insurance quotes in miami

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insurance quotes in miami insurance quotes in miami Related

Car Insurance? how much car insurance do i pay for a 6000 dollar car What is Title insurance? What is it for? any advantages? how will it benefit me? How can I find what insurance i had with car I dont have anymore? After almost 7 years the DMV says that I owe them for a lapse in insurance. Car was repossessed and I didn't take the tag off. (my mistake) I'm pretty sure I canceled the insurance but I can't remember what company I was with or what dealer I got the car from. The DMV had no other information on the car other than the obvious fine. My renewal is coming up and I don't know what to do. PLEASE HELP! "How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?" How much is a no proof of insurance speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. ?" If I have homeowners insurance do I have to have hazard insurance as well? I have home owners insurance already, do I need to keep paying hazard insurance? I live in New Mexico." Insurance on a Mitsubishi Eclipse? Hey. Im looking at a 2000 Mitsubishi eclipse and i was curious as to how much the insurance could possibly be? Im also looking at a 1998 one. Im a 16 year old , female w/ progressive." Do I pay the excess on my car insurance when a claim is made against me? I know that I have to pay when I make a claim on my car insurance, but im not sure if when someone makes a claim against me if I have to pay the excess in that instance?" Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?

I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated." Cheap car insurance for 17 year old? ? I've just passed my driving test and was looking to get insured on my mums 1.6l Audi 80. So I went onto some comparison web sites and put my mum as main driver and me as the named driver and I was getting quotes of around 1900 (Fully comp). So I thought I would see what it would cost if my mum got the likes of a corsa or a fiesta or something. I changed the car details on the website and the quotes came out at 3000 + (Fully comp). I just don't understand how an Audi can be considerably cheaper than a corsa's and fiestas etc. Any explaination on why this is would be much appreciated. Also my mum really is the main driver as she will be using it for work and shopping. I will only be driving at weekends really. How much does liability insurance cost for a night club business? I'm trying to get a night club business started and i need insurance how much does it normally cost? and what kind do you recommend getting? How much should my car insurance go down by after a year? Female, 18yrs old" I crashed my vehicle and the auto insurance company will buy it from me. Next car = New Insurance company? I crashed my vehicle and the auto insurance appraiser said AllState will purchase the vehicle from me because the cost to fix it will be more than what the car is worth. When I buy my next car, should I go with a different auto insurance company because my premium would go up if I stayed with AllState for the new vehicle?" Looks Like my Insurance wont want to pay out for my damaged car? I got hit by a car recently and my car was taken away for repairs. I have just been told by my insurance that my car should not have been on the road reason being that its half and half . I did my due diligence before buying this car in 2011, HPI checks and all and it came out clean. The insurance company also confirmed this as well to me. Now it looks like my insurance company does not want to pay out for my car and they want to cancel my insurance and leave me without a car. WHAT DO I DO. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME. I AM A SINGLE MUM WITH 3 KIDS."

How can i find affordable private health insurance? How can i find affordable private health insurance? Short-term car insurance? Im looking for a company that will do short-term (preferably 3 weeks but a month is fine) car insurance for a 17 year old male with a provisional licence, can anyone recommend one?" Does Progressive raise your insurance rates for no reason? I got a good quote from them online, but the main complaint I have heard is that they raise people's insurance for no reason. They got good initial quotes, but a couple months later, they raise them. Anybody know anything about that?" How much would insurance be if i got this car? its a 1992 toyota celica gt,i would be going under my dads insurance cause of my age and this is what he would be worried about.he has not going through drivers ed.his car is a 2004 dodge neon sxt.this is all of the info i can think of right .what would you say the insurance would be at a estimate?" How much is insurance in canada for a motorcycle? how much is the average insurance rate in canada for sports motorcycles? ....per year or per month? What are affordable health insurance plans in mass? private insurances, available to full time college students" Why does car insurance rates increase if you have a lapse in coverage? For example, lets say I have car insurance and pay it on a timely matter and then all of a sudden I move to city where there is a lot of public transportation and my car breaks down. So, instead of worrying about my car I utilize the bus system as I cannot afford to have my car fixed, in turn I cancel my car insurance. Hypothetically lets say a couple months down the road I have a change of heart and am able to afford the repairs for my car. So now my car is up and running etc etc. Why is it that now when I sign up for insurance again my rates will be higher. My situation is that I have a vehicle but it is a lot older and it is broken down right now. It is going to be a few months before I can get it fixed. So, I thought of canceling my insurance bc I was wondering why should I pay insurance for something I am not driving. I, then, told my agent that once i got it fixed i would add the insurance back, he then told me what the consequences of my actions would be. Why do my rates go higher just bc I get rid of the insurance? It's not like I am doing anything illegal. I would not be driving the car bc it is broke down."

How much does my car insurance go up if someone sues my insurance for getting hurt in accident? my daughter was driving my car and got in accident (her fault) and the girl with her is suing, will my ins go up a lot more than just the four surcharges for an accident?" How do I get Insurance before I even buy a car?!? I'm looking to buy my first car and one of the things the dealership asks from you is proof of insurance. How am I supposed to have car insurance if I don't have a car yet? Secondly, after buying the car am I supposed to drive it home without insurance, registration, etc?" Is there a time frame for insurance company's to issue check after vehical has been declared a total loss? I live in California, and on July 17th my street bike was stolen(only means of transportation) i promptly filed a police report and claim.Here it is Late october and i am still bumming a ride and taking public transportation to work.I have been told 10 business days by my insurance adjuster(his reply to when i will get paid off) for the last 2 1/2 months.Is there a way i can check if he is telling the truth this time?Are there any laws that make an insurance claim be paid off in a reasonable amount of time?sorry if this comes across as a rant and not a question lol i am at my wits end." I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend? I need cheap but good car insurance what do you recommend? How much would i pay for insurance? I want to buy an 2010 Nissan Cube, around 14,000 new and im 17, living in Ct. I was wondering how much i would pay for insurance, if its too much what other car should i get, i want to get a new car so can any one help me, my grades aren't too good, i would pay for it my self and i can afford about 150 a month since ill be paying 184 a month for the car with 60 months and 3000 down." insurance quotes in miami insurance quotes in miami Health insurance for kids? Health insurance for kids? What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group? I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher." Buyin a car? Insurance driving it back?

Hi i may be purchasing a car this evening. Can any1 tell me how i get it back do i need some sort of cover note? I am 19 and was a named driver on my uncles insurance on my previous car. Now don't have a car but buyin this one tonight its only 10mins drive. will i be ok or not ? Drive parents car without insurance? hi, so i just got my license and can not afford insurance or a car. But my parents have insurance on both of their cars. Am i aloud to drive their cars on occasion, with their approval?" "If a car insurance policy cancel your policy, can they still charge a cancellation fee?" I have held a full uk driving licence for 14 husband (who has a provisional licence) was put on my new policy last year as a named driver. Today, he passed his test, so to keep it all legal, i contacted the insurance to advise of change of circs. I expected the monthly premiums to rise a little, but what happened next confused and angered me and I really need to know if there is anything I can do......he we go....they said they could no longer insure me and my husband and that they would cancel the policy and were gving me 7 days notice before this happened, (why cant it just be amended, i know loads of people that have done this) they said it was a special deal for me because i had a provisional driver as my named driver..(to me this makes no sense, they work on risk, surely they wouldnt give special deals for unexperienced drivers?) but the icing on the cake they want to charge a 40 cancellation fee, however i am not cancelling they are??? also i can take out a new policy with them which i have to pay an admin fee for making a change to the policy, however it is supposedly a brand new policy??? Has anyone any idea what to do or any ideas? i know I could just change insurers however it would be easier and cheaper to stay with who i'm with and I was never told when I took the policy that if my husband passed his test this one would be void..........and this is more principle as I dont like being hadover, I am going to phone and kick off tomorrow, but want to know if anyone has any solid rules and regs on this. Any help will be appricated........bloody insurance company.....also they have ruined the whole pass day for my hubby who wanted to go and drive around on his own and now cant!!!! grrrr" What is the estimate car insurance cost for me? Hello~ I'm a 16 year old female who is looking into cars and insurance. I've made a deal with my parents, so I believe that I am getting a 2013 Kia Rio. My question is...What is a rough estimate for the insurance cost that my parents will have to pay? 16 years old Female 2013 Kia Rio I have a 3.5 - 3.8 ish GPA (Can't remember exactly) If I have to, I'll probably take a drivers ed class (Although I'd love to avoid that) I believe my family is with State Farm We live in Gilbert AZ Thank you in advance! <3" California earthquake insurance? Looking for other Californian's out there that have earthquake insurance and about how much it costs per year. Where can I get cheap auto insurance?

I am looking for good and low cost auto insurance. "A good car for 2000, Cheap to run but not bad looking.?" Right as the title suggests. I am looking for a new car which is a cheap insurance group (7 max) and a cheap tax band. theyre would be leeway on the right car. Now it has to be good looking i am a 23 year old bloke and don't want to be driving anything boy racerish equally anything which is quite old looking! If anyone can help, many thanks :)" When do I get my money back from life insurance? I was on life insurance since I was a baby I'm 21 now but how long will it take for me to get my check? I have a question about car insurance? I just got my intermediate license and i can drive in between 6a.m. and 10p.m. The only problem is im am not covered on the car insurance yet. I have to wait til october until my dad can get me put on. How much trouble can i get in if the car has insurance but im not on it? How can someone get health care if insurance denies them? My mom was seeing a psychiatrist and on lots of meds a few years ago. She since lost her job and kaiser and all the insurance companies won't cover her. She's been sick for two weeks and had to go to the emergency room yesterday. She can't afford to get care without insurance and I'm really worried about her, she's throwing up and passing out with a fever and all the emergency room gave her were antibiotics and said it might be a kidney infection. I told her to go to Mexico to find an affordable doctor but she can't even get out of bed. Any suggestions? I'm thinking of taking next semester off and giving her my student loan as a last resort." Insurance prices for 17 year old male? I would like to buy a car after just passing my test. Which would be cheaper for insurance? A ford ka, fiesta. a vw lupo or a nissan micra? All second hand of course. Or any other suggestions are welcome" Can you register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license? In the near future I'll be moving back to Texas, I'm currently out of the country and I'm a 20 year old US citizen. Anyway, I don't know if this makes sense but is it possible to buy, register a vehicle and get liability insurance in Texas without a driver's license? According to to get a first time driver's license in Texas you need the following: -Provide proof of identity. -Provide proof of Social Security number. -Provide proof of Texas vehicle registration and liability insurance, if you own a vehicle. -Complete required application forms available at any Texas driver license office. -Pay the required fee. -Pass the written, driving, and vision examinations. The applicant

must provide the vehicle for the driving test. -Your application must include a photograph and thumbprint. The main reason I ask this is because it says that I need to provide a vehicle for the test with insurance obviously, so does this mean that I can buy, register, and insure my vehicle before I take the driving test to get my driver's license? I do have an out of country driver's license, but I don't know if that will work. I have been driving since I was 15, but now I need my Texas driver's license. I still don't know anyone who could lend me their car for the test. Any suggestions??? Thanks." Can I put my 23 year old married daughter on my health insurance plan in wisconsin? I have read that the child must be unmarried and then somewhere else that they can be married. Which is the right answer? She doesn't have insurance through her employer but more A few questions about SR-22 Insurance? Alright, so I'm getting slightly annoyed of the DMV as I've visited them three times already an had literally no progress made in all those lame visits... Anyways, I only got insurance so I can drive, but my car has failed smog three times now so that wont be happening and I'm now paying non-owner SR-22 insurance. Here are a few questions I have about the SR-22 and any input would be much appreciated. 1) What are the exact consequences if I choose to cancell my non-owner SR-22 insurance? I acknowledge that I will have to restart the process all over again when I want to reactivate it, but will the price be raised even more and the time frame? 2) Who do I call to find out how long I have to have SR-22 insurance; DMV or Local Court? 3) When does the SR-22 officially get activated, when the judge orders it or when I first started paying for the insurance? (I'm asking this because the insurance company I'm with is saying I shouldn't cancel because it will restart; I got the DUI 2 years ago and acitvated the insurance about 2 mounts ago.) I'm planning on going to a 4 year college so I don't want to be paying not to drive...! *I live in California if that helps you answer the question." How much do you pay for car insurance? These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage? My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?" Will insurance total out my car? When insurance companies figure out what your car is they go by the private sale value or retail? I got a bunch of hail damage and I see the claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering if they might total it out. Damage is just over $6, is worth $6,500 - $8,700 depending on which way they look at it." How much will it cost to insure my house cleaning business?

How much will it cost to insure and bond my house cleaning business? I have been running it solo for the last 6 months so I didn't to get bonded or anything, but I will be hiring 2-3 employees within the next month. How much can I expect the insurance and the bond to cost? And, for extra credit, what is the best type of insurance to get? I run it out of my home, if that makes a difference." Cheap health insurance? How can i get very cheap health insurance? i am 18 yrs old, i go to school and i work at a place that doesnt have insurance and i really need to go to get my teeth pulled and i need to go to the doc for my stomach... how can i get free or very cheap health insurance?? cause i have no money!!" Can you get insurance on a scooter? And would it be cheaper than car insurance? Can you get insurance on a scooter? And would it be cheaper than car insurance? Insurance and bmv question? If I have to show insurance to the bmv and they tell me I have to show the insurace at time i got pulled over do they check with the insurance company to see if you really had insurance at that time? How can I get my insurance cheaper? 21 years old 0 claims bonus first bike : 1998 r1 (already got it) what are some ways to get my insurance down? thanks What is the best insurance company to have if you need to go into a rehabilitation center? Which insurance covers the most?? insurance quotes in miami insurance quotes in miami Pay out of pocket for my car or go through my insurance company? I live on a hill. Last week, in a quirky weather situation, the street I live on got super-slick just long enough for my 2000 Toyota Camry to go into a 300' free-slide down the hill and crash into a curb and a tree. It was a one-car accident, no one was injured. The repairman can only give me a rough estimate at this time but he thinks it'd cost about $1500 to repair using old body parts, although he says it could cost more if he finds more damage as he goes along--in that case he thinks it might cost up to $2,000 to patch it up out of pocket. I asked him about the pros and cons of paying out of pocket vs. going through insurance in my particular case. He said that if I chose to go through insurance--which would mean getting a USAA adjuster out and all--that he was thinking it would probably cost $2500 to repair, maybe more if it turned out there was more damage that he could see at this time. But he pointed out that I'd have to pay the deductible (which I think is $500 for my car, not sure) and that my insurance rates would go up. But then you'd end up with a new-looking car. [as opposed to a

patched-up looking car]. My husband absolutely wants to pay out of pocket--he does not want to involve our auto insurance company, saying, The insurance company is only for the big accidents. But I'd like to keep this car for several more years if I can because there's no car out there that I like better, so I'm wondering if maybe it might be worth going through the insurance company. Here's a little more information: My 2000 Toyota Camry has 115,000 miles on it and has been very reliable over the years. The motor wasn't damaged and, in fact the car is already driving well again except that one headlight and blinker are broken. There is, of course, body damage to the front and hood, plus a 6 crack over the left back tire (not very deep), which occurred when I backed out of the tree, slid again, and hit the curb on the opposite side of the street. Re: Our insurance situation? We (me and my 3 driving age children) had a string of costly minivan accidents in the 1990s: 1. one in 1997 when my daughter totaled my van, and got sued for injuries by 2 people in the other car (the lawsuit was settled many years ago but it dragged out for years). 2. one by me, a one-car accident, no injuries, our insurance company paid for the damage minus the deductible 3. 2 accidents caused by other drivers, so my insurance company didn't have to pay any damages--I don't know if USAA takes accidents caused by other people into consideration or not. 4. My son totaled my van in 2000 [which is why my current car is a year 2000]. So we have not called upon our insurance company for any expenses for almost 11 years now. Regarding traffic tickets? I got one 3-4 years ago for speeding--35 or 40 mph in a 25 mph zone-. If my points from this ticket have expired by now (not sure), then there are no other points on our record. Our children are now out of the nest and only one of them borrows our car when she comes to visit once every month or two. I put less than 10,000 miles/year on my car for work and vacations. We live in PA. So my question is this: Given the age of the car, amount of damage, etc., is it worth going through our insurance company to get the car fixed rather than pay OOP--or would going through insurance raise our insurance premiums so much that it wouldn't be worth it?" When do you have to get your own health insurance? ? im 17 will soon be turning 18 and will be starting college in the fall . i have a medical card and im under my moms health plan/insurance. but when do i branch off to get my own insurance/plan ?? How much would a 1986 mustang convertible insurance be? I'm seventeen and I'm looking into getting a this mustang and I wanted to know how much it would be with a the classic car plates on? My friend has a 1979 camaro and his is only $88, but this mustang has a 5.0 so it is bigger than his." Who pays $200.00 for car insurance? I just got a Nationwide quote for car insurance and it was over $200.00 for the monthly payments. Im just now getting my own car/car insurance(in my name), Im a female in my mid-twenties, had my first two speeding tickets last year. Plan on getting a 2007 Pontiac G6, and I will be driving it to work and school. is $200.00 a normal monthly amount to be paid for me?" "If I had my DUI expunged, will it still affect my insurance rates in California?" In the spring of 2009 I was convicted of a DUI. I plead guilty, served my time and I was able to get it expunged through the court system. So now if you look at my record on

the superior court website it shows dismissed rather than guilty. I was wondering if my actual DMV driving record still shows it as a guilty plea and my insurance rates will remain high?" Is a 2004 or 2005 Subaru impreza rs hatch a good first car? is a 2004 or 2005 Subaru impreza rs hatch a good first car? are they reliable, good on insurance and costs to run and fix. cant get a wrx because of p plate restrictions but from experience is the rs any good. what is the average price they sell for and how many k's on them? thanks" How much would it cost for insurance for a 17 year old male with a jeep? Its a 1998 cherokee sport and we live in arknansas. The jeep is a dark green color. Does having a turbo raise insurance rate? VW jetta? Does buying a VW Jetta 1.8 turbo have higher insurance than a jetta w/o a turbo? Also should I buy a $5,000 cheap car w/ high milage and own it straight out, or give up the $7k to the suits for a down payment and be in debt to the man?" Does a car need insurance if it isn't being used? My mam bought me a car as my test is in a weeks time, but im trying to tax the car as it has been declared as off the road. When i try to tax it, it is asking if the car has valid motor insurance, it doesnt as nobody is driving it, should it have insurance if it isnt being used?" Cheapest car insurance for a teen in florida ? Im currently 17 years old; Im getting my driver license next week. I have a 1995 Nissan Sentra and I wanted to know what would be the cheapest insurance in Florida. I was thinking of getting my PIP only, but my price ranges are 0-250 a month. I also have a 20 year brother who had his drivers license since he was 17 years old and I was thinking if I can out his name as the head of the car insurance and add me as a secondary driver but I dont if it will be cheaper ??? If you know of an insurance that provides more than a PIP for my price range please let me know ??? If the insurance will not be cheaper under my brothers name, !!" How much does car insurance typically cost for a teenager? My grandpa bought me a car for my 16th birthday. Now, I'm finally going to get license to drive it after it sitting in the garage for nearly 2 years. I was wondering how much the insurance is going to cost me. The car is a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 Automatic 4.0 Liter. I don't know what insurance company my grandpa goes through, but I do know that my Jeep is one of 3 cars on the policy. One is an 80s model F-150, and the other is an SUV that is only a few years old. He said that all I'd have to pay is the extra money to add me to the insurance on the jeep. He's currently the only one listed on it. I have exemplary grades."

Car insurance payout question? SO I WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT, I WAITED 90 DAYS TO GO TO THE DOCTOR, I JUST THOUGHT THE PAIN COULD HAVE BEEN FROM ANYTHING,. ON TOP OF THAT, II HAVE NEVER LIKED LAWERS, OR DOCTORS, AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN ONE TO TRY TO GET OVER ON OTHERS. BUT AS THE WINTER BECAME SUMMER, AND THE WEATHER STARSTED TO BREAK, THE PAIN WAS STILL THERE. SO I DECIDED TO SEEK A DOCTOR FOR PAIN IN MY RIGHT SHOULDER AND RIGHT KNEE ANYWAY TO MAKE A LONG STORY SHORT. THE INSUREANCE COMPANY SAID, I WAITED TO LONG, AND THEY GAVE ME AN LAME OFFER OF 500, MY LAWYER THOUGHT ITS WAS A JOKE, SO MY LAWER TOOK THE CASE TO COURT FOR 25 THOUSAND. AND WE ASKED FOR A JURY, AND I HAD 4 PEOPLE THAT WAS GOING TO TESTIFY ON MY BEHALF, NOW THE INSURACE COMPANY HAS MADE AN OFFER, SO...............MY QUESTION TO THE EXPERTS IS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, WHAT DO U THINK THE 2ND OFFER WILL BE, AND SHOULD I TAKE IT Does one have to report fixing a car to insurance? So let's say that an underage and uninsured driver hits my car in a parking lot. Not totaled or anything, but a large dent and a scratched. I know the child in the car, and his Dad tells me that he could just pay it for the damages out of pocket. If I get an estimate and get the car fixed with the fathers money, do I have to report it to the insurance? Am I allowed to just go to a body shop and get the doors fixed, and that is the end of that? Will I be in any legal trouble if I do it? Thanks." Help PLEASE!! Auto Insurance Question? I have a question concerning auto insurance. I recently totaled my vehicle at no fault of my own. Long story short the insurance company is offering me a few thousand more than Kelly Blue Book states the vehicle is actually worth. But what theyre offering is substantially lower than that which is outlined on the Declarations for Policy paper under value. Thing is, Ive verbally accepted the amount over the phone. Now theyre sending papers to sign over the vehicle. When I phoned the agency, I was informed by the assigned adjuster that he cannot offer more. I dont really believe him, afterall insurance companies are known for trying to take advantage of people. Heres the dilema, if theyre offering more than KKB and under the value on the policy. I assume theyre just trying to avoid paying what the real value is. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated. I have little knowledge in this, I just turned 22 years old and this was my first car." How can I get affordable Medical Insurance for my family? My wife and I are hoping to have another child soon. Were getting alot of our debt paid off since I am working overtime. However our current Insurance doesn't offer maternity more Car insurance? suppose a 24 yr old is paying $600 a year for liablility car insurance. how much will this person be paying when they reach 25 years old?

Define insurance? what is comprehensive insurance Is car insurance for a second driver over 25 years of age free in Canada? My girlfriend will be getting a car soon, and will be buying an insurance policy. I am 25 years old and have been driving for around 8 years. Do I need to purchase a second insurance policy to be able to drive that same car?" What is individual and family health insurance? I am planning to have family health insurance in these days but I want to understand the basic difference between individual and family health insurance. Which auto insurance companies in California offer auto insurance for international driving license? I already called a few but they tell me there don't offer auto insurance for someone w/ IDL Car Insurance for 18 yr Old? Hi i was Just wondering what the cheapest insurance and car to insure for an 18 yr old living in the uk. i have just passed my test last month (Nov 2008) and want to get driving straight away. So far i have tried 'insurance on 1.1 ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall corsa and other small cars including DAEWOO matiz, citroen Ax and ford ka's all have been 2.5 grand. i have even tried putting my dad on who has 9 years no claims and it comes down to just over 2 grand. Does anyone know which is the cheapest car to insure and which is the best(cheapest) insurer?" Can you find a insurance quote for a car ie rover 45 on a y registered plate? please find list of car insurance firms How much is the fine for no insurance in texas? police set up a routine check up on a one way street and everything was good seat belt, DL, inspection sticker but the cop forgot to ask me for the insurance so he sent someone else to chek my insurance and thats when they got me" "What are some affordable health insurance options for those with preexisting conditions, here in Wisconsin?" I have a friend who is 31 years old, and is unable to find health insurance due to the fact that she had a heart attack a few years ago. I'm sure that she is only one of thousands of people in the same situation..but there has got to be some way to get affordable health insurance for her, here in Wisconsin. Is there anyone out there who has been in this situation, and has lucked out in finding affordable health insurance? We have been looking, but as of right no avail."

Car Insurance Help Please!!? So I was just wondering what types of things made a car more expensive on insurance... im a 16 year old guy...the car im looking at has these mods:17 inch konig racing rims. wrapped in new falken tired Brand new black pint with fleck Aftermarket front bumper and grill Cold air intake Front sway bar Full exauhst. dna headers. 2inch catback with 3 inch tip welded on 5% tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey spoiler jvc headunit Shaved emblems Its a Honda Civic...Thanks insurance quotes in miami insurance quotes in miami Is there insurance for? is there insurance for rabbits or is it just for cats and dogs? my rabbit is about 3 years old and want to get some insurance for her if i can. What is the lowst 18 year old male car insurance? What is the lowest car insurance for an 18 year old male in Alabama? I need info for sports cars and non sports cars. How much should aircraft rental insurance cost for an average small plane? Just doing some budgeting / planning and wondering what rental insurance runs on small planes? Also, should I get that during my flight training or just once I'm out on my own? The FBO insurance only covers their own planes, not a multi-million dollar jet you bump into as far as I know. I would most likely be renting a Piper Archer II from the 70s, probably a $80,000 plane." "How much would insurance cost for a 23 year old with a $1,500 car in florida?" Assuming the car is fully paid for, how much would insurance cost on a rather cheap ($1,500) car in Florida for a 23 year old with a spotless record. If an exact amount is too hard to find, a ballpark estimate would help." Regarding Auto Insurance? Applied online to AAA for an auto insurance quote.. Currenty with Geico and AAA ssent email offering to beat the rate.. So I completed the app online nad a gal calls me back.. My GF answers the phone and she gives it to me.. So the rep from AAA asks who is living with me and if she drives.. I told her a friend and she doesnt drive, no DL for over 10 years.. So AAA tells me I have to list her on the policy even if she isnt licensed and never drives a car.. So I said No thanks and said goodbye. whats the policy on roommates having to be insured for auto insurance? Not listed on my current GEICO policy." Is there affordable insurace for me?

I am currently employed at a wonderful job with great insurance, but my baby is due in January and my husband and I would really love for me to be able to stay home. The only problem with that is, my husband is self-employed and we would not have insurance if I quit my job. We live in Missouri, is there affordable insurance out there for us. I have looked into Medicaid, but I believe that my husband makes just a little too much too qualify. Any help would be greatly appreciated" Car insurance price? i'm now 17, i'm gonna get my license next month, i'm wonder how much car insurance will cost, i'm international student and i live with my uncle in aparterment. i would like to buy my own insurance one not just add to family insurance, please to me exaclty how much it cost for my insurance" "A question about car registration, insurance, etc?" If I purchased a used car from a private seller, or even a dealer, the title was given to me and I go to the DMV to register it under my name, etc what happens next? Am I allowed to drive the car while waiting for the registration tags to come in and for me to find insurance for the car, or is my car supposed to sit in my driveway until all the registration paperwork with the DMV is completed?" What type of car insurance coverage do you have? So, I just bought a new car, and when I called my insurance to switch over my policy the agent tried to sell me this that and the other, saying I really needed all these things since I have a new car now. Just wondering what other people have on their car, and have you ever needed more coverage then you had?" Car insurance ( diabetes )? after i get a quote online when i proceed to pay will the insurers phone me or will i after phone them as i have a 3 year medical licence and i need to let them know off my medical condition ( diabetes insulin dependant ) first time getting insurance so any info would be great If im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper? Hi if im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper or not because im the second driver my dad has a vauxhall astra 1.6 its 11 years old and how much do you think the insurance will be im 17 year old boy What would be the average pay for car insurance per month? i am 18 years old and my parents dont want me on there car insurance because they dont want to be liable .what would be the average pay for car insurance per month if i went on my own for the first time? Lying on car insurance to police when stopped?

if a person lied about the age on a car insurance policy and stopped by the police ..what would happen i understand if someone were to do this that they could not claim if crashed and would probely lead to criminal charges. Why are there no good health insurance companies? While thinking about the idea of an altruistic, fair public option for health insurance, I started trying to figure out why something like it doesn't already exist. (Or maybe it does?) The assumption seems to be that health insurance companies are causing problems through systematic greed, and the public option would help keep them honest. But, if this is the case, why isn't there an organization doing this already? Why don't the good, people, such as the ones that take less-pay than they could in other sectors to run major charitable organizations, start a good health insurance company that doesn't do any of the bad things that the other insurance companies do. If such an organization were to exist, it seems that everyone would switch to it, and even the most greedy of insurance companies would have to become like it in order to compete. There are obviously enough qualified and caring people out there to make such an organization happen without any government involvement. So why dont such organizations exist? I have a few ideas, but they dont explain the whole story. Maybe the fact that people dont usually shop around for health insurance because its chosen by their employers prevents new good insurance companies from gaining the market share required to make the bad ones change? Maybe health insurance companies are already as good as they can be, despite a few heartless employees, and the primary problems in health care come from somewhere else? Maybe protectionist legal policies prevent altruistic organizations from freely forming? Any thoughts?" What is a good car insurance for a DUI offender ? My 1st time offense and hopefully the last, anyone no of a good car insurance that is reasonable in prices. I've been driving for 10 yrs and no tickets did have a clean record until this happened now I feel like a felon california DUI laws are too harsh bastards thats how they make money!!" Can I teach Yoga in the U.S without buying insurance for my students? I have been teaching Yoga for 10 yrs, I recently moved to the U.S and planning to start a studio.Any help is greatly appreciated." "Who, out of the two of us, is likely to pay more for car insurance?" My partner and I don't live together, but we share her car. She has just recently had 6pts added to her driving licence, as for myself, I have always had the use of a family car now and again, I have been insured to drive, but haven't owned my own car, for over 25 years, which of us will have to pay more for insurance, at roughly what percentage?" Cheap insurance for a 17 year old? Is there any hope of me insuring a group 14 insurance car? I don't care how crappy the insurance is as long as its legal. All the quotes I have been getting are ridiculous.

Insurance on 06 sti I need to know? What is the averge insurance coat for an 06 sti "Looking for good, yet affordable dental insurance. (Have health insurance -- only need dental)?" Looking for good, yet affordable dental insurance. (Have health insurance -- only need dental)?" Cheap car insurance for young new driver? hi, I`m 19 years old, i passed my test two months ago and i would like some help. I tried lots of insurance companies, different cars, last time i tried i used a 2002 smart for two with my dad as a first driver, 4 years ncb and the insurance is still 4k. can someone help me and give me some advice ? thank you" I am looking for Gerbers Babies Life insurance? Gerbers Baby foods sell life insurance for infants Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas? Does drivers ed effect ur insurance ? in Texas? 15; might be pregnant without insurance? Okay yeah i know i asked this already but i didnt get enough answers. please if yu reading this answer me and NO HATEFUL COMMENTS. how much would it cost for a blodd test in florida? and would the teen clinic help me? Estimated Price Insurance On Lexus IS 250? I am a 23 year old female living in California. I've been driving since 18 years old with a clean driving record. I plan on getting the 2007 or 2008 Lexus IS 250 sometime this year. Any ideas on how much the insurance would be for me? Thanks in advance! =] insurance quotes in miami insurance quotes in miami

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