Yoga pants and what they say about women 2

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Yoga Pants and What They Say about Women

Ashley Conway Int Sem 2: Fashion.C11.Sp18 Febraury 6, 2018


The tight, form fighting and multi-purpose yoga pants have taken over the fashion world. Originally made to be worn for women going to a workout class, they are now being worn anywhere and anytime. To many, the leggings are a comfy alternative to jeans. Some may argue that the garment is replacing the popularity of jeans. Much like how jeans were controversial in the 1960s, when conservative parents related them to drugs and kids against the government, yoga pants have spiked controversy too. In the late 2000s many schools added that wearing yoga pants would be violating the dress code. Because of their form hugging spandex material people consider women and young girls who wear the trousers, for reasons other than working out, to be promiscuous and trying to show skin. Many have debated that women should have the right to wear whatever they want, while others say it’s not lady like to show skin in that way. What I have noticed about women, and also men, is that people prefer what is ethical and can be multi-purposed than just wearing what looks good. What has made yoga pants/leggings so popular is that: they make your figure look good, they make you look like you work out (even if you don’t), and they have more than one use. A lot of companies that sell leggings have boosted in popularity ever since the garment has become so popular. Lululemon, Adidas, Nike, and even Victoria Secret have become trendy places to buy yoga pants. In many ways, leggings have become the new denim. In New York City, you are constantly being looked at by other people. Most of the older women I see in the city are not in yoga pants. They have make up on, they are dressed to impress or for their jobs (unless they’re in freezing temperatures), and they care about style. I come from a very suburban setting, where teens, moms, and young adults alike all wear yoga pants, athletic wear, and sneakers constantly. What people don’t like about leggings, besides their tight fit, is that they lack in style. Most of the yoga pants seen on women are black, tightly fit and, most of the time, cheap. Because fashion brands recognize the popularity of leggings, they started to create yoga pants with new colors, waist bands, and “higher tech.”


People like the term “high tech.” In fact, fashion companys market a lot of their leggings by emphasizing that they have heat protection, are made of more durable/stretchy fabric, are more breathable, or being waterproof. These futuristic traits that take over the already form fitting pants make them even more buyable and popular. Clothing is no longer about having good manners and vanity. The word ladylike, to my generation, doesn’t necessarily exist anymore. Yoga pants may be apart of the reason why women have become more liberated in their apparel. Women are not afraid to wear what they want and stand up for it. In fact, students and parents have protested against schools decisions to ban the garment. In March of last year, United Airlines refused to let a girl onto their flight because she was wearing yoga pants and not in “proper attire.” This sparked a public outrage and many questioned why, even big business like United Airlines decides to sexualize any female of any age in the pants? While many try to argue that wearing leggings is not “in good taste”, others argue that it is simply underlying sexist and unfeminist views that keep women from wearing them. Many women choose not to accept the “modesty” controversy, and go on with their everyday lives wearing the clothes that make the most sense to them and make them feel good. Isn’t this the point of style and fashion? To make yourself feel good and feel happy with the clothes you purchase? When I see a woman in yoga pants, I do not look down at her. As a fashion design major, I appreciate style and people that make their style their own. While I do not find yoga pants to be the most flattering garment, they are ethical, they are not meant to attract men, and they can be stylish. Women that wear yoga pants know these things. The most important thing to remember is that yoga pants are much more utilitarian and purposeful than they look. The reason I chose to discuss this article of clothing is because almost everyone owns a pair. They’re not flashy like a diamond necklace and they’re not cool like a leather jacket, but they are an everyday garment. Everyone wants to look fit and healthy, while still being comfortable, and these are the best of both worlds.

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