NewSugar Issue 4

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This months awesome cover work was done for NewSugar by KOODOO. You can see more of his work at



Welcome to Issue Four... “What’s in store, Issue 4?” Yay another issue of NewSugar here to help quench your sugary cravings once more.

changing brief’s . If you would like to show us, and everyone else, your work... get submitting!

This month... Some awesome

From Issue 6 - as Issue 5’s deadline is work again this month and with some nearly up - we will be opening up the submissions to include work from those excellent subs for Issue 5 already at who don’t have the time to submit a NewSugar HQ the trend looks set to brief piece, and there is plenty of you continue. around!


The magazine is still rocking We would still love it if you submitted it and still growing too thanks to you our lovely readers. We’re getting many the brief piece but we have come to thousands of downloads per issue from realise that many artists are missing out on the opportunity due to time well over 60 countries... restrictions. For more information check out the brief section at the back of the mag.


NewSugar STILL needs You can get in touch you! As the magazine continues to with us at: develop both in readership, style and content we are keen to hook up with other like minded individuals who feel that they might have something to offer...

Are you a writer reporter blogger or creative opinionist Then New sugar would deFInitely like to hear from you...

We are looking forward to making your acquaintance

Do you have a great idea on how we could get even better and tick more of your boxes then let us know, this magazine is all about giving you what you want.


Mister Phil

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Images Dr. Brie The Drogon Limited Edition of 40 High quality Giclée Art Print

Fleapit Re-fit Limited Edition of 40 High quality Giclée Art Print

Frayed Constitution Limited Edition of 40 High quality Giclée Art Print

Hindered Apoplexy Limited Edition of 40 High quality Giclée Art Print

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Questions Describe your style in Your most overly used three (two syllable) phrase? Tickles are necessary for words. Mature, manure, Frank Muir. survival. If you were a sandwich which sandwich would you be? Cheese & Beetroot

How hard do you really work? My eyes are so worn I use the bottom of industrial milk bottles as spectacles, my fingers have been replaced with Twiglets, and there’s a hole in my Wacom.

What’s in your near future? Another Freshwhip

Your favourite flaw

I wish I liked them, instead they haunt and hound me into living a sub-standard existence.

Aliens? Would certainly make

exhibition! (Location tbc)

things more interesting.

My number one tip is... Only marginally better than my number two.

What is the best thing you’ve ever destroyed?

Where’s your head at?

I drove my ex-boss’s car into a skip once.

Currently in an unfamiliar place due to answering questions about myself. How long does this speed-dating take?

I would go into space only if... I didn’t have to foot the bill.

Most over worn item of clothing? Pants. I’m always wearing things over them.

Tickles, Discuss. for survival.


You would be mad not to... Believe in sanity. Most visited place online? Since Pixelsurgeon left us I’ve been having difficulty finding a new one.




Juston Tucker


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Images My Pocket To me when I read the

By a Thread

theme “my pocket” I thought about my 3, 8” x 8”, ink on sewn paper, 2008 work and this new series I was working on, with a bunch of pages from old Time pocket books collaged together, in a 2,8” x 8”, ink on vintage paper, 2009 sense the paper was in “my pocket”.

Early Fall 8” x 10”, mixed media on canvas, 2007

War is Over 11” x 14”, mixed media on canvas, 2007

Oh Brother 11” x 14”, mixed media on canvas, 2007

News Web More of Juston’s work to be found here: &


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Questions What is your favourite method to date? Pen on paper,

I wish I could dislike... Banksy.

like to stay inside the box.

How hard do you really work? Not really hard, but hoping to

If you were a sandwich which sandwich would you be? Fried hotdog sandwich, doesn’t

improve my work ethic in ‘09

get more American than that.

What’s in your near future? To stop being lazy & sell

Your favourite flaw. My left big tooth is bigger than my right one.

some art or at least show it.

Nature or nurture? Nature

Worst thing I ever lost... 10% of my pay a few

always wins.

months ago.

Where’s your head at? Barely above water, as I juggle art,

I would go into space only if... Neil Armstrong

work, & my girlfriend.

Most over worn item of clothing? Levis 511’s (everyday). Your most overly used phrase? “AMAZING”, every time I go home to see my parents they call me out for saying it too much.

Brrr, cold enough? Totally it’s 72 in Los Angeles today.

I am reading... Ichat’s from mynameis****, about how cool I am.

Most visited place online?

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Jennifer Leonard


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Images My Pocket Piece done for this

Cycles I produced this image for

months theme to demonstrate my illustration style.

Grizzly Bear Was inspired by an

the Synth Eastwood Cycles themed exhibition, which was held in Dublin. The cycle represented is the cycle of the food chance.

article written in The Metro newspaper about a bear that was photographed trying to drink from a coffee cup. The article was entitled ‘I Need a Coffee or Exhibition Jennifer’s latest I get A Bit Grizzly.’ exhibition will be held the evening of the 16th of March and it’s a group Deer Girl Personal illustration exhibition called Urbis Creatives. It inspired by fashion and fairy tale. I will take place at Urbis the Exhibition created a set of illustrations all based


on the theme ‘Woodland Woman,’ combining the female form and features of animals creating a world of Centaur fashionistas.

Girl A sketch of a girl’s face. ABC Was produced while

Centre, Manchester.

Web Check out more of Jennifer’s work at: prettydamnglam/ or:

experimenting with composition. I enjoy using different textures and mediums in my work playing around with compositions and this was one of my favourite outcomes. I found a book about mushrooms and couldn’t wait to use it in my work.


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Questions Describe your style in three (two syllable) words. Simple, edgy, sexy What’s in your near future? London.

Incorrect things you believed as a child. If you sleep without a pillow then you will throw up. I was a very gullible child.

Happy New Year?

Yes, it’s looking pretty good so far!

I hope to move there this year.

My number one tip is... Little goals lead to big goals.

Aliens? Exist somewhere, though I’ve never seen one.

My dream is... To be

Nature or nurture? A little


nature and a lot of nurture.

Which artist do you think I am reading... Dirk Gentle’s you are secretly related Holistic Detective Agency by Douglas Adams. (Ed: Everyone should read this, to? Ronald Searles. We have a similar sense of humour and we both love cats

Most over worn item of clothing? Black skinny jeans, they go with everything.

Tickles. Discuss.

My face, because my hair always get in it.

it’s awesome!)

You would be mad not to... Like cake and kittens (but not

together like kitten flavoured cake).

Most visited place online?, there are so many great artist to be found there.

I wish I could dislike... Celeb gossip magazines. It’s terrible I know.

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Images Who killed cock robin I chose to explore the often dark undertone of children’s nursery rhymes, whilst still injecting an element of humour in to the work. The characters were instinctively conceived and were not fixed in a particular time or place, reflecting the uncertainty surrounding the origins of the tale itself. I allowed myself the freedom to use the connections and trains of thought that come naturally to me, whilst not adhering to the orthodox notion of what should constitute a children’s book. All the artwork was created by hand using a variety of dip pens, brushes, and collage on a series of different quality papers.

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Questions Describe your style in three (two syllable) words. Chunky wholesome goodness.

What is your favourite method to date? Pen and ink (that’s not rhyming slang).

What’s in your near future? The impending life of

and collected side. Whilst the tomato reflects my fun side and lastly the bacon embodies the creative aspect of my personality.

Incorrect things you believed as a child That ‘cuckoo spit’ was in fact the phlegm a cuckoo.

Before I die... I want to travel

freelance illustration. If you like what you see give me some work!

the globe in search of immortality.


Whilst I don’t agree with the traditional notion of a skinny bloke Nature or nurture? I think with a fat head driving a flying saucer, it’s a combination of the two. You can it’s inconceivable that life only exists have a natural talent, but if you don’t on earth. There are even some things use it you loose it! on earth that back up my claim; I mean lime pickle, seriously wrong.

Which artist do you think you are secretly related My dream is... To be the best to? Tony Hart, and not just because that I can be. Without sounding like

we both have plasticine friends!

I wish I could dislike... Trifle. It’s bordering on addiction.

If you were a sandwich which sandwich would you be? BLT, not just for the gangster

I’m an advert for a leading men’s shaving brand.

Worst thing I ever lost... My mind mwahahahahahahaaaaaaaa (picture crap evil laugh)

name. The lettuce represents my calm






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Artwork info: Work was created Web with a pen and coloured in photoshop or with my Wacom tablet in my pajammies while sipping on a fine bottle of tc crystal water circa 2008.

Pocket: Is it a note for her lover or

Check my website for my new book “My Boyfriend Cheated on Me” and check out my blog for info on a contest to win a free copy.

Book The book is like anti valentine’s Dr Seuss for adults...yay

a note from her mistress? I can’t give notes. I’m shy. I tried a new style with this.

Alone in the room: Some

Collaborations I am available

women are alone. Some women are lonely.

for collabs, freelancing, projects, and sushi. ‘Specially sushi.

Drink Me: I think I’m in love with Alice. In my bottle I’d have white wine. Quit Smoking: Smoke is a yuck to me, but I do like to draw women with cigs. No more smoking ok?

Splatter: Not my new boots! Major groan.


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Questions How hard do you really work? Hard enough to complain but not hard enough to faint in the middle of eating this sandwich.

no matter what on Rye.

What’s in your near future? A move to England where I shall be a little fish in a big sea.

My number one tip is... Keep trying

Where’s your head at?

If you were a sandwich which sandwich would you be? The kind that always tastes good Incorrect things you believed as a child. Santa knew what we were doing because he made stuffed animals come alive and spy on us.

Before I die... I’d like to feel

That was a Basement Jaxx song wasn’t loved by the person I love the most. it? I bet everyone answered this question like this. Aliens? Michael Jackson...Nicole

Which artist do you think you are secretly related to? Audrey Kawasaki Last time you accidentally made someone laugh. When I fell at work. I wish I could dislike... Rich people. Your haughty ways amuse me.

Kidman...Tom Cruise??? Nuff said. Though Nicole may be half alien and half robot.

My dream is... To be dendoo plain and simple I would go into space only if... I knew the Aliens would share their secrets.

I am reading... Dante’s Inferno and Brave New World (my favs)

Most visited place online? gmail...duh

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Curse of the Multiples aka Evan Melnyk


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Images Pocket Lint The inspiration for

News Web See the full story at:

this comes from... well my pocket lint. I always have pocket lint and lately have been thinking about what it would say to me if it could speak, that, and the fact that it would never shut up once it started speaking.

Pencil in Pocket The inspiration for this piece comes from the famous saying “do you have a pencil in your pocket or are you happy to see me”, ya know boners and all...

Zine’s P49 & P52 Had a little down time so I’ve been contributing to various zines. Here’s what I’ve come up with.

Posters Available in my store:


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Questions Describe your style in Most over worn item of three (two syllable) clothing? Favourite vintage plaid words. Absurd, Charming and Witty. shirt, the snaps are starting to rip through the fabric it’s so worn out.

What is your favourite method to date? I usually have

Tickles. Discuss. Tickling

is the act of touching a part of the one Illustrator file open with a million body, so as to cause involuntary elements or ideas written down. Some twitching movements or laughter. small element or random line of text will spark an idea and before I know it, Such sensations can be pleasurable or exciting, but are sometimes considered I’ll have created a new body of work. highly unpleasant, particularly in the case of peeing your pants. What’s in your near

future? A new series of poster due out in spring, a collab to make some fun jewellery and other goodies for sale.

The future of design? The kids, they’re the future of tomorrow. That and crystals.

I wish I could dislike... Video Games, guess I’m a true nerd at heart.

If you were a sandwich which sandwich would you be? Peanut butter and jelly.

My most wily method of getting new work is... inside jokes taken too far.

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Incorrect things you believed as a child. I

I would go into space only if... I could breathe space

thought the song ghost busters was dust or harness the power of crystals… actually ghost mustard…I’m not sure but I can’t, NASA are you listening? why?!?! But it all finally made sense Get on it! when I saw the movie, ghost busters that is…no one would actually make I am reading... How to be an a movie called ghost mustard would Illustrator by Darrel Rees. they?

Aliens? They ruined the new Indiana Jones movie….boy oh boy was that a stinker.

You would be mad not to... Eat chocolate daily.

My dream is... To fly, not like in a plane but to be able to really fly, cheesy but it’s my main daydream.


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Aaron Miller

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Images My Pocket This is based on the

Me This is a self portrait of me, I

contents of most pockets, fluff.

thought it was about time, even-though I spend my days hiding behind a This is Franky Fluff. He loves nothing computer screen this is actually what I better than hiding in the depths of look like, especially after staying up till jean pockets, with other fluff creatures. 3am to finish a commission. Watch out as he is very scared of keys, and loves to eat crumbs. Don’t Panic This piece was the

A0 Piece inspired by the trendy way

winning entry for the ‘design the pack’ competition.

designers show off their work.

Snowflake Piece inspired by the icy winter months, and the old cut out snowflakes you used to cut out at school.

The theme was music, so I thought what’s better than a weird badger raccoon playing a kazoo. This was printed onto the brown envelope so it’s looked super cool.

YAR! This piece is just an experiment using some Scandinavian textures and some vector characters, YAR!

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Questions Describe your style in three (two syllable) words. Cheeky, playful, cutesy. What’s in your near future? An afternoon of cleaning out my chinchillas, checking emails and new characters. Oh and some of those Lindor chocolates I’ve got left over from Christmas.

My number one tip is... Always parboil your potatoes before roasting.

Your favourite flaw. I really like the person I am when I’m hangover.

Happy New Year?


Sambuca. Say no more.

My dream is... To have a vinyl toy made and to see my characters in tattoo form.

Brrr, cold enough? Yes thanks. Roll on Spring.

The future of design? It’s all I am reading... http://www. about masks, textures and hand drawn type.

Nature or nurture? Nature Your most overly used phrase? Wicked. for celebrity gossip.

You would be mad not to... Get pet Chinchilla’s.

Most visited place online?

If you were a sandwich which sandwich would you be? Roast chicken and cheese. Before I die... I want to see my name in lights, or the illustration equivalent.


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Marcello Velho


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Images Death in Water A Small Story About a Sailors Death...

Ctrl+Alt+Shift. (YCN) brief Untitled Number 1 Hairy Little Kids Number 1 Untitled Number 2 Hairy Little Kids Number 2


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Images More info on the Brilliant Book Of Bears group on Concrete Hermit’s creative network... check it out. And submit a bear too if you like!

My Pocket: My piece for the ‘My Pocket’ brief... I really like there to be a narrative in my work but I also like it to have different meanings for everyone. Kind of leaving the story unfinished and letting the ‘watcher’s’ imagination take it from there.

Alone in the room: Wu, wu,

Poopart Couldn’t help it.


wu, whyisbox. If you can’t see the ‘W’ in the picture... get yourself off down to Prints Got prints available to buy now on the web site: the Opticians ‘Blindo’!

Beast: Did this piece for another

Blog Keep up to date with general mag but it wasn’t really the right style Whyisbox activities on our blog... and hence didn’t get used... remains you can find it via the one of my favourite pieces though. homepage. Inspiration was from a Ray Bradbury quote (science-fiction writer,1920s).

Work The Whyisbox studio is open

for business - [What you probably Ziggy Starbucks I used to be a didn’t know: we are a design agency in ‘Rock Star’ - in my mind. A homage to addition to die hard illustrators]. You can contact us at: all those ‘wanna be’s’ out there.

Un-Bear’able A piece done for the forthcoming - and uber-awesome brilliant book of bears.

Twitter! Come on... have a follow!


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Questions How hard do you really work? See next question.

Incorrect things you believed as a child. School is shit. My hormones fully spoilt it for me... I haven’t forgiven them either.

What’s in your near future? Plenty of 14 hour days trying to keep up with demand... sure ain’t complaining though; I love to work me.

Before I die... I will wish I had not trusted those dodgy looking Bungee Jump technicians.

My number one tip is... Be Aliens? = Politicians. nice and nice shit happens.

Illegal aliens

too; if not immoral aliens.

My most wily method of getting new work is...

*(Create your own question)...? No

Stealing it.

Where’s your head at? Hard

I would go into space only if... I wasn’t barred.

coded into my PC.

Last time you accidentally made someone laugh. I tripped and accidentally punched a lady in her funny bone.

I wish I could dislike... Twitter. It’s taken over my life!

I am reading... A history of modern Britain by Andrew Marr – This country has been decimated by a series of pompous, out of touch buffoons!

Every British citizen should read this book! Maybe we would stop letting them get away with it then.

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Submitting Your work


Submitting for future editions of NewSugar... Want to submit?

What we need from you:

• This month’s brief piece which needs to be supplied 740 x 740 pixels (as either JPGs or PNGs - no PDFs please) • Several other favourite pieces of Each chosen artist will get to show yours which you would like to their submission piece for the issue’s be considered for the mag. Not theme. In addition to that we show a necessarily at 740x740 although further 2 – 4 of your favourite pieces that would be good. to show off a bit more of you and • All images must be 72dpi or higher your style. Send as many pieces of • It’s for screen output so there are no work as you like and we will pick our colour restrictions favourites. • A maximum of 50 words about each picture you send us i.e. name/brief/ thoughts/inspiration etc. If you would like to submit your work for future issues this is the place to find out more!


Once you’re picked

After all NewSugar is about just that... Exposing you

If you get picked we will send you 30 questions chosen by both the NewSugar crew and some of your fellow artists. You will need to choose 15 of these and send us your answers (sadly not on a postcard!) to make up part of your feature.


If you have any events, websites, blogs or happenings you want us to mention send us details on those too. If all this seems like a lot to send... Just remember the more we get from you, the more we have to give you the best exposure possible.

Once you have all your stuff ready send us an email with all your images etc. attached to:

For details on future issue’s themes and more info on the brief visit the NewSugar site...



our lovely friends


Here are some of our new friends for you to visit... Don’t forget to say we said hello! Home to the creators of NewSugar NewSugars favourite creative network The best kept secret in Nottingham with current exhibitions by Whyisbox and Foe Little shop of

If you would like to become one of our friends, advertise in future editions or just fancy a natter... Drop us a line at: Or come and follow us on Twitter:

wonders! Americas finest! Look out for a guest blogger appearance from Whyisbox and NewSugar founder Julian James in the new year! Some fantastic articles by the lovely and super informed Angel & Paul.





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