. I promptly told her off and she left very angry. Next thing you know, my girlfriend calls me to ask why I am trying to force myself on my ex. She said my ex called her to talk to me that she is sorry to

es before you store them in the cupboard pr shelf could become your window dressing. Although some people use their dish rack as a storage for the dishes, some have taken it a decorative step further as a window dressing by screwing it to the window and letting natural light stream in through the dishes. They get to dry faster and with a colourful rack and dishes to match, you will also have a unique window treatment to be admired.

Ijeoma 50years have cheated and doesn’t want to spoil our new relationship by sleeping with him. I was shocked. Please, what do I do about this demon from hell? Etim O. Men should be accountable too

My neighbour’s wife has always told me about her husband’s philandering ways. I never said anything to her but I knew long before she opened up to me. The man had been asking me out like his life depended on it. He would be pleading for a date like a dog drooling over a plate of meat and bones. After I gave him a piece of my mind and what I thought about him going after another man’s wife, he never bothered me again. I had also threatened to tell his wife. Over and over again he cheated on her and she caught him. He would mumble an unapologetic ‘sorry’ and continue on his merry

cheating ways. He stopped paying her any attention and even their sex life waned. She would come to my house and cry and cry. I let her because I felt she just needed a listening ear to let it all out. Looks like she found someone to pay her attention because she stopped coming to mine to complain, started putting more effort into her appearances and generally had a glow and look about her. One Saturday morning, my husband and I woke up to loud shouting and things crashing to the floor. We rushed out to find my neighbor and her husband in a fighting contest. The gist of the matter is that he found out she was cheating and wanted her out of their home. I did a double take, this is a man who has been cheating for the better part of five years that I know of, now pointing an accusing finger? Wow! What happened to all the times he cheated and she forgave him? Yes, two wrongs don’t make a right but she is human

Single life issues

Relationships are hard, but being single seems to be harder on some people. I have a friend who has complained so much about the single life. She is getting older and still going on dates with men who do not seem ready to grow up. She has out-matured most of the men she meets and can often tell after two dates. She is 39 years old and she says that lately, her biological clock has been ticking in over drive and she doesn’t know what to do. She called me a few weeks ago to say that she has decided to have a child, with or without a man, she would move on with her life. She is doing well enough to support a child and doesn’t want to adopt so the sperm bank seems like a nice idea to her right now. She called me for advice and I don’t know what to tell her. The idea seems like a good one, but what if… Bimbo E. 41 years



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Political foes, social allies

Honour on the way for Joseph Yobo


orn to a humble family in the South-South region of the country, Joseph Yobo played football as a way of catching fun but as time rolled by; his interest in the round leather game had grown to be more than a past time. His interest in football snowballed into a passion that he could not do without. Overwhelmed by his passion, Joseph unconsciously turned his passion to what would fetch him a living. At the set time, opportunity met with preparation and Joseph had become an export as a professional round leather tapper who plied his trade in foreign lands. It would be an understatement to say the talented footballer made great exploits that did not only fetch him fame but fortune as well. As there is time and season for everything, having played professional football for many years, Yobo eventually retired ceremoniously to pave way for the younger generation. Deserving of every honour for a career life well spent, information has filtered to ‘Celeb Lounge’ that arrangements are in top gear to honour the former Everton of England’s skipper with a testimonial match that will be held some weeks away from now. The testimonial match, which is usually done to honour retiring footballers, is said to be planned in a big way. Although, information about it is still sketchy, it was learnt that England and Manchester United striker, Wayne Rooney, as well as top Ivorian cum Manchester City utility player, Yaya Toure, and many other international players of repute have been penciled to be part of the testimonial match that will be held in May. Born in 1980, Yobo started his professional footballing career in Port Harcourt based club side, Michellin, before he finally debuted as an international player in 1998 when he was signed by Standard Liege in Belgium. He also laced his boot for Marseilles of France and Tenerife of Spain before he moved to Everton on loan. He recorded major boost when he was given a permanent deal in Everton and he delivered to the admiration of management and fans of the club for the one decade he was there as an integral part of the team. He eventually joined Fernabache in Turkey, where he drew the curtain on his career. Back at home, his performance as super Eagles defender was not less impressive as he did not captain the team, but remained the most capped Super Eagle player with 95 caps.

City Pastor, Bishop Obembe, celebrates at 60


he name of founder of Elshaddai Bible Church, Dolphin Estate on Lagos Island, Bishop Olanrewaju Joseph Obembe, may not ring a bell like that of some of his peers. One fact that cannot be denied is that the stylish man of God belongs to the league of well to do men of God who are also influential even as he’s well known among the elites in the society. This former head of Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, PFN, who has had his fair share of controversies, is also adored by many who look up to him for the various qualities he

possesses. Away from all that, the Ilesha born scholar cum man of God, as it is, will still be basking in the euphoria of a worthy celebration he recently had on the heel of his milestone 60th birthday. Happy and grateful to his creator for sparing his life till this time as well as taking him through thick and thin, Bishop Obembe had a thanksgiving celebration where family, friends and well-wishers came to felicitate with him.


ayelsa born politician, Ben Bruce, at his first shot at elective office, was fortunate to have sailed through but unlike many who are first timers at the National Assembly like the man at the centre stage, Bruce who represents a senatorial district from Bayelsa at the upper chamber of the National Assembly has been able to establish himself as a notable member at the Senate. It’s no doubt that his regular view on topical issues, through the use of social media, has been the secret of relevance even though it’s also believed his popularity as a media investor gave him an edge to leverage on. On the other hand, Minister of Transport, Rotimi Amechi, who shot up his popularity when he locked horns with former president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan, while he was a governor, is also an integral part of the government of the day as he’s also a force to reckon with on the political turf of the nation. These two great sons of South-South, who were presumed to be allies, have since been put apart, based on differences in political affiliations before the last gen-

Reno Omokiri attains next level


on of civil servant mother, Helen Bemigho and Nigeria Appeal court Justice father, Jean Omokiri, Reno, got his educational training to become a lawyer at Wolverhampton University, in the United Kingdom. He was called to the Nigerian bar close to two decades ago, but the articulate dude is more known for his passion for the kingdom works which include winning of souls for Christ as well as liberating people through television programs he hosts and he’s been doing very well for himself. Reno Omokiri, however, came into the consciousness of many few years back when he was appointed as one of the aides of the immediate past president of the nation, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, as the Special Assistant on new media. Fresh information at the disposal of ‘Celeb Lounge’ is that the law graduate may have stepped up in his quest as a humanitarian as it was learnt he just put in place an orphanage which was commissioned some days ago. The orphanage, Helen Bemigho sanctuary for orphans is located in Benin City, Edo State. Reno, who hosts a Christian teaching program, ‘Transformation with Reno Omokiri’, is also the pastor of Mind of Christ Christian Centre, which is located in California, United States of America, and Nigeria’s federal capital city, Abuja.

eral elections that ushered in a new government. As is usual for politicians of different interests to take on one another to score political points, Chairman, Silverbird Group, who recently turned 60, Senator Ben Bruce, on the heel of his common sense revolution, took to social media and fired salvo at Honorable Minister, Rotimi Amaechi over certain governance issues. Although, it was not a direct attack, the latter, being a vocal person too, fired back through the same medium, leaving many to think the politicians had become parallel lines that do not meet. The minister, Amaechi and Senator Bruce have since proven it to the public that they might be political foes but nevertheless, they are allies as social butterflies. These two demonstrated politics does not translate to personal issues for them as they amazed onlookers when they met at the 70th birthday of Senator Florence Ita Giwa recently and not only exchanged pleasantries but spent some time in company of each other exchanging banters and did other more serious discussions.

Folakemi Majekodunmi charts new course


t’s not too long ago that Folarin, who is better known as Falz, came under the spotlight. The offspring of legal luminary cum activist, Femi Falana, seldom appears in the news. The first daughter of the Ekiti born human right lawyer, Folakemi, she got the consciousness of the society when she got married to her beau, Juwon Majekodunmi, years ago. Unfortunately, she would be mentioned again for a rather unpalatable reason when she lost her husband to the cold hands of death in the early days of 2014. Those who were close to Folakemi and her deceased beau testify to how much the young couple loved each other till untimely death snatched one of them. The young widow, it is said, has continued to live to remember the unflinching love she shared with late Juwon, even though it’s not easy to cope. On the heel of the sad incident that left her a young widow, Folake, who did her secondary education at prestigious Olashore International School, has now taken it upon herself to find a way of reintegrating fellow young widows who may be finding it hard to face the reality that hit them and unable to cope with life afterwards. The foundation, Vessel of His Glory, was launched during the second remembrance anniversary of her late husband that was held recently in Lagos.



RazzleDazzle Pete Edochie Pete Edochie is a proud father of six children, five boys and a girl. Two of his sons, Yul Edochie and Linc Edochie, who are also popular faces in Nollywood, are happily married with kids. Although, the total number of Pete’s grandchildren cannot be confirmed, RazzleDazzle can authoritatively inform you that the ‘Things Fall Apart’ star has over five grandchildren. Edochie is regarded as one of Africa’s most talented actors. Although a seasoned administrator and broadcaster, Pete came into prominence in the 80s when he played the lead role of Okonkwo in an NTA’s adaptation of Chinua Achebe’s all time bestselling novel, ‘Things Fall Apart’. Edochie is from the Eastern part of Nigeria. Rachael Oniga

Veteran actress and movie sensation, Rachael Oniga, joined the league of Grandmas on September 5, 2014, when she welcomed her first grandchild. The baby was born to her daughter, Georgina, and son in-law, Richard Maduku. Delta born Rachael Oniga began her acting career in 1993. Shortly after her divorce, she resigned from a Dutch consultant company before making her first debut in a movie titled ‘Onome’. Her first Yoruba movie was ‘Owo Blow’. Over the years, she has featured in notable Nigerian films and Wale Adenuga’s television series, ‘Super Story’. Adebayo Salami Veteran Yoruba actor, Adebayo Salami, aka Oga Bello, is blessed with wonderful children. The living legend of the Yoruba movie industry who hails from Ilorin, Kwara State, got married to many wives and his unions are blessed with 17 children who are flourishing in their chosen careers. Amazingly, 15 of these children are graduates while two are still in the University. Apart from the regular Adebayos we know who are acting; there are many others doing well for themselves in other professions. However, Baba Oni Baba, as he is fondly called, has over five grandchildren. Patience Ozokwor Nollywood legend, Patience Ozokwor, popularly known as Mama G, has been blessed with grandchildren. The most recent was a year ago when her daughter-in-law was delivered of a baby girl. The Enugu State born veteran actress who got married at a very young age is a widow and mother of four. After several auditions for an acting role, her career was launched in 1998. Gradually, movie lovers began to take note of her and in 1999, she became very popular with a movie titled ‘Authority’ and it really shot her into limelight. Since then, Patience Ozokwor has continued to stay on top of her career by appearing in loads of movies playing wife

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Celebrity grandparents in Nigerian showbiz The joy of every parent is not only to see their children grow up and become successful but also get the opportunity to see their grandchildren or their great-grandchildren. This does not only apply to everyday parents in the society, but also to actors, music artistes and producers who have also shared in the joy of being grandparents. In this edition, ABIOLA ALABA PETERS brings to you, certified grandparents in the Nigerian entertainment industry. and mother roles.

lebrity appearances.

John Okafor John Okafor, popularly called Mr. Ibu took to his Instagram page in September, 2015, to announce the arrival of his adorable grandchild with the caption, “I am a grandfather”. Recall that the comic actor got married to his longtime lover and mother of his three children, Stella Maris Ibu, in May, 2015. However, the actor and wife are said to have been together since 2008 and have three children unfortunately, one died few years ago. Over fifty years old, John Okafor is a Nollywood actor and comedian. He is considered to be one of Nigeria’s most talented comic characters. His humorous acting is often characterised by stupidity, hilarious imbecility and a sharp disconnection from reality.

Richard Mofe Damijo Ever green and ladies’ delight, Richard Mofe Damijo, better known as RMD, is a famous Nollywood actor with over a hundred movies in his shelf. The veteran actor, who has so much energy and charisma in his craft, became a grandfather when one of his five children, Oghenekome Mofe, and his wife, Eniola, welcomed their first baby. The one time Commissioner for Culture and Tourism in Delta State, after graduating from the university, took part in a television soap opera in the late 80s called ‘Ripples’. Before then, he had a stint with a defunct national newspapers and magazine as a reporter. ‘Out of Bounds’ was his debut film for which he wrote and produced.

Jide Kosoko Veteran actor, Jide Kosoko, is a proud grandfather, courtesy of his two daughters, Oluwakemi and Shola. Both ladies welcomed their first children last year, one at a Lagos hospital and the other one in Texas, USA. Jide is married to two wives; Karimat and Henrietta Kosoko. Jide Kosoko was born on January 12, 1954 in Lagos to the Kosoko royal family of Lagos Island. He studied Business Administration at Yaba College of Technology. He began his acting career as a child actor in 1964 in a television production, ‘Makanjuola’. He has featured in several Nollywood movies of both English and Yoruba genres.

Shan George One of Nigeria’s finest actresses, Shan George, who is in her 40s, has two sons; Jaga and Delnoi. The talented actress who has had ups and downs in several marriages welcomed her first grandchild on September 7, 2014 when her first son, Delnoi, had a beautiful baby girl. Shan George was born in Ediba, Abi Local Government Area of Cross River State to a Nigerian mum and a British father. She is an alumnus of the University of Lagos, where she studied Mass Communication and went on to produce her debut movie titled ‘All for Winnie’ during her final year.

Charly Boy The second son of former Supreme Court Judge, Chukwudifu Oputa, Charly Boy Oputa, is regarded as a father of many children. The controversial social crusader, broadcaster and singer is the father of popular social media sensational twins, Michael and Daniel. While growing up, Charly Boy had set out to become a priest but left seminary school after a year. Same time he moved to America where he was expected to study Law as his father had done, but graduated with a degree in Communications. His most popular television series was ‘The Charly Boy Show’, a weekly sketch/variety show with political undertones which featured music, comedy, and ce-

Bukky Wright Beautiful, light skinned Nollywood actress, Bukky Wright, has also welcomed her first grandchild. Although, none of her children has conducted a proper marriage rite, one of Bukky’s sons, Ojay, put his girlfriend in the family way and the pretty lady was delivered of a baby girl in New Jersey. Bukky who is in her 40’s has two sons and now a granddaughter. In 2014, she contested for the post of a Senator in Ogun State House of representatives under the platform of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) led by former Governor Olusegun Osoba . She began her acting career in 1996. She has featured in several Nollywood movies of Yoruba and English languages, including Wale Adenuga’s television series, ‘Super Story’.





While waiting for Mr. Right…

race is a lady in her early 30s who graduated from the University seven years ago and up till now; she cannot really pinpoint what she has been doing with her time, except to wait for Mr. Right to come sweep her off her feet. After she graduated, she sweated for about three years looking for a decent job and was quite lucky to get one as Customer Service Personnel in a Generator servicing company. Once she got that job, she closed the book on doing anything else but focused on how to settle down. The desire to get married has consumed her for so long that every other achievement seemed dull in comparison. In her thinking, all her problems in life will end once she finds a man generous enough to put a ring on it and make her his kept woman for life. For this reason, she has lived in arrested development; doing absolutely nothing with her life as she waits for Mr. Right to come ‘whisk’ her away to his faraway castle where she will be pampered and treated like a princess for the rest of her life. With all the efforts she puts into her relationships, who would’ve thought she will still be single? Almost every man she has dated these past few years either dumps her for someone who is younger or richer than her, while the ones she would not even consider as marriage material are the ones flocking around, asking for her hand in marriage. This situation is truly frustrating and depressing. What is it that men are actually looking for in a woman that she does not have? She kept asking herself. My dear, the reality of life is that stag-


CONNECT NG nant water does not attract big fishes; it only attracts tadpoles, frogs and a few small fishes. Not doing anything with your life just because you are waiting for Mr. Right only makes you stagnated. You end up being a mediocre and will only appeal to men of like manners who also have not bothered to improve their lifestyle and upgrade to the next level. Is that the kind of marriage you want? It is understandable to be anxious. You think age is no longer on your side or you think your maternal clock is ticking away. But while waiting, what are you doing

Stop carrying placard that screams, ‘’SINGLE, DESPERATE AND SEARCHING’ written all over your face! By looking and acting frantic, you chase prospective suitors off

with your life? Are you really prepared for marriage or do you just want to answer a man’s ‘‘Mrs.’’? It is advisably that while waiting for Mr. Right, a woman uses the period of being single to prepare mentally, spiritually and even financially for her future. It is definitely not right to keep off improving your life while waiting to get married. Single-hood is the best time for self-development. Get a vocational training in areas such as tailoring, catering or think of some other business you can do to improve the quality of your life. Don’t put off that creative idea or that feat you want to achieve just because you are waiting to get married. Contrary to popular beliefs and trends where people think it is wrong for a woman to be successful as a single person, stop keeping things off, like investing in a business, buying shares, a car or a house, till you meet Mr. Right. Some people may frown at it, but I tell you, it is only those who are myopic in their thinking that will not applaud a young woman who has invested her time and resources well. While you are striving to improve

yourself financially as a single woman, it is equally important to look inwards on how you can prepare yourself mentally for marriage. You start out by first of all knowing who you are. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you a giving person, are you a pushy/ bossy person and are you teachable as a woman? These are some of the soulsearching questions you need to use to evaluate your readiness for marriage. Ladies, stop keeping your life on hold! Play hard, work hard and make something meaningful out of your singlehood. Don’t allow family or peer pressure to box you into a corner. Hold your head up high and be determined to live your life to the fullest. Most of the time, it is when you are less anxious about what you want that it actually manifests. Stop carrying placard that screams, ‘’SINGLE, DESPERATE AND SEARCHING’ written all over your face! By looking and acting frantic, you chase prospective suitors off and it gets worse when they actually come and realise that you are like stagnated water waiting to drown unsuspecting men. Women need to understand that men of this modern age want a woman who will complement them in every way and not just to answer their name or simply be a baby producing factory. So get determined to make the best of your single years! It is a time of your life you will never recover again once you are married. Keep your head up, square your chin and live your single life to the fullest while you wait for that Mr. Right who will be so proud to whisk away a full-baked Amazon, rather than a frustrated unleavened woman.

Enhancing celebrity status through education

have watched with keen interest as the Nigerian social media space has been sent into meltdown by the grass to grace story of a certain bread seller turn multimillion-naira model, Olajumoke Orisaguna. It is no longer news that she photo bombed a photo shoot and it turned out good. I am not going to join issues with those who think her husband should not be holding the baby while she grants interview neither is this a piece about the kind of stuff that she will be modelling and what she is supposed to be wearing. No, I believe to still be having such conversation in Nigeria today means that technology has done nothing to our national psyche. We are still trapped in the stone age of enslaved women and that is not my Nigerian reality. Come to think of it, what I want to talk about addresses this issue -education. I watched as the excited mother talked on Channels TV about the good fortune that has suddenly come her way and I see a respectable wife who submits to her husband. I see a mother who cares and I see a good mannered human with the innocence of a child that will guide and protect her in the new realm of stardom that she has stepped into. What I did not see is an educated woman. I am not talking about her choosing to express herself in Yoruba, the language of her heart. To me, it is a requirement for any celebrity to be able to express themselves in their mother tongue if we are to establish a virile popular culture that is Nigerian in orientation. I am talking about the fact that even as she expressed her-

self in Yoruba, she betrayed a naivety that education will and should have erased. She showed a total reliance on others at the expense of her own well being and she spoke as one who is going into her new world blind and relying on others for everything. Let us be factual here, she spoke in Yoruba because she cannot express herself in English and that is a requirement in her new world. My guess is this; she will travel all over the world, meet with fellow celebrities and nonentities in one breathe, she will wine and dine with movers and shakers of the entertainment world and yes, she will have to do a lot more interview. For all of this, speaking Yoruba alone will

not help. Therefore, I think the first step towards helping this young lady is a private teacher. Her new celebrity status and bank balance must not mean an end to education, but the gateway to enlightenment via education. I want her to be a model, not just in the clothes that she wears, but in her attitude, in her words, in her carriage and above all, in her representation of her culture. I want her to be an example of virtue, decorum and grace. This can only be achieved through education. I do not want her to end up like some semi literate actors and actresses who think that appearing on a handful of local movies and having a parent in the industry gives them the right

For Olajumoke Orisaguna, getting an education will also mean that she can be in charge of her own fortunes. She can peruse every contract and check her bank balance to ensure that she is not being fleeced of her wealth in the same manner as she is coming into it

to punish us with bad grammar and English on social media. Only recently, the daughter of a popular Yoruba actor who is also a Prince of Lagos wrote some error strewn post on Facebook for what was supposed to be the father ’s birthday message. Damn, it was embarrassing beyond words and I can imagine her feeling like a star when she was writing it. You can’t buy class with money but you sure can be classy with quality education. For Olajumoke Orisaguna, getting an education will also mean that she can be in charge of her own fortunes. She can peruse every contract and check her bank balance to ensure that she is not being fleeced of her wealth in the same manner as she is coming into it. This is not an accusation of Toyin Bello, who discovered Olajumoke. I am sure that the way she went about reaching out to Olajumoke shows sincerity, but I am talking long term here. A future of Olajumoke without TY Bello can only be bright with some added education. If circumstances before now could be said to be responsible for her lack of formal education, then I think she has it within her power to correct the situation. Kanayo O. Kanayo set an example for modern artistes when he went back to school after hiting the limelights. Richard Mofe Damijo also is a good example when he decided to get a second degree and in both cases, the ends have justified the means. It is my hope that this also becomes the lot of Olajumoke as that is when she will finally have a purpose for her good fortunes.




Wine & Dine

Experience floral expression of Petit Verdot Ibukunoluwa Kayode


he bold, yet-floral expression of Petit Verdot is something that all red wine enthusiasts should have the opportunity to try. Petit Verdot is a full-bodied red wine that originates in south-western France in Bordeaux. It is highly desired as a blending grape in red Bordeaux blends because of its plentiful colour, tannin and floral aromas of violet. Due to its boldness, it is commonly added in less than 10% of most wine blends. The wine is also rarely produced as a single-varietal wine. However, there are several producers making phenomenal Petit Verdot wines in regions within Australia, Chile, Spain, California and Washington State. This great red wine offers up ethereal aromas of plum, lilac, violet and sage with gravellike minerality. The taste of Petit Verdot offers aromas of mostly black fruit flavours ranging from plum, blackberry and blueberry to slightly lighter black

cherry. The unique and intriguing flavours are herbal and floral notes such as violet, lilac, lavender, sage, and dried herbs. Most producers oak age this wine to soften it and add flavours of vanilla, hazelnut and mocha. And occasionally, the wine can be a bit smoky and rustic, like smoked meats. On the palate, the wine is dry and full-bodied with high tannin, bold fruit and mediumplus acidity. Some producers in Australia over crop the variety, which makes the wines a little lighter and softer with smooth tannin and notes of blueberries and vanilla. This floral expression fullbodied wine makes a great pair with different cuisines like meats, cheese, herbs and spices and vegetables. they are also good for: lamb stew, roasted pork, ground beef burgers, barbecue beef short ribs, Chinese barbecue pork, aged cheddar, sage, Rosemary, black pepper, Chile, Truffle, Black Beans, Kidney Beans, Dried Blueberry, Raisin, Dried Cranberry, Pomegranate and Wild Rice.

Refreshing salads Biwom Iklaki


veryone is affected by this weather. Even if you leave your air conditioned home into an air conditioned car and then office, chances are, one way or another, the heat will find a way to get to you or disrupt your usual activities. There are many ways to stem this onslaught, one of them we all know and love, a tall glass of something chilled. The second is what we can talk about here; it is pretty easy and guaranteed to stake the heat steams in you, cold salads. Here is a Greek inspired vegetable salad to tantalise your taste buds and cool your brow. Ingredients • Feta cheese • 3 each tomatoes (red and yellow) • 2 cucumbers • 1 cup olives (pithed) • Mint leaves • Olive oil • Pinch of salt (I skip this for the saltiness of olives) • bLemon juice • Black pepper flakes Preparation Wash and chop veggies into chunks (I like bite sized) in a bowl, crumble the cheese over them. Drizzle about 3 tbs olive oil and half the large lemon into the bowl. Sprinkle with salt (again, this is a personal thing as I just stick with the salty taste from the olives). Toss and serve with a chilled glass of something fruity.




Richard Mofe Damijo helped my career - Lillian Amah Aluko

without whenever you are going out? Well, I like to wear earrings and my wristwatch. Do you have any special designers that you love to wear all the time? Yeah, I love Babes for Life. She does stuff with Nigerian/African print and she is really good. So I like her stuff.

Lillian Amah Aluko is a two-time vice president, Association of Movie Producers (AMP), actress, author and film producer. The actress, who is respected for her acting prowess, has been in the movie industry for two decades now. The beautiful thespian is also a writer and has continued to display her writing skills in literature; having two novels to her credit. In this interview with VANESSA OKWARA, she shares her love for movie production and sundry issues

You are looking beautiful and radiant. What is your secret? It’s the grace of the Almighty. I used to exercise a lot. But in the last four years, I haven’t really done much of exercise, so I hope to go back. And then I try to be at peace with myself, I try not to eat too much, I don’t drink alcohol.

dream to see that the Association of Movie Producers in Nigeria joins the global trend of adapting novels into film.

You have been in the movie industry for how many years now? I have been acting since 1996. It will be 20 years this year.

When did you start acting? I started acting in 1996. My first movie was Richard Mofe Damijo’s ‘Out of Bounds’. What was it like acting with RMD? It was a great experience. He was this huge star I saw on TV, but he was totally down to earth. He really nurtured me on that project and that’s what made it easy for me. Working with RMD was a real pleasure. It was my very first time on a movie set and my first professional acting experience. I had only ever acted on stage in school productions. Acting beside RMD definitely helped me up my game. The director, Tade Ogidan, was very kind, firm and professional. He encouraged, coached and directed. He took a very good script and turned it into a beautiful and timeless film. The cast and crew of OOB were a lovely family and it was a lot of fun working on that set. So you could say ‘Out of Bounds’ brought you to limelight? Yes, it did. It actually gave me two awards, FIMA and the Real Awards. After ‘Out of Bounds’, what was your career like? It was up and up for me. Before 2005 when I started acting, I was in full time employment as a banker. What was a banker doing acting? Acting was my first love but my parents wanted me to have a responsible job. So I had to go into the banking industry. But by 2005, I was old enough to stand up and say ‘I want to follow my heart’. How long were you in the bank? I worked as a banker for 10 years. In the last bank where I worked, I had been there for five years but had been in a couple of banks before that. While working in the bank, I nurtured my acting ambition. I was lucky to be at the bank I was. There were no frigid rules; we worked as one big family. This was one of the main reasons I could succeed in my acting career. I was allowed to do all that needed to be done concerning acting until I finally resigned in 2005. It was while I was there that I featured in ‘Doctors’ Quarters’. This is why I have continually been grateful to God and that bank for their support. It is not common with any bank or organisation to allow such a move. You are also a writer. Tell us a bit about your works. My first novel, ‘Echoes of a Heartbeat’, is a novel published in the UK, which later became a best-seller. My second novel, ‘Dreams of Yesterday’, was released last year. It is a thriller/suspense novel set in 1960s Nigeria. Having concluded training at the University of California and Hollywood last year, I intend to do a movie adaptation of my novel very soon. It is my

Which movie did you produce recently? That would be ‘After the I Dos’, an Africa Magic Original Film series being aired as part of the Africa Magic Original Blockbuster Festival, which aired last year September. The movie was produced by me and directed by Samantha Iwowo. Who starred in it? We had me, Kalu Ikeagwu, Dakore Akande, Bimbo Akintola, Ejike Asiegbu, and then we had Sunny Nneji. Sunny is a fantastic actor. I thought he was just a musician, but he blew me away in that movie. What was growing up like? It was lovely. My parents are very lovely, but they are also disciplined. My father was a naval officer, my mother was a teacher. You know that kind of combination can be tough. What is your style? I just love being simple. I just like to wear something that makes me comfortable, and makes me look decent. What is your passion and what drives you? I’m mostly driven by the desire to succeed, and make myself and the people around me happy. Tell us about your family. So far so good, we thank the Lord. Are you married? Yes, I am married. Have you any kids? No, I have a step son. What qualities attracted you to your husband? There are lots, but you see, I really don’t like to talk about my family because they didn’t choose the limelight, I did. So I don’t like to drag them into it. And if you don’t mind, I don’t do any of the personal questions. What is your philosophy of life? Life is short, live it to the fullest. I can see you are wearing your natural hair. How long have you had it? I have been wearing dreadlocks for a long time now. The

first time I had it, I wore it for almost 10 years. I started dreadlocks in 2000. And then I wore it till 2010, cut it off, and I started again in 2012. What fashion accessories can you not do without? There is nothing I can’t do without. But what can you not do

So what has it been like almost 20 years in the industry? It has been a lot of fun. There have been ups and downs, but I am here to stay because this is what I have a passion for. And right now, we are trying very hard, my colleagues and I, to put some structures into Nollywood. Nollywood has gotten to a height and to sustain it, we need to move from there. And to do that, we need to have structures in place. That’s the reason why I campaigned for the President of Association of Movie Producers because I want to help to put those structures in place. Have you been scandal free in your career? It’s been God. The press has been kind to me. I thank them for that.





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man of the PDP, Agbo alleged that despite the widespread killings, the government had maintained silence. The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Chief Audu Ogbe, on Thursday, said he is preparing a legislation to prohibit pastoralists from allowing their cattle roam in villages and cities, following the massacre of hundreds in a farming community in Benue State by armed herdsmen. When the United States security agencies ranked Boko Haram as the deadliest terrorist group in the world, the Fulani herdsmen were equally listed as one of the most dangerous terrorist groups for the uncountable number of people they had killed and billions of properties they had destroyed across Nigeria. While the State governor, Samuel Ortom and his Nassarawa State counterpart, Alhaji Umaru Tanko Al-Makura continue their joint efforts towards quelling the crises, observers believe that there is need for the warring sides to embrace peace for the overall development of the affected states.

I wanted to run away –father of quintuplets Sola Adeyemo IBADAN


live in a room apartment in my father’s house at Apete with my wife and our two children. My wife is called Alhaji Ewenje. At times we used to drink gari in the morning because I am an ordinary Quranic teacher in my area. I hardly make about N500 a day through the money I collect from the lessons I handle. “With two children, we were not finding it so easy. That was the reason about two years ago; we decided to do family planning. When it was about three months to when we wanted to have another baby, my wife went to remove the family planning device. “But after a year, there was no pregnancy. She then went to a hospital around Apete in Ibadan here where she was attended to. But after about two months, I just noticed that she started spitting and it was unusual of her to do so. It was then we went for scan and discovered that she was pregnant with five babies,” said Alfa Yusuf Rasaq Ewenje, a 32-year-old Islamic cleric, after his wife was delivered of quintuplets. Since then, neither he nor his wife have come to terms about how to cater for seven children. “Adding another five to the two we already have initially upsets me. I contemplated running away, but later placed my hope in Allah. But now that we have got the babies, my fear is where we will keep them and how to adequately take care of them. Definitely, a one room apartment cannot accommodate us anymore,” he said. Asked what he looks forward to as next plan of action: “If I can have money, I can go into business of selling kerosene with tanker supplying me. Or I can engage in selling of building materials.” The story of Ewenje is one that underscores the fact that nature can sometimes play a fast one on some people. What many need sometimes they are denied, while what many don’t need are endowed them. Different strokes for different folks. When about nine months ago, Alfa Ewenje, and his wife, Hajia Sakirat Rasaq proposed to have a third baby in proportion to their meagre standard of living, little did they know that a natural blessing of unexpected magnitude was awaiting them. Three months into her pregnancy, a scan was done, which revealed that the 28-year old woman in purdah, was carrying a set of quintuplets (five babies). The discovery stunned the couple whose resources fell far below the demands of the three males and

two females being expected. They already had: Umoor Farouk, (5), and Mistura (3). Relaying their ante-natal experience at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, where his wife was eventually delivered of the babies on Tuesday, February 16, 2016, Alfa Rasaq said: “We first got wind of the blessing from Allah when she had a scan at three months. At that point, we knew she was having five babies in her tummy. “From there, we took her to Adeoyo hospital and they told us that she needed bed rest and from there, they started managing her till yesterday (Monday) that we came here for delivery”. Officially breaking the news of the birth, the Public Relations Officer of the medical institution, Mr. Deji Bobade had posted on his Facebook wall thus: “Five at a go. Twenty eight-year-old Eleha,(woman in purdah), Yusuf Abdu gave birth to these bundles of joy this afternoon at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan. “Being an Eleha (in purdah), the mother refused to have her photograph taken. The lucky father is a young Koranic teacher whilst the mother is a full time housewife. They have two other children aged six and four before these ones. Mother and children are doing fine. They need your financial assistance,” he had said. The Islamic cleric, who admitted he had initially contemplated running away from home because of the enormity of the financial demands the expected natural gifts on him, disclosed that he was barely making a living out of his quranic teaching. Perceived as a bitter sweet development, the cleric who later sent an SOS to wellmeaning members of the society to assist him, said: “Though, I am greatly handicapped now because I only make living out of my quranic teaching class, I want well-meaning people to come to my aid. I am using this medium to appeal to the governor of Oyo State, Senator Isiaq Abiola Ajimobi and his wife, the Minister of Health Professor Isaac Adewole and the Federal Government to come to my aid so that my joy won’t turn sour. ”We were expecting only one child, but we now have five. Please, help me. I am even considering running away but they are keeping surveillance on me. As I am now, doctors have given me a list of prescribed drugs. I have been running from pillar to post with no help in sight. “They have written the baby formula that we should buy. I don’t have money to buy it. I’m calling on well-meaning Nigerians to come to our aid,” he had lamented. Asked the condition of the babies kept in

the Oyo State Special Care Baby unit, Alfa told Sunday Telegraph that, “ three of them are normal in size and weight. One of them is in the incubator while the remaining one is at a special care unit”. Though very weak on the bed at the South East ward of the teaching hospital, Sakirat managed to talk to this reporter when she said: “All we are saying is that people should help us. My husband is an Islamic scholar. There is no job. When we had two children, we found it difficult to feed them. What will now happen with seven children?” Penultimate Monday, being the eighth day of the birth of the bundles of joy, fortune smiled on the couple as the UCH management announced a waiver of the bills already incurred by the family, as well as other expenses till the mother and her babies would be discharged. The hospital image maker, Deji Bobade informed journalists that UCH authorities had waived off the hospital bill of “Baba Five”. He, however, noted that the “the amount cannot be ascertained now since they are still on admission. The ones they have paid before today (Monday) are to be refunded to them.” Speaking with the father of the quintuplets to confirm Bobada’s claim, Alfa Rasaq told Sunday Telegraph that “My wife actually told me that she was told by the hospital management that they are going to pay us back what we have spent. However, they have not done so as at this time you are talking to me. But we appreciate the management for this gesture. Allah will be with all of them.” The couple, Sunday Telegraph learnt, held the eight-day prayers for the babies at their 2, Akeem Street, Ijokodo area, Ibadan, abode though the babies were still at the hospital. Asked whether a proper naming ceremony was actually done or just an ordinary christening was done, Alfa Rasaq said: “No, we did not have naming ceremony. We only did naming with prayers. I was not even there because I was busy going about buying drugs”. All said and done, the initial fear of the family of the quintuplets appears waned with the cheering news from the UCH’s management. Aside the free publicity and financial assistance that the birth has brought to the family, it is not inconceivable that more goodies await the babies and the couple. The initial bitter pill has now turned sweet for the Ewenjes. The family are hopeful Governor Abiola Ajimobi and his wife, Florence, will heed their call of financial and material assistance soon.




Mr. President, own up to the reality Villa Notes


Anule Emmanuel

oliticians are the same all over the world, with only a few variations. Their sole mission at every point is to win election and secure power which is crucial. Only an insignificant number of them have the electorate at heart and strive to deliver when they finally occupy their dreamed positions. In fact, like Nikita Khrushchev, a former Russian Soviet politician once said, they often promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. It is difficult to understand whether Nigerian politicians are oblivious of the reality that promise is a perishable commodity. In the proverbial sayings of the Germans, promises are like the full moon, if they are not kept at once they diminish day by day. The country is today faced with this perishable item “N5000 stipend for unemployed’. President Muhammadu Buhari and his party the All Progressives Congress, (APC) during the electioneering campaigns promised to pay N5,000 as monthly stipend to the most vulnerable and extremely poor in the country. This yet-to-be-fulfilled promise has thrown up arguments and criticisms with the government presently being perceived to have deceived the electorates only to garner cheap votes. Why most people believe that President Buhari and his party’s target scheme captures the plight of unemployed youths, the emphasis on the part of government is that whatever promise made is for the vulnerable or extremely poor. As understood by majority of Nigerians, the present administration plans to pay unemployed youths a monthly stipend under a special so-

cial welfare scheme as it is done in other climes such as the United States of America and Australia which has social security benefits for unemployed citizens and holders of permanent residency visas. But, did President Buhari or his party make this much debated statement to pay monthly allowance for any category of citizens? Unfortunately, government appears to be painting a picture of no promise. If the current position of government of no promise were to be true, why did Mrs. Aisha Buhari remind the APC and her husband last year when the issue had started generating some controversy? The President’s wife in a statement by her Special Assistant on media Mrs. Adebisi Ajayi in December last year challenged the Federal Government to fulfill the campaign promise of paying N5,000 to 25 million unemployed Nigerians alongside its promise of giving school children one free meal per day. Mrs. Aisha’s comments came shortly after members

of the Senate voted against the motion on the floor of the National Assembly. The President’s wife said: “The APC as a party of integrity assured Nigerians during the campaign that it will pay N5, 000 each month to 25 million most vulnerable citizens. Nigerians should be patient with the APC government as the change they had been yearning for has come to stay.’’ The big question now is who and what to believe. While one struggles to understand whether the whole issue is a matter of semantics, the presidency has clearly explained that what is in the offing is for vulnerable groups and the extremely poor. In fact, the Senior Special Assistant to the Vice President on media and publicity Laolu Akande last week disclosed that already a total N500billion has been provided in the 2016 budget which is currently before Senate under a conditional cash transfer programme for paying the extremely poor N5000 monthly. For unemployed graduates whose case has now become a controversial discuss, Akande said, government plans to train about of 500,000 of them to be integrated into the teaching system. While on the teacher training programme, government expects to pay

these category of youths a token of N5, 000 monthly as allowances. While on official trip in Saudi Arabi last week, President Buhari cleared the air about the statement credited him during the electioneering campaigns. Pointedly, the President stressed that paying unemployed youths monthly stipends was not the priority of his government. He said it will be wise to use the said funds to rather build infrastructures, develop the agriculture and mining sectors so that every young person in the country could be gainfully employed. “This largesse N5, 000 for the unemployed, I have got a slightly different priority. I would rather do the infrastructure, the school and correct them and empower agriculture, mining so that every able bodied person can go and get work instead of giving N5, 000 to those who don’t work,” the President stressed. President Buhari has come under intense criticism particularly from the opposition Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) which insists that reneging of such an important promise underscores the monumental hypocrisy of the APC in getting to power by means of deceit and false promises to Nigerians. No doubt times are hard for the nation’s economy with dwindling oil revenues and the fall in the value of Naira against the dollar. Many Nigerians understand the present reality and only need to be told the truth by those in government. There is no need to play politics with issues of this nature. President Buhari and his handlers need to understand that only transparent and sincere policies will further secure the confidence of the citizens for the administration. If the President did promise, he should fulfill it as a debt owed the youths. Deploying the funds to boost infrastructure is also not a bad idea but, Mr. President owes Nigerians a better explanation.

Reps and shylock Abuja landlords


orried by the alarming cost of accommodation in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), the House of Representatives on Thursday mandated its committee on FCT headed by Hon. Herman Hembe to investigate the causes and proffer solutions on how to put the issue to rest. In addition, the House called on landlords in the Territory to consider reducing the rent charged on their properties. Similarly, the

lawmakers urged the President Muhammadu Buhariled administration to impose taxes on unoccupied houses that have remained so for long period of time. The decision was taken after a motion brought by Hon. Segun Alexander Adekola who raised the alarm over the rate of rent in the territory, warning that if the abnormal situation was not addressed, the middle and low income earners residing in the FCT will continue to suffer.

He lamented that at a time when many Nigerians do not have access to anything close to a decent accommodation, the number of completed, but unoccupied structures litter the nation’s capital in the prime areas of Maitama, Asokoro, Wuse and Garki, thereby forcing many people to live in the outskirts of the city. Most people do not have houses as some, particularly in cities and big towns live under the bridges. It is common sight to see thatch

houses even in state capitals across the country. In cities such as Lagos, Port Harcourt, Abuja, Kano, Kaduna, Ibadan etc, where conditions of living should be relatively good and affordable, majority of the inhabitants live like refugees. In Abuja, it is a sorry state. Although, the Abuja city centre can compete with any city in the world, the percentage of the inhabitants of the capital city do not enjoy the affluence and modernity of the place.

INEC Diary

Onyekachi Eze

Sheriff’s vote of confidence on INEC


rofessor Mahmoud Yakubu, Chairman of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), last Wednesday received an unusual visitor. And it was no other person that the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Senator Ali Modu Sheriff. Perhaps, he was the first National Chairman of a political party to visit the commission, even during the tenure of Yakubu’s predecessors. According to the PDP Chairman, the electoral umpire has given cause to merit his party’s support going by the re-run and bye elections so far conducted across the country. He added that the fact that the PDP lost some and won some of the elections presupposes that INEC has maintained its neutrality. But besides showering praises on the commission, Sheriff was on another mission. He was accompanied on the visit by Senator Athanisius Achonu, PDP senatorial candidate for Imo North rerun election. INEC had fixed February 20 for the rerun poll but postponed it a day before due to what it termed security challenges. Youths from the zone had staged protest at the commission’s state headquarters demanding the removal of the Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC). Senator Achonu who was declared winner of the March 28, 2015 senatorial election, had his election nullified by the Court of Appeal due to the exclusion of the logo of Accord Party candidate on the ballot paper! He has as his opponent in the rerun, Ben Uwajumogu, a former Speaker of Imo State House of Assembly. Uwajumogu is the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), and the state governor, Owelle Rochas Okorocha sees the Imo North rerun as his project. Having lost all the three senatorial seats to PDP in 2015, the governor sees the nullification of Achonu’s election as an opportunity to recover some lost ground. Perhaps, the facts on the ground were not convincing enough to the APC that the outcome of election might not go its way, hence the demand for the REC’s removal! Senator Achonu believed that the indefinite postponement of the election by INEC was at the instance of the ruling APC in Imo State.

He told the protesting members of Okigwe Indigenes Association in Abuja shortly after a meeting between the PDP National Chairman and INEC that Wednesday that the postponement of the rerun poll, was an indictment on the nation’s security agencies. “This is a country where 2015 general elections were conducted even in Borno and Yobe with Boko Haram challenge. Now, they cannot conduct election in just six local governments!” he wondered. Apart from Imo North, INEC has deferred the March 5 rerun election in Anambra Central, this time, on the orders of the court. PDP candidate in the previous election, Senator Uche Ekwunife, was the one that obtained the court order. Ekwunife has left PDP for APC, to contest the rerun election. But unfortunately, the door was shut against her, hence the recourse to the Court of Appeal, to review its earlier judgment. On the Imo North rerun, Sheriff, who assumed office barely two weeks ago, showed that he was a practical man. His visit to the commission’s headquarters was for INEC to lift the suspension and conduct the poll. Apart from the apprehension the postponement created, the people of Imo North are denied fair representation in the National Assembly, especially in the ongoing budget debate. Since it lost the 2015 general elections, PDP has not made any categorical statement concerning the INEC. During the brief period Mrs. Amina Bala Zakari acted as INEC Chairman, the party passed a vote of no confidence on the commission due what it termed as Mrs. Zakari’s past association with chieftains of the APC. The party, until now, has refused to comment on Professor Mahmoud leadership. But Sheriff was bold enough, during his visit last Wednesday, to pass a vote of confidence on the commission under Mahmoud, at least going by the conduct of rerun and bye-elections so far conducted by INEC. What this goes to show is that Sheriff, as PDP National Chairman is not ready to continue to brood over the party’s loss of the last general elections but to find a way of bringing PDP back to winning ways. This is what politics supposed to be!




Okorocha’s aides diverted N2bn bailout fund – EFCC p.40



Buhari should revisit privatisation of government properties – Iwuanyanwu p.41

Vibrant automotive sector panacea to declining oil revenue—Stallion NMN p.43




© Daily Telegraph Publishing Company Limited

Nigeria loses $6.43m investment


outh Africa’s Clover Industries will no longer invest in Nigeria due to a financial crisis there, the dairy products company has said. “The current financial crisis experienced in Nigeria which is fuelled by the low oil price is a further cause of concern, thus the group has decided to withdraw from future investments in Nigeria,” Clover said in a statement. Companies have laid off thousands, cut production and even closed operations as they struggle to get enough dollars to pay for imported spare parts and raw materials. The Nigerian naira had devalued following a slump in oil revenues, the country’s lifeblood. “It’s a sad decision but until the currency crisis is resolved we won’t be able to invest in there any further,” Chief Executive Johann Vorster told ‘Reuters’.

L-R : Chief Consultant, BAA Associates, Dr. Abiodun Adedipe; Chief Regulatory Officer (NAFDAC), Mrs. Khadijah Ade-Abolade; GMD/CEO, Skye Bank Plc., Mr. Timothy Oguntayo and MD/CEO, Touchstone Limited, Mr. Tunde Ojo at the roundtable on the Manufacturing Outlook 2016 held in Lagos… recently

New electricity tariff: Only court can stop it – NERC Akah

Paul Ogbuokiri, Chijioke Iremeka & John Chuks Onuanyim ABUJA


espite the groundswell of opposition against the new electricity tariff, which the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) kickstarted on February 1, 2016, the electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOs) across the country have reportedly gone ahead to adjust their tariffs to reflect the 45 per cent increase. Most consumers spoken to by the Sunday Telegraph in Lagos confirmed that their bills have gone up by about 45 per cent. An Ikeja resident, Mrs. Omolara Adebola, who confirmed that she has a pre-paid meter, said that the N3,000 units she was buying before, is now N4,500, while Anthony Ibe in Isolo, said that he is not metered, but he pays a monthly

bill of N3 500. That has gone up to N5 300, he said. He lamented that while his neighbour, who has a prepaid meter, does not exhaust the N3, 000 worth of units he buys in two months, the DICOs collected N3, 500 from him monthly before the new increase. He described the action as ‘criminal’ accusing DISCOs of following the bad example of the disbanded Power Holding Comany of Nigeria (PHCN), by collecting money for services they did not render. Coming on the heels of the recent motion passed by the Senate directing the NERC to discontinue the collection of the new tariff, the Commission has said instead of obeying the Senate, it would rather wait for the outcome of the court decision on the matter. It stated that only the courts can determine the suitability or not of the new electricity tariff. The Acting Chief Executive Officer of the Commission, Dr. Anthony Akah, who said this in a telephone interview with Sunday Telegraph, said it would be subjudice to speak on the issue since it was before the court, said the court would determine the suitability of the tariff or not. Asked to state what the Commission would do since it lost a stay of execution at

a Federal High Court in Lagos, Akah said: “It is before the court and we can’t make comments on such issues as you know. These are issues that are subjudice and as a responsible organisation we would not be making statement about issues before the court.” On the motion passed by the Senate asking the Commission to suspend the new electricity tariff, he said: “Everything borders on the tariff and we can’t make comments on such issues, we have respect for our National Assembly”. Last year, the NERC under MYTO 2 suspended the fixed charges being charged by the Distribution Companies on consumers and increased electricity tariff by 45 per cent. But the Commission failed to ensure that the fixed charges had been actually been stopped It is before the court and we can’t make comments on such issues as you know. These are issues that are subjudice and as a responsible organisation we would not be making statement about issues before the court

before the commencement of the new tariff regime. At the time of going to press only about 30 per cent of the country had been metered. For instance in Lagos only parts of the Lagos Island, Mainland, Ikeja, Oshodi, Surulere and Apapa have been metered. The greater part of the commercial city has not been metered, while the DISCOs have continued to collect fixed charges from customers for services not rendered. It will be recalled that the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has carried out a protest nationwide at the various offices of the Electricity Distribution Companies and to the Headquarters off NERC. Also some persons had gone to court to challenge the increase. The Minister of Power Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, had supported the hike, stating that for Nigerians to have improved services in the electricity sector they have to pay more for electricity consumption. But the Ag CEO, NERC condemned the protests, saying the action of the organised labour would jeopardise foreign investment in the sector. He said that if the appropriate investment must be CO N T I N U E D O N PAGE 40

Africa Internet Group raises $245m



frica Internet Group (AIG), a Nigerian e-commerce group, has secured further funding worth a total of 225 million euros ($245 million) from investors including Goldman Sachs, South African telecoms group MTN and Germany’s Rocket Internet, it said this week. AIG, which was founded in Nigeria in 2012, owns several technology companies that operate in 26 countries across the continent including online retailer Jumia, delivery app HelloFood, hotel booking platform Jovago and online real estate marketplace Lamudi. Investors have been attracted by a growing demand for online products in more developed African markets in recent years and the prospect of larger disposable incomes among a growing middle class with burgeoning smartphone use making it easier to spend. The additional investment by MTN, which bought a 33 percent stake in AIG in 2014, comes despite the current dispute with Nigeria over a demand it pay $3.9 billion in fines for failing to cut off unregistered SIM card users on its local mobile network. In all the latest investments, which are additional to the 75 million euros that French insurer AXA said last month it was paying for an 8 per cent stake, will take AIG’s capital up to 1 billion euros, company officials told Reuters. Goldman Sachs executive Jules Frebault said in a statement the investment bank had been “impressed by AIG’s pan-African operations”. Despite the opportunities presented by the continent, the experience of those online can vary greatly according to internet speeds and network coverage which is reflected in online spending habits in Africa’s biggest economy, Nigeria.



BUSINESS Intels bags award for quality service, CSR


L-R: Former Director General, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority of Nigeria (NCAA), Dr. Harold Demuren; Pioneer Commissioner, Accident Investigation Bureau (AIB), Engr. Sam Oduselu and President, Aviation Round Table (ART), Elder Gabriel Olowo, during the first Quarter of the Year Breakfast meeting entitled: Nigerian Aviation Policy, NCAA Autonomy and Politics, Safety Regulation and Enforcement, at the GRA, Ikeja, Lagos…Thursday. PHOTO:TONY EGUAYE

Okorocha’s aides diverted N2bn bailout fund – EFCC

Ezurike Ugochukwu



s various stakeholders continue express angst over alleged misapplication of the N26.8 billion bailout fund granted the Imo State government by the Federal Government for the payment of workers’ salaries, operatives of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), have arrested three top officials of State government for allegedly diverting a whopping sum of N2 billion of the money. This is coming on the heels of a recent letter by a Civil society watchdog in Imo State, ‘Imo Bilie Initia-

tive for Good Governance’ (IBIN), to the state government, demanding the details of the bailout loan. The group in the letter signed by its lawyer, Chijioke Emenalo of Alpha Juris Consult Chambers, sought to know among other things; the condition for which the loan was requested, the amount approved for the state, the amount accessed so far, and how the accessed fund was appropriated. They are also demanding for evidence on the construction of 27 General Hospitals, showing where the construction of the Hospitals were captured in the state budget, how much was allocated

to the project, evidence of bidding as contained in the procurement Act, the Bill of Quantity, names of contractors for each of the hospitals, amount appropriated on each and the extent of work done on each hospital. The letter urged the government to provide the group with the demanded information within 14 days to enable them clearly know if the government is living up to the mandate given to her by the Imo people. Meanwhile, Sahara Reporters indicated that the three suspects who are all working in Governor Rochas Okorocha’s office, were arrested fol-

lowing an investigation into the alleged diversion of the said money which revealed that, one of the governor’s aids in the finance department had made a cash withdrawal of N456.532m between September 3, 2015, and October 10, 2015, from the Government House account, domiciled in Zenith Bank. However, it was revealed that the said amount was given to an aide to the Chief of Staff to the governor, following approval and directive by another top aide of the goveror. The suspects will be charged to court as soon as investigations are concluded.

New electricity tariff: Only court can stop it – NERC CO N T I N U E D O N PA G E 3 9

attracted into the sector, the price must be good enough to enable the investor recoup his investment. According to him, this can only be done by increasing the bill payable by consumers. A Lagos resident in Ejigbo, who said that he does not have a meter, explained that if DICOs can provide meters and increase electricity supply, people will not be bothered much with the tariff hike. “What are they increasing the tariff for, for darkness? This is not fair to Nigerians,” he said.

Meanwhile, some members of the bench spoken to by the Sunday Telegraph, have also decried the seeming decision of NERC to disobey the Senate, saying the legislative body has the power to enforce its motions and bring erring government departments to book. According to the Principal Partner, Yomi Okunnu and Co., Yomi Okunnu, the Senate has powers to enforce and control excesses through sanctions of erring departments of government or agencies, especially when they give approval to certain actions of the executive. “Senate can stop busi-

nesses from taking undue advantage over the consumers. Of course, if NASS is serious with her functions, such order will be enforced.” The Principal Partner, of Abuja-based Charles I. Ndukwe & Co., Charles Ndukwe said if the Senate really wants to enforce her orders, she can, but the problem is lack of will power to do so. “The Senate can enforce such orders, though it’s not their major responsibility but they have oversight function over NERC and to do so. The only way it can be enforced is if the government or NASS will impose heavy sanctions on

the DISCOs should they go ahead to collect the tariff, especially when the power has not improved,” he said. A Lagos-based lawyer, Prince Ben Onuora said the National Assembly has oversight powers over the executive arm of government and the NERC is part of the executive, and they are empowered to expose corruption, inefficiency and waste in the execution of the laws by the executive. “If NASS or the Senate in this instance, has the right to mandate or stop NERC’s action and ask them to retrace its steps, then it is enforceable,” he said.

ntels Nigeria Limited,Nigeria’s foremost oil and gas terminal operator was recently conferred with a Gold Award for Exemplary Oil and Gas Logistics Service by Maritime Correspondents Organisation of Nigeria(MARCON). The award presentation, which was part of a two-day conference on Improved Ports Efficiency in Nigeria organised by MARCON, is in recognition of Intels’ outstanding feats in service delivery, good customer relations and its promotion of a harmonious operating environment through deliberate and sustained drive for staff welfare and commendable relationship with its host community. President of MARCON, Ismail Aniemu, while reading the award citation described Intels as a good corporate citizen that has impacted on people and common user infrastructures for the benefit of all within its operating environment. Aniemu, who also applauded the Health Safety and Environment (HSE) status of Intels added that its recent donation to the construction of the very deplorable state of the road leading to Onne was worthy of mention and emulation by other corporate bodies. Isidore Sambol, spokesman for Intels who received the award on behalf of the company’s General Manager, described it as a recognition that will spur the organisation into doing more in adding value to lives, businesses and infrastructures. Intels according to him will continue in improving its standards while also ensuring that its operations and activities are carried out in accordance with laid down rules and laws of the country.

Public Relations Manager, Intels, Mr. Isdore Sambol (l) being presented with the Exemplary Oil and Gas Logistics Service award by the President of the Council of Managing Directors of Licensed Customs Agents, Mr. Lucky Ameworo in Lagos...recently

Oil rises amid Chinese stimulus speculation


il climbed from the highest close in more than seven weeks on speculation that monetary stimulus in China could help revive flagging economic growth in the world’s second-biggest fuel consumer. Futures advanced as much as 1.8 per cent in New York as European equities climbed, after rising 3 per cent this week. China’s central bank cut its reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 percentage points this week, freeing up the amount of cash the nation’s banks can lend in an effort to cushion demand. OPEC production declined last month because of weaker output from Iraq, a Bloomberg survey showed. “Oil is being supported by the cut in China’s RRR and signs of lower production around the world,” said Tamas Varga, an analyst at PVM Oil Associates Ltd. in London. “In principle, the cut in RRR should encourage lending, support the economy and therefore oil demand. At the same time, production seems to be slipping in the US, Mexico and even in OPEC.” Oil has slipped about 8 per cent this year and averaged under $32 a barrel during the past two months, the longest stretch below that level in more than 12 years. Output from the OPEC member countries declined by 79,000 barrels to 33.06 million barrels a day in February, the Saudi Arabian production remained unchanged while Iraq and Nigeria pumped less. West Texas Intermediate for April delivery gained as much as 61 cents to $34.36 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange and was $34.29 this week. The contract climbed 97 cents to $33.75 this week, the highest close since January 6. Total volume traded was about 16 per cent above the 100- day average. Prices rose 0.4 per cent in February, the first monthly gain since October. Brent for May settlement gained as much as 48 cents, or 1.3 per cent, to $37.05 a barrel on the London-based ICE Futures Europe exchange. The global benchmark crude traded at a premium of 82 cents to WTI for May. The April contract expired this week up 87 cents at $35.97.




Buhari should revisit privatisation of government properties – Iwuanyanwu How will you assess the economic policies of the present administration? It is a bit difficult to actually assess the few months of the Buhari administration, but in any case , it is important to mention that there are some good steps the President has taken and there are some steps that he took that can be interrogated in the sense that the masses are crying. The economy is completely is in crisis because when you are talking about governance, first and foremost what is important to everybody is the economy. If the economy is in a bad shape, it doesn’t matter what the good things the leader may claim to be doing. Nigerians want to have food on their tables, steady electricity supply and good roads, so that they can move from one point to the other. Generally, the masses of this country have not seen anything that can make them to smile since the inception of this administration. But looking at the good steps the administration is taking, specifically the anti-corruption crusade; thing can get better in this country. But I also believed that the anti-corruption war needs to be balanced because it appears to be one sided. And very importantly, it is for the president to direct more of his energy to how to improve the economy so that the people can have food on their tables. Looking at the telecommunications sector, which is the area of your interest; what is your take on the recent imposition of the line on MTN by the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC)? In fact I see the massive media reports on the issue as something blown out of proportion. I know that in other climes, such issues would have been settled amicably without allowing it to become a major issue in the public domain. The NCC remains the umpire and do have the right and constitution power to sanction or fine any telecommunication company in the country and, however, MTN has the right to say the penalty is too high, can we negotiate it and can also say that what we are been penalized for may not really be a deliberate act on our part, it happened unavoidable. NCC and MTN could have ordinarily had gone to a round table to resolve the matter. So, all of these noise making and, the whole things it has generated will fade away. NCC and other operating telecommunication companies should learn from the experience in case of future occurrence, they should find a way to resolve such matters amicably. I am saying this because there is no way NCC will close down MTN, as do-


Dr. Martins Iwuanyanwu is the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, Success Digest Nigeria, and the President of Leadership Watch. In this interview with STANLEY IHEDIGBO, he urges President Muhammadu Buhari to revisit the privatisation programme of the past administrations. Excerpts ing that would be tantamount to putting Nigerians in a very difficult situation, so the best thing is to look at it beyond the money NCC will be making from the penalty imposed on the service provider. Fortunately, I know a lot of people are working behind to settle the issue because the matter needs to be amicably resolved in the best interest of Nigeria. There have been a deluge of complaints from Nigerians over poor services and unsolicited messages from the telecommunication operators. What is your reaction? this? I think the issue of unsolicited messages has been over flogged and the telecommunication operators are looking at what they will gain out of it in a way as an organisation. it is a very technical thing because, most times when people complain that their money are

been deducted because they get a message after sometime and the message said , if you are interested send this and the consumer will send in response to the message unconscious or conscious, at the end of the day. It means they have subscribed to something they don’t understand the implications. And they keep deducting money from the users and also the operators created window where you can alter the unwanted messages. I think what is the problem here is that majority of consumers are not enlightened, so they have become a victim of the ‘unsolicited messages’. My take on this, is that the solution to the problem cannot come overnight. It takes a process and I think we will get there. In terms of quality of service, all of us expect to have quality of service because we are paying for it. But it is the responsibility of NCC as the regulator, and I think that they have doing everything they can do to achieve that. Like I said, we cannot get perfect in day, we will get there. But what is important is to continue to have improvement in the quality of service and should be measurable from time to time. So we will keep on urging NCC to keep on drumming it into the ears of the telecommunication operators; they must do more and deploy latest technology at every point in time because telecomms technologies are becoming moribund every two months. China that is the major producer of these technologies, and they phase them out on a monthly bases and new ones introduced. The very reason why the business is highly expensive is because when a new technol-

ogy that will improve one level of service in the sector is introduced, the operating company will invest in that area. With the recent acquisition of Visafone by MTN, it seems the days of CDMA landlines are numbered in Nigeria. Do you agree with some stakeholders that the CDMA will soon disappear from Nigeria? It may not really be the end of CDMAS , because it is like a transition period. But what happened to the likes of Starcomms and few others disappearing in the country, was lack of sincerity of the owners of the companies. There were many things they were doing that was wrong, for instance, I had an issue with Starcomms , they find so many ways to collect your money without providing the service you paid for particular the data package. At the time, I was using their data package, we pay money upfront, they called it pre-paid and when you pay for the data and have issues, they have this kind of I don’t care attitude because they have collected your money. But it got to a point that the subscribers have a choice to make, then they decide to move over to another platform and at the time, even the GSM service providers were beginning to provide the date package which means with or without the CDMAS you can still have data service to your phone or computer. So, eventually it will resurface and the investors, who come in again in the area, will do their homework properly so that they will not find themselves in what led to the disappearance of the previous CDMAS and when they do that, they will be able to introduce innovations that will make it possible for them to remain in business when they come in to do the business. Past administrations in the country sold government owned companies to private businessmen for better efficiency and effectiveness, but some of these companies have not improved. What is your take on this? Sincerely speaking, the politicians in this country think that we the followers are people that are brainless and it is unfortunate that they are thinking that way. The process that led to the privatisation or the concession of government companies was marred by fraud and was not done with very good intentions. Yes, the objective which is to bring private investors on board because they come with more commitment, expertise and many more, which is what happens in other climes. Unfortunately, however, our leaders under this guise take properties owned by Nigerians to compensate people they think can help them reach next level in whatever thing they are looking forward to. Those things were not done transparently. I remember somebody who was a beneficiary of the electricity sector privatisation, said that he doesn’t know the district that was allocated to him, and he has not been to the place. That is to say, he was considered very important and they said, ok you have that one. I think that the present government can go back to the sale of the investments and reveal all that, if they are going to be sincere, and do it in a manner that will be different from the former leaders.




Nigerians moving towards doing businesses on phone


he mobile internet is rapidly transforming the way Nigeria is doing business. This is being made possible with the use of cheaper smartphones. Magnus Nmonwu, Regional Director, Sage West Africa told CNBC Africa that the country was also seeing the change in the nature of business due to rapid improvements in telecoms infrastructure, and the availability of affordable cloud applications. He also said the use of internet and smartphones was empowering enterprises to be more flexible, responsive and efficient. “A number of developed countries are being powered by small and medium businesses that use digital platforms. These SMEs acquire a number of mobile devices and digital activities so as to power their businesses,” he added. “It is our view that small and medium businesses in Nigeria should be given the power and ability to put their services in digital form for users in the market [just like in the developed markets.” Nmonwu said the use of smartphones was vital to digitalisation of the Nigerian economy. He called

for building more applications tailor made for Africa’s largest economy. He said with the smartphone becoming cheaper by the day, it was possible for every citizen to get one in the near future. “We have solutions that we have been able to put in mobile phones for SMEs to utilise. To use these services one requires a smartphone. In the next five years the number of people using smartphones will get to 100 per cent,” said Nmonwu. He added that the use of smartphones will allow users to have up to date and readily available information that enables one to make quick decisions. Nmonwu said for Nigeria to realise these opportunities in the digital space, the government and business should start promoting bridging of this digital gap. “We need to start design tools and codes that will improve the digital space; we also need to write codes and applications meant for our market. This education of coding should be made available locally so that those who want to enter into this space do not have to travel to countries like India for that knowledge.”

Visafone’s 2m customers promised quality services


Kunle Azeez

igeria’s largest player in the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), Visafone Communications has said it was determined to maintain the quality service to its subscribers. In spite of the challenges facing the CDMA segment of the nation’s telecoms industry, the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) official data show that Visafone still holds over two million active subscrib-

ers on its network. Speaking at ‘Visafone Customer Appreciation Dinner’ organised for the telecoms’ subscribers in Lagos recently, Head, Brands and Corporate Communications, Mr. Joseph Ushigiale, said the telecoms firm would strengthen the quality of its voice and data networks for its subscribers. “The need to always put our customers first has informed this event, where we gather select subscribers to the CDMA service provider wining, dining and interacting with offi-

cials of Visafone,” he said. While stressing that the event will provide an opportunity for Visafone customers to engage the brand, he added that the Visafone brand will continue to focus not only on providing top notch CDMA products and services, but also activities that will enhance the lifestyle of its customers. “Apart from providing our customers with a delay free transaction that uses the network to meet the daily voice and data services needs of our subscribers, we also care about

their lifestyles. We understand that they deserve to relax and unwind once in a while and we choose a perfect day to say thank you to them,” Ushigiale said. Speaking on the event, a Visafone subscriber and one of the beneficiaries, who gave her name simply as Mrs. Adeyemi, expressed her joy at being invited to attend the dinner party. Also speaking, another subscriber, Mrs. Chioma Eto, thanked the network for hosting her and other subscribers to the dinner.

NPA to strengthen partnership with Kano Chamber of Commerce Akintola Omotayo


he Managing Director of Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA), Malam Habib Abdullahi has said that at least one officer of the organisation will be posted to main the office which the Kano State Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture recently provided to NPA. Speaking in his office on Friday, when he received a delegation from the Kano State Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Managing Director added that a formal proposal should be forwarded to his office concerning the request for NPA to have a permanent pavilion at the Kano State Trade Fair complex. Malam Abdullahi commended the strategic role being played by Kano indigenes in the ports industry, saying Alhaji Aliko Dangote the Chairman of Greenview Development Nigerian Limited (GDNL) and Alhaji Samad Rabiu of BUA Industries Limited today are among Nigeria’s leading play-

ers in the port industry. He also assured the delegation that NPA will maintain a continuous participation in the yearly Trade Fair in Kano, as it has done since the inception of the Trade Fair. Earlier in his address, the President of Kano State Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture Malam Umar Farouk Rabiu (Dansuleka) requested that NPA should build a permanent Pavilion at the Kano State Trade Fair ground adding that as a mark of respect for the continuous participation in all its past trade fairs, the Chamber has provided a permanent office for the Organisation at its secretariat to promote ports business. Mallam Rabiu also promised to continue to promote NPA and the maritime industry; and further commended the NPA boss for doing a good job in the ports. Other officials of the chamber, who were on the visit, were the Vice President, Uba Mijinyawa and the Treasurer Dr. M. D.Yusuf.

Managing Director, Nigerian Ports Authority, Habib Abdullahi (l) in a warm handshake with the President of Kano State Chamber of Commerce Malam Umar Farouk during the latter’s visit to the NPA headquarters in Marina, Lagos….Friday

Diversification: Skye Bank boss harps on investment in manufacturing


roup Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Skye Bank Plc, Mr. Timothy Oguntayo, has called for massive investment in the manufacturing, agriculture and extractive industries for the success of the diversification programme of the Federal government.

Oguntayo disclosed this at a ‘Roundtable session on the manufacturing outlook for 2016’ organised by BAA Associates in Lagos, on Wednesday. According to the Skye Bank boss, who was a lead panellist at the roundtable; the three identified sectors were critical for the success of the economic diversification agenda of the current government in view of the dwindling oil prices, low GDP growth, and rising unemployment in the

country. Oguntayo, who went down memory lane, said the manufacturing sector contributed 10 per cent of GDP before the oil boom of 1970s but lamented that Nigeria’s overdependence on oil export and earnings from the 1990s to date. He said the over dependence on oil resulted in the neglect of the manufacturing sector; just as low investment in public goods and infrastructure led to the decline in manufacturing activities. To reverse the negative trend, he recommended the expansion of public infrastructure like road, electricity, among others to promote manufacturing. In addition, he advised manufacturers to access the earmarked N200 billion Central

Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and N200 billion Bank of Industry’s intervention funds to boost their operations. He noted that commercial banks were not structured to provide long term funding but bridge finance, he said the Bank of Industry and NEXIM Bank should be strengthened to provide long term funding for manufacturers. Oguntayo expressed his support for the import ban placed on some items that could be sourced locally, saying it would promote import-substitution strategies and lead to less stress on the naira. The session had in attendance representatives from Standard Organisation of Nigeria, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Nigerian Textile

Manufacturing Association (NAFDAC), Berger Paints, DNMeyer Paints, Touchstone Limited, Fidelity Bank, Union Bank, UBA, Wema Bank, Greif Nigeria Plc., Skye Bank and a host of other manufacturing concerns in Nigeria.





Vibrant automotive sector panacea to declining oil revenue—Stallion NMN

Motoring tips Honda blues

Honda brands remain one of the best in the world. They have speed; balance and the stereos are of international quality. The sound quality oozing from the speakers makes the vehicle look like a party on wheels. However, the brands are not very road friendly because of ball joint issue. Though it gives ample warnings, a broken ball joint leaves the owner stranded. This is an area Honda manufacturers should improve upon.


Nissan assembly plant


Paul Ogbuokiri tallion NMN, manufacturers and distributors of Nissan vehicles in Nigeria has warned of impending stagnation in the country’s evolving automotive sector unless the Federal Government wholly implements the National Automotive Industry Development Plan (NAIDP) and give deserving operators the latitude to function optimally. Nissan Nigeria Regional Project Director, Mr. Sorin Profir gave this charge in Lagos at a media engagement to acquaint local automobile journalists of the company’s successive plan of action and Nissan’s accomplishment since 2014, when it rolled out the first Nissan vehicle. Profir counselled the Federal Government to embrace the automotive industry as a viable alternative to oil that is already drably priced. According to him: “The automotive industry is a catalyst of growth in most global economies and we can’t continue to depend on oil - reason why we should explore the inherent opportunities in automotive manufacturing.” He said government should immediately implement the auto policy document and

restrict gratuitous importation of vehicles that can be locally manufactured while it encouraged the establishment of more ancillary industries such as tyre, battery and glass companies to accelerate the inclusion of substantial local contents. Adding it was time Nigeria got its policy direction right, the Nissan regional director added: “On no account should the policy document be allowed to be circumvented or discarded for gratuitous reasons as many stakeholders are already waiting for policy direction to enable them kick-start their operations.” Also commenting on the automotive policy, Stallion Nissan Nigeria Motors Plant Head, Mr. Prakash Karat said: “The plant hasn’t been stretched to its installed capacity since it began operation in April 2014 but we have produced only 3,050 units of four variants of Nissan vehicles including Nissan Patrol, Almera, NP300 Pick-up trucks and NV350 commuter buses.” Stallion Nissan Motors Nigeria plant was inaugurated in April 2014 with three fully equipped assembly lines for SKD (semiknocked-down) components with an annual installed capacity for 15, 000 vehicles but has only produced 3,050 vehicles as of June 2015.

The Stallion NMN vehicle plant like all other conventional manufacturing concerns is driven by the principle of supply and demand and cannot carry inventory beyond particular level, Karat explained, adding: “We work according to marketing requirements.” Also as consequence of the current parlous state of the economy, Karat said: “The Nissan vehicle plant has shrunk its work force to 85 from 131 at inception, but such workers could be recalled soon as the economic downturn improves.” He enjoined customers to be assured of the quality and standard of vehicles produced at the Nissan plant which according to him compares to similar products manufactured in overseas plants. “We are continuing to train and retrain our service technicians in Nissan ever growing technological advancement and we acquaint them extensively in Nissan’s always-changing technology. I am therefore proud to say we have some of the best technicians yet.” The Nissan plant head, who guided the automobile media round the facility at the Volkswagen Estate along Lagos-Badagry Expressway, said plans are underway to transform Nissan Motors assembly plant from SKD II to a CKD tooling plant.

Volvo S40 2003 Blue

he Volvo S40 continues to enhance Volvo’s reputation as a maker of superb sports sedans. Volvo is a leader in safety engineering and it’s clear the company put a lot of effort into building a structure designed to protect its occupants. The S40 comes loaded with active and passive safety features to help drivers avoid accidents, then protect them if there is a crash. This may be the safest car in this size class. Smaller than most luxury sedans, the S40 is much easier to park in tight spaces and it’s easier to maneuver on narrow roads. The design of the Volvo S40 is lovely, subtle and original but mostly very clean: Scandinavian simplicity at its artistic best.

Clearly, Volvo doesn’t do boxes any more with its sedans.


2016 Buick Encore

or a third straight year the Buick Encore reigns as the 5-Year Cost to Own champ among entry-level luxury SUVs. Moreover, with a starting price of around $25,000, Buick’s smallest vehicle continues to prove you don’t have to spend a fortune to get into a premium crossover.The Encore is one of the latest Buicks to embody the brand’s goal of reaching younger buyers with premium yet approachable vehicles, and its booming sales show the strategy is working. Beyond its value-oriented price tag, the 2016 Encore attracts with standard features like a power driver’s seat, 7-inch color display with backup camera and built-in 4G LTE Wi-Fi connection.

Mercedes-Benz trucks land highest order from Eastern Europe


framework agreement for the delivery of 1,000 Mercedes-Benz Actros with Euro VI engines has been signed with Girteka Logistics, a Lithuanian logistics company, in February.

The agreement will be an important milestone in the partnership between Girteka Logistics and Mercedes-Benz Trucks. The majority of the trucks will be handed over to the logistics specialist within the current year. The Mercedes-Benz Actros is coming in the best known Mercedes tradition, placing mile away from its peers. The average fuel consumption of the truck has been cut by 13 per cent since its market launch in 2011. All trucks will be equipped with the newest, further optimized generation of the OM 471 heavy-duty engine and Predictive Powertrain Control (PPC). Compared to the predecessor model, the already low fuel consumption of the diesel engine is further reduced by up to three per cent and additionally lowers CO2 emissions. The PPC assistance system recognizes the

topography ahead and engages gear changes in order to optimize fuel efficiency. In doing so, PPC lowers fuel consumption by up to five percent. “We are proud to win Girteka Logistics as a large customer with the biggest fleet order in Eastern

Europe for Mercedes-Benz Trucks in its history,” says Stefan Buchner, Head of MercedesBenz Trucks. “We feel very honoured by this trust, and it clearly shows that our flagship model Actros stays ahead of the tough competi-

tion.” Mindaugas Raila, Chairman of Girteka Logistics: “In the year of our 20th anniversary we decided to modernize our fleet by 1,000 new Mercedes-Benz Actros - an important strategic decision for us. The new Actros convinces by its operating performance, safety equipment and reliability.” In order to further improve the fuel efficiency of the new trucks Girteka Logistics additionally decided on FleetBoard. The telematics system collects all vehicle data like consumption and break related driving style or vehicle wear-and-tear. FleetBoard supports full transparency of the entire fleet and shows further potential of savings. Moreover, all ordered tractor units for Girteka Logistics are equipped with a level floor BigSpace cab, headroom of 199 centimetres and 890 litres of storage space in order to offer its drivers best working conditions and much freedom of movement on longer tours.




Hidden picture

Princess Rose and the golden bird (part 2) Sergy Nikolov


bracadabra, Sim-SalaBim, may the rose’s colour dim!” And the princess’s hair turned as black as tar again. Only this time the witch also picked up all of the rose blooms in the entire kingdom. “Let’s see how you’ll break my curse now!” she sneered, filled with rage. Once again, the saddened princess asked the bird, “Tell me, golden bird, how can I make my people’s dreams so sweet again till the break of dawn?” “Black hair in rose water,” the bird chirped in reply. “But where should I find a rose?” “Black hair in rose water,” the bird chirped and flew away. The princess didn’t know what to do. So great was her anguish that her eyes filled with tears, one of them falling to the ground below. At that very moment, a young

and handsome prince, who had stopped under the balcony of the princess, took out a little box and a single red hair from within it. He bent down and placed the hair atop the princess’s tear. And then, a miracle happened. Suddenly, the red hair turned into a red rose. The prince picked the rose and took it up to the princess. Upon seeing the rose, she immediately brushed off her tears and plucked its petals to add to the water in the basin. Then, she dipped in her hair, and the curse was broken. Everyone gasped in astonishment, and the King asked the prince, “Young man, where did you find that red hair?” “When the princess and I were both children, I picked a single strand of hair from her head as a sign of my loyalty to her. And she did the same to me, pulling out a strand of my own hair.” “It’s true, father,” the princess confirmed and took out a little

Crossword puzzle

box. She opened it to reveal a single hair from the prince’s head inside. Everyone was delighted with this news. The prince and Princess Rose got married on that very same day. Upon learning that her curse had been broken again, the wicked witch’s evilness swelled so much that she exploded into a thousand tiny pieces. Eventually, rose blooms sprang up in every garden What do you do when your chair breaks? in the kingdom Ans: Call a chairman once again. And so it went: each How does a pig go to hospital? Ans: In a hambulance. evening Princess Rose sang her loving lullaby, What do you get if you cross an insect so that all peo- with the Easter rabbit? Ans: Bugs Bunny. ple fell asleep and had sweet dreams till the What bird can lift the most? Ans: A crane. break of dawn.

Gags What can you hold without ever touching it? Ans: A conversation. What bone will a dog never eat? Ans: A trombone. What has 6 eyes but can’t see? Ans: 3 blind mice. What did one magnet say to the other? Ans: I find you very attractive.

Photo speaks

Ojodomo Grace Makoji is one! Happy first birthday to this ever smiling baby.



Market hits Year High


he Nigerian equities market enjoyed bullish investor sentiments during the week, as the NSEASI advanced on all five (5) trading days of the week. Against this backdrop, the NSEASI advanced by 6.57% WoW, pushing market capitalization to NGN8.88tn. The persistent gains during the week, is credited to the bullish rally on DANGCEM, following a dividend declaration of NGN8.00/per share, implying a yield of 4.76% at current market price. Market breadth (1.50x) skewed in favour of advancers as 36 stocks appreciated in value, against 24 decliners. Volume and value of transactions however waned by 67.01% and 31.93% respectively, due to the transaction volume on TIGERBRANDS last week. TIGERBRANDS emerged the week’s top gainer, after the counter appreciated by 30.30% WoW to close at NGN1.72/per share. The counter was followed by AFRIPRUD (+27.73%), DANGCEM (+24.44%), ETI (14.35%) and DIAMONDBNK (+12.50%). Conversely, FO (-14.26%), FCMB (-10.13%), CONOIL (-9.71%), IKEJAHOTEL (-9.60%) and WEMABANK (-8.33%) were the top underperformers in the week. Dangote Cement Plc. released its FY2015 financial result during the week. Revenue grew by 25.56% YoY to NGN491.73bn and subsequently, Profit after Taxes (PAT) surged by 13.68% YoY to settle at NGN181.32bn. African Prudential Registrars Plc also released its FY2015 financial scorecard, reporting a 38.79% and 40.31% YoY growth in Revenue and PAT respectively. The company also proposed a dividend payout of NGN0.43, which implies a yield of 15.87% at a share price of NGN2.71. In anticipation of an influx of earnings releases and dividend declarations in the coming week, we anticipate a soar in investor’s appetite. While we expect the market to sustain the current trend in the coming week, we opine that plausible profit taking on counters that gained in the week could stem positivity. In this report, we review events in the economy, laying emphasis on the performances of different segments of the financial market, while presenting our expectations for the coming week. Fixed Income Update: Naira returns 0.01% YtD at the Interbank Investor’s activities on the Nigerian fixed income instruments was tempered during the week, as yields hiked across instruments. The average yield on Treasury Bills climbed by an average of 0.49% WoW to close at 6.25%. The Central bank during the week, auctioned T-bills worth NGN329.93bn, with stop rates pegged at 5.186%, 7.57% and 9.00% for the 91-day, 182-day and 364-day instruments accordingly. Contrary to the trend in the T-Bills space, average offer yield across bond instruments declined marginally (-0.19% WoW). The instruments enjoyed some days of positive outing, albeit, demand was largely bearish. The average offer yields on the Benchmark and Off-the-run bond closed the week at 10.39% and 10.58% accordingly. Influenced by the undulating liquidity at the Nigerian financial market, the average NIBOR hiked by 0.49% WoW to peg at 7.55%. The money market rates - OBB and OVN closed at 3.17% and 3.58% repectively, implying a 2.17% and 2.25% hike accordingly. The domestic currency recorded a positive WoW return (+0.01%) at the Interbank market, to close at a mid-price of NGN199.28/ USD. However at the parallel market, the Naira closed at NGN325/USD against the week’s opening price of NGN320/USD. We anticipate that the relatively higher yields on T-Bills and FGN bond instruments will drive some demand at the secondary market in the coming week. We do not however see a rebate for the Naira in the near

…as DANGCEM declares NGN8.00 Dividend TAFOAM, 7UP, UNILEVER and NB with respective WoW returns of -6.87%, -5.22%, -5.00% -1.68% and -1.06% We opine that the bullish run recorded by the Dangote Group affiliate companies in the week was largely due to the FY2015 numbers released by the Group’s Cement subsidiary. We are not optimistic about a positive close for the coming week, although we acknowledge that company and sector specific news may keep the general market mood positive.

term especially at the Parallel market. Agric. Sector: Leading the pack on a YtD basis Measuring with the MERI-AGRI index, the sector closed the week in the positive territory with a WoW appreciation of 0.41%. This outcome saw the sector’s YtD return peg at 1.56%, outperforming other MERI indices on a year-to-date basis. Mirroring prior week’s showing, ELLAHLAKES, FTNCOCOA and OKOMUOIL recorded zero price movements during the week, while all other counters in the sector, PRESCO and LIVESTOCK gained 0.74% and 6.14% WoW to settle at NGN34.25 and NGN1.21 in that order. The buy sentiments that dominated the equities market in the just concluded week, appears to have rubbed off on the Agric sector, given that no counter pared in the week. We anticipate that news inflows relating to release of performance scorecards of sector participants will influence price movements in the coming weeks. Banking Sector: Posts Positive WoW Return as Investors Await Results The banking sector returned positive this week to halt the largely bearish run of four (4) consecutive weeks of losses. Consequently, our MERI-BNK index advanced by 3.04% to push the YtD return of the sector to -13.28%. There were nine (9) advancers, six (6) decliners, and one (1) non-mover to peg the sector’s breadth at 1.50x. ETI led the gainers, after appreciating in value by 14.35% to peg its trading price at NGN15.99. The ticker was followed by DIAMONDBNK, ZENITHBANK, UBA and UBN, which recorded respective price appreciations of

12.50%, 7.22%, 6.87%, and 4.91%. On the other side, the decliners list was populated by FCMB (-10.13%), WEMABANK (-9.38%), FBNH (-7.89%), UNITYBNK (-5.97%), and STERLNBNK (-4.12%). The positive returns of the market might be attributed to the Industrial goods sector, however, the general positivity pervaded the banking sector, as investors seemingly positioned for the impending earnings releases and corporate actions. We anticipate that this trend may be maintained into the coming week as investors continue to take position, and barring further profit warnings which could reverse sentiments. Consumer Goods: TIGERBRANDS Gains 30.30% WoW The sector index, measuring with the NSEFBT10, closed the week negative after declining by 1.36% WoW, to peg the YtD return at -19.80%. The component equities of the Consumer Goods sector recorded a largely tempered outing in the week, as most counters retained the previous week’s close prices, while seven (7) counters gained and six (6) counters declined. TIGERBRANDS topped the advancers’ chart for the week, with a return of +30.30%. The counter was joined on the chart by PZ, DANGSUGAR, NASCON HONYFLOUR, UACN and GUINNESS which recorded respective price appreciations of 10.05%, 7.45%, 5.00%, 3.60%, 1.21% and 0.44%. INTBREW, however, endured significant negative investor’s sentiments, as the counter closed as the week’s highest decliner with a WoW return of -6.92%. Other decliners for the week included FLOURMILL, VI-

Health Sector: Sector Breadth Settles at Equilibrium Activities in the sector were tempered in the week, with the MERI-HLTH index trading flat in the week. There was a solitary advancer and decliner respectively, while all other stocks traded flat. MAYBAKER was the only advancer, appreciating by 6.38% WoW to close at NGN1.00, while FIDSON was the sole laggard, after the counter pared by 5.74% to NGN2.30. We note the skepticism on the part of investors towards sector’s counters recently, as earnings releases by sector companies draws near. Nonetheless, we advise value seeking investors to trade only on fundamentally justified stocks capable of delivering value in the event of a market rebound. Industrial Goods: Investors Seek Alpha in Sector Following the release of DANGCEM’s FY2015 result, the industrial goods sector soared, as the sector index returned 21.06% during the week ended to drive YtD performance to -2.39%. Key indicators such as sector breadth, turnover and volume of transactions all reflected positive trends. DANGCEM, which opened the week at NGN135.00 enjoyed bullish investor sentiments, as the ticker rallied to NGN168 by the end of the week, representing a 24.44% WoW change in price. CAP, CCNN and BERGER also recorded positive WoW returns with respective price gains of 4.97%, 3.45% and 1.29%. WAPCO, on the other hand, failed to capitalize on positive sector waves, as the stock depreciated by 2.39% during the week ended. As noted earlier, DANGOTE CEMENT PLC released its FY2015 result. Revenue came in at NGN491.73bn, representing 25.56% growth from FY2014 numbers. In the same vein, Profit after Tax (PAT) increased year-on-year by 13.68% to NGN181.32bn. The cement market leader also proposed a dividend of NGN8.00, implying a yield of 4.76% at current market price of NGN168.00 The strong wave of positive investor sentiments during the week is an indication of investors longing for value. We believe that the market will continue to seek alpha returns in companies’ with good capital and dividend return potentials. Against this backdrop, we expect the building materials sector to remain investor’s delight, even as the federal government ramps up infrastructural spending. Nonetheless, we note the possibility of profit taking activities which might deter sector returns. Insurance Sector: MANSARD takes the Lead The insurance sector recovered slightly from the backlog of losses recorded in the prior week, after the sector index, as measured by the NSEINS10, advanced by 1.42% WoW, trimming the sector’s year to date losses to -9.28%. The sector breadth (1.50x) favoured gainers following three (3) advancers and two (2) decliners. MANSARD staged a comeback after consecutive weeks of losses, advancing by 4.62% WoW to close at NGN2.04/per share. The counter was trailed by NEM and CONTINSURE, after the counters advanced by 4.17% and 3.33% respectively. On the flip side, CUSTODYINS and AIICO emerged the week’s laggards, having pared by 7.25% and 1.25% accordingly. All other counters traded flat.



Clinical Consultant pharmacist EMMANUEL A.NWANKWO


What is wine?


08148877648 (SMS only)

he word wine came from Latin word Vinuin and also from grape word Vine. Wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes or other fruits. But red wine is made almost exclusively from black grapes. The colour of red wine comes from the Tannins of the skin of the black grapes. We associate wines with grapes but beside grapes, wine can be produced from rice, fruits, pomegranate, apple elderberry, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Producing simple wine is a simple natural process, but different kinds of wine demand a complex production process. Why is grape always used in making wine? There is acid found in grapes but not in other fruits that preserves the wine for decades and centuries. Grapes have a lot of sugar than other fruits and this helps to produce stronger wine because all the sugar is transformed into alcohol. The variations in wine is due to complex interactions in the development of the grapes, reactions involved in fermentation, geography climate, geology of the land and topography, steepness of the slopes of the Vine yards, genetic of the grapes and human intervention during the processing. All these accounts to the prestige and quality of the wine, including soil type, weather condition, farming technique. Grafting is done in every wine producing region of the world except Argentina, Chile, Canary Island because these areas are not yet exposed to insects that attack the grapes (vineyards). Grafting is matching different types of grapes to produce better quality grapes. To produce better

wine, different species of grapes are created (Hybrids) by genetic crossing of two or more species through rootstock. This enables the vineyard to resist infestation. People have the right to know that you can make a bad wine from good grapes but not a good wine from bad grapes. Classification of wines Wines have two types/classifications. Classified by Region (where the grapes are grown) and classified by Grape Types. Why does wine taste the way it does? There is a lot of different factors that go into creating each wine’s unique taste. The varieties of grapes, blending (combination) of different varieties of grapes and the fermentation time. The fermentation contains wood or steel, maturity time, maturation container and length of time of contact with the grape’s skin. All these account to the tastes of wine. What are the characteristic of collectible wine? Collectible wines have a proven track record of holding well over time, period of maturity and approachability this is many years long production. There must be a drinking window. Rigorous production methods at every stage of production, e.g. grapes selection, appropriate barrel aging, (experts attesting to the quality of the wines (yard stick) based to experience in tasting. How do I store opened wine? Transfer open wine it to smaller bottle, and re-cork it. You can leave it on the counter if re-corked. Refrigerate the opened wine because chemical reaction is less rapid at lower temperature and the eventual oxidation process will be slow to make it undrinkable. Regeneration allows for still drinkable wine. What is the difference between spar-

kling wine and champagne? Champagne is a sparkling wine. Champagne is the best known sparkling wine. Champagne is always associated with celebration and Indulgence. Some people believe that champagne is a gold standard of sparkling wine, while others believe that sparkling wine is even better. Champagne is a place in France where sparkling wines are produced. Champagne process is very lengthy, which is partly responsible for the higher price. Both sparkling wines and champagne have effervescence and the semantic is in choice. How many categories of wine are available? The primary categories are (1) table wine, (2) fortified wine (3) champagne (sparkling wine). What is Marsala wine? Marsala wine is a fortified wine commonly used for cooking to create rich caramelized sauces. Marsala wine comes sweet and dry. What is wine score and is it important? Wine score is a quick and simple way for a wine critic to communicate their opinion about the quality of a wine. Wine score is a 100-point scale that starts from 50 instead of one or zero. This scale is according to wine spectator Robert Parker. Wine score explanation 95-100 is considered classic and great - 5 star superlative. 90-94 is outstanding and superior wine - 4 star Excellent. 85-89 is very good with special quality - 3 star good for every day. 80-84 is considered good and solid well made - 2 star casual. 75-79 is mediocre wine just drinkable - ordinary. 50-74 not good and wine not recommended.


Lagos embraces nonmotorised transport system


s part of its mandate to give Lagosians a functional transportation system, the Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) said it would promote NonMotorised Transport system (NMT) in the state. LAMATA, according to its Acting Managing Director, Iyiola Adegboye is promoting the nonmotorised transport to check traffic congestion, environmental pollution, promote healthy living through exercise as well as contribute to curbing climate change. Speaking at a workshop jointly organised by LAMATA and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in Lagos, Adegboye said that the damage done to the environment by motorised transportation in form of emission and pollution must be checked to preserve the environment. Adegboye stated that NMT promotes reduction in road crashes and conserves energy. According to him, it also reduces risk of mortality and congestion. He said there was the need to systematically tap into these huge benefits and direct attention towards promoting the modes, providing the infrastructure and also promote their use. He further said that with the workshop, the Agency would begin to articulate clear provision for the rights as well as responsibilities of pedestrians and cyclists in the state’s traffic laws. He also said that a strategy will be formulated for non-motorized transport as a facilitating framework as part of our planning procedures. “ Also we would provide separate infrastructure where appropriate; incorporate standards of provision for bicyclists and pedestrians in new road infrastructure design and incorporate responsibilities to provide for non-motorized transport in road fund statutes and procedures,” he said.

Of critics & criticism Success Nuggets Victor Okwudiri 08037674300 (SMS only)


fortnight ago, on this column, I did an article titled ‘The Law of the Naira’. The message of that article was that the value of the naira is in every one naira (and same applied to every denomination), such that one naira taken away from one million naira robs its owner of his millionaire status. However, there was a slight error with my arithmetic. So, someone chose to ignore the entire message of the beautiful piece I wrote, just to concentrate on the slight mistake. Below are our exchanges via sms. CRITIC: ‘Victor, just read your “would have been” beautiful peace, ‘The law of the naira’ at p.43 of Sunday Telegraph of 14/2/16, if your arithmetic was right. 1,000,000-1=999,999 and not 999,000. QED. Dr. A...@ ME: “It was a typographical error, or, better stated, a mistake of the HAND (fingers), not the HEAD. Beyond the LETTERS of any instrument is the SPIRIT of it. Little wonder it is said, even from the golden age of the conscience, that equity looks at the INTENT, not the FORM. You got it right on the LETTER, but missed it on the ‘SPIRIT,’ which is that whether

the right answer is N999, 999 or N999, 000, one million naira minus one naira is no longer one million naira. And, if I may add, the piece remains a beautiful one, irrespective of anybody’s opinion. I won’t add a ‘Q.E.D.’” CRITIC: “Well, the absence of a comma in a contract agreement in the 1990s made an aircraft manufacturer to lose $70million when the contract went sour. The spirit of your piece was to demonstrate that 999,999 is so close to 1,000,000 and yet so far away. 999,000 failed by a large margin of 999 to demonstrate the all important lesson of your piece which is that little things matter. If you think otherwise as your reply has shown, then sleep in a room with just one mosquito. Your ‘mistake of the hand’ spoilt your show. I’ve used same argument to canvass Nigerians to accept the coins legal tender in a 405 page book in 2013. Please little things matter.” ME: “I just read your reply. My mistake of the hand spoilt my show in YOUR SCREEN, which is a faulty one. Change your screen. *Awaiting your ‘Further and Better Particulars’.” LESSON As much as I do not encourage argumentative retorting, the lesson I want you to take from the foregoing is this: Never let anyone use his REGGAE to spoil your DISCO. Never! If you are in charge of the kitchen, you must be ready to face the heat. Similarly, if you want to be successful, you must be ready for criticisms, both constructive and dismissive. However, you must

determine never to let anyone with a critical spirit or disposition dampen your spirit or make you feel any less than who you are. If you are too EMOTIONAL, you may be unable to make MOTION in the direction of your dreams. As such, you must develop a tough skin. I am not saying that you should not be ready to accommodate the views of others. No! The point made here is that, while it is okay to embrace good ideas and ‘better’ perspectives from others, you should not give in to inferiority complex. Be persuaded about your stance. If you are not persuaded about what you are doing, how can you get others to follow you? You see, persuasion is key in leadership. Confidence is very important. Hear this: a team of lions led by a goat will be defeated by a team of goats led by a lion. Why? Confidence! To better handle criticisms, I want you to understand the following: Only a tree with fruits (good fruits at that) will attract stones. The point here is that, the mere fact that you are (or something about you is) a subject of criticism is an attestation to the fact that you have something to offer; you are not empty after all. Sometimes, OPPOSITION comes to POSITION you rightly in your place of destiny. The point here is that, criticisms can fine-tune you and make you better. As such, it may be the wrong thing to do when faced with criticism is to quit, particularly when you are convinced about the rightness of the course you are pursuing.


Traders petition LASG over market demolition


raders at the popular Ile-Epo food market in Agbado Oke-Odo Local Government Area of Lagos has sent a save our soul message to Lagos State Governor, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode over the planned demolition of sections of the market by the present Executive Secretary (ES) of the council, Engr. Oladapo Famuyiwa. In a statement made available to journalists, Market Secretary, Mr. W.A Falana blamed the problem in the market to the arrival of the present ES who they said does not want them to make a living in the market. “Just last week, the same ES invaded the market with some people called developers, with the directive to all marketers to vacate their stalls and shops which they bought in seven days to allow the ‘developers’ to start his demolition. To this we are prepared to resist. We sell food stuffs and they need air not to be locked up in shops. We don’t need shops. The ones in this market are fallow and have become abode of miscreants.” Falana said the ES has continued to invade the market with thugs from the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), who in many cases had maimed and dehumanized and extorted traders who are trying to earn a living in the market. The Market Secretary therefore appealed to Ambode to wade into the matter and call Famuyiwa to order in the interest of peace. Responding to these allegations, Famuyiwa said among the 23 markets in the council, IleEpo has been problematic to handle.

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MY TURNING POINT I am a very spiritual person – Zack Orji


‘Why Kaduna is regulating preaching’ p.49



Why I pray with banner p.51


TAI ANYANWU HEAD, RELIGOUS DESK titus.anyanwu@newtelegraph © Daily Telegraph Publishing Company Limited

The world will rather sink than for Rev. King to die – Pastor


Tai Anyanwu senior Pastor in Rev. King’s Christian Praying Assembly (CPA), Rt. Rev. Ernest King, has threatened that Nigeria and the entire world will sink rather than have their condemned General Overseer, Dr. Chukwuemeka Ezeugo, hanged as ordered by the Nigerian Supreme Court recently. Rev. Ernest issued the threat during a telephone interview with Sunday Telegraph during the week. He said: “The whole world will sink rather than have Rev. King hanged. You people don’t know who he is. Nothing will happen to Dr. King. He told us that he is going to somewhere and he will come back. And he doesn’t talk and it will not come to pass.” The cleric alleged that the Nigerian judiciary had collected bribed from a certain group of people who wanted to see Rev. King out of the way, and therefore delivered partial judgment against the CPA general overseer. His words: “The Supreme Court judgment against Rev King is good for the nation because, God will use it to cleanse the judiciary system. It has shown that the Nigerian Judiciary is partial and that anyone that brings money to the judiciary automatically is favoured with judgment. But everyone will answer for whatever he or she has done. “Forget the witches, wizards and the wicked mafias in Christendom, they are judging themselves. Nothing will happen to Dr. King and his church. The kingdom we are talking about has come to stay; the future of the church is in no way going to be affected by the judgment.” Rev. Ernest also threatened that those who passed the death sentence on Rev. King and said unprintable words about them and their families. Rev. King was convicted first by a Yaba Magistrate court for the murder of Ann Uzor on June 22, 2006. The death sentence was confirmed by a Court of Appeal much later and recently by the Supreme Court. Besides the muder of Ann, he was also accused of setting ablaze five other members of the church like Vivian, Jessica, Chizoba, Kosisochukwu and Uche. According to Ernest, Rev. King is being persecuted because he refused to tag along with some clerics who claim to be Christians but are actually perpetuating evil. He maintained that Rev King is a true servant of God because his resolve to fight evil had earned him persecution. “That is the only way to know the true people of God because they are fighting evil, then evil will fight against them. Whoever tells you that he is serving God and there is no one persecuting him, my brother run

Vicar: How Christians can help those terrorised by ISIS


Rev. King

away from such person because he is not serving God. This shows why God himself has refused to allow evil people to continue in power and in churches. The truth of the matter is that Dr. King was upstairs in house when the fire happened. He heard someone shout ‘fire, fire.’ He ran down stairs, quenched the fire, took the child to the hospital and deposited money for her treatment. Because they wanted money the first group of policemen returned on the December 31, 2006 and made away with about N5million The cleric said that the group was charged with illegal breakage, for stealing about N5 million; but regretted that the case was still hanging in the court till today. “It was the same group from the State CID, Panti that came to Ajao Estate to make arrest. They said that they will deal with Dr. King ruthlessly. It was the same group that came to carry money that is working with Christian mafia because Dr. King did not want to join them in doing evil. He also argued that it was not possible that six people were bathed with

fuel and only one of them caught fire. “Some said the six were bathed with fuel in Rev King’s parlour. Other said that was at the garage, yet there was no evidence of burns in the places where the six were purportedly set ablaze,” he said. He challenged the authorities to be courageous enough to tell Nigerians the truth about the whole episode. “Pour 20 litres of fuel in the parlour and see if the house will not be consume. So let Nigerian government and their groups tell us the truth,” Ernest said.

Rev. King was convicted first by a Yaba Magistrate court for the murder of Ann Uzor on June 22, 2006. The death sentence was confirmed by a Court of Appeal much later and recently by the Supreme Court

anon Andrew White, also known as the “Vicar of Baghdad,” recently shared sobering accounts of how the Islamic State group continues to terrorize Christians across the Middle East -- and how believers in the West can help. During a session titled “Christian Genocide” held during an International Christian Media Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, White first extended greetings from “The Church. The Persecuted Church. Not just in Iraq, but many other places connected with the Middle East.” The minister, who is widely respected for his peacemaking efforts between Christians and Muslims, was ordered by Archbishop of Canterbury to leave his church in Baghdad in December of 2014 as Christians in Iraq came under increasing threat from the Islamic State terrorists. “Most of our people are not in Baghdad anymore. I was in Baghdad. But ISIS came in and they basically destined to massacre our people,” White recalled. He illustrated how the city’s Christian population lived under constant threat, forcing them to escape with “whatever they had on their backs” to Erbil in northern Iraq and some farther on to Jordan. While their bodies were safe, “their hopes were destroyed,” White lamented. The pastor revealed that during his time serving as head of St. George’s Church-the only Anglican church in Iraq--he invited members of the extremist group into his home to share with them the love of Christ. “I have a tradition. I always invite people, even bad people, to come have dinner with me. I invited some of the ISIS leaders,” he said. “They said, ‘If we come, we’ll chop your head off.’ I didn’t invite them again.” Christians in the Middle East continue to live in desperate conditions, lacking sufficient accommodations, food, healthcare, and education. He recalled one particularly heartbreaking story, where he met with a family who had lost their father. The pastor asked the small boy, Mario, what he could do for him. “He put his arms around me,” White recalled, “and he said, ‘Father, will you be my daddy? Can you get me in school?” “We Christians! We talk about looking after the Persecuted Church. You talk about helping those who are suffering for their faith. But do you mean it? Or is it just talk and prayer?” the pastor asked. White clarified that while “prayer is a very good thing,” it’s even more important to “pray for peace and pay for peace.” “It’s no good praying and doing nothing. If you really care, you will provide for those in need,” he said, referencing James 2:14-17, which states, “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works?




Roving Worshipper with Tai Anyanwu

Nigeria is a land of giants


ituated along Free- it says. dom Way, Lekki ‘Roving Worshipper was Phase 1, The Dome is at This Present Church the first auditorium of This last Sunday. It is a first class Present House, a unique worship arena. denomination founded Beside The Dome is an by Dr. Tony Rapu. ongoing complex strucIt houses three classes ture called the Freedom of churches namely the Centre, obviously the naadult, youths and chil- tional headquarters of the dren’s’ churches. Beyond denomination; both sat imthe main stream churches, posingly on what looks like This Present House also one and half acre of land. boasts of other unique Crispy clean environchurch called expressions. ment, well-tended landThey include The Brooks, scaped garden, cheerful God Bless Nigeria and The ushering team, welcome Freedom Foundation. the ‘Roving Worshipper’ into It was reliably learnt the specious auditorium. that the expressions were Inside, confident and easydesigned to cater for dif- going congregation sat unferent spiritual needs and der savoured the coolness peculiar situations of the of air-conditioned church. target audiences. For inThe ‘Tribe of Benjamin’, stance, The Brook Church the church’s choir, mois conceived to create con- mentarily transformed the ducive atmosphere for gathering into a throne people who are desirous of room for worship, with God but who may not fill soul-lifting songs. Like a accepted in conventional typical church for the afchurches. fluent, the congregation So, single parents, divor- sang and danced in style. cees, over-eligible men, Their dressing also depictsexually active youths ing the general believe that and their kinds feel free to one should go ahead and express their love for God express their “love for God therein. just the way you are.” God Bless Nigeria on the The senior Pastor was not other hand, is home to the in service, but someone socially mal-adjusted and preached on his behalf. miscreants; while the Free- Taking his sermon within dom Foundation is a home the context of Psalm 40: for rehabilitating drug us- 31 and Isaiah 40: 31, he ers and harlots. thought the congregation The uniqueness of the on the need to acquire denomination, it was gath- spiritual power through ered, is also not lost on the fasting and praying. parent church. He said: “Nigeria is the According to the church’s land of giants, if you can’t pamphlet: “This Present fit in, then relocate to BeHouse (TPH) is nin Repuba unique assem- So, single parents, lic. You need bly of believ- divorcees, over-eligible power to ers, passionate men, sexually active cope; that is about the ad- youths and their kinds why we fast vancement of feel free to express to secure the God’s mandate, their love for God future of our living as cata- therein children and lysts for change the feature of in society. TPH our society.” is a place where people “One other reason we fast from diverse denomina- is for our relationships and tions or no church back- community for us to live in ground can feel at home; peace. so regardless of where you The children of Noah find yourself on your spiri- understand that beside tual journey, there is a place strength of number, they for you here. also need unity to build “Here at TPH, we carry a the tower of Barbell; but passion for expressing the their desire was contrary Kingdom of God in every to the will of God so God sphere of our existence. said ‘Let us scatter them by Our utmost desire is that confusing their language. beyond Sunday services, That is because God underTPH becomes that place stands the power of agreeyou come to find true in- ment.’” spiration to impact the The preacher pointed out: world around you. You are “That we have a situation welcome to plug into our where one says how you eclectic mix of community, are and the other will reply fellowship, worship and what did you say and yet spiritual truths that help the other would respond you grow deeper in God,” what is this.



I am a very spiritual person – Zack Orji D

Tai Anyanwu id you ever know that Nollywood star, Zack Orji, was a shoemaker and that music is actually his first love? Well, Sunday Telegraph learnt on good authority that the movie producer, considered a complete gentleman, keeps breaking new grounds. “I grew up fiddling with the acoustic guitar. In my fourth year in secondary school, I wrote a song in French, which was featured in a show on the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) Channel 8, Enugu. I did my first demonstration in 1987 and went into music before movies,” Zack recalls. With a collection of 10 songs, the celebrated actor cum filmmaker explained that he would feel incomplete and unfulfilled if he died without expressing himself musically. Incidentally, Zack’s songs showcase a lot of inspiration derived from the Holy Bible. He said: “The Bible is the word of God, and it contains many praise songs. I derive inspiration from messages that are preached both within my church and at different Christian functions that I attend. I sing mainly to praise God and I do this in different forms”. How has Zack’s upbringing led to his inclination to the art? “While in secondary school, I was a member of the Dramatic Society. We used to travel to various states in Nigeria for stage performances. My inclination has been mostly towards the arts, although I was a science student. My father wanted me to be a medical doctor, but I refused. I was good at drawing and fine art was one of my best subjects,” he explained. Having graduated in Stage Management from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he tried different vocations prior to his career in the entertainment industry. At one of such occasions, Zack went to the popular Balogun Market in Lagos Island, to look at shoe designs. With his drawing ability, he went home to replicate the designs and sell them locally and abroad. The shoe business began to boom for Zack, but one day, he went to his shop only to discover that thieves had broken into it and made away with everything. “Later I went into buying and selling, I did supplies too. In the process of supplying some goods, I met a friend, Ekenna Igwe, one of

Nollywood’s celebrated screen writers . He introduced me to a number of friends who were then working on a movie script ‘The Unforgivable Sin’. It was an Igbo movie with English subtitles. It was the first movie I starred in. That film got me my first nomination in 1995 AMEN awards as the Best Actor. After that, I began to get offers to star in movies. Since then I have featured in about 150 different films, playing leading roles,” Zack recalled. His distinguished contribution to the growth of Nigeria’s movie industry was rewarded with a leadership role in the entertainment parlance. He became the President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN); and went on to produce movies within and outside the shores of Nigeria. What has Zack been up to lately? He said: “I’ve been up to a lot of things. I still act, produce a n d direct. I’ve also been involved in a lot of training; training young actors, training people who are desirous of a career in film-acting, costume designing, cinematography, film production, script writing and post production. “I put together different professionals who

are on top of their game in motion picture I practice and then create the was a science environment student. My father and the platform wanted me to be a for young people to medical doctor, but I be trained refused. I was good at in different crafts drawing and fine art by these was one of my best professionals. I’ve also subjects been involved in motivational talks in churches and in other places.” an actor and filmmaker. BeBut behind all the cause of films, I have been to achievements, is a heart USA, UK, South Africa, Ghathat gasps for God. “I am na, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, a very spiritual person. I and now Uganda,” he said. believe I am where God Now ordained as full-time has gifted me to be and evangelist by Bishop Emma impact on people posi- Isong of Christ central Chatively. I studied stage man- pel International (CCCI), agement at the University Zack’s preoccupation is to of Nigeria. I partly studied preach the gospel of good tidin Togo and graduated 21 ings across the nations of the years ago. world. First he was ordained I am as a Pastor in Powerline Bible Church, Lagos, where he had been a senior member for many years. According to Zack, it is a divine call. But the ace film maker hasn’t decided to start his own church. “I have thought about it but it’s not something I intend to do. But we can’t say what God would want us to do in a few years from now, but right now it’s not in my agenda at all,” he said emphatically.





‘Why Kaduna is regulating preaching’ A bill sent to Kaduna State House of Assembly to regulate religious sermons in the state is raising a lot of dust from both Islamic clerics and Christian clergy. Why did the government sponsor such a controversial bill? First and foremost, the correct title of the bill which is before the State House of Assembly is ‘’A Bill for a Law to Substitute the Kaduna State Religious Preaching Law, 1984.’’ This clarification is very important because I have seen the bill being referred to as ‘’Anti preaching bill,’’ ‘’Anti Hate speech bill’’ and several other names in both the social and mainstream media. From the title of the bill, you will understand that a religious preaching law has been in existence since 1984 in Kaduna State. The law was enacted by the then Military Governor of the state, Air Commodore Usman Muázu. Three other military governors have amended it in the last 30 years or so. So, the present administration is not trying to do something new per se. Rather, in my own layman’s view, it is doing some kind of amendment. You said that the bill has been raising a lot of dust. I don’t see any dust that it is raising. What I see is that the good people of the state are exercising their freedom of expression by giving their opinions on some aspects of the bill. It is the media that wants to raise dust over it, as far as I’m concerned. Apart from snippets of the bill which people have been commenting on, not much is known about it. In summary, what is the bill all about? The bill provides that any person who preaches without a license has committed an offence. It will be an offence to also play religious cassettes or use a loud speaker for religious purposes other than outside a Mosque or Church and during the stipulated praying period. In addition, it will be an offence for vehicles to mount loud speakers and ply the streets, blaring religious sermons. Also, the proposed law will make it an offence to abuse religious books and use any derogatory term to describe any religion, incite disturbance of public peace. It will also be an offence for anyone to carry weapons to worship places. Similarly, the bill prescribes that any person, who is guilty of the offences mentioned above, shall be sentenced to a prison term not exceeding two years or a fine of N200, 000.00 or both. In addition, if the preacher is a licensed preacher, his licence will be revoked. The Sharia courts and the customary courts will have jurisdiction to try offenders, for Muslim and Christian defaulters respectively. Furthermore, the law stipulates that the activities of Muslim and Christian preachers will be regulated by Jamaátu Nasril Islam and Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) respectively. In addition, there will be a Ministerial Committee that will be set up by the government which will oversee activities of the two religious committees. The Ministerial Committee will comprise a chairman who will be appointed by the governor, the Special Adviser on Security, a senior official who advises the governor on interfaith matters, a member of JNI and CAN, a representative of Ministry of Justice, a representative of the police, DSS and Civil Defence Corps. What is the fundament difference between this bill and the former edicts which were passed by past military governors? Basically, there is no much difference as far as I’m concerned as a layman. In my view, the major difference is the Ministerial Committee which is to be appointed by the state governor as provided for in the bill. The new bill states that the Interfaith Committee shall interface between the committees that will be established by both the Jamaatu Nasril Islam and the Christian

The decision of Governor Nasir El Rufai to regulate religious preaching in Kaduna state is generating a lot of controversy, even before the executive bill currently before the legislature is subjected to public hearing. In this interview, Mr. Namadi Musa, the Director General of Interfaith Matters, tells IBRAHEEM MUSA why the proposed law is necessary ing religious recording, in which abusive language is used against any person or religious organisations or religious leaders is prohibited. Now, is this provision a breach on anyone’s fundamental right? If anything, it protects the rights and integrity of people from being maligned. And don’t forget, rights are not absolute. Your right stops where my own begins. You will agree with me that some of the preaching that are presently going on both sides of the religious divides are very abusive and defamatory. So, what this section is saying is that you can preach without abusing either people whom you share the same religion with but differ in sects, or people of a different religion. I don’t think that genuine adherents of Islam and Christianity will frown upon this provision because the two religions preach peace.

Namadi Musa

Association of Nigeria, in order exercise supervisory control over them. Also, in Section 11 of the 1984 law, the punishment that was prescribed for offenders was a prison term not exceeding two years or an option of N1, 000 fine or both. In 1987, the punishment was increased to five years without an option of fine. In the current bill, a defaulting preacher will not just lose his licence but will be given a jail term not exceeding two years or a fine of N200, 000. In addition, the bill provides that JNI and CAN should keep records of the churches and mosques in Kaduna State, including a data base of all its preachers. People are wondering about the timing of the bill. Has it got anything to do with the last clash between soldiers and Shiites in December which resulted to loss of lives and property? No, the issue of Shiites is being handled by the Commission of Inquiry and the bill has nothing to do with it. The need for the bill arose from the fact that society is dynamic and there is the need to update our laws and even abrogate some of them as the need arises. You would notice that when the edict was first passed in 1984, the fine was just N1, 000 for offenders, which was a lot of money then. Now, it has been increased to

N200, 000. Also, the bill was conceived following complaints from people that certain preachers have been maligning their leaders or religious sects or even religion. Similarly, people have been complaining about the high level of noise that some preachers are subjecting them to. The bill is aimed to take care of the interest of all and sundry. But some lawyers have said that the bill is unconstitutional. How will you react to this allegation? Well, I’ m not a lawyer. There will be a public hearing on the bill, so everyone will be given the chance to air his or her view; lawyers, religious groups and civil society organisations. But some Muslim clerics and Christians have argued that the proposed law will breach their fundamental human right of freedom of religion, because their religions command them to preach to their faithful. Now, Kaduna State wants to abridge that right by saying that they should obtain a license before preaching. Do you think that this is proper? The proposed law will not breach anyone’s freedom of religion as you put it. Rather, it will enhance people to practise their religions without molestation. The law will enhance intra and inter religious harmony in Kaduna State. For example, Section 10 of the bill states that any cassette contain-

But some people find other provisions offensive, like the recommendation that a preacher needs to obtain a license before he or she can spread the word of God. Can you clarify this section? Let us understand two things here. Preaching and spreading the word of God like you said. In Islam for example, any Muslim can spread the word of God, explain or interpret any verse of the Qurán or Hadith which he or she is conversant with, to fellow Muslims. This is what is called ‘’Fadakarwa’’ or ‘’Tunatarwa.’’ Sometimes, the sermon can be a common place topic like telling people the sins associated with alcohol, adultery or stealing which virtually every Muslim knows about. However, on the other hand, preaching as used in the context of this bill entails an event that is given prior notice, which is expected to hold at a venue on a given topic or topics. So, what Kaduna State government is saying is that both the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Jamaátun Nasril Islam (JNI) should screen preachers in order to determine whether they are knowledgeable enough to preach to a congregation. Not only that, they should determine whether a would be preacher has the right temperament and wisdom to preach. After sifting the knowledgeable from the charlatans, the Ministerial Committee will issue them licenses. You will agree with me that preachers have an enormous influence on their followers. So, it will be in the interest of peace to screen and licence people who wield such powers, especially to ensure peaceful coexistence in a diverse society like ours.

The proposed law will not breach anyone’s freedom of religion as you put it. Rather, it will enhance people to practise their religions without molestation. The law will enhance intra and inter religious harmony in Kaduna State. For example, Section 10 of the bill states that any cassette containing religious recording, in which abusive language is used against any person or religious organisations or religious leaders is prohibited. Now, is this provision a breach on anyone’s fundamental right?




Osun Dep Gov calls for prayers for Nigeria’s economy


Tai Anyanwu

he Deputy Governor of State of Osun, Mrs Grace Laoye-Tomori, has urged Nigerians to work hard and pray for divine intervention in the economic problems facing the country. Tomori made the call last Sunday at the Special Prayer and Thanksgiving service for the economic organised by the Redeemed Christian Church of God’s National Headquarters, Ebute-Metta, Lagos. The programme tagged ‘Flood of Abundance’ brought together thousands

of Christian faithful, captains of industries, public servants and entrepreneurs and included prayer, song rendition, bible teaching and prophetic ministration. Tomori observed that the economic situation in Nigeria needs divine intervention pointing out that the knowledge and skill of man is limited. She said: “Ceaseless prayer from the church is so urgently needed at this time of the year and at this stage of the Nigeria economy so that very soon Nigerians will heave sign of relief. She advised Nigerians to work hard, look inward and depend less on foreign

goods. “This is time for us to believe in ourselves, tap into the enormous resources that God has given to us; and I believe that Nigeria will have abundant and so shall it be in Jesus name,” she said. Also speaking at the event, the Special Assistant on Administration and Personnel to the General Overseer of RCCG, Pastor Johnson Odesola, charged political office holders to fear God and do what is right for the good of the masses. “You cannot enjoy the flood of abundance if you do not belong to God, you cannot serve God and ma-

mor; but once you are with God, you will definitely enjoy his blessing,” he said. Odesola cited the scripture saying that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and added that God would see Nigerians through if only we can fear Him and live for him at all times. He stressed that God has promised to bless his people abundantly even in the time of famine but he requires our absolute obedience to him. He also charged businessmen to continue to obey the instructions of God in the given of their tithe and offering.

L-R: Prelate Methodist Church of Nigeria, His Eminence Dr. Samuel Chukwuemeka Kanu, Chairman, Island Club, Lagos Mr. Oladipupo Okpeseyi, Chairman Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) South West zone, Prof. Magnus Atilade, and Publisher /CEO Breakthrough Media Company, Rev Michael Akintola, at the occasion of the 3rd Edition of ‘An Evening with Prof Magnus Atilade’/Award, organised by the Break through Media in Lagos…recently

Nigerians urged to stamp out violence


he pastor in charge of Region 11 and Special Assistant to the General Overseer on Women Affairs, Pastor (Mrs.) Oretayo Adetola, has urged well-meaning Nigerians to be partners in progress with the RCCG to help to eradicate evil and stamp out violence by youths in the country. Adetola gave this charge at a media chat organised by the region to announce the first regional and 17th edition of Christ the Redeemer’s Day celebration, a three-day programme slated for March 10-12, at the Sports Arena of Region 11 Headquarters Complex. While thanking God for growth, increase and enlargement, Adetola revealed that in previous years, all Redeemer’s schools gathered together at the Redemption Camp to celebrate Christ the Redeemer’s Day with thanksgiving to God and sporting activities. “We didn’t have the Redeemers’ Day last year for the simple reason that all

the children that came from all over the country were accommodate on camp, all of them to be fed on camp, all of them to be looked after in camp. It is only by the grace of God that we didn’t record any causality. It was getting too big and with the prevailing condition in the country, it was getting a bit dangerous, therefore, we decided it should be decentralized. “That informs what we are doing this year, i.e. holding it at regional level. Regions in the Redeemed Christian Church of God consist of provinces, so a group of province will come together whatever their number to celebrate. Here in Region 11, we have 14 provinces and that will be a mammoth crowd because each province sometimes has up to 1000 parishes. You can imagine the spread; so, our Mummy, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye decided by the prompting of the Holy Ghost, to make the event a bit less cumbersome, and that was what gave rise to holding it on

regional basis. This year, the purpose and standard of the celebration will be maintained as usual,” she assured. On high moral decadence among Nigerian youths, even with some having good religious background, and measures to inculcate good morals in the Nigerian youth, Adetola said: “We need the media and other well-meaning Nigerians. to be our partners in progress in helping to eradicate evil in Nigeria. Moral decadence among the youth is all embracing; it is not peculiar to only those who grew in the streets. We live in a funny world and as we are not an island on our own, we miss with other people. Peer group influence is a terrible thing among our youths. They want to belong, they want to be accepted and they will do anything under pressure.” She further urged every adult Nigerian and all concerned, to join hands with the church to stamp out

violence, crime and other forms of atrocities. “It is not only the job of the church to train these children aright. Some of our great grand parents did not go to church, yet, from the home they trained their children in morals, and they did it well. They were committed to their primary responsibility to their family and people turned out fine. “Our primary aim of calling this meeting is to appeal to everybody for all hands to be on deck to turn the country around. This is not the job of one person; the job starts from the home, then probably to the church, the school and the society; we all are involved in moulding good citizens for the country,” she submitted. Those expected to grace the event include the Vice President, Education and Chairperson, CRSM, Pastor (Mrs.) Folu Adeboye, former Deputy Governor of Lagos State, Princess Adejoke Orelope-Adefulire and a host of other dignitaries.

Cleric tasks women on nation building


he National Coordinator of Friendship Bible Fellowship Ministries, Mrs. Victoria Majekodunmi, has charged Christian women to replicate the love, care and the compassion of Jesus in their families, communities and the world around them. Majekodunmi gave the charge at the Christian Women Club, an affiliate of Friendship Bible Fellowship held at City Hall, Lagos recently. The programme, which attracted women across Nigeria, featured bible teaching, exercise, free medical services and exhibition of beauty care products. According to her, the world is in disarray and confusion because Christians has failed to beam the light of Jesus Christ in their homes and their immediate environment. “We are the salt of the earth, light of the world and we must let it shine for Jesus at all times and in everywhere we go,” Majekodunmi said. She noted that Christian women symbolise diligence, strength and resourcefulness. “She has the qualities that nurture a Godly outlook about life. She is kind and possesses a large heart. She is also noble in her dealings

with others,” Majekodunmi affirmed. She added that Christian women are the pivot on which all activities in the home revolves. Her words: “Like a magnet, she draws all members of the family together. She plays the role of confidant, motivator, prayer warrior, resident physician, educationist, as well as many other roles.” According to her, women like Deborah, Esther, Catherine Booth and Mother Theresa, who have over the centuries made remarkable difference in their families and communities, have helped to shaped destines of societies and nations because of their Christ-like character and faith in God. Majekodunmi insisted that Christian women, who have the mind of Christ, have the capacity to transform lives and make them not just fit for heaven but responsive to the needs of their society. “Every human being has something of Jesus in them but they may not know because they don’t know the way to salvation, repentance and forgiveness through Jesus Christ which requires our effort in telling them about Jesus and is desired for all mankind,” she pointed out.

Address moral decadence in society, Udom tells Christian leaders Tai Anyanwu


he Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Emmanuel Udom, has called on church leaders to pay more attention to the degenerating moral standard in Nigeria. He gave the charge in Lagos while addressing members of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, during the week. He noted that growth churches have not led to a commensurate growth in moral standard in the nation. Expressing worry that it should be the case, the governor charged church leaders to take advantage of the increasing number of churches to address moral decadence in our society. Udom commended the Pentecostals for what he described as their leadership role in the area of evangelism. “The command in the Bible

which enjoins Christians to go into the world to evangelize told what to do and where to do it but it did not tell us how to do it. I can say here that the Pentecostals have shown us how to do it,” he explained. He also expressed his gratitude to the leadership of the PFN saying that he is the luckiest governor in Nigeria in the sense that no other governor has enjoyed the support and prayers of men of God like he had.



Why I pray with banner


There are plants you can plant around you toward off snakes or mosquitoes from your home or office. It is not however clear whether the smell of the plants or the eating of the leaves cause the prevention of the snakes or mosquitoes from approaching the place or whether the trees have spiritual effect. One day, a man of God asked me of the implication of flags or banners. He said that the thought of banner/flag had persistently lingered in his mind. I explained to him the place of banner or flag in spiritual warfare. Like all other Bible teachings this issue of banner or flag can only work for you if and only if you believe it. Whether in business, warfare or in any other area of your life; make sure that the enemy does not cut off your main supply line. How does the devil do that to Christians? The enemy (devil) will make you become so preoccupied with all that was going wrong (myriad of problems) and you fail to use the power of the Spirit of God to check the assaults. When the power of the Spirit is employed

Word of Life Bishop. Moses Kattey

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had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived. (Numbers 21:8,9) In the case of the serpent of brass lifted up on a pole, all those afflicted physically looked at it and were been healed and lived, but in the case of the power of the Spirit you must: • Remember, to turn your thoughts to the fact that Holy Spirit will handle the matter, and will counter the power of the devil or enemy. • Remember and take consolation that when the assaults of the enemy are much, that all that the enemy intends and plans must come to pass but not now that the Holy Spirit has not been taken out of his way. It is only when the Holy Spirit is taken out of the way will he succeed, and not now. As long as you remember this truth, the power of the Holy Spirit will fight for you, and give you victory. For the mystery of iniq-

Whether in business, warfare or in any other area of your life; make sure that the enemy does not cut off your main supply line to check the assaults, the clouds will part, and the sun will shine through. How do we employ the power of the Spirit of God to check the assault? And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up: That whoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3:14,15) And the Lord said unto Moses, make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent

uity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he (Spirit of God) be taken out of the way and then that wicked be revealed --------- (2 Thess. 2:7,8) Living Bible renders it thus: As for the work this man of rebellion and hell it is already going on, but he himself will not come until the One (Holy Spirit of God) who is holding him back STEPS OUT OF THE WAY, then this wicked one will appear - -(2 Thess. 2:7,8) 1 Amplified Bible puts it this way: For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against (you) the constituted authority) is already at work in the world, (but it is) restrained only until he who restrains is taken out of the way, - - - (2 Thess. 2:7) This book of the law (this truth) shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt mediate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein, for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous and then thou shalt have good success (Joshua 1:8)

Winning the peace or winning the war


t comes to mind the story of a lady who had a disagreement with her boss at her place of work. The boss had been furious and had embarrassed this lady in the presence of over fifty (50) people. Most of who were her juniors at work. The lady was greatly embarrassed and offended at her boss actions. In her anger, she narrated the episode to two of her colleagues. One of them immediately burst out and told her, “If I were you, I would react. There is no way I can accept such a public disgrace.” The other person was however quick to point out that any negative reaction could cost this lady her job. She said, “It is not about who wins the war.” I have modified this assertion to become, “It is not about who wins the war, but who wins the peace.” When most people argue or quarrel their main aim is to win the argument. They often do not care about the tactics they employ during the argument, all they want is to defeat each other. The truth of the matter is that nobody gets paid for winning an argument except it is on a professional level. The

Marriage & Family Intimacy

Bishop Charles Ighele


When most people argue or quarrel their main aim is to win the argument

whole aim of an argument is to exchange conflicting views with the aim of being able to convince the other party to buy your views during a heated exchange. To convince the opposing party, you must first of all decide in your own heart to make the argument a discussion that will bring about progress in your relationship and not just an endless chatter of insults. Spouses, parents, coworkers, neighbours and every person that comes in contact with other people must understand the fact that arguments are bound to occur, but we alone can determine by our words and actions if those arguments turn into wars. It is also worthy to note that there is the tendency to allow an

argument to deteriorate to quarrel or fight if not properly handled. This is because most people go into argument with all their emotions and these emotions can be wounded or battered in the process. We are all born differently and so our views are bound to also be different most times; which is why we reason differently and analyze things differently as well. In marriages, arguments must show its face at one point or the other between the couple no matter the level of love expressed or exhibited. It is a sure way to test the level of maturity inherent in the individuals involved. I always tell people that the best way to know who is more mature in a relationship is by checking or knowing that person who easily lets go, forgives and apologizes. In a situation whereby the couple had a heated argument, the argument is not supposed to lead to sulking and keeping mal-

ice but should even lead to making them stronger. It should make the parties involved to understand each other better. The weapon of the devil in the hearts of most people which is seriously affecting them is to win at all times. If you must win anything, ensure that you win peace. Always have the mentality of surrounding yourself with peace. It is always better to be at peace with your spouse, children, colleagues, neighbours, in-laws; because when you do, you will also enjoy peace. When you seek peace at all times, you will have less enemies and more friends. Do not be among those who are always seeking for areas of conflict. Such people turn every conversation into an argument. They are only interested in seeing that they have succeeded in defeating people no matter what it takes. They never accept defeat. The Bible says, Matt 5:9 - Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God. It is a great privilege to be called a child of God. Children of God love peace and they pursue it at all times. It is childish to strive to win arguments in a marriage and engagements.


Mystery of Anxiety Bishop John Ogbansiegbe 0803 341 6327 (SMS Only)

It’s your time of lifting


ou may have cried in the past. You may have labored in vein in the past, but from now on, God shall make you smile in the name of Jesus Christ. Psalm103: 4 talks about loving kindness and tender mercies which is kindness that is mixed with love. This is a divine mixture. This is a divine concoction of favour, love, mercy and kindness, and this mixture can only come from the Almighty God who alone has the finally say about your destiny. For David to show kindness to the grand child of Saul (an avowed political enemy), with all the wickedness Saul showed to David, means that it is purely the kindness and unusual favour from God. This season, people shall give you money, job, favour and honour not knowing what they are doing. I don’t know what problem that has been limiting you just like the lameness of Mephiboseth. This season, the Lord shall give you a supernatural speed and you shall possess your possessions. “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God that hath dealt wondrously with you and my people shall never be ashamed,” –Joel 2:25-26. You shall overtake and recover all that the devil took away from you in the name of Jesus Christ. Get ready for a mighty miracle this season. God shall move you from failure to success, from helplessness to help, from shame to honour, from disgrace to grace, from empty to plenty, from zero to hero, from frustration to favour and from dispossession to possession in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Your business shall be restored, your marriage shall be restored, your marital peace shall be

restored, your position shall be restored, your money and properties shall be restored, your joy of salvation shall be restored, your spiritual life shall be restored, your ministry shall be restored and your health shall be restored in the name of Jesus Christ. Because of God’s special favour and kindness, you are coming out of bareness. You are coming out of poverty and sickness. You are coming out of frustration, stagnation and retrogression in the name of Jesus Christ. As Mephiboseth packed into the palace to live and eat there forever, you shall move into a new glorious position. You shall move into a new house. You shall move into a new car and new office. You shall move into new favours and new possessions in the name of Jesus Christ. When Mephiboseth entered into the palace, he was dumb founded and overwhelmed. He fell down and worshipped God. God will give you a dumb founding miracle that will bring out tears of joy from your eyes this season in the name of Jesus Christ. As Mephiboseth ate and dined with the King on the King’s table, so shall God lift you to a high position of favour, where you shall continue to dine with Kings, queens and highly placed government officials all the days of your life in the name of Jesus Christ. Above all, what you feared shall begin to fear you from today. You shall receive the favour for your possessions from this moment in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

For David to show kindness to the grand child of Saul (an avowed political enemy), with all the wickedness Saul showed to David, means that it is purely the kindness and unusual favour from God




The spirit of Lazarus (3)

The Voice of Dominion by

Bishop David Oyedepo E-mail:

7747546-8 (SMS only)

Engaging the blessedness of prayer & fasting (2)


Last week, we began this teaching with the understanding that fasting is one of the commandments of scriptures designed for our profiting (Matthew 6:16; 1 Timothy 4:7-8; Isaiah 58:6-8). We also explored fundamental requirements that guarantee our profiting in prayer and fasting. This week, we shall examine some blessings inherent in prayer and fasting, which include: · Access to continuous guidance: Divine guidance is one of the greatest assets in the Kingdom because it is the highway to greatness. However, it is prayer and fasting that facilitates our access to continuous guidance, which is the mystery behind our change of levels (Isaiah 58:6, 11). Jesus set an example for us in fasting and He was continually guided by the father. Also, Abraham excelled by divine guidance. Moses was addicted to fasting and according to scriptures, he fasted for forty days thrice. Thus, he was constantly guided by God. Furthermore, the Israelites also enjoyed God’s leading all through their journey in the wilderness. Apostle Paul was also given to fasting as a lifestyle and he triumphed by divine guidance. Therefore, our sonship can only be manifested by divine guidance (Genesis 12:1-3, 10, 13:1-2; Exodus 7:1, 14, 19, 8:1, 16; Numbers 19:15-23; Acts 16:8-9; Romans 8:14; 2 Corinthians 6:5, 11:27). As we all know, one wrong step can wreck a whole destiny and that is why the Bible says: There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death (Proverbs 14:12). This makes continuous guidance a lifelong requirement for every child of God as it is the gateway to a world of exploits and supernatural breakthroughs. When we are guided by God, we are unusually confident. Moreover, we don’t suffer stress under His leading because it is the gateway to our breakthroughs (Psalms 23:1-6; Isaiah 48:21; Joel 2:1-11). However, we must

recognize that until we are in the Spirit, we cannot hear from God and fasting helps us to be in the Spirit, which makes hearing from God automatic. Therefore, we must be in the Spirit and walk in the Spirit to be led by God (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:25; Revelation 1:10). · Fasting engenders divine health: This happens in three ways: ü Prayer and fasting is a platform for divine empowerment: Jesus describes sicknesses and diseases as oppressions of the devil. The Bible says: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him (Acts 10:38; See also Matthew 10:1). When we are empowered on the prayer altar, we cast out the spirit of infirmity without sweat. This is why we must build up our power level in order to displace the oppressor. For instance, Jesus Christ was anointed without measure and no sickness or disease could survive at His appearance. Therefore, our level of empowerment is what defines our level of liberty (Psalms 66:3; Matthew 17:19-21; Mark 9:29; Luke 4:14). ü Revelation: Revelation is a veritable tool for our desired transformation. The altar of prayer and fasting is the altar of outbreak of revelation which culminates in our transformation, including healing. When we engage in a fast, there is a breaking forth of light and because infirmities are forces of darkness, when light breaks forth, they also bow out. However, when revelation graduates to illumination, authority is conferred and our dominion over sicknesses and diseases becomes unquestionable (Isaiah 58:6, 8, 60:1; John 1:5, 9). ü The Word of God: God’s Word is the Balm in Gilead. That is, God’s healing power resides in His Word and every encounter with the healing Word sets us free from every harassment and torture of sickness and disease.

“…that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom...”Luke 16:22 “When Jesus heard…, he said, This sickness is not unto death,…that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.”John 11:4 The other Lazarus was sick and when Jesus was told about his sickness, Jesus said, ‘later’. There are things you do as a believer to check every form of delay in your life and receive answers. There are people in the lives of others who occupy the place of a helper, but are not helping them. In fact, because of the calibre of people in the life a man, others might not be willing to render any help. I pray for you that anybody in your life who is occupying the place of a helper but not willing to help, may God replace them in Jesus name. There were probably people around the beggar Lazarus who would have even helped him, maybe his relations; but just ignored him since he was around a rich man – assuming the rich man will help him somehow. Some



Rev. Femi Akinola

01-790 3163; 0808 584 5864

So many parents died poor – and their children are showing the same tendencies

people would pursue a contract for a long time, expecting help from some big people in their lives, but the contracts will be kept in view until it is eventually given to another person. Every ‘keep-in-view’ case in your life, today, they are receiving attention and speedy answers in Jesus name. There are people who carry the project of others, but when the time of reward comes, they are forgotten. Similarity three “And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried.” Luke 16:22 “When Jesus heard that,

he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.” John 11:4 The two Lazarus both died in their situation. So many parents died poor – and their children are showing the same tendencies. Whatever situation in your life right now that seems to want to kill you, help has come in Jesus name. John the Baptist died in his problem. Job had more problems than John? Job’s case was so bad that maggot was coming out of his body that he was sleeping in ashes. Job said; ‘if a man dies shall he live again?’… all the days of my life will I wait upon God until my change come”. But, John said; ‘go ask Jesus, if he is the one we are waiting for or if we should expect another’. Jesus sent a reply that; go tell him all the testimonies and everything,

but blessed is he who is not offended in me’. John eventually lost his head but Job made it eventually. As a beggar, the Bible reported that Lazarus was holy. Naturally, a beggar is likely to be prone to pilfer. But the Bible says he was taken to Abraham’s bosom when he died, which spells that he was recognized in heaven, but wasn’t smart to know what to do on earth. Isn’t it interesting that as soon as he died, an angel came and said, ‘son, let’s go and rest’. Abraham enjoyed on earth and in heaven, you will not be a Lazarus in Jesus name. Job refused to die. You must not die this way. If you are living right now and you don’t have a name, you are a type of Lazarus. Jabez became so honourable that ended up owning an estate.. The Bible says; all the people were staying in the city of Jabez. You must work against every law of life that is working contrary to the prophecy on your life. John doubted Jesus, he lost his head. May you believe like Abraham, Job and Jabez and experience abundance on earth. …to be concluded next

Entrance of God’s word is life (17)

herefore, you must make yourself readily available every time to receive the faith in his living word. You need to go before you Maker, Christ Jesus to receive from him daily. And when you get to him, lean how to sit and be attentive to receive. In receiving from him, learn how to pay your tithe of time before him daily. Modern majority Christians spend more time talking to God than allowing God talking to them. You can’t receive unless you allow him talk with you. When you allow him to talk to you, his sleeping faith called hope will reside in your mind; but as you begin to allow him talk with you, then shall his living faith written in your Spirit’s dwelling place. The LORD will make use of your outer ear to talk to you; but use your inner ear talk with you. While talking to you is by monologue, talking with you is by conversation, that is more of interaction. You are a servant to the LORD, when you allow your outer ear to hear your Maker; but you are his friend when you allow your inner ear to hear him. Your outer ear shall be opened unto him when you focus your mind in quietness to listen to him.

Just believe Pastor Joseph Folonusho


Knowledge reside in the mind, while understanding of knowledge reside in the heart But your inner ear will be opened when in your focus and quietness, you begin to think and meditate in the word you have receive from him. Your taught and meditation faculties will open discussion in his word between you and Him. Remember, his word is Spirit, God is Spirit, and you are Spirit. Knowledge reside in the mind, while understanding of knowledge reside in the heart. The scripture says, the Just shall only live by faith; there is no alternative for him to live. Christ says, if only you believe, everything in heaven, under heaven is possible. Jesus Christ spoke about the necessity for you, the body of Christ to have the substance in his word that produces the faith and belief you need to live. And this he saw in the

life of a woman in Luke 10:38-42 “ Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also SAT at JESUS’S FEET and HEARD his WORD. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath CHOSEN that GOOD part, which shall NOT be TAKEN away from her. Now that we can effectively identify this true faith, and how to get the faith; we must now know how to keep and sustain this faith. And know how to covet this faith to be our faith. It’s common to man that

whatsoever man value, man treasure. Thing you don’t value comes with little or no attached importance. Therefore, you don’t treasure such thing. If you treasure a thing, you will learn to keep and sustain it. How then do you keep and sustain the faith of God that ushers you eternal blessing of God both in time and eternity? There are six things you must be cautious to do. One or more of the six things could show up at a particular time for the purpose of keeping and sustaining the treasure of your life called the faith of the LORD. Those treasured faith you received when sitting must be sustained within you, by your responsibility to stand for them, walk, run, jump, fly, and rest in them. These you must do continually till Christ comes finally. To stand in the faith of God through Christ Jesus is to defend it when the thieves of faith content against this faith in you. You must know that your enemy the devil will not sleep nor slumbered with an agenda to steal, kill or destroy this issue of life given to you by God. He knew that all things shall be possible to you that believe in the faith of Christ.


53 53



Siasia: Eagles’ stars ready to help Nigeria win

Wenger hails Arsenal spirit in Tottenham draw



Lagos Derby: Ikorodu United plan big for MFM p.55


Return of Siasia: The challenges ahead Dapo Sotuminu


n four quick successions, ex-Super Eagles teammates have handled the Nigerian senior national football team, taking over from one another in controversial circumstances. Samson Siasia was allegedly employed on the recommendation of former president, Goodluck Jonathan, as they are both from Bayelsa, taking over from his teammate, Austin Eguavoen. When the coach failed to help Nigeria pick a ticket to the 2012 African Nations Cup finals, he was sacked in October 2011. This was after the team was held to a 2-2 draw against the Syli Nationale of Guinea in Abuja on October 8 in Abuja. He was shown the exit door by his employers, the Nigeria Football Federation, who turned deaf ears to the coach’s appeal for leniency as they had made of their mind to bring in another Nigerian coach who had proved himself worthy on the African continent, as handler of the Hawks of Togo and the Eagles of Mali. Stephen Keshi, replaced his teammate Samson Siasia, who went ahead to sue the football federation for breach of contract and asked for compensation for the termination of his contract which still had some years to go. He later withdrew the court case. Keshi, swung into action as Eagles’ chief coach preparing his team for the 2013 Nations Cup in South Africa and the qualifiers for the Brazil 2014 World Cup. The former national team captain led the Eagles to a cup winning outing in South Africa. After the Nations Cup, which was ridden with crisis despite Nigeria winning the trophy, the Eagles chief coach announced his resignation after the tournament angered by the plot of the NFF to replace him midway into the competition with Zambia coach, Hervé Renard. Keshi was prevailed upon by President Jonathan to withdraw his resignation letter which he did. The coach continued his work and got a World Cup ticket


for Nigeria emerging as the second indigenous coach to do so after Amodu Shaibu did twice in 2002 and 2010. The Eagles’ poor outing at the Brazil 2014 World Cup put Keshi on the front burner as he was lampooned consistently by angry Nigerians. This spiraled into the Nations Cup

Deputy Sports Editor Dapo Sotuminu © Daily Telegraph Publishing Company Limited

qualifiers as the Eagles started on a shaky note in Calabar against a Claude Leroy-led Congolese team and ended up with a devastating home defeat against the Bafana Bafana of South Africa in Akwa Ibom which ruled the Eagles out of the 2015 Nations Cup. His case worsened with the exposure of his bid to apply for the Cote d’Ivoire national team job. This, hastened his sack by the NFF on July 4, 2015, prompting the emergence of another former Eagles’ teammate, Sunday Oliseh, who was employed on July 15, 2015. Oliseh’s reign as Eagles coach ended in February 2016 in a controversial circumstance, resigning his appointment after just seven months in charge, one month to the crucial two legged Nations Cup qualifiers against Egypt. The NFF in swiftly appointed Samson Siasia in interim capacity to handle the Super Eagles in the crackers against the Pharaohs of Egypt. Some Nigerians have been asking the question, why did the NFF prefer the return of Samson Siasia to the Eagles. They have also been wondering how the returnee coach would cope with the challenges that would rear its ugly head. Former national team goalkeeper and Super Eagles assistant coach, Joe Erico, told Sunday Telegraph in an interview that: “Siasia was reconsidered by the NFF because he is at the moment the best for the job. Don’t forget that he has been there before and he didn’t do too badly. He is familiar with the terrain and he understands what it means to handle the Super Eagles. Most of the key players in the team were his products. Don’t also forget that Sunday Oliseh that resigned as Eagles chief coach, showed clearly that he didn’t have the big heart to carry the heavy weight of the Eagles, which Siasia had done in the past. “He has also proved his worth in the Under-23 category which he took to the final of the 2008 Olympic soccer event, and he came back to replicate that performance in the African Under-23 Championship which he helped Nigeria to win in 2015 under serious pressure, winning the title despite the news that his mother was kidnapped in Bayelsa. With the victory, the Dream Team picked a ticket to play at the Rio 2016 Olympics in August. “The only thing is that, the Under-23 team’s preparation for the Olympics will suffer as his absence would affect the team. But here, he has a bigger assignment to do in the Eagles. There are no challenges at the Eagles’ level that Siasia is not familiar with, I see him helping Nigeria to qualify for the Nations Cup despite the difficult task. I can only wish him good luck in his assignment.” Chief Adegboye Onigbinde, a former Super Eagles World Cup coach, also spoke on the challenges that would be faced by Samson Siasia in his new assignment in an interview with Sunday Telegraph. He said: “Siasia is an experienced coach, so he should know what to do in situations like this. I don’t know the programme he has drawn for the team or the technique he would be using to scale the hurdles against Egypt. Siasia must be patient with the players who are obviously angry with the poor treatment and disrespect from the former coach, Oliseh. He should be able to withstand the pressure from the NFF since he was there before.” The former Technical Director of the NFF noted: “Siasia should not lose hope over the refusal of some top players who were forced to retired during Sunday Oliseh’s reign, to return to the Eagles. Things will normalize with time, but he must be focused to scale the immediate hurdle which is picking a Nations Cup ticket for Nigeria this month. I am a Nigerian and I have not changed my nationality, that is, why I do not have any option than to support Siasia to succeed in his assignment. The NFF and Nigerian soccer lovers must also give him total support.”




Sex scandal: Coaches, boxer at loggerheads

Anthony Konyegwachi

Kenneth Minima

Olufemi Oyeleye

Dapo Sotuminu

realized that he couldn’t beat his opponent, he resorted to bite him on his neck. In boxing that is gross indiscipline, since biting is not acceptable in the sport and we cannot afford to take a boxer that would go out there to disgrace Nigeria, so we decamped him. It was the collective decision of all the coaches in camp.” One of the assistant coaches, Jerry Okorodudu, in also speaking with Sunday Telegraph also debunked the claim of sex scandal made by Oyeleye, who he described as a liar. “How could he have said so. That is not true. He was decamped because he violated the rules of boxing and he lost all the trail fights against his opponent. His claims are frivolous.” Adura Olaleyin, who is also one of the assistant

against camp rules and today, aside from being beaten squarely by his trials opponent, he bit his opponent in the neck. He said he is a gold medallist at the African Games, but his form has dropped sharply and we cannot take an half-baked boxer to the Olympic qualifiers. Abua Christian was the national champion in that category before he went back to school, but now that he is done with school, we invited him to the camp and he has not disappoint. All the coaches in the Team Nigeria boxing camp are all Olympians who know the standard that would give Nigeria the needed medals at the Rio Olympics, Oyeleye is just a noise maker and if they ask me to recommend a sanction for his false claims against the Chief Coach, I would suggest a four-year ban for him.”


he Chief Coach of the Nigerian boxing team to the African Olympic qualifiers in Cameroon, Anthony Konyegwachi, has debunked the claim by one of the Team Nigeria’s boxers, that, he was dropped from the team due to sex scandal with the coach as a major culprit. African Games gold medallist in the 69kg, Olufemi Oyeleye, had accused the Chief Coach of dropping him from the squad because he wanted to have an intimate relationship with one of the female boxers, Kehinde Obareh, who was also a gold medallist at the last African Games. Oyeleye told Sunday Telegraph in Lagos during the week that: “Coach Konyegwachi was in a love relationship with Kehinde Obareh five years ago and he is keen at having her back again, the reason he decided to victimize him from the team. The boxer said: “Coach Konyegwachi told me several times that I had become his enemy when I refused to end my relationship with Obareh who I intend to get married to in future. We love ourselves dearly and the coach is very bitter that I turned deaf ears to his warning and that was why he worked out a strategy with one of the boxers in the trials to pretend that I bit his neck during one of our qualifying fights. I did not bite my opponent Abua Christian as alleged and without watching the fight video for evidence, I was decamped. “The coach dropped me so that he could have a field day to woo Kehinde Obareh and not because I performed below expectation. I am the African Games gold medallist in my category, so asking me to leave camp was nothing but shear victimization.” The boxer added: “The coaches in camp have also been sexually assaulting the female boxers in camp. Coach Konyegwachi complained bitterly about my relationship with Kehinde Obareh at the African Games because we were always together, but at the end of the day, I won gold in the men’s 69kg class and Kehinde also won gold in the women’s 60kg category to the shame of the coach.” When Sunday Telegraph contacted Anthony Konyegwachi to react on the issue, he was shocked that the boxer could malign his name the way he did on decision that was taken by all the five coaches in the camp. He told our reporter: “Oyeleye is telling lies, I don’t have any relationship with Kehinde Obareh as he alleged, everyone in camp knows that he is grossly in disciplined and he was dropped because of poor performance. He was beaten by his opponent, Abua Christian, in three trials to select the best in their category. He lost the first bout narrowly, but in the second bout the referee had to stop the fight in round two to stop him from receiving further punishment in the hands of Abua, and while the third fight on, Abua was leading with a wide margin, when Oyeleye

coaches in camp, said Oyeleye is paying the price for gross indiscipline. “Last year, he was almost dropped from the African Games boxing t e a m , w h e n he was found in the f e male hostel late in the night

Kehinde Obareh




Siasia: Eagles’ stars ready to help Nigeria win Dapo Sotuminu


uper Eagles’ interim chief coach, Samson Siasia, has said that Eagles top stars have assured him that they would do everything possible to win the double header Nations Cup qualifiers against the Pharaohs of Egypt. “The players have told me that they would help me win my first sets of competitive games on my return the Eagles as head coach. “We must make sure that we win at home. Whatever we must do to make us win at home, we must do. I am going to give 100 percent

of my time and everything I have got for those two games to make sure we win the game that comes up on March 25 in Kaduna and March 29 in Alexandria, Egypt.” He added: “Right now I need the support of everyone, most importantly the players, the Nigeria Football Federation and Nigerians as a whole. We spoke to some of these players, the likes of Mikel Obi, Victor Moses and Kelechi Iheanacho among others. They’re all ready to play. So it’s a good thing for us,” said Siasia. The 48-year-old is ready to give an arm and a leg to

ensure that the Eagles claim the full points in their Africa Cup of Nations Group G qualifier against the Pharaohs of Egypt at the Ahmadu Bello Stadium in Kaduna on March 25. The former Nigerian international striker is excited that the invited players are also raring to go against the North Africans. The Egyptians, who lead the Afcon qualification group with two points, will play hosts to Nigeria four days later after the first meeting in Kaduna. From the list of invited players, it is easily predictable that Carl Ikeme will

Wenger hails Arsenal spirit in Tottenham draw

Victor Moses will be fit for Pharaohs


he Super Eagles coaching crew are relieved that West Ham forward, Victor Moses, is expected to fully recover from a slight injury for his club’s visit to Manchester United on March 13. Victor Moses has been recalled by Nigeria for this month’s crucial AFCON cracker against Egypt after more than a year from international football.

start in goal if he stays fit. The good thing about this is that, the Wolves goalkeeper has been in fine form for Wolves and has been decent so far since his début against Tanzania. He has appeared 24 times for Wolves this season in the Championship and is expected to continue in goal for Nigeria against Egypt. Siasia, who lead the U-23 side to victory in Senegal, has decided to have U-23 players for each position in the latest squad, as the U-23 team prepares for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

A The striker, who is on loan from Chelsea, last featured for West Ham in a 1-0 home win against Sunderland on February 27 before he suffered a knock. Before his sudden resignation last month, former Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh, has expressed fears over Moses’ fitness and had planned to visit him in London to ascertain his true situation.

rsenal manager, Arsene Wenger, has hailed the spirit of his side after they came from behind with 10-men to hold north London rivals Tottenham. Alexis Sanchez secured a point for the Gunners after Toby Alderweireld and Harry Kane had given Maurcio Pochet-

tino’s side the lead in the aftermath of Francis Coquelin’s red card. And Wenger believes that after a week in which his squad’s hunger was questioned off the back of three successive defeat that his players answered some of their critics with their performance.

PREMIERSHIP RESULTS (SAT) Spurs 2 – 2 Arsenal Chelsea



2 - 3 WestHam


Man City






Three Nigerian female wrestlers in final at African tourney


hree female Nigerian wrestlers have reached the finals of their weight categories at the ongoing African Wrestling Championships in Alexandria, Egypt. The wrestlers are Odunayo Adekuoroye, 55kg, Blessing Oborududu, 69kg and Aminat Adeniyi, 63kg. The finals of the categories will take place today, with Odunayo as the only wrestler among the bunch that has picked the ticket to compete in the Rio Olympics 2016. However, Rosemary Nweke, 48kg, Ifeoma Nwoye, 58kg, Blessing Onyebuchi, 75kg and Mercy Genesis, 53kg will fight to clinch bronze medals.

Also, five male wrestlers will be fighting in the free style category to enable them to reach the finals of their weight categories. Thirteen wrestlers are representing the country at the Championships which commenced end on March 2 and will on March 6. Daniel Igali, the President, Nigeria Wrestling Federation, disclosed in an interview from the competition venue that the wrestlers have so far done well. Igali said that, he was impressed with the level of skills they exhibited. “‘Well, virtually all of them made some mistakes but that is understandable. Those mistakes will be corrected in case of next time.

Lagos Derby: Ikorodu United plan big for MFM Dapo Sotuminu


he host in today’s Lagos derby in the Nigeria Premier Football League, Ikorodu United Football Club, has vowed to pick the maximum three points at stake from their opponent, the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Football Club, when the two teams engage in a battle of supremacy at the Onikan Stadium. For the match that has been scheduled to kick-off at 4pm, the chairman of Ikorodu United FC, Mr. Adeola Adelanwa, expressed optimism that his boys who are determined not to drop any point against the MFM team, would definitely fulfill their pledge to defeat the visitors in today’s game. He noted that, one of the positives from the last game against league champions, Enyimba FC of Aba, is not to relent until after the final whistle. The boys were complacent with just one minute to go, thus the last minute goal conceded which gave Enyimba the three points in the game played on Thursday. The match against Enyimba has toughened my boys and they would vent the renewed determination on MFM. Adelanwa, who said that the club already has 200 supporters who have bought the season’s ticket at the rate of

N50,000 each, stated that, though they know that the MFM team is talented and skillful, the Ikorodu United players would tame them at the Onikan Stadium. Don’t forget that, in Lagos, we are the masters of the natural grass pitch, while the MFM are more comfortable on artificial pitch, so we have a better advantage to win as the odds favour us. “Against MFM, we hope to record our second straight home victory, and this I know is possible with the spirit of the players in camp. My boys are battle ready and they do not want to disappoint our teaming supporters who have absolute confidence in the team to do well in the Premier League,” Adelanwa said.

NPL Result Mar 5 Rangers 1 - 0 Wikki NPFL Fixtures Mar 6 Rivers Utd vs Nasarawa 3SC vs Giwa FC Ikorodu Utd vs MFM Sunshine vs IfeanyiUba El-Kanemi vs Enyimba Heartland vs Lobi Stars Pillars vs Akwa Utd Plateau Utd vs Abia W. Wolves vs Tornadoes


Return of Siasia: The challenges ahead }53


Sanctity of Truth


‘Why Kaduna is regulating preaching’





When hungry and starved Judges dispense justice: HAT MANNER OF COUNTRY IS THIS? MEAGRE REMUNERATION OF JUDICIAL OFFICERS Section 84 (1) of the 1999 Constitution, as altered, provides that the Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission has the power to determine, fix, review upward or downward the remuneration package of political, public and judicial office holders whether elected, appointed, or both, including the legislature at the federal, state, and local government levels; By s. 84 (3), thereof, such remuneration package should not be altered to their disadvantage. The meager salaries and dismal conditions of service for judicial officers are appalling, to say the least. Yet, the same judiciary has become the whipping child of the Executive that are accuses it of corruption, without any scintilla of evidence to that effect. It is a deliberate attempt to annex the Judiciary to the apron strings of the Executive. RIDICULOUS SALARY SCALE FOR JUDGES Can you believe the following salary scale for judicial officers?: · Justices of the supreme court 700,000.00 Naira per month. · Justices of the Court of Appeal600,000.00 naira per month · Chief Judge, Federal and States High Courts -530,000.00 per month · High Court Judges 500,000.00 naira per month · Customary court of Appeal judges- 500,000.00 Naira per month · Khadis, Sharia court of Appeal – 500,000.00 naira per month · National Industrial Court judges- 500,000.00 naira per month A permanent Secretary (PS) in any Government ministry earns about N1 million per month. The Secretary of the National Judicial Council (NJC) and Secretary, Federal Judicial Service Commission (FJSC) and who are at par with a Permanent Secretary, earns N1 million per month, much higher than their “Ogas”, Justices of the Supreme Court, who wade and ache through tons of appellate briefs to dispense justice to all manners of people, without fear or favour. NO ACCOMMODATION FOR RETIRED JUDGES For retirement accommodation, only Chief Justices of Nigeria retire to a house built for them by government. All other Justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Federal, High Court and Sharia Courts retire to no homes. Many occupants of these hallowed citadels of justice are forced to become tenants in decreptic apartments in city suburbs, such as Lugbe, Gwagwalada, Kuje, Keffi, etc. Luckier ones who are aided by their rich family members find themselves owning apartments in the same Estates as people they probably tried or judged their cases, while on the bench, thus subjecting them to indignities, ridicule and danger.



MIKE OZEKHOME san, ofr 08094777755 (sms only) Yet these selfless, hardworking Judges are again daily insulted, abused and tongue – lashed like primary school pupils over alleged poor performance, corruption and miscarriage of justice by rascally politicians who lose their cases, no matter the demerit of such cases. That the Executive has joined in this arm-twisting, brow-beating, intimidating, unconscionable and abusive antics of politicians leaves a sour taste in the mouth. This is calling on the presidency, the RMFC, the NASS and all those responsible, to better the lot of judicial officers, increase their salaries and allowances and provide retirement homes for them. It is indeed incredible for one to hear that a High Court Judge receives N500,000 per month, a sum not enough for a Minister or Senator to fuel his generator sets and vehicles in a month. Poor remuneration and bad conditions of service should be President Buhari’s headache, not the judges themselves. Everyone wants justice, but no one is willing to pay for it. Judges constitute the judiciary, the third arm of government. They have wives, school children, dependants, etc. How are they expected to live on N500,000 per month? NOW THIS COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS The Chief Justice of the USA earns $223,500 annual basic salary, ie, N78.22 million per annum if converted to naira, over seven times more than what the Chief Justice of Nigeria earns as his annual basic salary, going by the provisions of the Salaries and Allowances of Certain Political, Public and Judicial Office Holders Act, 2008. Also, whereas an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the USA earns an annual basic salary of $213,900, ie, N32.08 million, his Nigerian counterpart earns N10.8 million per annum. From 1987, the basic salary of a USA District Court Judge is $174, 000, per anum, ie, N60.9 million, which is N52.5 million higher than the N8.4 million earned by a Justice of the Supreme Court. A USA Magistrate earns $160,000, ie N56.02 million per anum. Thus, a US Magistrate earns more than a Nigerian Supreme Court Justice by over N51 million. In Canada, the Chief Justice receives an annual basic of $370,000, while a Justice of the Supreme Court receives basic package of $342,800, which rates are even higher than those in the USA . That amounts to N129.5m

and N119m, respectively. AND THIS SALARY BACKLOG Till now, the 15 Justices of the Supreme Court, the 85 Justices of the Court of Appeal, the 88 Judges of the Federal High Court and the 19 Judges of the National Industrial Court have not been paid their January and February salaries. Yet, the government expects angelic and saintly justices from the bosom of Christ, and Arch Angel Michael to come down and dispense justice in Nigeria, while government officials from the President down, and their numerous aids are flying across continents of the world, and criss crossing Nigeria, drawing huge estacodes in hard currency, and local currencies in allowances. I cannot fathom why a Justice of the Supreme Court should not earn

at least N5 million per month, Justice of the Court of Appeal, N4 million per month, Judges of the Federal High Courts, and Khadis of Sharia and Customary Courts, N3 million per month. Justification for this is simple. Inflation, security of office, avoidance of temptation and the fact that the small number of Justices, judges and khadis is a drop of water when compared to the humongous billions of naira paid to 309 Senators and 360 House of Representative members, or the elephantine sums paid to the President, VP, Ministers, Special Advisers, Personal Assistants, thousands of Civil servants, all within the Executive. We should respect the allowed doctrine of separation of powers propounded by great philosophers, such as Aristotle, Jean Calvin, John Locke, and mostly popularized by the French philosopher, Baron de Montesquieu in 1748, that each arm of government is separate, with checks and balances, so that no one arm can overwhelm or terrorise the other. This is precisely what the Executive is doing to the Judiciary. LAST LINE Are members of the Judiciary, Legislature and the Executive reading and digesting this Sunday sermon on the mount of the Nigerian Project, by Chief Mike Ozekhome, SAN, OFR? • Follow me on twitter @ MikeozekhomeSAN

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