20191226 085604

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DEC. 26, 2019–JAN. 1, 2020


BURNING MAN GETS SERIOUS See Arts&Culture, page 16



How age gaps and the cult of busy can make finding community in Reno a challenge SERVING NORTHERN NEVADA, TAHOE AND TRUCKEE

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Busted myth Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. I love this week’s cover story for a counter-intuitive reason: It deflates a myth I’ve been carrying around in my own head. For years, I’ve been saying that Reno is a great town in which to be an artist—or a musician or a whatever else—because it’s large enough to sustain a scene, but small enough that it’s easy to get involved. That might have been true 10 years ago, but it’s not really true anymore. Our cover story this week, by freelancer Jane K. Callahan, is about how challenging this city can be for newbies. This can be an insular town, suspicious of outsiders, and full of chipladen shoulders. Jane candidly discusses her personal experiences and balances that with supporting interviews from other new residents and folks who have struggled to find their places in this town. It’s a nice reminder for those of us who have lived in this town for a long time and have long-established social networks that our perspective comes from a place of a privilege. Still, I understand the frustrations of long-time residents about the recent influx of new people. (Those Tech Bro yuppies are especially annoying. Every one of them might as well be named Ken Gentrify.) That’s a valid concern. Especially if you’ve seen your rent skyrocket in the last couple of years. But remember a decade ago when Reno was always getting desiccated by the brain drain? Talented folks would leave town as soon as they built up the confidence or the resume to make it somewhere else. That’s less of a problem nowadays. I’m not sure which problem is worse. I just know that no city in history has ever had the exactly correct number of the exactly correct people. And if such a community was ever planned, I sure as hell wouldn’t want to live there. On a different note, don’t forget to send in a 95-word fiction story for our annual contest before the Jan. 15 deadline. See page 12 for details.

—BRAD BYNUM bradb@ n ew s r ev i ew . com

Job advice Tell the underage strippers who are suing for a “right to work” at that job to put their clothes on, lose the makeup and high heels, and get jobs with the 2020 Census. If they can prance around on stage, they can walk up and down streets as enumerators. They might even run into some real gentlemen. Jean Smiling Coyote Chicago, Illinois

Fact or factions? Re “Think big” (Left Foot Forward, Dec. 12): Your article is vague and might as well have not been written. Do not underestimate Republicans of which exist more than a “few” to differentiate between “fact and fantasy.” Do not make the mistake of relying on voters to see Trump’s attacks on democratic institutions and claims of fake news, which I assume is what you mean by “fantasy,” as reason to vote against him. They did not in 2016. They will not in 2020. Do expect enough base and undecided voters to feel things are well enough for enough people to vote Trump in 2020, with low unemployment and high job creation fact enough. Jacob Sax Reno

Plane right Re “In the air” (Editor’s Note, Dec. 5): Your planespotting colleague needs to bone up. Those were ordinary C-130 cargo aircraft, almost certainly of our own Nevada Air National Guard squadron, not rare AC-130 gunships. If you live in the Reno area and have heretofore been unaware of the daily NANG C-130 flights, you really need to look skyward more often! Brian Adams Reno

On ICE Despite the fact that ICE and Customs & Border Protection separated thousands of

Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey

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DECEMBER 26, 2019 | VOL. 25, ISSUE 46

children from their parents at the border, and we still do not know the exact number of these separations because these agencies did not bother to document which children belong to which parents at the time of separation, the Senate has introduced a bill that would increase funding for ICE and CBP to over $26 billion. Congress must hold these agencies accountable for those family separations and for the continuing cruel mass incarceration of immigrant children and families by cutting funding for the most inhumane elements of the Trump Administration’s immigration policy, starting with cutting $4.74 billion for ICE detention and removal operations, and $5 billion for a wall at the southern border. That’s at least $9.74 billion of our tax dollars that could be used to lift up our children and communities instead of tearing families apart. How else should we be using that money? For that same amount, Congress can increase funding for K-12 public schools by 60 percent or quadruple federal funding for substance use and mental health programs. Chelsea Hansen Reno

OK, boomer Dear millennials, I am an older fellow, well past my sixth decade. Lately I have had to explain to my younger friends what exactly a decade is. Now, I’m well aware that the younger generations like to rename things, like the pound sign to hashtag. I suppose you think doing so is cool or cute. However, some things you can’t just imagine away. A decade is one of them. I have recently heard a local DJ (on the “X,” nonetheless) as well as a prominent meteorologist (on KTVN Channel 2) proclaim that this January, 2020, starts a new decade. Sorry, not quite. You see, a decade consists of 10 years, not nine. The next decade starts on January 1st, 2021—not 2020. You wouldn’t say a newborn baby was a year old would you? And a child doesn’t celebrate their 10th birthday until they have lived 10 years (a decade). Now, if you can’t get your

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minds around that while eating your avocado toast, take a minute and count your fingers and toes. Decades end in a zero, not a nine. Or, maybe I can give you change for that 20. Lawrence Pinkerton Reno

Caucus question Why is the Democratic party holding the caucus on the Sabbath? Is it because we that wish to have a voice for Bernie Sanders can not be there to have a say once again as in the last caucus? Why can’t we be as Wyoming, which provides for a caucus vote in absentia. Called the DNC, and they told me “If you can’t attend, tough!” We that hold the 4th commandment dear are unable to attend the caucus, our Lord comes first; love of neighbor second. Richard Davis Reno


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I want to save money and spend it on memories rather than food.


I’d like to open my own business, and I’d like to see the world improve on how we all get along, honestly. It’s really getting ridiculous out here. Politically, we’re not doing the best we can. … We don’t help each other. We don’t reach out or help people grow.

JC CASTILLO Office clerk

Sound decisions Hey! Hey, you, driving obliviously with your headvehicle isn’t the same thing as operating a vehicle in phones on! We know you can’t hear us over your silence, without the ability to hear anything. music or podcast or phone call or whatever. But since According to research from the University of you’re—hopefully—not currently driving, take a Toledo in Ohio, some scientists speculate that music minute and listen. may have the power to dampen your ability to see. Let’s start by acknowledging that, of course, driving Their research focused on the potential dangers with headphones on isn’t new problem. People of listening to music while doing activities have done it since the early days of the ranging from jogging to biking to driving. Walkman some 40 years ago. However, Psychologist Diana Deutsch, Ph.D., from it’s become a bigger and bigger issue the University of California at San Diego Music as we’ve been given additional and told the researchers, “The tempo can may have the even easier devices with which to use interfere with the rate at which your power to dampen headphones—mp3 players, iPods and brain perceives images that are passing now smart phones with streaming music by you, which could trip you up.” your ability to services. And when you ride a motorcycle, see. Still, driving with headphones on in forget it. You’re at a statistically higher Nevada isn’t illegal. But driving with headrisk of injury and death than those driving phones on can be as egregious as other driving vehicles on four wheels. And the slightest noises distractions—whether it’s eating a meal on the run, or can pull your attention to the right or left—and where receiving texts and social media notifications, or caving your attention goes, your bike goes. to the temptation to retouch makeup. In some states, it’s already illegal to drive with headThe counterargument is that since deaf people are phones in or on your ears. In others, it’s illegal to have allowed to drive, it would be discriminatory against the headphones in both ears. As previously mentioned, here hearing-impaired to outlaw wearing headphones while in Nevada, there’s no law at all. But that doesn’t mean it driving. Yes, and to a certain point, we agree. Listening can’t still get you in legal trouble. That’s because even to music on headphones while driving doesn’t create if you’re doing something that’s within the bounds of the same immediate dangers as driving while drunk or the law—like driving and using headphones or eating— driving while texting. And we recognize that listening to those behaviors can still lead to a distracted driving music while driving can be one of life’s great pleasures. accident for which you’re likely to be liable. Ω However, listening to headphones while operating a

For me, I just want to be able to try more things out—really take initiative and not care as much as I did before … about other people’s opinion about me. I want to put myself out there and do things I normally wouldn’t do.

AIMEE DEL A TORRE Cocktail waitress

I want to travel—just everywhere, honestly. Probably Japan. I really like the Japanese culture, so just to experience the whole scene out there. I’ve never traveled, so I’m trying to make that a new goal.


I never thought about it, really. Well, hopefully Trump’s still our president—how’s that?






Paid advertisement

real Political intention Concealed in the advertisement for “shen Yun Performance” advertisement

On December 22, 2018, San Francisco Gate, an American website, published an article commenting that although Shen Yun ads are ubiquitous, the ads may be deceptive. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably seen a billboard or heard dozens of ads for Shen Yun Performing Arts. In the Bay Area, people are so used to seeing the ads of “Shen Yun” on TV and on the sides of buses. People even joke that this December should be renamed “Shen Yun season.” Since I started writing this article about two minutes ago, I’ve already seen a Shen Yun spot run on KTVU. But what is it? The answer is a little complicated. Shen Yun bills itself as “the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music corporation.” They have performances in 93 cities around the country, from Billings to Little Rock. The dress code suggests you might want to wear a tuxedo or evening gown since you’re “in for a special treat.” If you buy a ticket to a show (which runs from $80 to $400 in San Francisco), you can expect two hours of traditional Chinese dance accompanied by a live orchestra. If you’re to believe Shen Yun’s own advertisements, you’ll get so much more. The hyperbolic 2018 ad promises that the performance will “move you to tears” and change how you see the world. Unexpectedly, however, the ads may be overselling it a bit. Some people who go to the show complain they didn’t know what they were in for. Because nowhere in the effusive advertisements is it mentioned that Shen Yun has a political bent. Shen Yun translates to “divine rhythm,” and according to the show’s website, the artists who put on “Shen Yun” practice “Falun Gong”, also known as “Falun Dafa”, a belief system that encompasses meditation, tai chi-type exercises, and “strict morality”. Smoking, alcohol, and extramarital or same-sex sexual relations go against the teachings. A 2017 Guardian article by Nicholas Hune Brown describes one part of the show: The curtain rose on a group of young students sitting in peace, meditating and reading oversized yellow Falun Gong books. The dancers performed elaborately pantomimed good deeds—helping an old woman with a cane, chasing down a woman who had dropped her purse. But when one unveiled a Falun Gong banner, suddenly a trio of men wearing black tunics emblazoned with a red hammer-and-sickle entered. The communist thugs began beating people up, clubbing and kicking innocent Falun Gong followers. Scenes like that didn’t sit well with all viewers. The Fresno Bee’s arts writer Donald Munro saw “Shen Yun” in 2016, and called the show “a beautiful and odd production that veers wildly between two extremes: delicate artistic excellence on one hand and a brusque, heavy-handed effort to inculcate political and spiritual viewpoints on the other.” Many people posting reviews on Yelp weren’t as eloquent. Here are some of the comments on the Shen Yun performance from Yelp. “Be warned: Religious sermon!” It was a Yelp review from someone who saw the show in Fresno. “I walked out as soon as anti-evolution statements were made on the screen. False advertising!” 6   |   RN&R   |   12.26.19

“I rate this a zero star. This show is purely cult propaganda. Do not waste your money and time for this,” said Ron F. from Pittsburg, California. Roast B. said, “We just saw the show in San Francisco. It was boring. Every dance was more or less the same. There wasn’t any story or interesting theme. A lot of cultish propaganda was also thrown into the performance. We walked out in the 2nd half and met other people walking out also. We all felt ripped off after watching this show.” “It’s the radio ads that are annoying,” commented by Chrysanthemum A. “We went to see Shen Yun Chinese dance in Berkeley. Their showcase looked stunning and we decided to see the performance. Our tickets were expensive and they cost $300. The dances were not as impressive as in the showcase. The movements of dancers sometimes were not synchronized. There was not as much acrobatics as in their video. The couple dances were devoted to describing oppression of Falun Dafa followers in China. Then we listened to a song that Darwin theory leads people to nowhere and Falun Dafa is right answer how to live life. At the end we were shown banners that Falun Dafa is good. I think the Shen Yun performance should be categorized as religion event that preaches about Falun Dafa. If we knew about it we would not go,” reviewed by Valeriya V. “Be warned: Religious sermon! I saw the Shen Yun performance in Fresno. Little did I expect it a sermon against evolutionism. I was insulted. As a biotech engineer, I was completely blown away that we would get a religious sermon in a Chinese dance performance and one which goes against one of the fundamental facts of life science. I walked out as soon as anti-evolution statements were made on the screen. False advertising!” reviewed by S.T. Ingrid G complained, “Went for Shen Yun. We had Will Call tickets and were misled by three ushers outside, including standing in a long line, before we found it. Then, the inside usher told us the wrong location for our seats (odds instead of events). Poorly trained folks. As to the show, Shen Yun sucked. The Dancing was like high school color guard-repeatedly-and then they threw in a couple of terrible soloists who sang religious songs! OMG, what? This Dancing was supposed to be inspired by the pursuit of harmony, forbearance and truthfulness and we got another agenda altogether. The only redeeming qualities were the costumes and a little bit of creative digital imagery. Lots of money spent to promote this show, including a suggested dress code no less, implying a classy affair. Way too expensive for what we saw.” “Totally agree with Cassie H. I rate this a Zero star. This show is purely cult propaganda. Do not waste your money and time for this,” commented by Ron F. “I am sure those 4 or 5 stars ratings are written by families of these performers. If you don’t believe, just go and waste $100 yourself. It’s a high school art club performance at most but not a show that cost $100 for a ticket,” reviewed by Young W. For many audiences who are unhappy about “Shen Yun”, the performance itself is not bad, although some of them also complain that it is not of high quality. Yet, most of the negative comments disclose their unawareness of the political nature of the show beforehand. “Shen Yun” official website claims that the performance is a “unique experience.” It seems that this is the only consensus for all.


Holiday blues Ignorance is going to destroy us. In this holiday season, I’m having a hard time mustering any positive sentiments for those who insist climate change is a hoax, vaccines are a plot to harm our children, and President Trump is a victim of a deep state conspiracy. The news on climate change gets worse every day. The permafrost is melting faster than scientists predicted and releasing more carbon than expected. But Republicans continue to deny science, thereby keeping their fossil fuel overlords happy as the planet’s time bomb ticks toward our own oblivion. Belief in science has now become a partisan issue as shown in November’s Pew Research Center study that found 90 percent of Democrats believe government needs to be more active addressing climate change while just 24 percent of conservative Republicans feel the same. President Trump’s fragile ego was so deeply wounded when he wasn’t chosen as Time Magazine’s 2019 Person of the Year, he tweet-lashed the winner,

16-year-old Greta Thunberg, chosen for her unabashed and direct challenge to all of us to please save the world for her generation. There are no words. And no excuses for Republicans who seem content to risk our grandchildren’s very future by refusing to acknowledge the plain and convincing facts about climate change, right in front of their eyes. Nevada is also experiencing the willful scientific ignorance of the anti-vaxers, who were out in full force at a recent Interim Health Committee meeting. The immunization agenda item that day was innocuous, simply an overview of the status of immunizations in our state, but the opponents of vaccinations showed up en masse during the public comment period to demand their right to reject immunizations and potentially harm those unlucky enough to come into contact with unvaccinated persons during an outbreak of infectious disease. And, of course, impeachment and the presidential campaign are wearing us all out. Michelle Goldberg, a New York

Times columnist, recently wrote about “democracy grief,” a perpetual state of depression many of us are feeling caused by the continuous spurious attacks on our institutions—the FBI, the CIA, our diplomats, law enforcement and public employees of every kind. We feel overwhelmed by the hypocrisy and complicity of Republican leaders who endorse these attacks with their silence. But perhaps the worst legacy of the Trump years is the Senate’s approval of large numbers of federal judges, mostly unqualified ideologues who will be making judicial decisions that affect all of us for the next three or four decades. The best example of this particular horror is the recent confirmation of Lawrence VanDyke as Nevada’s representative on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. VanDyke has barely lived in Nevada although he was appointed by former attorney general and Virginia transplant Adam Laxalt as his solicitor general where he served without distinction. His thin resume was reviewed by

the American Bar Association, which rated him as “not qualified” to be a federal judge. Our two U.S. Senators opposed his nomination, saying they were not consulted by the President on the nomination per Senate tradition. Nevertheless, all Republicans but one, Senator Susan Collins, voted to confirm VanDyke. VanDyke is known for his historical opposition to LGBTQ people, his antichoice views and his pro-corporate leanings. The ABA interviewed five dozen people about his work, and they said VanDyke is “arrogant, lazy, an ideologue, and lacking in knowledge of the day-to-day practice including procedural rules.” Now he has a life-time appointment to “serve” us. Republicans are foolishly ignoring the large numbers of young voters who have no use for their fealty to ignorance for short-term political gain. But as the planet collapses and we risk epidemics of preventable diseases, the only question is if we’ll survive their time in power. □







BY THE NUMBERS On Monday, Dec. 23, The Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, the state agency that operates Nevada’s online health insurance marketplace, nevadahealthlink. com, released enrollment numbers for its seventh open enrollment period, which ended on Dec. 15 but included an extension for consumers who’d started enrollment before the deadline. According to a press release sent by the agency, 77,410 Nevadans enrolled for Plan Year 2020. The release referred to these numbers as “promising” and demonstrative of “the continued need for Nevada’s State Based Exchange services. This was the first enrollment period for which Nevada’s exchange did not rely on the federal enrollment platform, healthcare.gov. Executive Director Heather Korbulic said transitioning off of the federal platform will not only save money, but will also allow for greater information about about enrollment data and the needs of exchange enrollees than was available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In the press release, Korbulic was quoted as saying “As the first state to transition from healthcare.gov to a fully operational SBE [state-based exchange], Nevada Health Link has direct insight into real-time data which creates a more accurate and clear picture of the enrollment landscape in Nevada. Plan Year 2020 enrollment numbers will become the baseline from which we will work to continue to increase the number of insured Nevadans as we move forward.” As part of the transitioning to being a state-based exchange, Nevada Health Link migrated a total of 65,563 Nevada consumers from the federal platform. To nevadahealthlink.com. The number of new enrollments into qualified health plans as of Dec. 20 was 20,111. More than 25,000 returning consumers enrolled in a 2020 health plan. The total number of enrollments in qualified dental plans was 15,273. It’s worth noting this enrollment period was the first in which consumers could purchase a dental plan without also buying a health plan. In addition to the total enrollments completed by Dec. 20, 2019 extension date, the exchange will also be reaching out to to several thousand consumers who were transferred to Nevada Health Link from the Nevada Division of Welfare and Supportive Services because they were deemed ineligible for Medicaid benefits. These people have 60 days from the date of their Medicaid denial to apply for insurance on the exchange. According to the press release, unlike the federal platform, nevadahealthlink.com was not troubled by any blackout periods outside of planned maintenance time and remained online through the 45-day enrollment period. It’s also worth noting that while open enrollment has ended, certain qualifying life events (QLEs). According to the press release, QLEs “such as losing health insurance, getting married, having a child or moving, can make an individual eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) that allows enrollment at any time during the year. An individual or household has 60 days to enroll in coverage of the reported occurrence of the QLE.” If you need to find out if you’re eligible for a special enrollment period, visit nevadahealthlink.com.







On Dec. 18, Donald Trump became the third president in the 231 years since the ratification of the United States Constitution to be impeached. OFFICIAL WHITE HOUSE PHOTO BY SHEALAH CRAIGHEAD

Where do we go from here? Impeachment before and since the Dec. 18 House vote On Dec. 18, Donald Trump became the third president in the 231 years since the ratification of the United States Constitution to be impeached when the House of Representatives approved articles of impeachment on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. This, of course, came after a formal House inquiry that lasted from September to November found that Trump had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 presidential election and had then obstructed the inquiry into this matter by telling his administration officials not to testify and to ignore subpoenas for documents. The House inquiry found that, after a July 25 call with with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in which Trump had asked Zelensky to announce an investigation of 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden and to promote a discredited theory that it was Ukraine,

not Russia, behind interference in the 2016 presidential election, the Trump’s administration then withheld military aid as well as an invitation to the White House for the Ukrainian President. After the House Intelligence Committee finished with several hearings in which witnesses testified publicly, the committee voted on Dec. 3 along party lines (13-9) to adopt a final report. Impeachment hearings before the House Judiciary Committee began on Dec. 4, and—on Dec. 13—it voted 23–17 in another party-line vote to recommend the two articles of impeachment. The committee released its report on the impeachment articles on Dec. 16, and two days later the full House approved both articles in near, though not entirely, party-line votes. Prior to the votes, there were six hours of debate among the House members during which Republicans

took the opportunity to draw comparisons between the impeachment and all manner of things and events—seemingly egged on by President Trump’s own comparison in a Dec. 17 letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of the impeachment to the Salem Witch Trials of the late 17th Century. In it, he wrote that the accused witches had been afforded more due process. A new email obtained by the Center for Public Integrity and released Saturday, Dec. 21, showed that Michael Duffey, associate director for National Security Programs at the Office of Management and Budget, informed the Pentagon of the freeze on $391 million in security assistance to Ukraine a mere 91 minutes after President Trump’s call to Zelensky on July 25. In light of that, it seems worthwhile to reflect upon some of the more fiery and outlandish comparisons made by House Republicans prior to the vote. Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania: “You know, December is such a great month, and there’s so many great dates in December, and we talk about the wonderful things that have happened in Decembers of the past. There’s also in addition to Christmas being something we celebrate, the Boston Tea Party took place in December. But also on December 7, 1941 a horrific act happened in the United States. … President Roosevelt said, this is a date that will live in infamy. Today, December the 18th, 2019 is another date that will live in infamy. When just because you hate the president of the United States and you can find no other reason other than the fact that you’re so blinded by your hate that you can’t see straight that you’ve decided the only way we can make sure this president doesn’t get elected again is to impeach him.” Rep. Chris Stewart of Utah: “I discovered something recently. It’s shocking, I know. But it turns out that some people don’t like President Trump. They think he’s loud. They think he can be arrogant. They think sometimes he says bad words and sometimes he’s rude to people. And to their sensitive natures, they’ve been offended. I get that. I really do. But let’s be clear. This vote, this day has nothing to do with Ukraine. It has nothing to do with abuse of power. It has nothing to do with obstruction

of Congress. This vote, this day is about secret. Before you take this historic vote one thing and one thing only. They hate today, one week before Christmas, I want this president. They hate those of us who you to keep this in mind. When Jesus was voted for him. They think we’re stupid. falsely accused of treason, Pontius Pilate They think we made a mistake. They think gave Jesus the opportunity to face His Hillary Clinton should be the president accusers. During that sham trial, Pontius and they want to fix that. That’s what this Pilate afforded more rights to Jesus than vote is about. They want to take away my the Democrats have afforded this president vote and throw it in the trash. They in this process.” want to take away my president Judiciary Committee Chair and delegitimize him so that Jerry Nadler, a Democrat, “The he can not be reelected. responded to Loudermilk president was That’s what this vote on the floor saying, “The given the opportunity is about.” president was given the Rep. Stewart was, opportunity to come to come and testify … of course, reminded and testify … to send to send his counsel, to after his statement his counsel, to question question witnesses. He that were Trump witnesses. He declined to be successfully to do so.” declined to do so.” impeached, it would The articles must be Jerry Nadler be Vice President Mike submitted to the Senate House Judiciary Pence who would assume to initiate a trial which Committee Chair the office of president. will decide Trump’s fate as Rep. Barry Loudermilk president. That trial could begin of Georgia: “The Constitution as early as next month; however, also guarantees that the accused can call House Speaker Pelosi’s decision to wait to witnesses to testify on their behalf, but deliver the two Articles of Impeachment to the Republicans and the president were the Senate until that body has laid out the continually denied that right throughout rules for the trial—saying it needs to be this process. The 6th Amendment known, “what sort of trial the Senate will guarantees the right of the defendant to conduct”—has for now created an impasse. face their accuser, but not only have the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Democrats prohibited Republicans and the has called Pelosi’s reasoning for delaying president from questioning the so-called the transmission of the articles from the whistleblower, his identity has been kept house to the Senate “absurd.” Ω

Home for the holidays

The week of Christmas is forecast to bring both heavy snows and subfreezing temperatures to the valley floor. For the city’s homeless population, solutions like the warming tent at the Volunteers of America Shelter, 315 Record St., may be their only option for finding a warm bed at Christmas. The warming tent was opened in November to accommodate overflow from the main shelter and will be open until March of 2020. The tent can hold 60 occupants, and is manned by volunteer personnel every night. However, the VOA still struggles with capacity issues even now. PHOTO/MATT BIEKER






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snow stories Alpenglow Sports Winter Speakers Series The more interested you get in snow sports, the more likely it is you’ll want to hear stories about travels up and down a mountain. That’s part of the impetus behind the Alpenglow Sports Winter Speakers Series, an event that gives snow enthusiasts an inside look at the experiences of pros. “The mission of the series is to motivate, inspire and educate,” said Brendan Madigan, owner of Alpenglow Sports in Tahoe City. He also organizes the speakers for the series. “It’s kind of a two-fold goal, the first of which is to inspire those in the audience to take chances and live out their own dreams on the mountain, whether that’s something like going snowshoeing or climbing a big peak in the High Sierra.” The second goal is to raise funds for local non-profit groups. Admission is free to the series, but there are raffles during the event, and bar and pizza sales proceeds at the Olympic Village Lodge venue also go toward the local groups. There is also an anonymous donor group that raises funds for these beneficiaries as part of the series. This year, funds are being raised for Sierra Community House, Adventure Risk Challenge, Achieve Tahoe, The Tahoe Fund and Truckee-Donner Land Trust. The Winter Speakers Series is in its 14th year, and Madigan said it’s established its own, well-oiled process to get interesting presenters for Tahoe ski and snow enthusiasts. One way Madigan gets the series filled is by asking for suggestions from people at companies like Patagonia and North Face. “I also have a bunch of friends who are pro athletes and also very good speakers,”

by MArK EArnESt

Kit DesLauriers will talk about her efforts to reach the top of seven summits on seven continents, all as part of this season’s Alpenglow Sports Winter Speakers Series. courtesy/Kit DesLauriers

Madigan said. “Some of them make a living doing corporate speaking gigs.” The two speakers scheduled for January each have distinctive stories to tell, with the common denominator being some remarkable achievements in snow sports. For Jan. 2, it’s Kit DesLauriers, a Colorado pro ski mountaineer. She’ll discuss trying to complete “skiing the seven summits,” the highest mountains on each continent. She was the first person to summit to Mt. Everest and ski back down, which she completed in 2006. “Kit’s an iconic athletic that truly transcends gender with her accomplishments,” Madigan said. “She’s been at the forefront of ski mountaineers for several decades. She’s going to talk about her progress with the seven summits and what skiing at elevation feels like on these giant peaks, and her lessons learned about the whole process.” The speaker on Jan. 23 is a Tahoe resident, Adrian Ballinger. He’s the owner and founder of Alpenglow Expeditions and his presentation is titled, “K2 No. O2: The One That Should Have Gotten Away.” Ballinger will talk about climbing the famous K2 mountain without using supplemental oxygen. K2 is the second highest mountain in the world, located on the borders of Pakistan and China. Ballinger’s talk will include not only details on the climb, but also how he and his team worked hard to spirits high during the treacherous journey. “There have definitely been people who have been killed trying to climb it,” Madigan said. “It’s one of the more dangerous because there’s more technical rock climbing and ice climbing than somewhere like Everest.” □

the alpenglow Winter speakers series features Kit DesLauriers on Jan. 2 and adrian Ballinger on Jan. 23. Both take place at 6 p.m at olympic Village Lodge, chamonix Place, squaw Valley, california. Get details at alpenglowsports.com

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g i b The t r o sh

95-word fiction contest

ual n n a r u o r o f It’s time n o i t i t e p m o c tory s t r o h s a r t x e


’s 95-word fiction contest

Write a miniature story that’s exactly 95 words long.

Here’s an example:

We want exactly 95 words, as counted by LibreOffice, Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

e loved As a child, sh s. a n a n a b ed lov “little Lisa Lautner er called her th fa er h t a uch th bananas so m unds. y monkey so ll si e d a m d l on a monkey” an dropped a pee ce on a is L , lt As an adu ides, isn’t hiking trail. nd said. “Bes ie fr er h !” er tt “Lisa, don’t li hazard?” at only that a safety bananas. Th on s ip sl y Nobod “Ridiculous. rtoons.” and later, happens in ca her toddler, of t on fr in Lisa said this eel at the top ipped on a p sl ly b a it ev when she in ld hear her bled, she cou m tu e sh s a !” of the stairs, , ooh, ah, ah ocking: “ooh m e tl n ge ’s father

Email submissions to contest@newsreview.com with the subject line “Fiction 2020.” Put each story in the body of an email because we won’t open attachments. We require the author’s name, email address and phone number listed above each story. (That stuff won’t affect toward word count, and will be removed before judging.) Titles are acceptable, without affecting word count, but not required.

Stories must be received before 9 a.m. on Jan. 15, 2020. We’ll publish the best stories.

Stuck for inspiration? Check out last year’s winners here: www.newsreview.com/reno/literary-shorts/content?oid=27624441 12   |   RN&R   |   12.26.19

For recent transplants, finding community in Reno can be a challenge

tried to break into the arts community, but had trouble finding where to fit in. (I wasn’t part of the Burning Man elite, I wasn’t an art student, and I was told that new artists are often seen as competition for the few grants available.) I started volunteering with hospice, but the staff was rarely all together. My husband volunteered to coach a local youth soccer team, and while the parents were friendly, most were ready to pack up and take on the next to-do item. Sometimes I’d hit it off with another mom at a birthday party, but efforts to meet up were always hampered by overly packed schedules, especially in homes with more than one child. When it came

Months into our move, we still felt like guests in our own home, and I wanted to know: were we the only ones experiencing this?





grew up in the often unforgiving culture of 1980s Brooklyn, but I ended up in Reno because it seemed to be all the things that New York City was not. Kids invited my son to play with them at the playground, and adults held doors for each other. That sense of community, plus the gorgeous landscape, were just two of the reasons our young family moved here after two years in the Bay Area.

But once we got here, the Biggest Little City wasn’t as welcoming as I had thought. I quickly learned to omit where I’d just moved from. (I received actual sneers at the mention of “California.”) Of the first few acquaintances we’d made, the fact that we were not churchgoers—or supported leftist ideals like a single-payer health care system—were friendship dealbreakers for them. (When I recounted this to a fellow transplant, he said, “I know that feeling all too well.”)

Within a month I’d been told by more than one local, “We don’t trust outsiders, but once you’re in good with us, you’re in.” Later, a bornand-raised Reno resident declared at a public event, “We’re Nevadans. We like to be left alone and keep to ourselves!” Working remotely and devoid of co-workers, I tried harder. I joined a hiking club I found online, but it lacked a consistent crowd and was mostly made up of seniors. (I’m 38.) I

time to enroll our son in school, I stared blankly at the forms: Please list two local emergency contacts besides yourself. We didn’t have any. I thought maybe the advent of the school year would connect us with other parents, but drop-off and pick-up happened at lightning speed. I realized that local families our age already had established social circles and busy lives, and no room for anyone new. Months into our move, we still felt like guests in our own home, and I wanted to know: were we the only ones experiencing this? In short, no. But depending on the age group, the barrier to entry will look different. College graduates find themselves at a loss in the absence of a centralized campus culture; people in their 30s and 40s are over-scheduled between working and raising a family (and a need to budget for babysitters); and older folks found themselves a bit rusty at friend-seeking.


continued on page 14






“NEW in TOWN” continued from page 13

FOR THE AGES A sea of Reddit posts by 20-something transplants to Reno shows their frustration in finding community here. “Friends seem hard to come by,” wrote one 20-year-old poster. “[I] moved here last year and it’s been hard meeting people/making friends,” wrote another. “I moved up here last year and I only know a couple of people,” a 27-year-old male lamented on the forum. “I’m not really sure how to meet people. … My work schedule is crazy.” “Moved here a few months ago, and I’ve been slowly but surely meeting people my age,” a 22-year-old male posted under the handle MeDuzZ. “I’m the youngest one at work by far—8 years younger than the next youngest—so I haven’t been going out with them much … met a few girls on Tinder as well but you know how Tinder goes.” 14





For the Gen-Xers, age gaps and packed schedules posed the biggest problems. Mona (last name withheld by request), a solo, work-for-herself professional, moved here from the Bay Area—and before that, North Carolina—more than a year ago without knowing anyone. She chose Reno because of the job opportunities, the low property tax and the absence of state income tax. “At first I was just really happy to be here,” she said. “I didn’t feel isolated because I was busy trying to start my business, and I was traveling a lot, and that was keeping me occupied.” But once things settled down, she started looking. She joined a singles’ group, but it didn’t feel like a long-term avenue for meeting people. “People are genuinely friendly here, but I think it’s challenging because … I’m meeting a lot of people who are married or retired and much older, and they are in a different life stage,” she said. She decided to start a social group for Gen-Xers—and is working on starting a group for Millennials. “I’m going to try and make it work,” Mona said. “I really went out on a limb starting this group.” The fear of having no one show up has deterred others like her from initiating social groups, she said, and that despite all the events Reno hosts every day, “People in my age range just tend to be really busy. A lot of people are working full-time and parenting kids.” Older residents have their own social challenges, as well, but have a good resource in the Newcomers & Neighbors Club, a group born of the 1970s Welcome Wagon commission. For seniors, the reasons for seeking community are symptomatic of their age—they’ve lost a life partner, or have lost many members of their long-held social circles. But even for seniors who relocate, the initial attempt can be rocky. Paula Grunthaner, the organization’s President, came to Reno from Southern California with her husband, and it took them a year-and a half to discover Newcomers. Prior to that, they spent their days sitting in front of the fire and reading books. Today, the club offers around 60 recurring events, with something happening each day, from hiking to knitting to theater and dining clubs. The only rule? No politics and no religion, a policy Paula said has kept members happy. The group has remained steady at around 1,550 members, with some notable growth in the last three years, and they are “seeing a number of younger folks coming in now … and the demographics shifting,” Grunthaner said. “It’s not attractive for someone

Pictured at right and top left is the “30s and 40s AF” MeetUp group started by Jenéa Wessman. Pictured at bottom left is the long-running “Newcomers and Neighbors” group.

younger to come in and see only retired folks. They want to go out on Saturday with people close to their age.” The group now schedules about 30 percent of their events in the evening to accommodate the schedules of younger newcomers. “The challenges I’ve heard [from younger people] are that they are busy,” she said. Additional commitments like second jobs and raising kids leaves little free time for community-building. Shortly before I left the Newcomers morning coffee meeting, an older woman approached me to say that joining the club was “the best thing she ever did” after coming to Reno, adding, “My husband used to just sit in front of the TV all day, and I dragged him to these events, and now he has a life!”

GROUP THINK Which led me to ask another question about being new to Reno: was the experience of finding community any different for women than men? Between me and my husband, I was the social pioneer when we lived somewhere new; he’s a homebody who’s content with a few far-flung friends. And of the friends I’ve made so far, all are working mothers who extended an invitation while their husbands went along with whatever social gatherings were planned. Brandon Anderson, an unmarried 30-yearold ex-military member who has lived all over the U.S. and engaged with several MeetUp groups, said he thinks finding community is

easier for men than women. (Anderson started Get Up Get Out Experience Reno seven years ago, and like the Newcomers Club, attributes part of its success to an absence of political discussions.) “A lot of the guys I know are in the [MeetUp] group specifically to meet women outside of dating apps,” he said, adding that there have been times when he’s had to ban men from the group for harassing female members. “We usually get four or five women for every 10 males. To go out by themselves, in general, it’s probably a little more difficult as a woman than as a man.” Anderson says about 95 percent of those who attend his group’s events are new to Reno, and range in age from 21 to 85. His group has overcome any age gap awkwardness, though the majority of members do not have children. “Parent-wise, I’d say maybe 25 percent have kids,” he said. “They show up to events sometimes, but sometimes they can’t because of the kids.” Jenéa Wessman, a 37-year-old working mother, created the “30s and 40s AF” group on MeetUp, after she felt she had aged out of the 20s and 30s group. Born and raised in Reno, she created the group after returning from a one-year stint in Texas. “After I had my son, I didn’t really have any friends left because none of them had kids, and they kind of disappeared,” she said. “Everyone’s busy. We have jobs. We have kids. We have lives. But some of us want to expand our own circle, and

College graduates find themselves at a loss in the absence of a centralized campus culture; people in their 30s and 40s are over-scheduled between working and raising a family (and a need to budget for babysitters); and older folks found themselves a bit rusty at friend-seeking.

meet new people.” She said that her group has seen a growing presence from international newcomers. Even with the desire to build a community, showing up—and showing up consistently—is a challenge for working parents. “I Googled MeetUps, and it took me a few months to get out there and go to one,” she said. “With parents, there’s a social anxiety factor to it. They feel like they won’t meet people they can relate to. I find that the parents that attend do stick around—we see them a lot less often than the others—but when they have the free time, and it

lines up with their schedule, they show up.” Another factor is that working parents are often so busy, they don’t think to look for communitybuilding outlets via a simple Google search. “If I went off our last meetup alone, we had 20 people show up, and three of them had kids, including myself,” Wessman said. “I think it’s just not as known among people who have kids. … I just think they aren’t really out there looking to meet people. They may want to, but don’t know how.” She confirmed Anderson’s sentiments about women’s vs. men’s experiences in finding

community, saying that, “The men who come to MeetUps are single. And as far as couples [who attend], it’s usually a woman-driven thing.” Newcomers’ Paula Grunthaner said that for senior couples, “It’s usually the women dragging the men,” though the organization has several regularly scheduled, men-only events, like golfing and bowling. I’m happy to report that almost two years into our move, I’ve made a couple of good friends and admit that perhaps my timeline was too ambitious. But as I watch Reno grow—and see the widening divide between those who welcome change and those who don’t—I hope to see more people think like Wessman. “Our [group’s] dynamic is different,” she said. “We are opening and welcoming, and we look for that new, confused face to walk through the door—so we can wave them down and have them join us.” Grunthaner also offered some sage advice for the newcomer, straight from Aristotle’s teachings: “There are three types of friends. The first are friends of utility, with whom a relationship is mutually beneficial—like co-workers. Then there are friends of pleasure—people with whom you share mutual interests. Then there are the rare friends—the friends of goodness, which come out of a mutual respect. The benefit of these clubs is to throw as many of the first two at you as you can handle. But it’s up to you to figure out who makes it to the third.” □






Trocto’s “HYBYCOZO,” from 2014.


Close to home BY KRIS VAGNER

The Smithsonian’s Burning Man exhibition is in Oakland—as close as it’ll get to Reno


o Spectators: The Art of Burning Man opened at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in March 2018, stopped at the Cincinnati Art Museum, and is now at its only West Coast venue, the Oakland Museum of California, through mid February. I approached the show with a question: What does it mean to contextualize a genre of art that is inherently anti-institutional—and often straight-up anarchic—inside a museum? The playa and the museum exist in two separate art worlds. One is a world of art schools, museums, galleries, auctions and sales. The other is an arena of non-academic DIY types, everyone from entry-level crafters to people with makerspace memberships to successful visionaries and masters of engineering, and






the mecca of this second world is Burning Man. These two worlds have some crossover, but less than you might guess. They’re really playing two different games on two different fields, with two different sets of rules. So, what business would the Smithsonian have conferring its approval on Burner art? I entered the Oakland Museum prepared to do some heavy-duty eye rolling. Long story short, I left two hours later, thrilled with what I had seen. Nora Atkinson, the Smithsonian curator who organized the show, said in a TED Talk, “Burning Man is all about building this society that you want to live in, and that’s what this exhibition is about.” This particular assortment of exuberant, interactive artworks makes that case loud and clear.

FEEL THE BURN As a Burner myself, and I have quaffed a hearty slurp of this cult’s Kool-Aid—though I acknowledge that the event’s detractors make some sound points. One of the most

pressing is the disconnect between Burning Man’s widely flaunted principle of “radical inclusion” and the actual level of exclusivity involved in the whole affair. Ben Davis, a critic for Artnet, distilled it neatly: “The truth is that, as the festival has become more of a playground for fashion influencers, celebrities, the jet-setting uber-wealthy, and would-be versions of all three, it has become more self-conscious and scene-y, easier to deride as an ‘Instagram Party.’” I’m no Instagram star or mega-rich Silicon Valley tech bro myself, but that Kool-Aid sure tastes good to me, and here’s why: For all its contradictions, the event really does lay some groundwork for a model of a different type inclusion. Sometimes art really does get to the creamy middle of what we’re all about. Sometimes it really does fill a basic human need. Sources from Fox News to the New York Times to Web MD have proclaimed that modern humans are in the midst of a loneliness epidemic that affects our psyches, our health and our communities in ways that

we have no idea how to fix. In my mind, one part of the solution is to show each other our humanity, our dreams, our efforts, our accomplishments, our visions for a more socially stable world—and to somehow articulate all that with compassion and clarity, both to our immediate peers and to people outside our own respective bubbles. But that’s hard to do after a long day’s work. So, it helps to have some structures for it. Sports is one. Church is one. Music is one. Art is another one. And Burner art, because it grew up outside of the official “art market,” can be a particularly effective one. If you go to Burning Man, you’ll see some artworks that are so ambitious and lifeaffirming it’s hard to believe they exist. By the time you’re standing on the playa taking in a giant piece of blinking, moving, flamespewing, interactive, optical-illusionary art, you’ve cleared pretty some weird hurdles and embraced some nerve-testing inconveniences to reach it. Somehow, you decided this whole affair is important enough that you’ll part with the $425 ticket price, take time off from work and pack a week’s worth of food and water and silly clothing into a vehicle that you will spend two weeks washing once you get home. There’s a good chance you traveled far to begin with, then idled for half a day in the gate line. If you worked on an art project, you probably spent a week or a summer putting in shifts so long they’d give an OSHA inspector a heart attack, and you haven’t been paid a cent. It’s probably been 100 degrees for days. You haven’t bought or sold anything or or gotten cell service in days. Your lips have turned to sandpaper. Every pore in your body is packed with talcum-grade dust. You may have had LSD for breakfast—or at least some cocktails—and gotten lost for hours on the way to … wait, where were you trying to get to again? And by the time you come across this one giant mind-blowing piece of blinking, moving, flame-spewing, interactive, optical-illusory artwork, you’ve already inspected dozens or hundreds of pieces at the event that were unfinished, uninspired or just plain hokey. Despite all the dust and hassle, this moment feels like enough of a privilege that 80,000 people do it every year—and they’re not all Instagram stars or Silicon Valley tech bros. Some are backpackers from the world over. Some are families. Some are the mayor of Reno. And people of all of these demographic have reported finding themselves standing

in the sunshine, not only dazzled by spectacle, but thinking something along the lines of, “This seems bizarrely normal. This is what I should be doing with my time. This feels like a legitimate win for humanity.”

“Burning Man is all about building this society that you want to live in, and that’s what this exhibition is about.”

The works in No Spectators were indeed marvelous toys, and people were eager to play with them. A group of Chinese Nora Atkinson, grandmas sat down at Smithsonian American Art Museum a table to make origami “gifts,” to be distributed to other museumgoers, who were lined up at the “Gift O Matic,” an oversized gumball machine that dispenses the handmade trinkets. Boomers On the day I visited No Spectators in in clean Patagonia separates lied on cushions Oakland last week, the gallery was on the floor to gaze up at “Nova,” a trippy, packed—mostly with well dressed people meditative light show on the ceiling. And in their 60s and 70s, a few Gen Xers, and people sat in rows of plush movie theater a handful of kids and teens. I heard a quiet seats on a steampunk/Art Deco bus-like chorus of “oohs,” “aahs” and “wows,” and vehicle called “Capitol Theater,” watching I saw, for the first time in my life, museum newly created Chaplinesque silent comedies guards who did not look bored. projected on a screen. But these weren’t Curator Nora Atkinson—who, in work just marvelous toys. They’re also a tightly pictures, looks like she descended from selected group of art pieces that really do the Kennedys, all poise and pearls, and in articulate that sense of intense wonder—and her Burning Man pics is a tousled blond that sense of community—that people go to in a sequined halter, ready to rave—also Burning Man for. □ said in her TED Talk, “When artists stop worrying about the critics and collectors and start making work for themselves, these are the kinds of marvelous toys No Spectators: The Art of Burning Man is on view at they create.” the Oakland Museum of California through Feb. 16. Visit


Duane Flatmo’s “Tin Pan Dragon,” from 2006. (above) David Best’s “Temple of Reunion” from 2019. (below right) A detailed look at some of the Playa wear on display. (below left)








by BrAd ByNuM

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A hello to arms Decorative Arms First, to clear up any confusion for folks who have seen, but not read very closely, any ads or other promotions about the current exhibition at the Nevada Museum of Art, Decorative Arms: Treasures from the Robert M. Lee Collection. The firearms on display are from the private collection of Robert M. Lee, a conservationist and the founder of Hunting World, a fine leather goods company. He’s not the same person as, nor is he likely closely related to, Robert E. Lee, who commanded the Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War. The objects in the exhibition include firearms from the early 1500s through to the contemporary period. There’s a firearm that was owned by a member of the French royal family, and another that was looted during the Napoleonic Wars. There are firearms made by recognizable names like Beretta, Colt and Winchester, as well as swords, knives and suits of armor. Supposedly, all the firearms are functional, but many were designed as art pieces, often commissioned by Lee himself, and many have never been fired. Many of the objects are simply beautiful, featuring ornate engraving. Arguably the most stunning object in the exhibition is an 1839 display knife by the English company Joseph Rodgers & Sons. It’s a multi-use tool, like a Swiss Army knife, but this one is too large to fit into anyone’s pocket. Dozens of blades fan out from the knife’s ornate base, like the world’s sharpest peacock. And although many of these objects are beautiful, the subject of the work has been drawing new faces to the NMA. “It’s probably fair to say that there are people who follow this particular subject matter, who are firearms collectors themselves ... who would not come to see a contemporary art show,” said Amanda Horn, the NMA’s Senior Vice President of Communications. “So, it’s certainly bringing in a different audience for us than other exhibitions” Many of the engravings feature wildlife or mythological scenes created on what Horn calls the “miniature canvases” of rifles, pistols and other

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“The Millennium—Celtic Rifle, Over and Under Rifle,” 2002, engraved by Alain Lovenberg, Tohogne, Belgium, and manufactured by Hartmann & Weiss, Hamburg, Germany. Courtesy/the NevAdA MuseuM of Art

firearms. The exhibition forges a connection from the 16th century to contemporary artwork through, as Horn describes it, the “ancient tradition of engraving, of metalwork, of collaboration between makers and engravers and metalworkers that arrives at a finished object. It’s something that dates back to the medieval period, and when you look at the contemporary pieces, you don’t see a ton of difference. You do in the mechanisms, in the technology, but not so much in the artistry.” There’s also something very Nevadan about the show. Lee himself lived in Northern Nevada for 30 years. There’s work by a local engraver, Guy Leutzinger, in the exhibition, and with featured names like Colt and Winchester, the exhibition inevitably conjures images of the mythic American West. “There are a lot of people in our region who love this subject matter, who are outdoor enthusiasts, who are sportsmen who appreciate hunting, and appreciate the objects and the artistry there,” Horn said. “That’s what we do as an art museum. We bring objects together that tell different stories. Those objects appeal to different people. They connect to our region in different ways. And appeal to various aspects of our community. … We bring divergent voices together. We understand that everybody comes to firearms with inherent beliefs. Some people see objects of sporting. Some people see objects of death. And people come into it with a particular bias. We know that. We understand that. So, as an art museum, how can we bring people together to have conversation around the art?” The NMA is hosting a broad range of programming affiliated with the exhibition, including a talk by Dr. Pierre Terjanian, curator of Arms and Armor at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and personalized tours of the exhibition led by Burning Man co-founder Michael Mikel. But Horn says one of the museum’s main goals with the exhibition is to foster appreciation of the craftsmanship of the contemporary engravers and other artisans involved. “They’re putting in their own contemporary spin, but they’re really paying a lot of homage to an ancient practice,” she said. Ω

for more information, visit www.nevadaart.org


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“The man in the moon looks just like Bob Grimm.”

Bad feeling Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is a disastrous, soulless squandering of the good will built up by The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Director J.J. Abrams and producer Kathleen Kennedy should’ve stepped back after producing this rancid turd and realized that this franchise deserved a better sendoff. They should’ve eaten the dollars and started over. Fans would’ve waited for a real movie. Sadly, the money has got to get made, so here it is, the last chapter in the Skywalker Saga on time for holiday moviegoing, a chapter that had me longing for The Star Wars Holiday Special. How is this bad? Let me give you some thoughts as the anger flows through me like the Dark Side of the Force. The first hour is virtually unwatchable, fast and furious but with no editing flow and no sense of purpose other than to simply get you to the next part. Fans going in looking for answers or meaningful storytelling will not only be bewildered, but blindingly pissed off. It’s pretty clear that Abrams and friends had no real plans when they laid out this latest trilogy. They are making up this crap as they go along. Force Awakens, also directed by Abrams, was a promising start. Heck, I will call it a classic. Then, The Last Jedi happened, with Rian Johnson getting permission to go off the reservation with his storytelling, and he most certainly did. Some of the plot choices in Jedi were odd, but at least that movie was a decent film that felt like a Star Wars movie, peppered with some laughably bad moments. The Rise of Skywalker is a laughably bad movie peppered with the occasional moments that don’t suck as much as the rest of them. The most regretful “bullshit!” moment in Star Wars history officially stands as Princess Leia using the force to float through deep space and save herself in The Last Jedi. Allowing the character to survive paved the way for what happens here, as “the last performance” of the great Carrie Fisher is cobbled

6 Underground

Michael Bay returns, and while these were words that used to leave yours truly stricken with terror and afraid to approach a movie theater, things have changed a bit. First off, this one is straight to Netflix, so I can do stuff like pet my dog to calm down when the editing gets too frantic. Secondly, I think Bay seems to know he’s totally ridiculous by now. Like his Bad Boys 2, in which he seemed to be parodying himself, this one is so over-the-top it winds up being a little on the fun side. Ryan Reynolds stars as a tycoon who becomes a “ghost,” in that he has faked his own death in order to seek vengeance on bad people. He puts together a team of death fakers, which includes Melanie Laurent, Andrea Arjona and Dave Franco. They go after bad people in a series of car chasing, building scaling sequences that often culminate in some of 2019’s most glorious on-screen carnage. Reynolds is just doing Reynolds here, and that’s not a bad thing. Either Bay has calmed down his editing style, or I’ve just gotten used to it. Either way, I’ve found a place where I can sort of enjoy the madness that is Michael Bay, at least in the case of this film.


A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

together from outtakes. Her dialogue is stuff taken from the cutting room floor. It’s awkward, it’s obvious, and it reminds of the way Blake Edwards insulted the late Peter Sellers the very same way with the posthumously released, and equally terrible, Trail of the Pink Panther. For the first two trilogies, George Lucas, love him or not, had a solid story plan. He tweaked it along the way, but he governed over what was happening like a mad dictator, even when he wasn’t directing. There was a certain uniformity to the series. After Awakens, Disney and Abrams made the bold choice to hand the storytelling over to Johnson for Jedi—not unlike Lucas giving up directing control during the original trilogy—and then they secondguessed their own bravery. The Rise of Skywalker is an unabashed Abrams apology for “missteps” of The Last Jedi, rendering the second film a complete joke, and doing everything it can to win back the fans that may’ve gotten disenchanted. Continuity be damned. Some fans were displeased, but that doesn’t mean they wanted the spine removed from one of their favorite moviegoing experiences in favor of a “Star Wars Happy Times” mix tape. As for the return of Emperor Palpatine, his footage plays like a bad Hellraiser sequel. If Palpatine had a presence or influence in the two preceding movies, his presence here might’ve made sense. Instead, the sound of his cackle reeks of storytelling desperation. Don’t get me started on the Death Star wreckage. My advice is to pretend this movie hasn’t happened. Allow hologram Luke Skywalker facing down Kylo Ren in Jedi to be the end of the “Skywalker Saga” and skip this one. Watch the superior The Mandalorian and the soul-healing powers of Baby Yoda on Disney+, along with the upcoming Obi Wan series, to get your Star Wars fix. □

Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker


Based on a real life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood is a beautiful film. Who plays Fred “Mister Rogers” Rogers in this movie? Why, Tom Hanks, of course. The recent revelation that Hanks is an actual sixth cousin of Rogers is no surprise. Hanks plays Rogers in an honorable way. He doesn’t impersonate the man so much as adapt some of his mannerisms, his winning smile and that slow, concerned cadence in his voice. But Fred Rogers is a supporting player—albeit an important one—in director Marielle Heller’s (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) heartfelt movie. The main protagonist is Lloyd Vogel (Matthew Rhys of The Americans), a troubled journalist who grumbles upon getting an Esquire Magazine assignment to do a profile on the PBS icon—the guy with a “hokey” TV show. Heller brilliantly frames her film as an episode of the TV show, starting with Hanks delivering the infamous welcoming song, and then introducing Lloyd Vogel as a friend who needs help, and s the characters travel between different cities, the cities are depicted like the train sets on the TV show.




Ford v Ferrari

Charlize Theron is uncanny as Megyn Kelly in this hit-and-miss take on the sexual harassment scandals that plagued Fox News thanks to the deplorable Roger Ailes, played here by John Lithgow under lots of makeup. The movie is propped up by terrific work from Theron, Nicole Kidman as Gretchen Carlson, and Margot Robbie as a composite character representing the many women who were assaulted by the likes of Ailes and Bill O’Reilly. Director Jay Roach is all over the place with his tone, with the film veering back and forth between dark comedy and serious drama. It never finds the balance that happens in great films, but it is often a good one, especially thanks to Theron, who is amazing in every second she spends on screen (and the makeup work is Oscar-worthy as well). Roach blows it with his portrayals of Bill O’Reilly (Kevin Dorff) and Rudy Giuliani (Richard Kind), who come off as bad impersonations rather than true characters. What should’ve been an important film comes off as partial failure.

It’s the 1960s, and Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts) has had it up to here with Enzo Ferrari (Remo Girone) and his fast,

flashy car ways. He and cronies such as Lee Iacocca (Jon Bernthal) and Leo Beebe (Josh Lucas) are chapped, and they want to send a message to the world that Ford isn’t just about family cars. Enter Carroll Shelby (Matt Damon), a former race car driver turned designer and salesman after a heart condition benches him. Ford hires Shelby to design and race a car that can beat Ferrari in races, mainly the 24 Hours of Le Mans. It’s a tall order, and it calls for a crazy guy behind the wheel and calling the shots in Ken Miles (Christian Bale), an English-born rule-breaker who can drive a car and instantly know what can be fixed on it to make the damn thing go faster. His lack of convention causes Ford to bristle, Shelby gets in the middle, and we have ourselves a gripping tale about racing technology, volatile friendships and corporate clashes. Director James Mangold (Walk the Line) films Ford v Ferrari in a way where you feel every gear shift, every hairpin turn, and every moment when a car can skid off the tracks and cause grave injury. In this sense, the movie is simply at the top of the auto movie genre. Damon and Bale are otherworldly good as two pals who have no problem punching each other in the face on occasion, but always strain to have each other’s backs.


Knives Out


Uncut Gems

Director Rian Johnson, maker of the divisive Star Wars: The Last Jedi, but also maker of the brilliant Looper, takes a crack at the whodunnit genre and comes up mostly aces. Daniel Craig stars as private investigator Benoit Blanc, mysteriously hired by somebody in a rich family after the strange, supposed suicide death of their patriarch, mystery author Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer still going strong). There’s something fishy about his death, and his personal nurse Marta (the awesome Ana de Armas) knows something the rest of the family doesn’t know. What transpires is a solid mystery with a fun set of characters featuring a stellar cast, including Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson, Toni Collette, LaKeith Stanfield and Chris Evans. Craig is especially good in a role that allows him to show his comic side, with Shannon and Johnson also impressive as a couple of paranoiacs. Above all, it gives the talented Armas a chance to really shine.

Adam Sandler is having a pretty good year in 2019. He’s made a triumphant return to Saturday Night Live as host, and he reteamed with Jennifer Aniston for the actually fairly watchable Murder Mystery on Netflix. And, oh, yeah, he has just made what is, by far, the greatest film of his beautifully erratic career. With Uncut Gems, Sandler joins forces with directors Benny and Josh Safdie, makers of the excellent Robert Pattinson vehicle Good Time, and delivers the kind of dramatic performance—fully committed and thoroughly proficient—that he’s hinted at in the past with strong efforts in Punch-Drunk Love and The Meyerowitz Stories. As Howard Ratner, a New York City jewelry store owner and gambling addict, Sandler catapults himself into the upper echelon of today’s fine actors—not bad for the creative force behind Grown Ups 2. The film doesn’t just thrive on performances; it’s bursting with style and originality in its overall approach. The Safdies adopt a visual and sound style that makes Howard’s crazed adventure a swirling trip. It’s edited with the sort of electricity that keeps you riveted, with psychedelic trips inside opals, and even Howard’s colon, to boot. Apart from being one of the year’s best films, it’s also one of its most original.






by ToDD SoUTh

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Urban Deli’s “Double R” pastrami is a classic deli bite named after a busy local boulevard.

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The recently opened Urban Deli purports to be “Reno’s Premier Delicatessen,” which is a pretty bold claim for a small sandwich shop that prominently touts “Boar’s Head” products throughout their sandwich offerings, along with a couple of soups and salads. If you’re going to claim to be top of the class right out of the gate, your wares best be astounding. Though—as with most delis—you can order whatever combination catches your fancy, the signature sandwiches are named for prominent local streets. The Double R ($8.95) is pastrami, Swiss cheese, sauerkraut and housemade Russian dressing on marbled rye—sounds familiar. The balance of ingredients provided a solid and enjoyable Reuben experience, though the lightly toasted bread was defeated by being served in insulated to-go wrap, despite our dining in. The Green Acres ($8.95) was among the most satisfying vegetarian sandwiches I’ve seen, with avocado, alfalfa sprout, radish, tomato, onion, black olive, pickle, cucumber, Boursin cheese and garlic pesto. Though normally served on herbed focaccia, my friend substituted a wheat roll and appeared pretty happy with her selection. The Pyramid ($8.95) featured Albacore tuna salad, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onion and garlic pesto on a wheat roll and was similarly enjoyed by the diner who chose it. I prefer more seasoning in tuna salad, but perhaps I’m just weird that way. The Virginia ($8.95) involved Virginia ham, hard salami, Vermont cheddar, lettuce, tomato, onion and garlic pesto on a soft roll. Nothing to note other than this is a pretty enjoyable combination, and the garlic worked well against the ham and salami. Furthering the ham train, the Lakeside ($8.95) was Black Forest ham, turkey,


bacon, jalapeño pepper jack, lettuce, tomato, onion and chipotle mayo on sliced sourdough—spicy, meaty goodness. The Kietzke ($8.95) starts with London broil roast beef, combined with horseradish cheddar, lettuce, tomato, onion and horseradish cream sauce on a Dutch crunch roll. However, the kid who ordered this skipped the cheese and sauce, which is a shame being those items sounded the most interesting out of the bunch. His mom outdid him on simplicity by ordering plain pastrami on sourdough ($8.95), though both seemed happy with their meals. I thought it odd that London broil was specified (a term used for flank steak, top round or any number of other cuts), until I realized it’s a Boar’s Head marketing pitch. It was as good as any other commercial roast beef. Two kids’ sandwich baskets were ordered ($5.95), one turkey, one tuna—both on white bread—with goldfish and a juice box. I didn’t sample these, but heard no complaints. My own choice was the McCarran ($8.95) with Virginia ham, pastrami, American cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, deli mustard and mayonnaise on Dutch crunch, with a cup of New England clam chowder ($6.95). I’ll admit I ordered this just to provide diversity for the review—I originally had my eyes on the Double R—but I ended up really enjoying it—nothing exceptional, but a perfectly acceptable lunch bite. If I was on the south end of town and needed a non fast-food nosh, I’d certainly consider stopping in again. Would I go out of my way to head there for a “premier” sandwich experience? Perhaps not. □

The Urban Deli

7111 S. Virginia St., 339-3095

The Urban Deli is open Monday through Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Learn more at the urbandelireno.com.

by MaRK EaRnEsT

Melting Elk onstage in Tahoe—from left, they are guitarist Tokyo (a.k.a. TJ Becker), rapper Father Baker (a.k.a. Collin Wright) and drummer Bobby K (a.k.a. Rob Kominsky). COURTESY/MELTING ELK

Live wires Melting Elk The roots of hip-hop include live instrumentation, with the late ’70s artists that pioneered it often using full bands on their records. It’s a technique that continues today with artists such as Chance the Rapper and Childish Gambino. For the Tahoe trio Melting Elk, guitar and drums have always been a part of the sound, but it’s become the band’s modus operandi for the past year, as well as for its forthcoming album, Redbowl. “I think hip-hop is such a broad genre, but I also feel like a lot of people focus on avoiding instruments,” said Father Baker, a.k.a. Collin Wright, the rapper in Melting Elk. “We were able to get our ducks in a row and have instruments all the time. It fits in well with the experimenting we want to do in the hip-hop genre, to work in more sounds that aren’t traditional.” Melting Elk started in 2016. Father Baker had been performing his own raps since he was a 14 year old in Buffalo, New York. “I moved to Tahoe in 2009 to ski and whatnot, and ended up getting into the music scene a lot later,” Father Baker said. Father Baker was a fixture at the 2010s open mic at The Grid in Kings Beach. It was run by Rob Kominsky, a.k.a. Bobby K. Father Baker also was already friends with a fellow Buffalo transplant, guitarist and producer Tokyo, a.k.a. TJ Becker. All three were fans of rap music and decided to ditch the open mic forever to form Melting Elk, playing their first show at The Grid.

“It’s still our favorite place to play,” Father Baker said. “It’s got that dive kind-of vibe to it.” Father Baker acknowledged that Tahoe is “a very weird place for” the group. “It’s a pretty open music community, but we also feel like we are on an island, especially with the others doing hip-hop,” he said. To that end, Melting Elk tends to play more diverse bills with bands that feature rock, punk and even jazz at times. Melting Elk thrives on live shows, especially compared to other hip-hop acts. They’ve played close to 50 shows since they started, including Reno and other parts of California. Within the last few years, though, there’s been more of an emphasis on recording and making music videos. A new video and song called “UFO” was released in early December, with an album to follow sometime early next year. “We decided earlier this year that we wanted to step back and take another step forward with the new stuff we were writing,” Father Baker said. “We’ve been playing definitely more infrequently than we have been, but it’s been a nice process for writing.” The new album will showcase the band’s live strengths and attitude toward how they create hip-hop. “It’s completely analogue,” Father Baker said. “We played everything from scratch, so it will easier to do that when we do live shows. That’s been the focus for us, reinventing what we do. It’s been working well.” That opening single is a moodier take on hip-hop, somewhere between ’00s trip hop and the spacier wing of modern hip-hop. Father Baker said it’s a bit of an anomaly for their new music. “We have two or three tracks that are more of a grimy, East Coast hip-hop style,” he said. “There’s another one that’s not really like metal, but like alternative music, more high energy rock but still with rap in it. The album’s very versatile. It’s been interesting to take every corner of what you can do in hiphop and try to push it.” □

Melting Elk’s next show is as part of the Keep Tahoe Punk Fest, starting at 6 p.m. Jan. 11 at American Legion Hall, 2748 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, California. Learn more about the band at meltingelk.com.







FRIDAY 12/27


SUNDAY 12/29


NYE party, 10pm, Tu, $10

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689


132 West St., (775) 499-5655

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

Glamour Girls with DJ Mathewray, DemenCha’s Pre-New Year’s Eve Ball, hosted by DemenCha, Armani, 10pm, $5 10pm, $5, no cover before 10pm



Dec. 31, 9 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549

10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029




Nomads, 9pm, no cover

555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Lucky Date: DJ Pj x Boof Daddy, Aerialz x WY-FY, McKraken x Awon, 9pm, $10

VNSSA, The Zahn, Mo’ Steph, 10pm, $15-$25


Mason Frey, 9pm, no cover


Whiskey Preachers, 9pm, no cover



538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917


235 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

Queens of Karaoke with Aspen Meadows, Fantasy Friday, 11:30pm, $TBA DJ Gina G, 9pm, no cover


Jamie Rollins, 8:30pm, no cover


Lexi Scatena, 9:30pm, no cover

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223

599 N. Lake Blvd. Tahoe City, (530) 583-3355


Mestizo Beat, 9pm, M, NYE party with Coburn Station, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Sounds of the City: Mark Miller, Lucas Paul, 5pm, no cover Nomads, 9pm, no cover

10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626

New Year’s Eve Get Down with micah j, 9pm, Tu, no cover Bluegrass jam, 6pm, no cover

1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050

Carson Comedy Club, Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 8821626: Leslie Norris Townsend, Fri-Sat, Tue, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Bill Dawes with Tehran and Katie Cazorla, Thu, Sun-Mon, 7:30pm, $21.95; FriSat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Tue, 7:30pm, $27.45; Dante, 7:30pm, W, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Ron Josol, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Open Mic Comedy, Sun, Wed, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Carlos Rodrigez, Thu, 7:30pm, $7-$12; Ron Josol, Fri, 9pm, Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $12-$17; Sun, 7:30pm, $12$17; NYE with Ron Josol, 9pm, $17-$22


Chile Verde, 9pm, no cover



Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover

Myke Read & The Damn Ole Band, 9pm, no cover

931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300

DJ Dan

MON-WED 12/30-1/1

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.

NYE party with Chango, 9:30pm, Tu, no cover Blue Year’s Eve with DJ Dan, Erik Lobe, Vic Crulich, 9pm, Tu, $20-$25

NYE Bash with Reverse the Cycle, 9pm, Tu, no cover NYE Party, 9pm, Tu, $20-$35

NYE Party with DJ Ramone, 9pm, Tu, no cover


FRIDAY 12/27


SUNDAY 12/29


NYE Party with Jelly Bread, 9pm, Tu, $25-$35

846 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 355-7711


Ross Wylde, Anapathic, Never That, 7:30pm, $7

140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500


2) The Grimtones album release, 7pm, $7-$10, The Lazy Universe, 8pm, $TBA

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room


1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

Unplugged: Open Mic Thursdays, 7pm, no cover

2) Vic Ruggeriero, Laura Napier, 8pm, M, $5, NYE

First Take featuring Rick Metz, 8pm, no cover

NYE Party with Biggest Little Band, 8:30pm, Tu, no cover


NYE Party with DJs Miggz, Mario B, Kentot, 10pm, Tu, $TBA

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626

PIGNIC PUB & PATIO 235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

Hot to Trot: Reno Jazz Syndicate, 10pm, no cover

Drop the Ball! NYE: DJs Ernie “Fresh” Upton, Sean Murray, 8pm, Tu, no cover Karaoke, 8pm, M, NYE Party with Audioboxx, Bobby G, 9pm, Tu, no cover


DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

Ladies Night Out with DJ Bobby G, 8:30pm, no cover


Adam Springob, 6pm, no cover

Kat Heart, 8pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526


761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

NYE with Mojo Green, 8pm, Tu, $25 Country Night, 6pm, W, no cover

Trivia Night, 8pm, no cover

715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774 Silent Disco, 10pm, $TBA

Mestizo Beat Dec. 30, 9 p.m. Alibi Alie Works 10069 Bridge St. Truckee (530) 536-5029

New Year’s Eve Decades Party with DJ PJ, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Eric Andersen, 8pm, no cover

Thursday Night Salsa—Santos de la Salsa, 7pm, no cover before 9:30pm



MON-WED 12/30-1/1

NYE Roaring Twenties with Machine Gun Vendetta, Lost Idea, 6pm, Tu, $6 New Year’s Eve Silent Disco with Ambassador Sound, 10pm, Tu, $10

Jelly Bread Dec. 31, 9 p.m. Great Basin Brewing Co. 846 Victorian Ave. Sparks 355-7711









3800 S. VIRGINIA ST., (775) 825-4700

Join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the Peanuts gang in their journey to uncover the true meaning of Christmas. Charles M. Schulz’s Emmy and Peabody award-winning story has been a long-standing tradition since it first aired on television over 50 years ago. The live stage adaptation of the classic animated television special brings the Peanuts characters to life—all set to the original program’s dialogue and memorable scenes, as well as featuring the unforgettable sounds of the classic Vince Guaraldi musical score. After the final bow, the show crescendos into a celebration of song as the audience is invited to join the Peanuts gang in singing traditional Christmas songs and carols. The show begins at 8 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 30, in the showroom at MontBleu Resort Casino & Spa, 55 Highway 50, Stateline. Tickets are $25-$40. Call (775) 588-3515 or visit www.montbleuresort.com.

CABARET THE VEGAS ROAD SHOW: Thu, 12/26, Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Sun, 12/29, Mon, 12/30, Tue, 12/31, 4pm, no cover

BRIDGET MARIE: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 10pm, Sun, 12/29, 8pm, no cover

RECKLESS ENVY: Mon, 12/30, 8pm, Tue, 12/31, 10pm, no cover

BOOMTOWN CASINO HOTEL 2100 GARSON ROAD, VERDI, (775) 345-6000 GRAND BALLROOM SMASH MOUTH: Fri, 12/27, 6pm, 8pm, $40-$80 RAT PACK EVENTS: Tue, 12/31, 6pm, $TBA

GUITAR BAR MIKE FURLONG: Thu, 12/26, 6pm, no cover EBONY NOT QUITE IVORY: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 6pm, Tue, 12/31, 10pm, no cover

REBEKAH CHASE BAND: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 10pm, no cover

JOHN PALMORE: Sun, 12/29, 6pm, no cover THE LOOK: Sun, 12/29, 10pm, no cover NO DRAMA: Mon, 12/30, 6pm, no cover MICHAEL FURLONG TRIO: Mon, 12/30, 10pm, no cover

VELVET DUO: Tue, 12/31, 2pm, no cover JASON KING BAND: Tue, 12/31, 6pm, no cover



507 N. CARSON ST., CARSON CITY, (775) 882-1626

1627 HIGHWAY 395, MINDEN, (775) 782-9711

THE LOFT ONE WAY STREET: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Tue, 12/31, 9pm, no cover

CABARET MICHAEL FURLONG BAND: Thu, 12/26, 7pm, Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 8pm, no cover

NYE SHOW WITH ROCKOLOGY: Tue, 12/31, 6pm, no cover



500 N. SIERRA ST., (775) 329-0711

345 N. VIRGINIA ST., (775) 786-5700



PLATINUM: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Tue, 12/31, 9pm,


no cover







DJ BIRD & RIZZO: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 10pm, no cover



DJ BIRD & RIZZO: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 10pm,





RED ROOM HELLBOUND GLORY: Thu, 12/26, 10pm, no cover


7pm, Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Sun, 12/29, 4pm & 7pm, $30.95-$67.95

no cover

Mon, 12/30, Wed, 1/1, 10pm, no cover

NYE PARTY WITH DJ J-BIRD & DJ RIZZO: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, $25

NOVI RED CUP FRIDAYS WITH DJ DUSTIN V & DJ RONI V: Fri, 12/27, 9pm, no cover

NYE PARTY WITH DJ RONI V & DJ SCENIC: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, $25

GRAND SIERRA RESORT 2500 E. SECOND ST., (775) 789-2000 GRAND THEATRE STRAIGHT NO CHASER: Fri, 12/27, 9pm, $35-$95 HOLIDAY DREAMS: Sat, 12/28, Sun, 12/ 29, Mon, 12/30, Tue, 12/31, 8pm, Wed, 1/1, 2pm, $12.95-$17.95

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.




KEN JEONG: Sat, 12/28, 9pm, $59.95+

50 HIGHwAy 50, STATELINE, (844) 588-7625 CENTEr BAr


2707 S. VIrGINIA ST., (775) 826-2121


DJ SET: Fri, 12/20, Sat, 12/21, 9pm, no cover

THE NEVADA SHOW: Fri, 12/27, 10pm,


GUITAr PLAZA NYE ROCK THE PLAZA: Tue, 12/31, 10pm, no cover


The New Mastersounds Dec. 29, 9 p.m. Crystal Bay Casino 14 Highway 28 (775) 833-6333 LEX NIGHTCLUB THROWBACK THURSDAY WITH DJ SWERVE-1: Thu, 12/26, 6pm, no cover

LEX FRIDAYS WITH DJ DILEMMA: Fri, 12/27, 10pm, $10

DMX WITH DJ SHOWTIME: Sat, 12/28, 10pm, $20 NYE—BOOTLEGGERS & BUSTIERS: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, $50-$75




MONTBLEU RESORT, CASINO & SPA 55 HIGHwAy 50, STATELINE, (775) 588-3515 MONTBLEU SHOwrOOM T.J. MILLER: Sat, 12/28, 8pm, $35-$55 A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS: Mon, 12/30, 8pm, $25-$40

15 HIGHwAy 50, STATELINE, (800) 427-7247



ROARIN’ ’20S NEW YEAR’S EVE: Tue, 12/31, 9pm,

GOLDEN DRAGON ACROBATS: Thu, 12/26, Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Sun, 12/29, Wed, 1/1, 7:30pm, $24.72-$38.48

HARRAH’S RENO 219 N. CENTEr ST., (775) 786-3232 SAMMy’S SHOwrOOM ILLUSIONIST RICK THOMAS: Thu, 12/26, Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Sun, 12/29, Mon, 12/30, Tue, 12/31, 7:30pm, $30-$39

IGNITE CABARESQUE: Sat, 12/28, 8pm, $30-$39



NYE DANCE PARTY WITH GRUVE NATION: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, no cover

GrANd EXPOSITION HALL rUM BULLIONS Sat, 12/28, 9pm, no cover

NYE—PARTY IN PINK: Tue, 12/31, 9:30pm, $59.69

NYE PARTY WITH DJ DIVERSITY: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, $25



LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 12/27, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover

DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 12/26, Sun, 12/29, 9pm, no cover

SOUNDWAVE: Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, Tue, 12/31,

before 8pm



9pm, no cover


SANG MATIZ: Thu, 12/26, 7pm, Fri, 12/27, Sat, 12/28, 8pm, Tue, 12/31, 9pm, no cover

The Elbow Room Bar, 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 358-6700: Wednesday Night Karaoke, Wed, 8pm, no cover

TRISTAN SELZLER: Sun, 12/29, Mon, 12/30, 6pm, no cover


Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover

345 N. ArLINGTON AVE., (775) 348-2200 ROCKIN’ ’80S NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH NEW WAVE CRAVE: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, no cover

Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover


The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover


407 N. VIrGINIA ST., (775) 325-7401 AUrA ULTrA LOUNGE NYE PARTY WITH DJ MONTAGUE: Tue, 12/31, 9pm, $25

Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover






FOR THE WEEK OF DECEMBER 26, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. MS DIXIE II NEW YEAR’S EVE CRUISE: The cruise celebration includes a threecourse dinner, live music with dancing and special celebrations. Tue, 12/31, 6pm. $85-$165. Zephyr Cove Resort and Marina, 760 U.S. Highway 50, (800) 2382463, zephyrcove.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER & DANCE: Red Dog Saloon’s New Year’s Eve party includes dinner, party favors, appetizers, music by VooDooDogz and a champagne toast at midnight. Dinner starts at 7pm, followed by dance party at 8pm. Tue, 12/31, 6pm. $50 for dinner and dance, $20 dance only. Red Dog Saloon, 76 N. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7474.

NEW YEAR’S EVE 2020: Faces NV’s party features a buffet, cocktails and a midnight balloon drop with over $1,000 in cash and prizes being given away. Dress to impress. Tue, 12/31, 8pm. $20. Faces NV, 235 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590.

NEW YEAR’S EVE 2020: Come dressed in


HAVANA NIGHTS 2020: Dress in your best attire and party into the new year with DJ Don Bonito. The event features special cocktails and a champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $10. Rum Sugar Lime, 1039 S. Virginia St., (775) 3841024, www.facebook.com/rumsugarlime.

ABBA THE CONCERT—NYE DINNER SHOW: Ring in the 2020 with a dinner show in the Nugget Ballroom with live music from ABBA—The Concert. Tue, 12/31, 7pm. $85-$125. Nugget Casino Resort, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300.


HEAVENLY HOLIDAYS NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION: Heavenly Holidays reach their zenith on New Year’s Eve when fire, lights and music fill the air. There will be DJs and live music on the main stage, including country music star Jerrod Niemman, from 2-9:30pm. At 9pm, there will be a Gondola Ball Drop timed with the midnight ball drop in New York City’s Time Square. Heavenly’s Gondola Ball Drop will cross above the crowd and a fireworks show will light up the night. Tue, 12/31, 3pm. Free. Heavenly Village, 1001 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, (775) 586-7000.

party and a sparkling wine toast at midnight, starting at 8pm in the Vinyl Showroom. Cost is $69 per person. The casino floor offers a free party with a live DJ, Jell-O shots and a champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 8pm. $0$69. Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Stateline, (844) 588-7625.

BLUE YEAR’S EVE: DJ Dan headlines the BlueBird’s end-of-year bash with support from special guests Erik Lobe, Vic Crulich and other DJs. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $20-$25. The BlueBird Nightclub, 555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549.

HELLO 2020: Ponderosa Saloon sends off 2019 with a party featuring food, drinks, music by Mo’z Motley Blues Band and a champagne toast at midnight. 1920s attire requested, but not required. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. $10. Ponderosa Saloon, 106 S. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7210.

BOOTLEGGERS & BUSTIERS NYE PARTY: Lex Nightclub celebrates the arrival of 2020 with a sexy twist to the classic Roaring ’20s party. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $50-$75. Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399, lexnightclub.com.

KIDS NIGHT OUT NEW YEAR’S EVE BASH: The event features a special dinner, bounce house, kid-friendly games, crafts, kid-friendly DJ and a dessert station. There will be a celebratory balloon drop at 9pm, along with a late night movie beginning at 10pm. Reservations required. Tue, 12/31, 6pm. $95. Resort at Squaw Creek, 400 Squaw Creek Road, Olympic Valley, (530) 412-7034.

CRYSTAL BAY CASINO NYE 2019: The California Honeydrops helps ring in the new year with special guests Sal’s Greenhouse. The Sextones play into the wee hours at the afterparty. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $50. Crown Room, Crystal Bay Casino, 14 Highway 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 833-6333.

DROP THE BALL! NYE: Pignic Pub & Patio has teamed up with KWNK Reno Community Radio for a live broadcast of Northern Nevada’s only NYE Ball Drop. The evening starts with dinner, drinks and a DJ at 5pm. The dance party kicks off at 8pm with Ernie “Fresh” Upton and Sean Murray. Tue, 12/31, 5pm. $20-$25. Pignic Pub & Patio, 235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948.







Robert Hall. Tue, 12/31, 7pm. $50. The Loft, 1021 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 523-8024.

1920s attire and ring in the new year Prohibition style at two events in one night. The first is a “speakeasy”-style event at 6:30pm. SLBC will be closed to the general public for a couple of hours at this 1920s-themed brews and bites experience offering a five-course meal of beer brewed by South Lake Brewing Company and paired with food prepared by Chef Glen Simpson. Stay for the NYE 2020 party, which includes a DJ, silent movie showings, photo booth, dessert bar and tasty brews. Doors open for the NYE party at 8:30pm. Tue, 12/31, 6:30pm. $20-$45. South Lake Brewing Company, 1920 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (530) 578-0087.

NEW YEAR’S EVE 2020 THE LOFT TAHOE: The NYE celebration includes food, drinks, music, decorations, party favors, a midnight countdown and more. Groove Cartel will be spinning dance music all night long. Tue, 12/31, 8:30pm. $100. The Loft, 1021 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 523-8024.

NEW YEAR’S EVE BASH: Max Casino will celebrate at noon and at midnight with party hats and a countdown with a toast. Live music by Ev Musselmann at 11am and Greg Austin Band at 9pm. Tue, 12/31, 11am. Free. Max Casino, 900 S. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 883-0900, maxcasinocc.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION: The party includes a three-course dinner, party favors and a champagne toast at midnight. If you are not interested in dinner, there is limited reserved seating available. $30 reserves your seat and includes one drink, party favors, music by Pawnshop and champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 8pm. $75 for dinner and party, $30 for party only. Living the Good Life Nightclub-Bistro-Lounge, 1480 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 841-4663.

NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION: There will be live music all afternoon and into the evening with headliner Hip Service starting at 7pm and the fireworks show starting at 9pm. Tue, 12/31, 7pm. Northstar California Resort, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, (800) 466-6784, www.northstarcalifornia.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE DANCE PARTY: The party includes drink specials, music by the Biggest Little Band and a champagne toast to ring in 2020. Tue, 12/31, 8:30pm. Free. MidTown Wine Bar, 1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960.

NEW YEAR’S EVE DECADES PARTY: Dress as your favorite decade and dance the night away as DJ PJ takes you back through time with the best hits of the ’20s, ’50s, ’60s, ’70s, ’80s and ’90s. Free champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 8pm. Free. Rue Bourbon, 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526.

NEW YEAR’S EVE DINNER: Enjoying a festive dinner highlighted by a special menu, live music, party favors and champagne toasts. The first seating is a familyfriendly service starting at 5:30pm with prices ranging from $25-$125. The second seating is an adults-only service featuring four-course meal and live music by Jeff Jones and champagne toast at midnight. Prices range from $125-$165. Reservations are required. Tue, 12/31, 5:30pm. $35-$165. West Shore Cafe and Inn, 5160 W. Lake Blvd., Homewood, (530) 525-5200.

NEW YEAR’S EVE FAMILY CELEBRATION: The event combines fun kids’ activities, a fireworks show and live music and drinks for the parents. The party will be capped off with an East Coast New Year’s Eve ball drop featuring DJs and a balloon drop. Tue, 12/31, 2pm. Free. Olympic House, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, (800) 403-0206, squawalpine.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE FIREWORKS: Downtown Reno casinos and the City of Reno team up to light up the sky with a special New Year’s Eve fireworks celebration. Hundreds of sparkling pyrotechnics will be shot off from three casino-resort rooftops starting at midnight. Tue, 12/31Wed, 1/1. Free. The Row, along Virginia Street in downtown Reno, (775) 325-7401, www.silverlegacyreno.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE LIGHT PARADE AND FIREWORKS SHOW: This event is open to intermediate skiers and riders ages 10 or older who can ski or ride unassisted in the dark on the Eagle Rock run. Come early to secure a spot in the parade. The New Year’s fireworks show will follow the light parade. Signups start at 4:30pm. Chairs load at 6:15pm. Fireworks show starts at 6:45pm. Tue, 12/31, 4:30pm. Free. Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort, 11509 Northwoods Blvd., Truckee, (530) 587-9400, www.tahoedonner.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTIES: The casino-wide New Year’s Eve celebration kicks into gear with free entertainment by DJ Milton Merlos at the Lobby Bar playing a mix of upbeat hits from 8pm-1am. Revelers can also catch a free live party and dancing in Game On featuring DJ Kentot and the Amp It Up Girls from 9pm-1am. Free New Year’s Eve entertainment will also be available in the Celebrity Showroom with a dance party featuring Gruve Nation. Tue, 12/31, 8pm. Free. Nugget Casino Resort, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300, www.nuggetcasinoresort.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: Subtle Lovers performs at Chapel’s Tavern 2019 send-off party. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. Chapel Tavern, 1099 S. Virginia St., (775) 324-2244, www.facebook.com/ ChapelTavernReno.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: The year-end party includes drink specials, live music from Audioboxx and DJ Bobby G from Alice 96.5 playing all your favorite videos. Tue, 12/31, 8:30pm. Free. Polo Lounge, 1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: 1up’s party includes drink specials, free champagne toast at midnight and live DJs all night. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. $10. 1up, 214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: Ring in the new year twice with free champagne toasts at East Coast and West Coast times. DJ set starts at 8pm. Tue, 12/31, 8pm. Free. The Emerson Bar, 955 S. Virginia St., (775) 433-1995, www.facebook.com/ theemersonreno.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: Ring in the new year with DJ Ramone. Champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Fat Cat Bar & Grill, 599 N. Lake Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, (530) 583-3355.

NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: Millennium’s dance party features music by resident DJs Miggz and Mario B with special guest DJ Kentot. Free champagne, party favors and balloon drop at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. Millennium Nightclub, 2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626, www.facebook.com/MillenniumNightclub.

NEW YEAR’S EVE SILENT DISCO: Ambassador Sound DJs help ring in the new year Grab a glass of bubbly at the champagne fountain, just in time for a midnight toast. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. $10. Virginia Street Brewhouse, 211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090.

NEW YEAR’S EVE THE ROARING TWENTIES PARTY: Usher in 2020 with music by Machine Gun Vendetta, Lost Idea and Myke Read. Tue, 12/31, 9:30pm. $6. Shea’s Tavern, 715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774, www.facebook.com/sheastavernreno.

NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH BOOT JUICE: The band kicks off its winter tour at Divided Sky’s NYE party. Champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 9:30pm. $20. The Divided Sky, 3200 US Highway 50, Meyers, (530) 577-0775.

NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH JELLY BREAD: Show up in your favorite Burner get up, and get down to the dirty, dust-covered funkrock of Jelly Bread. Free champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. $25$35. Great Basin Brewing Company, 846 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 355-7711.

NEW YEAR’S EVE WITH MOJO GREEN: Celebrate the start of a new decade with craft beer, live music by Mojo Green and a complementary champagne toast to ring in 2020. This year’s theme is “Hollywood 2020.” Come dressed to impress for a red carpet roll-out dance party. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. $25-$35. The Saint, 761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451.

one week onlY 12/26/19 – 1/2/20

NEW YEAR’S EVE/FIFTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: The Depot ushers in the new year with a Great Gatsby-style party. The event is a mix-and-mingle cocktail party and patrons are encouraged to dress in their finest flapper fare. Tickets will include a variety of hors d’oeuvres crafted for this special occasion and unlimited drinks until the ball drops. Champagne will be bottomless to celebrate the countdown. Tue, 12/31, 7pm. $100$120. The Depot Craft Brewery Distillery, 325 E. Fourth St., (775) 737-4330, thedepotreno.com.

NEW YEAR’S EVE—THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: Eldorado Resort Casino, Silver Legacy Resort Casino and Circus Circus Reno welcomes 2020 with nearly a dozen parties at various bars and nightclubs across the properties. Try one or try them all with an All-Access pass. There will be free party hats and favors handed out on the casino floor and a countdown to the new year followed by champagne toasts and a downtown fireworks show. All-Access wristbands may be picked up at the Eldorado Ticket Booth located on the mezzanine between noon and 11pm on Tuesday, Dec. 31. Advance sale price is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Dress codes strictly enforced at all nightlife venues. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $0-$120. The Row, Virginia and Sierra streets, downtown Reno, www.circusreno.com.

NEW YEAR’S GET DOWN: Micah J brings funky good

times to the New Year’s Eve party. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Alibi Ale Works—Incline Public House,

931 Tahoe Blvd., Incline Village, (775) 831-8300.

NEW YEAR’S ROCKIN’ EVE: Ring in 2020 with Deception. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. The Loft at Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 882-1626.

NEW YEAR’S SAMPLER: The Reno Chamber Orchestra’s Nevada Chamber Music Festival continues with a program featuring works by Connesson, Schulhoff, Prokofiev, Rossini, Villa-Lobos, Piatti and Miranda. Tue, 12/31, 5pm. $10-$45. Hall Recital Hall, University of Nevada, Reno, 1300 N. Virginia St., (775) 348-9413, renochamberorchestra.org.

NYE PARTY: Live dance music with Chango. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Bar of America, 10040 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, www.barofamerica.com.

NYE PARTY: The Vegas Road Show and Reckless will

help ring in 2020 in the Atlantis Cabaret. Tue, 12/31, 4pm. Free. Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, 3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700.

NYE PARTY: The New Year’s Eve entertainment lineup starts with the Velvet Duo at 2pm, Jason King Band at 6pm and Ebony Not Quite Ivory at 10pm in the Guitar Bar. Rat Pack Events starts at 6pm in the ballroom. Tue, 12/31, 2pm. Free. Boomtown Casino, 2100 Garson Road, Verdi, (775) 345-6000.

NYE COMEDY SHOW: Reno Tahoe Comedy Presents New Year’s Eve show with comedian Ron Josol. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $10-$22. Reno Tahoe Comedy, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233.

NYE SHOW: Rockology will help ring in the new

year. Tue, 12/31, 6pm. Free. Carson Valley Inn, 1627 Highway 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711.

NYE SHOW: Kick off the new year with Coburn

Station. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Alibi Ale Works— Truckee Public House, 10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029, www.alibialeworks.com.

NYE SHOW WITH SANG MATIZ: Sang Matiz will help

ring in 2020 at the Terrace Lounge. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Peppermill Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121, www.peppermillreno.com.

PARTY IN PINK—FLASHBACK NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY: Welcome 2020 by dancing the night away to your favorite ’80s hits in the Capri Ballroom. Entry includes party favors, photo opportunities and two drink tickets. Tue, 12/31, 9:30pm. Free. Peppermill Casino, 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121.


ROARING ’20s NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION: Celebrate the arrival of 2020 inside Grand Sierra Resort’s Summit Pavilion with live music by The A List, two free drinks and a champagne toast at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 10pm. $75. Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000.

welcome 2020 at Opal Ultra Lounge. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $75-$85. MontBleu Resort, 55 Highway 50, Stateline, (775) 588-3515.



Washoe CAMP Saloon will offer free hors d’oeuvres and specials on beer, cocktails, sparkling wine and hot buttered rum. Rusty Gold Band will perform. Gangsters and flappers costumes welcome. Tue, 12/31, 7pm. Free. Washoe Camp Saloon, 3155 Eastlake Blvd., New Washoe City, (775) 470-8128.

ROCK THE PLAZA: Guitar Plaza will be jumping with live music, a NYE countdown, fireworks at midnight and more surprises. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, 50 Highway 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625.

ROCKIN’ ’80s NEW YEAR’S EVE BASH: Countdown the 1980s to 2020. New Wave Crave will rock the dance floor with retro faves by Madonna, The B-52s, Cindy Lauper, The Cure and more. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. Free. Sands Regency Casino Hotel, 345 N. Arlington Ave., (775) 348-2200, sandsregency.com.

ROCK-N-OVL NEW YEAR’S EVE CONCERT: Rock in the new year with The Nomads featuring Barry Thys as they return on the 20th anniversary of their legendary performance in Olympic Valley Lodge. Ring in 2020 with a midnight countdown, balloon drop and music from one of Lake Tahoe’s most popular bands. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $30-$40. Olympic Valley Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, (800) 403-0206, squawalpine.com.

SHLUMP NYE: Shlump performs in North Lake Tahoe

10 20 gift caRd

ROCK IN 2020: Celebrate the new year with White Water Retooled. Champagne toast and party favors at midnight. Tue, 12/31, 8:30pm. Free. Cantina Los Tres Hombres, 926 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-6262.

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ROARING ’20s NEW YEAR’S EVE: Dress to impress and


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with special guests Chee, Milano, Kowta and Call Me. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $25-$35. Tahoe Biltmore Lodge & Casino, 5 Highway 28, Crystal Bay, (775) 831-0660, freshbakin.com.

SPECTACULAR SPECTACULAR: Ring in 2020 with Red Bull Thre3style World Champion Four Color Zack spinning all night long. Enjoy free champagne tasting from 9-11pm. Celebrate in style with party favors, a midnight champagne toast, and a celebratory balloon drop. Cocktail attire is suggested. Tue, 12/31, 9pm. $60-$70. EDGE Nightclub, 2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121.

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NYE SHOW WITH BILL DAWES: The comedian headlines two NYE shows with special guests Tehran and Katie Cazorla. Tue, 12/31, 7:30pm & 9:30pm. $21.95$27.45. Laugh Factory at the Silver Legacy, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401.

Save up to 70% on select

listings continued on page 28

Https://RnRsweetdeals.newsReview.com 12.26.19






FARM-TO-TABLE DINNER WITH OLYMPIANS: Join local sports legends Jonny Moseley, Errol Kerr and Bill Hudson for an intimate evening of stories, camaraderie and history in the making over a buffetstyle dinner created by Squaw Valley chefs in collaboration with the Tahoe Food Hub and local farmers. Special wine and beer selections are available for additional purchase. Thu, 12/26, 5:30pm. $29-$59. Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, (800) 403-0206, squawalpine.com.

COIN PRESS DEMONSTRATIONS: Two-person teams will work the museum’s historic Coin Press No. 1 at 9am and 1pm. Fri, 12/27, 9am. $8, free for youth ages 17 and younger. Nevada State Museum, 600 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 687-4810.

CHAMPAGNE TOAST TO THE LAST RUN OF 2019: Spend New Year’s Eve on the mountain before heading to Big Blue View Bar for a complimentary champagne toast at 3pm. Afterwards, head across the street for complimentary s’mores by the firepit at 4pm. Tue, 12/31, 3pm. Free. Homewood Mountain Resort, 5145 Westlake Blvd., Homewood, www.skihomewood.com.

COUNTDOWN TO NOON YEAR: The event is designed for little ones who can’t stay up late enough to watch the New Year’s Eve ball drop. Make noisemakers and party hats, play games and count down to noon to bring in the “Noon Year.” Tue, 12/31, 11am. Free. Sierra View Library, 4001 S. Virginia St., (775) 827-3232, events.washoecountylibrary.us.

DISCO TUBING: Disco tubing is a familyfriendly party where you spin down the tubing lanes to music and lights. SnoVentures is located in the base area of Squaw Valley. Snow tubing is for adults and kids who are at least 40” tall. All tubers must be able to independently get in and out of their own tube. Thu, 12/26-Mon, 12/30, 5pm. $55. SnoVentures Activity Zone, 1653 Squaw Valley Loop, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

GUIDED HIKE: Enjoy a guided hike through Galena Creek Park with a local specialist. Please bring appropriate clothing and plenty of water. Sat, 12/28, 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

HEAVENLY HOLIDAYS FAMILY FESTIVAL: Heavenly Holidays year-end festival features fireworks, live music, rail jams, train rides, ice sculptures, ice skating performances starring Disney characters, a Ferris Wheel and more. Thu, 12/26-Tue, 12/31. Heavenly Mountain, 4080 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, theshopsatheavenly.com.

KTMB’S CHRISTMAS TREE RECYCLING: Bring your tree (unflocked and free of all decorations) to one of six locations, including Bartley Ranch Regional Park, Reno Sports Complex and Shadow Mountain Sports Complex. Trees will be chipped into mulch for use in parks and weed abatement projects. Thu, 12/26Wed, 1/1, 9am. $3 suggested donation. Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, other other RenoSparks locations, ktmb.org.

MID-DAY MOVIE SERIES: Truckee-Donner Recreation & Park District presents its film series. Each month is centered around a theme. January’s theme is “Hitchcock.” Wed, 1/1, 1pm. Free. Community Arts Center, 10046 Church St., Truckee, hwww.tdrpd.org.

NEW YEAR’S EVE AT THE BEACON: Bid adieu to 2019 with a lakeside dinner at the Beacon Bar and Grill. Special menu along with the house menu and a complimentary glass of champagne or sparkling cider. Tue, 12/31, 4pm. Camp Richardson Historic Resort & Marina, 1900 Jameson Beach Road, South Lake Tahoe, (800) 544-1801.

NEW YEAR’S EVE CANDLELIGHT LABYRINTH WALK: Luminaries will light the way as you enjoy this newest tradition in the Carson Valley. “Walk out the Old Year and Welcome the New Year” during this family-friendly event on New Year’s Eve. Stop by any time between 6-9pm. Tue, 12/31, 6pm. Free. Heritage Park Gardens, 1461 Ezell St., Gardnerville, (775) 782-8027, visitcarsonvalley.org.

NEW YEAR’S EVE GUIDED SNOWSHOE TOUR: Celebrate the new year with a guided snowshoe hike on Tahoe Donner’s cross-country ski trails. Stay for a drink afterwards at the Trailside Bar. Please dress for the conditions, bring a headlamp or flashlight and book early because space is limited. Tue, 12/31, 5:30pm. $35-$70. Tahoe Donner Downhill Ski Resort, 15275 Alder Creek Road, Truckee, (530) 587-9400.

RINK AT THE ROW: The outdoor ice skating rink is open through Feb. 16. Skating hours are 3-10pm on Monday-Thursday, noon-11:30pm on Friday-Saturday, and noon-9:30pm on Sunday, depending on weather and ice conditions. Admission includes skate rental. Get $2 off admission if you bring your own ice skates. Thu, 12/26-Wed, 1/1. $12-$18. Rink at the Row, Sixth and Sierra streets, across from Circus Circus, (775) 329-0711.

SILENT NIGHTS: Grab a pair of headphones from the Kid Zone and watch classic holiday movies while ice skating or roasting s’mores. Thu, 12/26, 5pm. Northstar California Resort, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, (800) 466-6784.

SKI & RIDE WITH JONNY MOSELEY: Join Olympic gold medalist Jonny Moseley on a mountain tour of Squaw Valley. Afternoon skiing with Jonny Moseley is free and open to any ticket or pass holder who is at least an intermediatelevel skier. Thu, 12/26-Tue, 12/31. Free with lift ticket or pass. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

SNOWBALL FESTIVAL: Celebrate the holidays



The Reno Chamber Orchestra presents its 15th annual showcase featuring some of the world’s best classical musicians, including ensembles Calidore String Quartet (pictured) and WindSync, as well as violinist Chad Hoopes, cellist Clive Greensmith, pianist Ya-Fei Chuang and harpsichordist Ian Pritchard, among others. The festival kicks off on Thursday, Dec. 26, and closes with a New Year’s Day celebration on Wednesday, Jan. 1. Afternoon and evening concerts will take place at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, 200 Island Ave., Nightingale Concert Hall, 1335 N. Virginia St., on the University of Nevada, Reno campus and the South Reno Methodist Church, 200 De Spain Lane. Tickets range from $10-$275. Call 348-9413 or visit renochamberorchestra.org.






with arts and crafts, face painting, custom balloons, photo ops, holiday snow tubing, snow parkour, a bounce house and “The World’s Biggest Cup of Hot Cocoa.” Sat, 12/28-Sun, 12/29, 10am. Free. Soda Springs Ski Resort, 10244 Soda Springs Road, Soda Springs, (530) 426–3663.

TOY CHEMISTRY: By mixing two liquids together, kids produce a chemical reaction that results in a stretchy, slippery polymer that appears to be both a liquid and a solid. They test and observe what happens when they perform experiments with the “oobleck.” Sun, 12/29, 2pm. Free. Spanish Springs Library, 7100-A Pyramid Highway, Sparks, (775) 424-1800.

WHITE OUT SOIREE: This dinner benefitting Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows Foundation features festive food and drinks, silent and live auctions, celebrity athlete tables and live music by Déjà Vu. Sat, 12/28, 6pm. $145. Olympic Village Lodge, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, (800) 403-0206, squawalpine.com.

WINTER FIELD DAY: Drop in for an indoor field day with activities and games like corn hole, ring toss, indoor bowling, giant Jenga and over-sized Connect Four. Sat, 12/28, 10am. Free. Sierra View Library, 4001 S. Virginia St., (775) 827-3232.

WORLD’S LARGEST LED TORCHLIGHT PARADE: This event is for intermediate skiers and snowboarders ages 5 and up. All skiers and riders must sign up for a time slot in advance to participate in the LED Torchlight Parade. LED torches will be passed out at the Exhibition chairlift only to guests with wristbands during their time slot. Stick around for fireworks and a free concert and New Year’s Eve Celebration on the KT Deck and in the Olympic House after the Torchlight Parade. Tue, 12/31, 5pm. Free. Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

ART HALLWAY GALLERY: Low Tide. The Holland Project presents Ana McKay’s new collection of large-scale acrylic paintings. The show runs through Jan. 3. Thu, 12/26-Fri, 12/27, noon-6pm. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 4486500, www.hollandreno.org.

HOLLAND PROJECT GALLERY: Hooked. The art exhibition features the work of 24 young artists who took part in the 2019 Teen Open Studio program. Teen Open Studio is a partnership program between the Holland Project and Nevada Museum of Art, which introduces art and design practices to high school students from the region. The show runs through Jan. 3. Thu, 12/26-Fri, 12/27, noon-6pm. The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 4486500, www.hollandreno.org.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER: Along the Truckee River—A Bob Adams Retrospective. Adams’s paintings show a slice of life in Reno at end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. His pieces are expressionistic, some bordering on the abstract, as he seeks to catch the movement and energy of life along the Truckee River and the downtown casino corridor. Many of his plein air works were made on loose canvas over a portable easel. The exhibition runs through Jan. 24. Thu, 12/26-Fri, 12/28, Mon, 12/30-Tue, 12/31, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264.

SERVA POOL: Hook and Ladder Dreams. Work by John Knight is on view from through Jan. 10. Regular gallery hours are noon6pm, Wednesday-Friday. Thu, 12/26-Fri, 12/27, noon. Serva Pool at The Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500.

MUSIC BRING ON THE BUBBLY, ADIOS 2019!: TOCCATA-Tahoe Symphony Orchestra and Chorus presents its pre-New Year’s Eve concert featuring waltzes, Broadway tunes, opera arias and more. Tickets include pre-concert champagne and hors d’oeuvres. Sat, 12/28, 4pm. $100. Genoa Lakes Golf Club Ballroom, 1 Genoa Lakes Drive, Genoa, (775) 298-6989, toccatatahoe.org.

MTV’S SNOWGLOBE MUSIC FESTIVAL: The annual end-of-year music festival features performances by headliners Skrillex, Fisher, Gigantic NGHTMRE, Griz, Louis The Child, Tchami x Mala, Zhu, Vince Staples, E-40, SUPERDUPERKYLE, Whethan and Clozee, among others. Sun, 12/29-Tue, 12/31, 2pm. $99-$399. South Lake Tahoe Community Playfields & Bijou Park, 1 College Way, South Lake Tahoe, snowglobemusicfestival.com.

SUNDAY MUSIC BRUNCH ERIKA PAUL: Chez Louie hosts brunch and live music by Erika Paul. Reservations encouraged. Sun, 12/29, 10am-2pm. Free. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 284-2921, www.nevadaart.org.

ONSTAGE A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS LIVE ON STAGE: This live production celebrates the timeless television classic as the whole family can join Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Lucy, Linus and the rest of the Peanuts characters in their journey to uncover the true meaning of Christmas. After the final bow, the show crescendos into a celebration of song as the audience is invited to join the Peanuts gang in singing traditional Christmas songs and carols. Mon, 12/30, 8pm. $25-$40. MontBleu Resort, 55 Highway 50, Stateline, www.montbleuresort.com.

CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE YEARS: Carson Valley Community Theater’s holiday production features local performers reflecting on the meaning of Christmas through song. Fri, 12/27, 7:30pm; Sat, 12/28, 2pm & 7:30pm; Sun, 12/29, 2pm. $15. The Annex in the Copeland Cultural Arts Center, 1572 Highway 395, Minden, www.carsonvalleycommunitytheatre.org.

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION: Join the Alchemists as they explore ideas about human evolution and more through music, meditations and performances. Sat, 12/28, 7:30pm. $15. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.alchemistmovement.org.

DEAD PANDA COMEDY NIGHT: Dead Panda Comedy Night is a monthly stand-up comedy show at Reno Improv hosted by Luke Westberg featuring nationally touring comedians as well as local and regional comedians. Fri, 12/27, 7:30pm. $7.50-$11. Reno Improv, 695 Willow St., 775-233-6035, www.facebook. com/pg/deadpandacomedy/events.


Heart of barkness My friend recently bought a $3,000 labradoodle but refuses to pay to get it trained. The dog is really badly behaved. Whenever I bring up the need for training, my friend gets very defensive and lashes out at me. Last time I visited her, the dog got into my bag and chewed through some seriously expensive skin care products I treated myself to. She acted like it wasn’t an issue and even said it was my fault for leaving my bag on the floor! We’ve been friends for nearly 20 years, so it’s a little complicated, but how can I let her know her actions feel inconsiderate and get her to take proper responsibility for her dog? Your friend’s response to her delinquentdoodle destroying your stuff suggests she comes up short in a personality trait called “conscientiousness.” Conscientiousness is one of the five core personality dimensions that shape how we typically behave (the other four being openness, extroversion, agreeableness, and emotional stability). Each of these dimensions reflects a spectrum—a scale from low to high—so, for example, extroversion includes everything from extreme extroversion to extreme introversion. Research by psychologists Joshua Jackson and Brent Roberts finds that people with high conscientiousness are responsible, hardworking, orderly and able to control their impulses. (Their work was focused on the behaviors of the conscientious, as opposed to thoughts and feelings.) Not surprisingly, other research—a cross-cultural study by psychologist Martin C. Melchers—finds that people with higher levels of conscientiousness tend to be more empathetic, making them less likely to react to their animal turning a friend’s possessions into chew toys. Personality traits are, to a great extent, genetic and tend to be pretty stable over time and across situations. However, psychologists Nathan Hudson and R. Chris Fraley find that a person may be able to change their personality traits, including their level of conscientiousness. Their research suggests that a person can become more conscientious by continually setting very specific weekly goals—for example, tasks to follow through on that they’d normally let slide.

The problem is this friend of yours might need some wake-up call to be motivated to change. People who get away with living sloppy typically see no reason to live otherwise. Consider the difference in how driven someone would be to clean up their act in the wake of “hitting bottom” versus, say, “hitting middle.” Another demotivating factor might be your friend’s WTR—“welfare trade-off ratio.” In fact, as evolutionary psychologists David Buss and Lars Penke explain, a person’s welfare trade-off ratio refers to how much weight they place on their own interests relative to those of another person. In other words, “welfare” really means “wellbeing”—as in, “How willing am I to sacrifice what’s best for me so you can have what’s good for you?” Buss and Penke add that people who are narcissistic—self-centered, exploitative, with a strong sense of entitlement and lacking in empathy—“habitually place a higher weight on their own welfare relative to the welfare of others.” Maybe you don’t see this sort of selfish, cavalier attitude coming out habitually in your friend, but maybe that’s because friendship is fun-centered and thus doesn’t have the sort of strains put on it that a business partnership or relationship does. Where does this leave you? Unfortunately, without a lot of attractive options. Though it’s reasonable to prefer that she change her philosophy on dog training, expecting her to do so is basically the love child of toxic hope and irrational expectations. Tempting as it must be to simply demand she train her dog, as you’ve already seen, telling people what to do tends to backfire, leading them to tell you where to go. What you can do is choose: Consider whether the benefits of having her in your life are worth the cost. If you decide to keep her around, be realistic. Leave any pricey rejuveceuticals and anything else of value locked in a kennel when visiting her and Cujodoodle. □

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).


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FRee will astRology Call for a quote. (775) 324-4440 ext. 2

For the week oF December 26, 2019

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): Nazi Germany invaded and

occupied Denmark during World War II. In 1943, Hitler ordered all Danish Jews to be arrested—a first step in his plan to send them to concentration camps. But the Danish resistance movement leapt into action and smuggled virtually all of them to safety via fishing boats bound for Sweden. As a result, 8,000-plus Danish Jews survived the Holocaust. You may not have the opportunity to do anything quite as heroic in 2020. But I expect you will have chances to express a high order of practical idealism that could be among your noblest and most valiant efforts ever. Draw inspiration from the Danish resistance.

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TAURUS (April 20-May 20): When she was 31, Taurus

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writer Charlotte Brontë finished writing her novel Jane Eyre. She guessed it would have a better chance of getting published if its author was thought to be a man. So she adopted the masculine pen name of Currer Bell and sent the manuscript unsolicited to a London publisher. Less than eight weeks later, her new book was in print. It quickly became a commercial success. I propose that we make Brontë one of your role models for 2020. May she inspire you to be audacious in expressing yourself and confident in seeking the help you need to reach your goals. May she embolden you, too, to use ingenious stratagems to support your righteous cause.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): 2020 can and should



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be a lyrically healing year for you. Here’s what I mean: Beauty and grace will be curative. The “medicine” you need will come to you via poetic and mellifluous experiences. With this in mind, I encourage you to seek out encounters with the following remedies. 1. Truth Whimsies 2. Curiosity Breakthroughs 3. Delight Gambles 4. Sacred Amusements 4. Redemptive Synchronicities 5. Surprise Ripenings 6. Gleeful Discoveries 7. Epiphany Adventures 8. Enchantment Games 9. Elegance Eruptions 10. Intimacy Angels 11. Playful Salvation 12. Luminosity Spells

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “There are years that ask

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questions and years that answer,” wrote author Zora Neale Hurston. According to my astrological analysis, 2020 is likely to be one of those years that asks questions, while 2021 will be a time when you’ll get rich and meaningful answers to the queries you’ll pose in 2020. To ensure that this plan works out for your maximum benefit, it’s essential that you formulate provocative questions in the coming months. At first, it’s fine if you generate too many. As the year progresses, you can whittle them down to the most ultimate and important questions. Get started!

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LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The Roman Emperor Vespa-

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sian (9-79 A.D.) supervised the restoration of the Temple of Peace, the Temple of Claudius and the Theater of Marcellus. He also built a huge statue of Apollo and the amphitheater now known as the Colosseum, whose magnificent ruins are still a major tourist attraction. Vespasian also created a less majestic but quite practical wonder: Rome’s first public urinals. In accordance with astrological omens, I invite you to be stimulated by his example in 2020. Be your usual magnificent self as you generate both inspiring beauty and earthy, pragmatic improvements.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): When Virgo author Mary

Shelley was 18 years old, she had a disconcerting dream-like vision about a mad chemist who created a weird human-like creature out of non-living matter. She set about to write a book based on her mirage. At age 20, she published Frankenstein, a novel that would ultimately wield a huge cultural influence and become a seminal work in the “science fiction” genre. I propose we make Shelley one of your role models for 2020. Why? Because I suspect that you, too, will have the power to transform a challenging event or influence into an important asset. You’ll be able to generate or attract a new source of energy by responding creatively to experiences that initially provoke anxiety.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Libra-born mystic poet

Rumi (1207-1273) wrote that he searched for holy sustenance and divine inspiration in temples,



by ROb bRezsny

churches and mosques—but couldn’t find them there. The good news? Because of his disappointment, he was motivated to go on an inner quest—and ultimately found holy sustenance and divine inspiration in his own heart. I’ve got a strong feeling that you’ll have similar experiences in 2020. Not on every occasion, but much of the time, you will discover the treasure you need and long for not in the outside world but rather in your own depths.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Among his many accom-

plishments, Scorpio rapper Drake is an inventive rhymer. In his song “Diplomatic Immunity,” he rhymes “sacred temple” with “stencil.” Brilliant! Other rhymes: “statistics” with “ballistics;” “Treaty of Versailles” with “no cease and desist in I;” and—my favorite—“Al Jazeera” (the Qatar-based news source) with “Shakira” (the Colombian singer). According to my analysis of the astrological omens in 2020, many of you will have Drake-style skill at mixing and blending seemingly disparate elements. I bet you’ll also be good at connecting influences that belong together but have never been able to combine before.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian poet

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) embodied a trait that many astrology textbooks suggest is common to the Sagittarian tribe: wanderlust. He was born in Prague but traveled widely throughout Europe and Russia. If there were a Guinness World Records category for “Time Spent as a Houseguest,” Rilke might hold it. There was a four-year period when he lived at 50 different addresses. I’m going to be bold here and hypothesize that 2020 will not be one of those years when you would benefit from being like Rilke. In fact, I hope you’ll seek out more stability and security than usual.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Fifteenth-century Italian

metalworker Lorenzo Ghiberti worked for 28 years to turn the doors of the Florence Baptistry into a massive work of art. He used bronze to create numerous scenes from the Bible. His fellow artist Michelangelo was so impressed that he said Ghiberti’s doors could have served as “The Gates of Paradise.” I offer Ghiberti as inspiration for your life in 2020. I think you’ll be capable of beginning a masterwork that could take quite some time to complete and serve as your very own “gate to paradise:” in other words, an engaging project and delightful accomplishment that will make you feel your life is eminently meaningful and worthwhile.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You’re wise to cultivate a degree of skepticism and even contrariness. Like all of us, your abilities to say “no” to detrimental influences and to criticize bad things are key to your mental health. On the other hand, it’s a smart idea to keep checking yourself for irrelevant, gratuitous skepticism and contrariness. You have a sacred duty to maintain just the amount you need, but no more—even as you foster a vigorous reservoir of receptivity, optimism and generosity. And guess what? 2020 will be an excellent time to make this one of your cornerstone habits.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Dante Alighieri (1265-

1321) finished writing The Divine Comedy in 1320. Today it’s considered one of the supreme literary accomplishments in the Italian language and a classic of world literature. But no one ever read the entire work in the English language until 1802, when it was translated for the first time. Let’s invoke this as a metaphor for your life in the coming months. According to my visions, a resource or influence that has previously been inaccessible to you will finally arrive in a form you can understand and use. Some wisdom that has been untranslatable or unreadable will at last be available.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.


Mead maker

Where did the idea for the event originate? The idea for this event originated primarily through being excited to have more places here in the brewery district to work together to hold fun events. And along with that was our hopes that the small businesses can have a more harmonious relationship with the issue of homelessness in our neighborhood. So, we’re trying to explore that in a variety of different ways—but one of the best ways is just to create a fun atmosphere and serve some delicious things and, in the midst of that, also help raise awareness about the vulnerable populations that our neighborhood is not only helping out, but also home to.


Will Truce is the co-owner of Black Rabbit Mead Co., 401. E. Fourth St., one of the businesses organizing and hosting a Dec. 28 event in the brewery district called “Warm Drinks 4 Warm Hearts.” The event works a bit like a crawl, with area businesses serving warm holiday drinks. A part of the proceeds will go to provide meals at the homeless shelter. Cards for the event can be purchased at two locations for $15—the Jesse, 306 E. Fourth St.; or Forged Coffee Roasting Company, 700 E. Fourth St.

Who’s going to benefit? The neighborhood as a whole will benefit from the event, and that, of course, includes the small businesses—but also the vulnerable populations that are in our neighborhood. When it comes to small businesses, the walk benefits us by just creating more awareness and excitement for all of the small businesses that are down here and coming down here and just all of the good times that are to be had. It’s good marketing for each business. But then beyond that, it’s just great marketing for the neighborhood as a whole. But central to our neighborhood and to the philosophy and heart of our neighborhood is the vulnerable populations that are down here. And, so, that’s why part of the proceeds go to helping provide a meal for those at the shelter at night. They’re probably more directly benefited than we are.

OK, so it’ll be a part of the proceeds that go to providing meals. The other part that’s not going to that

doesn’t directly benefit the businesses themselves. The proceeds are going to, in part, be used for printing costs and social media boosts and things of that nature. The businesses themselves, they might get a little bit of money, just to reduce the costs they made on alcohol. But I think, in truth, every business will, in the end, lose a bit of money on this. Now, it’s not purely altruistic, of course. The businesses get great marketing for themselves, and, also, when the neighborhood gets portrayed in a really community-oriented light, that’s great for our neighborhood too.

Which businesses are participating in the event? Even though we’re enthusiastic to make this walk and do more walks like this throughout the year, this time was just a small test run at it. So we have seven businesses involved. We have the Jesse and the Stella—part of the same business complex—us, Black Rabbit Mead Company; Lead Dog Brewery; Wineries on Fourth, which includes Basin and Range Cellars and then Nevada Sunset Winery; Abby’s Highway 40; and Ferino Distillery. … They also have a great little pour-over coffee shop in there, too. And then speaking of coffee, the Forged coffee shop is involved. … Forged is within Pitch Black Printing Company.

What warm drink will you guys do? We are doing a hot, spiced mead. Yes, we use mulling spices and a few other things to make a really warm-tasting mead. □


Merry impeachmas The best hashtags of the last week? Three of them. The first one is #MerryImpeachmas. That’s obviously solid (and thank you, House of Representatives, for a perfectly delightful Christmas gift!) The second is #LeningradLindsey, which is admittedly not as good as #MoscowMitch, but I ain’t picky and it’ll do for now. The third is #IMPOTUS, as in Impeached President of the United States. That one’s more fun than a barrel of Cialis, and, once again, we must give credit to the author, the remarkable George Conway. (And, my, oh my, wouldn’t it just be fascinating as hell to listen in on his latest dinner conversations with Kellyanne? KC: “That was a good one, honey, that IMPOTUS thing. GC: Thanks, babe. KC: You know I’m gonna hear about that one. GC: Yep. I reckon you will, Pass the peas, please.”) • Speaking of immortal quotes of this past year, leave us not forget the

classic put forth by Twitler himself, as revealed in the Mueller Report of March. Back in May of 2017, when Rod Rosenstein announced the creation of Mueller's Investigation, Trump responded, "I'm fucked! This is the end of my Presidency." Gee, what memories in his addled, Adderall-soaked mind led to such an instant, earnest and gloomy doomy response? Or was he just gaslighting himself? • If you'd like to feel like a miniscule pawn of digital data points this Holiday Season, watch the Netflix documentary The Great Hack. This is the film about how exactly Cambridge Analytica did its thing in 2016 and pushed both Brexit and Trump to unlikely victories. It’s a terrifically important and fascinating work, focusing on Brittany Kaiser, the whistleblower who eventually was interviewed by Mueller (and the opening of the film has a local

connection, as we see Brittany in ... Black Rock City! Writing a message on The Temple!) If you watch this flick, don’t be surprised one bit if, upon its completion, you’re immediately seized with a burning desire to delete your Facebook account. And for god’s sake, America ... STOP GETTING YOUR NEWS FROM FACEBOOK AND TWITTER! STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! A recent study from the Pew Research Center shows that 55 percent of American adults “often or sometimes” get their news feeds from social media, mainly Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. Yikes! Support people trained in the high art of journalism! NOW! • "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Howard Beale, from the classic film Network. Merry Impeachmas to all! And a very Nancy New Year! Ω






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