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Action plAn nonprofit fights for housing See Arts&Culture, page 16

The 2019 Nevada Legislature was the nation’s first majorityfemale legislature. Does it matter how women govern? s e rv i n g n o rt h e r n n e va d a , ta h o e a n d t r u c k e e







More Epstein

Level up Welcome to this week’s Reno News & Review. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Late August is always a sentimental time—the summer drawing to a close. Time for the last roadtrips, the last drives up to the lake, the last ice cream cones, whatever. It’s the late afternoon of the year, gearing up for the long dusk of autumn. It’s also a transitional time. Growing up, it’s always the time when you’d level up by starting a new grade. You’d show up, take a look around the classroom, taking stock of how the familiar faces had changed, noting the new faces with a furtive jolt of excitement. For me, the first day of school was always a little nerve-wracking because I was afraid I’d get a bloody nose, something that happened randomly three years in a row. Not because I got punched or anything. Just because my nose started bleeding. Allergies or something. I know what you’re thinking: What. A. Nerd. Of course, around here, this time of year also means Burning Man. Which also feels like a transition. You come back from Burning Man with your consciousness all elevated, your eyes opened to some new possibilities. Recently, a friend of mine said to me, “I don’t want to talk to anybody who’s just been to Burning Man. I’ve been to Burning Man, and I had a great time. But I don’t want to hear about it. I don’t want to have a conversation with anyone who just returned from Burning Man.” It reminded me of when I worked in a bookstore and, just after Labor Day, a guy came in who was obviously fresh from the playa. He was wearing a ridiculous hat and a leather vest with, like, a clock sewn into it, and he was wide-eyed and agitated, and he came straight up to the information desk and asked, “I need to see all your books about lasers.” So, good luck, everyone, this fall with all your studies and other endeavors—whatever they may be.

—BRAD BYNUM bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com

Supposedly Epstein hanged himself (in a locked down prison where they take your shoelaces and no bed sheets!!!). The autopsy is not ready for release. [The autopsy of financier Jeffrey Epstein was released Aug. 14. The report said Epstein’s neck had been broken in several places, a finding consistent with hanging or strangling.] In the meantime - in a day orr so when cries for release of the autopsy are increasing): There will be another eeeugggge crisis swamping all news coverage. Like the Mueller report the Epstein autopsy will be forgotten. Blamed on the jail flunkies. Justice! Elizabeth Curry Careson City

Where are the records? Re “Hard as rork” (Art & Culture, July 18): There were many buildings the Stewart Indians worked on in the surroun areas: The Thunderbird Lodge in Incline Village, built by George Whitell in 1939. Architect -DeLongchamp. Who was the architect for many many buildings in Reno? I am sure if he used the Indians in one of his buildings he did for many of them. Cabin in the Sky in Gold Hill. All the rock work was done by Randall Wungnema. Visit this website: https:// bit.ly/2MrzJLK. You can see all the buildings the Indians worked on in Reno, Carson City, etc. Jerilyn Gann Sparks

Still watching I tell ya, paid streaming video entertainment is gettin’ a bit out o’ hand. Looking for anything that doesn’t involve shootouts, murder, graphic bloodiness, revenge, head shots (always

Penrose, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Kris Vagner, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum Associate Editor Jeri Davis News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Matt Bieker Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Mark Earnest, Bob Grimm, Oliver Guinan, Andrea Heerdt, Holly Hutchings, Shelia Leslie, Eric Marks, Kelsey

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dead center...), robbery or kidnapping. No wonder we are a violent civilization. Craig Berland Reno

Those electors So, the founders perceived that there might come a time, long ago, when the conclusion of the majority of voters isn’t what’s best for the republic and must be corrected, concerning a presidential election. And the validity of said conclusion must be judged and possibly overturned by small, special groups of “electors” from each state. Here’s what we must ask: “Was the general public adequately informed?” In today’s world, are these electors more adequately informed? No. Or do they claim under assumed pretense to take more into consideration? Do they rise above some unruly persuasions that the general public is more susceptible to? This is what they insinuate when they stand up and say that they know better. If another group overruled The electors it would be just as valid. In 2000, when Al Gore won by popular vote, these electors took away his victory and gave it to George Bush (43). Some people took that as a wise choice made by our government. I was not among them. If Al Gore took office then, would things have been any better today? Would 9/11 have happened? How would Gore have responded when the economy began to falter? These electors just aren’t now rooted enough and legitimacy to support more of their appointed ultimate authority. “Obama’s greatest enemy while he was in office was the Republican Party,” a friend once said. He had so many good ideas in the beginning, but they stepped on too many toes of the current established order (an order that works well with in our outdated health care system and drug pricing, which has provoked ridicule on so many sides. The true democratic solution is, ...) Obama worked on the economy for eight years to have Hillary take over. But then Donald Trump, the New York City

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hustler, moved in, got on the good side of the electors and took the popular vote Victory from Hillary Clinton. An unacceptably erratic president is riding on the highway van economy that Obama put together. The electoral system is not an anchor to our democracy. It is a product of the special interest scam. In a democracy, popular vote rules and should. This is the information age. Whose information is best? The peoples. After elections is not the time to express perverse opinion. Steve Smythe Reno


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By matt bieker

Favorite historical figure? asKed at Pignic PuB & Patio, 235 Flint st. Mar a Harris Yoga teacher

Melania Trump, because she’s the queen of sex trafficking. In the conversation around women and power and their relationship to the men that they choose, I think there’s a big conversation that will be had about her in the future.

Pierce Mor an Sales representative

Steve McQueen. He kind of did it all. He was a professional motorcycle racer, car racer, raced in Europe—but also a style icon as well as an actor. Not that he was a fantastic actor, but for the style of the era, he was good.

Kiyr a Me ader Cashier

Fix the spaghetti bowl As readers may have recently read, officialdom is nearing the point of planning the new spaghetti bowl where freeways come together in Reno. It’s a little late to remind our people how, if the feds had listened to the locals instead of local businesses and put Interstate 80 north of town instead of right through center 0f the town on what then were called the Third Street Route or the Seventh Street Route (the one finally chosen), there would have been no need for a spaghetti bowl at all. But there is still reason to recall that history, to remember that it is important to listen to locals in planning the alterations to the spaghetti bowl, because it’s the locals who will have to use it most. The last time the spaghetti bowl was re-designed there was a feature added that should not have been. That was two- or three-lane transfer ramps that suddenly turn into one-lane ramps. There are two of them on the current spaghetti bowl. One of them is eastbound on Interstate 80 and fills two lanes as they curve south to dump traffic onto 395 or 580, whatever they’re calling the north/south freeway. The other heads north on three lanes of 395 or 580, then turns into Interstate 80 where those three lanes squeezed into one are dumped either onto 80 or into the last Reno exit from 80, which happens to be at the bottom of the exit ramp.

Both of these wide-to-narrow ramps generate road rage and cause drivers to compete against each other at high speeds. In researching this editorial, we found a Sacremento Bee story that read in part, “We asked Bee readers last week about a common but controversial freeway moment: When faced with a sign saying, ‘Lane ends ahead, merge left,’ should you merge immediately or scoot ahead, passing other cars, until your lane ends? No surprise. We got no consensus. Drivers are adamant on both sides. Pat Longest says she gets in her lane early, and is angered by those who zoom by in the other lane. They’re rude, she says. You can read her lips as you pass by. ‘I say it out loud.’ Some of those ‘side zoomers,’ though, say they are being the opposite of rude. They’re reducing congestion by efficiently using available freeway space. Robert Massagli is emphatic: “If there is unused pavement on a highway, by all means USE IT!’ ” By contrast. a Federal Highway Administration handbook reads, “increasing the number of freeway lanes from 2 to 3 will increase the ‘service volumes.’” No, it won’t. The service volume remains the same. Expanding the number of lanes just pits the drivers against each other. And we need to knock it off. It’s danger0us. Ω

Freddie Mercury. I grew up listening to Queen. My dad was born in 1950. He’s a very oldschool guy. He was the one who introduced me to that music, and I burned out three CDs of Queen—all of the albums—because I love them so much.

Jose Barron Healthcare technology manager

As frequent people who come to trivia, one of the craziest questions we had was “Which president was famous for getting stuck in a bathtub?” William Taft was just a very large gentleman, so he’s actually famous for getting stuck in a bathtub to where they had to have other people come help. KeKe Kelly International educator

Langston Hughes. He wasn’t just a poet. He infused so much intention and social action into his poetry. I think he was saying what everyone else was thinking. ...That was at a time where so many people of color had so much on the tip of their tongues and had no platform to express how they were feeling.






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6   |   RN&R   |   08.22.19


Some Democrats shake corporate chains I’m so tired of hearing that progressives are lurching too far to the left and will surely re-elect President Donald Trump if we continue to insist on supporting candidates who will substantially address income inequality, climate change and gun safety. It reminds me of the consistent whining we hear from Nevada Republicans who say “throwing” money at education won’t improve our dismal standing in just about every education indicator. When did we ever throw money at education in Nevada, a state that consistently leads the nation in large class sizes and the highest percentage of children not enrolled in a pre-K program? Let’s actually fund education at the national average before we conclude money has nothing to do with our poor rankings. There are plenty of supposedly far-left ideas that are now part of our country’s safety-net. The same Republican who denounces liberal “socialism” is quick to defend his right to health care at the

VA or his wife’s enrollment in Medicare. Republicans try to starve these “socialized” benefits through budget cuts, but even their base voters feel entitled to them. Let’s not forget that Obamacare, that half-step towards universal health care featuring a significant expansion of Medicaid for states like Nevada smart enough to accept the underlying federal dollars, is a health care model that was first implemented in 2006 under a Republican governor in Massachusetts, one Mitt Romney. When he ran for president six years later, Romney tried to deny and diminish his own successful program, which dramatically reduced the uninsured rate in Massachusetts, opting instead to appease virulent Republican voters who were in no mood to admit that Obamacare derived from Romneycare. And after we elevated Trump to the highest office in the land, how dare the pundits tell us a person of color or a woman is unelectable in 2020?

At the opening of Elizabeth Warren’s first Reno campaign office, a male supporter told me he was worried that she couldn’t win because she’s a woman. But as Rebecca Solnit points out in a post on the topic of unconscious bias on Literary Hub, “What makes a candidate electable is in part how much positive coverage they get, and how much positive coverage they get is tied to how the media powers decide who is electable, and so goes the double bind.” Solnit writes that white men were approximately 34 percent of the electorate in 2016 but made up only 11 percent of Democratic votes, since the vast majority voted for Trump or a third-party candidate. She says, “One of the ugly facts about the 2020 election is that white men are a small minority of people who vote Democrat but have wildly disproportionate control of the money and media and look to have undue influence over the current race for the nomination, which is just one of the many fun ways that one person, one vote isn’t really what we have.”

So, yes, a woman can be elected President in these turbulent times in the United States. After all, Hillary Clinton received three million more votes than Donald Trump in 2016, only to be defeated by the archaic electoral college system that allegedly protects smaller population states like Nevada but actually makes a mockery of the one person, one vote ideal we pretend to embrace. Educate yourself during this long primary season, and support the candidate who inspires you, the person you think will lead us out of these dark days that reflect so poorly on our country’s heritage and values. Elizabeth Warren had it right during the second debate last month when she said, “We can’t choose a candidate we don’t believe in just because we’re too scared to do anything else.” Ω

Politico looks at how Democratic candidates are influenced: https://politi.co/2YaFpPH







Some of the RGJ staff worked out of a Rounds Bakery meeting room while gathered to visit with the public at an outreach meeting last month. Facing the camera at center is Brent McGinness. At right is James DeHaven. At right rear is Anjeanette Damon.

REID: FRANKEN DESERVES ANOTHER SHOT Former U.S. senator Harry Reid of Nevada told Daily Beast he wishes Al Franken would run again for the U.S. Senate after stepping down in a sexual harassment dispute. “I wish he would,” Reid said in an interview with the site. “But I don’t think he will. He just feels hurt. And he was a good senator.” Franken has been benefiting since July 22 from a new article by Jane Mayer posted on the New Yorker website that portrays his behavior as occurring in a show business context rather than a Senate setting. Mayer previously co-authored books on the IranContra affair and the Hill/Thomas hearings.

HATE DIMINISHES IN STATE The Southern Poverty Law Center has released its annual report on hate groups in the United States. It lists three Nevada groups—Firststartr in Carson City, Identity Evropa and the Right Stuff in Las Vegas. The list actually represents a net gain for Nevada. Last year, 10 groups—including the three listed here—were represented on the Nevada list.

AS THOUGH NEVADA’S IMAGE WERE NOT ODD ENOUGH Two alien-oriented events in Lincoln County have emerged from the Facebook event designed to open Area 51 to the public. Originally started as an online joke, the “plan” to bring so many people to Nevada that the top secret site would be overwhelmed has been threatened away by the Pentagon, but the two music events are going forward. The Lincoln County Commission has approved permits for both “Alienstock” and a second event without a name as yet. The events will be held at Rachel, and a second, private site about 30 minutes west of Rachel.








New cop shop? All parties wait to see The City of Reno approved in July the purchase of the Gannett-owned Reno Gazette Journal building. The sale has two-fold ramifications: one is the need for increased law enforcement resources. The other is the gesture of corporate-owned media companies becoming larger—and more focused on digital news production— while severely downsizing their on-theground staff. Smaller newsrooms require less space. Gannett, which runs the USA Today Network, of which the RGJ is a property, has seen dramatic cuts to production staff in the past two decades—with no end in sight. This may become more pronounced, media critics noted, with the recent purchase of Gannett by a chief rival, Gatehouse Media. Newsonomics’ Ken Doctor, a frequent writer on news media dynamics, said that “the two chains have both grown more comfortable with a combination that will produce an unprecedented giant in American daily journalism. The combination ...

produces a company that will likely own and operate 265 dailies and thousands of weeklies across the country.” Gannett has already hinted at potential cuts as a result of the merger. “Centralization and expansion of technology systems’ could save more than $40 million,” according to a report in the USA Today from mid-August. Gatehouse is also notorious for drastic cuts to its news operations, centralizing services under restructurings and squeezing resources from frequently meager operations at the expense of local communities. A sign of the times: It’s not looking good for those wanting to be news journalists. Even the University of Nevada, Reno journalism school, which formally maintains the name Reynolds School of Journalism and Center for Advanced Media Studies, drops the word journalism from its name in some instances. Depending on the audience, or the context, the college goes by “the Reynolds School.” Its curricula have

also shifted away from legacy news reporting. “News deserts” are growing around the country with such evolutions. Gatehouse and Gannett are frequently at the center of massive staff reductions around the United States. “Both companies have regionalized huge portions of management and daily production work—editors overseeing multiple properties, regional design centers handling layout, centralized printing and unified tech backends,” Doctor noted. “While that makes for a cultural fit, it also of course means there are probably fewer cost savings left to be squeezed out of even more regionalization.” Local staffers still promote what they call a “local journalism” focus, but vacant positions frequently go unfilled, and focused Reno news coverage from legacy news media is becoming more spotty. A recent RGJ hire to cover Las Vegas belies which community is meant to be considered local. And, frequently, Reno-area stories are crafted for the broader USA Today Network. “Its local newspapers and their digital sites run USA Today’s national stories, while USA Today carries more content from its local news partners,” the company announced in 2015.

THE BUILDING The RGJ building on Kuenzli Street has become increasingly vacant over the years. Meanwhile, the Reno Police Department needs a new station. Its decrepit building on Second Street is well past its useful lifetime. “The current Reno Police Department building was constructed in 1947,” said Reno Police Chief Jason Soto. “Updating or upgrading the current facility for more than $7 million is not an option.” RPD needs at least $5 million over the coming years “just to keep the building standing,” Soto added. Reno’s City Council consequently approved the purchase of the RGJ building July 24, 2019. But that too comes with a host of issues—namely, money. The building has structural issues, asbestos and a giant hole in the

The sale and purchase need to happen back of the building where a printing press fast. The Pennington pledge has to be finalwas removed. The hole was covered with ized by September 1. plywood. Importantly, the city has no firm “We’re expecting the deal with Reno idea of how it will pay for the complete will close soon since it looks like there’s cost of the building. The total purchase is a pretty hard deadline for the city to act in expected to be $33 million. order to secure funding from the Pennington The Pennington Foundation pledged $5 Foundation,” RGJ’s Executive Editor Brian million toward the purchase, sales of other Duggan said. “The newsroom isn’t directly city properties could produce another $4.3 involved in those negotiations, though, million, and the city’s general fund so we’re waiting to see the will cover $7 million. That outcome like everyone else.” means $17 million is still The RGJ building has needed. As of July 24, what the current RPD Assistant City Manager building does not—space, Bill Thomas said the and plenty of it. This is city did not have a needed for things such solid plan to cover as staffing, evidence that amount. storage, and importantly, “We need to come confidentiality. As law back with a financing enforcement increasingly plan to show ... how this Brian Duggan deals with mental health is going to be funded,” Executive editor challenges, confidentiality, he explained. “We’ve had making police reports and conversations—multiple conducting interviews are difficonversations—with the cult in the existing RPD building. philanthropic community, and what “It’s the majority of what we do,” Soto they’ve told us is, right now, they want to see said, “because there’s no more resources. whether the council really wants to do this.” We’re teachers, we’re doctors, we’re theraSince the city approved the purchase, pists, we’re counselors, were police officers, Thomas said council’s approval would we’re rescue units—they work really hard.” “be the gateway to go out to the many RPD’s new headquarters could become philanthropic organizations to get them ... to a reality as early as November of 2020 with pledge money. final phases competed by July of 2021. “Realistically, that’s probably somewhere Bob Conrad runs the Reno-area news between $5 and $10 million dollars,” he and events website, ThisisReno.com, which added. “Best case, we can probably get $10 partners with the Reno News & Review. □ million that way. That $7 million that’s left. There is a cost that we’re going to have to pay either way. Exactly how we’ll do that, we’ll have to bring back to the council, but maybe we can sell more properties so that $7 million goes down, but, again, we have an For more on the Gannett/Gatehouse merger, see exposure in the current station at $7 million.” https://bit.ly/2YX9UtP and https://bit.ly/2q6TprT.

“We’re waiting to see the outcome like everyone else.”

The space at the back of the building where the press was removed. The Gazette Journal is now printed in Carson City. PHOTO/DENNIS MYERS






10   |   RN&R   |   08.22.19


by Kelsey Penrose

Fertilizers and sediment runoff and invasive plants and animals all contribute to loss of water clarity at lake Tahoe.

Humans being Lake clarity For decades, scientists have been aware of issues facing Lake Tahoe and have been actively trying to determine how the famous blue waters can be protected. One thing is certain: the issues are human-caused, but might also be human-corrected with enough data and hands-on efforts. Mark Twain once famously wrote about how beautiful Tahoe’s waters were, describing them as the “fairest picture the whole earth affords.” However, since Twain’s time at the lake in the 1870s, water clarity has plummeted. Regularly scheduled scientific measurements of water clarity began in 1968. At the time, water clarity was at 100 feet, meaning you could see a white disk from the surface of the water 100 feet below. According to the League to Save Lake Tahoe, the measurement reached an all time low of 60.4 feet in 2016, which means over one foot of clarity was being lost per year. Among the reasons for the clarity loss are fine sediments entering the water through drainage pipes and excessive algae growth caused by the introduction of new nutrients to the water. Those nutrients are phosphorous and nitrogen, which are found in car emissions and fertilizers. “Invasive plants, animal waste, fertilizer runoff and sediment are also concerns,” said the League. “And, sadly, old drainage pipes still spew urban runoff directly onto Tahoe’s beaches.” Another cause behind the sediment could be the “thousands of tons of road sand” applied during the winter season in an effort to make the roads more safe to


drive. When the cars drive over the sand, they grind it up into finer particles, which then are carried by runoff into the lake. In December of 2016, President Obama signed legislation that included the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act, which authorized $415 million for research, restoration and the prevention of invasive species and wildfire. The average temperature of the lake has been slowly increasing thanks to climate change since the ’60s, with an average of 53.3 degrees, up from 50.3 in 1968. This warming trend could have significant impact on algae blooms and invasive species by providing hospitable environments and killing off native species. “In 2017, the lake was slightly warmer than the previous two years, making it the warmest ever,” said scientists of UC Davis in their annual State of the Lake report. “The absence of deep mixing for the sixth year in a row contributed to the storage of heat. The July surface water temperature was the warmest ever recorded at 68.4 °F.” However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that Tahoe is doomed. Organizations such as the League and UC Davis have been instrumental in slowing the decline in clarity, and plans have been enacted to combat the main issues of invasive species, runoff and algae blooms. Humans are without a doubt linked to Tahoe’s issues, from intentional introduction of species such as the Mysis shrimp (“Clear view, RN&R, Tahoe, Aug. 8) to the unintentional introduction of species like the Asian clam, which has been hitching rides on boats for decades. People choosing fertilizer-heavy grass lawns over natural landscapes, or driving instead of riding a bike have an effect, as do companies opening fertilizer-happy golf courses and destroying sediment-filtering wetlands. Now that researchers are aware and actively advocating for change, however, hope is tentatively restored for Tahoe’s clear waters to return. Ω






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The 2019 Nevada Legislature was the nation’s first majority-female legislature. Does it matter how women govern? sTory and phoTos by dennis myers


he 2019 Nevada Legislature will probably be best remembered for being the nation’s first majorityfemale legislature. That’s fine, but somewhat sad. It should be remembered for so much more. If this legislature had been led by men, it would be basking in praise for working miracles. This staid, hidebound state now has a new gun background check law and other gun curbs, new protections for abortion, new renewable energy requirements, a minimum wage hike, incorporation into state law of provisions of the Affordable Care Act, voter rights protections, collective bargaining for state workers, and less prison for nonviolent offenders. An open records measure was passed unanimously, but that was deceptive—it nearly did not get a vote at all, because of an overbearing newspaper campaign.

Failings are that it did not deal with payday loan predators, anti-death penalty bills were more or less ignored to death, and a new funding formula for schools was approved by lawmakers, most of whom who did not really know what was in it. It should not be a surprise that the Democrats found themselves opposing each other more than the Republicans. In 2015, when Republicans suddenly and unexpectedly found themselves with majorities in both houses, Democrats were not really a factor. In fact, the GOP members fought each other more than the Democrats (“Chaos theory” RN&R, June 4, 2015). That happens for a reason. When Nevada Independent reporters this year wrote a piece titled “Legislative leaders tout friendly relations, prepare for high-stakes session,” it once would have been the usual story at the beginning of session about the two parties’ leaders working well together. Instead, it was also about Democratic leaders getting along. Since the Gingrich cohort in Congress began intentionally polarizing the political system in the 1990s, it has done more than just change the two parties from adversaries into enemies. It means that when one side is in charge, the other side has little to do. The minority party can no longer bring its skills and expertise to bear. Polarization means just that. But there is

still conflict, because any policy proposal spurs debate and creates divisions between those who want action now and those who approach all problems gradually. So whichever party is in charge must endure factional fights. They showed up early this year and often pitted the leaders against the rank and file. In the Assembly, Speaker Jason Frierson had a strong sense of the legislature’s prerogatives, which worked fine because his

Members of the Nevada Legislature racked up a substantial record of accomplishment in 2019.

“majoriTy rules” continued on page 14

08.22.19    |   RN&R   |   13

“majority rules” continued from page 13

Democratic members were suspicious of the new governor of their own party. Many assemblymembers had not forgotten the brutal primary fight Gov. Steve Sisolak had waged against the party’s beloved Chris Giunchigliani, at one point by calling her soft on child sexual predators. They wanted Sisolak on their side, but they felt he needed to join them, not the other way around. And they, not the governor, set state policies. In the Senate, Democratic floor leader Kelvin Atkinson gave an interview to the Las Vegas Review Journal on Feb. 1, and it ran the first day of the session, on Feb. 4: “I do believe we’ll have to do a yeoman’s job to temper some of our allies. Some have this mentality that we have all three chambers, so let’s go after everything we haven’t been able to do in the last 25 years. I don’t think that’s good.” Members quickly let Atkinson know that how much they did and when was for them, not the leaders, to decide. And then they went to work building achievements. A month later, Atkinson resigned, leaving because of a federal prosecution against him for misusing campaign funds. When he left, he was replaced as leader by a much more activist lawmaker, Nicole Cannizzaro.

Gov. Steve Sisolak had to step carefully among his fellow Democrats.

Anyone who thinks women in government makes no difference has not paid attention. 14   |   RN&R   |   08.22.19

The members Does it matter whether there are women governing? I have often told the story of when the first woman joined the Senate Finance Committee in Carson City. Soon, questions were being asked in that committee that had never been asked before, about families and children, and not just on public assistance budgets but also on matters like the prison budget or roadbuilding. Sen. Diana Glomb was sometimes heard to say that while every life is precious, and that prisoners should be treated with humanity, it was wrong for children in the state to live lives poorer or harsher than prisoners. When the cohort of women lobbyists started growing into a force, male lobbyists who had always used the hardball approach found themselves having to compete with lobbyists whose life experiences had taught them how to persuade using a nurturing, coaxing approach. At least one Nevada Supreme Court ruling was reversed when women became a presence on that body. Anyone who does not think women make a difference in government has not paid attention. But the Democrats had leaders who often took different positions than those they were supposedly leading. Sisolak vetoed a bill designed to make sure the popular vote prevails in presidential elections, long a Democratic Party goal. That measure was passed over the opposition of Assembly Democratic floor leader Teresa BenitezThompson, who has served as a presidential elector herself. Atkinson had opposed the “Blueprint” the party had been issuing in previous legislatures. Basically a printed program or platform for legislative Democrats, it was generally read and forgotten, but it bugged Atkinson, who wanted a theme-a-week approach to issues. Both struck rank-and-file members as “pointless PR,” as one of them described the approaches. “Issues have a way of emerging on their own,” said one second-termer. “Who cares?” Just before Atkinson’s departure, a 2019 Blueprint came out. It laid out six items—schools, health care, economic

security, business climate, fairness in government, families and the environment—that Democrats promised would be improved by the 2019 Nevada Legislature. The main outcome of the list was ire that housing and renters were not listed. Nevada, it was pointed out, is the least family-oriented state in the nation. The notion of fairness being a high priority for Democrats would be new. It inevitably raises the state’s soak-the-poor tax structure, and the party has passed up chance after chance to do something about it. It’s one of the reasons Washoe County has one of the nation’s highest sales taxes, after raising the sales tax for schools six times. On the other hand, the party has been more attentive to the problems of small businesses. In this legislature, it processed a measure limiting the filing of the state commerce tax form to those businesses “whose Nevada gross revenue in a taxable year exceeds $4,000,000.” But generally, the Blueprint was filed and forgotten.

Unfinished business Little was done about repealing measures the Republicans enacted during their onesession majorities in 2015. While Atkinson in 2019 wanted the Democratic Party to restrain itself, the 2015 GOP legislators saw no reason to do so, enacting everything they could come up with, another instance of the Republicans listening to their base, the Democrats not. The 2017 legislative session mostly failed to deal with the GOP measures, and in 2019 lawmakers overturned some changes in prevailing law statutes the GOP had made. But the Republican “school choice” plan remains on statute books. It allows grants only to families that remove children from public schools, and those grants only supplement funds families can already pay, with the result that they were used only in high-income areas. But the Democrats have failed to fund it while leaving it on the statute books, which has prompted protests from groups that want the funding, and are now headed to court to get it. Like so many things in government, the “choice” plan remains on the books, though its function has ended. As for public schools, in 1967, the entire state population was 449,000 people. That’s when the current school funding plan was put together. There are currently over three million people in the state. After months of preparation, a new school funding plan was first shown quietly to business and education leaders—no open meeting advocates objected to that maneuver—after which

that preview was followed by introduction in the legislature on the 99th day, giving the lawmakers just 21 days to absorb it and approve it. Instead of being studied simultaneously in each house, the Senate began scrutiny and hearings, then approved. Then it was given to the Assembly on the last day of the legislative session. The Assembly dabbled with it, then approved it two minutes before the session ended. After senate concurrence with an assembly amendment, it was sent to the governor. This appalling processing of one of the most important bills of the session left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth and left the session in poor repute because it was the last major order of business.

Sword of Damocles Speaker Friersen sent a message to liberals in his own caucus on April 19. In a Reno Gazette Journal article, it read, “If progressive activists have something they want to tack on to a bill, there’s nothing stopping them from proposing amendments, Friersen said.” But there was. Nevada is not like Congress. Article four, section 17 of the Nevada Constitution forbids non-germane amendments. It is against the law to propose, say, a tax amendment to a transportation bill, or vice-versa. A payday loan amendment must be attached to a payday loan bill. And that was liberals’ most important way of aiding workers in 2019. But when they complained about payday loans, Friersen gave them procedure. The legislative leaders could not find a way to get controls on payday lenders through the legislature. Speaker Frierson claimed it was because the Senate had prior claim over this issue. It was the greatest single problem Democrats wanted solved. Procedure should have come last. But the members of the legislature, women or otherwise, were not as finicky about other sections of the Nevada Constitution. Jim Gibbons has been living quietly in LaMoille but was mentioned during this legislature in the Elko Free Press, Las Vegas Review Journal, Reno Gazette Journal, and Nevada Current (twice). That’s because of something he left behind when he left politics. During his first, unsuccessful run for governor in 1994, he needed something to set him apart from the GOP’s preferred and anointed candidate. He came up with an initiative petition to require supermajorities in the legislature to increase revenue. His candidacy for governor failed, but his initiative petition was approved in firstand second-round voting.

Nevadans have a record of shooting down anti-tax measures. They did it in 1956, 1980 and 1984. But in the case of the Gibbons initiative, no one opposed it. In the 1984 case, which would also have required supermajorities to raise taxes, the then-Democratic governor and the state teachers’ association put together a campaign against the measure, and it failed. But in the case of the Gibbons tax initiative, the teachers and the new Democratic governor didn’t bother opposing it or campaigning against it, and it was approved. It lost 8 percentage points between first- and second-round voting, but that was not enough, and so, in 2019, it was hanging over the legislature. A payroll tax set to expire was raised again by the 2019 legislature, but without the required supermajority. Democrats claimed that no such supermajority was required. This is how the Gibbons portion of the Nevada Constitution reads: “Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, an affirmative vote of not fewer than two-thirds of the members elected to each house is necessary to pass a bill or joint resolution which creates, generates

or increases any public revenue in any form, including but not limited to taxes, fees, assessments and rates, or changes in the computation bases for taxes, fees, assessments and rates.” After this language went into the state constitution, the first time it came up in the Nevada Legislature was when Las Vegas leaders wanted a new pipeline from the Colorado River to feed growth. Unfortunately, representatives of other parts of the state were not interested in raising taxes to help Las Vegas grow, so the measure was amended to pay for the lowering of the railroad tracks and flood control in Reno. There still was no certainty that the number of required votes were there, so they came up with another arrangement. Instead of the legislature raising taxes, it “enabled” local county commissions in Clark and Washoe counties to raise the taxes—and they would produce the supermajorities. It worked like a dream except that Gibbon’s tax-cutting initiative had produced the unforeseen result of higher spending. Anyway, the legislative staff lawyers, then and later, issued opinions saying

that such bills must always be voted on by a supermajority. But those lawyers can be flexible. In 1975, after the legislative lawyer offended leading senators by ruling that the lieutenant governor could vote on any ties in the Senate, he was fired. His replacement then produced an opinion saying that lieutenant governors can vote only on lesser matters like ceremonial resolutions. In 2019, the legislature’s lawyer produced an opinion saying that fewer than two-thirds of the members of a house can raise revenues. So the legislators voted for a higher payroll tax without the two-thirds vote. And Republicans have now gone to court to overturn the increase. As it happens, the additional funding is for schools and Sisolak says even if the courts rule against the Democrats, the funding will still be there. He has not explained how. The Democrats never offered an explanation to the public of why it was

necessary to raise taxes in 2019 when taxes had been raised in 2003 and 2017, both times in the name of education—or why it was necessary to do it through the mechanism of raising an expired tax. As Nevada Current noted, nine members of the 2019 Senate and eight members of the Assembly voted without major scrutiny in 2016 to raise room taxes to pay for $700 million-plus in corporate welfare for the Oakland Raiders, and that Steve Sisolak—then a Clark County commissioner—supported that move. Not everything has changed in government. Ω

Former governor Jim Gibbons may have dropped off the radar, but he dominated this year’s legislature.

08.22.19    |   RN&R   |   15

Faith in action

A local nonprofit fights to house the homeless


n Thursday, July 18, JD Klippenstein, the executive director of nonprofit ACTIONN, received a call from Reno City Councilmember Devon Reese. There had been an unexpected development in the city council agenda. City Attorney Karl Hall was requesting that the council approve a resolution stOry AnD phOtO allowing him to file a brief to the U.S. by temi DurOJAiye Supreme Court supporting Boise, Idaho, in its lawsuit against homeless camping. Boise decided to take the issue to the country’s highest court after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that one of the city’s leArn mOre ordinances was unconstiAbOut tutional. The ordinance ACtiOnn At had made it illegal to sleep ACtiOnn.Org. outside, basically criminalizing homelessness. But there was some good news. Most of the councilmembers were not in favor of Hall’s resolution, preferring a more cautious approach to the homeless problem in Reno, and it seemed unlikely to make any headway.






Four days later, Klippenstein received another call from Mayor Hillary Schieve’s office. She was pulling the resolution from the agenda and wanted to continue the conversation about homelessness with the community. “We were pretty much expecting it,” said Aria Overli, an organizer at ACTIONN. “It was just a matter of making sure it went through. So, it was really good news and thankfully saved us a lot of extra work.” Although media reported concerns about criminalizing homelessness, Klippenstein believes such concerns may have been overblown, fueled by the attempt to pass anti-vagrancy laws two years ago, as well as the city’s lack of a clear direction on how to solve the problem. “There are some issues that need to be clarified, [and] I would like to have clear direction from the 9th Circuit [on] providing advice for our police force,” Hall said in a recent interview. “It was just a weird situation in general,” Klippenstein said. “It’s just indicative of what is happening with homelessness in our community. There isn’t really a path.” Over the past two years, Klippenstein and ACTIONN have been working to create that path. After identifying housing as a key problem, they met with local and national experts as well as people affected by Reno’s shortage of affordable housing in order to devise a solution. They settled on creating a trust fund that would provide enough resources to create sustainable, affordable housing options—a model that proved successful in major cities like Los Angeles and New Jersey. It was an important first step, providing a practical, feasible direction that had been lacking. For most of that first year, they worked directly with Washoe County through the process on getting an ordinance written up for a county commission vote. They also organized a town hall meeting of about 80 people, and invited County Commissioner Bob Lucey to listen to the stories of those directly affected by the problem. Over the next few months, they met with the commissioner three times and shared stories about the experience of homelessness or precarious housing in weekly motels. It worked and their plan was added to the agenda. Next, they’d have to convince city officials. So, ACTIONN met with communities of faith in Northern Nevada to get a convincing number of

people to buy into their vision for housing and homelessness in Reno. “We did a lot of outreach, talking to the community about this potential solution to get people mobilized and engaged around it,” Overli said. ACTIONN mobilized over a thousand people to send emails, as well as show up to county commission meetings when the plan for the affordable housing trust fund would be heard. In November 2018, they had the first hearing at the Washoe County Commission. More than 200 people showed up in support of the housing trust fund, providing a bastion of support that legitimized the need. “When the county commissioners were there to hear the housing trust fund, we would fill the chambers,” Klippenstein said. “People living in

“When the whole room stood, the commissioners leaned back with their eyes open, and a few of them actually took [pictures].” JD Klippenstein, ACtiOnn exeCutive DireCtOr

weekly motels, service providers, faith leaders, business leaders, all these folks here to say, ‘This is a tool we need.’” They also added a little wrinkle to their presentation in order to reinforce the point—whenever the first person to speak on behalf of the trust fund would get to the podium, they would invite everyone in the room to stand with them while they made their comment. “The first time we did that, I was speaking,” Klippenstein said. “When the whole room stood, the commissioners leaned back with their eyes open, and a few of them actually took [pictures].” After the first hearing, the county commission approved the plan, and a draft ordinance was written up to be heard by the commission in February 2019. It was moving slowly, but there was progress. In February, one of the plan’s leaders, Dave Frasier, who spent a lot of time in weekly motels throughout his life, got an opportunity to share his story with the commission. Klippenstein recalls the moment as powerful, a moment where “you could hear a pin drop.” “It was incredible,” Klippenstein said. “When he was done, the chair ... said ‘I just want to let you know, I let

Executive director, JD Klippenstein took over ACTIONN in 2017 and restructured the organization, shifting its focus to homelessness in Reno.

you go over your time. But the reason I did is that your voice here means more to me.’” The draft ordinance was unanimously approved in March, and the housing trust fund became policy. Then, a setback. The court system was vying to get some of the funding to build a new courthouse, and it wasn’t clear if the original plan would be prioritized. “When we first learned that the court system [was] vying for the money, we, at that time, were under the impression that they wanted to take the money away, [and] that was really frustrating,” Overli said. The team convened and tried to map out their next course of action, all while reeling from what felt like a gut punch. The court system is very influential, and they were concerned about going directly against it. However, it never did escalate to that. In fact, the court system was feeling the effects of the housing problem, with people having no homes to return to after being released from jail, and often returning back to jail. After extensive discussion, both sides reached a compromise: a significant portion of the trust fund would go to affordable housing, another portion to building an infirmary in the jail which currently lacked one, and a third to building a public courthouse that prioritized low-income communities. Although Overli still thinks their work at ACTIONN is at odds with the legal system and its emphasis on criminalization, she and the rest of the team were wholly behind the compromise in order to move things forward. It’s all a part of the community organizing process—wins and losses and compromises. The current structure has also provided even more momentum for the finalization of the policy, with the court system benefitting from the community support behind the affordable housing trust fund, while using their influence to make sure the funding becomes a reality. Another meeting for the final ordinance that will actually finance the trust fund is

slated for September, and Klippenstein and Overli expect it to be fully actualized, with substantial financing to execute real projects. The details are still a work in progress, but there are signs that the funding will come from the governmental services tax and could reach about $10 million in its first year. Overli also confirmed that the plan is to continue to finance the fund for the next 25 years, in order to create a lasting impact. In addition to the trust fund, ACTIONN also helped pass legislation that capped fees for late rent payments at 5 percent in order to reduce evictions. The process of solving the housing problem in Reno has been painstaking, but it will be very rewarding for ACTIONN and a growing population currently disenfranchised from the right to shelter. □






by JessiCa santina

Tashina Habibian, left, and Aaron Foster star in Monessen Falls, now playing at Good Luck Macbeth.

Go home again It’s funny how a family visit can cause a person to regress. Take, for example, the trip my husband and I took with certain members of my family, when what began as a summer beach vacation degenerated on one long, tearful night in which my sibling and I—both fully grown adults—dredged up a fight we’d started 30 years prior. No matter how grown up we think we are, family visits have a way of bringing back all the insecurities, the Mom-alwaysloved-you-more resentments we’re convinced we’ve shed. This is the theme of Greg Burdick’s new play, Monessen Falls, currently enjoying its brief world premiere at Reno’s Good Luck Macbeth theater. It’s the inaugural production of GLM’s New Works Initiative, a company commitment to staging bold new works chosen from a pool of submissions. Burdick, a Florida-based theater instructor and playwright, drew inspiration for the play from his own childhood in the crumbling, Rust Belt town of Monessen, Pennsylvania. In the three-character play, Kip (Aaron Foster), a successful architect living in Manhattan, returns home to Monessen after a 17-year absence to help his brother, Ethan (Bryce Alexander Keil), settle their recently deceased mother’s affairs. Kip brings along his new fitness-trainer girlfriend, Phoebe (Tashina Habibian), who gets more than she bargained for when the return home creates cracks in Kip’s usually tough, confident façade. Nightly, he’s suffering from nightmares so terrible that he wakes up screaming and having wet the bed. The daylight hours are no picnic, either. Kip is overwhelmed by the mountain of debt his mother has left behind and has no idea how to address it. Brother Ethan, a 18





Photo/Courtney roPP

jobless gambling addict still living at home, has only exacerbated the problem and seems incapable of solving it. He’s angry that Kip left; Kip’s angry that Ethan stayed. The entire play takes place in the bedroom, which adds to a feeling of claustrophobia, particularly as the buzzing of the cicadas and a mounting, angry storm escalate the tension inside, and unthinkable secrets are revealed. Each man, by turns, exposes deep emotional wounds and seeks a sort of absolution; each man has an opportunity to grant it. These revelatory moments are raw and authentic. I squirmed in my seat, feeling like an intruder in what seemed like too-private moments. Foster and Keil are magnificent. By turns, they leave it all on stage—every real emotion, every shred of pain they can conjure up is brought to life. It’s only unfortunate that Habibian is outmatched, and her lines, at times, feel trite and too scripted—odd in those otherwiserealistic moments. And while the intensity of the brothers’ interactions is powerful and admirable, the story has some rough spots, and I felt there were a couple of moments of awkward staging and jarring sound issues. None of this, however, impedes the strength of what, at heart, is a potent story about forgiving the sins of your family and coming into your own. If you’re looking for a lighthearted escape, this ain’t it. But for a reminder about the power and artistry of live theater, Monessen Falls has that in spades. Ω

Monessen Falls

12345 Good Luck Macbeth, 124 W. taylor st., presents Monessen Falls, by Greg Burdick and directed by sandra Brunell neace, on aug. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 at 7:30 p.m. tickets: $18 in advance, $20 at the door, $30 ViP Champagne seating. For tickets or more information, visit www.goodluckmacbeth.org or call 322-3716.


b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m



Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw



While the poster for Hobbs & Shaw declares it is presented by Fast & Furious, it has very little in common with that franchise other than the participation of Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham reprising their characters from the Furious films. In other words … rejoice! … the leaden, dreary Vin Diesel is nowhere to be seen in this movie! Hobbs & Shaw is a bizarre hybrid of spy thrillers, action pics and science fiction. While Fast & Furious movies are certainly outlandish, they remain somewhat grounded in reality, except for my personal favorite sequence of a car jumping from skyscraper to skyscraper. This movie goes totally off the rails of realism. It’s too damn long, but when it works, it works well. It also functions as a comedy in that Johnson and Statham have great timing and work really well together. Hobbs (Johnson) and Shaw (Statham) find themselves protecting Shaw’s sister, Hattie (Vanessa Kirby of Mission: Impossible – Fallout), after she injects herself with something that will have worldwide consequences if she’s captured. It all comes together in a big, dumb summer fun kind of way.

Anytime, any swear You have to have big balls to release a movie like Good Boys in today’s PC environment. Kids swear like sailors, unknowingly sniff anal beads and run across busy highways without looking both ways in this movie. It might just be the winner for child-delivered profanity when it comes to cinema, easily topping the likes of the original The Bad News Bears. Actually, delete the word “might.” It’s the winner for sure. Sweetheart Jacob Tremblay, the cute little dude from Room, goes full stank mouth mode as Max. He’s a member of the Beanbag Boys (they call themselves that because, well, they have beanbags), along with pals Lucas (scene-stealing Keith L. Williams) and Thor (wildly funny Brady Noon). Their junior high social activities consist of bike rides and card games, but things are taken up a notch when they are invited to a party that will include a—gasp—kissing game. The Beanbag Boys get themselves into trouble involving the ruination of Max’s dad’s (Will Forte) drone, a predicament that involves a stash of Molly/ Ecstasy pills and two older, meaner girls, Hannah and Lily (Molly Gordon and Midori Francis). The goal to reach the kissing party unscathed, and with a bottle of beer so that they look cool, is blocked by many tween drama obstacles. This film lets you know it’s not playing around instantly, with the Beanbag Boys unleashing a torrent of obscenities that lets you know that they’ve been familiar with these words for at least a couple of years despite their young ages, and they say them frequently. As a former adolescent, I can attest to this reality: kids curse, and they love to curse. Deal with it. Hearing kids—real kids—talk like this in an American movie is oddly refreshing. It’s also laughout-loud funny to hear these words coming out of Tremblay’s cherubic face. As the title of the movie

“That’s disgusting! Is that ... the president’s Twitter feed?”

implies, these are good boys, even though they curse like Samuel L. Jackson in a Tarantino movie. They have dirty mouths, but they are anti-drug and anti-bullying, so much so that the film actually belabors those points a little too much and too obviously at times. It’s no big surprise that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg, the men behind Superbad, had a hand in producing this. The plot is very similar, with Good Boys almost qualifying as a Superbad prequel or reboot. Three kids try to get to a party with alcohol in tow while cursing a lot. While Jonah Hill’s Superbad kid kept getting hit by cars, Lucas also suffers grave, humorously depicted injuries along the way. It’s the same movie. It’s funny as all hell, but it’s the same movie set in junior high rather than high school. Director Gene Stupnitsky, making his feature debut, gets a gold star for getting kids to say this stuff with a straight face. (Lordy, there must’ve been a lot of takes.) Sometimes the film feels a bit hollow, as if its only reason for existence is to hear kids curse a lot. Still, hearing kids curse a lot is hilarious, and worth a night out to the cinema. Tremblay, Williams and Noon get a lot of credit for making this all so much fun. Tremblay, who has the most serious acting chops of the trio, is a natural, and provides a great anchor for the madness. Williams is, at times, heartbreakingly sweet, especially when his character is dealing with the breakup of his family. Noon brings a pretty stellar singing voice to the proceedings, and it’s put to good use on a rousing Foreigner track. The summer needed a big blast of funny stupidity, and Good Boys provides it. It’s ripe for a sequel where these kids are freshmen in high school. I have to think that premise is going to get the greenlight here real soon. Maybe McLovin will make a cameo. Ω

Good Boys


Writer-director Ari Aster’s Midsommar, the sophomore effort following his masterpiece Hereditary, is two and a half hours of nerve-fraying terror staged mostly in broad daylight, and it is a thing of demented beauty. Dani (dynamite Florence Pugh) and Christian (excellent Jack Reynor) are having relationship issues. Dani is super dependent on Christian during a major time of need, as her sister is constantly bombarding her with dark mood swing modern correspondence (translation: toxic emails). Then, tragedy strikes Dani’s family, and it’s time for Christian to step up. His solution? Take Dani along on what was supposed to be a bro trip to Sweden for a traditional family summer festival. Shortly after arrival, Dani and friends ingest hallucinogenic mushrooms. The weirdness kicks in immediately, and the movie comes off as a really bad trip. Pugh, so good in this year’s Fighting with My Family, makes a grand statement with this movie. She’s an acting force that puts her in the upper echelon. One of the pleasures of Aster’s latest is that it’s obvious where things are going. It’s a mystery that puts a ton of clues right in front of your face in vividly visible fashion as the sun shines brightly. While the movie is a deliberately paced slow burn, it’s nearly two and a half hours pass by pretty quickly. Aster never loses the sense of dread, so while you could call his movie predictable in some ways, it’s not even close to being a letdown. It’s a movie that constantly delivers on the dread it promises.


Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood

The ninth movie from Quentin Tarantino is a dreamy doozy, his most unapologetically Tarantinian film yet. History and conventionality be damned, for QT is behind the camera, and he favors mayhem and a little thing called artistic license. Set in 1969, Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood captures the ’60s film scene and culture as they are dying, and they most certainly die hard. Making a run at Newman and Redford, we get Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt as insecure, has-been actor Rick Dalton and his trusty stuntman, Cliff Booth, respectively. Dalton’s career has devolved into playing the bad guys on TV’s The F.B.I. while past-his-prime and blackballed Booth is relegated to driving him around and being his confidante. The setup allows Tarantino to go hog wild with the ’60s visuals and soundtrack. Hollywood is a monumental achievement on the art and sound direction fronts. Some of Tarantino’s soon-to-be most famous shots are in this movie. The looks and sounds are so authentic that you might wonder if Dalton and Booth were real people. They were not, but they’re based on folks like Burt Reynolds, Clint Eastwood and Hal Needham. The end of the ’60s was bona fide nutty times, and this is a nutty movie. It also manages to be quite heartfelt and moving.


Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark




Spider-Man: Far from Home

Alvin Schwartz’s collection of short horror stories for kids gets a big-screen attempt with Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, directed by Andre Ovredal and produced by Guillermo del Toro. The three original books gathered together some stories from folklore and urban legend, with Schwartz putting his own spin on them, even instructing young readers on how to scare their friends while reading them aloud. They were micro-short, they were sometimes grisly, and they had no connective thread. They also managed to make their way into campfire stories in the ’80s. Rather than do an anthology movie, like a Creepshow for kids, Ovredal and del Toro opt for a framing device that is a direct nod, one could say rip-off, of the Stranger Things/ Stephen King’s It nostalgia genre involving plucky kids dealing with various horrors. The resultant film feels derivative, disconnected and quite boring, a bunch of decent ideas crammed into a storyline that just doesn’t work. The gimmick attempting to hold everything together is the story of Sarah Bellows (not a character in the books), an abused, long-deceased girl whose journal of stories is discovered by the aforementioned plucky teens led by Stella (Zoe Colletti) in 1968. Others in the group include Auggie, the slightly intellectual guy (Gabriel Rush); Chuck, the goofy guy (Austin Zajur); and Ramon, the mysterious newbie (Michael Garza). All the group really needs is a young, quiet girl with a short haircut and an affinity for Eggos, and the Stranger Things circuit would be complete.

White supremacist Bryon Widner (Jamie Bell), after being raised on a doctrine of hate within a skinhead camp, has a change of heart when he finds love with a single mother (Danielle Macdonald). Of course, putting a skinhead past behind you, especially when you’ve opted to tattoo your face with hate images, is not an easy thing. Writer-director Guy Nattiv, basing his film on the true story of Bryon Widnor, does a nice job of showing that redemption sometimes comes at a high price. Bell is great here as Widnor, as is Macdonald as the woman who manages to love him even though he’s a complete asshole. The film feels like a distant cousin of the Edward Norton starring American History X, although it doesn’t have near the artistry of that movie. Still, the movie is a solid story, well-acted, and proof that Bell is perhaps a bigger actor than his resume has revealed. Supporting cast includes Bill Camp as the leader of the skinhead camp, and Vera Farmiga as his nurturing yet classless and evil wife. Blink and you’ll miss a quick appearance by Mary Stuart Masterson as Agent Jackie Marks. She acts that part like she’s in a different movie, but it’s fun to see her all the same. (Available to stream during a limited theatrical release.)

Tom Holland cements his status as bestever Spider-Man with what amounts to the goofiest, but still major fun, Spider-Man movie yet. Jon Watts once again directs as Peter Parker looks to vacation with his friends after the events of Endgame, traveling to Europe and leaving his superhero responsibilities behind. When a strange breed of elemental monsters start striking the planet, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) interrupts Peter’s sojourn and gets him back into the swing of things. Jake Gyllenhaal gets into the shenanigans as Mysterio, a crime fighter from another dimension that slides right into the Tony Stark mentor role. Holland is good fun as Spidey, giving him a nice, youthful effervescence to go with his comic timing. Zendaya rules as MJ, Jon Favreau gets a lot more screen time—it’s a good thing!—as Happy, and the film doesn’t have nearly enough Marisa Tomei. It’s a bit lightheaded at times, but it’s the sort of breezy affair that the Marvel universe needed to get things revved up again. Hopefully, this is just the beginning for Holland and he has a bunch of these in his future, because he’s perfect for the role.






by ToDD SouTh

D’licious Caffe’s fruit blintzes can be served as a combo, with eggs, hashbrowns and sausage.

New dawn Restaurante Yesenia was my favorite local place for Salvadoran pupusas revuelta, a sort of thick corn flour patty stuffed with pork and cheese. They were larger, crispier and better stuffed than most. I felt some dismay when I heard they’d converted to an American-style brunch diner, but there’s still a small “secret” menu reflecting the past. My crew was in for breakfast, but I’ll admit a twinge of regret when I saw another diner digging into a big, cheesy bit of yum accompanied by pickled cabbage and tomato sauce. Next time. Along with the new name comes a new menu, and it’s very American—pancakes, waffles, breakfast skillets, omelets, eggs any style, burgers, sandwiches, salads, chicken wings, steaks. We ordered coffee while making our selections. It was preground “diner standard” java—not terrible, but not great. Service was super friendly, and we didn’t go lacking for refills of the brown stuff, such as it was. A full breakfast order of french toast with syrup and whipped cream ($9.49) came with two eggs, hash browns and bacon or sausage. We added fresh banana for $1.29. The battered bread was nicely browned, not too eggy and pretty much what you want from this classic. The eggs were a perfect over-medium. The hash browns were average but plentiful, and the pair of bacon strips were thin, crispy and uniformly straight. Picture perfect. It was a lot of food, requiring two plates. Three cheese blintzes ($8.99) with peaches and whipped cream were next. Unlike the tucked and folded kosher treats, these were cheese-filled, rolled crepes topped with canned peaches and a light syrup I’m thinking came from the can the fruit was packed in. They were good, but instead of the traditional mix of ricotta and 20






cream cheeses (or better, farmer’s cheese) with egg and lemon zest or juice, the filling appeared to be cottage cheese and heavy cream. Again, the overall result was fine, but they wouldn’t pass muster at a New York deli. Probably best in show was a steak “Macho Man” cast-iron skillet ($11.99) loaded with strips of carne asada, home fries, onion, jalapeño, habanero, bell pepper and shredded cheese—topped by two eggs—with a gravy-laden biscuit on the side for good measure. The chunky potatoes were perfect, the meat tasty, and the whole thing was glued together with melted cheese in the way that ensures you’ll get a bit of everything in every bite. If you have issues with hot stuff, skip the habanero; this bit of breakfast had some serious bite. The biscuit wasn’t the fluffiest, and the country gravy lacked sausage or bacon compensated with plenty of black pepper and overall graviness. A pair of chicken poblano crepes ($10.99) with mushroom, onion, poblano chile, Swiss cheese and hollandaise sauce were golden brown and a sizeable meal on their own. The chicken had obviously been pre-cooked then tossed back on the heat, but the smoky flavor and crispy bits were quite good. The chunks were a bit large and required being cut down, yet were tender enough to allow it. The chopped poblano added just a bit of vegetative heat, and the ’shrooms and onions were perfectly sautéed. The topping of spice-dusted hollandaise did its job, and we left fortified to seize the day. Ω

D’licious Caffe

581 E. Moana Lane, 622-0117

D’licious Caffe is open from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Learn more at dliciouscaffe.com.

by Mark EarnEST

The members of the Little Little City Committee are, from left, Mig Young, Jimmy Martensen, Berdo Soto, Mary Frye, Johnny Boy Vasquez and Daniel Soto.

Lit up The Litty Little City Committee For years now, the Electronic Dance Music scene in Reno has been flourishing, and part of that fervent following has been stoked by independent promoters who put the fandom of EDM into action by making sure their favorite local DJ/artists can fill the clubs. One such group is the recently formed Litty Little City Committee. “I see EDM like a small group, but a steady scene,” said Johnny Boy Vasquez, who founded the LLCC. “I don’t think it really dies down. When there are the bigger shows, they pack the buildings out. I’d probably say that EDM is going to be part of Reno for a while.” Vasquez is a California transplant who’s liked EDM for most of his life. When he moved with his family to Reno four years ago, he decided to start getting more into the scene. “My cousin took me to a Bass Camp festival, and I met a group of promoters, and that got me motivated to start promoting,” Vasquez said. “I’ve always had a passion for promoting or representing companies and mixing that with volunteer work over the years.” he helped Bass Camp out with working the door and taking tickets, or putting on wristbands at events. All the while, Vasquez was observing and asking questions about how shows worked. LLCC was made official in late 2017. It began when Vasquez and his roommates started up two different Snapchat groups to talk about EDM, “The Party After the Party” and “Litty Little City.” From that second group—which soon reached its limit of 100 members—the LLCC was launched. The group’s first show was this past February at 1up, 214 W. Commercial Row, “Litty City Asylum,” which featured local

Photo/Mark EarnEst

DJs as well as a group pillow fight/moshpit. From there the group sponsored a series of “Meet the Locals” shows at TheBlueBird, in which local DJ/artists got a chance to team up and perform for bigger audiences. That’s one of the LLCC’s chief goals—to get more exposure for Reno DJs/artists. Vasquez named several locals that the LLCC has helped out, including Cancel, who Vasquez said is going to be touring Australia soon. He also mentioned two DJ teams that work both separately and together: Coma Tek and Grunge, and Howker and Kyu. “I just want us to be a platform for everyone to turn to, to see what rising stars are coming out from Northern Nevada and Northern California,” Vasquez said. “I think it’s really hard for people to gain support if they’re not quite at the superstar status or recognized by other bigger artists. I always tell DJs that once you find supporters who work really hard, to hold onto them when they do find them. That’s why I want to be a constant support for local artists.” From that base of local shows, the Litty Little City Committee has been promoting more popular national artists, including L.A. artist Hypeitup and an Aug. 31 show with Miami DJ Nitti Gritti. The group also works in tandem with another new promoter, Bomb Squad Events, to do several of these shows. “We’ve been showing [Bomb Squad] a lot about shows, how to run the door, how to make hashtags, just helping them out,” Vasquez said. In the future, Vasquez and his committee want to bring more national acts to town, continue the local shows while trying to do shows in Sacramento, and also eventually work with other promoters to do an outdoor event. Ω

the next two Litty Little City Committee shows are at the BlueBird featuring nitti Gritti on aug. 31, and slimes on sept. 13. Get more details at facebook.com/thelittylittlecitycommittee







Dance party, 10pm, $5

Dance party, 10pm, $5

Karaoke, 9pm, W, no cover


Drinking with Clowns, 8:30pm, no cover

BoonFire, 9pm, no cover

South Tahoe Funk Union, 9pm, no cover

Open mic, 7:30pm, M, no cover Trivia Night, 7pm, W, no cover

Wabuska Yachting Club, Rusty Gate, 8:30pm, $5

Spark the Forest, Kanawha, 8:30pm, $5

Dippin’ Sauce, 9pm, no cover

Dippin’ Sauce, 9pm, no cover


1044 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-5050


10040 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee, (530) 587-2626




Live music, 5pm, no cover


555 E. Fourth St., (775) 499-5549

Pre-Burn Bass: Trampa, WY FY, 4Bang, Grunge, 10pm, $20-$25


Keith Shannon, 8:30pm, no cover

538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


Carson Comedy Club, Carson City Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, (775) 882-1626: Key Lewis, Fri-Sat, 8pm, $15 Laugh Factory, Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., (775) 3257401: Joey Medina, Thu, Sun, 7:30pm, $21.95; Fri-Sat, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; K-von, Tue-Wed, 7:30pm, $21.95 LEX at Grand Sierra Resort, 2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-5399: Chaunté Wayans, Fri, 6:30pm, $10 The Library, 134 W. Second St., (775) 6833308: Sunday Night Comedy Open Mic, Sun, 8pm, no cover Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-5233: Chaunté Wayans, Fri, 8:30pm, $17-$22, Sat, 6:30pm, 9:30pm, $17-$22


MON-WED 8/26-8/28

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

10069 Bridge St., Truckee, (530) 536-5029




132 West St., (775) 499-5655

Aug. 23, 10 p.m. The BlueBird 555 E. Fourth St. 499-5549


Back to School: Butterz, Jordan Bass, Awon, Philthy, Trendo, 10pm, no cover

214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 813-6689



10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711

Frog & Toad, 6pm, no cover


Karaoke with Nightsong Productions, 8pm, no cover


Chris Wyatt Scott, GL.O. In the Dark, Só Sol, 8pm, $5

275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

432 E. Fourth St., (775) 409-4431

Cole Adams, 9pm, no cover

Live music, 9pm, no cover

Sounds of the City with Lenny el Bajo, Doug Sandall, 5pm, no cover

Post shows online by registerin g at www.newsr eview. com/reno. D eadline is the Frida y before public ation.


Karaoke Night, 9pm, no cover


Strictly Business, 7pm, no cover

THE HOLLAND PROJECT 140 Vesta St., (775) 448-6500


Green Weather, 6pm, W, no cover

Latin Tuesday Social, 8pm, Tu, no cover

239 W. Second St., (775) 470-8590

846 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 355-7711

Traditional Irish session, 7pm, Tu, Wed. Night Showcase, 7pm, no cover

Live music, 9pm, no cover


599 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City; (530) 583-3355

Techno. Tacos. Tequila: Sonus, 4Bang, Vile Ant, Nandez, 7pm, Tu, no cover

The Moondawgs, 10pm, no cover

Panda, 8:30pm, no cover

Trivia Night, 9pm, Tu, no cover

Clarko, Illicit Trade, Shit Metaphor, 8pm, $5

Temple of Angels, Fearing, Skew Ring, 8pm, Tu, $7





1) Mozzy, Allblack, 8:30pm, $20 2) Argentavis, Get Out!, 9pm, $5

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room



MON-WED 8/26-8/28

2) Human Ottoman, Redfield Clipper, Of Lyle, 8pm, $5

2) Chuckie Campbell, 10pm, Tu, $5 Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

John Stowell, 7:30pm, $5-$10

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633


Motown on Mondays, 9pm, M, no cover

188 California Ave., (775) 322-2480


1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

DJ Trivia, 7pm, no cover

The Heidi Incident, 8:30pm, no cover


La Arrolladora, Banda El Limón, Los Grandes de Tijuana, 9pm, $45

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks, (775) 507-1626


Bingo w/T-N-Keys, 6:30pm, Tu, no cover Rogue Rage Duo, 6pm, W, no cover

Live music, 8pm, no cover

235 Flint St., (775) 376-1948

Stone Mecca, Cliff Poter Trio, 9pm, no cover


T-N-Keys, 8pm, no cover

Ladies Night with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover

Saturday Night Summer Party with DJ Bobby G, 8pm, no cover


3 Day Burn In Event/Pre-Burning Man party, 8pm, no cover

3 Day Burn In Event/Pre-Burning Man party, 8pm, no cover

3 Day Burn In Event/Pre-Burning Man party, 8pm, no cover


Magic Mike Exotic Male Review, 8pm, $21.95-$39.95


340 Kietzke Lane, (775) 686-6681

Poprockz ’90s Night with DJ Zive, 10pm, no cover

Fierce Fridays, 11pm, $10, no cover before 10pm

Splash Reno Anniversary Bash with Yvie Oddly, 9pm, $25

Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover


Silent Disco, 10pm, $5

A Potentialist Show: Weapons of Mass Creation, Schizopolitans, 7pm, no cover

Back to School Party 11:30pm, no cover

The Blasters, Jesse Dayton, 8pm, W, $17-$20

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 384-6526

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

211 N. Virginia St., (775) 433-1090

DJ Trivia, M, 7:30pm, no cover


17. S. Virginia St., (775) 284-7455

Tyler Stafford, 6pm, no cover

Linda Marie

Massage Therapy

Krystal Paul Duo, 6pm, no cover

Eric Andersen, 6pm, no cover

Aug. 24, 7 p.m. Whiskey Dick’s Saloon 2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd. South Lake Tahoe (530) 544-3857

DG Kicks, 8pm, Tu, no cover Chris Costa, 7pm, W, no cover DJ Trivia, 1pm, no cover

DJ Bingo, 7pm, W, no cover

Eric Stangeland, 2pm, no cover Milton Merlos, 6pm, no cover

The Blasters Aug. 28, 8 p.m. Virginia Street Brewhouse 211 N. Virginia St. 433-1090

Death Valley High, Bitter Lake, 7pm, no cover

2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., S.L. Tahoe, (530) 544-3857

Death Valley High

Tyler Stafford, 6pm, M, no cover Mel Wade & Gia, 6pm, Tu, no cover Erika Paul, 6pm, W, no cover

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142 Bell St. Ste. 2D, Reno 08.22.19







2100 Garson rd., Verdi, (775) 345-6000

500 n. sierra st., (775) 329-0711

Guitar Bar


ROCKIT TOWN DUO: Thu, 8/22, 6pm, no cover THE LOOK: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 6pm, no cover EBONY NOT QUITE IVORY: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 10pm, no cover

STEPHEN LORD: Sun, 8/25, Wed, 8/28, 6pm, no cover

Iration Aug. 23, 6 p.m. MontBleu Resort, Casino & Spa 55 Highway 50 Stateline (775) 588-3515

3800 s. VirGinia st., (775) 825-4700 TREY STONE: Thu, 8/22, Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/25, 4pm, no cover

ATOMIKA: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 10pm, Sun, 8/25, 8pm, no cover

JOEY CARMON BAND: Mon, 8/26, Tue, 8/27, Wed, 8/28, 8pm, no cover




HEROES OF ROCK & ROLL: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 9pm, no cover


14 HiGHway 28, CrystaL Bay, (775) 833-6333

507 n. Carson st., Carson City, (775) 882-1626

red rooM

tHe LoFt

DOWN NORTH: Fri, 8/23, 10pm, no cover HAYLESTORM & DEESTRUKT: Sat, 8/24, 10pm, no cover



1627 Hwy. 395, Minden, (775) 782-9711

345 n. VirGinia st., (775) 786-5700



8pm, no cover

CHILI AND THE BREAD BOWL: Sat, 8/24, 8pm, no cover

ROCK RIVER: Sun, 8/25, Mon, 8/26, 6pm, no cover

HANS EBERBACH: Tue, 8/27, Wed, 8/28, 6pm, no cover


Sat, 8/24, 10pm, no cover



TRIPPIN’ KING SNAKES: Thu, 8/22, 7pm, Fri, 8/23,


10pm, no cover


TANDYMONIUM: Mon, 8/26, 6pm, no cover MARK MILLER: Tue, 8/27, 6pm, no cover

BIG HEART: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 9pm, no cover


eL JeFe’s Cantina


THE ILLUSIONISTS EXPERIENCE: Thu, 8/22, 7pm, Fri, 8/23, 8:30pm, Sat, 8/24, 5pm & 8:30pm, Sun, 8/25, 5pm, Tue, 8/27, Wed, 8/28, 7pm, $39.95-$59.95



Dozens of the world’s top barbecue cooks will compete for prizes and bragging rights to the best ribs in the West during the 31st annual festival. The end-of-summer celebration also features arts and crafts vendors, a kids’ play area with rides and activities, a beer garden and live entertainment on two stages, including headliners Joe Nichols, Crash Test Dummies, David Nail, Candlebox, Devin Dawson and Mumbo Gumbo on the Main Stage. The festival gets underway on Wednesday, Aug. 28, along Victorian Square in downtown Sparks. Winners will be announced on Monday, Sept. 2. Festival hours are 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Aug. 28-Sept. 1, and 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sept. 2. Admission is free. Call 356-3300 or visit nuggetribcookoff.com.

GrAND SIErrA rESOrT 2500 e. seCond st., (775) 789-2000 LeX niGHtCLuB THROWBACK THURSDAY WITH DJ SWERVE-1: Thu, 8/22, 6pm, no cover

LEX FRIDAYS: Fri, 8/23, 10pm, $20

LEX SATURDAYS: Sat, 8/24, 10pm, $20

tHe PooL INFINITY SUNDAYS AT THE POOL: Sun, 8/25, 11am, $20, no cover for locals before noon

wiLLiaM HiLL raCe and sPorts Bar COUNTRY MUSIC NIGHTS & DANCE LESSONS: Thu, 8/22, Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 10pm, no cover

Post shows online by registering at www.newsreview.com/reno. Deadline is the Friday before publication.

HARRAH’S LAKE TAHOE 15 HigHway 50, Stateline, (800) 427-7247 SOUtH SHOre rOOM MASTERS OF ILLUSION: Thu, 8/22, Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, Sun, 8/25, Mon, 8/26, 8pm, $24-$45

CaSinO Center Stage TUESDAY NIGHT BLUES WITH THE BUDDY EMMER BAND: Tue, 8/27, 8pm, no cover

The Lique Aug. 22, 7 p.m. Aug. 23-24, 8 p.m. Peppermill Resort Spa Casino 2707 S. Virginia St. 826-2121

HARD ROCK LAKE TAHOE 50 HigHway 50, Stateline, (844) 588-7625 Vinyl HOLIDAE HOUSE: Sat, 8/24, 10pm, $10

Center Bar DJ SET: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 9pm, no cover

HarVeyS CaBaret ROCKY LAPORTE WITH RON MOREY: Thu, 8/22, Fri, 8/23, 9pm, $25, Sat, 8/24, 8:30pm & 10:30pm, $30, Sun, 8/25, 9pm, $25

BEN GLEIB WITH GRANT COTTER: Wed, 8/28, 9pm, $25

MONTBLEU RESORT, CASINO & SPA 55 HigHway 50, Stateline, (775) 588-3515



219 n. Center St., (775) 786-3232

FEMMES OF ROCK: Sat, 8/24, 8pm, $24.52

SaMMy’S SHOwrOOM THE GREAT AMERICAN VARIETY SHOW: Thu, 8/22, Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 7:30pm, $27-$37

OUtdOOr plaza GOV’T MULE: Sat, 8/24, 7pm, $40.82

HARVEYS LAKE TAHOE 18 HigHway 50, Stateline, (775) 588-6611 laKe taHOe OUtdOOr arena STEVE MILLER BAND WITH MARTY STUART AND HIS FABULOUS SUPERLATIVES: Sat, 8/24, 7pm, $49.50-$139.50

LUKE BRYAN WITH JON LANGSTON: Sun, 8/25, 7pm, $70.50-$150.50


NUGGET CASINO RESORT 1100 nUgget aVe., SparKS, (775) 356-3300 nUgget BallrOOM


SilVer BarOn lOUnge

2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121


terraCe lOUnge 8pm, no cover

CaSinO FlOOr

BOGG JAZZ ENSEMBLE: Sun, 8/25, Mon, 8/26,

CHRIS COSTA: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 8pm, no cover

Tue, 8/27, Wed, 8/28, 6pm, no cover

edge LATIN DANCE SOCIAL WITH BB & KIKI OF SALSA RENO: Fri, 8/23, 7pm, $10-$20, no cover before 8pm

DJ SCENE: Sat, 8/24, 10pm, $20


SANDS REGENCY 345 n. arlingtOn aVe., (775) 348-2200 3rd Street lOUnge JASON KING: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 7pm, no cover

SILVER LEGACY RESORT CASINO 407 n. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401

nUgget riB COOK OFF—Main Stage (ViCtOrian aVenUe)

grand eXpOSitiOn Hall

JOE NICHOLS: Wed, 8/28, 7pm, no cover

rUM BUlliOnS

WHISKEY PREACHERS: Wed, 8/28, 2pm, no cover BUDDY EMMER: Wed, 8/28, 6pm, no cover

5 Hwy. 28, CryStal Bay, (775) 831-0660

THE LIQUE: Thu, 8/22, 7pm, Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24,

REO SPEEDWAGON: Sat, 8/24, 8pm, $65-$100

nUgget riB COOK OFF—plaza Stage (ViCtOrian aVenUe)

DJ MO FUNK: Thu, 8/22, Sun, 8/25, 9pm, no cover JUST US: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/25, 9pm, no cover

Pizza Baron, 1155 W. Fourth St., Ste. 113, (775) 329-4481: Wacky Wednesday Karaoke with Steve Starr & DJ Hustler, 9pm, no cover The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., (775) 3223001: Karaoke, Thu-Sat, 8:30pm, no cover

JUSTIN MOORE: Fri, 8/23, 8pm, $59.95-$89.95 DJ R3VOLVER: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 9pm, no cover LEFT OF CENTER: Fri, 8/23, Sat, 8/24, 9pm, no cover

Fat Cat Bar & Grill (Midtown District), 1401 S. Virginia St., (775) 453-2223: Karaoke with Chapin, Tue, 9pm, no cover

Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, (775) 356-6000: Karaoke, Fri-Sat, 9pm, no cover West 2nd Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., (775) 348-7976: Karaoke, Mon-Sun, 9pm, no cover






FOR THE WEEK OF AugusT 22, 2019 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com.

HOPEFEST9: The Carson Tahoe Health Foundation hosts its annual fundraiser featuring Eric Hutchinson & The Believers. All proceeds from food, drink and raffle ticket sales will go toward direct patient support for those facing cancer. Fri, 8/23, 6pm. Free. Carson Tahoe Cancer Center, 1535 Medical Parkway, Carson City, (775) 445-5166, www.carsontahoe.com.

JAZZ & BEYOND—CARSON CITY MUSIC AND ART FESTIVAL: The 16th annual summer tradition showcases Carson City as a vibrant arts community for residents and visitors. Music includes big bands, jazz combos, blues, Latin, bluegrass and tangos. Concerts and activities are held in a variety of Carson City venues. Thu, 8/22-Sun, 8/25. Free. Various locations in Carson City, (775) 883-4154, jazzcarsoncity.com.

RAINBOW WALK: Join a naturalist for a walk down the Rainbow Trail. Learn about the connections between Lake Tahoe and the meadow, marsh and stream located at the Taylor Creek Visitor Center. Fri, 8/23, 10:30am, Sun 8/25, 10:30am. Taylor Creek Visitor Center, 35 Visitor Center Road, South Lake Tahoe, takecaretahoe.org/ events/rainbow-walk-37.



Our high desert city will get a glimpse of Hawaiian life and culture during the fourth annual Reno Aloha Festival this weekend. The family-friendly event features live music, dancers, a keiki (kid) village, arts and crafts and food and drink. Visitors can also learn how to play the ukulele, hula dance or speak Hawaiian at several workshops offered throughout the day. The celebration takes place from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 24, at Wingfield Park, 2 S. Arlington Ave. Admission is free. Visit renoalohafestival.com.

RENO STREET FOOD—FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY: The weekly food truck events features over 30 rotating gourmet food, craft desserts, beer, wine and mixed drink vendors. Enjoy live music, free parking, a large playground and train rides for the kids. The event takes place every Friday night through Sept. 27. Fri, 8/23, 4pm. Free. Idlewild Park, 2055 Idlewild Drive, www.facebook.com/ RenoStreetFood.



FEED THE CAMEL: Local food trucks convene under the Keystone Bridge, serving unique specialties along with local beer. Wed, 8/28, 5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, www.facebook.com/feedthecamel.

150TH V&T ANNIVERSARY TRAIN: Celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Virginia & Truckee Railway with an on-board performance and portrayal of business tycoon William Sharon, the “father of the Virginia & Truckee Railroad.” Fri, 8/23, 10am. $35-$55. Carson City Eastgate Depot, 4650 Eastgate Siding Road, Carson City, vtrailway.com.

FOOD TRUCK THURSDAY: The food truck event will be held at Mills Park on the second and fourth Thursday of the month. Thu, 8/22, noon-9pm. Free. Mills Park, 1111 E. William St., Carson City, visitcarsoncity.com/event/food-truckthursday/2019-06-27/.

ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW: The show features paintings, fine art and other mixed media art for sale. Fri, 8/23-Sun, 8/25. Free. Round Hill Square, 212 Elks Point Road, Zephyr Cove, (209) 338-7868, artisttoyoufestivals.com.


CARSON CITY GHOST WALK: Carson City’s rich and intriguing history is explored in this guided walking tour of the downtown district’s west side historic homes and businesses. Hear about lingering spirits, paranormal stories and gossip from the past. Sat, 8/24, 7pm. $15-$20. McFadden Plaza, 310 S. Carson St., Carson City, carsoncityghostwalk.com.






Use photography, art and nature to discover the benefits that plants bring to our everyday lives and how plants have the power to make our world possible. Enjoy light conversation, being outdoors and learning new things. Tours will be led by volunteers at the May Arboretum. Registration is required. Email Danielle at dornelas@ washoeocounty.us. Fri, 8/23, Wed, 8/28, 9am. Wilbur D May Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, 1502 Washington St., (775) 785-4153.

farmers’ market with fresh produce, specialty foods, arts and crafts and more on Saturdays through Sept. 28. Sat, 8/24, 9am. Free. Tamarack Junction Casino, 13101 S. Virginia St., (775) 7465024, shirleysfarmersmarkets.com.

SUMMER VIBES: Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with some of Nevada’s most well-respected product manufacturers, state licensed cultivators and master growers with over 60 vendors rotating throughout the series. Programming will vary each week with different areas of focus. Summer Vibes runs every Saturday through Sept. 28. Consumption of cannabis is prohibited on event grounds. Sat, 8/24, 4pm. Free. Summer Vibes Festival Grounds, 1605 E. Second St., (775) 4701930, www.summervibesreno.com.

TAHOE CITY ART BY THE LAKE: Meet with 35 artisans and craftspeople showcasing a wide variety of arts and crafts, including photography, oil paintings, ceramic vessels and jewelry. Fri, 8/23-Sun, 8/25, 10am. The Boatworks Mall, 760 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, visittahoecity.org.

TAHOE CITY FARMERS MARKET: Enjoy fresh local produce, delicious food and live music at this morning farmers’ market on Thursdays through Oct. 10. Thu, 8/22, 8am. Free. Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, tahoecityfarmersmarket.com.

TAHOE STAR TOURS: Led by amateur astronomer and poet Tony Berendsen, each tour of the night sky includes a lively science-based talk about the cosmos and telescopic view of the constellations through high-powered, professional Celestron telescopes. Thu, 8/22, Sat, 8/24, 8pm. $25-$45. Northstar Cosmoarium, 5001 Northstar Drive, Truckee, www.tahoestartours.com.

TANGO GALA AT CRAFT: Reno Tango Collective presents this evening of tango music and dancing featuring dancers Alejandra Armenti and Daniel Juarez, dance lessons, raffle and exclusive Argentine cocktails and wines. All proceeds will go toward building a dance floor for future tango dances. Fri, 8/23, 6pm. $25. Craft Wine and Beer, 22 Martin St., renotangocollective.com.

TRUCKEE THURSDAYS SUMMER STREET FESTIVAL: The 12th annual street party features live music, a food court, artisan vendors, merchant and community displays, children’s activities and a beer garden. The event takes place every Thursday through Aug. 29. Thu, 8/22, 5pm. Free. Historic Downtown Truckee, truckeethursdays.com.

TRUCKEE PRO RODEO: The rodeo kicks off on Friday, Aug. 23, with Kids Day at the Rodeo featuring an afternoon of fun and free rodeo-themed activities. Kids can learn to rope, run stick horse races, have a chance to brush a horse, learn about rodeo from the rodeo queens, watch a performance by the Truckee Donner Junior Horsemen Drill Team and enjoy a free barbecue lunch courtesy of the Truckee Donner Junior Horsemen Association. The main rodeo takes place on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 24-25. In addition to the traditional rodeo events, there will be mutton bustin’ and a boot race for the kids. There will be a Western dance after the rodeo on Saturday featuring live music and dancing. Fri 8/23-Sun, 8/25, 11am. $10-$20, free for children under age 5, $10 for parking next to arena. McIver Arena, 10695 Brockway Road, Truckee, www.truckeerodeo.org.

ART ARTIST CO-OP GALLERY RENO: Our Western Landscape. The Artist Co-Op Gallery presents its fundraising art show through Aug. 31. Thu, 8/22-Wed, 8/28, 11am-4pm. Free. Artist Co-Op Gallery Reno, 627 Mill St., (775) 322-8896, www.artistsco-opgalleryreno.com.

CARSON CITY COMMUNITY CENTER SIERRA ROOM: Fast Lane/Slow Bake. The Capital City Arts Initiative presents an exhibition by artists Cyndy Brenneman and Tom Drakulich. The show runs through Oct. 24. Thu, 8/22, Mon, 8/26Wed, 8/28, 8am-5pm. Free. Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St., Carson City, www.arts-initiative.org.

INCLINE VILLAGE LIBRARY: Anastiscia Chantler-Lang exhibit. Incline Village artist Anastiscia Chantler-Lang’s wildlife art and figurative subject matter is on display through August. Thu, 8/22Fri, 8/23, Mon, 8/26-Wed, 8/28. Free. Incline Village Library, 845 Alder Ave., Incline Village, www.facebook.com/ InclineLibrary.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER GALLERY EAST: EMERGE. McKinley Gallery East presents works by Ricardo Rubalcaba, Kyle Brown and Beck Neal, curated by The Holland Project. The works theme around interpersonal relationships, people’s relationships with nature, internal relationships and cross-cultural relationships. The show runs through Aug. 30. Thu, 8/22-Fri, 8/23, Mon, 8/26-Wed, 8/28, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264, www.reno.gov.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER GALLERY WEST: Sun Shadows—Nevada Botantical Cyanotypes. McKinley Gallery West presents a show produced by Laika Press and created by local community members and artists. Cyanotypes are a form of photographic printing process that produce a print in shades of blue and cyan. The numerous, small prints that form the show are made up of beautifully saturated blues, overlapped with inverted shadows in pale blues and whites. The show runs through Aug. 30. There will be a reception on Aug. 29, 5-7pm. Thu, 8/22-Fri, 8/23, Mon, 8/26-Wed, 8/28, 8am-5pm. Free. McKinley Arts & Culture Center, 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-6264, www.reno.gov.

WHEELED FOOD WEDNESDAYS: The BAC hosts this food truck event every Wednesday through Sept. 19. There will also be kids activities and live music. Wed, 8/28, 5:30pm. Free. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 883-1976, www.facebook.com/Breweryartscenter.

RENO CITY HALL METRO GALLERY: Bound Figures and Made Up Bodes. The Reno City Hall Metro Gallery features paintings and ceramics by Tom Drakulich. The exhibition is composed primarily of large-scale acrylic and oil paintings with complimentary pieces in ceramic. The show runs through Aug. 30. Thu, 8/22-Fri, 8/23, Mon, 8/26-Wed, 8/28, 8am-5pm. Free. Reno City Hall Metro Gallery, 1 E. First St., (775) 334-6264, www.reno.gov.

TAHOE ART LEAGUE GALLERY: TAL Artists Exhibition. Tahoe Art League Art Center Gallery will host this invitation-only show featuring artists LoRita Ungar, Jeanette Reed-Lawson, David Foster, Rasjad Hopkins, Ellen Nunes, Bryan Yerian and Colleen Sidey. Thu, 8/22-Sun, 8/25, Wed, 8/28, 10am. Free. Tahoe Art League Gallery, 3062 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, www.talart.org.

MUSEUMS TERRY LEE WELLS NEVADA DISCOVERY MUSEUM (THE DISCOVERY): Mindbender Mansion. Enter the wonderfully puzzling world of Mindbender Mansion, an eclectic place full of brain teasers and interactive challenges guaranteed to test the brain power and problem solving skills of even the most experienced puzzlers. Adults and children will enjoy exercising their minds as they try to master each of the 40 individual brain teasers and the four group activities in this fun and unconventional mansion. Mindbender Mansion will be on exhibit through December. Museum hours are 10am5pm on Monday-Tuesday, ThursdaySaturday, 10am-8pm on Wednesday and noon-5pm on Sunday. Thu, 8/22-Wed, 8/28. $0-$12. Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum (The Discovery), 490 S. Center St., (775) 786-1000, nvdm.org.

FILM FREE OUTDOOR SUMMER MOVIES AT SQUAW VALLEY: Families and friends can snuggle up under the stars while enjoying new releases and family classics on the big screen in the Events Plaza at The Village at Squaw Valley. Blankets and warm clothes are recommended. This week’s film is Captain Marvel. Thu, 8/22, 8:30pm. Free. The Village at Squaw Valley, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

MUSIC BLUESDAYS: The 10th annual outdoor concert series continues with a performance by Honey Island Swamp Band. Tue, 8/27, 6pm. Free. Village at Squaw Valley, Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, 1960 Squaw Valley Road, Olympic Valley, squawalpine.com.

THE BREVET: The Levitt AMP Carson City music series wraps up its 2019 season with a performance by Southern California alt-rockers The Brevet. New Wave Crave will open the show. Sat, 8/24, 7pm. Free. Brewery Arts Center, 449 W. King St., Carson City, (775) 8831976, concerts.levittamp.org/carsoncity.

CONCERTS AT COMMONS BEACH: American band Dead Winter Carpenters perform as part of the annual summer concert series. Sun, 8/25, 4pm. Free. Commons Beach, 400 N. Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, concertsatcommonsbeach.com.

HOT AUGUST PIPES—21ST ANNIVERSARY: Organist David H. Brock returns to present his 21st annual concert with a program featuring a variety of works for solo organ. Fri, 8/23, 7pm. $0-$20. Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, 501 California Ave., (775) 298-6989, toccatatahoe.org.

LAKE TAHOE MUSIC FESTIVAL—HOMEWOOD: Lake Tahoe Music Festival Sunset Serenades concert series showcases the Lake Tahoe Academy Orchestra, a 26-member ensemble of some of the country’s best young musicians. On Thursday, the festival presents “Wild and Wonderful—A Grab Bag from Around the World” featuring baritone Malcolm MacKenzie and trumpet player Joseph Brown. Ticket cost includes dinner. Bring a low-back beach chair. Thu, 8/22. 4:30pm. $70. West Shore Cafe, 5160 West Lake Blvd., Homewood, (530) 583-3101, www.tahoemusic.org.

LAKE TAHOE MUSIC FESTIVAL—OLYMPIC VALLEY: Lake Tahoe Music Festival’s Sunset Serenades concert series continues with a program titled “Great Cities Inspiration,” featuring Joseph Brown on trumpet. Bring a low-back beach chair and picnic. Sat, 8/24, 6pm. $20-$30. Squaw Valley Chapel Garden, 444 Squaw Peak Road, Olympic Valley, www.tahoemusic.org.

LAKE TAHOE MUSIC FESTIVAL—SKYLANDIA: The final performance of Lake Tahoe Music Festival’s Sunset Serenades concert series is “Great Cities Inspiration” featuring Joseph Brown on trumpet. Bring a low-back beach chair and picnic. Sun, 8/25, 6pm. $20$30. Skylandia State Park & Beach, 30 Manzanita Ave., Tahoe City, (530) 5833101, www.tahoemusic.org.

MUSIC IN THE PARK: A free, family-friendly event in the park with live music, beer and wine garden, local vendors and food trucks. The Tritones perform at this week’s gathering. Fri, 8/23, 5pm. Tahoe Paradise Park, 1011 San Bernadino St., Meyers, www.tahoeparadisepark.com/ community.html.

MUSIC IN THE PARK: Classic rock band, Déjà Vu will close out the summer concert series. Wed, 8/28, 6:30pm. Free. Salty Gebhardt Amphitheater, Truckee River Regional Park, 10500 Brockway Road, Truckee, www.tdrpd.org.

MUSIC ON THE BEACH: California outlaw country band Miss Lonely Hearts performs. Fri, 8/23, 6pm. Free. Kings Beach State Recreation Area, 8318 N. Lake Blvd., Kings Beach, (530) 546-9000, northtahoebusiness.org.

SUNDAY JAZZ AT RLT: Reno Little Theater host this monthly event presented by 89.5 KNCJ and For the Love of Jazz. This month’s featured artists are Frank Perry and the Tony Cataldo Quintet. Sun, 8/25, 7pm. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, renolittletheater.org/rltjazz.

SUNDAY MUSIC BRUNCH: Chez Louie hosts brunch and live music by The Socks. Reservations recommended. Sun, 8/25, 10am-2pm. Nevada Museum of Art, 160 W. Liberty St., (775) 284-2921.

VALHALLA 4OTH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT: The Valhalla Art, Music & Theatre Festival celebrates its 40th season with a concert by country rock band Wild Feathers. Thu, 8/22, 6pm. Free. Grand Lawn, Valhalla Tahoe, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 541-4975, valhallatahoe.com.

LAKE TAHOE MUSIC FESTIVAL—TAHOE CITY: The festival presents “Musique de France” featuring baritone Malcolm MacKenzie. Bring a low-back beach chair and picnic. Fri, 8/23, 6pm. $20$30. Tahoe Maritime Center Museum & Gardens, 401 West Lake Blvd., Tahoe City, (530) 583-3101, www.tahoemusic.org.

LIVE AT LAKEVIEW: Funk and soul band Mojo

Green performs. Thu, 8/22, 4:30pm. Free. Lakeview Commons, Highway 50 and Lakeview Avenue, South Lake Tahoe, liveatlakeview.com.

LOUD AS FOLK SONGWRITER SHOWCASE: The songwriters showcase highlights emerging artists who are taking distinct approaches to all genres of American roots music. Host and founder Spike McGuire will be joined by The Sam Chase, Jesse & Jenni Dunn, Buffalo Moses and Rachbot. Wed, 8/28, 7pm. $22-$32. Valhalla Boathouse Theatre, 1 Valhalla Road, South Lake Tahoe, (530) 541-4975, valhallatahoe.com.

MUSIC IN THE GARDEN: May Arboretum Society hosts this concert featuring Apothic. Bring a chair or a blanket. Sun, 8/25, 5pm. Free. May Arboretum and Botanical Garden, 1595 N. Sierra St., www.mayarboretumsociety.org.

ONSTAGE CRAFTED LAUGHTER: Revision Brewing Company presents a night of comedy featuring comedians Jennifer Murphy and Christina Walkinshaw. Sat, 8/24, 9pm. $15. Revision Brewing Company, 380 S. Rock Blvd., Sparks, (775) 331-2739, revisionbrewing.com.

GUYS & DOLLS: Sierra School of Performing Arts presents the Broadway classic that tells a charming tale of gamblers, dancers and colorful characters of the New York underworld. Thu, 8/22-Sat, 8/24, 7:30pm. $15-$45. Robert Z. Hawkins Amphitheater, Bartley Ranch Regional Park, 6000 Bartley Ranch Road, (775) 8527740, sierraschoolofperformingarts.org.

THE LAKE TAHOE SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL: The festival’s 47th season is headlined by productions of The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare’s uproarious battle of the sexes, and Million Dollar Quartet, a Tony Award-winning rock ’n’ roll tribute. The plays conclude on Sunday, Aug. 25. The Showcase Series continues on Aug. 31 and Sept. 7. Thu, 8/22-Sun, 8/25, 7:30pm. $15$99. Sand Harbor State Park, 2005 Highway 28, Incline Village, (800) 747-4697, laketahoeshakespeare.com.



The two-day event includes a longhorn cattle drive, a mutton bustin’ tournament, the Fiesta del Charro and a street dance in downtown Virginia City. Get up close and personal with bull riders, wild broncs, escaramuzas, dancing horses and kids’ mutton bustin’ and experience the excitement of a Hispanic rodeo. After the rodeo, follow the mariachis to C Street for a street dance with live music from Lady an the Tramps. The rodeo begins at 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, 8/24-8/25, at the Virginia City Arena & Fairgrounds, 458 F St. Virginia City. Tickets are $15-$25. Call 847-7500 or visitvirginiacitynv.com.

MONESSAN FALLS: Good Luck Macbeth presents the U.S. premiere of Greg Burdick’s drama. Returning to his childhood home for the first time in 17 years when his mother dies, Kip must grapple with the ghosts of his past, his hostile and jobless brother who never managed to move out and the financially crushing debts now left behind by his parents. Thu, 8/22-Sat, 8/24, 7:30pm; Sun, 8/25, 2pm. $18-$20. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 124 W. Taylor St., www.goodluckmacbeth.org.

SANS MERCI: Black Ice Theatre Co. presents by this drama by Johnna Adams. Kelly, an idealistic young woman and a survivor of rape and attempted murder by South American revolutionaries, is visited three years after the attack by the conservative mother of Tracy, the other victim. Slowly, the survivor and mother dance through their grief at losing Tracy, while negotiating the truth of what brought the two young women together, why they undertook their dangerous humanitarian mission, and what happened on that final day. Contains adult content, language and nudity. Thu, 8/22-Sun, 8/25, 7:30pm. $15-$20. Duke Theater, Lake Tahoe Community College, 1 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, sansmerci. brownpapertickets.com.

SPORTS & FITNESS GUIDED HIKE: Enjoy a guided hike through Galena Creek Park with a local specialist. Please bring appropriate clothing and plenty of water. The hike intensity varies, depending on the audience. Sat, 8/24, 10am. Free. Galena Creek Visitor Center, 18250 Mount Rose Highway, (775) 849-4948.

RENO ACES: Reno’s minor league baseball

team plays the Salt Lake Bees. Thu, 8/22Sat, 8/24, 7:05pm; Sun, 8/25, 1:05pm. $10$45. Greater Nevada Field, 250 Evans Ave., (775) 334-7000, www.milb.com/reno.

CLASSES ARGENTINE TANGO CLASSES: Learn this intimate improvisational social dance with Zak & Victoria. Thu, 8/22, 6:30pm. $10-$15. The Ballroom of Reno, 2540 Sutro St., Ste. 4, (775) 624-3551.

LEVEL I INTRO TO SHORT FORM IMPROV: Reno Improv offers this improv class to adults age 18 and older. The class will be held on Wednesdays, Aug. 28-Oct. 16, and will culminate with a student showcase. Contact renoimprov@gmail.com to reserve your spot. Wed, 8/28, 6pm. $175. Reno Improv, 695 Willow St., (775) 2336035, , renoimprov.com






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Indifferent strokes My father just got diagnosed with cancer. Most people have been extremely supportive, but two girlfriends I texted about this haven’t responded at all. Is it really that hard to say “I’m so sorry”? Should I use this opportunity to do a little friend house cleaning and demote certain “friends” to acquaintance status, knowing now that I can’t count on them? Before you decide to “demote” friends, there are a couple of things to consider: “evolutionary mismatch” and our reliance on technology to get messages across. Evolutionary mismatch, a theory originated by evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr, refers to how we modern humans are driven by an antique psychological operating system largely calibrated for the world of our human ancestors 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. This means, for example, that important triggers for others to take action that were there in the ancestral environment aren’t always present in our modern one. Take expressions of sadness: Bodily expressions of sadness like tears or having all the spring in your step of a curbside couch are basically street corner sign spinners advertising our psychological state. When people see those behaviors, feelings of empathy automatically arise, motivating them to reach out with a hug or, at the very least, a mumbled kind word. Expressions of sadness via smartphone text lack the visual elements, the bodily signals, that evolved to trigger empathy. Also consider that many people think not knowing what to say is reason to say nothing. What they don’t realize is that saying nothing in a crisis is usually a bigger blunder than saying the wrong thing would ever be. It’s also possible they missed your text. We rely on technology to keep us informed, and we forget how busy we are and that texts sometimes don’t go through or somebody hits their phone funny and a new text turns into an already read one (meaning the notification dot goes away). This sounds like an excuse, and it may not be what happened. However, it’s possible. So it probably pays to check—ask, “Hey, did you see the text about my dad?” and keep the snarky ending silent.

Rehash marks One of my best male friends is in a super toxic relationship. I’ve told him to end it many times, and he does, but then he gets roped back in. At this point, I don’t want to listen anymore, and I’m tired of saying the same thing. How do I convey that without blowing the friendship? Let’s be honest. When a friend puts their relationship issues on endless repeat, it’s tempting to put the phone down while they’re talking and go prune your ivy. It’s tempting for anyone but probably more so for you because you’re a woman. Women, in general, have a tendency to be indirect—to hint at what they want rather than coming right out and stating it. Women’s hintishness is often viewed as a flaw, but as I wrote recently, the late psychologist Anne Campbell, who researched female psychology and behavior, viewed it as an evolutionary feature. Campbell believed this indirectness evolved as a way for women—the baby carriers and primary child carers of the species—to avoid physical confrontation that could leave them hurt or dead. But a tendency is not a mandate. You can understand why you, as a woman, might feel uncomfortable being direct—stating exactly what works for you—but you can decide to be direct despite that. To help keep the guy from seeing you as mean, unkind or a crappy friend for saying “no mas” on hearing the sameoldsameold, explain, “I care about you, and it’s really painful to hear about you continuing to let yourself be abused.” Follow this up with something like: “My advice has not changed, and I hope you’ll eventually take it. Until then, I’m sorry. I just can’t hear about this situation anymore.” Difficult as this might be, it’s less invasive than the next-best option: having a string installed in the back of your head that you pull and out comes “So sorry to hear that” over and over and over again. □


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For the week o F August 22, 2019 ARIES (March 21-April 19): It’s not cost-efficient to

recycle plastic. Sorting and processing the used materials to make them available for fresh stuff is at least as expensive as creating new plastic items from scratch. On the other hand, sending used plastic to a recycling center makes it far less likely that it will end up in the oceans and waterways, harming living creatures. So in this case, the short-term financial argument in favor of recycling is insubstantial, whereas the moral argument is strong. I invite you to apply a similar perspective to your upcoming decisions.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): African-American

slaves suffered many horrendous deprivations. For example, it was illegal for them to learn to read. Their oppressors feared that educated slaves would be better equipped to agitate for freedom, and took extreme measures to keep them illiterate. Frederick Douglass was one slave who managed to beat the ban. As he secretly mastered the art of reading and writing, he came upon literature that ultimately emboldened him to escape his “owners” and flee to safety. He became one of the 19th century’s most powerful abolitionists, producing reams of influential writing and speeches. I propose that we make Douglass your inspiring role model for the coming months. I think you’re ready to break the hold of a certain curse—and go on to achieve a gritty success that the curse had prevented you from accomplishing.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): For 25 years, businessman Don Thompson worked for the McDonald’s fast food company, including three years as its CEO. During that time, he oversaw the sale and consumption of millions of hamburgers. But in 2015, he left McDonald’s and became part of Beyond Meat, a company that sells vegan alternatives to meat. I could see you undergoing an equally dramatic shift in the coming months: a transition into a new role that resembles but is also very different from a role you’ve been playing. I urge you to step up your fantasies about what that change might entail.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “The learning process

is something you can incite, literally incite, like a riot,” wrote author Audre Lorde. As an astrologer I would add this nuance: although what Lorde says is true, some phases of your life are more favorable than others to seek deep and rapid education. For example, the coming weeks will bring you especially rich teachings if you incite the learning process now.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The American idiom “stay in

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by ROb bRezsny

your lane” has come to mean “mind your own business,” usually in a pejorative sense. But I’d like to expand it and soften it for your use in the coming weeks. Let’s define it as meaning “stick to what you’re good at and know about,” or “don’t try to operate outside your area of expertise” or “express yourself in ways that you have earned the right to do.” Author Zadie Smith says that this is good advice for writers. “You have to work out what it is you can’t do, obscure it and focus on what works,” she attests. Apply that counsel to your own sphere or field.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Yisrael Kristal was a

Polish Jew born under the sign of Virgo in 1903. His father was a scholar of the Torah, and he began studying Judaism and learning Hebrew at age three. He lived a long life and had many adventures, working as a candle-maker and a candy-maker. When the Red Army liberated the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1945, Kristal emerged as one of the survivors. He went on to live to the age of 113. Because of the chaos of World War I, he had never gotten to do his bar mitzvah when he turned 13. So he did it much later, in his old age. I foresee a comparable event coming up soon in your life. You will claim a reward or observe a milestone or collect a blessing you weren’t able to enjoy earlier.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Sailors have used

compasses to navigate since the 11th century. But that tool wasn’t enough to guide them. A thorough knowledge of the night sky’s stars was a crucial aid. Skill at reading the ever-changing

ocean currents always proved valuable. Another helpful trick was to take birds on the ships as collaborators. While at sea, if the birds flew off and returned, the sailors knew there was no land close by. If the birds didn’t return, chances were good that land was near. I bring this to your attention because I think it’s an excellent time to gather a number of different navigational tools for your upcoming quest. One won’t be enough.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What do you want from

the allies who aren’t your lovers? What feelings do you most enjoy while you’re in the company of your interesting, non-romantic companions? For instance, maybe you like to be respected and appreciated. Or perhaps what’s most important to you is to experience the fun of being challenged and stimulated. Maybe your favorite feeling is the spirit of collaboration and comradeship. Or maybe all of the above. In any case, I urge you to get clear about what you want—and then make it your priority to foster it. In the coming weeks, you’ll have the power to generate an abundance of your favorite kind of non-sexual togetherness.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): As the CEO of the

clothes company Zappos, Sagittarius entrepreneur Tony Hsieh is worth almost $1 billion. If he chose, he could live in a mansion by the sea. Yet his home is a 200-square-foot, $48,000 trailer in Las Vegas, where he also keeps his pet alpaca. To be clear, he owns the entire trailer park, which consists of 30 other trailers, all of which are immaculate hotbeds of high-tech media technology where interesting people live. He loves the community he has created, which is more important to him than status and privilege. “For me, experiences are more meaningful than stuff,” he says. “I have way more experiences here.” I’d love to see you reaffirm your commitment to priorities like his in the coming weeks. It’ll be a favorable time to do so.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Medical researcher

Jonas Salk developed a successful polio vaccine, so he had a strong rational mind. Here’s how he described his relationship with his non-rational way of knowing: “It is always with excitement that I wake up in the morning wondering what my intuition will toss up to me, like gifts from the sea. I work with it and rely on it. It’s my partner.” I bring this up because the coming weeks will be a favorable time to celebrate and cultivate your own intuition. You may generate amazing results as you learn to trust it more and figure out how to deepen your relationship with it.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian environmen-

talist Edward Abbey once formulated a concise list of his requirements for living well. “One must be reasonable in one’s demands on life,” he wrote. “For myself, all that I ask is: (1) accurate information; (2) coherent knowledge; (3) deep understanding; (4) infinite loving wisdom; and (5) no more kidney stones, please.” According to my analysis of the astrological omens, now would be an excellent time for you to create your own tally of the Five Crucial Provisions. Be bold and precise as you inform life about your needs.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “We may be surprised at whom God sends to answer our prayers,” wrote author Janette Oke. I suspect that observation will apply to you in the coming weeks. If you’re an atheist or agnostic, I’ll rephrase her formulation for you: “We may be surprised at whom Life sends to answer our entreaties.” There’s only one important thing you have to do to cooperate with this experience: Set aside your expectations about how help and blessings might appear.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at realastrology.com.


Music man

working. But I’ll stop in every now and then.

And you might want some vinyl, too.

Paul Doege, owner of Recycled Records—822 S. Virginia St.—will sell his store next month. On Aug. 24, he’s having an event at the store with live music and 3,000 handpicked used records fresh on the shelves.

Refresh my memory. How long have you owned the record store? I’ve owned the record store just shy of 39 years. It would be 39 years if I made it to December.

No, actually, this is our fourth for the main store. Initially, it started on Wells, behind where Speedy Burrito is now. And then it moved to the place we were longest—at South Virginia and Kietzke, behind McDonald’s. And then we moved over to Kietzke and Moana, over next to Swensen’s. … And then we moved to midtown. And then we also had a store in Sparks on Rock Boulevard. And we had the university store.

When will the sale be final, if you don’t mind my asking? We’re planning on my last day being September 30th.

Who’s buying it? Two of my managers [Eric Jacobson and Kyle Howell] and one of my longtime friends, who at one point in time worked for me as well. I’m really happy in the fact that they’re able to take it, because


And it’s been in three different locations?

they give it the best chance of remaining Recycled Records—of keeping it. … These guys know how to run the business. They’ll do a good job.

What are you going to do with your time now? My biggest plan is probably travel. My wife has been retired for over three years now, and she’s going all around the world and seeing and spending all of this time. And it’s time for me to do some of it—and also relax. I had some health issues early this year that really kind of slowed me down a bit. … These are all my friends. What do you do when you’re retired. You come and hang out with your friends sometimes. I won’t be

Actually, you know what? I worked out a deal. I’ve got a library clause in my sales agreement that I have free library privileges. … Believe it or not, I’m selling my record collection as a part of this event we have going on … Saturday. … I don’t play my records. I’ve got a phone with 7,000 songs on it. I have an iPod with 11,000 songs on it. …

Wait, though. Tell me about this Saturday event going down.

Oh, we have a big event on Saturday. Basically, it’s … like everything we do on Record Store Day, with the exception of the Record Store Day records. In fact, this time I’m putting out 3,000 used pieces of vinyl on Friday night. And this is not just vinyl, this is cherry-picked vinyl. … It’s the biggest record dump that I’ve ever, ever had. We’re going to have live music all day—mimosas in the morning and beer in the afternoon.

Anything else you want to say? I’m just very thankful—just for the opportunity to have gotten to do it. Who gets to own a record store for almost 40 years? Ω


The great wide open Burp guns. Tommy guns. Machine guns. We got ’em if you want ’em. And we’re gonna have ’em for the forseeable future. Of course, the Republicans weren’t gonna do diddly dick with background checks and assault weapons. BAN ALL ASSAULT WEAPONS, GODDAMMIT. I do not want to get shredded by huge bullets while I’m shopping for ice cream sandwiches at effing Save Mart. OK? Is that too much to ask? It would have been utterly shocking had Dum Dum followed through with his spittle-spewing babble about background checks (and man, he is sweatin’ like a big orange sweet potato these days!) Which do Republicans value more? Donations and votes from the NRA, or the safety of you and yours? Us semi-sane folks figured this out a while ago, and the answer is obvious and extremely embarassing. What gutless slime-

bags they are, these invertebrate Repubs marching to the lead of Trump, Moscow Mitch, and highly detestable ultra crook Wayne LaPierre. We better remember this actionlessness in 14 months (something tells me ... we will). • So let’s get back to Lincoln County, shall we? I wrote last week about what a treat the state parks of L.C. were, and you responded properly, with a quality siesta after lunch. So here’s more from my recent tour of this handsome and overlooked chunk of the Silver State. About 400 miles southeast of Reno is the colorful cowboy mining town of Pioche (pee-oatch) on U.S. 93. And about 15 miles east of Pioche, on highway 322, is the town of Ursine. What a delightful spot. There’s no commerce there, outside of the way cool Eagle Valley Resort (one of Nevada’s truly great roadhouses), just

a super quaint, tidy little village that seems to be from Deep Yesteryear. Ursine, which means bear-like, felt like Lincoln County’s version of Jarbidge, the enchanted town near the Idaho border. In fact, the 20 mile drive from Echo Canyon State Park to Spring Valley State Park via Eagle Valley Road and Ursine was just superb. The kind of drive that makes you feel good just by being there. I drove back to my trailer in E.C.S.P. that day with a full glass of pinot grigio on the console (sshhhhh!), and it could not have been nicer. Heading to Reno via Rachel and Tonopah, I was reminded again that The Loneliest Road in America is not Highway 50, but the Extraterrestrial Highway 375. Talk about The Great Wide Open. Whatever you do, don’t run out of gas out there! It may be a while before AAA shows up. Ω






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