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Letters............................ 3 Opinion/Streetalk............ 5 Sheila.Leslie.................... 6 Brendan.Trainor.............. 7 News.............................. 8 Feature.......................... 11 Arts&Culture................ 14 Art.of.the.State............. 18 Film............................... 19

Foodfinds...................... 21 Drink............................ 23 Musicbeat.................... 24 Nightclubs/Casinos........25 This.Week.................... 28 Advice.Goddess............29 Free.Will.Astrology....... 30 15.Minutes..................... 31 Bruce.Van.Dyke............ 31

CHANGE IN THE AIR Global warming, greenhouse emissions and Donald Trump—addressing climate change’s planetwide crisis









issuE 41






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Email lEttERs to RENolEttERs@NEwsREviEw.com.

Workin’ 95 Welcome to this week’s Reno News  & Review. OK, folks, it’s time for one of our  favorite annual contests here at the  RN&R: The 95-Word Fiction Contest.  The idea is to write a miniature short  story that’s exactly 95 words long.  It’s an exercise in creative writing  within limitations— and it predates  Twitter. Here,  for your illumination, is an  example: Naomi’s job  was to keep her  children, Sasha and  Sam, healthy. She carefully prepared  every meal with local organic  produce. That got harder once she  went back to work, harder when  Steve went abroad for two months,  harder when she worked all day on  a report that needed to be mailed  that afternoon, and then, in the car,  the kids began to chant: “Hungry!  Hungry!” She realized she had no  plan for dinner. Up ahead, towering  above the road, she saw an arched  golden beacon. She turned to the  kids, “Don’t tell anyone about this.” There you go. There have been  better stories, sure, but also, I  can assure you, worse stories. As  an example, it serves—there’s a  beginning, a middle and an end,  identifiable characters, and a bit of  a punchline. Those are some of the  things we look for.  We want 95 words, as counted by  LibreOffice, Google Docs or Microsoft Word. Please email submissions  to renofiction@newsreview.com  and include the subject line “Fiction  2016.” Put each story in the body  of an email because we won’t open  strange attachments. We require  the author’s name, email address  and phone number listed above  each story. (That stuff won’t count  toward your word count, and will be  removed before judging.) Titles are  acceptable, without affecting word  count, but not required. Stories must be received before  9:01 a.m. on Dec. 14. We’ll publish  the best stories and award prizes  to the very best. (The prizes might  just be bragging rights and your  photo and bio published in the paper.  Maybe.) Stuck for inspiration?  Look at last year’s winners here:  www.newsreview.com/reno/word/ content?oid=19435261 Pro tip: Write it long and then cut  it down. It’s easier to trim down to  95 words than to write up to it.

—Brad Bynum bradb@ ne ws r ev i ew . com

Lincoln got 39.8 percent Re “Government overthrow” (Notes from the Neon Babylon. Nov. 17): I find Bruce Van Dyke’s arguments to abolish the Electoral College amusing. His claim that Hillary Clinton “won” the popular vote is at best misleading. Sure, she won the most votes as a single candidate. but when you tally Trump’s and the third party candidates votes they are more than Clinton’s. So the majority voted against her. That hardly makes her popular. He also claims that using the popular vote will make it “more democratic.” Of course, this is pure nonsense. For example, in Los Angeles County, Clinton received almost 1.1 million votes more than Trump. In New York State, she had over 1.5 million votes more. Under Van Dyke’s scenario, it would mean that instead of the whole country having a say, only Los Angeles County and New York State would choose the president. The rest of the country would pretty much cancel each other out. While the electoral college has its faults, I would trust it over Van Dyke’s knee jerk reaction. Let’s not forget his Democratic Party introduced “superdelegates” (how democratic) to basically steal the primary from Sen. Sanders. And Wikileaks proved the DNC colluded with the Clinton campaign to guarantee her “selection.” Instead of whining, Clinton supporters should take a long hard look at why a corrupt and borderline criminal candidate was foisted on the American public, whom they rejected wholesale. If you want to adapt the Electoral College, maybe every state should use a percentage system of votes cast to allocate Electoral College voters. However the Electoral College evolves, it should be up to the individual states to decide. You know that little thing called states’ rights. Finally, if Mr. Van Dyke doesn’t like how the election turned out thanks to those awful deplorables, I’m sure he could find a safe space on some college campus to hide out in for the next four years. Rob Roy Douglas Reno

NOVEMBER 23, 2016 | VOL. 22, IssuE 41

Dems to stand for our beliefs, and too many allow themselves to be bullied. This bully-allowing has brought us to the point where a racist is invited to the White House, courtesy of district gerrymandering and an out-of-touch Electoral College. The popular vote proved America did not support this man over the competition. It proves only that as Dems have sat on their hands and fretted and woed for generations, the Weenie Party has again allowed this to happen. When will we Weenies learn? Will my Weenie Party finally do something about this sham election? Or will we sit back and allow the Bully Party to have their way with the Weenie Party—again? Kathie Roberts Reno

Epistle to the Renoites Save your prayers, America. Donald Trump will be president, as is God’s will. God almighty in his omniscience has always known Donald Trump would be POTUS. Donald Trump is the chosen one. Begone with your progressive ways! Abandon the folly of teaching evolution! Ladies, let men and God above decide what’s best for your bodies! Minorities, you should be seen, not heard! Only in this manner can we be great again! Johnny Dish Reno


Weenies may be insulted Re “Will electors step in?” (Upfront, Nov. 17): This article provides insight to the complicated process of the Electoral College. Like many parts of our constitution, the founders tried to cover just about every possibility. But more than two centuries later, that sterling document needs some serious tweaking. I grow weary of being a member of the Weenie Party, which, I’m afraid, is what my beloved Democratic Party has allowed itself to become. Our party needs tough fighters, who will soldier-up for our causes. That’s what the opposition does, and they’re beating us, folks. The Rs do not stand on civility or ceremony. There is no “My country, right or wrong.” There is only, “My party, right or wrong.” And we have allowed them to bully us practically into submission. We elect our Eric Marks, Jose Olivares, Jessica Santina, Todd South, Luka Starmer, Marc Tiar, Brendan Trainor, Bruce Van Dyke, Allison Young Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Brad Bynum News Editor Dennis Myers Special Projects Editor Jeri Chadwell-Singley Arts Editor Kris Vagner Calendar Editor Kelley Lang Contributors Amy Alkon, Matt Bieker, Bob Grimm, Anna Hart, Ashley Hennefer, Shelia Leslie,

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11.23.16    |   RN&R   |  3

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What are you thankful for? Asked At GreAt bAsin Community Food Co-oP, 240 Court st. Amber Pembleton Photographer

I think I would say I’m thankful for healthy food—the ability to buy healthy food.

r AnjAn misr A Electrical engineer

I’m really thankful for my community that I have, like my friends, my family. I’m really thankful for this co-op and for all the farmers who bring us this amazing food here. Yeah.

susAn Cole Retired teacher/co-op volunteer


Watery law Our state’s top water official—state engineer Jason King—wants “flexibility” to manage conflicts if it turns out the state allowed water pumping that impacts the environment or other users of that water resource. That might sound reasonable, but unfortunately various loose interpretations, over-optimistic assumptions, and loopholes since the start of Nevada water law have led one in every five water basins to become over-appropriated, with more rights on paper than water to supply them. Past state engineers have ignored the links between ground and surface water, failed to count thousands of domestic wells against a basin’s yield, or assumed that not all water rights will be put to beneficial use. Their actions have allowed for the maximum development, and left future generations on the hook for the results of over-pumping. Our state’s water law was designed to protect water resources from being overused, and to protect those that came first from having their water taken by thirsty newcomers. That’s why Great Basin Water Network, White Pine County and others have been successful in court, challenging state engineer decisions to approve water rights for a massive groundwater pipeline from eastern Nevada to Las Vegas. Flexibility is the problem, not the solution. What the state needs is clear guidance to be prudent, not a blank check to rubber stamp water rights now and deal with the problems later. The state engineer’s broad proposal would also contradict federal and state constitutional protections for due process and property rights. Lawsuits over the

government’s “takings” could be plentiful and costly for taxpayers. On Aug. 26, the Nevada Legislature’s Subcommittee to Study Water made its final recommendations to change water law during the 2017 legislative session. State Sens. Pete Goicoechea and Aaron Ford committed to drafting a bill allowing flexibility through “adaptive management.” GBWN asks them to work with us to make sure changes strengthen our state’s water law, not weaken it. Anything half as vague as the state engineer’s plan should be a nonstarter. To be clear, GBWN doesn’t oppose mitigation. But that process has to happen before rights are granted, with specific triggers and remedies. The burden and mandate must be on the applicant as a junior rights holder to scale back when conflicts occur. We believe language is already in state law and said as much in comments to the Water Subcommittee. Perhaps the state engineer needs it spelled out even more, but giving broad authority to grant water rights now, with a promise to deal with conflicts later is a mistake. It jeopardizes senior water rights and exacerbates, rather than controls, the state’s chronic over-appropriation problems. It’s essential that legislators hear from all Nevadans who depend on consistent and fair water policy—including farmers and ranchers, well owners, and others whose livelihoods depend on water—before the state’s law is changed in ways that jeopardize senior water rights and provoke lawsuits over the takings of property rights. Ω

Family, big time. Yeah, because we have one of those blended families, and we’re now just getting to a place where we’re starting to understand each other, and where we can help with the grandkids and all that. … My husband says it’s like falling in love, because of your grandkids. CArly Gurinsk As Hair stylist

You said it was a light question, but it’s kind of a heavy question. Of course … everything—family and everything. I mean, I don’t know. I’m thankful for everything—waking up in the morning, sunshine, leaves, being able to do whatever I want every day. I mean, what am I not thankful for? jACob nAChel Grocery manager

I’m grateful for the abundance of really clean organic food that we have available in Reno. … Every day there are people that are just like, “Oh, my gosh. I can’t believe that this is being made of this.” … All of these people that are glutenfree are like, “Finally, something that tastes like real bread.”

Howard Watts III is a staffer at Great Basin Water Network.

11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   5

by Sheila leSlie

Some of those we lost As we celebrate our national Day of Thanksgiving, it’s more important than ever to recognize those Nevadans who left us in 2016, lifting high the light of their exemplary lives and giving us hope and strength during the dark times ahead. In 2016, Nevada lost the steadfast political leadership of Senator Debbie Smith and the kindness and goodness of First Lady Bonnie Bryan. Both dedicated their lives to improving our little corner of the world, leaving behind not only loving family members but legions of fans of their brand of politics, short on partisanship and long on results. Nevada progressives also lost a legendary activist who leaves a void impossible to fill. Marge Sill was 92 when she died, having led a long and productive life as a Sparks math teacher and environmentalist who was known and revered as the mother of Nevada’s wilderness. She worked tirelessly for the passage of the Wilderness Act of 1964 and played a key role in the creation of Nevada’s only national park

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in 1986, located near Baker in eastern Nevada. While the Great Basin National Park was a crowning achievement, Marge will be remembered even more for her persistent and tenacious activism for Nevada’s natural resources, fearlessly advocating against the Las Vegas water grab. She viewed her mentorship of young conservationists as part of her legacy, expecting no more of them than she gave herself. Retired University of Nevada, Reno history Professor John Marschall was a philosopher, a scientist, a theologian and a historian. He also was an inspiration. In 1968, he helped establish the Center for Religion and Life at the university, successfully engaging college students and the greater community in deep discussions about life in those turbulent times. He later left the priesthood and married a Carmelite nun and the love of his life, Rita, and continued to serve his community, telling the RN&R, “The church is bigger than popes and priests. The church is people.”

Other Nevadans did not often appear on the newspaper’s front page but quietly and tirelessly improved our state. Attorney Pat Cashill, a trial lawyer with a warm personality, advocated effectively on behalf of the less fortunate at the Legislature and in his personal life. Roger McClelland, a dedicated public servant, served many long years in state government in health policy and later in constituent services at the Legislative Counsel Bureau. He died in Las Vegas in a motorcycle crash caused by a drunk driver. It was especially saddening to learn of the death of Dr. El Tag Mirghani this year, a doctor who was robbed and attacked as he was leaving the Northern Nevada Muslim Center’s evening prayers in 2001 by two local teenagers wielding baseball bats. Dr. Mirghani could not resume his thriving medical practice due to his severe brain injuries. The senseless violence resulted in long prison terms and a family that struggled to recover for many years.

Jerry Kumar immigrated from India as a teenager to pursue the American Dream. He was a self-made businessman, settling in his adopted state of Nevada with his wife, Janet Carter. He raised two sons in Reno while acquiring hundreds of friends who became family, creating and sharing endless meals of traditional Indian fare, engaging deeply in Democratic politics, and living a life rich in experience and community service. Ending on a note of celebration of our rich immigrant heritage, Thanksgiving 2016 will be remembered with joy in our multi-lingual, multi-cultural family as we celebrate this most American of holidays with my new grandson, Jack Rodriguez. He’s named after my father, Jack Leslie, whose own father was an immigrant from the Shetland Islands. Little Jack’s paternal grandmother, Carmen, is also an immigrant, from Mexico City. The entire family couldn’t possibly love him more. Ω

by Brendan Trainor

Not all veterans are honored Nov. 11 was Veterans’s day. Nov. 10 is Marines Founding Day. America honors the men and women in uniform who keep America free. Politicians make tribute speeches and lay wreaths at memorials while bands play patriotic songs. Americans everywhere show their appreciation to our troops. But there are those who provide aid and comfort to our troops who are never mentioned. They are the “camp followers,” who from time immemorial have followed warriors, providing immensely important services that help heal physical and mental wounds and raising the morale of our troops so they could endure the long stretches of boredom punctuated by adrenaline-fueled violence that is the reality of warfare. Camp follower, of course, is a euphemism for sex worker, prostitute, whore. No one has ever erected a monument that a wreath can be laid at for these women—or men—who provide vital services to our servicemembers in uniform at home and overseas, in peace and war.

Although the camp follower is as old as warfare itself—Homer mentions their role in the Trojan War—it wasn’t until the 19th century that modern Western governments began to pay attention to them. In Victorian England, the unjustified fear of sexually transmitted disease from sex workers was responsible for the “Contagious Disease Acts.” These acts provided the basis for the myth that whores spread STDs, when in fact prostitutes have a lower rate than is found in the population at large. Statistics show that public health would benefit more from licensing and regulating amateur sex than the professional variety. Prostitutes began the careful inspection of clients’ genitals decades before these laws were passed. Nevertheless, by 1918 prostitution was illegal in most of Europe. During the Great War—remember World War I was the “War to end all Wars”?—the British military bowed slightly to reality and instituted a two

tier system of clean, upscale “Blue Lamp” brothels for officers, but left the enlisted men to much less desirable “Red Lamp” facilities while refusing to issue them condoms. The generals acted surprised when the rates of VD among their troops was seven times higher than among the German, French, Australian and New Zealand armies who were much more realistic about their troops sexual needs. America’s treatment of camp followers has generally followed the British model. At least condom use is encouraged. In 1917 New Orleans, the Storyville red light district that had serviced Marines for decades was officially closed because whores were a “bad influence” on the troops. Ever since, the U.S. military, despite the boot camp chant of “This is my penis, this is my gun. One is for shooting, the other for fun,” like American society at large, has adopted the counterproductive

policy of condemning prostitution while helpless to stop it in practice. Today prostitution is legal or at least tolerated in most of Europe, Asia and Latin America, where our Empire houses thousands of troops. As always, where prostitutes are available, soldiers are happier. Where not, rapes of local women often result, causing increased tensions between locals and the military. One exception was Hawaii, which— ever since Captain Cook discovered the islands in 1778—had a relationship with sex workers more tolerant even than Nevada’s. Hawaii once actively engaged in what today is called sex trafficking by recruiting women on the mainland to move there for sex work among the military. Sadly, today Hawaii has regressed to the norm and practices the Nordic model of commercial sex prohibition. We should have a national day for camp followers. Support the troops! Ω

11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   7

by Jeri Chadwell-Singley

Into the blue

The Melting Pot World Emporium has been selling kratom products for about two years.

Assemblymember Jason Frierson and Sen. Aaron Ford will hold the two most powerful positions in the Nevada Legislature when it convenes in Carson City in February. Ford, who served as the Senate minority leader during the 2015 session, will continue in this role now that the Democrats have regained an 11-10 majority in that house. And Frierson is the first black legislator to be named speaker in the Nevada Assembly, where Democrats hold a wide majority of 27-15. Frierson is returning to the Legislature after losing re-election in 2014. Sen. Michael Roberson will remain the leader of the senate Republicans, and Assemblymember Paul Anderson will be the minority assembly leader. These appointments will be formalized when the legislature convenes next year.


—Jeri Chadwell-Singley

not so hardy Politicians who thought the Bundys were popular and got close to them got a shock in the election. Cresent Hardy, Victoria Dooling, Michele Fiore, David Gardner, Brent Jones, John Moore, Victoria Seaman and Shelly Shelton all publicly identified themselves with Cliven Bundy and his family, who were involved in a heavily armed standoff with federal officials near Bunkerville over Bundy’s long past due bills. And all eight were defeated for reelection. Battle Born Progress put out a statement saying the eight “have been complicit in the growth of this lawless movement and have never taken responsibility for helping hate grow.”

—denniS MyerS

What else Is neWs? Journalist and political commentator Jon Ralston is preparing to launch a new online news site. The nonprofit Nevada Independent is expected to begin coverage in January—just a month before the Nevada Legislature convenes for its 79th session. Ralston has been covering politics in Nevada for more than a quarter of century. His show, Ralston Live, which aired weekdays on KNPB and Vegas PBS, was canceled on June 21. The website is up and running already. Its homepage reads: “2016 has been a truly amazing year, leading many of us to ask ... Is partisan hype poisoning our democracy? Where can we turn for reliable news and smart opinions? Should we all just move to Canada ... ? Now more than ever, Nevada needs a credible, nonpartisan news source on policy, politics, government, education and business. We are that source. Our mission? To change the face of journalism in Nevada and establish a new paradigm for nonprofit, community-supported news organizations.” In a recent Nieman Lab article, Ralston told reporter Ricardo Bilton that the Nevada Independent will focus heavily on the state legislature, covering it “in a way that no one has ever seen before: With daily reporting, with in-depth issue reporting, and with data-driven reporting that has never had the kind of resources devoted to it that we are going to.” So far, two other journalists have been announced as joining the Nevada Independent team. Elizabeth Thompson, political commentator and former co-house of Vegas PBS’s Nevada Week in Review will serve as managing editor. Former Associated Press legislative reporter and Nevada Politifact researcher and reporter Riley Snyder will be a reporter for the new outlet.

—Jeri Chadwell-Singley 8   |   RN&R   |   11.23.16

je r ic @ ne wsr e v ie w.c o m

High profile Another Schedule I drug? an obscure herbal remedy has gained attention in the news recently. Advocates say it relieves pain, anxiety and depression. Some retailers market it as a natural alternative to weening addicts off of opioid medications—a possibility currently being explored by multiple scientific studies. But the Drug Enforcement Agency may soon place the herb’s active ingredients on the list of Schedule I drugs—a classification that would render sales illegal and put up serious barriers to future scientific research. Mitragyna speciosa Korth, commonly known as kratom, is a plant indigenous to Southeast Asia. According to a 2015 article in the journal BioMed Research International, kratom has been used for centuries “to combat fatigue and improve work productivity … in Southeast Asia” and has “recently become popular as a novel psychoactive substance in Western countries.” It’s sold as capsules, liquids, gums, powders and dried leaves for tea. The effects are dose-dependent and mirror those of opioids—with small doses providing a stimulant,

pain-relieving effect and larger doses delivering a sedative, euphoric effect. Kratom is available at shops around the Truckee Meadows. In late August, the DEA announced its intention to temporarily place kratom on the list of Schedule I drugs—alongside 10 others, including LSD, heroin, ecstasy and marijuana. The Schedule I designation is the most restrictive of the categories established by the 1970 Controlled Substances Act. It’s reserved for drugs that the government deems to “have no currently accepted medical use in the United States, a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.” A “temporary” designation on this list can prove to be anything but, as has been the case with marijuana, which has been the subject of several rescheduling petitions since the 1970s but remains Schedule I today—deemed a greater threat to public safety than Schedule II drugs like methamphetamines and cocaine. The DEA’s announcement was met with public outcry from consumers,

retailers and the scientific community. And on Sept. 26, more than four dozen members of Congress—including Nevada’s Joe Heck—sent a letter urging the DEA to “delay finalizing the decision to define kratom as a Schedule I substance.” The letter went on to say that hasty scheduling of the substance without public input would threaten “the transparency of the scheduling process and its responsiveness” to citizens and the scientific community. On Oct. 13, the Drug Enforcement agency responded by suspending immediate plans to schedule kratom and opening a public comment period— which closes on Dec. 1. As of the time of this writing, there were more than 6,000 public comments posted to the regulations.gov website, and a petition on whitehouse.gov to prevent kratom’s scheduling had nearly 150,000 signatures. DEA action can often have unintended consequences. In 1985, when psychiatrists were having good luck with the new medication 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine in treating their patients, it was also occasionally used recreationally. The press learned about it, dubbed it ecstasy, and the DEA got interested. The drug was banned outright, resulting in illicit use skyrocketing and legitimate use ending.

drug War of Words As with most prospective government regulations, there are parties armed with conflicting “fact sheets” on both sides of this issue. While the kratom debate boils down to three main factors—its efficacy, risks and potential for abuse—even its definition depends on the source. The American Kratom Association is one of several advocacy groups. A banner on its website tells visitors that kratom is “a natural botanical that’s improving health and wellness from coast to coast.” According the website, “Kratom is not a drug. Kratom is not an opiate. … Naturally occurring kratom is a safe herbal supplement that’s more akin to tea and coffee than any other substances.” The website’s fact page also states that, “when taken in appropriate amounts,” kratom is non-habit forming, can increase energy and provide pain relief, and that “many find relief from a variety of other mental and physical ailments.” But the DEA has a kratom fact sheet of its own—one that paints a

very different picture. The agency recognizes Chris McCurdy is a kratom researcher kratom as an opioid and lists it as a “drug and at the University of Mississippi. In an article chemical of concern.” Its fact sheet claims that published in September, he told Scientific kratom use “can lead to addiction” and has American, “I don’t oppose it [kratom] being been linked to “several cases … where indiregulated, I just oppose Schedule 1.” viduals addicted to kratom exhibited psychotic For now, kratom remains available for symptoms, including hallucinations, delusion, purchase in Reno shops. And it’s not currently and confusion.” on the local DEA’s radar. In a phone interview, The American Kratom Association the DEA special agent in charge of the Reno is correct in saying that kratom is not office, Kasey Kanekoa, said agents are not an opiate, because it’s not derived from aware of the amount of kratom currently opium. However, the DEA is available locally or when it began showcorrect in stating that its active ing up in the city’s shops. He said ingredients—mitragynine and investigations into kratom would The 7-hydroxymitragynine—are, not take place until and unless in fact, opioids, substances the substance is scheduled. government may that act on opioid receptors The Melting Pot World add an eleventh to produce morphine-like Emporium has carried kratom substance to its effects. However, determinfor two years. Owner Eric ing to what degree kratom Baron said he first started list of Schedule I causes undesirable side effects seeing kratom at tradeshows drugs. like dependence or dangerous about 12 years ago but didn’t start respiratory depression would stocking it until a friend told him require additional scientific research. about successfully using it to combat (Studies examined for this article presented anxiety and depression. Today, Baron said, conflicting results.) And this seems to be where his customers report using kratom to treat a much of the outcry from the scientific commuvariety of ailments, from anxiety to multiple nity has come. sclerosis symptoms and various addictions. Researchers need a license to study schedHe said some regular users do build tolerances ule I drugs. Obtaining one can be difficult and to kratom, but he doesn’t think the substance time consuming. So the Schedule I designation poses risks that justify a Schedule I designais a bit of a Catch-22. It means a drug has “no tion. In Baron’s opinion, the DEA’s initial currently accepted medical use in the United scheduling attempt was an effort to “sweep States” but also makes researching potential [kratom] under the rug and make it go away medical uses immensely more difficult. without doing their due diligence.” Ω

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Collector Barbara L. Gordon on A Shared Legacy SAT U R DAY, D E C E M B E R 3 / 2 P M $12/$8 MEMBER Ti c ke t s at N eva d a A r t .o r g

Locals gathered at the Northern Nevada Muslim Community Center, 1855 Oddie Blvd., Sparks, for the I am America vigil on Sunday, Nov. 20. The vigil was one of many that took place across the nation to rally support for local Muslim communities. Speakers included Northern Nevada Muslim Community president Sherif A. Elfass, ACTIONN executive director Mike Thornton, and Reno First United Methodist Church pastor Kris Marshall. PHOTO/JERI CHADWELL-SINGLEY

This exhibition is drawn from the Barbara L. Gordon Collection and is organized and circulated by Art Services International, Alexandria, Virginia. Attributed to Edward Hicks, The Peaceable Kingdom with the Leopard of Serenity, 1846-1848, oil on canvas.

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f President-elect Donald Trump actually believes all the warnings he issued during the election about the threats of immigration,

he should talk about ways to slow global warming as well. Rising sea level, caused by the melting of the Antarctic and Greenland ice caps, will probably displace tens of millions of people in the decades ahead, and many may come to North America as refugees.

the presidential election come as a discouraging setback in the campaign to slow emissions and global warming. “There’s no doubt that the steep hill we’ve been climbing just became a sheer cliff,” he said. “But cliffs are scalable.” Valk says the American public must demand that Congress implement carbon pricing. He says the government is not likely to face and attack climate change unless voters force them to. “The solution is going to have to come from the people,” he said. “Our politicians have shown that they’re just not ready to implement a solution on their own.”

Af TeR PARI S There’s no question the Earth is warming rapidly, and this upward temperature trend has impacts. It disrupts agriculture. Glacial water sources are vanishing. Storms and droughts are becoming more severe. Altered winds and ocean currents are affecting marine ecosystems. So is ocean acidification, another outcome of carbon dioxide emissions. The sea is rising and eventually will swamp large coastal regions and islands. As many as 200 million people could be displaced by 2050. For several years in a row now, each year has been warmer than any year prior in recorded temperature records, and by 2100, it may be too hot for people to live in the Persian Gulf. World leaders and climate activists made progress toward slowing these effects at the Paris climate conference. Leaders from 195 countries drafted a plan of action to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and steer the planet off its predicted course of warming. The pact, which addresses energy, transportation, industries and agriculture—and which asks leaders to regularly upgrade their climate policies—is intended to keep the planet from warming by 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit between pre-industrial years and the end of this century. Scientists have forecasted that an average global increase of 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit will have devastating consequences for humanity. The United States pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent from 2005 levels within a decade. China, Japan and nations of the European Union made similar promises. More recently, almost 200 nations agreed to phase out hydrofluorocarbons—extremely potent but shortlived greenhouse gases emitted by refrigerators and air conditioners—and reduce the emissions from the shipping and aviation industries. But in the wake of such promising international progress, and as 2016 draws to a close as the third record-warm year in a row, many climate activists are disconcerted both by United States leaders’ recent silence on the issue and by the outcome of the presidential election. Mark Sabbatini, editor of the newspaper Icepeople in Svalbard, Norway, believes shortsighted political scheming has pushed climate change action to the back burner. He wants to see politicians start listening to scientists. “But industry folks donate money and scientists get shoved aside in the interest of profits and re-election,” said Sabbatini, who recently had

CHANGE IN THE AIR continued on page 12

Global warming, greenhouse emissions and Donald Trump—addressing climate change’s planetwide crisis

Climate change will cause other problems for future generations to tackle, and it’s arguably the most pressing issue of our time. A year ago, world leaders gathered in Paris to discuss strategies for curbing greenhouse gas emissions, and scientists at every corner of the globe continue to confirm that humans face a crisis. However, climate change is nearly ignored by American politicians and lawmakers. It was not discussed in depth during this election cycle’s televised presidential debates. And, when climate change does break the surface of public discussion, it polarizes Americans like almost no other political issue. Some conservatives, including Trump, still deny there’s even a problem. “We are in this bizarre political state in which most of the Republican Party still thinks it has to pretend that climate change is not real,” said Jonathan F.P. Rose, a New York City developer and author of The Well-Tempered City, which explores how low-cost green development can mitigate the impacts of rising global temperatures and changing weather patterns. Rose says progress cannot be made in drafting effective climate strategies until national leaders agree there’s an issue. “We have such strong scientific evidence,” he said. “We can disagree on how we’re going to solve the problems, but I would hope we could move toward an agreement on the basic facts.” That such a serious planetwide crisis has become a divide across the American political battlefield “is a tragedy” to Peter Kalmus, an Earth scientist with the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech in Pasadena, who agreed to be interviewed for this story on his own behalf (not on behalf of NASA, JPL or Caltech). Kalmus warns that climate change is happening whether politicians want to talk about it or not. “CO2 molecules and infrared photons don’t give a crap about politics, whether you’re liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat or anything else,” Kalmus said. Slowing climate change will be essential, since adapting to all its impacts may be impossible. Governments must strive for greater resource efficiency, shift to renewable energy and transition from conventional to more sustainable agricultural practices. America’s leaders must also implement a carbon pricing system, climate activists say, that places a financial burden on fossil fuel producers and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. But there may be little hope that such a system will be installed at the federal level as Trump prepares to move into the White House. Trump has actually threatened to reverse any commitments the United States agreed to in Paris. According to widely circulating reports, Trump has even selected a well-known skeptic of climate change, Myron Ebell, to head his U.S. Environmental Protection Agency transition team. Ebell is the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. CEI is a non-profit, libertarian think tank that promotes commercial interests and the rollback of environmental protections. Steve Valk, communications director for the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, says the results of

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CHANGE IN THE AIR continued from page 11

to evacuate his apartment as unprecedented temperatures thawed out the entire region’s permafrost, threatening to collapse buildings. Short-term goals and immediate financial concerns distract leaders from making meaningful policy advances on climate. “In Congress, they look two years ahead,” Sabbatini said. “In the Senate, they look six years ahead. In the White House, they look four years ahead.” The 300 nationwide chapters of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby call on local governments and chambers of commerce across America to voice support for a revenueneutral carbon fee. The hope is that leaders in Congress will hear the demands of the people. This carbon fee would impose a charge on producers of oil, natural gas and coal. As a direct result, all products and services that depend on or directly use those fossil fuels would cost more for consumers, who would be incentivized to buy less. Food shipped in from far away would cost more than locally grown alternatives. Gas for heating, electricity generated by oil and coal, and driving a car would become more expensive. “Bicycling would become more attractive, and so would electric cars and home appliances that use less energy,” said Kalmus, an advocate of the revenue-neutral carbon fee. Promoting this fee system is essentially the Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s entire focus. “This would be the most important step we take toward addressing climate change,” Valk said. Through the carbon fee system, the revenue from fossil fuel producers would be evenly distributed by the collecting agencies among the public, perhaps via a tax credit. Recycling the dividends back into society would make it a fair system, Valk explains, since poorer people, who tend to use less energy than wealthier people to begin with and are therefore less to blame for climate change, would come out ahead. The system would also place a tariff on incoming goods from nations without a carbon fee. This would keep American industries from moving overseas and maybe even prompt other nations to set their own price on carbon. But there’s a problem with the revenue-neutral carbon fee, according to other climate activists: It doesn’t support social programs that may aim at reducing society’s carbon footprint. “It will put no money into programs that serve disadvantaged communities who, for example, might not be able to afford weatherizing their home and lowering their energy bill, or afford an electric vehicle or a solar panel,” said Renata Brillinger, executive director of the California Climate and Agriculture Network. “It doesn’t give anything to public schools for making the buildings more energy efficient, and it wouldn’t give any money to farmers’ incentive programs for soil building.” Brillinger’s organization advocates for farmers to adopt practices that actively draw carbon out of the atmosphere, like planting trees and maintaining ground cover to prevent erosion. Funding, she says, is needed to support such

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President-elect Donald Trump has said that global warming is a hoax perpetrated by the Chinese.

farmers, who may go through transitional periods of reduced yields and increased costs. California’s cap-and-trade system sets up an ample revenue stream for this purpose that a revenue-neutral system does not, according to Brillinger. But Valk says establishing a carbon pricing system must take into account the notorious reluctance of conservatives in Congress. “You aren’t going to get a single Republican in Congress to support legislation unless it’s revenue-neutral,” he said. “Any policy is useless if you can’t pass it in Congress.”

C arbon Copy In Washington, D.C., the nation’s leaders continue tussling over popular issues like immigration, taxes, health care, abortion, guns and foreign affairs. Climate change activists wish they would think more about soil. That’s because stopping greenhouse gas emissions alone will not stop climate change. The carbon dioxide emitted through centuries of industrial activity will continue to drive warming unless it is removed from the air and put somewhere. “There are only three places carbon can go,” Brillinger said. “It can go into the atmosphere, where we don’t want it, into the ocean, where we also don’t want it because it causes acidification, or into soil and woody plants where we do want it. Carbon is the backbone of all forests and is a critical nutrient of soil.” But most of the Earth’s soil carbon has been lost to the atmosphere, causing a spike in atmospheric carbon. In the 1700s, the Earth’s atmosphere contained less than 280 parts per million of carbon dioxide, according to scientists. Now, we are at more than 400 and counting. Climate experts generally agree that the atmospheric carbon level must be reduced to 350 or less if we are to keep at bay the most disastrous effects of warming. This is why farmers and the soil they work are so important in mitigating climate change. By employing certain practices and abandoning other ones, farmers and ranchers can turn acreage into valuable carbon sinks—a general agricultural

approach often referred to as “carbon farming.” Conventional agriculture practices tend to emit carbon dioxide. Regular tilling of the soil, for example, causes soil carbon to bond with oxygen and float away as carbon dioxide. Tilling also causes erosion, as do deforestation and overgrazing. With erosion, soil carbon enters waterways, creating carbonic acid—the direct culprit of ocean acidification. Researchers have estimated that unsustainable farming practices have caused as much as 80 percent of the world’s soil carbon to turn into carbon dioxide. By carbon farming, those who produce the world’s food can simultaneously turn their land into precious carbon sinks. The basic tenets of carbon farming include growing trees as windbreaks and focusing on perennial crops, like fruit trees and certain specialty grain varieties, which demand less tilling and disturbance of the soil. Eric Toensmeier, a senior fellow with the climate advocacy group Project Drawdown and the author of The Carbon Farming Solution, says many other countries are far ahead of the United States in recognizing the importance of soil as a place to store carbon and funding programs that help conventional farmers shift toward carbon farming practices. France, for instance, initiated a sophisticated program in 2011 that calls for increasing soil carbon worldwide by 0.4 percent every year. Healthy soil can contain 10 percent carbon or more, and France’s program has the potential over time to decelerate the increase in atmospheric carbon levels. Toensmeier is optimistic about the progress being made in the United States, too. The U.S. Department of Agriculture funds programs that support environmentally friendly farming practices that protect watersheds or enhance wildlife habitat, largely through planting perennial grasses and trees. “And it turns out a lot of the practices they’re paying farmers to do to protect water quality or slow erosion also happen to sequester carbon,” Toensmeier said. He says it appears obvious that the federal government is establishing a system by which they will eventually pay farmers directly to

sequester carbon. Such a direct face-off with climate change, however, may be a few years away still. Climate activists may even need to wait until 2021. “First we need a president who acknowledges that climate change exists,” Toensmeier said.

all fr aCke d u p Climate reform advocates still talk about Bernie Sanders’ fiery attack on fracking as a source of global warming in the May primary debate with Hillary Clinton. “If we don’t get our act together, this planet could be 5 to 10 degrees warmer by the end of this century,” Sanders said then. “Cataclysmic problems for this planet. This is a national crisis.” Sanders was not exaggerating. The Earth has already warmed by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, and it’s getting hotter. Even with the advances made in Paris, the world remains on track to be 6.1 degrees Fahrenheit warmer by 2100 than it was in pre-industrial times, according to a United Nations emissions report released in early November. The authors of another paper published in January in the journal Nature predicted temperatures will rise as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit. In light of the scientific consensus, conservatives’ denial of climate change looks childish at best and dangerous at worst. In low-lying Florida, so vulnerable to the rising sea, an unofficial policy from its Republican leadership has effectively muzzled state employees from even mentioning “climate change” and “global warming” in official reports and communications. Republican Sen. Ted Cruz suggested NASA focus its research less on climate change and more on space exploration, according to The Christian Science Monitor. Most frightening of all, maybe, is the incoming American president’s stance on the matter: Trump said in a 2012 tweet that global warming is a Chinese hoax. In January 2014, during a brief spell of cold weather, he asked via Twitter, “Is our country still spending money on the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX?”

is coming—even in communities led by Republicans, according to Rose. That, he says, is because local politicians face a level of accountability from which national leaders are often shielded. “At the city level, mayors have to deliver real results,” Rose said. “They have to protect their residents Jonathan F. P. Rose and make wise investDeveloper and author of The Well-Tempered City ments on behalf of their residents. The residents see what they’re doing and hold them accountable.” Restructuring and While most of the rest of the world remains modifying our cities, which are responsible for poised to advance emissions reductions goals, about half of America’s carbon footprint, “will Trump aims in a different direction. The Trumpbe critical toward dealing with climate change,” Pence website vows to “unleash America’s $50 Rose said. trillion in untapped shale, oil and natural gas “On the coast, we’ll have sea-level rise,” he reserves, plus hundreds of years in clean coal said. “Inland, we’ll have flooding and heat waves. reserves.” His webpage concerning energy Heat waves cause more deaths than hurricanes.” goals only mentions reducing emissions once, Simply integrating nature into city infrastrucand it makes no mention of climate change or ture is a very low-cost but effective means for renewable energy. countering the changes that are coming, Rose While meaningful action at the federal level is says. Many cities, for example, are planting probably years away, at the local level, progress

“We are in this bizarre

political state in which most of the Republican Par ty still

thinks it has to pretend that climate change is not real.”

thousands of street trees. Trees draw in atmospheric carbon as they grow and, through shade and evaporative cooling effects, can reduce surface temperatures by as much as 6 degrees Fahrenheit in some circumstances, Rose says. Laws and policies that take aim at reduced emissions targets can be very efficient tools for generating change across entire communities. However, Kalmus believes it’s important that individuals, too, reduce their own emissions through voluntary behavior changes, rather than simply waiting for change to come from leaders and lawmakers. “If you care about climate change, it will make you happier,” he said. “It makes you feel like you’re pioneering a new way to live. For others, you’re the person who is showing the path and making them realize it’s not as crazy as it seems.” Kalmus, who lives in Altadena, California, with his wife and two sons, has radically overhauled his lifestyle to reduce his carbon footprint. Since 2010 he has cut his own emissions by a factor of 10—from 20 tons per year to just 2, by his own estimates. This personal transformation is the subject of his forthcoming book, Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution, due out in 2017. Kalmus rides a bike most places, eats mostly locally grown food, raises some of it in his own yard, has stopped eating meat and—one of the most important changes—has all but quit flying places.

He hopes to serve as a model and help spark a transition to an economy that does not depend on constant growth, as ours currently does. One day, he believes, it will be socially unacceptable to burn fossil fuel, just as it’s become shunned to waste water in drought-dried Nevada. The oil industry will eventually become obsolete. “We need to transition to an economy that doesn’t depend on unending growth,” Kalmus said. Unless we slow our carbon emissions and our population growth now, depletion of resources, he warns, will catch up with us. “We need to shift to a steady-state economy and a steady-state population,” he said. “Fossilfueled civilization cannot continue forever.” Though Americans will soon have as president a man who is essentially advocating for climate change, Valk, at the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, expects time—and warming—to shift voter perspectives. “As more and more people are personally affected by climate change, like those recently flooded out in Louisiana and North Carolina, people of all political persuasions will see that acting on climate change is not a matter of partisan preferences, but a matter of survival,” he said. Ω

For more information, visit www.letterstothefuture.org.

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Regional pride gift guide THe HOLiDays are COMing! rn&r’s arTs eDiTOr PrePs yOU On HOW TO aVOiD THe MaLL. By Kris Vagner


have a thing about the mall. I steer clear of it anyway, but when holiday time rolls around—no way. It’s not just the traffic, the noise and the aggressive materialism. It’s the way my artist/ maker/DIY sanctimony just can’t thrive there. Plan A—I make my own gifts, just about anything from fleece PJs and pillows for the kids to framed photos and graphics to chocolate-dipped candied orange slices. Plan B—I rely on the region’s hundreds of hardworking artists, designers, crafters and other creative folks to help me further regale my loved ones with cool, imaginative gifts. You already know that Reno has a great range of boutiques, both longstanding and new, and a growing list of craft beers, spirits and food items that make for creative gifts. Here are a few gift ideas you may not have thought of. And keep your eyes open once you start shopping. This is just a sampling of the many creative things made in Reno and Tahoe.

Colors of Tahoe As soon as backpacking enthusiast and comic-book lover Jared Manninen graduated from Lake Tahoe Community College a couple of years ago, he thru-hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail. He’d already penned an illustrated memoir of the Appalachian Trail. After his Tahoe hike, he rendered the rim trail’s flora, fauna and scenery in 79 line drawings and assembled them into the Tahoe Rim Trail Coloring Book ($9.99). Available from wildernessactivitybooks.com or on Amazon.

Craft beer in craft vessels Hmm, beer or art? How about both? Potter Joe Winter has been making wheel-thrown beer growlers for regional breweries for a few years now. One of his newest developments has been partnering with Under The Rose’s Growler Club. For $100-200, you can buy your friends a handmade 64-oz. growler and somewhere between one and 15 fill-ups from the tap. A related mug club ($100) includes a 16-oz. beer mug—handmade by potter Casey Clark—five mug fill-ups and discounts all year. Available at Under The Rose Brewing Company, 559 E. Fourth. St. Details at www.undertherosebrewing.com/clubs.

Fresh deck

Craft beer and handmade ceramics are available as one gift, a growler club membership.

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Reno artist Ron Rash is prolific. His drawings are tattooed on skin all over town, his paintings are hanging at Hub University, and a line of cards and print reproductions of drunken animals trapped in bottles is in stock at Never Ender. Any of the above make for great holiday gifts, but it you really want to flaunt your street cred, proceed directly to Plan B Skateboards. Rash’s painting of a roaring bear being attacked by arrows and going up in flames is printed on the Pudwill Aces skateboard ($65.) Find online at www.planbskateboards.com/p/boards/ pudwill-aces-7-75?color=AST.

This Douglas squirrel is among the species and sites to color in the Tahoe Rim Trail Coloring Book.

Home means an enviable end table Before I send you to a charming gift store full of creative housewares for a beautiful piece of Nevada-shaped furniture, let me remind you that the trade in Nevada-themed wares is absolutely booming. Fortunately, just about any shop in town that sells handmade jewelry or locally designed t-shirts offers Nevada-shaped, Nevada-themed or Nevada-pride versions. One standout is the hardwood Nevada-shaped end table ($235) with an elegantly unobtrusive steel base by Hammer and Saw Wood and Metal Work. There are Lake-Tahoe-shaped versions of the table, too. Available at Larkellen, 606 W. Plumb Lane, or on Instagram at www.instagram.com/hammer.and.saw/.

More ways to shop local ’Tis the season for crafters of all kinds. The full roster of arts and craft holiday fairs in town is too long to list, but here are a few favorites that have become their own institutions over the years.

CHrisTMas 50! Artists Co-op of Reno, 627 Mill St., hosts a holiday show and sale through Dec. 28. The wide a range of handmade items includes jewelry, paintings, cards and ornaments. And yes, the “50” means this hub for painters and crafters has been around for half a century now.

This guy saves you money.

Rouge ARt & CRAft MARket Holland Project, 140 Vesta St., holds its annual curated arts market on Dec. 10 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This year’s event promises paintings, patches, food and beverage vendors and a “succulent bar,” where you can pair a cactus with the right vessel.

CAsh & CARRy Each December, Never Ender, 25 St. Lawrence Ave., fills its back-room gallery with 2-D and 3-D work by its favorite artists. You don’t have to wait until the exhibit ends to pick up your purchase. You can buy a piece right off the wall or shelf and take it home to wrap right then and there.

Chilly CAsh And CARRy The Wedge Ceramics Studio, 2095 Dickerson Road, teams up with next-door-neighbor Infinity Forge and fills the studio with gifts made of metal and clay, both the expected (cups, bowls, jewelry) and the surprising (birdhouses, belt buckles, steak hooks). The highlight is a $35 combo that includes a handmade bowl filled with chili and a handmade spoon to eat it with. The event takes place 4-8 p.m. Dec. 9 and 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Dec. 10-11.

holidAy fAiRe St. Mary’s Art Center, 55 N. R St., Virginia City, is worth a field trip any day of the year—as long as steep, windy Geiger Grade isn’t too icy. During the venue’s annual Holiday Art Faire it’s even more so. Expect artwork and handcrafted items by artists from Reno, Virginia City and environs. This year’s event is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 3. Ω



Hammer and Saw’s hardwood and steel end table also comes in a Lake Tahoe-shaped version.

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Ashlee Bushee gives a scarf to a woman named Darleen, who is homeless, in downtown Reno.

Upcoming shoWs: Dec 02 Damage, Inc Dec 15 Ho Ho Hoey Dec 16 nIgHtmare Before

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18   |   RN&R   |   11.23.16

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Handmade handouts Ashlee Bushee Ashlee Bushee may look like your average fashion-forward 25-year-old, in her stylish, blue satin jacket and funky fabric tote bag slung over her shoulder. That is, until she reveals that every single item she’s wearing was purchased at a thrift store or handmade by Bushee herself, upcycled from discarded clothing. Bushee is a woman on a mission to change the world, one accessory at a time. It started in college. She had to write a paper about something she cared about. She decided on the fashion industry. “I learned about the textile-dyeing process, and how much waste comes out of these plants and goes into rivers,” she said. In fact, according to Forbes, the fashion industry is one of the world’s biggest polluters and the second-biggest polluter of freshwater resources on the planet. Polyester production is oil-intensive, and synthetic fibers emit gases such as nitrous oxide, far more damaging than CO2. The research was life-changing for Bushee, who instantly decided to consume far less. She stopped buying new clothing, taught herself to sew and started upcycling. She tried selling her work, setting up a booth at Junkee aimed toward Burners. But her devout religious faith led her to pair fashion with the spirit of spreading kindness. She stopped selling her creations and started giving them away. “I thought to myself, ‘What’s a universally sized thing that women enjoy and is versatile?’ So I thought the scarf was the perfect thing to make for people.” Thus began Scarves with Purpose, Bushee’s one-woman initiative to


sustainably spread kindness. In May 2015, she made 60 yellow (“for joy”) chiffon scarves and took them downtown to distribute to the homeless. “I just wanted to give them a gift that was handmade with care,” she said. “I took the time to sew them, to pray and meditate over them to give the recipients what they needed.” Then in January, Bushee made 40 fleece scarves and fabric tote bags for the Nevada Youth Empowerment Project to distribute during its annual homeless count. Though the initial efforts were intended for the homeless, they certainly aren’t the only ones deserving. “Even if I see a woman who’s well off but looks like she needs a pick-me-up, I think it’s nice to have a stranger come to you and say, ‘Hey, it was on my heart that you just needed this today,’” she said. “That’s the mission, really, to give joy to anyone.” Bushee keeps care packages in her car to hand out and often receives requests to send packages to the needy. On a recent day her tote held one that would go out to a young woman with breast cancer—a scarf, a handmade cotton bow, a packet of wildflower seeds labeled, “Save the bees” and a card expressing her best wishes. Her goal for winter is to give 100 scarves, and she hopes people message her via her website to suggest ways to give. Her commitment isn’t easy—she’s a full-time chemistry student with a full-time job, not to mention her latest effort to gain support for a plastic bag ban in Reno. But for her, giving is the most important thing. “It’s just about practicing, really,” she explained. “I used to not give anything, and I was like, ‘I need to be filled up by everybody. I need all this.’ But if I don’t ever practice giving something, then if I am financially well off someday, I won’t know how to do it.” Ω Ashlee Bushee’s web site is scarveswithpurpose.com.

by BoB Grimm

b g ri m m @ne w s re v i e w . c o m

“Hey, baby. on a scale of one to America, how free are you tonight?”

The magic has gone

interacting with special effects. The creatures might look relatively cool, but none of them register as great characters that move the plot along. Dan Fogler delivers what turns out to be the film’s best performance as Kowalski, a wannabe baker who winds up crossing paths with Newt while trying to get a bank loan. He’s a “muggle” I was a little late to the Harry Potter party. I dabbling in a non-muggle universe, and some of the didn’t like the first movie (a bunch of kids who film’s better moments come from Fogler’s reactions didn’t know how to act participating in a big to crazy sights. He also has a little love story that’s costume pageant), thought the second was really sort of sweet. good, and then loved the third, Harry Potter and Ezra Miller, DC’s current The Flash in cinemas, the Prisoner of Azkaban (a masterpiece). plays Credence Barebone, a suspiciously worried The Harry movies got a little inconsistent after looking fellow who has a nasty secret. Colin Farrell Azkaban, but the character rose above any of the is on hand as an agent for a secret society seeking mediocre moments delivered by director David witches and wizards, and he also has a big secret. Yates, who helmed the final four movies. Of course, as the press has already announced, Yates returns to helm the next chapter in the Johnny Depp has a role in this new universe Potter universe, a prequel extension, one that will surely called Fantastic Beasts and get bigger than his two-line Where to Find Them, the title appearance in this film. of a textbook Harry studied at There’s definite joy in Hogwarts. The film takes place simply seeing the extended well before Harry’s time, as Potter universe come to life the world of wizardry comes to again on film, even if Harry New York City in the 1920s. isn’t present, and the film Director: David Yates Unfortunately, Beasts itself is somewhat of a dud. Starring: Eddie Redmayne,  struggles with some of the same There are many more to come, Dan Fogler, Ezra Miller problems the first Harry Potter with Yates already announced had. It’s a sometimes goodas the director for four more looking movie with a screenplay that never takes chapters allegedly to be released in an every-otherhold. It’s all over the place, with no real sense of year cycle. So there will be more movie wizardry, purpose other than setting you up for future movies. more beasts and another big wizard showdown. It’s nothing but an overblown place-setter. This time, it looks to be a younger Dumbledore In place of Daniel Radcliffe’s Harry, we get facing off against Depp’s character, who is a Eddie Redmayne’s Newt, author of the infamous precursor to Voldemort. textbook and caretaker for a variety of “fantastic Wait a minute, talking about all that cool future beasts.” The film opens with him coming to New stuff is distracting. The matter at hand is the current York toting a suitcase with a variety of beasts film, which is an ultimate bore. See it knowing that bursting to get out. 1) things will probably get more exciting in future Some of them do, indeed, escape and wreak chapters and 2) Nifflers aren’t half as interesting as havoc. Most notably a little platypus-looking thing Hippogriffs. called Niffler. There’s a fun moment when Newt Also, maybe Yates should take a break from opens his case, and drops into it like it contains a directing these films and give somebody else a staircase. It reveals a vast home for the creatures shot. Bringing back Alfonso Cuaron, director of inside, where he feeds them and plays. Azkaban, would be a nice move. Yates has done And that’s it, really. The movie is a big setup well, but Beasts has proven that his approach might for the occasional sequences involving Redmayne be getting a little stale. Ω

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them




The Accountant

This plays out like a deranged Batmanwith-a-calculator action flick. Ben  Affleck plays Christian Wolff, a high functioning  autistic man who has managed to harness his  extreme intelligence with numbers and physical tics down into the strangest of professions.  By day, he’s your average accountant helping  a farm owner find tax loopholes to save a few  thousand bucks. At night, he’s some sort of accountant ninja who can take out a room full of  mob guys with a dinner knife and some totally  Batman forearm blasts to the face. Christian  takes jobs laundering books for dirty folks  all over the world and, while he does have a  modest, sparsely decorated home, he also has  a mobile man cave—or, should I say, Batcave— that keeps all the spoils of his riches—money,  gold, Jackson Pollock paintings and, yes,  collector’s items like Batman comic books.  During one job, trying to find missing money for  a prosthetics company led by John Lithgow, he  takes a liking to fellow accountant Dana (the  invaluable Anna Kendrick), and they conspire  to find the missing money, which, of course,  wasn’t really supposed to happen.

Richardson) starts dating her brother (Blake  Jenner). Nadine is a practitioner of brutal  honesty, which basically gets her ostracized at  school and in trouble with her family. The only  one who really stops to listen is her teacher (a  hilarious Woody Harrelson) who actually has no  choice given his profession. Craig’s screenplay  is first rate, and her directing results in some  great performances. Steinfeld is good enough  here to be considered for her second Oscar  nomination, while Jenner (who starred in this  year’s Everybody Wants Some!!) is equally  good. This one draws comparison to the best  of John Hughes, and I would call the movie a  good companion piece to The Breakfast Club.  It’s good to see Steinfeld getting a role she  very much deserves and exciting to see a new  voice like Craig’s on the scene. Kyra Sedgwick is  also very good in a supporting role as Nadine’s  mother, while Hayden Szeto does excellent  work as a high school boy who hasn’t mastered  the art of properly asking somebody out.  (His performance is all the more impressive  because he’s over 30 playing 18.) This is one of  the better family dramas of recent years, on  top of being a solid, funny comedy.





Doctor Strange

Director Denis Villeneuve has made  one of the year’s best science fiction  films. Amy Adams stars as Dr. Louise Banks,  a linguistics teacher crippled by visions of a  daughter who died of a rare illness. She lives a  life of seclusion, where the only thing she really  does is teach her class and mope around her  lakefront home. (Man, that must be one abnormally high paying teacher’s gig.) During class,  a bunch of phones go off, a student instructs  her to turn on the TV, and, bam, that’s how she  discovers the planet seems to be getting a visit  from an alien force. Strange giant pods have  parked themselves all over the planet, and  nobody knows their intent. A solemn military  man (Forest Whitaker) shows up in Louise’s  office and informs her the world needs her.  She has a sense of purpose again. It isn’t long  before she’s inside an alien ship trying to talk  to the “Heptapods,” large elephant looking  aliens with seven legs. She’s joined by a science  officer played by a surprisingly low-key Jeremy  Renner. The movie is drawing comparisons to  Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind.  It’s a very different type of film from that one.  If you’re looking for some sort of action pic,  you will not find that here. This is a sci-fi movie  that gives itself time to breathe, and while it  does have a few action scenes, for the most  part, it’s intellectual fare.

The latest Marvel movie is certainly  one of the weirder ones, with Benedict  Cumberbatch starring as the title character, a  sorcerer who can cast spells and slip through  passageways in time. It’s an origin story,  showing how Strange loses his surgeon’s hands  in an accident, travels to India, and learns  about the mystical arts from The Ancient One  (Tilda Swinton). I have to admit, I didn’t always  follow exactly what was going on in this movie,  and I found some stretches a little convoluted  and boring. When the movie soars, it soars  high, and Cumberbatch winds up being a  decent choice for the role, even with his weird  American accent. Director Scott Derrickson  (Sinister), who looked like an odd choice for  a Marvel movie with his horror film pedigree,  acquits himself nicely. The movie often plays  like a Matrix-Inception mashup with a little  bit of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon thrown  in for good measure. The special effects are  first rate. Doctor Strange is a bit of an oddball  character, and he’s supposed to factor into  future Avengers movies. I’ll be curious to see  how he fits into the mix with the likes of AntMan and Hawkeye.


The Edge of Seventeen

Writer-director Kelly Fremon Craig  makes an impressive debut with this  darkly funny take on the life of a modern day  high school outcast. Hailee Steinfeld gives her  best performance since True Grit as Nadine,  a highly intelligent teen going through an  awkward stage when her best friend (Haley Lu

Hacksaw Ridge

Mel Gibson directs his first movie in  a decade and—surprise—the sucker  bleeds. It bleeds a lot. As a director, Gibson  stands alongside the likes of Sam Raimi, David  Cronenberg and Peter Jackson as a master of  body horror. Yes, I will go so far as to say his  latest, Hacksaw Ridge, is an all out horror film  in parts. His depiction of a World War II battle  makes George Romero’s Dawn of the Dead look  like Zootopia. The movie tells the true story of  Desmond Doss (Andrew Garfield), a battlefield  medic and the first of three conscientious  objectors in U.S. warfare history to receive the  Medal of Honor. The dude refused to pick up a  gun, or any weapon for that matter, during his  time served in Okinawa. That didn’t stop him  from braving the battlefields with comrades,  eventually saving the lives of 75 men during  horrendously bloody battles. Much of the  film’s first half is devoted to Doss’ backstory,  a troubled childhood with his alcoholic World  War I veteran father (a good Hugo Weaving)  and an eventual romance with future wife  Dorothy Schutte (Teresa Palmer). The early  goings in the film are handled well, although  schmaltzy at times. When Doss goes to boot  camp and faces off against commanding officers like Captain Glover (Sam Worthington)  and Sgt. Howell (Vince Vaughn), the film starts  to get very interesting. Due to his Seventh Day  Adventist beliefs, Doss refuses to pick up a  rifle, and this gets him into all sorts of jams on  the training field and in the barracks. After a  detour for a court-martial hearing, Doss and  his infantry mates are deployed to Japan. When  the action switches to the scaling of the Maeda  Escarpment a.k.a. Hacksaw Ridge, the movie  becomes perhaps the most grueling war movie  experience ever made.



This is easily the worst of the Robert  Langdon series, a series that was  already pretty terrible in that both The Da  Vinci Code and Angels & Demons blew ass.  Ron Howard once again directs Tom Hanks as  Langdon. When Langdon wakes up in a hospital  room, with a bullet scratch on his head and  loss of memory, Sienna Brooks (Felicity Jones)  is there to help out. Then, somebody starts  toward Langdon’s hospital room guns blazing,  and the so-called adventure begins. Langdon is  having hallucinations about something akin to  Dante’s “Inferno” while trying to work his way  through amnesia. He’s in Italy, and he doesn’t  know why, but Sienna, for reasons unknown, is  going to stay by his side until he works things  out. Langdon must race against time (and  solve puzzles!) in order to save the world. The  main “puzzle” Langdon has to solve this time  is where a doomsday bomb containing a virus  that will wipe out the majority of the Earth’s  population has been planted. If he doesn’t find  the Make Everybody Sick bomb, it will be an  apocalypse like no other. Gee, I wonder if the  whole world will die in a Ron Howard movie?

11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   19

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bell pepper and chicken breast was served on a hot iron skillet with plenty of melted Oaxaca and piping hot tortillas on the side. My older son and his toddler enjoyed a pair of burritos. The bean burrito ($7.95) kept the little guy temporarily focused enough for his dad to tuck into a sizeable Antonio’s Mexican Grill may have the shrimp burrito ($8.95) stuffed with refried appearance of a national chain, but this beans, rice, cilantro, onions, tomato, family-owned restaurant is anything but. romaine lettuce, sour cream and salsa. The It’s just the kind of place for a meal with bite I tasted was full of tender shrimp and my food-loving family. really fresh ingredients. Everything that can be is made in-house, The table shared an a la carte chimiincluding a choice of hot sauces—one changa ($8.95), served with sour cream and green and mild, one medium hot, and a guacamole on the side. The fried tortilla third with pepper flakes and considerably was beautifully golden, light and flakey, more heat. The flavors of all three were reminiscent of savory pastry. At least as quite good, with a noticeable hint of smoke big as the burrito, it was full of al pastor in both red sauces. pork, melted cheese and refried beans. The My younger son’s choice of carne guacamole was particularly good, with asada, chile verde and rojas veggie gorditas chunks of avocado mixed in with the mash was the day’s special and just a touch of (three for $7). Tucked seasoning. With just between two thick a dash of housemade circles of crispy, fried hot sauce, the plate masa, a layer of refried was quickly cleared. beans and queso fresco 95 N. Sierra St., 870-9353 Years ago, I supported the meats. Antonio’s Mexican Grill is open Monday to Thursday encountered a chile from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday from 11 a.m. to 12 Both beef and pork relleno that was so a.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. and Sunday were tender and well from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Visit antoniosgrill.com good it ruined me seasoned, but the melted for lesser fare. Every Oaxaca cheese and now and then I’ll veggie mix of roasted poblano peppers with order one—usually for a review—and am sautéed mushroom and onion stood apart invariably disappointed. They’re often either on flavor. drenched in too much sauce, or likely made A hefty torta ($6.95) with chorizo, in advance, refrigerated, then microwaved. lettuce, tomato, refried beans, avocado and But the chile relleno paired with a chicken mayonnaise was next. Although the roll enchilada on my combo plate ($11.95) was wasn’t as crusty as my daughter-in-law the closest I’ve come to finding “The One.” prefers, it was stuffed with ingredients. The The side of beans and rice were fine, and chorizo surprised me a bit, consisting of the enchilada was good if not particularly meaty chunks mixed with the loose meat notable. But the relleno’s poblano pepper sausage—overall a pretty decent sandwich. and its coating were nicely cooked, filled My wife loves fajitas and so ordered with plenty of thoroughly melted cheese and a very similar dish, chicken alambres topped with broiled cheese and just enough ($8.95). The word alambre means “wire” sauce to complement each bite. I took in Spanish, alluding to the traditional use my time, savoring both the flavor and the of skewers for cooking the ingredients. discovery. Ω In this instance, a mix of sautéed onion,


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22   |   RN&R   |   11.23.16

by Marc Tiar

PHoto/Eric Marks

I assume is “the good stuff” gets pretty expensive. Figuring bourbon that’s been “Oat’ed” might be worth a shot, I soon set out to the Branded Hearts facility in West Reno, planning on a quick look around, a sip or two to decide what I like, and maybe pick up a The idea for today’s column dates back bottle of something. What I left with was a to a kinder, gentler time. Think back, not crash course in modern craft spirits and a so long ago, before a heated election rattled bottle of wheat whiskey. us to our foundations. Think way back to Owners Josh Nichols and Ryan Halloween, 2016. This year, my family Cherrick were there on a quiet Friday afterjoined friends to trick-or-treat in their hood noon. It was just me, so Cherrick was quite and kicked off the evening with pumpkin generous with his time and knowledge. chili and the annual sampling of pumpkin With a brief description of each product beers. The last few years, fall temperatures before tasting, a virtual buffet of rum, what they are, I’ve taken to carrying a flask whiskey, bourbon and even a 100 percent around the neighborhood—a little somehoney liquor—not sweet and syrupy like I thing to take the nip out of the air and lend expected—took over my visit. Cherrick was some festivity for those of us too old for clearly content to geek out on the scientific sexy costumes and zombie crawls. While aspects of fermentation and distillation and I take no credit for this trend, it seems to delve into what makes each of these what have caught on. Lots of travel mugs out they are, from the various grains used to there this year. the barrels and aging So there we were, time. The bourbon readying ourselves does indeed have for the Taking o’ the a healthy dose of Candy, and I found oats (although the myself gazing at the 121 Woodland Ave., 336-8195 “Oat’ed” part of the eclectic bottles atop For more information, visit name has now been the fridge. While he’s www.brandedheartsdistillery.com. retired, by request of primarily a beer nerd the feds). The whisextraordinaire, our host key is made from a mix of red and white also enjoys some proper distillations, and a Winnemucca wheat. I enjoyed every minute bottle of local Branded Hearts Distillery’s of the conversation and the sampling, like I Oat’ed Bourbon caught my eye. was chatting with a friendly bartender at a I’ve always wanted to have more of familiar neighborhood watering hole. a palate for the brown spirits—bourbon, The distillery isn’t huge by any means, rye, Scotch, whiskies Irish, Canadian so the tour was brief—a look at the still and beyond. It must harken back to my itself, the massive super sacks of grain and, granddad’s affinity for them, a little on of course, the hallowed barrels themselves. the rocks before dinner when we visited, I skipped the cocktails but brought home as well as the rustic, ancient mysticism my souvenir shot glass. And, since I of years-old booze in oak barrels, biding splurged on the cask strength whiskey, at its time while the alchemy of wood, fire 118 proof, I think I can make it last until and time completes it. Unfortunately, I’ve next Halloween, you know, since I’m still never really figured out what I like. What figuring out what I like. Ω

This guy saves you money.

House of spirits

Owners Josh Maxwell, ryan cherrick and Josh Nichols pose in front of aging casks at Branded Hearts Distillery.

Branded Hearts Distillery


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11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   23



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by KRiS VaGneR






k risv @ne wsr e vie w.c o m

Bill Conran, Stephen Larkins, Christian Davis, Gabriel Larkins and Robb Russo were a Reno Britpop band in the ’90s—and they still are.

Homecoming Acrylic Adults warned me, as I stumbled into adulthood in the ’90s, “Just you wait. Everything will change. You’ll have kids. You’ll grow up. The ideals and priorities you have now—you won’t even recognize them.� That kind of transition happens often, I learned, and I sure see why it would. But, other than maybe growing more patient and more confident, I’m still a lot like I was at 18. I still care about writing and photography, and I still think it’s a good idea to rearrange the rest of my life around them even though there’s a heap of other responsibilities on the plate now. When five guys approaching my age put on an Oasis album in a rehearsal studio this past weekend and nodded in solidarity at my eight-hole Doc Martens—the same style I started wearing at 18—I could tell they’d taken similar tracks. Those five guys are the members of Acrylic. “We’ve been together since 1997,� said keyboardist/guitarist Christian Davis, as he and his band mates kicked back on couches beneath posters of the kings of brooding ’90s Brit pop and Goth—Travis, Depeche Mode, Morrissey and the Cure. That combination, along with the Oasis on the speakers, pretty much foreshadows their sound. They jabbed at each other in good humor like brothers—two of them, guitarist Stephen Larkins and drummer Gabriel Larkins, actually are brothers—and told stories about the early days. During their teens, they enjoyed the good life, playing gigs, charging covers and being served alcohol in long-ago Reno venues. They played at the Blue Lamp, Fallout Shelter and the Vault coffee shop. They gathered a local following and played a few shows in Sacramento. They developed fan bases in Australia, where


they were reviewed in a music magazine, and South Korea, where an appreciative banker thought to send them “cupcake shots in negligees.â€? They heard from record labels Beggars Banquet, 4AD and Sony. They never did form relationships with those labels, though. The band recorded a CD in 1997. That was preBandcamp, pre-Myspace and before MP3s were easily distributable. “Back in those days, you had a CD—it was a different story,â€? said Stephen Larkins. “You had to record. It took some money.â€? “That was my college fund, by the wayâ€? singer Bill Conran laughed. Conran moved to Nashville. Others started families. Davis became a music teacher. Bass player Robb Russo began playing with the Asphalt Socialites— which he described as a more electronic version of Acrylic—and still does. Conran flew in from Nashville last week, and band members have been rehearsing daily for a show this week at The Saint—their first in a decade. It’s not exactly a reunion or a comeback, they’re quick to clarify, because they never actually broke up. Life just got in the way a bit. Their taste hasn’t changed, they said, but they now approach their trademark shoegaze-to-Goth Brit-pop as more mature musicians. “I think it sounds better than ever,â€? said Stephen Larkins, who’s played locally in Jambalaya Blue and Big Remote. “All of us [have been] developing and listening to each other as we play, rather than being so fresh and young and kind of self-centered.â€? “I wish I could go back and write a song about it,â€? said Conran, one that would magically speak to his younger self. “Honestly, if you could really do shit when you were a kid and have the lack of ego, it would just be crazy.â€? Ί

Acrylic headlines a show with Grace Gatsby and DJ Mat Diablo at The Saint, 761 S. Virginia St., 9 p.m., Nov. 23.

THURSDAY 11/24 1UP 214 W. Commercial Row, (775) 329-9444

FRIDAY 11/25


Wick-It the Instigator, DeFunk, SoDown, 10pm, $10-$15

DJ Dan, David Aaron, XM Fredie, SiRL, Cue:Lad, 10pm, $7-$15


132 West St., (775) 329-2878

BAR OF AMERICA 10042 Donner Pass Rd., Truckee; (530) 587-2626


Coats For Comedy w/Dave Mencarelli, Ethan Pickett, others, 9pm, coat donation

125 W. Third St., (775) 323-5005


SUNDAY 11/27

Karaoke, 9pm, no cover

DJ Izer, 10pm, $5 after 10pm

DJ Izer, 10pm, $5 after 10pm

Rustler’s Moon, 8:30pm, no cover

Bias & Dunn, 9pm, no cover

Bias & Dunn, 9pm, no cover

CARGO AT WHITNEY PEAK HOTEL CEOL IRISH PUB 538 S. Virginia St., (775) 329-5558


Takeover Sundays: Open Mic for DJs, 5pm, no cover

Post show s online by registering  at www.newsr eview.com /reno. Dea dline is the Friday befor e  publication.

GRiZ, Brass Tracks, Haywyre, 8pm, $22.50

255 N. Virginia St., (775) 398-5400

Erika Paul Trio, 8pm, Tu, no cover DG Kicks, 9pm, Tu, no cover

312 S. Carson St., Carson City; (775) 883-2662

Fourth Friday Session, 6pm, no cover


Joe Grissino, 7pm, no cover

Joe Grissino, 7pm, no cover

Leroy Virgil Bowers, 8pm, no cover

Basement Tapes, STD, Reno We Have a Problem, 9pm, no cover

Evil Ash, Murder Rock, Sex Devils, 9:30pm, no cover

Jack Di Carlo, 7pm, no cover

Adrenaline, 9pm, no cover

Saxaholic, 8pm, no cover

Karaoke w/C.J. Tirone, 7pm, no cover

Karaoke Kat, 9pm, no cover

Canyon White Open Mic Night, 8pm, no cover

10142 Rue Hilltop, Truckee; (530) 587-5711

DAVIDSON’S DISTILLERY 275 E. Fourth St., (775) 324-1917

ELBOW ROOM BAR 2002 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-6700

HANGAR BAR 10603 Stead Blvd., Stead; (775) 677-7088

Karaoke, 9pm, Tu, W, no cover

GRiZ Nov. 25, 8 p.m. Cargo 255 N. Virginia St. 398-5400

CW and Mr. Spoons, noon, M, no cover Dave Leather, noon, W, no cover

Karaoke w/Nitesong Productions, 9pm, Tu, no cover


Open Mic Jam Slam w/Adrian Dijjon, 8pm, Tu, C.J. Tirone, 7pm, W, no cover

Open Mic Night, 9pm, M, no cover Trivia Night, 9pm, W, no cover

3819 Saddle Rd., South Lake Tahoe; (530) 314-7665

THE HOLLAND PROJECT 140 Vesta St., (775) 742-1858


Fall Silent, Future Criminals of America, Black Zen, 8pm, $7

Hellrazor, Fine Motor, Corner/Store, 8pm, W, $5

71 S. Wells Ave., (775) 384-1652 1) Showroom 2) Bar Room

2) Sucka Punch, Viva Revenge, 8pm, $3

2) Professor Gall, Ramblin’ Rounder, 8pm, $TBA

1) Snow tha Product, Woke, Fool Boy Marley, ZP Ratik, 8pm, Tu, $15


Michael Jackson & The Doctor of Feel Good, 9pm, no cover

Jonie Blinman, 9pm, no cover

Open Mic Night, 7pm, M, Reno’s Favorite Crooners, 7:30pm, W, no cover

246 W. First St., (775) 329-4484


Jazz Jam Session Wednesdays, 7:30pm, W, no cover

941 N. Virginia St., (775) 870-9633

Nov 24

Open Mic

Nov 25

Metal Mania Heavy Metal Sing Along

Nov 26

Broodwich We are Broodwich...

Nov 28

Beatbop Generation Show Modern Sons Navigator Rick Los Badgers de Apestosas Sunday Coat Drive 10am-9pm

Comedy 3rd Street, 125 W. Third St., 323-5005: Comedy Night & Improv w/Patrick Shillito, W, 9pm, no cover Carson Nugget, 507 N. Carson St., Carson City, 882-1626: Justin Rivera, F, 7:30pm, $13-$15 The Improv at Harveys Cabaret, Harveys Lake Tahoe, Stateline, (800) 553-1022: Shayla Rivera, Robert Duchaine, Th-F, Su, 9pm, $25, Sa, 9pm, $30; Amir K, Thomas Dale, W, 9pm, $25 Laugh Factory at Silver Legacy Resort Casino, 407 N. Virginia St., 325-7401: Bill Dawes, Th, Su, 7:30pm, $21.95; F-Sa, 7:30pm, 9:30pm, $27.45; Sundra Croonquist, Allan Stephen, Tu, W, 7:30pm, $21.95 Reno-Tahoe Comedy at Pioneer Underground, 100 S. Virginia St., 686-6600: Steve Hytner, F, 9pm, $15-$20; Sa, 8:30pm, $15-$20; Justin Rivera, 3pm, Sa, $12-$15, all-ages show

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775.327.1171 11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   25

THURSDAY 11/24 THE LOFT THEATRE-LOUNGE-DINING 1021 Heavenly Village Way, South Lake Tahoe; (530) 523-8024

MIDTOWN WINE BAR 1527 S. Virginia St., (775) 800-1960

FRIDAY 11/25


Magic Fusion, 7:30pm, $19-$37

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $19-$37

Magic Fusion, 7pm, 9pm, $19-$37


Crush, 8pm, no cover

The Heidi Incident, 8pm, no cover


Nov. 26, 10 p.m. 1up 214 W. Commercial Row 329-9444


Bonanza King, 8:30pm, no cover

10007 Bridge St., Truckee; (530) 587-8688

Bonanza King, 8:30pm, no cover The Beatbop Generation w/Modern Sons, 7pm, M, $TBA, Psycho Nurse, 8pm, W, $12

400 E. Fourth St., (775) 327-1171


Acoustic Wonderland singer-songwriter showcase, 8pm, no cover

POLO LOUNGE RED DOG SALOON 76 N. C St., Virginia City; (775) 847-7474

U Play Wednesday (open mic jam), 8pm, W, no cover Johnny Lipka’s Gemini, 9pm, no cover

1559 S. Virginia St., (775) 322-8864

Salythian, Our Last of Days, Eject, 7pm, $5

211 N. Virginia St., (669) 255-7960


Hellbound Glory, The Electric, 10pm, $10-$12

761 S. Virginia St., (775) 221-7451

SHEA’S TAVERN 715 S. Virginia St., (775) 786-4774

Johnny Lipka’s Gemini, 9pm, no cover

Open mic and jam, 7pm, no cover


Nov. 30, 8 p.m. Morris Burner Hostel 400 E. Fourth St. 327-1171

Bingo Tuesday w/Tammy Tam Tam, 6:30pm, Tu, Strictly Business, 7:30pm, W, no cover


906-A Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 358-5484

Psycho Nurse

Magic Fusion, 4:30pm, 7pm, $19-$37

MONDAY-WEDNESDAY 11/28-11/30 Magic Fusion, 7:30pm, M, Tu, $19-$37 ElectroSwing Burlesque, 8pm, W, $30

Ladies Night, DJ/dancing, 10pm, no cover charge for women before 11pm

2100 Victorian Ave., Sparks; (775) 772-6637

DJ Dan

SUNDAY 11/27

Karaoke with Steve Starr, 8pm, no cover

St. Christopher Project, 6pm, no cover

Twerksgiving Potluck and Party, 3pm, no cover

SPARKS LOUNGE 1237 Baring Blvd., Sparks; (775) 409-3340 445 California Ave., (775) 657-8484

STUDIO ON 4TH 432 E. Fourth St., (775) 737-9776

WHISKEY DICK’S SALOON 2660 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe; (530) 544-3425

DJ Travy, 10pm, no cover

Saturday Night Dance Party, 9pm, no cover

Explorations in Jazz, 8pm, no cover

The Lyons In Winter, 8:30pm, $10

Deuce Denninger, 8pm, $5

Dan Martin, 8pm, W, $5

Tuesday Trivia, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Zion Roots, 9pm, no cover

775.348.6666 666 66



This guy saves you money. Sports West Athletic Club

26   |   RN&R   |   11.23.16


FRIDAY 11/25


SUNDAY 11/27

2) The Vegas Road Show, 4pm, no cover Hindsight, 10pm, no cover

1) Bill Engvall, 8pm, $75-$100 2) The Vegas Road Show, 4pm, no cover Hindsight, 10pm, no cover

2) Hindsight, 8pm, no cover

2) Melissa Dru, 8pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) The Look, 5pm, no cover Stephen Lord, 9pm, no cover

1) War, 6pm, $30-$60 2) The Look, 5pm, no cover Stephen Lord, 9pm, no cover

2) Crush, 6pm, no cover

2) Tandymonium, 6pm, M, no cover The Desperados, 6pm, Tu, no cover

2) Kid and Nic Show, 8pm, no cover

2) Kid and Nic Show, 8pm, no cover

2) Tinsley Ellis, 10pm, no cover

1) Locals Last Waltz featuring Jelly Bread & Friends, 9pm, $12-$15

1) Miracle on 34th Street, 7pm, $38+ 2) Audioboxx, 10:30pm, no cover

1) Miracle on 34th Street, 7pm, $38+ 2) Audioboxx, 10:30pm, no cover 3) DJ Roni V, 9pm, no cover

1) Miracle on 34th Street, 3pm, 7pm, $38+ 1) Miracle on 34th Street, 7pm, Tu, W, $38+ 1) Miracle on 34th Street, 3pm, 7pm, $38+ 2) Audioboxx, 10:30pm, no cover 2) Live Band Karaoke, 10pm, M, no cover 2) Audioboxx, 10:30pm, no cover 3) DJ Roni V, 9pm, no cover The Money Shot, 10:30pm, W, no cover

2) Lex Thursdays, 10pm, no cover 3) Country Nights w/DJ Colt Ainsworth, 10pm, no cover

2) DJ 2Wice, 10pm, $15 3) Country Nights w/DJ Colt Ainsworth, 10pm, no cover

1) Còn mãi trong tim, 3pm, 8pm, $32.11+ 2) Neil Jackson, 10pm, $15 3) Country Nights, 10pm, no cover

15 Hwy. 50, Stateline; (775) 588-6611 1) South Shore Room 2) Peek Nightclub 3) Center Stage Lounge

2) DJ Rick Gee, DJ JosBeatz, 10pm, $20 3) Arty the Party, 9pm, no cover

1) Elvin Bishop, 7:30pm, $33.94 2) DJs Mark Stylz, Rick Gee, 10pm, $20 3) Arty the Party, 9pm, no cover


1) Country Artists Tribute Show, 7:30pm, $32-$42 3) Andersen Ackerson Duo, 9pm, no cover

1) Country Artists Tribute Show, 7:30pm, $32-$42 Decadence, 10pm, $32.75 3) Andersen Ackerson, 9pm, no cover

1) The Sun Kings, 8pm, $25 4) The Killer Dueling Pianos, 9pm, no cover

1) The Sun Kings, 8pm, $25

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks; (775) 356-3300 1) Celebrity Showroom 2) Nugget Grand Ballroom Justin Lee Band, 9pm, no cover 3) Gilley’s

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover Justin Lee Band, 9pm, no cover

1) Foghat, 8pm, $25-$65 3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover Justin Lee Band, 9pm, no cover

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, no cover

3) DJ/dancing, 6pm, W, no cover


2) Everett Coast, 7pm, no cover

2) Everett Coast, 8pm, no cover 3) The Latin Dance Social, 7:30pm, $10 before 10pm, $20 after

2) Drinking with Clowns, 8pm, no cover 3) DJ Spider, 10pm, $20

2) Bogg Jazz Ensemble, 6pm, no cover

2) Bogg Jazz Ensemble, 6pm, M, Tu, W, no cover

2) Banzai Thursdays w/DJ Trivia, 8pm, no cover 4) DJ MoFunk, 9pm, no cover

1) Rodney Carrington, 8pm, $50.91-$63.76 2) Flock of 80z, 9pm, no cover 3) Fashion Fridays, 9pm, no cover 4) Atomika, 9pm, no cover

2) Flock of 80z, 9pm, no cover 3) Seduction Saturdays, 9pm, $5 4) Atomika, 9pm, no cover

3) Industry Night, 9pm, no cover 4) DJ MoFunk, 9pm, no cover

2) Country-Rock Bingo w/Jeff Gregg, 9pm, W, no cover


3800 S. Virginia St., (775) 825-4700 1) Grand Ballroom Stage 2) Cabaret


2100 Garson Rd., Verdi; (775) 345-6000 1) Event Center 2) Guitar Bar


2) Kid and Nic Show, 7pm, no cover 1627 Hwy. 395, Minden; (775) 782-9711 1) Valley Ballroom 2) Cabaret Lounge 3) TJ’s Corral


14 Hwy. 28, Crystal Bay; (775) 833-6333 1) Crown Room 2) Red Room

ELDORADO RESORT CASINO 345 N. Virginia St., (775) 786-5700 1) Theater 2) Brew Brothers 3) NoVi


2500 E. Second St., (775) 789-2000 1) Grand Theater 2) Lex Nightclub 3) Sports Book


1) Country Artists Tribute Show, 219 N. Center St., (775) 788-2900 7:30pm, $32-$42 1) Sammy’s Showroom 2) The Zone 3) Sapphire Lounge 4) Plaza 5) Convention Center


55 Hwy. 50, Stateline; (800) 648-3353 1) Showroom 2) HQ Center Bar 3) Opal Ultra Lounge 4) Blu

2) Karaoke w/Dreu Murin, 10pm, no cover


2707 S. Virginia St., (775) 826-2121 1) Tuscany Ballroom 2) Terrace Lounge 3) Edge


407 N. Virginia St., (775) 325-7401 1) Grand Exposition Hall 2) Rum Bullions Island Bar 3) Aura Ultra Lounge 4) Silver Baron Lounge


2) Jamie Rollins, 6pm, Tu, W, no cover

3) Buddy Emmer Band and guest, 8pm, Tu, no cover

Elvin Bishop Nov. 26, 7:30 p.m. Harrah’s Lake Tahoe 15 Highway 55 Stateline 588-6611

Karaoke Corkscroo Bar & Pizzeria, 10 E. Ninth St., 284-7270: Cash Karaoke w/Jacques, W, 6pm, no cover La Morena Bar, 2140 Victorian Ave., Sparks, 772-2475: Karaoke, Sa, 9pm, no cover The Man Cave Sports Bar, 4600 N. Virginia St., 499-5322: Karaoke, Sa, 8pm, no cover

1) Country Artists Tribute Show, 7:30pm, $32-$42

The Point, 1601 S. Virginia St., 322-3001: Karaoke, Th-Sa, 8:30pm; Su, 6pm, no cover Spiro’s Sports Bar & Grille, 1475 E. Prater Way, Ste. 103, Sparks, 356-6000: F-Sa, 9pm, no cover West Second Street Bar, 118 W. Second St., 384-7976: Daily, 8pm, no cover

11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   27

FOr tHE WEEK OF nOvEmBEr 23, 2016 For a complete listing of this week’s events or to post events to our online calendar, visit www.newsreview.com. PHOTOS WITH FATHER CHRISTMAS: Meet Father Christmas and create a holiday memory. F, 11/25, 11am-3pm; Sa, 11/26,

11am-3pm; Su, 11/27, 11am-3pm; Sa, 12/3, 11am-3pm; Su, 12/4, 11am-3pm; Sa, 12/10, 11am-3pm; Su, 12/11, 11am-3pm; Sa, 12/17, 11am-3pm; Su, 12/18, 11am-3pm. Virginia City Visitors Center, 86 S. C St., Virginia City, (775) 847-7500.

RENO BEER CRAWL: Purchase your glass and map at The Waterfall and enjoy $1 refills at 12+ downtown Reno taverns. Fourth

Sa of every month, 2-6pm through 12/24.

$5 glass and map. The Waterfall, 134 W. Second St., http://renobeercrawl.com.


Animal Ark Open Thanksgiving Weekend


Rather spend your holiday weekend outdoors with the kids? Take them out to Animal Ark this weekend to learn about the wildlife sanctuary’s resident animals, many of which become more active in the cooler temperatures of late fall. Dress for changing weather conditions and bring any leftover raw turkey necks and gizzards from Thanksgiving dinner for the Ark’s predators to feast on. Animal Ark, 1265 Deerlodge Road, about 25 miles north of Reno, will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 25-26. Admission is $12 for adults and $11 for seniors ages 62 and older and for kids ages 3-12. Call (775) 970-3111 or visit www.animalark.org prior to your departure, as severe weather may cancel the festivities.


CRAFTS FOR CHRISTMAS: Browse more than 100 craft and gift booths at this annual gift marketplace, featuring local and regional vendors. There will be Christmas food and drink demonstrations, holiday floral arrangements by Sparks Florist, performances by local youth bands and dance groups, caroling by the Great Basin Carolers on Friday and Saturday, a reading of The Polar Express at 2pm on Sunday and meetand-greets with Santa Claus from noon to 3pm each day. F, 11/25, noon-6pm; Sa,

12TH ANNUAL MAGICAL MEMORIES: Resort at Squaw Creek holds its annual festival featuring family-friendly events, food and drink specials, festive meals, live music and more. Through 1/3, 2017. Resort at Squaw Creek, 400 Squaw Creek Road, Olympic Valley, www.squawcreek.com.

ANNIVERSARY AND BLACK FRIDAY PARTY: Great Western Marketplace celebrates its two-year anniversary with holiday shopping, prizes and complimentary cake and champagne all weekend beginning on Friday. Santa Claus will stop by on Saturday and Sunday. F, 11/25, 11am. Free admission. The Great Western Marketplace, 4855 Summit Ridge Drive, http://greatwesternmarketplace.com.

11/26, 10am-6pm; Su, 11/27, 10am-4pm.

Free admission. Nugget Casino Resort, 1100 Nugget Ave., Sparks, (775) 356-3300, www.nuggetcasinoresort.com.

THE ENDANGERED UNIVERSITY NEIGHBORHOOD: Debbie Hinman will talk about the row of Victorian homes at the foot of the University of Nevada, Reno campus just below Ninth Street, as well as other significant houses on neighboring streets that are now threatened by new construction. She will present the history of the area—from its early ownership by pioneers John Newton and Alvaro Evans to the interesting and important residents who created this neighborhood. Su, 11/27, 1pm. Free. Downtown Reno Library, 301 S. Center St., (775) 747-4478.

BLACK FRIDAY IN MIDTOWN: Midtown District Reno presents its fourth annual holiday shopping event benefiting children in the community. To participate, shoppers are asked to donate $20 at any participating business. In exchange, these holiday shoppers will receive a shopping pass good for special discounts on Black Friday at more than 30 participating Midtown locations. F, 11/25, 11am-4pm. $20 for a special shopping pass. Midtown District Reno, 805 S. Virginia St., Ste. 210, www.renomidtowndistrict.com.





A NATIVITY TABLEAU: The Christmas story


comes alive as silent actors take to the stage accompanied by music and scripture. Su, 11/27, 5-6:15 & 7:30-8:45pm. Covenant Presbyterian Church, 6695 Mae Anne Ave., (775) 746-8118.

Davis Observatory hosts free star parties every Saturday night year round, starting at sunset (except when there is snow on the roads). The evening starts with a lecture on one of numerous topics and then concludes with guided star viewing by one of the observatory’s astronomers. Sa, 6pm. Free. Jack C. Davis Observatory, 2699 Van Patten Drive, Carson City, (775) 857-3033.

SCHEELS TURKEY TROT: The Thanksgiving Day event starts and finishes in the parking lot of Scheels at the Outlets at Sparks. Participants can choose from a 10K (6.2 miles) run (timed) or a 2-mile walk or run (not timed). The courses are user-friendly for both runners and walkers. The 10K race uses city streets and the local bike path. The 2-mile run/walk starts at Scheels and circles around the Sparks Marina Park. Every runner and walker receives a commemorative long-sleeve souvenir shirt, fruit and refreshments. Proceeds benefit Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful for local beautification projects and the City of Sparks Youth Scholarship Fund. Th, 11/24, 8:30am. Scheels, 1200 Scheels Drive, Sparks, (775) 331-2700.

V&T CANDY CANE EXPRESS: The holidaythemed, 50-minute train ride along the V&T railroad route includes hot cocoa, hot cider, cookies, candy canes, carols and a reading of the 1832 classic “’Twas the Night Before Christmas.” F, 11/25,

noon & 2pm; Sa, 11/26, noon & 2pm; Sa, 12/3, noon & 2pm; Su, 12/4, noon & 2pm; Sa, 12/10, noon & 2pm; Su, 12/11, noon & 2pm. $19 adults, $8 children ages 2-12. 1870 Virginia & Truckee Railroad Depot, 166 F St., Virginia City, (775) 847-0380.

WOBBLE BEFORE YOU GOBBLE 5K/10K: The second 10K and 5K run/walk is open to all ages of runners and walkers. The race will begin at the brand new City Plaza in downtown Reno. The course will run over the new Virginia Street Bridge and follow the Truckee River path to Idlewild Park. The 5K runners will turn around in Idlewild Park while the 10K runners will continue down Idlewild Drive to Crissie Caughlin Park. Partial proceeds from this event go to Children’s Cabinet, as well as 100 percent of raffle proceeds. Raffle tickets are available at packet pickup and at the race. Th, 11/24, 9-11am. $10$50. Reno City Plaza, 10 N. Virginia St., http://desertskyadventures.com.

Art ARTISTS CO-OP OF RENO GALLERY: Christmas 50. The Artists Co-op of Reno presents its 50th annual Christmas show featuring the artwork and crafts of local artists. The show and sale is open every day through Dec. 28, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. M-Su, 11am-4pm through 12/28. Free. 627 Mill St., (775) 322-8896.

HOLLAND PROJECT MICRO GALLERY AT BIBO COFFEE CO.: Sweet Coalesce. Inspired by pop surrealism, local artist Megan Jewett uses watercolor and gouache to create sickeningly sweet paintings depicting tasty treats with a dark twist. M-Su through 12/8. Free. 945 Record St., (775) 348-8087, www.hollandreno.org.

Film TAXI (A.K.A. TAXI TEHRAN): Artemisia Moviehouse presents a showing of the 2015 comedy/drama by Jafar Panahi. In Persian with English subtitles. Tu, 11/29, 7-9pm. $5-$7. Good Luck Macbeth Theatre Company, 713 S. Virginia St., http://artemisiamovies.weebly.com.

WARREN MILLER’S HERE, THERE & EVERYWHERE: Miller’s newest ski and snowboard action film features worldrenowned athletes JT Holmes, Jeremy Jones, Seth Wescott, Jess McMillan, Ingrid Backstrom, Marcus Caston, Wendy Fisher, Tyler Ceccanti, Kaylin Richardson and others. F, 11/25, 7:30pm; Sa, 11/26, 7:30pm; M, 12/12, 6pm. $14. Squaw Valley Conference Center, 1901 Chamonix Place, Olympic Valley, (530) 584-6299.


Sierra Nevada College BFA exhibit. M-Su through 12/1. Free. 1008 Highway 28, Incline Village, (775) 831-1314.

JOT TRAVIS BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO: MFA Midway Exhibition. Annual exhibition of second year Master of Fine Arts students’ current work. Tu-F, 11am-4pm through 12/1. Free. 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-6837.

MCKINLEY ARTS & CULTURE CENTER: Book + Publication Arts: Black Rock Press. The Black Rock Press preserves the history and traditions of the art of the book while turning a creative and critical eye toward its relevance in contemporary art and culture. The artist reception is on Dec. 1, 5-7pm. Through 12/30; Filtered: Paintings by Ashley Follmer. Follmer’s series of oil paintings portrays the effect of mobile devices on interpersonal communication. The artist reception is on Dec. 1, 5-7pm. Through 12/30. Free. 925 Riverside Drive, (775) 334-2417.

METRO GALLERY AT RENO CITY HALL: NonObjective Dimension. Abstract painter Monique Rebelle’s series of oil paintings deals with transcendence and a breakthrough in perception. Through 12/30, 8am-5pm. 1 E. First St., (775) 334-2417.

NORTHWEST RENO LIBRARY: Wild Open Art Show. A show by Lake Tahoe landscape painter Bonita Paulis. M-Sa through 12/24. 10am-5pm. 2325 Robb Drive, (775) 787-4100.

SHEPPARD CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, CHURCH FINE ARTS BUILDING, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO: FABRICation. Artists Erin Castellan, Kristy Deetz, Virginia Derryberry, Reni Gower, Rachel Hayes, Susan Iverson and Natalie Smith incorporate a textile sensibility in their artwork through elements of fabric and fabrication. Tu-Sa, noon-4pm through 12/15. 1664 N. Virginia St., (775) 784-6658.

music RENO PHIL YOUTH ORCHESTRA FALL SHOWCASE: The concert will feature works by Beethoven, Borodin and Brahms, among other composers. The evening will begin with the Youth Strings Symphonia under the direction of conductor Carol Laube. The YSS will be followed by the YCO under the direction of Dustin Budish and conclude with the YSO under the direction of Dr. Jason Altieri. M, 11/28, 7pm. $5-$10. Pioneer Center for the Performing Arts, 100 S. Virginia St., (775) 323-6393, http://renophil.com.

OnstAgE BUTTCRACKER 7—OZMOSIS: Brüka Theatre presents the seventh installation of its parody based on the holiday favorite The Nutcracker. The original performance takes Clara and the gang into a warped land of Oz. There will be a post-show opening night champagne reception on Nov. 25. The show is recommended for those age 8 and older. F, 11/25, 8pm; Sa,

11/26, 8pm; Th, 12/1, 8pm; F, 12/2, 8pm; Sa, 12/3, 8pm; Su, 12/4, 2pm; W, 12/7, 8pm; Th, 12/8, 8pm; F, 12/9, 8pm; Sa, 12/10, 8pm; W, 12/14, 8pm; Th, 12/15, 8pm; F, 12/16, 8pm; Sa, 12/17, 8pm; Su, 12/18, 2pm; W, 12/21, 8pm; Th, 12/22, 8pm; F, 12/23, 8pm. $22 for

general, $20 for students, seniors and military, $25 at the door. Brüka Theatre, 99 N. Virginia St., (775) 323-3221.

THE SANTALAND DIARIES: Reno Little Theater presents its holiday production based on David Sedaris’ humorous essay recounting his stint working as a Christmas elf in “Santaland” at Macy’s department store. F, 11/25, 7:30pm; Sa, 11/26, 2 &

7:30pm; Su, 11/27, 2pm; Th, 12/1, 7:30pm; F, 12/2, 7:30pm; Sa, 12/3, 7:30pm; Su, 12/4, 2pm; Th, 12/8, 7:30pm; F, 12/9, 7:30pm; Sa, 12/10, 7:30pm; Su, 12/11, 2pm. $22 adults,

$18 seniors, military, $15 students, $12 kids age 12 and younger. Reno Little Theater, 147 E. Pueblo St., (775) 813-8900, http://renolittletheater.org.


Knight shift My boyfriend of a year is a big sweetheart, but whenever we go out to eat, he always orders first. It really bothers me, and I feel disrespected and embarrassed that people see this, despite how this probably makes me a bad feminist. How do I ask him nicely to let me order first when we dine out? Males, throughout human history and throughout the animal kingdom, did evolve to be the protectors and defenders of women. This makes biological sense, considering that women provide a cozy B&B for the developing fetus, plus liquid refreshment and child care after the kid is born. Even a relatively wimpy man is likely to have more muscle mass, upper-body strength and aggression-energizing testosterone than most women. A number of modern behavioral protocols come out of these sex differences. For example, there’s how the man’s the one to walk closest to the curb, open the car door and act as a human shield against a gun-toting mugger—despite how, these days, even the itsy-bitsiest woman can make quick work of an attacker with her sparkly Smith & Wesson. The reality is that the psychology driving these customs, which evolved over millions of years, doesn’t just change because women now have ways to defend themselves. That’s probably why you feel embarrassed about others’ eyes on you. Evolutionary psychologist Daniel Sznycer, who researches shame, explains that shame is not just a feeling. It seems to be an information management program that evolved to help us protect our reputation. That feel-bad that rises up in us is a signal that we’d better do something pronto to stop our slide down the social totem pole. As for how to tell your boyfriend, keep in mind that you can school a guy in social customs but you can’t school him in being “a big sweetheart.” Use a compliment as your launchpad—about wonderful things he does for you—and then throw in a “I know you didn’t realize this, but …” This way, it’s not so much a criticism as a pointer on how to make you happier. And the truth is, if you’re like a lot of women, you might find it sexy when the physical differences

between men and women are emphasized in small symbolic ways like this. No, you aren’t a traitor to womankind if you say “Thanks … that’s so sweet!” when a guy puts his coat around your shoulders— instead of “Get that thing off me! I’ll do the feminist thing and freeze.”

Make vroom for daddy I’m a divorced woman in my 40s, and I just started dating again. I’m seriously tired of it already, after just two dates with two really disappointing guys. I want to cut to the picture in my head—cuddling on the couch and watching Netflix with my new handsome beau. Meeting somebody shouldn’t be this hard. Your expectations about how easy it should be to find new love aren’t just unrealistic—they’re unrealistic by fairy-tale standards. Picturing yourself in the cuddly-wuddly life you feel you should already have may be part of the problem. Motivation researcher Gabriele Oettingen finds that fantasizing is often demotivating—fooling our mind into believing that we already have the thing we’re dreaming of. Oettingen’s research makes a case for combining fantasizing with what I’d call “positive pessimism”—making yourself consider all the things standing in the way of what you want. As Oettingen explains it, thinking concretely about the obstacles we have to overcome helps energize us to tackle them. The reality is, the older you get and the more you expect from a boyfriend the harder it will be to find one. So either buckle down and prepare for the dating grind or do what it takes to immediately have a life partner who will look at you with great adoration—give your dog salami. Ω

Got a problem? Write Amy Alkon, 171 Pier Ave., No. 280, Santa Monica, CA 90405, or email AdviceAmy@aol.com (www.advicegoddess.com).

11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   29

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ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Creative people are

at greater risk,” said psychiatrist R. D. Laing, “just as one who climbs a mountain is more at risk than one who walks along a village lane.” I bring this to your attention, Aries, because in the coming weeks you will have the potential to be abundantly creative, as well as extra imaginative, ingenious and innovative. But I should also let you know that if you want to fulfill this potential, you must be willing to work with the extra tests and challenges that life throws your way. For example, you could be asked to drop a pose, renounce lame excuses or reclaim powers that you gave away once upon a time.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus musician

Brian Eno has been successful as a composer, producer, singer, and visual artist. Among his many collaborators have been David Byrne, David Bowie, U2, Coldplay, Laurie Anderson, Grace Jones and James Blake. Eno’s biographer David Sheppard testified that capturing his essence in a book was “like packing a skyscraper into a suitcase.” I suspect that description may fit you during the next four weeks, Taurus. You’re gearing up for some high-intensity living. But please don’t be nervous about it. Although you may be led into intimate contact with unfamiliar themes and mysterious passions, the story you actualize should feel quite natural.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You are free! Or

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almost free! Or let me put it this way: You could become significantly freer if you choose to be—if you exert your willpower to snatch the liberating experiences that are available. For example, you could be free from a slippery obligation that has driven you to say things you don’t mean. You could be free from the temptation to distort your soul in service to your ego. You might even be free to go after what you really want rather than indulging in lazy lust for a gaggle of mediocre thrills. Be brave, Gemini. Define your top three emancipating possibilities, and pursue them with vigor and rigor.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Have you been feeling

twinges of perplexity? Do you find yourself immersed in meandering meditations that make you doubt your commitments? Are you entertaining weird fantasies that give you odd little shivers and quivers? I hope so! As an analyzer of cycles, I suspect that now is an excellent time to question everything. You could have a lot of fun playing with riddles and wrestling with enigmas. Please note, however, that I’m not advising you to abandon what you’ve been working on and run away. Now is a time for fertile inquiry, not for rash actions. It’s healthy to contemplate adjustments, but not to initiate massive overhauls.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “Everybody is dealing CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Nationwide Free Pick Up! Call Now: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN)

with how much of their own aliveness they can bear and how much they need to anesthetize themselves,” writes psychoanalytic writer Adam Phillips. Where do you fit on this scale, Leo? Whatever your usual place might be, I’m guessing that in the coming weeks you will approach record-breaking levels in your ability to handle your own aliveness. You may even summon and celebrate massive amounts of aliveness that you had previously suppressed. In fact, I’ll recklessly speculate that your need to numb yourself will be closer to zero than it has been since you were 5 years old. (I could be exaggerating a bit; but maybe not!)

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Do you periodically

turn the volume down on your mind’s endless chatter and tune into the still, small voice within you? Have you developed reliable techniques for escaping the daily frenzy so as to make yourself available for the Wild Silence that restores and revitalizes? If so, now would be a good time to make aggressive use of those capacities. And if you haven’t attended well to these rituals of self-care, please remedy the situation. Claim more power to commune with your depths. In the coming weeks, most of your best information will flow from the sweet darkness.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): One of your vices could at least temporarily act as a virtue. In an odd twist, one of your virtues may also briefly function like a vice. And there’s more to this mysteri-

30   |   RN&R   |   11.23.16

ous turn of events. A so-called liability could be useful in your efforts to solve a dilemma, while a reliable asset might cloud your discernment or cause a miscalculation. I’m riffing here, Libra, in the hopes of stimulating your imagination as you work your way through the paradoxical days ahead. Consider this intriguing possibility: An influence that you like and value may hold you back, even as something or someone you’ve previously been almost allergic to could be quite helpful.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Between now and

the solstice on December 21, you will have extraordinary power to transform into a more practical, well-grounded version of yourself. You may surprise yourself with how naturally you can shed beliefs and habits that no longer serve you. Now try saying the following affirmations and see how they feel coming out of your mouth: “I am an earthy realist. I am a fact-lover and an illusion-buster. I love actions that actually work more than I like theories that I wish would work. I’d rather create constructive change than be renowned for my clever dreams.”

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Despite your

sign’s reputation, you Sagittarians don’t always require vast expanses to roam in. You aren’t ceaselessly restless, on an inexhaustible quest for unexpected experiences and fresh teachings. And no, you are not forever consumed with the primal roar of raw life, obsessed with the naked truth and fiercely devoted to exploration for its own sake. But having said that, I suspect that you may at least be flirting with these extreme states in the coming weeks. Your keynote, lifted from Virginia Woolf’s diary: “I need space. I need air. I need the empty fields round me; and my legs pounding along roads; and sleep; and animal existence.”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “If you can’t get

rid of the skeleton in your closet,” said George Bernard Shaw, “you had best teach it to dance.” This advice is worthy of your consideration, Capricorn. You may still be unable to expunge a certain karmic debt, and it may be harder than ever to hide, so I suggest you dream up a way to play with it—maybe even have some dark fun with it. And who knows? Your willingness to loosen up might at least alleviate the angst your skeleton causes you—and may ultimately transform it in some unpredictably helpful way.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “No pain, no

gain” is a modern expression of an old idea. In a second-century Jewish book of ethics, Rabbi Ben Hei Hei wrote, “According to the pain is the gain.” Eighteenth-century English poet Robert Herrick said, “If little labor, little are our gains: Man’s fate is according to his pains.” But I’m here to tell you, Aquarius, that I don’t think this prescription will apply to you in the coming weeks. From what I can surmise, your greatest gains will emerge from the absence of pain. You will learn and improve through release, relaxation, generosity, expansiveness and pleasure.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The less egotistical

you are, the more likely it is that you will attract what you really need. If you do nice things for people without expecting favors in return, your mental and physical health will improve. As you increase your mastery of the art of empathy, your creativity will also thrive. Everything I just said is always true, of course, but it will be intensely, emphatically true for you during the next four weeks. So I suggest you make it a top priority to explore the following cosmic riddle: Practicing unselfishness will serve your selfish goals.

You can call Rob Brezsny for your Expanded Weekly Horoscope: (900) 950-7700. $1.99 per minute. Must be 18+. Touchtone phone required. Customer service (612) 373-9785. And don’t forget to check out Rob’s website at www.realastrology.com.


Lightning rod

not broken the open meeting law. She chose to find us guilty.

Would you encourage other members of the community to run for school board?

Howard Rosenberg, a University  of Nevada, Reno art professor, will  soon retire from a four-year term  as an elected member of the Washoe  County School Board. He previously  served 12 years as an elected member of the Nevada Board of Regents.

True. There’s a major difference between being a member of the Board of Regents with seven or eight institutions as opposed to being a member of a school board with something like 65,000 students and heaven only knows how many schools. But it’s damn close to a hundred.

Did you expect it to be as political as it turned out to be? No. Absolutely not. I did not. But it’s also, I think—how do I put this? It’s the beast itself. When you’re a member of the board, the only way you can function is as a board. The means individually you have no power. The open meeting law makes it next to impossible to talk together, to understand what the situations are. So everything has to be done and in the open—which is fine. I have no problem with that at all. As you know, I have a big mouth, and I only open it to put my foot in it. But there are times when you need to


Most people thought you had a successful tenure as a regent. They’re more divided on your tenure as a school board member.

do something quietly, when you need to discuss something that comes up immediately, and the open meeting law mandates against that because it’s not agendized.

During the disputed suspension of Superintendent Martinez, you asked your board attorney if you were on the legal straight and narrow, and he told you yes. Looking back, was there something you could have done differently? No, absolutely not. He was correct. We were not breaking the open meeting law because we corrected ourself within 15 minutes of it being done. That was purely political. Catherine Cortez Masto knows better than anybody that it was purely political. She was told by three members of her staff that we had

Yes, by all means. I did not have the temperament or the ability, really, to function in that kind of a situation. And these are times when I’m really sort of ashamed of myself that I wasn’t able to do things that I really felt needed to be done. But as one member of a board, it’s very difficult to do that.

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Anything you’d like to add? There were good things that were done—important things. Number one, we appointed a superintendent who was a teacher and a principal, actually knew what the situation was. Business is important. Business practices can be used for very important things but not for running a school district. We’re not stamping out light bulbs. … All houses that are built in Washoe County should have a surcharge on them that is given to the school district in order to be able to provide the education that we need to provide for our kids. This is very important. And it isn’t a question of them giving us land to build a school. That in itself is fine, but that has nothing whatever to do with what the situation really is. Now, with the passage of WC-1, that will help tremendously. But it should not be the only revenue. ... The developers should be paying their share. Ω


Airplane 2016 To give you an idea of where  America is at this year, please note  that two of the hottest words of  ’16 are “opioid” and “alt-right.”  Wonderful. Jesus Christ, let’s go  back to 1966, with its plague of  acid and hippies. We were a lot  more fun, a lot less interested in  hassling people, and a lot less hung  up on sports. But I’m not all that inclined to  use the term “alt-right.” That  just sounds a bit suspicious to  me, too neutral, too vanilla, like  the hot new word some public  relations firm came up with to  re-brand white nationalists for an  image makeover. I’m not buying  it. Especially if Trump is actually gonna get into some kind of  deportation mode; how freakin’ SS  brown shirt is that gonna look? So  no, no alt-right for me. I’m sticking  with a solid old school handle that  gets the job done—nazi pukes. And  may Pepe the Frog become a big

splotch of great blue heron poop  very, very soon. • As of Nov. 21, Hillary has a 1.7  million vote lead, and it now  appears she’s gonna win the  popular vote by more than 2 mill.  So again, don’t waste much time  asking where it all went wrong.  On a certain basic arithmetical,  fundamental level, it just didn’t go  all that fucking wrong! And yes, Bernie would’ve  stomped this turkey by 10 points.  Sigh. Sad! I remind you to go to National  Popular Vote.com, read their stuff,  dig their chili, sign their petition.  Will it help? It might. At the very  least, it will make you feel like you  did something. This movement,  as long of a shot as it may be, is a  helluva lot better than trying to  engineer a constitutional amendment to dump the Electoral College.  Or sending out prayers for the

president-elect to get a raging  outbreak of scabies. • A timely quote from the movie Airplane, when pilot Lloyd Bridges says  to himself, “Looks like I picked a bad  week to stop sniffing glue.” Another  good one, from the timeless H. L.  Mencken—“Nobody ever went  broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.” • Speaking of con jobs, I just couldn’t  help but appreciate the irony.  Here’s a guy who spent the last  four months branding his opponent as “Crooked,” suddenly  announcing that he’s forking out  $25 mill to make all the fraud  lawsuits surrounding his con job  “university” go away. I haven’t  checked, but I’m guessing such a  move could be a first in American  presidential politics? I mean, seriously, that’s some breathtakingly  blatant bullshit.                           Ω

11.23.16    |   RN&R   |   31

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