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Key Sac raceS on March 3 ballot


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Sacramento’S newS & entertainment weekly


Volume 31, iSSue 43


thurSday, february 06, 2020







FEBRUARY 06, 2020 | VOL. 31, ISSUE 43

A former Marine and member of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Akinsanya Kambon’s exhibition of sculptures titled, American Expressions/African Roots is on display at the Crocker Art Museum through July 5.


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Political bedfellows Sacramento council members split on endorsements BY FOON RHEE

million budget deficit by 2021-22, mostly due to rising labor contract costs. While opponents warn it would set a “terrible precedent” for special interest groups to grab city tax money through a ballot measure, there are special interests on both sides. Nonprofits that could Divided support could make benefit from Measure G are for some awkward debates at helping fund the vote “yes” Sacramento City Hall. campaign, which has spent more than $220,000 since Jan. 1, 2019. The firefighters union (an initial $40,000 For voters—and especially for political junkies— contribution in January) and police union ($25,000) it’s always intriguing to see how elected officials are bankrolling the opposition effort. line up in local elections, particularly when they Also against Measure G are Hansen and Mayor disagree on their endorsements. That’s the case Darrell Steinberg, who is pitching his own plan for with Sacramento City Council members in two key the November ballot. It would set aside 20% of contests on March 3. revenue growth for youth programs, an estimated In the race for the open District 8 seat in South $2.5 million to $3 million more starting in 2021. Sacramento, incumbent Larry Carr (who isn’t Whatever the fate of Measure G, the council’s seeking reelection) and fellow council members Angelique Ashby, Jeff Harris and Allen Warren are differing views could cause some friction during budget talks this spring. supporting Mai Vang, a Sacramento City Unified These political alliances can shift. For instance, School District trustee. Schenirer and Warren are on the same side on But council members Rick Jennings, Steve Measure G, but on different sides in District 8. Hansen and Jay Schenirer are backing Les It’s unusual for a council member to publicly Simmons, a prominent South Sacramento pastor endorse a colleague’s challenger. So far, the only and community activist. instance is Carr backing Katie Valenzuela, an The council is also divided on Measure G, environmental activist running against Hansen in which would change the city charter to set aside District 4. Carr and Hansen, who clashed over a funding for programs for children and youth. proposed homeless shelter in Carr’s district, will Eric Guerra, Schenirer and Warren are in favor. be on the council together until December, so that They signed a ballot argument that says: “Without could be awkward. raising taxes, it’s time to invest in our own future Steinberg, meanwhile, is endorsing all the counby supporting young people through prevention cil incumbents—Hansen, Guerra and Warren—but programs that will clearly save us money in the is not taking sides in the open District 8 race. long run.” They also say the city is flush with cash If she wins, Vang says the first thing she would and accuse opponents of trying to scare voters. do is sit down with the council members who But Ashby, Carr and Harris signed a ballot didn’t endorse her and seek common ground. “At argument opposing the measure, calling it “a the end of the day, we all want what’s best for cynical money grab by some nonprofits which will Sacramento,” she said. blow a hole in the city’s budget,” and warning that If he’s elected, Simmons also says he would in a recession it could threaten public safety. work with those council members who didn’t Both sides have a point, depending on how support him. far out you look. As of Jan. 1, the city has a $33.5 “I can’t hold a grudge,” he said. “We’ve got million operating budget surplus (plus $55 million work to do.” Ω in its rainy day fund), but projections show a $21 PHOTO BY FOON RHEE

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Re: “Closing time” by Chris Macias (Feature, Jan. 23): Why are so many Sac restaurants shutting down? The same reason so many retailers and many other businesses are shutting down, the same reason we’re seeing more homeless people—inflation. At the same time the property owners planned to double Jim-Denny’s rent, landlords were increasing apartment rents by more than 50%. That means potential customers have very little discretionary money. I’ve watched all these businesses close and nobody moves in to take their place. They remain vacant for years. So now instead of getting whatever rent they were getting, the insatiably greedy landlords are getting zero. You simply cannot correct inflation by having more inflation any more than you can cure being overweight by having another pizza.

GEORGE SELKIRK S acr am e nt o / v i a e m a i l

Not so golden

Israeli oppression

Re: “Closing time” by Chris Macias (Feature, Jan. 23): How ironic that this “trend” started when we rushed in a new shiny arena and all of us were told that this bold move would usher in a new era for local businesses. They were right. Oh well, at least we still have a shiny new arena.

Re: “A display of hate” by Reuven H. Taff (Essay, Jan. 23): I wonder if the author has been to Bethlehem and actually spent time with its Palestinian residents. If he did, and honestly listened, he would learn that the Palestinians of Bethlehem have suffered land confiscation and severe oppression via the Israeli military for years. Land that was Palestinian for thousands of years has been brutally seized by the Israeli government, and freedom of movement of Palestinians severely restricted. It would be like a foreign military marching into Sacramento with tanks and arms, building walls blocking Folsom and Stockton boulevards, prohibiting us to cross those walls to do our normal business and then declaring most of our land to be theirs, forcing thousands more to become homeless and without means to work. Please interview the members of Bethlehem Sister City and publish a corrective article! It’s not anti-Semitic; it’s antiIsraeli government to criticize Israeli oppression.

VICTOR MORALES Sac rame n to / v i a em ai l

Still open Re: “Closing time” by Chris Macias (Feature, Jan. 23): With all the names of all the restaurants that have recently closed in Sacramento, there’s another restaurant’s name that stands out, that being Tapa The World at 21st & J—in business for 25 years and counting.

WILLIAM HUGHES Sac rame n to / v i a em ai l

Criticism isn’t hatred Re: “A display of hate” by Reuven H. Taff (Essay, Jan. 23): Once again, statements questioning Israel’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians and the confiscation of their land are being incorrectly interpreted as being anti-Semitic. All too often, the biased person confuses criticism of a government with hatred for a people.

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The Democratic circus When the post-mortem on the 2020 presidential race is written, it may say: “There’s such a thing as too much democracy!” The Democratic National Committee, in its Eric Wiesenthal worked in state government for 20 years in the Assembly, governor’s office and three departments. efforts to understand how it so completely misread the electorate in 2016, went on a region-by-region listening tour in 2017. It decided there should be a marathon of televised debates from spring 2019 moderate Republicans strongly desired a moderatethrough the early primaries in 2020. Requirements to-progressive candidate comfortable with sharing in donations and poll numbers were set to qualify power with the vice presidential candidate. for each debate. Will it be Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Fair enough, right? Wrong. Klobuchar or a “dark horse?” What we have seen since the debates last I offer the following possible candidate summer is a ridiculous circus involving as many as combinations: For president, Montana Gov. Steve 20 candidates over two nights whittled down in the Bullock, who won re-election in a state that Dec. 19 debate to seven candidates, including only President Donald Trump won by 20 percentage two women and one person of color. points. Bullock also has demonstrated his ability The party of the “big tent” allowed anyone to work with the Republican-controlled legislature with a big ego and a campaign mailing address to by passing one of nation’s toughest campaign get before the electorate and make complete finance laws and expanding Medicaid. fools of themselves. It was a terrific For vice president, Stacy Abrams, idea if you’re a Republican political the first African American consultant, or worse, a member of woman to run for governor the political netherworld lookImagine the in Georgia. She served 10 ing to capture embarrassing years as Democratic leader possibility of a sound bites that can be used in that state’s House of out of context in attack ads. brokered convention, Representatives. An expert in And let’s not forget Russian public finance and budgeting, which hasn’t happened hackers. she successfully worked with At this point, unless a Republican governor and for Democrats since you are an acolyte of Bernie legislature to secure criminal 1960. Sanders, Elizabeth Warren or justice reforms. Joe Biden, you don’t know who Or Klobuchar for president to support. We’ll see a winnowing and Houston Mayor Sylvester of candidates that started with the Iowa Turner for vice president. And before caucuses on Monday, continues with the New you say “who?” he spearheaded that city’s Hampshire primary on Feb. 11 and the Nevada recovery from Hurricane Harvey. A Harvard Law caucus and South Carolina primary later in School graduate, Sylvester is an African-American February. Then comes Super Tuesday on March 3, veteran of the Texas legislature. which includes California. The point is that Democrats must come to But Democrats may not know their nominee their senses. They must remember the majority of after that. Imagine the possibility of a brokered voters want health care policies that won’t bankconvention, which hasn’t happened for Democrats rupt the treasury, job creation in America’s small since 1960. cities and towns and access to college that doesn’t What will DNC Chairman Tom Perez, House lead to crushing debt. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and influential state party It’s time for a modern, enlightened form of chairpersons do? Will they subvert the process that political deal-making, a tall order for a party has brought about the deadlock under the guise of that prides itself in letting everyone have a say transparency? Or will they astutely consider reliable in everything. Successful politics doesn’t work information from the field, not polls, and conclude that way. Ω that all along Democrats, independents and


By Graham Womack

Asked At dOCO:

What matters most in local primary? ABigAil West grant technician

Rent control. I’m not following one particular candidate because there’s so many.

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AlisOn Brinlee analyst

It’s not really politics, but I just want someone that cares about the people of the city, lowincome and high-income. I know that’s hard to achieve.

Angelique PiliOtis housing finance assistant

Locally, I think that our homeless issue is probably at the forefront of Sacramento right now. ... They need to focus in on what the real issue is, which is a dependency issue and a mental health issue.

Adeniyi AyOAde administrative law judge

Educational policy, the environmental policy, [and] we still need to figure out what we’re doing with transportation in California.

MArk AndersOn

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Voter turnout. I want to see people get engaged, people paying attention and people actually taking action.

dAn king attorney

I might use the term redevelopment. But really, I would say continuing to improve downtown and the outlying areas.






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In Sacramento, Republicans and Democrats talk by Jeff vonKaenel

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then-mayor of Sacramento, Bernard Last week I followed the impeachment Steinman, said that at the heart of any trial—or should I say the non-trial—of world-class city was its chamber. He went President Donald Trump, and on Jan. 31, on to say that the chamber was essential along with 1,000 other Sacramentans, to the fabric of this community, not just to I attended the 125th Sacramento Metro promote trade, but to help push community Chamber dinner and business Awards at the progress that might otherwise be neglected. Hyatt hotel. Blackwood called for the 2020 Chamber There were Republicans and Democrats to envision a community that finds a at both events. But as opposed to the U.S. sustainable solution for the homeless, has Senate, at the chamber gala they were affordable housing and creates economic actually talking to each other. Perhaps too development in all our neighborhoods. much; 1,000 people can make a lot of noise. She promotes an agenda that I believe The chamber gave out awards, but both Steinman in 1895 and Mayor Darrell while it is a business organization, these are Steinberg in 2020 would support. not business awards. Instead, the chamber “A community is a tapestry of people, recognizes those people and organizations people with different views, with that made a positive difference in different talents, with different our community. experiences that when The Sacramentan of “A woven together make the Year award went to community is a us so much stronger Kevin Nagle for his tapestry of people, than we would ever efforts to bring Major be alone,” Blackwood League Soccer to people with different said. She reminded us Sacramento. Kaiser views, with different of a proverb, “If you Permanente Senior talents.” want to go quickly, go Vice President Patricia alone. If you want to go Rodriguez and Five Amanda Blackwood far, go together.” Star Bank CEO James CEO, Metro Chamber I support her vision of Beckwith were recognized the chamber. It should be our for their extensive community community’s big tent. The business involvement. Nonprofit leaders community plays an important role in creatDebra Oto-Kent, founder of the Health ing a world-class community that works for Education Council, and Bill Mueller, CEO business, as well as for employees, young of Valley Vision, received special praise for people and all its citizens. years of service, as did Verna Sulpizio-Hall This includes ensuring that sufficient of Metro EDGE. Honey was the Small community resources are dedicated to our Business Award winner. And finally, the schools, our transportation system, our flood Sacramento Salvation Army went into the protection, our arts and our community’s Centennial Business Hall of Fame. The awards were the backdrop for Metro safety net. Each year, the chamber sends a large Chamber CEO Amanda Blackwood’s speech. Since becoming the chamber’s pres- delegation to Washington, D.C., for the annual Cap-to-Cap event. Maybe it’s time ident and CEO in May 2018, Blackwood for D.C. to send a delegation here. In has been leading its transformation away 2020, I believe we in Sacramento will get from being a business organization focused more done. Ω on electing conservatives towards being an organization that builds up the whole community. Jeff vonKaenel is the president, CEO and majority Blackwood said that in 1895, when owner of the News & Review. the chamber was first established, the



l i nd s a y o @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

Primary concerns The Asian-American and Latino communities have historically been underrepresented voices in California politics, despite each community’s significant population statewide. New data from the California Civic Engagement Project, part of the USC Price School of Public Policy, predicts that Latino and Asian-American voters will represent just less than 30% of eligible voters and turnout in the March 3 primary, based on increased voter turnout in 2008 and 2016. Meanwhile, voter turnout among youth of all ethnicities is expected to continue its downward trend. Mindy Romero, the project’s founder and director, outlines its latest research.

This report shows rising numbers of Latino and Asian-American voters. What can that be attributed to? One is just the population growth that we continue to see for the Latino and AsianAmerican communities in California, and then there is how that impacts the size of their voting bloc … So we said if turnout for Latinos and Asian Americans stays the same in the 2020 primary as it was in the 2016 primary … given the population growth that we’ve seen, it would mean that they’ve increased their share of voters, their overall number of voters and their overall share of voters to the highest share we’ve seen, and the highest number that we’ve seen for a primary.

At the same time, your data shows declining youth vote. Again, demographics. So we’re an aging society, we all know that, and the flip side of that is we have fewer young people … [It’s] an overall decline and that is all documented by the California Department of Finance. Because of reduced birth rates, lower fertility rates and then on the flip side for older folks, people living longer themselves and fertility rates that peaked and produced a larger cohort of older folks. … You have a declining youth population, you have increasing aging population of voters, and that just means it’s more of a challenge for everyone that does work to mobilize the youth vote, that wants young people to be heard, to be part of politics. … Campaigns by design are often looking for the likely voter model, running

Mindy Romero, founder and director of the California Civic Engagement Project, elaborates on the state’s changing voter demographics. PHOTO COURTESY OF MINDY ROMERO

the numbers, it’s going to be even more of a challenge to focus on young people potentially given that the younger population is declining and the older population is growing.

What would a smart campaign be doing with this information? A campaign that doesn’t take the Latino and Asian-American vote seriously is going to be potentially sacrificing a huge proportion of the voting bloc in the primary. … [If] you combine them together, we’re projecting about 30% of actual voters—not potential voters, actual voters. The other thing to think about in the presidential primary is that the delegates, of course, are proportional in our state. So there are congressional districts across the state where Latinos and Asian Americans make up a very large, much larger proportion of voters and potential voters, and if campaigns aren’t aggressively, sincerely outreaching to them, then they’re missing huge possibilities when it comes to delegates. With youth, the declining numbers do not mean that campaigns shouldn’t be reaching out to young people … There’s lots of research that shows that if you do deep contact with young voters, and you connect with them on the issues they care about, and you ask them to vote—actually ask them to vote—then they’re much more likely to actually turn out. So it might mean there’s some additional work that might need to be done with young voters, but there really can be a payoff there, so campaigns should not write them off. Ω

See the California Civic Engagement Project’s 2020 primary election fact sheets at ccep.usc.edu/fact-sheets.






and protections that designation bestows. AB 5’s backers say the law will prevent large corporations from exploiting vulnerable workers, especially low-wage earners and immigrant laborers. Critics say those big corporations will sooner cut ties with independent contractors rather than hire them as employees, thus threatening the livelihoods of more than a million workers cobbling together a living one client or gig at a time. Simmering under this debate is a stubborn economic reality that, more than a decade after the Great Recession supposedly ended, the American Dream feels out of reach for many Californians. Which begs the question: If the economy is so healthy, why are California’s approximately 2 million independent contractors hustling so hard in the first place?

“I don’t know how it’s going to affect me.”

sebastian Rowland makes a protest sign during the Jan. 28 rally. Photos by Kate Gonzales

When there is only

the side hustle

What does the anti-AB 5 coalition say about rising income inequality in California? by Kate Gonzales

Rebecca Kincl held her infant son’s hand as he walked slowly in circles around her, avoiding restlessness. For about an hour they stood in front of the state Capitol’s west steps, the site of countless demonstrations each year. Kincl, a part-time music teacher, was there on Jan. 28 to protest a new California law that she and other independent contractors worry could cost them their next paycheck. 10



21,300 people. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, that spike is higher than the total increase of every other state combined. And while the U.S. poverty rate declined for the fourth consecutive year in 2018, income inequality continues to grow in one of the county’s least affordable states. According to the Public Policy Institute of California, the richest families have 12.3 times the incomes of earners in the bottom 10th percentile. And in the past 40 years, income has increased 60% for the 90th percentile of families, while those in the middle and lowest percentiles have seen growth between 20% and 24%. The purchasing power for those making the median wage hasn’t really budged in four decades, according to the Pew Research Center. The Pew report found that wage gains have mostly benefited those who already make the most. “The median Rebecca Kincl HoW’s tHe wages for workers are part-time music teacher barely over what they economy— were in the late 1970s,” Really? Jacobs said. He believes AB 5 is one way While state unemployment is at a to help address inequality, by expandrecord low, wages have been stagnant ing benefits and legal protections to a for decades, and the gap between the greater share of the labor force. country’s richest and poorest continues But some workers targeted by the to widen. Workers’ bargaining power new law see it as stifling their ingenuhas suffered as union membership has ity and flexibility. dropped over the last half century, and “As independent contractors we are the prevalence of people in freelance not exploited,” Erica Sandberg, a San and nontraditional work arrangements Francisco-based freelance writer who means that fewer benefit from the specializes in personal finance, told a gains that unions achieved. crowd of approximately 300 people at These factors frame the AB 5 fight, last week’s rally. “Quite the opposite, says Ken Jacobs, chair of the UC Berkeley we are empowered.” Center for Labor Research and Education. AB 5’s supporters would say “There is an important element Sandberg is the exception to the law. here about creating the possibility for a worker voice in the decisions that affect their lives,” he said. “The quesstRange bedfelloWs tion is: Are we as a society going to accept the degradation of employment vs. ab 5 standards?” The Rally to Repeal AB 5 came There’s evidence that California’s together under the direction of two working class already experiences that free-market types—Republican degradation, in spite of the record-low Assembly members Kevin Kiley of state jobless rate of 3.9%. Between Roseville and Melissa Melendez of 2018 and 2019, the state’s homelessRiverside County. ness rate jumped by 16.4%, or about



“I have friends who have already lost work,” she said. “I don’t know how it’s going to affect me.” Kincl was referring to Assembly Bill 5, also known as the “gig economy law.” Jump-started by a 2018 state Supreme Court ruling, AB 5 took effect Jan. 1 and restricts companies’ ability to hire someone as an independent contractor instead of as an employee with all the formal benefits

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settlement scanDal

Kiley, who is trying to repeal AB 5 with his AB 1928, compiled 200 anecdotes for a booklet called “AB 5 Stories” to illustrate the law’s toll on jobs. New Yorkbased Vox Media, which stopped working with its 200 freelancers after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 5 into law last fall, aided the lawmakers’ case that the law would be a job-killer. Competing data says otherwise. Last year, researchers with UC Berkeley’s Center for Labor Research and Education estimated that, among Californians who earn their primary income as independent contractors, 9% would be exempt from AB 5. This group includes higher-earning professionals such as real estate agents, lawyers and doctors. The law would apply to 64% of independent contractors, largely representing the lower-income workers that the bill

Rebecca Kincl attends the Rally to Repeal AB 5 with her son, David.

aims to protect, including truckers, teachers, translators and freelance journalists. These workers aren’t currently afforded the same benefits guaranteed to employees, such as paid sick leave, a guaranteed minimum wage, overtime pay, unemployment benefits, the right to unionize and workers’ compensation. Jacobs said it’s low-wage workers who most suffer the consequences of misclassification. “Those are … by and large low-wage occupations—janitors, cleaners, truck drivers, retail workers [and] childcare workers,” he said. Kincl, the part-time music teacher, books her clients through an online company that handles transactions and allows her to balance work with raising three young sons. “I just get to focus on teaching,” she said. “I don’t have to worry about the business aspect.”

While the exact number of independent contractors in the United States is hard to pin down, they’re estimated to make up between 6.9% and 9.6% of all workers. Whether companies in California offer nontraditional workers the opportunity to become employees will be tested in the coming months. But state budget officials have one reason to hope they do: The California Labor Commission estimates employee misclassification costs the state $7 billion annually in payroll tax revenue. A state judge has already exempted 70,000 independent truckers from AB 5, and organizations representing freelance photographers and writers are also suing the state. Lyft and Uber are pooling their resources to qualify a November ballot referendum that would exempt their 900,000 drivers from AB 5’s requirements. The “Protect App-Based Drivers and Services Act” offers different worker protections, including an earnings minimum of 120% of the minimum wage. It’s estimated that drivers make between roughly $11 and $16 hourly, after the cost of vehicle upkeep, which is their responsibility. The referendum would also require the ride-share companies to offer a rest policy, health insurance stipend and sexual harassment prevention policies. Many of the protections were made standard by the labor movement of the 20th century. But union membership in the private sector has dipped—from one in three employees in the 1950s to one in 20 in 2016, according to the Economic Policy Institute. That could impact the wages and conditions of all workers. According to the same EPI report, strong union membership can bring up wages and ensure benefits for even non-union workers. But the U.S. Supreme Court dealt a serious blow to unions in 2018, when it ruled they couldn’t collect dues from non-members, even if they benefit from the unions’ collective bargaining efforts. “The process isn’t over,” said Steve Smith, communications director for California Labor Federation, which supports AB 5. “This is an issue that has gone on too long. It’s hurting too many and needs to be addressed.” Ω

A respected north Sacramento nonprofit will fork over $400,000 to the state, which accused it of siphoning twice that amount while operating migrant housing centers in San Joaquin County five years ago. The husband-wife founders of the Roberts Family Development center are linking news of their legal settlement to their support of a March 3 ballot measure to steer city funding toward youth programs. According to the August 2019 settlement agreement, Derrell and Tina Roberts denied wrongdoing and instead accused the state of breaching its obligations under a contract that ended Dec. 31, 2015. The state says something very different. It was in August 2014 that the Roberts, whose Del Paso Heightsbased nonprofit specializes in after-school programs, entered into an agreement with the California Department of Housing and Community Development to manage three seasonal housing sites for migrant farm workers and their families, all in San Joaquin County. The state says it fronted $1.36 million to the Roberts Center for capital improvements, but that only $187,000 was spent. The state says the Roberts Center never paid back everything it owed. According to the state’s breach of contract lawsuit, the Roberts Center’s bank statements and Derrell Roberts’ own admissions indicated that he and his wife misappropriated money for migrant housing and spent it on personal expenses. Much of the Roberts’ statement focused on measure G, which would steer 2.5% of the city’s budget toward community programs for youth if approved by voters next month. “These services can be provided by a school district, a qualified non-profit or even a city department,” the Roberts wrote. “The political season is upon us and because polls are showing Measure G is winning, we can expect other dirty tricks by unscrupulous opponents.” (Raheem F. Hosseini)

sensitivitY DRaininG Pandemic fever has reached the Sacramento area, even if the dreaded coronavirus hasn’t. The city of Elk Grove canceled a chinese new Year celebration, set to take place inside its civic center, one day before the Jan. 31 event. The move came as politicians in other states cautioned against reacting to the health crisis in a way that could fuel anti-asian xenophobia. In its announcement, Elk Grove said it canceled its Lunar New Year event out of “an abundance of caution” despite the risk of the new coronavirus being low in northern california. Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly referred to that statement when asked for a comment. Councilman Darren Suen said city staff’s decision was unfortunate, but understandable given that the event was to take place indoors. Since being first identified Wuhan, China on Dec. 31, the pneumonia-like illness has shown long, quick legs, sickening nearly 20,000 people in two dozen countries, including the United States. As of Jan. 31, the California Department of Public Health had confirmed three cases of coronavirus—in Santa Clara, Los Angeles and Orange counties—but considers the immediate health risk to the general public relatively low. Meanwhile, the common flu is wreaking havoc across the state, with 149 influenza-coded deaths since this flu season began at the end of September. Elk Grove hasn’t rushed to cancel other indoor events, such as a weekly preschool storytime inside the city library. (RFH)






Hundreds of parents, students and community members rallied in McClellan Park on Jan. 28 to protest closing schools in their neighborhoods. Photo by Scott thomaS anderSon

Turning the tide on school closures Massive community outcry persuades Twin Rivers  school board to spare nine targeted campuses by Scott thomaS anderSon

Hundreds of people holding signs, beating drums and chanting slogans took to a former U.S. Air Force base last week and made it clear they wouldn’t accept losing five schools in their neighborhoods. By the end of the evening, the Twin Rivers Unified School District’s board of trustees voted 6-1 to not close any campuses across the north city and county of Sacramento. In so doing, trustees followed the advice of a community panel that had been ignored by district leaders. The confrontation, with droves of parents and teachers on one side, and Twin Rivers administrators and consultants on the other, had been brewing since the beginning of 2019. The district reported losing 800 students in the previous two years, leading to a $3.8 million annual 12   |   SN&R   |   02.06.20

deficit—about 1% of its budget. The district formed a community group to review potential responses to the shortfall, which included closing six to 10 campuses from Old North Sacramento to North Highlands. After months of study, the committee recommended not shuttering any schools. Nonetheless, Twin Rivers administrators pushed ahead with proposed closures, even as they continued planning to build new schools in more affluent Natomas. But signs were emerging even before the Jan. 28 school board meeting that the closures would be a hard sell. Twin Rivers school board trustee Ramona Landeros had already told SN&R she’d decided not to support the effort. “I think schools are the cultural hubs of a community, so if we’re talking about closing schools in impoverished communities, I’m opposed to that,” said Landeros,

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who is running for Sacramento City Council. The economic challenges Landeros cited are borne out by state data; the district’s 46 schools and eight charter schools are spread across some of the most disadvantaged and disinvested neighborhoods in Sacramento County. Some 85% of students qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, which experts consider a better gauge of economic hardship than the federal poverty line. Those statistics were on the minds of some community members who arrived in McClellan Park to protest the closures, even those without kids in the district. They were joined outside by Twin Rivers school board trustee Mike Baker. “This turnout is pretty awesome,” Baker said. “We need to take a step back and reevaluate where we are as a district and rethink this. … We need to form a new

committee that looks at all options, instead of being so quick to just jump to ‘close schools.’” Baker’s presence at the demonstration was a boost of confidence for some of the people who had been worrying about the vote for a long time, including Sarah Cavalari, who teaches first grade at Babcock Elementary School. “My kids are what’s going through my mind tonight,” Cavalari said. “We’re a small community school. Basically, we’re more than just an infrastructure for kids to come to in the morning. We’re a community hub. To remove that from our parents, our kiddos, would be detrimental to our students. … We have many students who have trauma. We have a large number of students who have autism. It’s really important for me to be here tonight and be an advocate for all of them.” When it came time to vote, six trustees raised their hands to spare nine schools from either closing or major changes: Babcock Elementary, Fairbanks Elementary, Hillsdale Elementary, Sierra View Elementary, Martin Luther King Jr. Tech Academy, Smythe Academy of Arts & Sciences, Westside Preparatory Charter, Vista Nueva High and Pacific High. The only trustee to vote in favor of closures was Michelle Rivas. While the closures were avoided, the trustees did vote to reconfigure a number of campuses. Noralto Elementary School and Harmon Johnson Elementary School will be consolidated into one K-6 campus. Hazel Strauch Elementary School will change from a K-5 to a K-6 campus. Rio Tierra Jr. High School will be altered from a 6-8 to 7-8 school. And, over the next two years, Dry Creek Elementary will change from a K-4 to K-6 school, Orchard Elementary School will change from K-8 to K-6, Woodridge Elementary School will change from K-4 to K-6, Foothill Ranch Middle School will change from 5-8 to 7-8 and Rio Linda Preparatory Academy will change from 5-8 to a 7-8. District officials had floated the idea of postponing the closures vote until well after the March 3 primary—an idea that was strongly opposed by the Twin Rivers United Educators, or TRUE. School board members Basim Elkarra and Linda Fowler are up for reelection. “If the vote was held after the election, obviously it’s harder to hold the board members accountable,” TRUE president Rebecca LaDoux said. “The constituency wants to know the outcome.” Ω

Leaders who

made a difference

Their grassroots efforts led to real change in their communities

In fact, drop-off locations started opening Feb. 3. The first in-person Vote Centers open Feb. 22, 10 days before the Primary. We’ve had some practice with this new system; Sacramento County was among the first to try out this “more ways, more days” process. During the pilot program, Sacramento voter participation went up, compared to the previous mid-term election.


Georgia Gilmore

Over 60 years ago, Georgia Gilmore turned her culinary skills into funds for a crusade. You’ve probably heard of Rosa Parks, whose refusal to sit in the back of a segregated city bus inspired the Montgomery, Alabama, boycott in 1955. Gilmore’s contributions were just as important; she is thought to have raised more money for the boycott than any person in Montgomery. As a cook, Gilmore herself had faced racism many times, including on the bus. Most of the regular bus riders were Black workers: Housekeepers, nannies, cooks and laborers. The bus was their transportation system. During the boycott, they needed other ways to get to their jobs. That’s where Gilmore came in. A few months after the boycott started, Gilmore lost her job after testifying in support of Dr. King and other boycott leaders. She subsequently opened her own catering company and developed a deep network of women to raise money for the boycott by cooking and selling food, and used the money to pay for gas and city-wide carpools. Just as importantly, she did so without drawing undue attention from white community members, who otherwise might have kicked them out of whiteowned homes for organizing. (At the time, approximately half of the black women in the city worked for white families.) After 381 days, the boycott ended when the U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws requiring segregated buses.

The “polls” for the March 3 Presidential Primary are now open – at least in Sacramento County. California is making voting easier and getting more people to participate. Under the Voter’s Choice Act, registered voters have three ways to vote: By mail, by drop box or in person.

voters have more time to submit their ballot

By yvOnnE R. WALkER P r e s i d e n t, s e i U L o c a L 1 0 0 0

ow do you create change? You can organize at the grassroots level, inspiring others and nurturing ideas. And you can vote, electing leaders who will follow through on those ideas and make them into law. This week, I want to celebrate Black History Month by highlighting two African American women, past and present, who by their actions and example made a real impact in two very different movements, helping to recruit, create opportunities and inspire others to join and make change. During this 100th anniversary of American women earning the right to vote, I also want to feature the voting process in Sacramento, how it works, and why it’s been effective in getting more people to participate. So, be sure to read the sidebar to the right.

voting made easier

not registered? Members Bobby Dutta and Francina Stevenson volunteer on a Saturday to talk to fellow members about the voting process and our endorsed assembly candidate Photo by Karlos ayala

Little Miss Flint

Today, civil disobedience has a bright new face. Worried about the water crisis that was sickening whole communities and killing people, Mari Copeny, aka “Little Miss Flint,” wrote a letter to President Obama when she was 8 years old. She shared that she was headed to D.C. to watch Congressional hearings about the Flint water crisis and asked the President to meet with them. Instead, her words inspired Obama to fly to Flint himself, giving the crisis national attention. Five years later, Copeny’s still bringing attention to unsafe water initiatives. She started #WednesdayforWater to let people know about places where drinking water is unsafe. And she continues to create opportunities to connect with people, inspiring thousands to write letters to kids in Flint, letting people know they are not forgotten, hosting birthday parties, collecting thousands of backpacks, as well as helping with book and bicycle fundraisers for kids in her community. These two leaders made real differences. Past and present, they remind us how we can take action to help dismantle racism and improve our communities together. yvonne R. Walker President SEiu local 1000

SPONSORED by SERvicE EmPlOyEES iNtERNatiONal uNiON lOcal 1000

You have until Feb. 18. (You can check your voter registration online at https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov.) If you miss that deadline, you can still vote; now you can cast a conditional ballot at a Vote Center through Election Day. This is very exciting. Ballots already have been mailed out to registered voters. That’s a live ballot, not a sample, so don’t throw it away.

Mail in your ballot, postage paid, anytime through Election Day

Or drop if off at one of almost 60 drop boxes. Or in those final 10 days, vote in person at any Vote Center; you’re not restricted to precincts. (See locations for drop boxes and Vote Centers at https://elections. saccounty.net/votecenters/pages/locations.aspx.)

Want to vote for a presidential nominee?

If you are registered with some parties, you can vote for the nominees in that party. If you are not affiliated with a party, you can request a presidential party ballot listing Democrat, American Independent or Libertarian presidential candidates without re-registering. (Ask for it at a Vote Center.) If you’re non-affiliated and want to vote Republican, Green or Peace & Freedom, you’ll need to re-register. In the Nov. 3 general election, that’s not an issue; everybody gets the same ballot.

SEIU LOCAL 1000 1808 14th Street Sacramento, CA 95811 (866) 471-7348






ENDORSEMENTS To help voters decide, here are SN&R’s editorial staff’s endorsements in key, competitive local races. A note about how we made our choices: As usual, we looked at candidates’ backgrounds and campaign platforms. This year, we also interviewed 10 candidates in contested races about why they’re running, what they want

to do and why they’re the best choice for voters. With these recommendations, we’re not telling you how to vote, but giving our best judgment to consider along with your own research and political views. Mail ballots went out this week to all registered voters in Sacramento County. You have until polls close at 8 p.m. on March 3 to vote.


While attention will focus on California’s presidential primary on March 3, the results in local races will have more immediate impact on Sacramento’s future. And when some City Council elections draw only about 10,000 votes total, each vote matters more.

Allen Warren



Councilman Allen Warren, first elected in 2012, is running on his record of bringing grocery stores, medical facilities and increased city investment to the district. Ramona Landeros, a Twin Rivers Unified School District trustee since 2016 and longtime community volunteer, says she can do better. She says north Sacramento has too many cannabis dispensaries, alcohol outlets and homeless camps, and needs a more vocal advocate for good housing and quality retail. But her track record does not inspire enough confidence that she can be that leader. Landeros also says she can represent the district without Warren’s negative press. During the 2012 and 2016 campaigns, it was his business dealings— lawsuits against his development companies, unpaid taxes and questions about conflict of interest. In 2015, he faced a sexual harassment complaint from a former aide in his council office, though she later withdrew the claim, which Warren denied. In 2020, he is not running under a similar cloud. Warren has also improved as a council member, and his experience building coalitions on the council and navigating the City Hall bureaucracy is valuable. On the homeless crisis, the Measure U sales tax increase and other issues, he has been willing to buck Mayor Darrell Steinberg. That independent streak is important; one way he keeps it is that he’s his own biggest campaign donor—$119,000 last year and 14





another $20,000 in January. If he wins a third term, Warren says he’ll continue his efforts to bring jobs and housing to the district, and will also focus on cleaning up parks. He says he’ll keep speaking out on the homeless crisis, including his proposed “Renewal Village” that would provide different levels of housing for 700 people. Warren also says he will pay more attention to cultivating potential successors, especially since he’s thinking about running for mayor if Steinberg steps aside in two or four years. Landeros is the strongest of three challengers. Also on the ballot are Sean Loloee, owner of Viva Supermarkets, and Lamar Jefferson, listed as “father.” Landeros offers a broad life experience, growing up in a family of farm workers and working in domestic violence shelters, plus her activism in the community as a literacy advocate and founder of the Tejano Conjunto Festival in 2006. It’s a red flag, however, that she has few high-profile endorsements. While Landeros says she would bring the missing perspective of a Latina to the council, the Sacramento Latino Democratic Club is supporting Warren. Landeros is a promising candidate, but there’s too much uncertainty about how effective she can be. Warren is the safer choice when this district can’t afford to take a step back in its leadership.

Experience in City Hall, plus an independent streak.

SN&R’s recommendations in key Sacramento races on March 3 ballot SACRAMENTO CITY COUNCIL, DISTRICT 4:


Steve Hansen made history in 2012 when he was elected the city’s first openly gay council member. Since, he’s made his mark as a thoughtful voice on a wide range of issues. But lately he’s disappointed some progressives, especially on rent control by opposing a stronger, permanent ballot measure. One of them is Katie Valenzuela, who says she couldn’t wait to run, despite the uphill fight of trying to oust an incumbent.

Steve Hansen

A thoughtful voice and effective for his district.

Valenzuela, policy and political director for the California Environmental Justice Alliance, says she has the community development knowledge and coalitionbuilding experience to push for bolder action on affordable housing, inclusive economic development and more. Valenzuela also faults the council for helping rich investors with the Golden 1 Center and the planned soccer stadium, while forcing community groups and

small businesses to fight over a few million dollars. She’s obviously sharp and makes a compelling case that the council could use some fresh thinking, but is not quite convincing enough. Criticizing from the outside as an advocate and making bold promises is one thing. But actually getting things done is quite another. Sometimes it takes compromises that won’t please everyone, especially in this Midtown and downtown district with so many politically active residents with a wide range of views. Hansen makes it work. He can point to a long list of accomplishments: helping push Regional Transit to cut fares and improve service; championing bike lanes and electric bicycles; promoting the Lavender Court project for LGBTQ seniors; and working on a flavored vape ban. In what he says would almost certainly be his final term on the council, Hansen pledges to keep working on housing and homelessness, and leading on climate change by creating a city less dependent on cars. He wants to help see through the remakes of the Old Sacramento waterfront and of Capitol Mall, and wants to boost arts and culture programs. It’s good that he is being aggressively challenged in this campaign. Hansen says he is listening to the criticism. If he takes it to heart, that will make him an even better council member.



To vote in the March 3 election, you have to be registered by Feb. 18. If you miss the deadline, you can register on primary day and cast a provisional ballot. Registration can be done by mail or online: sos.ca.gov/elections/voter -registration/



This is the most competitive City Council race because Larry Carr, the district’s representative since 2014, isn’t seeking reelection and because highly-qualified candidates have stepped forward. It’s a toss-up between Les Simmons and Mai Vang, who offer different strengths and who both have the potential to be influential elected leaders. Voters can be confident picking either one. And because it’s likely that neither will win outright on March 3, voters will get until November to see how they handle public scrutiny and how they flesh out their positions on the issues. The extended campaign would also let voters decide who might best balance the new council based on who wins other seats. Simmons, a well-known pastor in South Sacramento, has 20 years of leadership in the community, speaking out and working on issues such as youth violence and police reform. He served as the first chairman of the city’s community police

A missing voice and a compelling life story.

Mai Vang

LEARN ABOUT THE CANDIDATES Most local candidates have websites and social media pages. The city of Sacramento collects biographical forms and campaign statements. cityofsacramento.org/Clerk/ Elections/2-Candidate-Information


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commission, until Two he resigned over its decades of lack of investigative powers. He was community outspoken after no leadership, charges were filed against the two police unafraid to officers who killed speak out. Stephon Clark. And he pledges to continue pushing for change, including more bias training for officers and a more diverse Police Department. He says he can represent the full diversity of this district, pointing to his support from Latino leaders. He also has the backing of the Les Simmons Sacramento Metro Chamber and council Read more about the District 8 members Rick Jennings, Steve City Council race on page 18 Hansen and Jay Schenirer. And he is receiving financial and campaign members Angelique Ashby, Jeff support from the Sacramento City Harris and Allen Warren, her Teachers Association. fellow school trustees and the The teachers’ union has been firefighters union. at war with the Sacramento City Vang, who is now a college Unified school board—including scholarship director and teaches at Vang. That gives her Sacramento State University and valuable experience as UC Davis, also has a compelling an elected official; she life story as the eldest of 16 children knows what it’s like to of Hmong refugees. As a woman be the target of criticism of color and a millennial, she says and to face tough issues. she would also bring a voice now While her history missing from the council. She also in South Sacramento could help build closer ties between isn’t as long, she grew the school district and City Hall. up there and helped Either Vang or Simmons is a start Hmong Innovating better choice than the others on the Politics after returning ballot: Ronald Bell, a retired pastor home from college. who ran for City Council in 2014 For four years, she and 2016 and Sacramento County worked as community supervisor in 2018; Daphne Harris, affairs director for a real estate broker; and Santiago Carr, who is supporting Morales, a program analyst. her. She also has the endorsements of council


FILL OUT YOUR BALLOT All registered voters in Sacramento County will receive a ballot in the mail the week of Feb. 3. You can return it by mail, or drop it in boxes across the county or at some vote

centers starting Feb. 22. All vote centers open Feb. 29. To vote in person, bring the ballot to vote centers between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on March 3. Here’s a list of locations:










DARRELL STEINBERG Darrell Steinberg faces only token opposition in Mac Arteaga, listed on the ballot as a resident manager, and Jrmar Jefferson, a perennial candidate. It would be better if Steinberg had more serious challengers so there could be a fuller debate on his priorities. Still, he has done more than enough to earn a second fouryear term by moving the city forward on homelessness, jobs and more. The former state Senate leader put his political capital on the line in 2018 with Measure U, the half-cent sales tax increase that voters approved for inclusive economic development, and that will also help finance a $100 million affordable housing trust fund. He helped steer the city through the trauma of the Stephon Clark case. Steinberg combines ambitious vision with attention to policy detail, proving once again that Ambitious a mayor can be strong without vision, plus changing the city charter.

attention to policy detail.

Darrell Steinberg

SACRAMENTO MEASURE G: NO This is a close call. The City Council, itself, is divided. The measure would change the city charter so that for 12 years, 2.5% of unrestricted revenues would flow into a new fund for children and youth services—a projected $10.1 million to $12.6 million a year on top of current spending. Proponents are right that boosting young people is crucial to Sacramento’s future and that these programs can get underfunded because they don’t have the political influence of public safety unions in the budget process. But opponents have a stronger argument. This could prevent the city from focusing enough on affordable housing and homelessness and would tie the City Council’s hands in a budget crisis, which could lead to cuts in public safety and other basic services, including ones that help children. 16






Eric Guerra



A neighborhood leader who kept grassroots outlook.

Eric Guerra was first elected in 2015, and he’s clearly the best choice this year. He came up through the Tahoe Park Neighborhood Association and has kept that grassroots outlook in office, boosting after-school programs, addressing homelessness and protecting fellow immigrants. Running against him are Eric Frame, who ran for state Senate in 2018 as an independent; Kevin Rooney, a plumbing contractor; and Waverly Hampton III, a Sacramento State electrical engineering student. Of the three, Hampton is the most intriguing—a promising newcomer who wants to make a mark in his adopted city and has clearly thought a lot about the city’s future. He has big ambitions and big ideas, which he outlines in a 20-page policy paper, including a 1% tax on Sacramento companies with $1 million or more in gross receipts, with proceeds going into a fund for housing and start-up businesses. He says he would bring energy and the perspective of diverse young people who have struggled financially. But he’s just 24 and could use more policy experience and political seasoning. He would be a great appointee to a city board or commission. He says he would be interested, so Guerra should take him up on his offer. While the city has a budget surplus of $33.5 million as of Jan. 1, projections show a budget deficit of $21 million by 2021-22 (though the city has $55 million in its rainy day fund). Unfortunately, the measure does not include an escape clause if there’s a deep recession. Without that flexibility, money could continue flowing to nonprofits at the same time the city might have to lay off police officers and firefighters. The firefighter and police unions are bankrolling the opposition campaign. Mayor Steinberg says the measure would jeopardize his promises for inclusive economic development from Measure U. He’s offering a more reasonable alternative for the November ballot: A measure that would set aside 20% of revenue growth for youth programs, about $2.5 million to $3 million more starting in 2021. Voters should wait for that option.

Rep. Ami Bera, an Elk Grove Democrat, is seeking his fifth two-year term in what has been a very competitive district with Republicans, A good fit but is for district trending and a health more Democratic. care expert. In 2020, for the first time, he’s also facing a real challenge from a fellow Democrat. Jeff Burdick, who works for Caltrans and lives in Arden Arcade, plants himself firmly in the party’s progressive wing,

Jeff Burdick

A progressive and foe of big money in politics.

supporting Medicare for all, the Green New Deal and sweeping campaign finance reform. In congressional primaries in California, the top two candidates regardless of party move on to November. Bera and Burdick are clearly the two most qualified of the five on the ballot. Also running are Green Party candidate Chris Richardson, an engineer and writer, and Republicans Buzz Patterson, a former White House military aide, and Jon Ivy, a voting rights advocate. So voters can pick either Bera or Burdick and set up an eight-month campaign to hash out their policy differences and qualifications. Burdick says he’s part of a new wave of candidates who appeal to

Ami Bera

millennials and want to take big money out of politics. He pledges to only take campaign donations from voters in the district and criticizes Bera for accepting contributions from corporations and out-of-state residents. Bera has far more experience, but has also compiled a record that some critics poke at. He upset some progressives by waiting until after the Ukraine scandal to support impeaching President Trump. Labor protested against him in 2015 when he supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. But Bera’s middle-of-the-road politics may better fit this district, plus his thoughtful, less partisan approach is in short supply in Congress. In a statement to SN&R, Bera stressed that instead of getting involved in Twitter fights, he’s proud of helping more than 13,500 constituents and securing more than $7 million for the district, including $1 million to help homeless and low-income veterans. Congress also needs his expertise on health care, an important issue that isn’t going away. He says he’ll continue to push for expanding Obamacare into universal coverage and to lower prescription drug prices. While Bera was endorsed by the state Democratic Party, Burdick has the support of some local Democratic clubs. Just as Democrats are doing in the presidential primary, the district’s voters will decide whether they want a more moderate candidate or a more progressive one. It’s a debate the party, and nation, need to have.


This is by far the highest profile race for county Board of Supervisors, with incumbent Susan Peters stepping aside. She has too often done the bidding of developers, including a controversial vote in November against stopping no-cause evictions. So a change is welcome. It’s shaping up to be a contest between Rich Desmond, backed by business groups, developers and Peters; and Gregg Fishman, supported by labor unions and Democrats. Desmond, a former California Highway Patrol commander and legislative affairs director, appears likely to vote similar to Peters. He declined to be interviewed, but on his campaign website he says homelessness will be his top priority, balancing a humane approach with public safety. He also pledges to fix roads and work on improving economic development and public safety. Fishman, however, is the far better choice. He has broader experience and can be the swing vote for more sensible policies on cannabis, homelessness, transit and other pressing issues. He built knowledge and connections from working for the California State Association of Counties, and he knows what it’s like to make tough decisions from serving on the SMUD board of directors since 2015. Three other candidates are running, so it’s more than likely that no one will win a clear majority on March 3. A strong second choice is Matt Ceccato, district director for Congressman Ami Bera for seven years, supervising constituent services and policy feedback. He has met officials across the region, and he’s right about the need for more collaboration to address homelessness and other problems. He lives in Arden Arcade, which he argues hasn’t received adequate representation or a fair share of services. A key part of his resume is that he’s a combat veteran. He enlisted in the Army right after 9/11, did two tours in Iraq and is still recovering from being shot in both legs. Also on the ballot are Catrayel Wood, a senior budget analyst at the Judicial Council of California, and Tiffany Mock-Goeman, a business administrator and homeless advocate.

The right background and a swing vote.

Competing big-money interests line up to decide crucial county race BY GRAHAM WOMACK

When Susan Peters announced last year she would not seek reelection to the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, District 3’s longtime representative opened a seat that five candidates are vying to fill in the March 3 primary. The five-member board sets land use, public health and law enforcement priorities for the vast unincorporated areas of Sacramento County, controlling a $4.4 billion annual budget that affects the lives of more than 1 million people. Supporters of some District 3 candidates are spending big to have their say. According to an SN&R analysis of campaign contribution filings by the candidates and political action committees—which operate independently and can spend unlimited amounts, per the 2010 Citizens United ruling—special-interest dollars have poured in for two candidates: former California Highway Patrol officer Rich Desmond and SMUD board member Gregg Fishman, who have also grabbed the lion’s share of endorsements. The money has opened a gap between them and three other candidates: budget and policy analyst Catrayel Wood, congressional aide Matt Ceccato and Tiffany MockGoeman, who worked in the past with homeless advocacy group Sacramento Steps Forward. It’s also raised questions about how fair the process is for those running and what they’re likely to hear from possible endorsers. “Everybody wants to talk about kind of the viability of the candidate,” MockGoeman told SN&R. “Unfortunately, what they’re using to evaluate that on almost exclusively is how much money you’re raising. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy if you’re a woman candidate, in most cases.”

FOLLOWING THE MONEY While Fishman had raised $82,775 in individual contributions as of Jan. 31, he’s indirectly benefited far more from PAC fundraising. Since Dec. 26, a group sponsored by the Sacramento Central Labor Council, which supports Fishman’s campaign, has received $120,000 in contributions from five labor-related groups, including a $75,000 donation on Jan. 15 from the Gregg Fishman, one of five candidates seeking the District 3 seat on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors, is receiving sizable campaign donations from labor, while Rich Desmond is drawing most of the business support.

Los Angeles-based Dignity CA SEIU Local 2015. Fabrizio Sasso, executive director of the Central Labor Council, which endorsed Fishman, said his group requested support from unions that have endorsed Fishman. “There’s not a whole lot of information out there on the other candidates,” Sasso told SN&R. “This independent expenditure really is to just to kind of introduce folks who are unfamiliar with Gregg Fishman, let them know that he’s got a really good track record, as proven on his time on the SMUD board.” Sasso said SEIU 2015 has more than 20,000 home care workers in Sacramento County. “This is a group of workers who are not paid as much as they should be,” he said. “They’re taking care of the most vulnerable folks in our community.” Fishman, first elected to the Sacramento Municipal Utility District board in November 2014, said the Central Labor Council’s endorsement stemmed from SMUD’s dealings with its unions. “They see one that we have great relationships with our employees and their unions,” Fishman said. “We’ve had no labor strife since I’ve been on the board in the past five years, and I can’t recall any prior to that in recent history.” Fishman has received individual contributions from, among others, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, who gave $1,000 from his 2020 campaign on Dec. 5, and current District 1 Supervisor Phil Serna, who gave $1,200 from his 2018 campaign on Dec. 30. Seven labor groups have also contributed individually to Fishman’s campaign. A decidedly different group of donors has emerged for Desmond, who didn’t respond to a request for comment and was endorsed by Peters when she announced her retirement. Peters has a pro-development record, including a November vote against stopping no-cause evictions. Desmond had raised $69,875 as of Jan. 31. His contributors have included Chevron Corp., which gave $1,000 on Dec. 5. It’s the kind of group that wouldn’t be of interest to Ceccato, who told SN&R he wouldn’t accept donations from Big Oil or Tobacco. “My principles, I’m not going to compromise in this process,” said Ceccato, who raised $14,100 through Jan. 31. Desmond’s donors have also included developers Mark Friedman and Daniel Benvenuti Jr., who’ve each given $1,200 since December; Union Pacific, which gave $1,200 on Jan. 11; and numerous business interests, highlighted by the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber PAC, which gave $2,500 on Dec. 5. Desmond was the only candidate who didn’t attend a Sacramento Area Congregations Together panel on Jan. 23

in indirect PAC support $82,775 + $120,000 from five labor-related groups

Amount reported per candidate as of Jan. 31







Contributors include Chevron Corp.



$5,875 WOOD

NO FILING dedicated to ending homelessness. Fishman drew a mixed response by telling the crowd of a few hundred people that Desmond was absent because he’d instead gone to a millionaire’s fundraiser in Carmichael. Certainly, Desmond’s staunchest contributors don’t look like some residents in District 3, which includes tony areas of Winding Way and less affluent neighborhoods such as Arden-Arcade. The 34-year-old Wood, a budget and policy analyst by day, told SN&R that some parts of the district are getting left behind. “We need someone in that seat who has the entire district’s interests in mind, not just those who are willing to donate huge sums of money,” he said. Wood, who estimated he’s raised between $5,000 and $7,500, said he’s prepared to self-finance his campaign. “You’re essentially running a guerrilla campaign that is focused on reaching out to the constituents themselves and not necessarily focused on the establishment, $7,500 to $10,000 can actually go a long way,” Wood said. Mock-Goeman is taking a similar strategy, having pegged her contributions at a little more than $20,000 and saying she has $12,000 of her own money set aside for her campaign. “I’m doing what we’re affectionately calling GoFundMe campaigning,” she said. Mock-Goeman has received $5,875 in donations, namely from the Sacramento chapter of the National Women’s Political Caucus, whose representative Karen Humphrey called Mock-Goeman “a terrific candidate,” and Women Democrats of Sacramento County. Its president, Tracie Stafford, called Mock-Goeman a fighter, but acknowledged what she’s up against. “So often, politics is not about who’s the best candidate,” Stafford told SN&R. “It’s about who has the most supporters, who is the best campaigner, who has the most money. And women are, historically, woefully underfunded, period.” Ω


Gregg Fishman






“I’m doing this to ensure that the economic development, the city services and resources, are driven to South Sacramento in an equitable way.” Les Simmons

Two popular community advocates go head to head for leadership of South Sacramento BY SCOTT THOMAS ANDERSON

s cot t a@ n ew s r ev i ew . com

There’s an open path to the Sacramento City Council seat for District 8 since incumbent Larry Carr opted to step aside. Now, two candidates with lifelong ties to South Sacramento—and with energized, grassroots campaigns—are battling it out at the ballot box to succeed him. Since both are raising plenty of campaign cash and grabbing major endorsements, this race is one to watch. Mai Vang is the daughter of Hmong refugees who built a new life for themselves in the Capital City. The oldest of 16 children, Vang says she took her earliest cues on leadership from her grandfather, an influential man within the Hmong’s tight-knit clan system. While Vang grew up poor, she says the lessons her Hmong elders passed down proved anything is possible when people support each other. “There’s this idea of collectivism, that no one does anything alone,” Vang said. “I learned what community is, and what hard work is, from the Hmong community.” As a young adult, Vang helped found Hmong Innovating Politics, a group working to give Hmong-Americans a greater voice in local issues and California’s legislative process. The group successfully pushed Sacramento and Fresno to provide Hmong translations of voting ballots. “We started out with money in a shoebox under someone’s bed, and now we’re a statewide organization,” she said. Vang’s interest in her heritage extends to the academic world, too, teaching classes on Asian-American studies at both Sacramento State University and UC Davis. But it is Vang’s background in elevating neighborhoods that’s fueling her campaign. She spent four years working in City Hall as the community affairs 18





director for Carr before being elected in 2016 as a Sacramento City Unified School District trustee. Vang says both those roles have shown her what the stakes are for South Sacramento and the need for new investments and opportunities. “There’s a lot of work that still needs to be done,” she said. “When you look at student outcomes, two-thirds of the indicators are impacts that are outside of the classroom. So when you talk about stable homes, clean neighborhoods, those are things that impact student learning as well.” Records indicate Vang has raised nearly $104,000 in campaign funds through Jan. 29. She also has Carr’s endorsement, and those of fellow Sac Unified trustees. She does not have the support of the Sacramento City Teachers Association, which has been warring with the trustees over the district’s budget. Instead, the teachers are backing—both with money and volunteers—Les Simmons, senior pastor at South Sacramento Christian Center. His parents, Esley and Deborah, founded the church 30 years ago, and it’s now one of the region’s most culturally diverse places of worship. Simmons met his wife, Katrina, when they were in the third grade at Prairie Elementary School. His mom owned a beauty supply shop and Katrina’s mother owned a nearby salon. “We’d be sweeping the floors as kids in our parents’ stores, and then she ended up joining our church,” Simmons remembered. The two didn’t start dating until college, when Simmons was doing faith and humanitarian

economic development, the city services and resources, are driven to South Sacramento in an equitable way,” he said. Simmons has also been in the public spotlight for his efforts on police reform. In 2016, he stepped down as chairman of the city’s first community police commission. A frustrated Simmons said the police department wasn’t being transparent about the officer-involved MARCHING AGAINST VIOLENCE killing of Joseph Mann and that the commission Simmons has been the most public face of was helpless to investigate it. He departure was those efforts. After a 2010 gang shootout at a a catalyst for the city forming a new police South Sacramento barber shop killed bystander commission with more oversight powers, but Monique Nelson as she shielded her baby Simmons remembers that some people warned from flying bullets, Simmons began leading him not to call out the police in such a public community peace walks that lasted for five way. years. In the summer of 2017, when five people “It was a very difficult decision,” he said. were shot—one fatally—in Meadowview Park, “As chair, I’d been trying to move our city in a Simmons led a press conference aimed at stopbetter direction, as it pertained to communityping the carnage. police relationships, implicit bias training and At the same time, he acted as the main cultural competency training, and getting law intermediary to get Sacramento leaders to enforcement to understanding the context of our green-light the controversial Advance Peace community … But when Mann was shot, it was anti-gang initiative, which has been credited about deciding to resign, or continuing down this with interrupting 17 acts of retaliatory gun path that was powerless.” violence in 2018 and keeping 74% of its Simmons was also outspoken about the participants from picking up a new gun police killing of Stephon Clark, and was arrested charge. No youths were victims of homicide in during a protest last year, though the charges Sacramento in either 2018 or 2019. were dropped. One of Simmons’ biggest accomplishments Records show Simmons has raised some involves his role as director of the Valley Hi $88,500 in campaign donations as of Jan. 30. site for the Black Child Legacy Campaign, While the district’s outgoing councilman is a response to black infants and youth dying endorsing Vang, Simmons has the support of at twice the rate of any group in Sacramento Matthew Bryant, Carr’s chief of staff who also County. The Valley Hi site offered parenting worked for former council members Bonnie classes, youth mentoring and job training. and Sam Pannell. Additionally, Simmons is Sacramento County reduced black infant sleepbeing endorsed by current council members related deaths by at least 29 % in the last three Rick Jennings, Steve Hansen and Jay years. Schenirer. But Simmons says the generational disinVang is being endorsed by council vestment that led to those grim statistics in the members Angelique Ashby, Jeff Harris and first place haven’t gone away, which is why Allen Warren, not to mention a bevy of state he’s running. “I’m doing this to ensure that the officials. “Of all the candidates running, I have the governance experience to do this “Of all the job on day one,” Vang told SN&R, adding, “the largest candidates demographic in the district running, I have is 24 to 35-year-olds, and we have a whole generation the governance that’s missing from the City Council.” experience to For his part, Simmons do this job on says South Sacramento residents know he’ll take day one.” on the hardest fights for them. Mai Vang “I believe the hopes and dreams of the people of District 8 are possible,” he stressed. Ω

work in India and found himself wishing Katrina would send him letters. They have been married 18 years and have three children. Katrina eventually became a pastor as South Sacramento Christian Center, too, as the church was getting more involved in counteracting violence and tragedy in its surrounding neighborhoods.

Mai Vang has represented Area 5 on the Sacramento City Unified School District board since December 2016. PHOTO BY ANDREW NIXON FOR CAPRADIO






A hero ’ s origin

A sacred


“The hero of vengeance.”

That’s the meaning of “Akinsanya,” a name that hails from the Yoruba culture of western Africa. It’s a name that Sacramento artist Akinsanya Kambon was destined to live out. But Kambon didn’t see himself as a hero. After discovering his Yoruba ancestry in the late ’80s, Kambon wanted to strengthen his connection to his roots by adopting a Yoruba name. But in Yoruba culture, a person needs to be named by the people who know them best. So Kambon gathered his closest friends and family to choose his name, and the rest is history. “I told them I couldn’t accept the name because the people are the heroes, individuals are not,” Kambon said. “They said, ‘Yeah, we figured you were going to say something like that. We’re still going to call you Akinsanya.’” The name stuck over the years. Kambon began signing his work with his new name, and now it appears at the base of dozens of terracotta sculptures, many of which are currently on display at Crocker Art Museum’s latest exhibition, American Expressions/African Roots. For Kambon, the work is more than just sculpture. It’s spiritual. But getting to that level of artistic expression was a long journey.

“Nehanda” embodies the spirit of Zimbabwean medium, Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana.

Before he was given his Yoruba name, Akinsanya Kambon was a young boy in Sacramento named Mark Teemer. Stricken with polio at age three, he became paralyzed on the left side of his body. “I used to get teased by the other children. If I’d go out for recess, they’d throw me down and put dirt in my face, and grass on my face,” Kambon said. “Art was a type of therapy for me. I’d use it to combat the psychological abuse that I got from the other children.” Kambon said he first discovered Crocker Art Museum while playing with friends around the corner from where he attended Lincoln Junior High School. “We used to play over there in the yard,” Kambon said. “One day a kid said, ‘Let’s go inside’ … The first thing I saw was these huge paintings. I stopped in my tracks and my mouth dropped open and I was just looking at them. I had never seen anything like that, and the other kids were like, ‘Come on Mark, come on, you’re going to get us caught.’ I couldn’t move.” From then on, Kambon said he would visit every day. The entry fee in 1950 was 25 cents, and on the days he couldn’t afford it, he would try to sneak past the security guard. In school, Kambon spent all his time





Akinsanya Kambon artist

drawing, so much that he stopped paying attention in his classes. By the time he graduated high school, he was reading at a second-grade level. In 1966 he was drafted into the Marine Corps and sent to Vietnam as a combat illustrator. The experience had a lasting effect on him, artistically and psychologically. “I didn’t even know I had PTSD until I met my wife,” Kambon said.

A k i n s a n y a K a m b o n ’s sculptures radiate with

spiritual significance

BY PATRICK HYUN WILSON • patrickw@newsreview.com


“This artwork’s purpose is to teach people about African history, African culture and African spirituality.”

Akinsanya Kambon uses the raku technique to create one-of-a-kind ceramics.









“Equestrian John Randall, Buffalo Soldier” is one of Kambon’s many terracotta warriors.

Themes of war influenced Kambon’s work; many of his pieces are terracotta sculptures of warriors. Among them, there’s “Equestrian John Randall, Buffalo Soldier,” a rendition of Civil War Private John Randall, who was said to have survived an attack by 70 Cheyenne warriors while on a hunting trip. It was also in Vietnam that Kambon was introduced to the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. But it wasn’t until the 1969 Oak Park Riots—sparked after police raided the Black Panthers’ Sacramento headquarters—that he became more interested in the organization. Kambon said that during the riots, he witnessed an officer swinging his nightstick at a young girl. “I saw how the police were treating people, and then the Panther Party asked me to do some drawings,” Kambon said. “Next thing you know, I was in the Black Panther Party.” While with the Black Panther Party, he drew the infamous “Black Panther Coloring Book,” which contains child-friendly drawings of black men stabbing pigs wearing police uniforms. In 1970, he was tried and ultimately acquitted in the shooting of a Sacramento police officer in the “Oak Park Four” trial.

“When you work as close as I do with ancestor spirits, I think to put a price on these things and sell them would be like prostituting your culture.” Akinsanya Kambon artist Following the trial, Kambon attended classes at Sacramento City College, where he learned the raku technique, a low-firing ceramic sculpture process that causes clay to crack under pressure and produces unique glazes. He used the technique to create the many terracotta sculptures now on display in the museum of his childhood. Only now, he doesn’t have to sneak in to see great art.

Channeling the spirits Kambon graduated from CSU Fresno with a master’s of arts in 1976, and in 1984 he began to teach African American Studies at CSU Long Beach. He made several trips to Africa, but it was a 1995 trip to Elmina Castle in Ghana that

clarified his work and life as an artist. Inside what was once one of the biggest stops during the Atlantic slave trade, Kambon began to meditate at an altar where someone had placed candles. “All of a sudden I heard this female voice say, ‘We’ve been waiting for you.’ And I looked up. It really scared me. And she said, ‘We need you teach our children who was stolen, about our history, about culture and about our religion,’ Kambon said. “That’s where I started really getting serious about my commitment to this artwork. And this artwork’s purpose is to teach people about African history, African culture and African spirituality.”

When he works on the sculptures, Kambon said he feels as though he is serving as a vessel for a spirit that guides his hands. One such piece, titled “Nehanda,” depicts Zimbabwean spiritual healer, Nehanda Charwe Nyakasikana, who led her people into battle against European colonizers in 1896. She’s shown in a state of grief, palpable anger flashing across her face as a child hangs limply in her arms. A bloodred glaze glistens off the dying child as Nehanda attempts to heal them. If you asked Kambon, he would tell you that this sculpture contains the spirit of Nehanda. It’s not a figure of speech, but a sacred belief that her spirit is literally infused

American Expressions/ African Roots runs through July 5. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St. For more info, visit crockerart.org.

into the piece—making it more than just an object to be bought, sold or owned. “When you work as close as I do with ancestor spirits, I think to put a price on these things and sell them would be like prostituting your culture,” Kambon said. His work on display at the Crocker is only a fraction of his extensive work, more than 4,000 sculptures. “I’m doing this for people to see,” Kambon said. “I wouldn’t mind my whole collection being in a museum, because I think it should be.” Ω






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Artist Aliyah Sidqe is seriously nailing it. PHOTO BY PATRICK HYUN WILSON

Finding her rhythm BY PATRICK HYUN WILSON

p a t ri c k w @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

The funky groove of Sam and Dave’s “Soul Man” fills the room, where a multigenerational crowd of nearly 100 people are gathered in appreciation of the watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings hanging on the wall. In the middle of it all, Aliyah Sidqe bounces around the room in her bright flowing dress, exchanging hugs and laughs. Though it was a long road, Sidqe had made it to a landmark moment in her career as a self-taught artist. It was Feb. 1, the opening night of her first solo exhibition at The Brickhouse Gallery, titled And The Beat Goes On, and one in a month full of events surrounding the exhibition. Thirty paintings are on display, including a selfportrait of Sidqe with her boyfriend of three years, both dressed in 1970s fashion. The couple gazes toward each other, creating the sense of being caught in the middle of a warm, quiet moment dislodged from time. The portrait is emblematic of the entire exhibition and its connection to Black History Month, celebrating “the beauty in blackness and being black” through the culture of the 1970s. “It feels like a time that was very unapologetic, very natural,” Sidqe said. One large mixed media piece, titled “Meet Me At The Dance Floor Pt. 2,” depicts two black women dancing in royal shades of blue and purple from an extreme low angle. A disco ball refracts beams of light onto both women, one of whom stares at the viewer. “I love going bigger,” Sidqe said. “I just like how bold it is. Just like, it’s there. You walk in the room, your eyes go straight there.” Sidqe revels in the boldness of her work now, but early in her life she wasn’t always so forthcoming. “I never saw myself being an artist, because I really 22





believed in that ‘starving artist’ myth,” she said. “It stifled me for a long time.” She became so stifled that she stopped painting for years; it wasn’t until 2013 that she began to draw again. “I picked it up and I was like, ‘Oh, this is pretty cool.’ And then my mom shared it on her Facebook—or with one of her coworkers—and they bought it,” Sidqe said. “I was like, ‘Oh, people are like, willing to buy it?’… I guess that triggered something in my mind like, ‘I can make money doing this.’” Sidqe’s mother, Shelia Dickerson, propelled her career as an artist in more ways than one. In 2014, she pushed Sidqe to seek a mentorship with awardwinning artist Milton Bowens. The two met at Old Soul Co., and it didn’t take long for Bowens to see Sidqe’s talent. “She pulled up some work that was on her phone, and I looked at it and I was immediately impressed,” Bowens said. “So I offered her an opportunity to do an exhibit.” Her first exhibition was a 2014 group show at Del Paso Works Galleries called New Power Generation. Since then, Sidqe has participated in numerous group shows around Sacramento, including at the Brickhouse. Barbara Range, director and curator at the Brickhouse, approached Sidqe about her first solo exhibition last October, giving Sidqe four months to prepare. Although it was a fraction of the time that most solo exhibitions have to prepare, the time frame wasn’t what worried Sidqe. “I always want to represent the fullest view of who I am, and who black people are in general … The motivation for the show was just, not always being recognized for your fullest self,” Sidqe said. “So a lot of the weight was just, making sure that I do it right.” Ω And The Beat Goes On runs through Feb. 29. The Brickhouse Gallery & Art Complex, 2837 36th St. For more info, visit thebrickhouseartgallery.com.

Your Downtown Service Shop BY RACHEL MAYFIELD

ra c h e l m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m




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Boots Riley is coming to Sacramento State—listen to what he has to say.

History in the making Celebrate Black History Month at these upcoming events First created in 1969 by students and teachers at Kent State University, Black History Month is all about honoring the people and stories of the African diaspora and combating the whitewashing of American history. This month, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about and celebrate black history, art and culture in Sacramento. Check out these events, coming up soon:

Black Trivia & Game Night, Feb. 7 Here’s a chance to test your knowledge, and maybe pick up some new things along the way. Greater Sacramento Urban League Young Professionals are capping off their annual “Join Week” with black trivia this Friday at Cafe Bernardo. There will be food and drinks for purchase, and when trivia’s over, you can stick around for some good oldfashioned card games. Cafe Bernardo R15, 1431 R St.; Event is free; joinyp.org.

Legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers, Feb. 11 You can never absorb enough history, so why not stop by the Brickhouse Gallery for a panel and discussion all about the legacy of the Buffalo Soldiers? It’s organized by the Unsung Heroes Living History Project, which aims to share the

stories of African Americans in the military. Meet the Buffalo Soldiers—members of several segregated Army cavalry regiments who fought for the Union during the Civil War, and learn about their experiences. The Brickhouse Gallery & Art Complex, 2837 36th St.; Event is free; thebrickhouseartgallery.com.

Boots Riley, Feb. 13 Sacramento State has quite a few events planned in support of Black History Month. There are a couple of movie screenings, a comedy show, plus a concert with musician Dele OG. Super cool stuff. You might be wondering, could it get any cooler? Turns out yes, because Boots Riley, director of Sorry to Bother You, is also making a stop on campus. Swing by the University Union and hear what he has to say. He’ll be giving a lecture you won’t want to miss, all about race, economics and international social justice movements. Sacramento State, 6000 J St.; Event is free; theuniversityunion.com.






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When We Were Colored, Feb. 14-Mar. 14 It has been a year since former Sacramento Bee writer Ginger Rutland’s debut play premiered at Sacramento Theatre Company. The story, an adaptation of her mother Eva Rutland’s memoir, traces the intertwining narratives of both mother and daughter living and growing up in 1950s racially segregated Sacramento. Now, the show makes its way to the Guild Theater for a full-month run. Catch this opportunity to see Sacramento history unfold onstage. The Guild Theater, 2828 35th St.; Tickets are $20-$30; guildtheater.com.

Black History Month Family Festival, Feb. 16 We assume you’ve already checked out the Crocker’s current exhibition with artist Akinsanya Kambon, that’s just a given (see page 20). But did you know that the museum will also be hosting a festival in celebration of Black History Month? You did? Well, great! You can expect Kambon to be there, but also keep an eye out for conceptual artist Ise Lyfe, who’ll be giving a talk. Additionally, this year’s festival will feature an all new “Teacher’s Day Out” program, in which resources on African-American history, art and culture will be available for teachers to take back to the classroom. The Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St.; Event is free; crockerart.org. Ω

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Dorothea Puente Tells All

In the wake of disaster BY PATTI ROBERTS


From the very start, actress Janis Stevens totally and convincingly transforms herself into Puente, always juggling an unassuming, manipulative manner that veiled a damaged, evil spirit. She’s aided by a carefully orchestrated script by playwright Mark Loewenstern, who skillfully tap dances through the many conflicting layers of Puente. Fri 8pm, Sat 8pm,

Sun 2pm; Through 2/23; Tickets are sold out; The


The Field

Black Point Theatre is off to an intriguing start with its inaugural performance of The Field, by playwright John B. Keane. The flawless performances by this talented cast present a unique, thoughtprovoking story about insiders and outsiders, lawmen and small town living. Thu 8pm, Fri

8pm, Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; Through 2/16; $15-$20;

California Stage, 2509 R Street; (916) 455-0163; blackpointtheatre.org. TMO


Pump Boys and Dinettes

Director Abbey Campbell guides this outstanding group of actor-singer-musicians with a deft hand and never takes the easy step of mocking the culture. Rather, she gives us an opportunity to experience a genuine taste of a simpler, maybe purer, slice of American life. Wed 7pm, Thu 7pm, Fri

8pm, Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm; Through 2/16; $25$40; Sacramento Theatre Company, 1419 H St.; (916) 443-6722; sactheatre.org. J.C.

Wilkerson Theatre, 1725 25th St.; (916) 451-5822; calstage.org. P.R.

1 2 3 4 5 Tornado survivor, June (Stephanie Altholz) is interviewed by a curious photographer (Susan Maris).




Wed 7pm, Thu 7pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 2pm & 8pm, Sun 2pm; Through 2/23; $27-$44; Capital Stage, 2215 J St., (916) 995-5464, capstage.org.

When a tough-talking, wise-assing goat bounds onstage at the start of Capital Stage’s Alabaster, it’s a clear sign that a quirky play lies ahead. Weezy the goat (Amy Kelly) faces the audience and introduces us to a small Southern farm and its owner June (Stephanie Altholz). Both the farm and June were severely damaged by a violent tornado that swept through their area many years ago. From the farm’s outside, we switch to June’s bedroom, where an interview is being set up by visiting photographer Alice (Susan Maris). Alice is there to chronicle the tragedy and ongoing struggles that have left June with major physical and emotional scars. June is just one of many women that photographer Alice is interviewing around the country for a book to illustrate how victims deal with permanent, visual wounds. What playwright Audrey Cefaly does so successfully in Alabaster is a slow reveal of the tragedies that both June and Alice have dealt with, as well as the visible and invisible scars the two have struggled with over time. It’s deeply moving and raw, with a four-member cast that slowly reels us into this unexpectedly sensitive and captivating story. Director Kristin Clippard carefully keeps the pace steady and the characters connected with each other and the audience. Altholz and Maris are powerful in their performances, creating believable, complicated characters. Kelly plays Weezy with comedic and sensitive aplomb, while Janet Motenko as an elderly goat who simply emits sad bleats manages to come across as a fully formed personality. 24





5 Herstory lesson You might say that sisters are doing it for themselves in The Revolutionists, now at Big Idea Theatre. Written by a woman (Lauren Gunderson), directed by a woman (Jenny Adler) and starring a quartet of extremely talented women, the play is a brutal—and brutally funny—feminist take on the role of four women during the French Revolution. Playwright Olympe de Gouges (Stephanie Hodson), assassin Charlotte Corday (Kourtney Smith), former queen Marie Antoinette (Ashley Rose) and Haitian rebel Marianne Angelle (Jasmine Washington) bicker, banter and ultimately conspire to fight the Reign of Terror of 1793 Paris. The playwright wants to be recognized for the power of art, particularly her art; the queen wants to hang onto her head; the assassin wants to rid the world of radical politician and sexual sadist Jean-Paul Marat, the Marquis de Sade; and the rebel, a composite character representing a movement among Caribbean women, fights French colonial rule over Haiti even as the French Revolution rages. Hanging over their brave actions is a sure and certain meeting with the guillotine. Despite the impending tragedy, Gunderson’s play is as funny as it is serious. She sparks clever discussions about the power of art—especially theater—to affect history, and about the value of acting upon personal conviction, even if the outcome is uncertain. —JIM CARNES

The Revolutionists: Thu 8pm, Fri 8pm, Sat 8pm, Sun 2pm; Through 2/15; $12-$18; Big Idea Theatre, 1616 Del Paso Blvd.; (916) 960-3036; bigideatheatre.org.





Short reviews by Patti Roberts, Tessa Marguerite Outland and Jim Carnes.


STAGE PICK These woods aren’t like normal woods, sometimes a twig will pop up out of nowhere.

Tales from the forest In a world where shoes are lost and beanstalks get way too big, a shoe is lost and a beanstalk gets way too big. It’s the world of Into the Woods, the hit Stephen Sondheim musical that weaves together popular fairy tales with showstopping tunes. This weekend only, see it performed by the students from STC School of the Arts, Young Professionals Conservatory. There’s more than just shoes and beans—there’s drama, romance, heroism. Things also get pretty dark in the second act, figuratively and probably literally, depending on the stage lighting situation. Thu, 2/6, 7pm; Fri, 2/7, 7pm; Sat, 2/8, 2pm & 7pm; Sun, 2/9, 2pm & 7pm; Through 2/9; $17-$20; Sacramento Theatre Company, 1419 H St.; (916) 443-6722; sactheatre.org.


Whether it’s treats, toys or a new sparkly collar, you can find just about anything to keep your dog happy at Paws & The Palette.

Photo by Melissa Uroff

Healthy Treats and a Good Cause Pamper your pup in style

by Anne S tokes


ot only is a dog’s love unconditional, it also can be a lifesaver — literally! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dog ownership can lower blood pressure and cholesterol, keep owners active and decrease stress. Paws & The Palette bakery and boutique has tasty and healthy treats to thank your pup. “Everything in our store is healthy and organic for dogs,” said owner Lisa Spurney. “All of our treats are wheat-free, corn-free, soy-free and grain-free … everything is really healthy.” Paws & The Palette not only stocks treats — like cookies, cannoli, ice cream, cakes, bones and jerky — at their Midtown boutique, but they also carry typical canine accoutrements such as collars, leashes, toys, sweaters and skin care. Spurney said she tries to carry unique items from local Sacramento companies, such as

shop the



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2007 J St • Midtown Sacramento • 916.441.3200 the Be Kind Pet Line. The shop is also a dog-friendly venue where you can host celebrations for your party animal. Inspired by Ladybug, her beloved basset hound, Spurney also manufactures Vegan Pup carob chip cookies, which are good for dogs with allergies or other sensitivities. With every purchase of Vegan Pup cookies, 2% of the proceeds are donated to Pets of the Homeless, an organization that provides food and health care for companion animals. Paws & The Palette is also a designated drop-off location for Pets of the Homeless and Front Street Animal Shelter and can accept donations of food, blankets, leashes and other items. To sweeten the deal, Spurney offers $10 worth of treats in the shop with any kind of donation. “I just love helping animals,” she said. “The Pets of the Homeless and Front Street Shelter donations are really important to me because it does a lot of good.”

Visit Paws & The Palette at 1014 24th St., Sacramento, or online at www.pawsandthepalette.com. For more information on events or custom treat orders, call 916-337-3370.

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So fresh it steams faLafeL wrap, crest cafe

A buttery, soft hoagie is gently toasted and stuffed with generous portions of fresh lobster that’s tossed in light mayo with teeny celery bits for crunch. Squeeze a little lemon juice over the top and watch it disappear.

Shuckin’ delicious Cajun Madness 6035 Stockton Blvd.; (916) 758-6880 Good for: Meals to share, large groups and sports on television Notable dishes: lobster Roll, Combo # 1


Cajun, South Sacramento

Located in a small parking lot next to an Asian health needs store on Stockton Boulevard, Cajun Madness, a family-owned seafood restaurant, is deceptively spacious— and a great place for hands-on meals. On a chilly Thursday evening, its glowing red and green neon sign lit up the night’s sky as we stepped inside seeking warmth. The massive dining room had ample booths and tables for families large and small. Every wall was adorned with original murals including the Tower Bridge, fisherman patiently waiting on a distant bayou, silhouettes of swingin’ jazz musicians and a beefy crawdad wrestling an ornery gator. Ideal for colder weather, the Combo # 1 ($36.95, serves two) is one of three Cajun seafood boils offered daily so diners can sample a bit of everything, including an entire pound of fresh crawfish. We doused our combo in the house spicy sauce, medium, which packed a savory seafood broth flavor. After it steams in a plastic bag with halfpounds of mussels, clams and shrimp, plus corn on the cob, smoky sausage and whole red potatoes, turn the bag upside down to pour its contents into a large pile in sizable bowl. Wearing bibs and gloves, it’s a hands-on feast. The shrimp were supple, slightly sweet and had a nice give with eat bite. Mussels easily slipped off their shells, leaving a vessel to scoop up the delicious, garlicky sauce. The clams, which had mostly fallen out of their shells, were a treat 26 | SN&R | 02.06.20

By Steph RodRiguez


There’s a definite sweet spot when it comes to arriving at Crest Cafe just in time for its buffet to be freshly stocked with modern Mediterranean dishes, right as the downtown lunch-rush crowds the place. On an early afternoon, the Falafel Wrap ($8.99), was served right off the grill—so much so that steam puffed slowly from its oblong discs of deep-fried falafel. Crisp romaine lettuce with creamy hummus and juicy tomatoes made for many satisfying bites, all tightly wrapped in a large tortilla that’s pressed on the grill leaving appetizing char marks. It’s the perfect portable lunch to enjoy near the large windows as people walk up and down K Street. 1017 K St., crestcafeonline.com. —stepH rodriguez

Evoke your inner warrior Huracarana, LucHador coffee

s t e p h r@ne w s re v i e w . c o m

once you found the little, chewy morsels hidden in the spicy broth. The crawfish are a labor of love. Knowing how to extract the tiny portions of meat is key, and I’ve learned a thing or two from my partner: Grab the tail, pull and scrape out the tender meat and, if you fancy, slurp the remaining portion out of the head. It’s an experience to be sure. The star of the evening was the Lobster Roll ($14.99): A buttery, soft hoagie gently toasted and stuffed with generous portions of lobster chunks tossed in a very light mayo; the teeniest of celery bits gave it a light crunch, garnished with chives and dusted with a little paprika. Simple. A dash of fresh-squeezed lemon and each bite was pillowy and indulgent. By the time I looked up, it was gone. I will dream about this sandwich. Sometimes, it’s the simplest menu item that’s the most enjoyable. Other hits were the Shrimp Basket ($10.99): golden, crispy-fried shrimp with a slight hint of coconut and a delectable batter that packed so many little cracklings each bite echoed with crunchiness. The market price oysters ($10.99 for six) were shucked to order and served with a dab of Sriracha, green onions, lemon and a side of Tabasco. They tasted of the sea and were a nice appetizer. One dish Cajun Madness could improve upon is its Seafood Gumbo ($8.99). All the components were there: crab, shrimp, scallops, sausages and okra swimming in a brown gravy-like sauce and served with a small mound of white rice. It reminded me more of jambalaya than anything. It was peppery and tasted just fine. But ever since trying the popular gumbo over at Tori’s Place on Grand Avenue, other versions don’t measure up. A quick drive down Stockton Boulevard reveals Sac has its fair share of Cajun seafood houses. Still, Cajun Madness offers a variety of customizable options (and that Lobster Roll) that makes it a destination worth stopping by. Ω

Luchador Coffee, a lucha librethemed specialty coffee shop, has opened inside the old Country Club Plaza Mall—and I heard intriguing rumors, including coffee-infused ice cubes, espresso-flavored whipped cream, handmade syrups and unique drinks such as the Huracarana ($5.25 for an 8 ounce), a mocha made with a rich, brown sugar redolent espresso roast, spicy homemade Mexican chocolate and horchata. It’s a balanced flavor, smooth and accented with notes of cinnamon and a creamy horchata snap at the end of each sip. Luchador is an excellent spot for thoughtfully crafted coffee drinks, Mexican pastries and most importantly, lucha libre masks and merchandise to inspire the playful, wrestling warrior in everyone. 2380 Watt Ave, Suite 135; luchadorcoffee.net. —amy Bee


Bites, sips and songs for Australian wildlife The devastation to animal habitat caused by Australian wildfires has distressed animal lovers worldwide. Sacramentans will have an opportunity to make a small but significant effort to help wildfire recovery efforts by attending a benefit performance by singersongwriter Kyle Vincent on Sunday, Feb. 9 at 3 p.m. at Evan’s Kitchen and Catering, 855 57th St. Vincent, a lifelong musician, has “opened for Barry Manilow” and “Night Ranger has opened for [him],” per a press release. The release also notes his stint as lead singer for the Les McKeown-less Bay City Rollers in the early 2000s. Net proceeds from each ticket go to WIRES (Wildlife Information, Rescue & Education Services), Australia’s largest wildlife rescue. Chef Evan Elsberry, longtime friend to Sacramento’s vegan community, will have the kitchen open with food, beer and wine available for purchase. Tickets are $25 in advance, visit kylevincent. com for more information. —Lindsay oxford


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people,” Pitfield said. “It’s just really welcoming to families and groups.” Bernard, who emigrated to Woodland from Davis, agreed. “It’s a small-town feel,” she said. “In Sacramento, you’re going to get the crowds, and here in Woodland, you’re going to get a tighter-knit community.” Even the Blue Note Brewery, which sits just off Main Street in Dead Cat Alley, offers something different. Bernard and Pitfield noted how at any given time one can see a family playing board games or a group of friends mingling over one of several locally-crafted beers. A family-friendly environment mixed with staples of a low-key night out on the town is what sets Woodland apart. While the scene may cater mostly to locals, there’s a reason why students from Davis and business folks from Sacramento sometimes choose Woodland as a place to lay low and sip a drink. Ω


a quieter homestead and work in the surrounding cities,” he said. “And with that comes more population diversity, which is a great development for our town.” That diversity means local bars and eateries can take more risks and offer a little bit of something for everybody. CEO of Eats Partners Inc., Phil Perry, the organization that operates Woodland’s Burger Saloon, sees the recent renaissance of downtown Woodland as a group dynamic where all the necessary parts came together. “The community is very cohesive and welcoming, and there’s the way Woodland is separate, but somewhat connected to Sacramento,” Perry told SN&R in an email. “If folks want a relaxed, welcoming and tasty environment, downtown Woodland delivers.” Douglass Middle School teachers Sarah Pitfield and Becca Bernard said the neighborly environment makes Woodland special. “You’re able to go and hang out with people and you’ll get a lot of the same


A far cry from the busy and increasingly arena-centric downtown scene in Sacramento or even the college hangouts of downtown Davis, central Woodland offers something more subtle for those looking to avoid a loud night out. Locals know that it wasn’t long ago when the area surrounding Main Street was mostly empty. Visitors were just as likely to see a going-out-of-business sign as they were an open one. But over the last five years, downtown Woodland has woken up, and now it embraces both its small-town setting while broadening its horizons. Whether grabbing a glass of wine at the State Theatre & Multiplex or relaxing at one of three locally-owned coffee shops, Woodland embraces its rustic charms. People are taking note. Located in the historic Globe Rice Mill building, Morgan’s Mill is a coffee, beer and wine bar owned by James Morgan. Morgan says he’s seen first-hand the impact downtown Woodland’s growth has had. “Woodland is becoming a viable option for people who want

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Pawsitively the Best!

Greg McLeod, co-owner of Simply Bubbles in Sutter Creek, shows off some of his sparkling selection.

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Make every day a celebration Simply Bubbles in Sutter Creek specializes in sparkling wine Strolling along Main Street in

Sutter Creek – the appropriately nicknamed “Jewel of the Motherlode” – you might wonder why a stream of bubbles is wafting across the sidewalk in front of you. Follow the trail to an alleyway, then follow the white footprints painted on the sloping driveway and you’ll come to Simply Bubbles. It’s the only wine-tasting room in Amador County devoted to champagne and sparkling wines. Those bubbles floating up the alley are from a bubble-making machine, a clever piece of marketing guaranteed to attract passersby. But don’t make the mistake of thinking Simply Bubbles is about gimmicks. Anything but. It’s the 12th and newest tasting room in town, offering flights, glasses and bottles of champagne, along with sparkling wines from Italy and the Napa, Sonoma and Anderson valleys. There’s even a trio of sparklers from Amador County wineries. (Reminder: For a sparkling wine to be classified as “champagne,” it must originate in the Champagne region of France.)

Photo by Allen Pierleoni

Simply Bubbles’ recent grand opening saw “standing room only from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,” said Greg McLeod, co-owner with his wife, Karen McLeod. Few beverages are drenched in as much mythology and ritual as champagne. That includes the ongoing controversy over the ideal shape of the champagne glass. While the traditional flute is tall and narrow enough to keep the wine’s effervescence going, the narrow mouth discourages its aromas from opening up. The other traditional glass — the shallow, wide-brimmed “coupe” — releases aromas, but the wine soon loses its bubbles. Which begs the question: Why would you take so long to drink it? Simply Bubbles has the solution with crystal glasses that are wider at the bottom and top than a flute, but still preserve the bubbles and, gratefully, allow the rich smells through. While champagne has traditionally been a special-occasion drink, there’s a growing movement to indulge whenever and wherever. “With champagne, every day is a celebration,” McLeod said. And why not? As Mark Twain advised, “Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right.” by Allen Pierleoni

Simply Bubbles, 35A Main St., Sutter Creek; 209-560-3015; www.simplybubbles.net; on Facebook @simplybubblessuttercreek. UPCOMING EVENT March 7 and 8: behind the Cellar Door will feature wine-food pairings, seminars and winery tours, with 40-plus Amador County wineries participating. Details and tickets: www.amadorwine.com

This column is produced by N&R Publications, a division of News & Review separate from SN&R Editorial. For more information, visit www.nrpubs.com






His opportunity to fly and dream Well-known artist and designer Gerry Otis Simpson showcases his work in gallery-boutique by Allen pierleoni


mid the art gallery’s organized chaos of color-saturated paintings, denim “artwear,” stark black-and-white photos and assorted curios is one particular item that succinctly reflects the owner’s philosophy. It’s a black T-shirt with two words printed on the front: “Unapologetically me.” That would be self-taught painterphotographer-fashion designer-actorsinger-writer-teacher Gerry Otis Simpson (“GOS,” his initials, for short), who as a child “had this dream that I wanted to talk to the world.” He’s done a fine job of that, culminating in his 5-year-old GOS Art Gallery Studio. Simpson calls it a “galletique” – part art gallery, part fashion boutique. How did he get here? “Walking up and down Del Paso Boulevard [in the early years], I wanted to be part of what makes it come alive,” he said. “Artists belong in the street and it’s important to be around the people.”

Simpson has long been all over the Sacramento arts scene. Most recently, he hosted a 9-month-long poetry series at his gallery, opened a show at the SMUD Art Gallery, was inducted into the California Arts Council, and appeared in a Celebration Arts production of “Macbeth.” That’s for starters. His many honors include a Fashion Icon Award from the California Film Festival and California Fashion Week, and an Iris Award from the Elk Grove Arts Commission. His works – including his handmade artwear clothing, largely denim – have shown at dozens of venues, including the Crocker Art Museum. “I’ve heard if you don’t use the talents you’re given, it’s a sin, and I’m trying get through life without sinning,” he said. Simpson came to Sacramento in 1999, via New Jersey and the Bay Area. He worked for the Nordstrom chain as visual merchandising manager, then moved to American River College for 10 years as an adjunct professor, teaching fashion

Gerry Otis Simpson found the right place for his gallery-boutique on Del Paso Boulevard. PHoTo by Anne STokeS

promotion and merchandising. “But at night I was an artist painting at home,” he said. Much of his focus depicts the AfricanAmerican experience, mostly in a joyful way. “I want people to know it’s not all been about slavery and pain,” he said. “We’re at a time now where we need to find a way to talk to each other. I believe we’re more alike than we are different.” While his paintings are vivid and bright, his black-and-white photography is urban and gritty. “My photography is my realism, my paintings are my fantasies about the way the world could be – colorful, with a little sunshine,” he said. “Color has great healing power, but above all it’s not blind. I keep my messages simple.” Simpson’s gallery is “a dream come true, my opportunity to fly,” he said. “Art

saved my life and this is my olive branch. Come see, it’s not something to be afraid of. You might just enjoy it.” Special event Gerry Simpson will show his works at the SMUD Art Gallery, 6301 S St., Sacramento, in an exhibition entitled, “The Sojourner Truth Museum: A Celebration of African American Art,” sponsored by the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission. Hours: 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday through April 2. Information: 831-624-3072.

GOS Art GAllery 1825 Del Paso Blvd., Sacramento 916-245-0711, www.gerry-simpsom.com.

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grow your business




Our bounty of citrus Sacramento’s oranges are nearing peak ripeness

Get your business noticed by real estate, desiGn and GardeninG-savvy readers!


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Once picked, citrus won’t get sweeter or juicier. Bitter or dry oranges often were just picked too early. In addition, oranges benefit from chilly overnight temperatures in the 30s to bring out their natural sugars. In January, our oranges finally got that “kiss of cold,” and taste much sweeter for it. According to local citrus experts, ripe citrus looks bright and full colored. But it also feels heavy for its size and firm when squeezed. A fully ripe orange or lemon will slip easily off its stem without tugging. To pick, gently twist and pull at the same time. The best way to judge ripeness is by It’s a bountiful season for navel oranges, which tasting. Pick fruit from opposite sides of the are ripening now. tree and sample. Fruit growing on the outside of the tree tends to ripen faster than fruit that grows closer to the trunk. If the trial oranges taste sweet, the tree is ready to pick. If not, They line the streets leading to the state wait a week, then sample again. Capitol. Neighborhoods are named in their The best place to store ripe citrus? Leave it on honor. In February, they seem to dangle from the tree. It will stay fresh and firm until ready for trees all over the Sacramento area: Citrus use—or until the tree drops the fruit in June in a rainbow of neon-bright colors. to make room for more. But how do you tell when to When pick those oranges, lemons and it comes to other juicy fruit? BIDDING FOR When it comes to citrus, citrus, color is color is not enough. You need to BUSHES not enough. You take a taste test. It helps if they Help a local club and get some rare need to take a first got a “kiss of cold.” roses or new introductions for your We’re having a good citrus taste test. own garden. Both the Sierra Foothills season, with local trees heavy with and Sacramento rose societies will feature fruit. Citrus fruits in Sacramento ripen hard-to-find roses—including dozens of slowly, often taking nine months or more miniature and miniflora bushes—plus 2020 releases to reach their peak of flavor. They also can hang at their annual auctions. on the tree for months after maturity. Sierra Foothills will host its auction at 7:30 p.m. Adding to the puzzle: Citrus will look ripe Thursday, Feb. 6, at Maidu Community Center, 1550 long before they are ripe. That leads many Maidu Drive, Roseville. A week later, Sacramento gardeners to despair that they planted a “bad” keeps the bidding going at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, orange or grapefruit variety that will never Feb. 13, at Shepard Garden and Arts Center, 3330 produce “good” fruit. McKinley Blvd., Sacramento. Right now, navel oranges are reaching full Both auctions are open free to the public; cash ripeness while Valencias are still a month or or check please. The major fundraisers for these more away. Grapefruit, too, need more time. societies, the auctions support the clubs’ activities Weather, climate and growing conditions throughout the year, including their annual rose all factor into the citrus calendar. Grapefruit shows and workshops. Ω grown in Sacramento can take 12 to 18 months to reach full ripeness, twice as long as the same grapefruit varieties grown in Coachella. The Debbie Arrington, an award-winning garden writer and lifelong more summer heat, the faster citrus develops. gardener, is co-creator of the Sacramento Digs Gardening blog

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POST EVENTS ONLINE FOR FREE AT newsreview.com/sacramento

MUSIC THURSDAY, 2/6 A.J. CROCE: A.J. Croce has shared the stage with Willie Nelson, Ray Charles, Ben Harper and even James Brown. In this intimate concert, he and his trio will pay homage to his father Jim Croce’s legacy. 7:30pm, $11$52. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.

BLACK UHURU: Jamaican reggae group Black Uhuru has been performing since 1972, and they’ll be in Sacramento 7:30pm, $26.50. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.


Read me a story on stage PENCE GALLERY, 7:30 PM, NO COVER I was thinking the other day, while listening to my nonfiction audiobook, that as great as it is, it would be so much BOOKS better to hear it live. Alas, I’ve grown too old for my parents to read to me so will never again hear a story read aloud to me in person. But wait, what’s this? Stories on Stage Davis is presenting two works of nonfiction: “The History of Art” by Rae Gouirand and Children of the Land by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo to


It’s time to get active, get your tickets now!


presents Falling In Reverse: The Drug In Me Is Good Tour, with Falling In Reverse, Escape the Fate and The Word Alive in Sacramento. Ace of Spades 3/4 7pm $27.75 On sale now aceofspadessac.com.

1 Center 3/25 7pm $35-$65 On sale now

years and aren’t showing signs of slowing down any time soon. They’ll be visiting Sacramento with Chrome Ghost for this 21-plus show. Harlow’s 3/19 8pm $20-$25 On sale now harlows.com.

JOJO SIWA Nickelodeon’s JoJo Siwa is

coming to Sacramento for the D.R.E.A.M. The Tour, with supporting act The Belles. The platinum-selling teen star is a familyfriendly source for entertainment. Golden






YOB YOB has been performing for 24


be read on stage by Kelley Ogden and Elio Gutierrez? Well I’ll be darned; I guess I can listen to nonfiction stories read aloud to me without headphones getting in the way. “The History of Art” is an essay about the nature of self-expression through art, and Children of the Land is the story of a sons experience in the shadow of their mother’s imminent departure. 212 D St., storiesonstagedavis.com.


first lady Michelle Obama will be in Sacramento for a moderated conversation.

Golden 1 Center 4/1 3pm & 8pm $139-$220 On sale now. Golden 1 Center.



Listen to stories read out loud at Pence Gallery.

FACULTY COMPOSITIONS: Short works by UC Davis faculty composers, as well as Mozart’s “Kegelstatt” trio with Laurie San Martin (clarinet), Kurt Rohde (viola) and Carol A. Hess (piano). 12:05pm, UC Davis, 1 Shields Ave., Davis.

HOT MUSIC W/JON REYES: Jon Reyes is a San Francisco-based DJ and producer, one of half of the hip-hop electronic duo DLRN. He started the party Hot Music to celebrate soul, house and global dance music in Sacramento. 9pm, no cover. The Flamingo House Social Club, 2315 K St.

THE MARCUS KING BAND: The Marcus King Band comes to Sacramento, part of their El Dorado Tour. 7pm, $25. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

ROYAL THURSDAYS: Spinning Afro beats, dance hall, hip-hop/R&B. The plan is to bring cultures together under one roof. 9:30pm, no cover. Chaise Lounge, 1330 H St.

THURSDAY LIVE! 10TH ANNIVERSARY SHOW: San Francisco’s Maurice Tani has been a fixture on the local alt-country scene for more than a decade with his band 77 El Deora. He previously sang and played guitar for the seminal Motown-style party bands Zasu Pitts Memorial Orchestra and Big Bang Beat. 7:30pm, no cover. Davis Odd Fellows, 415 2nd St., Davis.

FRIDAY, 2/7 BE BRAVE BOLD ROBOT: Watch Be Brave Bold Robot compete with the sexy scintillating din of intimate hot dates in the surrounding booths. 9pm, no cover. Shady Lady, 1409 R St.

COLD SHOT: SAMMIES nominated band Cold


American Idol runner-up David Archuleta is still around and will be coming to Sacramento to prove it. Harris Center 4/1 7:30pm $28-$48 On sale now harriscenter.net.


Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman is crossing the country to speak about covering President Donald Trump. Mondavi Center 4/15 7pm $12.50-$65 On sale now mondaviarts.org.

Shot (cover band) performs a lively evening of favorite rock and pop music. 6pm, no cover. Parkside Bar & Lounge, 330 G St., Davis.

JOE CRAVEN & THE SOMETIMERS: There is no label to accurately describe the music of Joe Craven and the Sometimers. Acid rockgrass? Jazz fusion Americana? Whatever it is, he’ll be playing in Sac. 7pm, $35. B Street Theatre, 2700 Capitol Ave.

MERE MORTALS & SOCK MONKEYS: Mere Mortals plays a dance selection of classic rock and R&B hits from the ’60s through the ’90s. Sock Monkey plays rock and classic rock dance hits from the ’70s through today. 9:30pm, $10-$15. Opera House Saloon, 108 Main St., Roseville.

MIDNIGHT PLAYERS: Midnight Players will

Converse, Mrs. Obama.

play live for a 21-plus show. 9pm, $10-

$12. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

snr c a le nd a r @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

Online listings will be considered for print. Print listings are edited for space and accuracy. Deadline for print listings is 5 p.m. Wednesday. Deadline for NightLife listings is midnight Sunday. Send photos and reference materials to Calendar Editor Patrick Hyun Wilson at snrcalendar@newsreview.com.

MYLAR’S HIPPIE HOUR FRIDAYS: SAMMIES nominated singer-songwriter William Mylar has been performing free live music since 2012 and none have ever been exactly the same. 5:30pm, no cover. Louie’s Cocktail Lounge, 3030 Mather Field Road, Rancho Cordova.

NIVIANE “THE RUTHLESS DIVINE” LISTENING PARTY: With special guests Doors for a 21-

plus show. 8pm, $12-$15. The Starlet Room, 2708 J St.

ONES TO WATCH PRESENTS CHRIS LANE: Chris Lane stops on his Big, Big Plans 2020 Tour. 7pm, $27.50. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

RAY BONNEVILLE WITH RICHIE LAWRENCE: Raconteur Ray Bonneville strips his bluesy Americana down to its essentials and steeps it in the humid grooves of the South. 8pm, $21-$24. Sutter Creek Theatre, 44 Main St., Sutter Creek.

THE STRUM SHOP LOCAL CONCERT SERIES: Every first and third Friday, this local concert series seeks to unify local musicians. 7:30pm, $10. The Strum Shop, 209 Vernon St., Roseville.

SWING DANCE TO BIG BAND THE CRESCENT KATZ: The Crescent Katz bring high energy and fun to their music. 8pm, $10. Spotlight Ballroom, 2534 Industrial Blvd. Suite 150, West Sac.

TOTAL RECALL: ’90s cover band Total Recall will be performing all of your favorite alternative songs 10pm, $5. Highwater, 1910 Q St.

SATURDAY, 2/8 5TH ANNUAL MARDI GRAS MASKED BALL: It’s Mardi Gras in Sacramento. Join Shannon McCabe and her Krewe. 6pm, $25-

$35. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

BACKBAR SATURDAYS WITH MIKE DIAMOND: It’s every Saturday night with DJ Mike Diamond. 10pm, no cover. Golden Bear, 2326 K St.


modern dance cover band music. 9pm, no cover. The Purple Place Bar and Grill, 363 Green Valley Road, El Dorado Hills.

KATIE HENRY BAND: Katie Henry Band rocks

Sacramento. 9pm, call for cover. Torch Club, 904 15th St.

THE MOANS, DOC ROTTEN, LAMONTA: SAMMIES punk/post-punk nominee The Moans with Doc Rotten and Lamonta, 21-plus 8pm, $10. Old Ironsides, 1901 10th St.

RUCKUS: 2020 SAMMIES folk/bluegrass

nominee Red Dirt Ruckus. 6pm, call for cover. Crooked Lane Brewing Company, 536 Grass Valley Hwy., Auburn.

STEELIN’ DAN: Former SAMMIES winner and 2020 tribute band nominee Steelin’ Dan will be performing in their hometown. 7:30pm, $20-$45. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

TARRUS RILEY: Tarrus Riley will be performing live in Sacramento. 7pm, $25-$30. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

TOM RUSSELL: Tom Russell is back performing as part of his California tour. 7pm, $35$41. Sutter Creek Theatre, 44 Main St., Sutter Creek.


Take to the skies with Amelia Earhart and Sally Ride The Sofia, 1pm, $19-$24

Amelia Earhart and Sally Ride broke barriers in the air and now they’re in a new familyfriendly production by B Street Theatre. Although the two women ONSTAGE took flight more than 50 years apart, both left significant marks on the history of women in the skies. In the new production, Earhart crosses the generational gap to visit Ride and together they explore the history of aviation and their role as pioneers in the advancement of exploration. The show will open Feb. 8 as the first in the “Family Friendly Theatre” series. 2700 Capitol Ave., bstreettheatre.org.

TIFFANY: It’s the ultimate ’80s party, featuring Tiffany in Sacramento. 8pm, $25. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

WHEN DOVES CRY, A PRINCE TRIBUTE: When Doves Cry, the Prince tribute band, puts the integrity of the music above all else. 9:30pm, $12-$17. Opera House Saloon, 108 Main St., Roseville.

WORLD MUSIC FEATURING YUKIKO MATSUYAMA & KOTO YUKI BAND: See and hear international recording artist & koto master Yukiko Matsuyama and her band. 3pm, $20. Oak Point Events, 4366 Auburn Blvd.

SUNDAY, 2/9 BENEFIT FOR DON BASSEY: This is a benefit concert for Bay Area bassist Don Bassey, with a showcase of Daniel Castro, Volker Strifler and other artists. 3pm, call for cover. Torch Club, 904 15th St.

CARLOS AND BRENNEN FEATURING ROBIN FISHER: Music historians have used the term impressionism to categorize music meant to subtly invoke an idea, thought, or concept with both traditional and non-traditional musical techniques. 3pm, $20. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St.

GEORGE ENGLAND NEW HISTORIES CONCERT: George England is on his 2020 tour with his “New Histories” program, featuring a unique setting of work. 3pm, $15$20. Brazilian Center for Cultural Exchange, 2420 N St.

IRIS DEMENT: Iris DeMent is an acclaimed singer-songwriter perhaps best known for hit single “Our Town.” Combining elements of folk, gospel and country, she has two Grammy nominations. 7:30pm, $40-$42. Auburn State Theatre, 985 Lincoln Way, Auburn.

KIRTAN LIVE MUSIC AND SINGING: Weekly musical gatherings with spiritual singing and dancing followed by vegetarian meal. 5:30pm, no cover. San Juan Lodge, 5944 San Juan Ave., Citrus Heights.

LOGAN MIZE: Logan Mize and Willie Jones

will be coming to Sacramento. 7:30pm, $16. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

PHORA: Phora comes to Sacramento as part

of the Love Yourself Tour. 7pm, $67. Ace of Spades, 1417 R St.

SUNDAY SESSIONS WITH ACCORDING TO BAZOOKA: Sunday Sessions presents live music by SAMMIES nominated band According to Bazooka. 3pm, no cover. Blue Note Brewing Company, 750 Dead Cat Alley, Woodland.

TOBY MAC HITS DEEP TOUR: Toby Mac comes to Sacramento for the Hits Deep Tour. 7pm,

$19.75. Golden 1 Center, 500 David J. Stern Walk.

MONDAY, 2/10 GRAYSCALE: Grayscale will be playing with Hot Mulligan, WSTR and Lurk. 6pm, $18. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

NEBRASKA MONDAYS WITH ACCORDING TO BAZOOKA AND TONY GALIOTO: SAMMIES nominated band According to Bazooka will play a set of original folk-pop music for the Nebraska Monday series. Opening act Tony Galioto. 7:30pm, $10. Luna’s Cafe & Juice Bar, 1414 16th St.

TRAP SKATE NIGHT: Adult skate night playing

WORLD INFERNO FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY: World Inferno Friendship Society, Bridge City Sinners and Dandelion Massacre perform live in Sacramento. 7:30pm, $15. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

TUESDAY, 2/11 AVERY*SUNSHINE: Former church pianist and musical director who scored a No. 1 Billboard hit, Avery*Sunshine will be performing in Sacramento. 8:30pm, $35. B Street Theatre, 2700 Capitol Ave.

CASPIAN: Caspian and The Velvet Teen perform live. 7pm, $17. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.

MELVINS: Melvins, Hepa and Titus C--ts

perform live in Sacramento. 7:30pm, $26. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

State announces a special movie screening of Harriet. 7:30pm, no cover. The University Union, 6000 J St.


VALENTINE HAUNT SACRAMENTO: They’re back, Sacramento. Ultimate Terror Scream Park unleashes two haunted houses. Grab your friends or significant other and get scared. 7pm, $22-$32. Ultimate Terror Scream Park, 4909 Auburn Blvd.

BLACKKKLANSMAN: Filmmaker Spike Lee directs


THE DOORS BREAK ON THRU: Break On Thru is a hybrid live concert and documentary capturing a 2016 tribute performance in Los Angeles by surviving Doors members John Densmore and Robby Krieger. 7:30pm, $15. The Tower Theatre, 2508 Land Park Drive.

HORRORPOPS: Valentines Day Extravaganza with Horrorpops. 7:30pm, $25. Goldfield Trading Post, 1630 J St.

STEEL PULSE PLUS SPECIAL GUEST: UK Reggae band Steel Pulse are coming to town, playing for one night only. 7:30pm, $38-$68. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

PINEGROVE WITH LAKE: Pinegrove performs in Sacramento with Lake. 6pm, $20$24. Harlow’s, 2708 J St.

HARRIET: UNIQUE Programs at Sacramento

’80s, ’90s and current hip-hop music with food and dessert. Must be 21-plus to skate. 11:59pm, $15-$25. Roller King, 889 Riverside Ave., Roseville.

FESTIVALS FRIDAY, 2/7 LENAEA HIGH SCHOOL THEATRE FESTIVAL: One of the largest and oldest theater festivals of its kind, the annual Lenaea Festival welcomes more than 1,500 students from more than 60 West Coast high schools. 10am, $11-$17. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.

SATURDAY, 2/8 CAPITOL CITY KREWE MARDI GRAS EVENT: The culture of Mardi Gras is celebrated around the world with many cultures showcasing their costumes and their own style of dance. 11am, $7-$10. Richard T. Conzel Mann Community Center, 2201 Cottage Way.

Darwin Day Birthday Gala. Marking Charles Darwin’s 211th birthday, it is a science rush like no other, a celebration of scientific inquiry honoring of his life and work. 2pm, $5-$15. La Sierra Community Center, John Smith Hall, 5325 Engle Road, Carmichael.

the true story of Ron Stallworth, the first African-American detective to serve in the Colorado Springs Police Department. Stallworth sets out to infiltrate and expose the Ku Klux Klan with the help of Jewish officer Flip Zimmerman. 7pm, $8. Auburn State Theatre, 985 Lincoln Way, Auburn.

ALIEN: Alien is an iconic 1979 science fiction-horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’Bannon. 7:30pm,

$10. Crest Theatre, 1013 K St.

WEDNESDAY, 2/12 HOOPS AFRICA: UNIQUE Programs at Sacramento State announces a special movie screening of Hoops Africa Ubuntu Matters, directed by Taylor Sharp, at the University Union Redwood Room. Noon, no cover. Sacramento State, 6000 J St.

FOOD & DRINK SATURDAY, 2/8 PORT, WINE, AND CHOCOLATE 2020: Sip, swirl and see the new Old Sugar Mill’s port, wine and chocolate. Enjoy a variety of dessert wines. 10am, $10-$69.99. Old Sugar Mill, 35265 Willow Ave., Clarksburg.

STUMP THE WINEMAKER: Come try to stump



VALENTINE’S PIE-MAKING CLASS: Learn the art of making an apple-raspberry pie with a decorative crust in this class. Participants will learn how to make an eight-inch pie from start to finish. 5:30pm, $55. I Love Pie Bakeshop, 4949 Marconi Ave., Carmichael.

THURSDAY, 2/6 SILENT FILM “THE KID:” Come see the Crocker Art Museum’s “Silent Film Series” with one of the most beloved silent films of all time The Kid by Charlie Chaplin. 6:30pm, $8$16. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St.

CHASERS BAR: Drop Dead Entertainment Presents Off The Hook Comedy. Featuring MC Ozzy Mcnazz, Mars Dj Ginga Matt and more, Off The Hook Comedy Presents this comedy showcase for one night only. 8pm. Wednesday 2/12. $10. 5412 Madison Ave.

the Acheson Wine Company’s winemaker, Steve. 4pm, no cover. Acheson Wine Company, 1629 19th St.



Jones “Best Love Poem” Competition. Who’s got the best love poetry? See for yourself at The Love Jones “Best Love Poem” competition, featuring Chris Griffin aka Quiet Storm, Iso the Poet Moni the Poet and more. 8pm. Thursday 2/6. $5-$10. Butch Escobar featuring Robert Omoto. Butch is a comic from the Bay area producing and performing multiple shows. Upfront and in your face, his comedy touches on life, family and Bangkok midget porn. Various times. 2/7-9. $20. 1207 Front St.

PUNCH LINE: Steve Trevino. This show is 18-plus. Stand-up comic Steve Trevino takes the stage for three days of comedy. Various times. 2/6-8. $28. There Goes the


SESSA: Electronic music artist Sessa will be

performing in Sacramento. 7pm, $13. The Baggins End Domes, Davis.

BEAUTIFUL AND BIZARRE: This Sinfonia Spirituosas concert features music that exemplifies the spontaneous and often startling character of the Baroque. 7pm, $10-$25. Brunelle Hall, 315 W. 14th St., Davis.

WEDNESDAY, 2/12 AL DI MEOLA: Al Di Meola is a prolific composer who has amassed more than 20 albums as a leader while collaborating on a dozen others with the likes of the fusion supergroup Return To Forever. 7:30pm, $29.75$65. Harris Center, 10 College Pkwy, Folsom.


the Dippin’ Sauce. 5:30pm, $10. The Starlet Room, 2708 J St.

BODYSNATCHER: Bodysnatcher will be performing with Great American Ghost, Born a New, Distinguisher and The Willow. 6:30pm, $13. Holy Diver, 1517 21st St.


Get saucy with Matt Rainey at Blues and Bourbon The STarleT room, 6:30pm, $10

Matt Rainey and the Dippin’ Sauce, two-time blues band SAMMIES winners and 2020 SAMMIES nominee, is coming to the long-running music series that brings blues musicians SAMMIES to the stage, Blues and Bourbon at The Starlet room. By combining the blues with a psychedelic jam sound, Matt Rainey has been rocking and picking up numerous awards along the way. 2708 J St., the starletroom.com. PHOTO COURTESY OF MATT RAINEY AND THE DIPPIN’ SAUCE







SAMMIES nominee The Moans will rock your socks off Old IrOnsIdes, 8pm, $10

They sing about monsters, they sing about zombies, they sing about demonic possession via television. What more could you ask for in a SAMMIES punk band? Well, maybe you could ask for coffee? Post-punk 2020 SAMMIES nominee The Moans are going to be rocking out at Old Ironsides on Saturday night and will even be releasing a line of coffee. They partnered with Black Sails Coffee Roasters to release, “Writhing On The Wall… Mourning Roast” so if their music somehow doesn’t amp you up, their coffee should do the trick. 1901 10th St., theoldironsides.com.


music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim and book by James Lapine, the musical follows a baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the king’s festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk. When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a witch’s curse, the two set off on a journey to break the curse. Everyone’s wish is granted, but the consequences of their actions return to haunt them. Various times. 2/6-9. $17-$20. 1419 H St.

B STREET THEATRE: Ride Sally Ride Family Day.

THE TOWER THEATRE: Giselle-Bolshoi Ballet. The young peasant girl Giselle dies of a broken heart when she learns that the man she loves, Albrecht, has betrayed her. Against her will, she joins the Wilis, vengeful spirits of jilted brides who condemn Albrecht to dance until he dies of exhaustion. In this brandnew production of Giselle, choreographer Alexei Ratmansky brings a fresh perspective to one of the oldest and greatest works of classical dance. 7pm. Tuesday 2/11. 2508 Land Park Drive.

BIG TOP SACRAMENTO: Cirque du SoleilAMALUNA. See the high flying circus show in Sacramento. 3pm. 2/6-23. $50.75$322.50. Raley Field, blue parking lot.

CALIFORNIA STAGE: The Field. Black Point

THEATER ONE: Confirmation-A Play. A couple plus friends arrive at a church to get married, but there’s no minister or staff available. Discussion leads to quarrel, which leads the couple to wonder if they really know each other. 8pm-2pm. 2/7-23. $10. 2526 Sierra Blvd.

TOWER THEATRE: Donizetti’s L’Elisir D’Amore. L’Elisir D’Amore (The Elixir of Love) is a comic opera with beautiful and memorable music that premiered in 1832. Various times. 2/8-9. $20-$25. 417 Vernon St., Roseville.

DDSO PARKWAY THEATER: The Trail to Oregon!. The Fourth Wall Theatre Company presents The Trail to Oregon! Originally produced by StarKid, book by Jeff Blim, Nick Lang, Matt Lang and Brian Holden. Music and lyrics by Jeff Blim. Various times. 1/31-2/9. $15. 5051 47th Ave.

MCKINLEY LIBRARY: Sacramento Ballet Presents Swan Lake. Join the McKinley Library for a free afternoon of dance. Trainees from the Sacramento Ballet will be performing excerpts from Swan Lake. 3:30pm. Friday 2/7. No cover. 601 Alhambra Blvd.

ART AMEN ART GALLERY: 365 Project A Study in iPhoneography. John Liddicoat, an accomplished Sacramento-based DSLR photographer, explores the limitations and the surprisingly freeing capabilities of his iPhone 6 in a project that spanned each day of 2019. Various times. 2/8-28. No cover. 3257 Folsom Blvd.

MONDAVI CENTER-JACKSON HALL: Circa Humans. Under the direction of circus visionary Yaron Lifschitz, Circa brings its newest concept, Humans, to the Jackson Hall stage. Various times. 2/6-9. $49. 523 Mrak Hall Dr., Davis.






SACRAMENTO THEATRE: Into the Woods. With


Theatre presents The Field, by John B. Keane, directed by Adrienne Sher and set in the small country village of Carraigthomond in the southwest of Ireland in 1965. 8pm-2pm. 2/6-8. $15. Alabaster. An all-female darkly comic Southern drama about women on the verge, art and the power of human connection. After a tornado barrels through a North Alabama town leaving nothing but death, destruction and June and her wisecracking pet goat Weezy. Various times. 1/22-2/23. $25-$49. 2215 J St.

CALIFORNIA MUSEUM: Small as a Giant. This

Sacramento Ballet’s Choreographic Workshop. Watch dancers unleash their creativity through their own works. Choreographer Val Caniparoli and Artistic Director Amy Seiwert serve as mentors, curating the evening. Various times. 1/312/16. $60. 2420 N St.

Since 2013, Real Live Comedians has brought the country’s best comics for a night of live stand-up comedian action. 8pm. Friday 2/7. $10. 1710 Broadway.

Come to Family Day for special activities for the little ones ahead of a 1pm performance of “Ride Sally Ride” presented in partnership with Sacramento365. 1pm. 2/8-29. 2700 Capitol Ave.



Neighborhood Comedy Tour. There Goes the Neighborhood Comedy stops in Sacramento to provide laughs from a rotating cast of comics. 8pm. Wednesday 2/12. $16. 2100 Arden Way, Ste 225.

STAB! COMEDY THEATER: Real Live Comedians.

from Africa, Asia and South America, which have inspired contemporary design works by UC Davis students that are also showcased. Various times. 1/23-4/18. No cover. 1 Shields Ave., Davis.



Lecture Leonardo Drew. Leonardo Drew, known for creating reflective abstract sculptural works that play upon the tension

between order and chaos, will give the sixth Betty Jean and Wayne Thiebaud Endowed Lecture. 4:30pm. 2/6. No cover. 254 Old Davis Road, Davis.

KENNEDY GALLERY: Surrealism, featuring Tomte, Hill & Tiesler. This exhibit celebrates surrealism featuring the work of Tomte, Hill and Tiesler with more than 20 other artists. Various times. 2/8-3/1. No cover. 1931 L St.

photography exhibit by Ise Lyfe tells both the individual and societal stories of teens sentenced to life in prison before the age of 18. Various times. 1/20/15. $0-$9. Toyo Miyatake Behind the Glass Eye. This temporary exhibition chronicles the life and work of Los Angeles-based photographer Toyo Miyatake. A leading artist in Little Tokyo prior to World War II, Miyatake was interned at Manzanar, where he documented iconic images of life for Japanese Americans behind barbed wire. Various times. 1/20-4/19. $0-$9. 1020 O St.

CALIFORNIA STATE RAILROAD MUSEUM: “White Out!” Exhibit at Railroad Museum. For a limited time, visitors to the California State Railroad Museum have an opportunity to see a 251,000-pound rotary snowplow from the museum’s collection. Various times. 12/134/1. $6-$12. 111 I St.

PENCE GALLERY: The Printed Realm. In this group exhibit, various local and regional printmakers create an imaginative world built on textures, rich surfaces and colorful abstraction. Various times. 2/4-23. No cover. 212 D St., Davis.

TIM COLLOM GALLERY: Whitney Lofrano “What Goes Around.” After her second solo exhibition at Tim Collom Gallery in 2018, Whitney Lofrano returns with What Goes Around, 45 new works in oil and watercolor. Various times. 2/4-29. No cover. 915 20th St.

UC DAVIS: Exhibition “Appreciation and Adaptation Homage to Global Textiles.” This exhibition features traditional textiles

SATURDAY, 2/8 SAC VALENTINE RUN RACE FOR JUSTICE: Legal Services of Northern California invites singles, couples, families, teams and even dogs to the Arden Park neighborhood for its 17th annual Valentine run-walk. 6am, $30. Country Club Plaza, 2310 Watt Ave.

SACRAMENTO KINGS VS. SAN ANTONIO SPURS: The Sacramento Kings play a home game against the San Antonio Spurs. 7pm, $20$152. Golden 1 Center, 500 David J Stern Walk.

TAKE ACTION MONDAY, 2/10 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS CANDIDATE FORUM: League of Women Voters of Sacramento County will hold a candidate forum with the candidates for City Council District 6, Eric Frame, Eric Guerra, Waverly Hampton III and Kevin Rooney 6:30pm, no cover. Masonic Temple, 4657 U St.



MACC: 1968 A Folsom Redemption. In 1968, Johnny Cash performed two concerts at the Folsom State Prison that rekindled his career. This exhibit features more than 30 photographs of Cash and his family and other county music legends. Various times. 2/5-22. No cover. 10191 Mills Station Road, Rancho Cordova.

the Miami Heat. 7pm, $20-$145. Golden 1 Center, 500 David J. Stern Walk.

SATURDAY, 2/8 STORIES ON STAGE DAVIS: Nonfiction work from authors Rae Gouirand and Marcelo Hernandez Castillo will be read aloud. 7:30pm, no cover. Pence Gallery, 212 D St in Davis.

TUESDAY, 2/11 STORYTIME ON THE PARKWAY: At each storytime you will read a book and work on a craft. 10:30am, no cover. American River Parkway Foundation garden, Carmichael.

SPORTS & OUTDOORS FRIDAY, 2/7 SACRAMENTO KINGS VS. MIAMI HEAT: The Sacramento Kings play a home game against

THURSDAY, 2/6 COPYRIGHT LAW FOR CREATIVES: Join this copyright law discussion as attorney Stephen Davis presents an overview of many of the issues you need to know as an artist navigating the legal process. 6:30pm, $20. Crocker Art Museum, 216 O St.

MINDFUL DRAWING: Explore experimental drawing through mindful drawing. In this class you will use charcoal, graphite, ink and pastels to create large scale drawings on paper. All materials are included. 5:30pm, $35-$45. Verge Center for the Arts, 625 S St.

FRIDAY, 2/7 1ST FRIDAYS PAINT ON PURPOSE PARTY: Join Classy Hippie Tea Co. for an experience of a different kind of paint party. Start the weekend with an adult-only evening that combines creativity and wine. 7pm, $35$45. Classy Hippie Tea Co., 3226 Broadway.


SAMMIES tribute band 2020 nominee plays Crest Theatre Crest theatre, 7:30pm, $20-$45

Steelin’ Dan is no stranger to the SAMMIES spotlight. They’ve won four times, were inducted into the SAMMIES SAMMIES Hall of Fame in 2018 and are nominated again in 2020 for best tribute band. To see what all the fuss is about, head over to Crest Theatre to see Steelin’ Dan live. If you’ve never experienced a Steely Dan concert live before, try the next best thing. 1013 K St., crestsacramento.com.








207 F ST., DAVIS, (530) 758-8058


Trivia at Ease, 7pm, call for cover


PopRockz 90s Night, 10pm, no cover

1825 I ST., (916) 431-7940

John Thompson, 8pm, no cover

Isaiah Joseph, 8pm, no cover

Grey Finch, 9:30pm, no cover

Paranoid Void, 7pm, $10

96 Bitter Beings, 7pm, $15

ZachTheVillain, 8pm, $10

Randy’s Cheeseburger Picnic, 8pm, $25

1013 K ST., (916) 476-3356

The Naked Magicians, 7:30pm, $29.50$59.50

Alien, 7:30pm, $10-$22

Steelin’ Dan, 7:30pm, $20-$45

Alan Parsons Live Project, 7:30pm, $59.50-$189.50


S’Mores & Stouts, 5pm, call for cover


Karaoke Night, 9pm, call for cover

Absolut Fridays, 3pm, $6

Sequin Saturday, 9:30pm, call for cover Pool Party, no cover

Every Damn Monday, M, no cover; Noche Latina, 10pm, T, no cover


Irish Jam Session, 8pm, no cover

Surfer Joe, 9pm, $10

Character. & The Method Actors, 9pm, $5

Open-Mic, 7:30pm, M, no cover; Pub Quiz, 7pm, T, no cover

Heat vs. Kings, 7pm, $21-$150

Spurs vs. Kings, 7pm, $20-$154

9426 GREENBACK LN., ORANGEVALE, (916) 358-9116


985 RIVERFRONT ST., WEST SAC, (510) 423-0971 2000 K ST., (916) 448-7798 1001 R ST., (916) 443-8825 500 DAVID J STERN WALK, (888) 915-4647



College Night, 10pm, call for cover


The Darling Clementines, 8pm, $15-$20

2708 J ST., (916) 441-4693

Midnight Players 10pm, $12-$15

Shannon McCabe’s 5th Annual Mardi Gras Masked Ball, 6pm, $25

Local Showcase, 6:30pm, $5

Kingdom of Giants, 6:30pm, $15

Blacktop Mojo, 7pm, $15


Cornhole Tournament, 6:30pm, call for cover

Analog Rox, 7pm, no cover

Beermosas & Brunch, 11am, call for cover


Singer/Songwriter Live, 7pm, call for cover

Ross Hammond, 5pm, call for cover

1323 TERMINAL ST., WEST SAC, (916) 873-8659

with Tauren Wells 7pm Sunday, $17-$40 Golden 1 Center Christian Hip Hop

1217 21ST ST., (916) 440-0401


1901 10TH ST., (916) 443-9751

Toby Mac, 7pm, $17-$40

Bingo, 12:45pm, W, $10; Cornhole, 6pm, W, $10 Pinegrove w/ LAKE, 6:30pm, sold out

Total Recall, 11am, $5

1910 Q ST., (916) 706-2465 1517 21ST ST.

The Bongo Furys, 8pm, $5

The Comedians, 8pm, $8

Crobot, 6:30pm, $15

Trivia, 7:30pm, call for cover Doc Rotten, The Moans, Lamonta, 8pm, $10

Voted sacramento’s

live MuSic 2/7 bangarang 2/8 grey finch 2/15 the o’mally sisters 2/28 todd morgan 2/29 banjo bones 3/6 3/7 3/13 3/14

1217 21st St • 916.440.0401 www.KuprosCrafthouse.com






3/20 3/21

Zach waters duo folk & funk spare parts watermelon & whirl band Zach waters duo part robot

101 Main Street, roSeville 916-774-0505 · lunch/dinner 7 days a week fri & sat 9:30pm - close 21+

Amazing Food and Specials Nightly Karaoke up Front WedNeSdAy-SAturdAy Country dancing in Back Wed, Fri, SAt Salsa/West Coast Swing thurSdAyS

GranD remoDel cominG soon!

2/22 neon moon


Grayscale, 6pm, M, $18; Caspian, 7pm, T, $17; Bodysnatcher, 6:30pm, W, $13 Yoga & Trivia, 4:30pm, $5-$10

best dance club 2017/2018

Eat. Drink. Be Merry. Repeat.

Steel Pulse, 7:30pm, W, $38-$68

Rouge, 9pm, call for cover



Open-Mic, 7:30pm, W, call for cover

Check Mate, 1:30pm & 7:45pm, call for cover

2828 35TH ST., (916) 905-7024 5681 LONETREE BLVD., ROCKLIN, (916) 626-6366

Industry Sunday’s, 9pm, call for cover

S’Mores & Stouts, 5pm, call for cover


Toby Mac

After Hours with Apple, 9pm, M, no cover; Trapicana, 11pm, W, no cover

BANGARANG Live, 9:30pm, no cover




Spectacular Saturdays, 6pm, call for cover

101 MAIN ST., ROSEVILLE, (916) 774-0505

with SactoStorytellers 7:30pm Wednesday, $38-$68 Crest Theatre Reggae


Pre-Brunch Yoga, 10am, $0-$10

BAR 101

Steel Pulse


Fierce Friday’s, 7pm, call for cover

2003 K ST., (916) 448-8790



Stagecoach ticket giveaways SAt 2/8, Fri 2/21, SAt 2/29 Stagecoach’s dance Competition - SAt 3/7

Kevin’s annual birthday bash - sat 2/15

Open-Mic, 5pm, T, call for cover

Heath Williamson, 5:30pm, M, no cover

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Visit for eVent updates & booking information

SubMiT your cAlenDAr liSTingS for free AT newSreview.coM/SAcrAMenTo/cAlenDAr thursDAy 2/6 On the y

FriDAy 2/7

sAturDAy 2/8

sunDAy 2/9

Karaoke, 9pm, T, no cover

Judhead with Skyline Red, 8pm, $5

670 Fulton Ave., (916) 487-3731

Opera hOuse salOOn

411 lincoln st., roseville, (916) 970-9777

Mere Mortals, Sock Monkeys, 9:30pm $10-$15

palms playhOuse

Stevie Redstone, 7:30pm $22-$26

placerville public hOuse

Live music, 8pm, call for cover

Old Mule, 8pm, call for cover

Plaid City, 10pm, call for cover

Irefuse, 10pm, call for cover

13 mAin st., winters, (530) 795-1825 414 mAin st., PlAcerville, (530) 303-3792

pOwerhOuse pub

Ariel Jean, 9:30pm, call for cover

614 sutter st., Folsom, (916) 355-8586

the press club

Love and Theft, 9:30pm, W, $18-$25

When Doves Cry, 9:30pm, $12-$17

Scraper, Jesus & The Dinosaurs, Trinidad Silva, 8pm, call for cover

2030 P st., (916) 444-7914

monDAy-weDnesDAy 2/10-2/12

Tony Lindsay, 3pm, call for cover; Blues jam, 6pm, call for cover

Karaoke, 8:30pm, T, call for cover; Local licks, 9pm, W, call for cover

DJ Larry, 9pm, no cover

Karaoke, 8pm, M, no cover

rOOt Of happiness

Jazz Night, 8pm, W, call for cover

211 F st., DAvis, (530) 212-8039

sOcial niGhtclub

Kid Vicious, 10pm, $0-$5

1000 k st., (916) 947-0434

the sOfia

2700 cAPitol Ave., (916) 443-5300

Joe Craven & The Sometimers, 7pm, $30

the starlet rOOm

Niviane, 9pm, $12-$15

2708 J st., (916) 441-4693

DJ Mez, 10pm, $0-$5 Avery*Sunshine Trio, 8:30pm, T, $35 Comedy Burger, 7pm, $10

Blues and Bourbon: Matt Rainey & the Dippin’ Sauce, 6:30pm, W, $10

stOney’s rOckin rOdeO

West Coast Swing Dance, 7pm, $5

Country Fridays, 8pm, $5

Stagecoach raffle, 7pm, $5

Sunday Funday, 6pm, no cover

Hot Country DJ Dancing, 9:30pm, W, $0-$10

the tOrch club

Drunken Kung Fu, 9pm, $6

Tropicali Flames, 9pm, $8

Katie Henry, 9pm, $10

Don Bassey Tribute show, 4pm, call for cover

Mylar’s Hippie Hour, 5:30pm, T, call for cover

Al Di Meola, 7:30pm, W, $29.75-$65

1320 Del PAso BlvD., (916) 927-6023 904 15th st., (916) 443-2797

Photo courtesy oF wikicommons

Avery*Sunshine Trio 8:30pm Tuesday, $35 The Sofia Singer/Songwriter

All ages, all the time ace Of spades

The Marcus King Band, 8pm, $25

Ones to Watch, 8pm, $70

Phora, 8pm, $67

3520 stockton BlvD., (916) 475-1600

Marty Taters open-mic, 7:30pm, no cover

Your Friends, JATR, VGDB, Pink Frank, 8pm, $8

One Night Stand Up, 6pm, $10

harris center

A.J. Croce, 7:30pm, $11-$52

Lenaea High School 64th Annual Theatre Festival, 10am, $11-$17

Lenaea High School 64th Annual Theatre Festival, 8am, $11-$17

Lenaea High School 64th Annual Theatre Festival, 8am, $11-$17

mOndavi center

Circa “Humans”, 8pm, sold out

Circa “Humans”, 8pm, $24.50-$49

Circa “Humans”, 2pm & 8pm, $24.50$49

Circa “Humans”, 2pm, sold out

shine cafe

Jazz Jam, 8pm, no cover

1417 r st., (916) 930-0220

cafe cOlOnial

10 college Pkwy, Folsom, (916) 608-6888 523 mrAk hAll Dr., DAvis, (530) 754-2787 1400 e st., (916) 551-1400

Photo courtesy oF wikicommons

Al Di Meola 7:30pm Wednesday, $29.75-$65 Harris Center World

The Word Thing poetry, 8pm, W, no cover



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c a n n a b i s

When cannabis meets wellness Medical marijuana helps many millions of Americans with conditions such as chronic pain, appetite loss and digestive disorders, while adult-use or “recreational” cannabis is all about kicking back and enhancing day-to-day experiences. But what of the vast space that exists between the purely therapeutic and nothing-but-fun uses of the plant? An increasing number of people are using cannabis for other purposes—call it wellness, well-being or self-care—and this represents an important, and quickly growing space between the two established legal categories. “We divide into medicinal and recreational—and it’s just not that simple,” Sophie St. Thomas, author of the newly released Finding Your Higher Self: Your Guide to Cannabis for Self-Care, told SN&R. “You don’t necessarily need to have a medical card in your state to

benefit from the wellness benefits of cannabis.”

Medical versus recreational Along these lines, Solonje Burnett and Danniel Swatosh, co-founders of the New-York based cannabis consultants’ firm Humble Bloom, gave a talk at the New England Cannabis Network convention about the plant’s “recridicinal” crossovers. Burnett told SN&R about what she sees as the false dichotomy between what people assume is the “clean way to use the plant,” i.e. a medicinal one, and the “dirty, darker way” of pleasure only. To the contrary, she pointed out that people have been consuming in ways that blur those lines for a very long time. Black and brown people—who historically have not had good access

source of nutrition, fiber, relaxation and medicine. But under legalization capitalism is the driving force. “We categorize in order to monetize,” said Burnett, and advertisers by Danielle Simone BranD have successfully linked wellness to spending money. Burnett observes that among the to traditional health care or plethora of cannabis-for-wellness the pharmaceuticals products, some are made with the market—have long same kind of junk ingredients known about you’d find on the label of “Cannabis gives cannabis’ ability conventional candies, sodas to ease physical and baked goods. Some you permission to discomforts cannabis companies ‘do you.’ And that’s along with pushing products made what makes it great for some small with unhealthy—even part of the carcinogenic—ingredients self-care.” anxiety and appear to be doing little Katy Karns stress of living more than capitalizing on cannabis yoga teacher with racism, the cannabis hype. Burnett said. Wellness Swatosh agrees that people using entrepreneurship cannabis in multiple and varied And yet, it’s true that cannabis can do ways isn’t new. Instead, it’s long been many things to help people sleep better, the way humans have interacted with the feel better and function at their peak—and plant. “Cannabis has been intertwined in our evolution for thousands of years,” she said, citing the plant’s multiple uses as a

“When cannabis Meets Wellness” continued on page 41






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SN&R. “I was like ‘this sucks—it’s hard.’” Karns didn’t go back for two weeks. But having already bought a 30-day pass, conscious entrepreneurs function in the Karns decided to smoke a bowl beforehand space, too. and give it another try. She didn’t find yoga Liz Christensen, the Sacramento-based much easier, but she did enjoy it a lot more. brand educator for the cannabis tea company Perceiving the minute-to-minute changes Kikoko, told SN&R that the company’s two in her body that yoga brought—the gradual female founders have sought to offer products lengthening of muscles, the release of chronic that meet people’s wellness needs. Focusing tension, the ease of breath—motivated her to at first on women’s health, the entrepreneurs continue. found that mood, libido, sleep, pain and “That little change in mindset,” she said, anxiety were among the top five concerns. “made a huge difference for me.” Inspired to create products for a friend Now, Karns, who trained with Ganja Yoga who was battling cancer, they sought founder Dee Dussault, teaches two enhanced legitimate alternatives to things such as pain yoga classes a week at Hot Pot Studios, meds or sleeping pills. With blends of THC, including a slow flow and gentle option, CBD and CBN (a cannabinoid often used and also offers enhanced massage. She said in sleep formulas) in varying combinations cannabis helps free people from insecurities alongside herbal ingredients, their teas, about their bodies and abilities. honeys and mints are meant to help women Karns recently welcomed a 72-year-old with issues they might otherwise address with man who was unfamiliar with yoga, but pharmaceuticals. comfortable with cannabis. He took the class Christensen told SN&R that as in his own way—doing the postures and people learn more about the movements that were possible for his nuanced experiences offered body in that moment. by cannabis, their wellness“Cannabis “Cannabis gives you oriented usage rises. And permission to ‘do you,’” has been because cannabis is Karns said. “And that’s intertwined in increasingly normalized what makes it great for in mainstream culture our evolution for self-care.” and consumers are To Karns, there’s thousands of years.” learning how to partake little distinction between for specific effects, Danniel Swatosh therapeutic and fun uses of they’re realizing even co-founder, Humble the plant. St. Thomas agrees, more benefits. Bloom enjoyment and relaxation have According to Christensen, their own health benefits, and there are two barriers to using who’s to say that healing can’t also be cannabis for wellness: the persistence pleasurable? of stigma and lack of education about how “We have a real hang-up about pleasure to use the right product in the right doses. in this country,” St. Thomas said. “As soon Christensen had to learn this for herself. as THC starts working on your endocan“I used to be the kind of person where if I nabinoid receptors and ignites the euphoria, smoked, I wasn’t going to do anything,” she then suddenly, ‘Oh this isn’t a medicine. It’s told SN&R. a drug.’ ... I think enjoying the pleasure that But increasing familiarity with the plant comes with it is part of wellness.” helped her reimagine what cannabis can enhance—which, for her, includes yoga, Cannabis, wellness Pilates, meditation, sound healing and long and community walks with her dog. “I’ve learned,” she said, While consuming cannabis alone to meditate “that it can be so much more.” or do yoga or take a walk can be a profound experience, cannabis has a long communal Cannabis-enhanced history as well. bodywork Whether you call it wellness, well-being Beyond specific products that may be or self-care, cannabis is for many people formulated or merely marketed for wellness, who truly love the plant, about healing and increasing numbers of people are waking wholeness. up to the intrinsic self-care benefits of “We have the opportunity to heal our the plant. For instance, Sacramento-based body—and our mind, obviously—and our cannabis yoga teacher Katy Karns found her community and our planet,” Swatosh said. way to yoga through cannabis. Seven years “And I don’t think ‘recreational’ or ‘mediciago, she tried yoga for relief from the aches nal’ covers any of that. I don’t think it’s a and pains of her job as a bodyworker. third category called ‘wellness,’ either … At first, yoga felt uncomfortable and It’s more of a web, where if you pull on one unrewarding. “I really hated it,” she told string, the whole thing plays.” Ω “when Cannabis meets wellness” Continued from page 39






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Sit and enjoy a dab


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Ngaio Bealum is a Sacramento comedian, activist and marijuana expert. Email him questions at ask420@newsreview.com.



Good question. Let us begin with the usual disclaimer: I AM NOT A DOCTOR. You should probably discuss this with your health care professional. I know weed can have a stigma: Kaiser Permanente won’t let you apply for certain mental health programs if you test positive for weed, but most doctors (at least on the West Coast) have had to learn to be a little more understanding about cannabis use. That acceptance brings new questions and concerns. For instance, a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology claims that cannabis can increase the effects of certain blood thinners such as warfarin and can also increase the effects of drugs used to control blood pressure. What happens is the liver uses the same enzymes to process statins that it does to process THC, thereby increasing the strength of statins and blood thinners. Now, this is a small study and more research is needed, but if you are on blood pressure medication, you should definitely talk to your doctor about your cannabis use. It’s the same with CBD. According to Aaron Cadena from CBDorigin.com, THC and CBD should be treated like grapefruit juice when it comes to checking for interactions and contraindications. Hope that helps. Have a good one. Ω


Hey do you know if THC or CBD will interact with any of the other medications I am using?

12 RYS

Use a clean “rig”—a “rig” is a bong outfitted with a “nail.” A “nail” is a special sort of bowl designed for concentrates. Side note: I always feel weird saying “rig” in the context of cannabis, because words such as “rig” and “works” often remind me of heroin culture, and I don’t think heroin and cannabis should mix, but maybe that’s just me. Can we say “Dab bong?” No? OK. I like a quartz nail as opposed to ceramic or titanium. Yeah, they are fragile, but they heat up fast and they probably give the cleanest hit. Using a heat source, heat the nail to at least 450 degrees Fahrenheit. It used to be that folks would just heat the nail as hot as possible, but that just burns up all the terpenes and gives you a sore throat. Low-temp, high-flavor dabs are the new wave. For heat, 450-600 degrees F is optimal. And don’t let the dabheads argue about the best temperature. It’s worse than listening to baristas argue about the optimal serving temperature of a latte. There’s also no need to hold in the smoke as long as possible. It just leads to lung irritation. Take a good inhale and let it out. Enjoy the flavor of the terpenes. Close your eyes and see what flavors you can detect. Pinene? Myrcene? Blueberries? Wait a few minutes. See how you feel. Wait a few more minutes. Have another. When you have achieved optimum balance, stop. That’s probably the best way to do it if you are someplace where you can sit and enjoy a dab.

NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 ensures that seriously ill Californians have the right to obtain and use cannabis for medical purposes where medical use is deemed appropriate and has been recommended by a physician who has determined that the person’s health would benefit from the use of medical cannabis. Recommendations must come from an attending physician as defined in Section 11362.7 of the Health and Safety Code. Cannabis is a Schedule I drug according to the federal Controlled Substances Act. Activity related to cannabis use is subject to federal prosecution, regardless of the protections provided by state law.

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Dear Dabby, how do I take the best dab hit?


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Free will astrology

ask joey

by ROb bRezsny

For the week oF February 6, 2020 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You now have the power

Crazy love by JOey GARCIA

I’ve been dating a woman who is pretty much everything I’ve ever wanted. the relationship has been progressing the way a relationship should. we live in different cities, but that hasn’t stopped us from spending as much time together as our fairly consuming careers allow. but the other night I saw her walking down the street with a man (we’re both women), completely entangled, kissing— the whole thing. I pulled my car over, tried to call, saw her reach for her phone, look at the screen and put the phone back in her bag. I took a photo. when I confronted her, she says it wasn’t her. am I crazy? Love, or rather the infatuation phase of it, can spin us giddily off-balance. Your mind may too often drift into worries that your relationship is too good to be true. Whenever we’re struggling with the truth, the real issue is trust. Is it difficult to trust that genuine love has come your way? If you have been betrayed before, as most of us have, it’s easy to slip into self-protection even when it’s unnecessary. The mind can conjure story lines and images that align with any outcome, including seeing oneself as a victim. The mind prefer to settle on whatever might confirm what we already believe. Of course, your girlfriend could be cheating. You asked her whether she was with someone else, and she said, “no.” If she is an honest person by nature, don’t undermine the relationship with more questions. Examine yourself instead. Are you cheating yourself of love by clinging to suspicions? Do those suspicions improve your life or cause distress? Those are the questions you must answer for yourself. Doing so will determine how you proceed, and what kind of person you want to be in this messy, beautiful human life. My suggestion is to seek balance. Love and care for yourself as you do her. Make love the center of your life, but don’t make her or your relationship the center. See friends, enjoy solitude and turn dreams into goals into reality. Build the internal infrastructure that allows you to stay grounded. That way, you’re better equipped to face things you can’t control, like a future you can’t yet see. 46






I’m an attractive 28-year-old professional woman with a master’s degree. the only guys who ask me out are socially awkward and unable to hold a decent conversation for longer than 20 minutes. why am I attracting guys like this and how can I fix it? Easy-peasy, stop thinking people can be fixed. You’re attracting men who your subconscious categorizes as needing improvement. Your personal obsession with improvement attracts men who appreciate who you are, what you have achieved and who are probably open to improvement. Are you willing to appreciate who they are, what they have achieved and be open to shedding your judgment? You don’t have to date these men but do accept them as enough. Embrace yourself as enough, too. When you do, it will change everything. Ω

Talk about this and other Ask Joey columns on Facebook. Or follow @askjoeygarcia on Instagram.

MedItatIon oF the week “Until we have seen someone’s darkness, we don’t really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone’s darkness, we don’t really know what love is,” said Marianne Williamson, self-help author and former presidential candidate. Are you ready to open to love?

Write, email or leave a message for Joey at the News & Review. Give your name, telephone number (for verification purposes only) and question—all correspondence will be kept strictly confidential. Write Joey, 1124 Del Paso Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95815; call (916) 498-1234, ext. 1360; or email askjoey@newsreview.com.

to make connections that have not previously been possible. You can tap into an enhanced capacity to forge new alliances and strengthen your support system. I urge you to be on the lookout for a dynamic group effort you could join or a higher purpose you might align yourself with. If you’re sufficiently alert, you may even find an opportunity to weave your fortunes together with a dynamic group effort that’s in service to a higher purpose. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “Victory won’t come to me unless I go to it,” wrote the poet Marianne Moore. In other words, you must track down each victory you’re interested in. You must study its unique nature. And then you must adjust yourself to its specifications. You can’t remain just the way you are, but must transform yourself so as to be in alignment with the responsibilities it demands of you. Can you pass these tests? I believe you can. It’s time to prove it. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): While at the peak of his powers as an author, Gemini-born Nobel Prizewinner Jean Paul Sartre consumed an array of mood-shifters every day. He quaffed at least a quart of alcohol, smoked two packs of cigarettes and drank copious amounts of coffee and tea. His intake of pills included 200 milligrams of amphetamines, 15 grams of aspirin and a handful of barbiturates. I propose that we make Sartre your anti-role model during the next four weeks. According to my analysis of your astrological indicators, your ability to discover, attract and benefit from wonders and marvels will thrive to the degree that you forswear drugs and alcohol and artificial enhancements. And I’m pleased to inform you that there could be a flood of wonders and marvels. CANCER (June 21-July 22): I don’t think I’m boring. How could I be? I have an abundant curiosity, and I love to learn new things. I’ve worked at many different jobs, have read widely and enjoy interacting with a broad range of humans. Yet now and then I’ve had temporary relationships with people who regarded me as uninteresting. They didn’t see much of value in me. I tend to believe it was mostly their fault—they couldn’t see me for who I really am—but it may have also been the case that I lived down to their expectations. Their inclination to see me as unimportant influenced me to be dull. I bring this up because now is an excellent time to remove yourself from situations where you have trouble being and feeling your true self. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Soprano Helen Traubel and tenor Lauritz Melchior performed together in many productions of Wagnerian operas, often at the Metropolitan in New York City. Friends and colleagues but not lovers, they had a playful relationship with each other. A favorite pastime was figuring out tricks they could try that would cause the other to break into inappropriate laughter while performing. According to my quirky reading of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be a propitious time for you to engage in similar hijinks with your allies. You have a poetic license and a spiritual mandate to enjoy amusing collaborative experiments, playful intimate escapades and adventures in buoyant togetherness. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Eighteenth-century author Samuel Johnson singlehandedly compiled the influential A Dictionary of the English Language, which remained the definitive British dictionary for 170 years. We shouldn’t be surprised that it was a Virgo who accomplished such an intricate and exhaustive feat. As a high-minded Virgo, Johnson also had a talent for exposing hypocrisy. In commenting on the Americans’ War of Independence against his country, he noted that some of the “loudest yelps for liberty” came from slaveowners. I propose that we make him one of your role models in 2020. May he inspire you to produce rigorous work that’s useful to many. May he also empower you to be a candid purveyor of freedom.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Is there a project or

situation you’d love to create but have lacked the confidence to try? Now is a time when you can finally summon the necessary courage. Is there a long-running dilemma that has always seemed too confusing and overwhelming to even understand, let alone solve? Now is a favorable time to ask your higher self for the clear vision that will instigate an unforeseen healing. Is there a labor of love that seems to have stalled or a dream that got sidetracked? Now is a time when you could revive its luminosity and get it back in a sweet groove. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Was there a more influential 20th century artist than Scorpioborn Pablo Picasso? He was a revolutionary innovator who got rich from his creations. Once, while visiting a gallery showing of art made by children, he said, “When I was their age I could draw like Raphael [the great Renaissance artist]. But it took me a lifetime to learn to draw like they do.” In accordance with your current astrological omens, I suggest you seek inspiration from Picasso’s aspiration. Set an intention to develop expertise in seeing your world and your work through a child’s eyes. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I know a Sagittarius man who has seen the film Avengers: Endgame 17 times. Another Sagittarian acquaintance estimates she has listened all the way through to Billie Eilish’s album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? 135 times. And then there’s my scholarly Sagittarian friend who has read the ancient Greek epic poem the Iliad 37 times. I have no problem with this behavior. I admire your tribe’s ability to keep finding new inspiration in sources you already know well. But in my astrological opinion, you shouldn’t do much of this kind of thing in the coming weeks. It’s high time for you to experiment with experiences you know little about. Be fresh, innocent and curious. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Athens was one of the great cities of the ancient world. Its vigorous art, theater, philosophy, architecture and experiments in democracy are today regarded as foundational to Western culture. And yet at its height, Athens’ population was a mere 275,000—equal to modern Fort Wayne, Indiana or Windsor, Ontario. How could such a relatively small source breed such intensity and potency? That’s a long story. In any case, I foresee you having the potential to be like Athens yourself in the coming weeks and months, a highly concentrated fount of value. For best results, focus on doing what you do best. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): According to my analysis, the year 2020 will be a time when you can have dramatic success as you re-evaluate and re-vision and revamp your understandings of your life purpose. Why were you born? What’s the nature of your unique genius? What are the best gifts you have to offer the world? Of the many wonderful feats you could accomplish, which are the most important? The next few weeks will be a potent time to get this fun and energizing investigation fully underway. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Physicist Niels Bohr won a Nobel Prize for his insights about quantum mechanics. But he was humble about the complexity of the subject. “If you think you understand it, that only shows you don’t know the first thing about it,” he mused. I’m tempted to make a similar statement about the mysteries and riddles that are making your life so interesting. If you think you understand those mysteries and riddles, you probably don’t. But if you’re willing to acknowledge how perplexing they are, and you can accept the fact that your comprehension of them is partial and fuzzy, then you might enjoy a glimmer of the truth that’s worth building on.


u o y e ar l a c o al

? t s i t r a Do you dream of covering the city in artwork? Well, we’ve got a box-shaped canvas you can start with. If you’re a local artist interested in painting one of SN&R’s newspaper racks, reach out to Greg Erwin at GREGE@NEwSREvIEw.com ttER


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