2018 Media Studies Viewbook

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Media Studies MA This dynamic graduate program applies social theory and research, art and technology, and business education to the investigation of social communication and emergent media forms. Informed by the progressive ideals of The New School, it is designed to open up a wide range of careers—creative, academic, and professional.


Examples of Production Electives

The curriculum builds a foundation in

Sound Design

both media history and theory and media

Storytelling Across Media

production and practice. From there,

Robot Media Studio

Digital Filmmaking: Production Studio

Media Practices: Interactive

Principles of Motion Design

students can choose to be either generalists or specialists, focusing on one of several areas defined by the School of Media Studies School of Media Studies

or designing their own. Students become familiar with a variety of media cultures and platforms and learn to choose the right tools for the task. The MA provides solid preparation for careers in film, television,

Examples of Management Electives

Digital Media: Strategy and Implementation

Media Management and Leadership

Media Economics

Competitive Strategies: Branding

and radio; social and interactive media development; commercial advertising and

Digital Cinema Production

PR; nonprofit and community organizing;

This area of study provides students with a practical

and education.

hands-on understanding of how to create a short digital film from conception to completion (planning,

Degree Requirements

production, editing) using available digital tools. It

The Master of Arts is awarded for completion of 39

includes instruction in the theory and application of

credits as described below. All students must take

digital formats, compression and workflow, lenses,

three foundation courses and a minimum of two pro-

basic lighting and audio recording, and the social

duction courses. Students can elect to pursue a thesis

and cultural dimensions of digital film. A working

track, taking eight elective courses and producing a

professional faculty guide students to hone their

master’s thesis, which can be a research paper or an

conceptual skills, develop their voice, and learn new

independent media project on any platform. They can

modes of filmic expression.

take nine elective courses for the non-thesis track. The curriculum is designed to be completed in two years

Online Option

of full-time study, but part-time study is an option.

Many courses in the School of Media Studies are offered online. Students can complete all MA degree

Required Courses (9 credits)

requirements online or take any combination of online

Media Theory

and on-campus courses. This program was named

Media Design

A media methods course

best online degree for flexibility by onlinecollege.org.

Graduate Certificate Options Examples of Theory and Research Electives


Data, Archives, Infrastructure

Screenwriting Analysis

Seeing Race in Transnational Perspective

Digital Media Theory

Projects: Oral History

Race, Ethnicity, and Class in Media

The New School offers graduate-level certificate programs in documentary media studies and media management. Courses taken for either certificate may count toward MA degree requirements if the student applies for and is admitted to the degree program.

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