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2 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023

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CN&R is printed at Western Web on recycled newsprint. CN&R is a member of Chico Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Chico Business Association,

Bruce Jenkins Insurance & Financial Services CA License #0B86680 • Medicare Supplement Plans • Medicare Advantage Plans • Social Security Maximization • Retirement Income Planning • Life Insurance 530-781-3592 We will do the research for you! www.brucejenkinsinsurance.com 708 MANGROVE AVENUE | 530.899.0725 $10 OFF $ *Excludes UGGs. Expires 6/30/23 HEEL & SOLE SHOES Happy Fathers Day & Welcome to Summer MAY 4, 2023 CN&R 3 CN&R INSIDE Vol. 46, Issue 12 • June 1–July 5, 2023 Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring. To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare. To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live. Editor Jason Cassidy Editor at large Melissa Daugherty Staff Writers Ashiah Bird, Ken Smith Contributors Alastair Bland, Ken Pordes, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Robert Speer Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Publications & Advertising Designers Cathy Arnold, Katelynn Mitrano, Jocelyn Parker Sales & Business Coordinator Jennifer Osa Advertising Consultant Ray Laager Distribution Lead Wolfgang Straub Distribution Staff Beatriz Aguirre, Dennis Bruch Jr., Michael Gardner, Jackson Indar, Josh Indar, Linda Quinn, Bill Unger, Richard Utter, Jim Williams Mailing Address P.O. Box 56, Chico, CA 95927 Advertising Mail PO
and AWN. OPINION 4 Editor’s Note 4 Letters 4 Guest Comment 5 This Modern World 5 Second & Flume 6 Streetalk 7 NEWSLINES 8 Briefed 8 Gov. Newsom’s fast-track plan for infrastructure 8 FEATURE 14 Your summer bucket list ARTS & CULTURE 20 June events 20 Scene 23 Reel World 25 Chow 27 Arts DEVO 28 Brezsny’s Astrology 30 ON THE COVER: DESIGN BY TINA FLYNN 20 MORE ONLINE Find content available only at chico.newsreview.com 23 JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 3


Council vs community

If only we had a city council that cared as much about our community as council member Addison Winslow does. At this week’s city council meeting, he pointed out the discrepancies of how Measure H was marketed to us, the voters, last year, and how we were lied to by the conservative city council members when they promised to put the money raised from a new sales tax in Chico towards housing solutions and to address homelessness in our community. At Tuesday’s city council meeting, the new city budget was discussed. Guess how much money is allocated toward housing solutions and addressing homelessness in this new city budget? ZERO. Council member Winslow was the only member to address this discrepancy and to remind the conservative city council members that they were breaking their promises to us—their constituents. Please contact your city council member and remind them of what they initially promised to do with the funds raised from the new sales tax: allocate money in the city budget to address housing and homelessness in our community!

I have been part of the No Hotel California Park group since 2019 and have worked hard to get mountains of evidence into the right hands as to why this hotel is not a good fit for this area. This small plot of land is on a private road, maintained by the seniors who live there. It is home to a diverse population of wildlife; hundreds of waterfowl and other birds use this area as a flyway; it is not within walking distance to any restaurants; and the list goes on. It is hard to capture all the details of this project in the small articles, sound bites and council meetings.

When making the motion to deny the April 5 decision of the Architectural Review and Historic Preservation Board, Councilor Tom van Overbeek apologized to the

developers for being “tortured by our citizens.” This is the man who is supposed to represent the constituents of District 6! He went on to tell the Chico Enterprise-Record that he is “not going to pander to hysterical, fringe people.”

He doesn’t know the people who are against this project even though he was repeatedly asked to meet with us. We are not torturers or “hysterical, fringe people”, but are people that have put a lot of thought and care into this.

Chico is a charming, unique community with a vibrant downtown, plenty of amazing restaurants, an outstanding university and lots of nature to explore. If we let people like Mr. Van Overbeek and his like have their way, we will lose our character.

Define “de-escalation”

During a meeting with the community on April 27, 2023, which was statutorily required and called to review the Chico Police Department’s use of military-obtained weapons in Chico, there was a lengthy recitation by the chief of police. He recounted a huge array of military weapons like unmanned drones, armored rescue vehicles, a variety of so called kinetic energy launchers, kinetic energy munitions, all kinds of rifles (including automatic weapons), a Remington 870 (which is breaching equipment) and a battering ram known as Kinetic KBT 3-1000. The chief repeatedly described each of these as tools to de-escalate a given situation.

From the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services site (https://cops.usdoj.gov):

“De-escalation refers to the range of verbal and nonverbal skills used to slow down the sequence of events, enhance situational awareness, conduct proper threat assessments, and allow for better decision-making to reduce the likelihood that a situation will escalate into a physical

confrontation or injury and to ensure the safest possible outcomes.”

De-Escalation is a non-weapons, verbal approach to policing. To say that breaking down the door of a house, or pointing a SIONICS military-style rifle at someone is a de-escalation technique is just ridiculous. The proper definition of de-escalation is accepted by police departments across our country. Trying to change the definition and process of what de-escalation is and should be is just double speak and will not fool anyone.

In the cases of the last five civilians killed by police in Chico, Chico PD officers used tasers, a biting canine officer, choking, and pistols. Was there a need for military-style weaponry to kill civilians? No. Remember, the police are sworn to “protect and serve” the people, not [to indulge] their desire to see action with increasingly dangerous weaponry. Do all these new weapons make the public safer? How will military-style weapons be used? Has Police Chief Billy Aldridge shared standards and practices for killing citizens with the new weapons? Citizens are not the enemy, but can Chico police officers tell the difference? Do they care when they know District Attorney Ramsey will do all he can to protect them? Without civilian oversight and given a blank check from the council to purchase whatever weapons Chief Aldridge desires, I predict that Chicoans will see more use of lethal force, not less, from your “peace” officers.

To challenge

The spark for this month’s “Summer checklist” cover feature (page 14) was a series of social media posts by Chicoan Sharon DeMeyer: “Inspired by a young woman who tried 365 new things last year to help manage her depression, I decided to take on the same challenge this year.” Post #1 in her “365 in 2023” challenge was, appropriately enough, to take part in the New Year’s polar bear plunge at Sycamore Pool in Bidwell Park.

Since then, her firsts have included singing karaoke in public, using a weedeater, preparing and serving a meal at Safe Space shelter, going to the Chocolate Fest in Paradise and participating in a handful of local fun runs.

The beauty of a challenge—whether a daily project like DeMeyer’s or a checklist of items like the Chico summer activities in this issue—is that it can make you act on something you want to do but might otherwise just put off or forget about.

Each year after the holidays, I sit down and make a list of goals for the upcoming year. It’s not resolutionmaking (though I do that, too); it’s checklist-making, getting all the various unfinished projects—creative brainstorms, house repairs, etc.— written down in one place, and reminding myself about the things I’ve been wanting to do, like visit Sicilian Cafe at its new downtown location (or visit the Tres Marias restaurant that just opened in Sicilian Cafe’s former location). Without the list, much of the stuff that gives me satisfaction and colors my life would be left out.

When I contacted DeMeyer and told her about our plans for this feature, she said that she’d actually participated in previous CN&R summer challenges, which included instructions to keep photo documentation of each activity, which she compiled and saved for her family as well. “Now I have these really great memories of that time,” she said.

About her current project, DeMeyer said that she’s using 365 in 2023 as a way to commit to caring for herself. The public nature of her challenge, with posts made to social media, has brought another unexpected dynamic. “It’s been really interesting, so many people are invested in it. So many people care about it,” she said, adding that many of the new things she’s been trying were suggested by people following along. “It’s been really fun to reconnect with people.”

4 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
Send guest comments, 300 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to P.O. Box 56, Chico, CA 95927. Please include photo & short bio.
Write a letter Tell us what you think in a letter to the editor. Send submissions of 200 or fewer words to cnrletters@newsreview.com. Deadline for July 6 print publication is June 23.
Jason Cassidy is editor of the Chico
& Review


Parking meter fiasco

Dear City of Chico (City Manager Mark Sorensen, Chico City Council, et al.),

We the undersigned business owners of Downtown Chico are writing in response to the new kiosk parking system installed between First and Fourth streets along Main and Broadway. The impact to our regular customer traffic and baseline sales immediately following the Feb. 23 change has been drastic. Collectively, we have witnessed frustrated customers leaving the shopping district, fielded many complaints (with lots and lots saying they will not return) and have had no relief from these negative consequences. As an important economic driver for the City of Chico, we would appreciate consideration

of such far-reaching decisions. If you walk through this “premium parking” region, you will see many boarded up storefronts and unequal distribution of the former parking meters. We request that you change this kiosk system and look forward to your solutions.

Sincerely, African Connection, The Bookstore, Bootleg, Brambley Cottage, Caitlin’s Closet, Chico’s Barber Shop, Collier’s Hardware, Cottonparty, Country Squyres Antiques, D’Emilio’s, 5th St. Clothing Co., Fleet Feet, For Elyse, 4thehealthofit Massage, Gabrielle Ferar Design, Grana, Ital Imports, Kat’s Meow, LaRocca Tasting Room, Live Life Juice, Melody Records, Mountain Sports, Mr. Kopy, Naked Lounge, North Rim Adventure Sports, Olde Gold Estate Jewelry, Pasha Hand Crafted Rugs, The Peddler’s Closet, Preston’s Shoe Repair, Smokin’ Mo’s, Squyres Fire Protection, Tom Foolery, Upper Crust Bakery, Urban Couture, The Vagabond Rose, The Watchman Ω

JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 5
Make a difference. MentorsWanted.com California MENTOR is seeking individuals and families who want to make a difference in the life of an adult with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Receive ongoing support and a generous monthly payment. Call Jocelyn today! (530) 221-9911
by Downtown Chico business owners

New oldies

When I was in high school and started seeing bell-bottoms in fashion magazines, I realized some of my mom’s old clothes were actually cool. I would’ve cringed had she actually worn them, but of course me raiding her closet during that sixties and seventies renaissance of the nineties was perfectly acceptable.

Mom had great taste in music and an enviable record collection. When I was little, she’d do housework to all of her favorite “The” bands: the Beatles, the Stones, and the Byrds. I’d stare at the album covers and memorize the lyrics to my favorite songs.

There was one that always made me cry: “Different Drum” by the Stone Poneys. It was my dad’s record. I don’t know if it was Linda Ronstadt’s soulful voice, the introspective lyrics or the languid melody, but for some reason that song about a woman who wasn’t ready to settle down gave toddler me all the feels.

It was really fun when, years later, my friends started listening to the music I’d long loved. Don’t get me wrong, we were very much into the popular artists of the time—the Cure, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and TLC—but there was something mesmerizing about the “oldies.”

Indeed, the appeal transcended the arts.

The world was still analog, but barely. The first President Bush had already taken the country to war in the Middle East—the opening salvo to our “endless wars” in the region—and kids my age suddenly felt a connection with the past, albeit we never had to endure a military draft like our parents did with Vietnam.

I suppose it was a little odd considering how many of us were latch-key kids who largely raised ourselves. Point is, we were searching for something, though I don’t think we ever found it. Not collectively, anyway. People labeled us as disaffected and cynical, but I think we were simply young and honest.

Cut to 2023 and it’s reality check time. As has been noted in many a recent meme, the sixties are to the nineties what the nineties are to today— time-wise, anyway. Case in point, this year marks three decades since Nirvana released In Utero. Oof.

If you’re a Xennial like this columnist—a younger Gen Xer, that is—you might feel quite, well, old right now. You’re welcome. Interestingly, Millennials and Gen Z have embraced a lot of the things from our adolescence. Nineties music and fashion—and even that abomination of a hairstyle known as the mullet—have cycled through the cultural zeitgeist repeatedly over the last decade.

Seems they’re searching, too, and I certainly can’t blame them considering the economic (read: Great Recession), political (read: MAGA fascism), and societal (read: wars, racism, drug addiction, and homelessness) ills plaguing the nation through much of their young lives. We’re talking about humans who’ve always lived in an era where a palm-size computer is an extra appendage for basically everyone over the age of 16.

Wisely, many Gen Zers in particular started a trend of using so-called “dumb phones,” similar to the old Siemens I used in the early aughts, to curb the urge to scroll and its associated negative effects. That has to be quite the come down for people who were smothered by digital media since infancy. I applaud those self-aware enough to make such healthy choices.

This forty-something isn’t going to join any Luddite clubs, but even I can relate. During a recent social media hiatus, I felt more present, became more active and even slept better. I especially listened to more music, including the vinyl collections that both parents handed down to me. Those records definitely hold up, though the Stone Poneys no longer make me cry.

6 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
is editor-at-large for the Chico News
Find us online chico.newsreview.com CHICO’S NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT SOURCE Located in the Chico Marketplace at 1950 20th Street, Unit E523 530.309.0671 • privvyhealth.com IV Therapy•Weight Loss•Aesthetics Dr. Nerissa Prieto, Medical Director Vote for Privvy Health, Best Alternative Health Care Provider FEEL GOOD LOOK GOOD FOR LIFE
& Review
JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 7 Hailegna Buroz Barista I intend on going to Europe. I’m going to go to Portugal. Valerie Rose ASL Instructor I want to stay inside and play “Tears of the Kingdom.” B. Comfort Unit host at medical center I want to quit nicotine completely. I’m really trying hard to do that this summer. Marin Hambley Bartender, etc. Swim a lot, dance a lot, and meet new people. Asked at Naked Lounge What’s on your summer bucket list? STREETALK RECYCLE THIS PAPER * *After you read it! The Roost is open from 7am to 2pm every day with down-home favorites including Eggs Benedict, Buttermilk Bisuits & Gravy, Huevos Rancheros, Burgers, Melts, and so much more! Real Food. Real Butter. Real Good Home Cooking. Now open EVERY DAY for Breakfast & Lunch! 817 Main Street 530-892-1281 | Dine-in, delivery through Entree Express, and to-go orders Vote for The Roost in Best of Chico! Best breakfast, brunch, lunch, burger, sandwich, and more! 22 1380 EAST AVE STE. 128, CHICO | 899-0333 6:30AM - 6PM | SAT 7AM - 3PM | CLOSED SUN VOTE FOR US Best Dry Cleaner Dry Cleaning Bedding & Comforters Alterations & Repairs (530) 624-6964 TIM@TIMKEMPERLOANS.COM MLO# 971542 Host of “2 Penny Opera” on KZFR Need Cash? You Have Options Home Equity Loans, Refinance, Reverse Mortgages Live better today, invest in tomorrow. TIM KEMPER Got Dreams to Build, Call Tim at Guild VOTE Best Loan Officer!



ANNUAL BUTTERFLY COUNT: Join BCCER staff for the North American Butterfly Association’s annual count. A citizen science event. For more information, or to register, contact Jon Aull at jaull@csuchico.edu. Fri, 6/2, 8:30am. $3. Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve, 3521 14 Mile House Road, Forest Ranch. 530-342-1371.

DOIN’ IT JUSTICE CHORUS: The local socialjustice-focused choir is reuniting for one final performance to help raise funds for MONCA. Sun, 6/4, 3pm. $15-$20. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. monca.org

FOOD PANTRY: The SCCAC holds free food distributions every second and fourth Saturday. Sat, 6/10 & 6/24, 2pm. South Chico Community Assistance Center, 1805 Park Ave. southchicocac.org

MAGALIA RESOURCE CENTER: Food, clothes and household items distributed Thursdays and Saturdays. Donations of non-perishables and small household items accepted. Magalia Community Church, 13700 & 13734 Old Skyway. 530-877-7963.

SEED TO SHADE: To improve Chico’s urban forest, Butte Environmental Council has ambitious tree-planting programs in place. If you’d like to volunteer or would like a tree, visit the site to register. becnet.org


BUTTE COUNTY SUPERVISORS: Meetings are normally held the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Visit site for posted agenda as well as current meeting calendar. Tue, 6/13 & 6/27, 9am. Butte County Board of Supervisors Chamber, 25 County Center Drive, Oroville. buttecounty.net

CHICO PLANNING COMMISSION: The commission normally meets first and third Thursdays. Agendas are posted to the web the previous Friday. Thu, 6/1 & 6/15. City Council Chambers, 421 Main St. chico.ca.us

CHICO CITY COUNCIL: The City Council meets on every first and third Tuesday of the month. Agendas, minutes and video archives are available at chico.ca.us/agendas-minutes. Tue, 6/6 & 6/20, 6pm. City Council Chambers, 421 Main St. chico.ca.us

CLIMATE ACTION COMMISSION: Commission normally meets second Thursdays. Agendas are posted to the web the previous Friday. Thu, 6/8, 6pm. City Council Chambers, 421 Main St. chico.ca.us

High-speed construction

Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to make it easier for California to build big things. On May 19, he unveiled a plan to make it happen.

struction unions and even some climate activists.

He said the plan was about more than the urgency of climate change, but about rebuilding the public’s faith in the state’s ability to commit to and accomplish big things.

At an 1,100 acre solar farm near Patterson in Stanislaus County, Newsom announced a package of legislative proposals and signed an executive order aimed at speeding big infrastructure projects. He aims to limit the time opponents can jam projects up in court with challenges under the California Environmental Quality Act, the law known as CEQA (and pronounced see-kwa).

About this story

It was produced by CalMatters, an independent public journalism venture covering California state politics and government. For more info, visit calmatters.org.

“As someone who’s all in on high-speed rail … all I can think about is, ‘what if?’ ‘What if we had these principles before we laid out that project?’” he said, referring to the $128 billion, much-delayed rail project. “I may not have had to drive down here today. I may have been on that rail.”

California isn’t short on what the governor might call “big hairy audacious goals.”

build, potentially at a scale that would dwarf even the boom times of the 1960s. At a breakfast gathering of big business representatives in Sacramento on Thursday, the governor stressed that the state is ready to spend $180 billion over the next 10 years, much of that money coming from the federal government.

“The question is, are we going to screw it up by being consumed by paralysis and process?” Newsom asked.

Buoyed by an influx of federal dollars and motivated by the need to dramatically reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, Newsom’s “CEQA-reform” proposal is likely to be cheered by industry groups, con-

The state has a plan to harvest all of the state’s electricity from carbon-free sources by 2045. The Newsom administration adopted a plan to phase out the sale of gasguzzling cars, shifting the state’s appetite for driving onto the electricity grid. Proposed projects on water—to store it, to strip it of saltwater, to keep it at bay as sea levels rise and rivers top their banks—abound.

To meet those goals, California needs to

Several leading organizations quickly issued statements expressing skepticism about Newsom’s proposal to modify the state’s landmark environmental law. Their leaders wanted to see more details than his office disclosed this week.

“We need to meet the state’s climate goals with smart, carefully considered projects, not knee-jerk construction that bypasses the necessary protections that keep us safe,” said Aruna Prabhala, a senior attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity.

Have questions about Newsom’s big proposal? Here’s what we know.

8 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
Gavin Newsom proposes changing environmental law to make it easier to build roads, dams and more

What is the governor actually proposing?

Details are still sparse, but his executive order, a summary of 11 bills released by his office, a separate report put out by administration infrastructure adviser Antonio Villaraigosa and Newsom’s remarks speak to the following goals:

• Streamline environmental planning by coordinating among different local, state and federal agencies

• Limit the amount of time courts have to weigh environmental challenges to nine months

• Provide more funding to agencies to speed up reviews

• Cut back on the number of documents that each review requires

• Carve out more exemptions in the law to allow favored projects to skip

certain environmental reviews

Some of these changes would broaden provisions already included in state law. The nine-month limit on environmental litigation, for example, already applies to renewable energy projects, certain housing and even major sports stadiums.

“I love sports,” Newsom said. “But I also love roads. I love transit. I love bridges … why the hell can’t we translate that to all these other projects?”

Is Newsom’s “CEQA reform” plan a big deal?

To hear Newsom say it, this is a very big deal.

“If we get nothing else done in the next three years, this may be one of the most consequential things that we can actually deliver,” he said on Thursday.

For decades, California’s deliberate—or as critics argue, glacially slow and unpredictable—permitting process has been a hallmark of its environmental policy. At the heart of that process is the California Environmental Quality Act.

California lawmakers passed the law in 1970, riding a new public consciousness of environmental conservation and protection. It was a bipartisan sentiment. The governor who signed the law was Ronald Reagan while President Richard Nixon signed its federal counterpart that same year.

At the time, the chief environmental concerns were local and growth-related: The incursion of development into green spaces and sensitive ecosystems; the widespread use of pesticides; the pollution of rivers and the befouling of oceans; littering.

Business interests have decried


JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 9
A drone provides a view of water pumped from the Harvey O. Banks Delta Pumping Plant into the California Aqueduct at 9,790 cubic feet per second after January storms. The facility is located in Alameda County and lifts water into the California Aqueduct. PHOTO COURTESY OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES The recently completed Cedar Viaduct in Fresno, part of the California High Speed Rail project. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGH-SPEED RAIL AUTHORITY
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For decades, California’s deliberate— or as critics argue, glacially slow and unpredictable— permitting process has been a hallmark of its environmental policy.

“CEQA abuse” for decades. Now that climate change is the chief environmental concern of the day, some liberals are on board with “permitting reform” bandwagon, too. They argue the state needs to build at an unprecedented scale to decarbonize its electricity grid and transportation networks.

Jennifer Hernandez, a land use and environmental attorney in San Francisco, said she was cautiously optimistic that the changes the governor spoke about would speed litigation.

In particular, the governor’s comments regarding addressing what constitutes an administrative record under the environmental law, could go far, she said.

When a civil lawsuit is filed under the environmental law, the first thing that occurs is preparation that can take months to more than a year to gather. That’s because the administrative record is broadly defined, she said. It can include emails, text messages by officials and other pieces of information that may not strictly pertain to the environmental impact of a project, she added.

“The administrative record was defined about 20 years ago, to include internal agency communications, even emails about whether you want pizza for the meeting,” Hernandez said.

What types of projects will be affected?

In the executive order, Newsom called out a few spending areas specifically: “transportation, energy, hydrogen, environmental remediation, broadband, water, the CHIPS and Science Act [for semiconductor development], and zero-emission vehicles.”

Newsom named two major water proposals as examples of the kinds of projects that could benefit from the package: the Sites Reservoir in the Sacramento Valley and a tunnel that would funnel water under the Sacramento-San

Osha Meserve, an attorney in Sacramento who has represented opponents of the tunnel, said rigorous environmental review is justified when it comes to projects like the tunnel, which has been the focus of disagreement and legal challenges for decades.

“If you’re going to go across four counties and build the largest new infrastructure project in the whole state, then yes, you’re going to need some detailed environmental reviews,” Meserve said.

Jerry Brown, the executive director of the Sites Project Authority (and not the former governor of the same name), said the governor’s proposed CEQA reform could advance the process of acquiring a water right for the proposed Sacramento Valley reservoir by about six months.

“That means we get into construction sooner, means we finish construction sooner,” he said “We’re talking about a project here where a year delay costs about $100 million.”

What about housing?

Newsom didn’t mention housing prominently at his press conference.

His administration is urging local governments to permit more than 2.5 million new units over the next eight years. Among prohousing advocates, the environmental law is often cited as an unwelcome impediment— both because opponents can sue and delay projects and because the mere prospect of a lengthy legal battle can result in fewer and smaller housing projects being proposed.

Asked about housing by a reporter, Newsom noted that some of the broad changes

Joaquin Delta.
Governor Gavin Newsom at a May 19 press conference where he announced his proposals to streamline the process for large infrastructure projects in California. PHOTO FROM CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR FACEBOOK PAGE.

to permitting and record-keeping policy will speed up the construction of new homes, along with everything else.

Will the plan harm the environment?

Not if you ask the governor, it goes without saying.

“I care deeply about what the environmental community believes and thinks, but at the same time I care deeply about the progress we’re promoting here today,” he said today.

Newsom had some backing from at least one major green group: Environment California, a nonprofit that often stakes out a centrist position on climate-related policy.

“We need to work harder, better, faster, stronger to build five times as much clean energy every year,” the group’s director Laura Deehan said at today’s press conference.

But it’s not clear whether the state’s broader environmental community will be as enthused.

In a statement, Sierra Club California director Brandon Dawson said that the group is still reviewing the idea, but expressed serious reservations. “We acknowledge the governor’s desire to promote clean infrastructure, but this proposal needs a lot of work,” he said.

Barbara Barrigan-Parrilla, the executive director of the group Restore the Delta, lashed out at the governor following the release of the order.

“We have never been more disappointed in a California governor than we are with Gov. Newsom,” she said in a statement.

What are the odds this goes anywhere?

It’s too early to tell.

The governor’s office released bill language late Friday afternoon and lawmakers in general have yet to read the details.

Senate leader Toni Atkins in a written statement said climate change demands the state “move faster to build and strengthen critical infrastructure,” but noted only that she looks “forward to working with our colleagues in the Assembly and administration to ensure we can do so responsibly.”

Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon in a written statement similarly said he would “work with our partners in the Senate as well as the governor to craft responsible proposals to meet California’s infrastructure needs.”

Newsom can at least count on the support of the Legislature’s Republicans.

“California Senate Republicans have been advocating for CEQA reform for years,” GOP Leader Sen. Brian Jones from Santee, said in a statement. “We are thrilled that Gov. Newsom is finally taking action.”

The current law has its defenders. Chief among them are environmentalists and environmental justice advocates who see it as a vital tool to check unfettered development and pollution.

Also among CEQA’s supporters: neighborhood groups who often use the law to stymie big, noisy projects in their backyard and organized labor groups, who have found it to be a useful way to block projects in order to extract union-friendly concessions.

Newsom appears to have at least part of that latter group in his camp. At today’s press conference, the governor was flanked by hardhat wearing carpenters, laborers and electricians. Among the biggest applause lines: The projection, unverified, that this proposal will lead to the creation of 400,000 new jobs.

JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 11
A 2019 aerial photo of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta taken near Brentwood, looking north along Old River.
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Goods & Services

Best Ag/Growing Supplies

Best Antiques Store

Best Appliance Store

Best Attorney

Best Auto Paint/Body Shop

Best Auto Repair Shop

Best Baby/Kids’ Clothier

Best Bank/Credit Union

Best Barbershop

Best Bike Shop

Best Cab Company

Best Cannabis Dispensary (within driving distance of Chico)

Best Car Dealership

Best Car Wash

Best Consignment/

Second-Hand Threads

Best Convenience Store

Best Day Spa

Best Dry Cleaner

Best Esthetician/Waxing Studio

Best Feed Store/Farm Supply

Best Financial Planner

(name and location)

Best Florist

Best General Contractor

Best Gift Shop

Best Grocer

Best Hair Salon

Best House Cleaning Service

Best House Painter

Best Insurance Agent

Best Jeweler

Best Landscaper

Best Liquor Store

Best Loan Officer

Best Local Pet Supplies Store

Sample Ballot


We need your help to cultivate the 2023 crop of winners for the CN&R’s annual celebration of our local bounty. All you need to do is vote for the people, places and things that make Chico such a great place to live and visit.


The polls are open now and free voting takes place exclusively online where full contest rules are available. Categories are shown on this page.


Best Men’s Clothier

Best Motorcycle Dealer

Best Moving Company

Best New Business (non-food service, open in last year)

Best Nursery

Best Outdoor Living (patios, pergolas, pools, etc.)

Best Pet Groomer

Best Piercing Studio

Best Place For A Mani/Pedi

Best Place For Electronics/ Computer Repair

Best Place To Buy Books

Best Place To Buy Home Furnishings

Best Place To Buy Outdoor Gear

Best Plumber

Best Professional Photographer

Best Property Management

Best Real Estate Agent

Best Reptile Store

Best Roofer

Best RV Rentals

Best Shoe Store

Best Solar Company

Best Sporting Goods

Best Tattoo Parlor

Best Thrift Store

Best Tree Service

Best Video Production

Best Wedding/Event Planner

Best Window Treatments

Best Women’s Clothier

Nightlife & The Arts

Best Art Space

Best Bar

Best Bloody Mary

Best Casino – Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama)

Best Dance Company/Studio

Best Happy Hour

26, AT 11:59 P.M.

Food & Drink

Best Asian Cuisine

Best Bakery

Best Barbecue

Best Breakfast

Best Brunch

Best Burger

Best Burrito

Best Caterer

Best Cheap Eats

Best Chef

Best Craft Beer Selection

Best Delivery Driver

Best Diner

Best Fine Dining

Best Food Server (name and location)

Best Ice Cream/Frozen Yogurt

Best International Cuisine

Best Italian Cuisine

Best Local Brewery – Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama)

Best Local Coffee House

Best Local Restaurant – Chico

Best Local Restaurant – Oroville

Best Local Winery – Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama)

Best Locally Produced Food –Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama)

Best Lunch

Best Mexican Cuisine

Best Munchies

Best New Eatery (opened in last year)

Best Patio

Best Pho

Best Pizza

Best Sandwich

Best Street Food

Best Sushi

Best Taco

Best Takeout/Curbside

Best Vegetarian Cuisine

Health & Wellness

Best Acupuncture Clinic

Best Alternative Health Care Provider

Best Boutique Gym

Best Chiropractor

Best Dental Care

Best Dermatologist

Best Eye Care Specialist

Best General Practitioner

Best Gym

Best Gymnastics Studio

Best Hearing Aid Specialist

Best Local CBD Source

Best Local Healthcare Provider

Best Martial Arts Studio

Best Massage Therapist

Best Pediatrician

Best Personal Trainer

Best Physical Therapy Office

Best Plastic Surgeon

Best Veterinarian

Best Yoga Studio


Best Local Music Act

Best Local Visual Artist

Best Margarita

Best Mixologist (name and location)

Best Museum

Best Place To Buy Art

Best Place To Dance

Best Place To Drink A Glass Of Wine

Best Sports Bar

Best Theater Company

Best To–Go Cocktail Or Bar Service

Best Venue For Live Music

Best Watering Hole For Townies


Best Charitable Cause

Best Community Event

Best Farmer’s Market Vendor

Best Festival (Butte County)

Best Golf Course – Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama)

Best Instructor/Professor

Best Local Personality

Best Place For Family Fun

Best Place To Pray/Meditate

Best Radio Station

Best Teacher (K–12)

Best Volunteer

Best Youth Organization

12 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 13 Your holistic pet store specializing in sustainable dog and cat nutrition, grooming, and great gear for your pets. 752 Mangrove Ave • 1354 East Ave, Ste S and now in Meriam Park at 2267 Springfield Dr, Ste 110 trailblazerpetsupply.com Now with 3 locations in Chico to serve you! Now with 3 locations in Chico to serve you! Voted Best of Chico!

Chico summer checklist

Sure you’re going to Sycamore Pool and the Friday Night Concert. Those are easy. But will you stake out the hidden treasures of neighborhood markets and assorted pop-ups? Will you finally make it out to Salmon Hole for that most idyllic of heatwave cooldowns? And are you going to expand your backyard culinary repertoire beyond burgers and wieners?

Summers come and go, and at the end of each, many of us look back with pangs of regret as we question whether or not we made the most of the slow season. Of course, Chico has its easy pleasures, and falling lazily into the rhythms of downtown and Lower Park is good living. If, however, your adventurous spirit is calling for more than that, the Chico News & Review has compiled this list of 10 summer assignments for filling your bucket before autumn kicks it down the road.

Host a backyard concert

Well I love those hot nights, when a T-shirt feels right. You stay up later when everything’s outside—“Hot Nights,” Jonathan Richman

Could there be all these parties down some little lane, with potato chips sitting there and guitar playing? We need more parties in the USA—“Parties in the USA,” Jonathan Richman

There’s nothing like live music outside. Sitting on a blanket as the sun dips below the treeline, the warm, still air broken up by the sounds of a troubadour singing to the open sky.

In this music-crazy town there are hundreds of musical acts, and several shows taking place nearly every night, most at nightclubs, bars, restaurants and cafes, with a handful of daytime community events thrown in.

Some of the most gratifying local performances, however, are those backyard affairs that pop up around Chico once the threat of rain has dissipated (and the college students have left town). These events are made special by the inherent intimacy of the setup as well as the particular ambiance of the house venue. There are the well-landscaped backyards with plenty of shade and a back porch as a stage, as well more humble digs where a sweaty crowd can twirl happily in the dirt and weeds.

It doesn’t have to be pretty, and you don’t have to turn your home into a professional venue to host a concert. All that’s needed is a willingness to open your space to a party, and neighbors who are cool with a temporary increase in the usual volume for your corner of town (advance notice and an invitation to join the fun go a long way toward keeping the peace).

It doesn’t take much more work than putting on a backyard barbecue. Just make the proposition of a house show to a local musician and you’ll find out just how eager they are to help make the thing happen. The host sets up the space; the musicians will bring the gear, set up and produce the concert; and both of you will invite folks to attend (sharing info on directions, suggested donation and any rules specific to the house).

Bonus points if you set the scene nicely and create something that’s comfortable (well-defined seating and/or dancing areas with good sight lines), aesthetically pleasing (a couple strings of lights will work wonders) and, most of all, chill.

One show and you’ll be a local hero overnight.

Take a hike … and learn!

Chico offers several options to enjoy and engage with nature while simultaneously learning about the environment, local ecosystems and ecological stewardship. Several of these are based at Verbena Fields—a 20-acre native-vegetation park along Lindo Channel (W. First Avenue, near Madrone Avenue).

The Mechoopda Tribe is part of a coalition of organizations working to restore this habitat, and tribe member Ali Meders-Knight designs and leads programs and workshops to help share centuries-old wildland management techniques.

Twice-monthly events, held at this site and other locations, allow participants to earn certification in what is known as Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). Wildtending Plant Walks are held year-round at Verbena Fields on the last Tuesday of each month, starting roughly two hours

before sundown.

Additionally, Meders-Knight oversees gatherings at the Verbena site every Friday. During the summer months, these run from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. in order to beat the valley heat (“It’s a volunteer day, so we don’t want people to torture themselves,” she quipped).

“Every week is different,” she said of the Friday gatherings. “Sometimes we set up for [the TEK Certification] workshops … like, if we have a seedgathering workshop that weekend we’ll spend the day preparing. And we also spend some time looking around and learning about everything.

“After a while, people learn how to identify evasives, spread native seeds, see the cycle of blooming that happens during the summer, and how we try to get flowers going at different times of the year for different types of bees and

14 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
Chico band Surrogate performing at a local backyard show in 2022.
Ten things you gotta do before the season has slipped away

Catch Shakespeare in the park

Within the large, tree-lined Cedar Grove meadow in Bidwell Park, as the crickets chirp and a gracious early summer breeze rustles the leaves of the trees, you share a plate of crackers, meats and cheeses with a friend from your portable camping chair, the faint scent of bug spray on your warm skin. You take a sip of ice cold water from your canteen and enjoy the live music and the stage before you, lit by delicate string lights, your excitement building. You’re about to see local players bring one of The Bard’s tales to life.

Shakespeare in the Park is a quintessential summer experience. Since the 1950s, theater companies from all over the United States have brought Shakespeare to life in the outdoors.

In Chico, after more than a decade without any Bidwell Park productions, Legacy Stage brought Shakespeare back with gusto. Their 2019 debut was an inventive, migrating production of Macbeth, which took theatergoers on a two-mile stroll to various settings in the park, the path and scenes lit by handheld flashlights and lamps.

After a few dark years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Legacy

returned to Bidwell Park once more with A Midsummer Night’s Dream, adding a steampunk twist to this fantasy comedy filled with fairies, this time set upon a more traditional, stationary stage. Audiences at the 2022 production brought their own chairs, picnic blankets, drinks and snacks, and watched the action unfold before them and around them in the grove. As the sun set, fairies flitted through the trees, creating colorful light shows. Throughout the play, intricately costumed characters exited and reemerged from the surrounding forest.

This year, Legacy returns with a production of As You Like It, June 1-3 and June 7-10 at 8 p.m., in Cedar Grove. This pastoral comedy, as described on their website, “explores our concepts of the masculine and the feminine and how those shape our relationships” as main character Rosalind “explores her gender identity and finds love along the way.”

Pack your meadow-ready gear and get ready for an unforgettable, immersive live theater experience. legacystage.org

Fire it up!

2001: A Space Odyssey, opens up with a scene subtitled “The Dawn of Man,” in which one group of ape-dudes usurps a watering hole from some other ape-dudes. Then a magic stone monolith appears and inspires the primates to pick up bones and start beating things with them … first a pig-horse beast, then the jerks that muscled in on their swank spot.

The implication is that mankind is defined by violence. Bummer. World history woulda been a lot more chill if the weird space rock instead made those monkey guys toss that pig-horse over some flame, whip up some sauce and invite all the other monkeys to the birth of BBQ. Cue “Also sprach Zarathustra.”

The point is, BBQ is awesome! Even though meat and flame are such a natural pairing that our primate forebears figured it out, there’s always room to evolve one’s grill game.

A great local source of inspiration and knowledge is the Facebook Group Chico BBQ Enthusiasts (CQE). Formed four years ago, the group enables locals to share recipes, advice, techniques and mouthwatering pictures of their masterpieces.

Colin Harrison, an administrator of the group who also owns catering service Slabb’s Barbecue, offered some tips for better BBQ at all levels.

“There’s always a lot of trial and error, and you have to be prepared to lose some food,” he said. “Chicken and tri-tip are good places to start.” He advised beginners to stay away from brisket.

Harrison said its essential to get to know your grill, whether it’s a Lil Smokey or a top-of-the line smoker. Many people cook too hot and you should never use too much charcoal. He recommended adjusting air vents on simple grills as necessary and cooking slow and low on the top “warming rack” of a propane grill rather than directly over the flame.

other pollinators.”

Meders-Knight said the Friday gatherings often lead to more TEK-related opportunities: “Someone might say they want to get together Sunday to peel willow, or I might have a basket camp [to make traditional baskets] at my house that weekend and

invite everyone.”

Most equipment for the days’ tasks are provided, though MedersKnight said people should bring their own gardening gloves if they want to use them. She also recommended closed-toed shoes and long pants during summertime, in order to reduce the risk of being

bitten by ticks.

More information about ecological stewardship gatherings and certification programs at Verbena Fields and other sites can be found at TEKchico.org.

Harrison’s biggest piece of advice is to invest in a probe-type thermometer you can insert into the meat to get the exact temp, to avoid under- or over-cooking.

Finally, he shared a simple, tasty rub: a 1-1-1 mixture of kosher salt, garlic and ground pepper. “It’s excellent for chicken and beef, or used lightly on fish. It’s easily made from stuff everyone has on hand, doesn’t need to be applied more than a half-hour before you grill, and the flavor really sticks to the meat.”

JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 15
Heat—and how to control it—is the key to good barbecue. PHOTO BY AMIN HASANI Gathering around the wildflowers during a Tribal Ecological Knowledge plant walk at Verbena Fields in April. PHOTO BY JANEVA SORENSON Legacy Stage’s 2022 Shakespeare in the Park production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Cedar Grove. PHOTO BY MARTIN SVEC FOR LEGACY STAGE

Bike a new path

The main loop around Lower Bidwell Park is a heavenly diversion. Even during the deadliest of heat waves, Chicoans can take respite under the lush canopy that casts plentiful shade over almost the entire road. Aside from some rough patches, the ride is mostly flat and the cruisin’ smooth, and there are plenty of places to rest or dip in the creek along the way.

Alternatively, there is another Chico bike route—actually a network of routes—far less used by the masses that offers almost none of Lower Park’s comforts, and traveling it during the summer months will certainly make you sweat and probably cover you in a thin layer of dust, but the possibility for adventure is, well, possible.

We’re talking about the alleys. The half-finished, often overgrown roads between blocks throughout Chico are the paths least traveled, offering a glimpse of the secrets of our city. From 20-foot-high weed forests to community gardens; rusted-out cars where chickens reside to a restored vintage tractor in a pristine barn.

Alleys are like a town’s junk drawer, filled with mostly clutter but always with the possibility of a hidden forgotten treasure.

Go to the waters

Chico is built around the creek that runs through it. Big Chico Creek winds through Bidwell Park, the downtown area and the university campus, and provides a cool, scenic and readily available respite from the city and the valley heat. During the hot months, when the mountain-fed stream is not so frigid, the opportunities for enjoying its water expand for miles in either direction, and branching out from the city center to explore them is what summers in Chico were made for.

The northeastern side of the creek flows down from Lassen National Park and into the canyon that makes up the bulk of Upper Bidwell Park, and amid the black lovejoy basalt formations that form the bed are several swimming holes worth hopping between during the summer. Brown’s Hole is the furthermost outpost (parking lot S), and Salmon Hole (parking lot N) is the biggest spot and offers the most dramatic scenery, with Big Chico Creek

Look up!

Even the most mundane night sky is alive with wonder, and there are plenty of celestial happenings over the summer months that make it worth escaping the city lights. Dan Puser, acting director of the Chico Community Observatory, shared some of this summer’s heavenly highlights.

Planetary happenings: “Right now, Venus and Mars are both visible in the early evening right after sunset,” he said. “Venus is the brightest thing up there other than the moon, and it will continue to be there towards the end of July.”

Mars—which looks like a bright red star— can be found near Venus, he said, between that planet and the constellation of Gemini. In late July, Mars will move between Venus and Leo. Leo can be found by looking for it’s brightest star, Regulus.

Mercury is harder to see because of its proximity to the sun, but will be furthest away from the center of our solar system Aug. 8. Binoculars may be necessary to spot it, he said.

Later in the summer, Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune will return to our piece of sky. The former two will be visible to the naked eye, while a telescope is necessary to see Neptune.

Meteor shower: The Perseid meteor

Canyon walls surrounding the kindof-difficult-to-hike-down-to oasis.

Though it’s the most popular spot, a visit to Bear Hole offers a very gratifying half-day excursion that makes braving the crowd worth it if you get there by foot. It’s a roughly three mile there-and-back hike from the main gate on Yahi Trail. Even though it’s shaded in many places, the journey out the pedestrian-only path will cause you to work up sufficient sweat to make the dip into the cold waters a real treat. After several thrilling plunges from the rocky outcropping and/or the concrete pedestal at the Diversion Dam, you’ll be appropriately water-logged to become your own personal air conditioner for the return trip.

On the opposite side of the city, Big Chico Creek runs into the mighty Sacramento River. Tubing the Sac might be synonymous with Chico, but when’s the last time you were inspired to make the journey? When

shower peaks on the weekend of Aug. 12 to 13. Puser said it’s best watched after midnight “because the side of the planet we’re on will start facing toward the direction Earth is traveling, so more meteors will be entering our atmosphere.”

Blue supermoon: A blue moon is the second full moon occurring in a single month, which will happen Aug. 30. Additionally, “the moon is not always the same distance from Earth, as it moves in an elliptical orbit,” Puser explained. “It will be at its closest to us [on Aug. 30] and will appear especially large and bright, which is called a supermoon.”

The observatory is temporarily closed due to damage from spring rains and legal issues, but Puser and the volunteer crew are working to get it open again as soon as possible. In the meantime, the facility’s concrete viewing slab in Upper Park is always available, and some long-time observatory regulars have been taking their telescopes there on Saturday nights to conduct “constellation tours” with other stargazers. Check the observatory’s Facebook page (facebook.com/ ChicoCommunityObservatory) for information about these citizen-fueled space odysseys and updates on it’s reopening.

16 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
Road to adventure, or nah? PHOTO BY JASON CASSIDY

school’s out, you have the river largely to yourself.

The traditional float starts across the county line at the Irvine Finch boat launch and lasts about two hours if you take a left at Pine Creek and disembark at Scotty’s Boat Landing for some fried food and cold beverages.

Of course, there’s plenty of next-level floating—i.e. flatwater and whitewater rafting and kayaking—to be found in and around Chico on the Sacramento River, Butte Creek, etc. Visit the Chico Paddleheads group at chicopaddle heads.org for all the paddlin’ info.

As with any outdoor adventures during hot weather, protect your skin with sunscreen and hats, bring plenty of water, check conditions ahead of time and pack applicable safety gear.

Stumble upon a street fair

The Flume Street Fair—at Eighth and Flume streets— now happens bimonthly. Catch the June markets on the 10th and 24th.

Is it just the summer haze, or is that really a person selling jewelry made of pearl and bone near another reading tarot cards and offering tea infusions on the corner of Eighth and Flume streets?

There’s something magical about street fairs and markets in Chico. Where else can you buy a basket of plump strawberries and eat them, one by one, smiling as the red juice stains your fingers while you wander through the closed off streets of downtown Chico and stumble upon a nighttime fire dance show?

At the Thursday Night Market, there’s somebody playing music in the City Plaza as the sun goes down, and adults dressed as popular Sci Fi characters take pictures with teenagers.

Patrons browse gem stones that mirror the cosmos under the light of the full moon at the Lunar Market.

On a Divine Sunday, you can pick up a handcrafted ceramic mug with a colorful design reminiscent of the California super bloom and make eye contact with bizarre, myopic glass creatures.

And lately, new vintage markets have appeared seemingly overnight, like blooming cactus flowers. They are a welcome surprise, discovered as you make a late morning jaunt to pick up your favorite drink from a local coffee shop or wander out for an evening stroll.

Summer fairs are for getting in touch with the weird, the wonderful and the whimsical. They’re for embracing the sticky and the sweet as you sweat in the summer heat and enjoy a special treat from a local shop while browsing art offerings. Of course, they’re the best places to grab fresh produce, as well as discover the creatives in our community.

During your market travels, maybe you end up taking home a little trinket that speaks to you. Come winter, it reminds you of your summertime journey, and that the seasons will inevitably change. You’ll dance in the street under the balmy summer moonlight once more.

WEEK 1 Rock, Sand, & Clay: Earth Science Meets Art July 17-20, 2023

This year the camp is more closely linked to the exhibitions in the museum galleries. Get ready for an immersive, interactive discovery experience of the world around us.

WEEK 2 Movies & Storytelling: Travel the World in Films July 24-27, 2023

JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 17
A Diversion Dam plunge into Big Chico Creek. PHOTO BY JASON CASSIDY
The Milky Way during Perseid meteor shower.
at The
Tickets available online KineticsAcademyofDance.com Check out our Summer Camps & Year-round Classes for Babies - Adults 627 BROADWAY ST, SUITE 100 IN DOWNTOWN CHICO • 530-345-2505
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June 9–11
Center for The Arts in Chico

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18 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
“I have been a regular advertiser in CN&R for 10 years.

Rather than—or in addition to—consulting the New York Times Bestseller List or other standard sources when compiling your summer reading itinerary, why not add some locally grown literature to the mix? North State authors have turned out exceptional works since at least the days when Joaquin Miller—the “Poet of the Sierras”—rambled ’round these parts in the late 1800s.

Following are some recommendations of recently published books that lit-loving yoga instructor Nancy Wiegman, who’s hosted North State Public Radio’s “Nancy’s Bookshelf” for more than 30 years, shared with the CN&R to round out your summer reading list.

Go beyond Bidwell Park

At the northeastern border of Upper Bidwell Park, just past the parking lot at Green Gate on Highway 32 is the beginning of a whole other natural area that is twice the size of its neighbor. The Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve comprises 7,835 acres of habitat under the stewardship of Chico State Enterprises, a preserved “natural area for environmental research and education” according the BCCER website (www. csuchico.edu/bccer).

Like Upper Bidwell Park, the reserve is largely made up of Big Chico Creek canyon, with 4.5 miles worth of creek running through it. And like the park, you can visit!

The difference is that the area’s purpose is protecting species and habitat rather than entertaining humans. You can’t ride a bike or horse, drive a car or bring a dog into the reserve. There are no athletic facilities and swimming is not allowed.

What can you do then? You can enjoy a fairly unspoiled natural resource just a few miles up the road. And you can hike. There are several miles of trails throughout

the reserve on both sides of the canyon. There’s also a less-than-one-mile Nature Trail Loop around a meadow near the Field House, and a map online that describes habitats, natural features and animals—from black bears to black-tailed deer—in the area.

The BCCER is open to the public and you can enter, by foot only, at two different trailheads—one at the border of Bidwell Park and one at the main park entrance off Highway 32 (east, approximately 10 miles past Bruce Road; look for a green “3521” address marker and park at the lot down the hill next to the gate). Visit the website for trail maps and info on upcoming events like the Annual Butterfly Count, June 2, 8:30 a.m. (email jaull@csuchico.edu to register).

In Chico’s Chapmans: The California Years, 1861-1899, eminent local historian Michele Shover dives deep into the history of the family for whom the local neighborhood is named. “Everyone knows a lot about the Bidwells, but the Chapmans were also very interesting and important to Chico’s early history,” Wiegman said.

For thriller lovers, she recommended Mike Paull’s Missing series of international spy thrillers, the third of which—Missing in the Maldives—was published in March. She also mentioned science-fiction book Proto-Spora by Erika Lunder. Wiegman noted both authors published books after following careers in wildly different fields; Paull was a dentist and commercial pilot, and Lunder a social worker.

50 Countries, 50 Stories: A Journey of Discovery Around the World Told Through Authentic Stories and Captivating Media, chronicles 14 years of David Simmons’ globetrotting adventures. Simmons grew up in Chico and, sadly, was killed in a landslide in Alaska in 2020, at the age of 30. His father, Randall, compiled the book from his late son’s writings. Wiegman’s chats with these and more local authors can be found in NSPR’s archives (mynspr.org). Or, stop by The Bookstore (118 Main St.) to peruse the downtown institution’s local shelf and pick up the latest locally produced ’zines and poetry collections.

Think globally, read locally
One view of The Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve, 7,835 acres of preserved habitat.
COURTESY OF BIG CHICO CREEK ECOLOGICAL RESERVE Locally produced books and ’zines at The Bookstore. PHOTOS BY KEN SMITH ARROW FENCING ALL TYPES OF FENCING! new construction, custom and repairs FREE ESTIMATES! 530-384-2997 SPRING SPECIAL Call for details! License# 821048 Authentic Chinese Cuisine 2019-2022 2201 Pillsbury Rd, #100 • 530-345-8862 • Open all Holidays, closed Tuesdays Honey Walnut Shrimp $5 OFF $40 OR MORE Dine In or Take Out Only No other discounts, expires 6/30/23 Happy Campers RV Rentals is a small family business in Chico providing clean and comfortable RVs for any occasion. Travel in style and comfort this summer and leave the tent at home! “...AT HOME AWAY FROM HOME!” Happy Campers RV Rentals VISIT HAPPYCAMPERSCHICO.COM | 530.321.8180 REVIEWS! ASK ABOUT DELIVERY!

Arts & Culture


Galleries & Museums

1078 GALLERY: Cans and Cones, new works by Sea Monster. Reception (with art raffle—get a free ticket for showing up!): June 9, 6-9pm. Through 7/11. 1710 Park Ave. 1078gallery.org

CHICO ART CENTER: Diurnal Journal – the Space Between Paintings, by Christine Muratore Evans. A solo exhibition of large paintings chronicling the visual process through which the artist explores the relationships between colors, patterns and time. Reception: June 9, 5-7pm. Through 7/2. Free. 450 Orange St., 530-895-8726. chicoartcenter.com

MUSEUM OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ART: Collage Deconstruct/Reconstruct, group exhibition featuring original 2D and 3D collage works by more than 60 artists. Through 7/9. 900 Esplanade. monca.org


FARMERS MARKETS: Butte County’s markets are open and selling fresh produce and more. Chico: Downtown (Saturdays, 7:30am-1pm); North Valley Plaza (Wednesdays, 8am-1pm); Chico State University Farm (Thursdays, noon-4 p.m.); “Farmers Market Mobile,” 1397 South Park Drive (Thursdays, 2pm); Thursday Night Market, downtown Chico (Thursdays, 6-9pm). Magalia: Magalia Community Center (Sundays, 10am). Paradise: Paradise Alliance Church (Tuesdays, 7:30am-2pm);

Open Mics & Karaoke

CASINO COMEDY NIGHT: Live comedy every other Thursday at the Spirits Lounge in the casino. Thursdays, 8pm. Gold Country Casino & Hotel, 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville. gold countrycasino.com

COMEDY THURSDAY: Weekly comedy show and open mic hosted by Dillon Collins. Thursdays, 8pm. Free. Bella’s Sports Pub, 231 Main St. 530-520-0119.

GNARAOKE: Karaoke hosted by Donna & Mike. Thursdays, 7pm. Free. Gnarly Deli, 243 W. Second St.

OPEN MIC AT THE DOWNLO: Hosted by Jeff Pershing. Sign up to perform two songs. All ages until 10pm. Fridays, 6:30pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St.

OPEN MIC COMEDY: Open mic comedy night hosted by Dillon Collins. Wednesdays, 9pm. (Sign-ups 8pm.) Free. Studio Inn Lounge, 2582 Esplanade. 530-520-0119.

SECRET TRAIL OPEN MIC: Weekly event at the brewery. Wednesdays, 6pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.

THU1 Theater

AS YOU LIKE IT: Legacy Stage brings Shakespeare back to Bidwell Park, or the Forest of Arden, with this pastoral comedy. Showing through June 10. Th, 6/1, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org

CHICAGO: Five, six, seven, eight … California

Regional Theatre continues its run of bigticket Broadway musicals with one of the biggest of them all, the tale of Vaudeville’s Merry Murderesses. Shows through June 4. Th, 6/1, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: Every night is opening night for this experimental play about contemporary Iran by Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour. There’s no director, no set, no rehearsals. Before the curtain goes up, an actor (someone new every showing) is handed the script for the first time and reads/performs the one-person interactive show on the spot. Shows June 1-18. Th, 6/1, 7:30pm. $16$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


ACOUSTIC THURSDAYS: This week: In the Pines. Thu, 6/1, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. 530-809-5616.

SINKING SEASON & BIRTHDAY DAD: Seattle emo crew and Turlock singer/songwriter visit Chico. Thu, 6/1, 7pm. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.


Special Events

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM: Northern California Ballet in a performance about the transforming power of love. Fri, 6/2, 7:15pm. $12-$20. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road, Paradise. northerncalifornia ballet.com

BCCER ANNUAL BUTTERFLY COUNT: Join BCCER staff for the North American Butterfly Association’s annual count. A citizen science event. For more information, or to register, contact Jon Aull at jaull@csuchico.edu. Fri, 6/2, 8:30am. $3. Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve, 3521 14 Mile House Road, Forest Ranch. 530-342-1371.

BOB’S COMEDY SHOW: S.F.’s Jesse Hett headlines. Local openers include Brandon Johnson, Mike Justice, and Samantha Luger. Fri, 6/2, 7:30pm. $12-$20. Gnarly Deli, 243 W. Second St. gnarlydeli.square.site


AS YOU LIKE IT: See June 1. Fr, 6/2, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org

CHICAGO: See June 1. Fr, 6/2, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

TWILIGHT ZONE: Two live episodes of the legendary sci-fi series: “Deaths-head Revisited” and “The Invaders.” Showing through June 10. Fri, 6/2, 8pm. $10. Blue Room Theatre, 1005 W. First St. facebook.com/blueroomtheatre

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Fr, 6/2, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: The Pub Scouts bring traditional Irish music weekly to Duffy’s. Fri,


June 9


June 20

Sierra Nevada Big Room


6/2, 5pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St. 530-343-7718.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Live music, beer garden, and activities for kids. On stage this week: singer/songwriter Pat Hull. Fri, 6/2, 7pm. Free. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico. downtownchico.com

HIGH VOLTAGE: Live music. Fri, 6/2, 8pm. Free. Jen’s Place, 7126 Skyway, Paradise. 530-413-9130.

PINKHOUSE.BAND: New local supergroup is on stage. Featuring Dana Hanson, Robert Meraz, Lou Mars and Brain (Gravy) Asher. Fri, 6/2, 8:30pm. $10-$15. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. 530-809-5616.

WHISKEY RIVER BAND: Local country-rock. Fri, 6/2, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com


Special Events

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM: See June 2. Sat, 6/3, 2:15 & 7:15pm. $12-$20. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road, Paradise. northerncaliforniaballet.com

PARADISE GARDEN TOUR: Six drought-tolerant, fire-resistant gardens to tour. Sat 6/3, 10am. $20. Paradise Irrigation District Offices (back parking lot), 6332 Clark Rd, Paradise. 530-877-3435. paradisegardenclub.org


AS YOU LIKE IT: See June 1. Sat, 6/3, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org

CHICAGO: See June 1. Sat, 6/3, 7:30pm. $31$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

TWILIGHT ZONE: See June 2. Sat, 6/3, 8pm. $10. Blue Room Theatre, 1005 W. First St. facebook. com/blueroomtheatre

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Sat., 6/3, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org

CALIFORNIA DREAMIN: Live surf rock. Sat, 6/3, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

DRIVER: Live rock. Sat, 6/3, 8pm. Free. Jen’s Place, 7126 Skyway, Paradise. 530-413-9130.

IVY FLATS: Live music. Sat, 6/3, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th Street. 530-809-5616.

ROCK THE RIDGE: Free music fest and BBQ in Paradise, with music by Van Hagar, Whiskey River Band, Hope Rising, Maddy Taylor and more. Sat, 6/3, 3pm. Free. The Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise.

SOUL POSSE AT THE ALLIES PUB: Live music. Sat, 6/3, 1pm. Free. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway. 530-809-1650. TheAlliesPub.com

WHOLE LOTTA ROSIES: All-female AC/DC tribute act. Sat, 6/3, 10pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. feather fallscasino.com


Special Events

BLOOM MARKETPLACE: Monthly local craft market. Sun, 6/4, 12pm. Free. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. 530-3990753. meriampark.com

HONEY RUN COVERED BRIDGE PANCAKE BREAKFAST: Join and help support the rebuild. Sun, 6/4, 8am. $6-$10. Honey Run Covered Bridge, 1670 Honey Run Road. 916-548-4390. hrcoveredbridge.org

PARADISE GARDEN TOUR: See June 3 Sun, 6/4, 10am. $20. Paradise Irrigation District Offices (back parking lot), 6332 Clark Road, Paradise. 530-877-3435. paradisegardenclub.org


AS YOU LIKE IT: See June 1. Sun, 6/4, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Sun., 6/4, 2pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


ABERRANCE, LARVAE, PLAGUE OF MALICE: Larvae from Oakland bring the heavy, doomy, deathy vibes. Locals Aberrance and Plague of Malice join in. Sun, 6/4, 7pm. $10. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

CRUCIFIX & OVERTIME: Several bands worth of country-rock rap visit the Tackle Box stage: Crucifix, Overtime, Blue Collar Soldiers Band, Sean P. East, Long Cut and Austin Martin. Sun, 6/4, 8pm. $25. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave. tackleboxchico.com

DOIN’ IT JUSTICE CHORUS: The local socialjustice-focused choir is reuniting for one final performance to help raise funds for MONCA. Sun, 6/4, 3pm. $15-$20. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. monca.org

JENNY DON’T & THE SPURS, THE FAMILY BAND: The Portland cowpunks return to Chico! Locals the October Coalition Family Band open. Sun, 6/4, 7:30pm. $10. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St. 530-864-0232. eventbrite.com

SIRSY: Sassy pop-rock from New York. Sun, 6/4, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Suite 120.

TUE6 Music

DINNER WITH THE DIVAS: Join Chico Music Events every Tuesday for a night of live music featuring talented female musicians from our

20 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023


So is the CN&R calendar! Submit virtual and real-world events for the online calendar as well as the monthly print edition, at chico. newsreview.com/calendar

community. Tue, 6/6, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St.

THU8 Theater

AS YOU LIKE IT: See June 1. Th, 6/8, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org

INTO THE WOODS: Birdcage Theatre presents the musical featuring everyone’s favorite storybook characters on the State Theatre stage. Shows June 8-11. Th, 6/8, 7:30pm. $20$25. Oroville State Theatre, 1489 Myers St., Oroville. birdcagetheatre.org

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Th, 6/8, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


ACOUSTIC THURSDAYS: This week: Glenn Tucker. Thu, 6/8, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. 530-809-5616.

SIMILAR ALIEN ALBUM RELEASE: Local weirdo space-rock trio Similar Alien & The Lizard Brain has a new recording! Local friends Greyloom join them for the party. Thu, 6/8, 9pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St.


Special Events

MYQ KAPLAN: The Boston/New York-based comedian has been on all the usual latenight shows and comedy stages and thanks to comedy promoter and Chico ex-pat DNA, he’ll be headlining the Big Room. Becky Lynn and Alfonzo Portela open. Fri, 6/9,

7pm. $25-$30. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. eventbrite.com

NEVERLAND: Kinetics Academy of Dance presents a student program of kids ballet. Fri, 6/9,

5:30pm. $12-$18. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. kineticsacademyofdance.com


AS YOU LIKE IT: See June 1. Fri, 6/9, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org

INTO THE WOODS: See June 8. Fri, 6/9, 7:30pm. $20-$25. Oroville State Theatre, 1489 Myers St., Oroville. birdcagetheatre.org

TWILIGHT ZONE: See June 2. Fri, 6/9, 8pm. $10. Blue Room Theatre, 1005 W. First St. facebook.com/blueroomtheatre

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Fri, 6/9, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


CLUB PSYCHIATRIST, CRAZED HERMITS, SHREW: A night of local musical oddities at the Lounge. Fri, 6/9, 7:30pm. $10. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

DRIVER: Night of rowdy rock. Fri, 6/9, 9pm. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.

DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: The Pub Scouts bring traditional Irish music weekly to Duffy’s. Fri, 6/9, 5pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. 530-343-7718.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Live music, beer garden, and activities for kids. On stage this week: indie-pop/rock with Melli Marias. Fri, 6/9, 7pm. Free. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico. downtownchico.com

JAIK: Live music. Fri, 6/9, 8pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th Street. 530-809-5616.



Special Events

NEVERLAND: See June 9. Sat, 6/10, 5:30pm. $12$18. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. kineticsacademyofdance.com


AS YOU LIKE IT: See June 1. Sat, 6/10, 8pm. $20. Cedar Grove, Bidwell Park. legacystage.org

INTO THE WOODS: See June 8. Sat, 6/10, 7:30pm. $20-$25. Oroville State Theatre, 1489 Myers St., Oroville. birdcagetheatre.org

TWILIGHT ZONE: See June 2. Sat, 6/10, 8pm. $10. Blue Room Theatre, 1005 W. First St. facebook. com/blueroomtheatre

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Sat, 6/10, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


13: Local music. Sat, 6/10, 1pm. Free. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway. 530-809-1650. TheAlliesPub.com

HOT FLASH: Six-piece female-fronted cover band. Sat, 6/10, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

HURRIKANE: Scorpions tribute. Sat, 6/10, 10pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

JOE HAMMONS & FRIENDS: Chico guitar legend and his crew live. Sat, 6/10, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. 530-809-5616.


Special Events

NEVERLAND: See Jun 9. Sun, 6/11, 2pm. $12-$18. CUSD Center for the Arts, 1475 East Ave. kineticsacademyofdance.com


INTO THE WOODS: See June 8. Sun, 6/11, 2pm. $20$25. Oroville State Theatre, 1489 Myers St., Oroville. birdcagetheatre.org

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Sun, 6/11, 2pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


BRAD PAISLEY: The multi-award-winning country music star and all-around guitar stud is coming to the Obsidian Spirits Amphitheater at Rolling Hills. Sun, 6/11, 8pm. $55-$160. Rolling Hills Casino, 2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning. rollinghillscasino.com

SETH KAMINSKY: Sacramento (via Georgia) pop singer/songwriter. Sun, 6/11, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St.


June 11

Obsidian Spirits Amphitheater Rolling Hills Casino


Every night is opening night for White Rabbit, Red Rabbit, an experimental play about contemporary Iran by Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour showing at Theatre on the Ridge June 1-18. There’s no director, no set, no rehearsals. Before the curtain goes up, an actor (a different one every show) is handed the script for the first time and reads/performs the one-person interactive show on the spot.

TUE13 Music

DINNER WITH THE DIVAS: See June 6. Tue, 6/13, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St.

THU15 Theater

CLUE: California Regional Theatre presents this farce-meets-murder mystery based on the

classic board game. Shows June 15-July 1. Thu, 6/15, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Thu, 6/15, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


ALICE DIMICELE: The Oregon folk singer/songwriter with an ear to the environment performs with her trio. Portion of proceeds will support the Paradise Arts, Theatre & Culture Hub. Thu, 6/15, 7pm. $25. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. monca.org

HAYSTAK & CHRIS TAYLOR: Tennessee rapper Haystack visits the Box. Chris Taylor opens. Thu, 6/15, 9pm. $25. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave. eventbrite.com

SEAN HAYES: Outpatient Records brings the Sonoma-based singer/songwriter back to Chico. Thu, 6/15, 8pm. $22. Argus Bar + Patio, 212 W. Second St. eventbrite.com


Special Events

DAD BOD COMPETITION: The second annual contest for best dad bod. Register your bod online for a chance at a cash prize! Audience votes for winner. 21-over. Fri, 6/16, 7pm. $15-$20. Gnarly Deli, 243 W. Second St. gnarlydeli. square.site


CLUE: See June 15. Fri, 6/16, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows. com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: The Drama Society prepares to stage a 1920s murder mystery. However, the set is not yet complete, there is no time to finish it, and the show must go on. Shows June 16-July 9. Fri, 6/16, 7:30pm. $20$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Fri, 6/16, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


BROTHER LUKE, JONATHAN LO-FI: A Bakersfield indie crew (Brother Luke) and a California outlaw folkster (Jonathan Low-Fi) team up with a couple of local boys, Cat Depot and Zach Zeller. Fri, 6/16, 8pm. $10. Naked Lounge, 118 W. Second St.

DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: The Pub Scouts bring traditional Irish music weekly to Duffy’s. Fri, 6/16, 5pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St. 530-343-7718.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Live music, beer garden, and activities for kids. On stage this week: West African music with Duniya. Fri, 6/16, 7pm. Free. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico. downtownchico.com

MJB: Live oldies, soul and blues. Fri, 6/16,


4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

QIENSAVE & CALVIN BLACK: Cumbia from Salinas, plus hip-hop from Redding. Fri, 6/16, 9pm. $10. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St. 530-864-0232.


Special Events

5 B’S BIKER RALLY: This motorcycle parking lot party is brought to you by the letter “B,” with Bikes, Babes, Beer, BBQ and Bands. BBQ for $25, beer for sale. 21-over. Sat, 6/17, 11am. Sierra Steel Harley Davidson, 1501 Mangrove Ave.

YART SALE: Art and other treasures from locals for sale at MONCA. Sat, 6/17, 9am. Museum of Northern California Art, 900 Esplanade. monca.org


CLUE: See June 15. Sat, 6/17, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Sat, 6/17, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Sat, 6/17, 7:30pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


DETROIT MOTOWN LEGENDS: Nathan Owens Soul Band plays Motown hits. Sat, 6/17, 10pm. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

RADIO RELAPSE: Four hours(!) of great 90s rock. Sat, 6/17, 9pm. Tackle Box, 379 E. Park Ave.

THE ROCK HOUNDS: Live classic rock. Sat, 6/17, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

RONI JEAN: Roni Jean closes out first tour with a homecoming at Duffy’s. Sat, 6/17, 9pm. $10. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St. 530-864-0232.

STRUNG NUGGET GANG: Nor-Cal Americana/ bluegrass string band. Sat, 6/17, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th Street. 530-809-5616.

TIM KNIGHT TRIO: Live music. Sat, 6/17, 1pm. Free. The Allies Pub, 426 Broadway. 530-809-1650. TheAlliesPub.com



THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Sun, 6/18, 2pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com

WHITE RABBIT, RED RABBIT: See June 1. Sun, 6/18, 2pm. $16-$20. Theatre on the Ridge, 3735 Neal Road, Paradise. totr.org


AARON LEWIS: The former frontman for big-time alt-metal crew Staind has made a name for himself as a country solo artist as well, and he’s on an acoustic tour of the U.S. Sun, 6/18, 8pm. $30. Rolling Hills Casino , 2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning. rollinghillscasino.com

REECE THOMPSON: Live music on Father’s Day. Sun, 6/18, 7pm. Nor Cal Brewing Company.

SECOND HAND SMOKE: Live local rock and blues. Sun, 6/18, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.



DINNER WITH THE DIVAS: See June 6. Tue, 6/20, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St.

PAUL THORN: The bluesy southern rocker returns to the Big Room stage. Tue, 6/20, 7pm. $28$30. Sierra Nevada Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St. sierranevada.com

THU22 Theater

CLUE: See June 15. Thu, 6/22, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Thu, 6/22, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com


June 16

Duffy’s Tavern


ACOUSTIC THURSDAYS: This week: Bob McDaniel. Thu, 6/22, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. 530-809-5616.

MILE TWELVE: KZFR presents virtuosic Boston modern string band. Thu, 6/22, 6:30pm. $15$20. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St. 530-895-0706. kzfr.org


Special Events

RELATIONS GATHERING: Family friendly threeday camping event with vendors, life skill classes, yoga sessions and live music. Bands and ticket info TBA. Fri, 6/23. Lake Concow Campground, 12967 Concow Road, Concow. lakeconcowcampground.net

CLUE: See June 15. Fri, 6/23, 7:30pm. $31$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Fri, 6/23, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com


BAD JOHNNY: Live rock. Fri, 6/23, 8pm. Free. Jen’s Place, 7126 Skyway, Paradise. 530-413-9130.

DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: The Pub Scouts bring traditional Irish music weekly to Duffy’s. Fri, 6/23, 5pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. 530-343-7718.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Live music, beer garden, and activities for kids. On stage this week: Bella Locas. Fri, 6/23, 7pm. Free. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico. downtownchico.com

IVY FLATS: Live swing music. Fri, 6/23, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com


Special Events

RELATIONS GATHERING: See June 23. Sat, 6/24. Lake Concow Campground, 12967 Concow Road, Concow. lakeconcowcampground.net

SOROPTIMIST CRAFT BREW FEST: Annual craft beer, cider and wine fest, with BBQ, games and live music (Jeff Pershing Band, HellCat Maggie). Sat, 6/24, 2pm. $65-$95. Manzanita Place, 1705 Manzanita Ave. 949-891-3254. BlueSkyFestivalsAndEvents.com and ChicoCraftBrewFest.com


CLUE: See June 15. Sat, 6/2, 7:30pm. $31-$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows. com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Sat, 6/24, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chico theater.com


FOUR ON THE FLOOR: Live music. Sat, 6/24, 8:30pm. $5. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St. 530-809-5616.

RED’S BLUES BAND: Sac band in Paradise. Sat, 6/24, 8pm. Free. Jen’s Place, 7126 Skyway, Paradise. 530-413-9130.

SECOND HAND SMOKE: Live blues, swing and


June 9-July 2

Reception June 9 1078 Gallery

rock. Sat, 6/24, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

STEPHEN PEARCY & BRITNY FOX: Stephen Pearcy of RATT fame, and 80s metalers Britny Fox at the casino. Sat, 6/24, 7pm. $25. Feather Falls Casino & Lodge, 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville. featherfallscasino.com

SUN25 Special Events

OFF CAMPUS COMEDY: Visiting and local comedians. Hosted by the Jesssy Jaymes every 4th Sunday of every month. Sun, 6/25, 7pm. $15. Blue Room Theatre, 1005 W. First St. 408-4492179. eventbrite.com

RELATIONS GATHERING: See June 23. Sun, 6/25. Lake Concow Campground, 12967 Concow Road, Concow. lakeconcowcampground.net


THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Sun, 6/25, 2pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com


KAT & WHISKERS: Live local music. Sun, 6/25, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.

TUE27 Music

DINNER WITH THE DIVAS: See June 6. Tue, 6/27, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St.

THU29 Theater

CLUE: See June 15. Th, 6/29, 7:30pm. $31$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Th, 6/29, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chico theater.com


ACOUSTIC THURSDAYS: This week: Stevie Cook, Diane Garner and John Reid. Thu, 6/29, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St 530-809-5616.

FRI30 Theater

CLUE: See June 15. Fri, 6/30, 7:30pm. $31$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Fri, 6/30, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chico theater.com


DUFFY’S HAPPY HOUR: The Pub Scouts bring traditional Irish music weekly to Duffy’s. Fri, 6/30, 5pm. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main Street. 530-343-7718.

FRIDAY NIGHT CONCERTS: Live music, beer garden, and activities for kids. On stage this week: rock and blues with Second Hand Smoke. Fri, 6/30, 7pm. Free. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico. downtownchico.com

PINK HOUSE: Local alternative rock. Fri, 6/30, 4:30pm. The Barn at Meriam Park, 1930 Market Place. meriampark.com

SAT1 Theater

CLUE: See June 15. Sat, 7/1, 7:30pm. $31$35. First Street Theatre, 139 W. First St. crtshows.com

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Sat, 7/1, 7:30pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com

SUN2 Theater

THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG: See June 16. Sun, 7/2, 2pm. $20-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166 Eaton Road, Ste. F. chicotheater.com


FREEDOM TO ROCKFEST: That Metal Show host Eddie Truck is the master of metal ceremonies for this all old-school 80s fest, featuring Great White, Quiet Riot, Vixen and Slaughter. Sun, 7/2, 7:30pm. $30. Rolling Hills Casino, 2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning. rollinghillscasino.com

YOU KNEW ME WHEN: Indie-folk duo from Colorado. Sun, 7/2, 3pm. Secret Trail Brewing Company, 132 Meyers St., Ste. 120.

TUE4 Music

DINNER WITH THE DIVAS: See June 6. Tue, 7/4, 6pm. Free. Mulberry Station Brewing Company, 175 E. 20th St.


free yoga events.

‘Journey of release’

reminded them to witness any bodily sensations or negative thoughts and keep returning to their breathing: “The goal is letting go, that is your response.”

“Our mat becomes this metaphor for life. Whatever we’re encountering on the mat, these are the same situations we encounter in life,” she said. “This journey back to the stillness is the same thing as self acceptance. … Every time you step on your mat, you go on a journey of release.”

Freebird Yoga launches free classes to help community tap into inner strength

how many push ups you can do— it’s about how much you can feel.”

Amanda Hernandez, a local therapist, had primarily practiced yoga on her own during the pandemic, so she was thrilled to discover the studio’s free classes—and the fact that its instructors delve into important tools for well-being.

“That’s something I’m trying to practice: the mindfulness, the awareness—not trying to think about too much that’s not in the now,” she said.

Two years ago, Ali McMorrow had never attended a yoga class and, skeptical of its benefits, didn’t plan on it. But they were going through a difficult year, and their partner recommended they try it.

McMorrow, who is a queer biracial farmer, struggles with anxiety and depression and has witnessed and experienced trauma through their relief work in the aftermath of the 2018 Camp Fire.


Free yoga classes

June community classes

As a young girl, Chelsea Smith was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome, and as she got older, she found it increasingly painful trying to navigate a world that did not understand her. She suffered from coprolalia, characterized by involuntary outbursts of obscenities. “I’ve been kicked out of everything, yelled at, beaten up, because people don’t understand what’s happening,” she said. “It was horrible.”

Freebird Yoga

243 W. Ninth St.

(check site/social media for styles/info)

• Wednesdays

5:30-6:30 p.m.

• Saturdays 10-11 a.m.

• June 24, 2-4p.m.

Other locations:

• June 14, 5:30-6:30 p.m., South Chico Community Assistance Center

• June 26, 7-8 p.m., Industry Night Yoga for restaurant/bar workers, Winchester Goose freebird-yoga.com

It quickly became a light in her life, helping her cope and manage her Tourette syndrome symptoms.

One particularly difficult morning, she gazed at her yoga mat resting in the corner of her room.

“Something pushed me,” she said. “I decided to get out of bed and I got on my mat.”

As she stretched and continued to breathe deep, Smith felt something slowly begin to shift within her. And each day, “I kept choosing my mat, my [yoga] practice,” she said.

At a free community class last month, a small group settled onto their mats at Freebird Yoga’s creekside studio (243 W. Ninth St.). Smith opened the curtains to welcome the morning light, then led students on a challenging hour-long vinyasa (or “flow”) class, which is characterized by continuous movements between yoga poses.

Smith encouraged attendees to modify poses as needed, take breaks and go at their own pace. Throughout the session, she validated how challenging it was for her class to be still and hold poses. She

Western yoga studios often lack diversity, Smith said, cultivating a culture that caters to white, thin, neurotypical, middle-class women. Smith, who also has autism, said this makes it very hard for folks who don’t fit that narrow identity to feel welcome or comfortable at yoga studios. She’s focused on making her studio welcoming to all.

Freebird Yoga held its first free community classes in January, and has expanded its offerings since then. Freebird, which has four instructors and offers over 10 different styles of classes (including aerial yoga for adults and youth, chair yoga for those with limited mobility, and prenatal yoga), hosts two free classes per week (featuring different styles each month), as well as other

“So I’m breathing and I’m feeling the stuff that comes up when you stop to take deep breaths,” they said. “There’s negative thoughts, there’s memories that are being unlocked. … I was like, What the hell was that? And I was sore and uncomfortable and emotional.”

In April, Smith started teaching free yoga at the South Chico Community Assistance Center, where McMorrow is a board member. The nonprofit provides a free food pantry and other resources to those in need. Smith then partnered with yoga student Marin Hambley to launch Industry Night Yoga, providing free classes at the Winchester Goose to bar and restaurant workers.

By her mid-20s, Smith was anxious, depressed and exhausted, and her suicidal thoughts became overwhelming. At the same time, she was attending college and had enrolled in a yoga course.

Today, Smith teaches at her Chico studio, Freebird Yoga, motivated to help others heal by releasing tension, processing trauma and tapping into their inner strength. She recently started offering free community classes at her studio and various locations around town to help break down financial and cultural barriers to accessing yoga.

“My whole goal is for them to fall in love with the feeling that happens when you regulate your body,” she said. “[You] awaken to what sits within you, and it’s within everybody. Strength isn’t about

McMorrow has been a student of Freebird Yoga now for nearly two years, and in that time, has learned how to access greater selfacceptance and inner peace. They said that at these free classes, they have witnessed “this light turn on in people” as Smith and her instructors have nurtured people into their yoga practice.

“People who don’t have access to this type of connection or assistance or love, they get a free pass to be able to have the same benefits we get,” they said. “These people are vulnerable. There’s a lot of us crying or struggling. … She’s making a safe space.”

JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 23
Freebird Yoga students take a moment of rest during their practice. PHOTO COURTESY OF FREEBIRD YOGA Freebird Yoga owner and instructor Chelsea Smith (front row, second from left) leads a free community class at her studio last month with students Ali McMorrow (front, left) and Amanda Hernandez (second from right) in attendance. PHOTO BY ASHIAH BIRD

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Works of women and private eye tales

CN&R critic’s June streaming list of films and TV shows, plus a new DVD box set

role), and somehow it hasn’t gotten much enthusiasm from the critics, even though it’s a complex story well-told with a large, excellent supporting cast (including Jessica Lange, Diane Kruger, Alan Cumming and Danny Huston). No less significantly, the director is Irish auteur Neil Jordan (The Crying Game, Michael Collins), and several key characters (including Marlowe) are Southern Californians with Irish backgrounds.

In its second season, the Perry Mason prequel continues to thrive with characters and drama that echo Chandler’s Marlowe stories rather than the Perry Mason of TV fame. The Della Street character (an excellent Juliet Rylance) becomes even more central to action and drama alike, as does the reinvented Paul Drake character (Chris Chalk). And there’s a very lively dozen or so secondary characters (played by Hope Davis, Gretchen Mol, Robert Patrick, Stephen Root, LiliTaylor, John Lithgow, among others). And like Marlowe, the season’s episodes generate richly detailed picture of Southern California society in the era between World Wars I and II.

The Super 8 Years: With her son David Ernaux-Briot as codirector, the Nobel Prize-winning French novelist Annie Ernaux has fashioned an unflinching, remarkably fresh filmed memoir out of her family’s home movies from 1972-1981, the period of her first marriage and her first literary success.

Visually, it’s 70 minutes of lo-fi looking Super-8 images in skillfully edited form. What gives it all exceptional power and interest is Ernaux’s voice-over narration, which is ironic, incisive and lucid—in emotion and intellect alike.

Cinema’s First Nasty Women is a four-DVD box set of beautifully restored movies from the silent film era (1900-1927), which challenge gender stereotypes and generally celebrate strong women in an array of comedy, drama, romance and action movies. The overall title may suggest a flip of the bird to the Trumpian notion of a “nasty woman,” but the collection as a whole serves as a

rich and fascinating corrective to several cultural and historical falsehoods. Each of the four discs has a specific focus: Disastrous Domestics & Anarchic Tomboys; Queens of Destruction; Gender Rebels; and Female Tricksters.

Particular highlights include the work of Native American actors Minnie Devereaux and Lilian St. Cyr (aka Red Wing). St. Cyr’s performance and stunt work in The Red Girl and the Child suggest she’s the equal of Tom Mix, the top western action star of the era. A Range Romance (1911) is teased in the notes as “a Brokeback Mountain for the silent era.” Legendary actress/ impresario Texas Guinan has the “hero” role in The Night Rider (1920). In The Snowbird (1916), a film by Chickasaw actor/director Edwin Carewe, a young woman disguised as a boy travels to the Hudson’s Bay region to retrieve an important document and gets entangled in a relationship that is both ironic and romantic.

Showing Up: The new film by Kelly Reichardt (Wendy & Lucy, First Cow, Meek’s Cutoff) follows

an aspiring artist (Michelle Williams) through her daily encounters with domestic life and the local art scene in present-day Portland. As with Reichardt’s previous films, there is no hugely dramatic plot, but Showing Up builds growing interest and unexpected emotion by way of careful, kindly attention to the everyday lives of a diverse group of characters— family, friends, colleagues and the artist herself.

Williams, instantly recognizable but always invested in the role of the moment, is very good once again. And a fine supporting cast follows suit—Judd Hirsch and Mary Ann Plunkett as the artist’s divorced parents, John Magaro as her damaged “genius” of a brother, and Hong Chau and Andre 3000 as fellow artists. It’s a film about creativity, family, community, and recognizing the moments of grace in otherwise imperfect lives.

Private-eye tales have loomed large among recent viewing pleasures. I’m thinking in particular of Marlowe, with Liam Neeson, but also of season two of the Perry Mason prequel on HBO and all fifteen epi-

sodes of the British-based C.B. Strike series, also on HBO. Marlowe is based on one of John Banville’s latter-day extensions of Raymond Chandler’s classic Philip Marlowe novels (The Big Sleep, etc.). It’s a somber, richly fleshed-out mystery drama and periodpiece (with Neeson in the title

The everyday life in Showing Up.

In C.B. Strike, the title character (a fine Tom Burke) is a damaged war vet and the alienated son of a celebrity musician. Over 15 episodes and five “seasons,” he’s struggling to stay in business, but keeps edging into major cases, especially with the help of a talented assistant (Halliday Grainger) who starts out as a mostly unpaid “intern.” Loaded with British acting talent, the series is based on mystery novels written by J.K. Rowling, under her “Robert Galbraith” nom de plume. Ω

JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 25
The Super 8 Years presents a fresh look through old home movies.
26 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023

Hot dog summer

Wiener window brings hot dogs back to downtown

I n the not-too-distant past, downtown Chico was a wiener wonderland.

It used to be possible for us hot dog fiends, at reasonable and even unreasonable hours, to find a fix within a few block radius of every downtown drinkery.

Numerous street carts once slung wieners, of various styles and quality, for half-cocked bar patrons.

Zot’s Hot Dogs and Deli, a fixture since 1972, seemed like it had been and would be in the Garden Walk Mall forever. And when the fever hit you could count on finding a few Big Bites on the roller 24/7 at the Main Street 7-Eleven.

Grilled, boiled, steamed or rolled, when a hankering happened, there were hot dogs to be had.

Alas, the carts seem to have all rolled off into the sunset, and the latter two options closed last year, leaving downtown a hot dog desert. At last, our wienerless winter has ended with the opening of Hoff Dogs.

Hoff Dogs hocks dogs through a walk-up window on Wall Street, from the location formerly occupied by the venerable Zot’s. It’s a genuine family business, founded and run by the brother-sister team of Noah and Mariah Smith and their respective partners, Coral Imhoff and David Treher (Imhoff is the inspiration for the establishment’s name).

The Hoff crew started slinging ween from a cart last summer, and took over the old Zot’s spot in January. After sprucing up the kitchen, they started serving in March, experimenting with mostly late-night hours, and in early April added lunch-time service. They’re now open from 11 a.m. to midnight, every day except Sunday. The

cart is operating at the Thursday Night Market through the season, and they also do brisk delivery business through DoorDash and Grubhub.

Hoff Dogs’ menu is unlike anything you’d be likely to find at your grandpa’s favorite hot dog stand. Well, that’s with the exception of a few classics like The Foley (featuring ketchup, mustard, relish and onion, $7)—which is actually named after the Smiths’ beloved late grandfather. There’s also the ubiquitous chili cheese dog (here called The Buster, $8), and other mainstays resembling a Chicago dog and a Polish sausage, but here known as the Louie Dog (with tomato wedges, dill pickle,

pepperoncini, chopped onion, mustard and relish, and sprinkled with celery salt and poppy seeds, $8) and Ein Prosit! (Polish sausage piled high with sauerkraut and smothered in mustard, $8).

Then there are the more exotic selections, like the Hawaiianinspired Somewhere Over the Rainbow, topped with sweet salsa (made from pineapple chunks, lime, onion and cilantro), sliced jalapeno and teriyaki sauce ($8). Another of their more unique offerings is the BLTHD, with romaine lettuce and applewood bacon, drizzled with ranch

dressing ($8).

“We never wanted to do simple hot dogs. Our goal from the beginning is to have a locally owned restaurant offering unique food,” Mariah said. “Foodies are a real thing, and we wanted to appeal to people looking for something new and different.”

Hoff Dogs hot dogs and polish sausages are quarter-pound, all-beef, and quite tasty (Noah said the specific brand is a trade secret). They are served on Tin Roof Bakery brioche rolls, and all of the produce is fresh and replenished regularly.

The menu is still expanding as the Hoff Doggers experiment with new recipes, many of which—like a pizza-esque dog with marinara, pepperoni and mozzarella cheese—are offered as daily specials. They also have chips, soda, Italian sodas, and dessert drinks ranging from root beer floats to fruity concoctions made with homemade mousses. They are still experimenting with vegetarian and vegan wieners they hope to add in the near future, and say they also sell a fair amount of dog-less versions of their menu items (basically the toppings and sauces on a bun).

Now, I don’t like to brag, but I consider myself something of a globe-trotting, glizzy-gobbling connoisseur. I’ve mawed down NYC street dogs in the shadow of the Empire State Building, eaten countless baconwrapped wieners up and down the Baja peninsula, stood in line at Pink’s in Hollywood, and seek out exotic doggeries whenever I travel. I rang in 2022 with a wiener topped with caviar, the creation of a friend who is a straight-up sorceress when it comes to hot dogs. In fact, Hotdogs might as well be my middle name.

To ensure I had a good grasp on what Hoff Dogs is cooking up, I went three times in one week, double-doggin’ it each visit without trying the same thing twice. All of them were very good, some exceptional, and by far the most pleasing was the Somewhere Over the Rainbow. The sweet salsa and spicy peppers are a magnificent blend, but the most surprising element was the unexpected addition of teriyaki sauce.

Hot dog lovers are a friendly bunch. While walk-up windows often make for lonely dining experiences, during two out of three visits I ended up having interesting conversations with other diners. These always began with, “Hey, what kind of hot dog did you get? Have you tried the ‘X’ dog yet?”

The window also makes it a great option for late-night grub, or to grab-and-go for a quick picnic at One Mile or some other outdoor destination.

Hot Dog Summer … commence!

DATE, 2023 CN&R 27
story and photos by Ken Smith kens@ newsreview.com
Dogs 225 Wall St. hoffdogschico.com
closed Sundays
Hours: Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-midnight;
Hoff Dogs co-owner Noah Smith mans the walk-up window on Wall Street. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH The Somewhere Over the Rainbow dog, topped with sweet pineapple salsa, sliced jalapeno and teriyaki sauce. PHOTO BY KEN SMITH
JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R



the Chico bands Arts DEVO could be asked to help write a bio for, XDS is probably the one for which I’m most qualified to do so. I’ve been friends with the players and a fan/ tour mate/one-time recording engineer of/for the band since an earlier version called MeYow was making circus noise more than two decades ago.

XDS has a new recording, Bicycle Ripper, out now on Mt.St.Mtn. Records (also home to Chico’s The Wind-Ups), and they are celebrating the release (available at mtstmtn. com) with a new video (youtube. com/@xdsband) and a release party June 1 at 8 p.m., at Argus Bar + Patio (with friends Scout, Oakland’s Fuckwolf and DJ Aloexvera).

Here’s the bio the band and I wrote together:

It started in a cafe in Chico, California, with a flier, covered in glitter, wires, feathers and assorted melted items, with a three-word advertisement: “Noise person wanted.”

It wasn’t a sign. It was a sample. A tiny piece lifted from the visionary environment that the band XDS would continue building over the next couple of decades, hoarding an eclectic stockpile of collage materials/influences/approaches for assembling psychedelic dance-punk jams played with homemade instruments, blown-out samples, off-kilter drumming and dub baselines.

Shoko Horikawa had come from Japan to (the small, music-crazy college town) Chico for school, and responded to Jesse Hall’s mysterious flier and a pitch to collaborate on making interesting sounds. The partnership would end up featuring her syncopated polyrhythmic drums alongside his vocals (through a duct tape-and-PVC-pipe mic) and custom-built Guitar-o-bass, plus synths/samplers and various noise-making devices. The two-piece Experimental Dental School eventually morphed into XDS as the duo moved the operation from Chico to Oakland to Portland and back to Chico, touring the world (playing alongside the likes of Deerhoof and other innovators) and releasing 11 recordings (on Cochon Records, German label TCWGA, etc.) as they went.

On the new XDS album, Bicycle Ripper, the band’s genre-bending roots are as deep as ever, but the goal now is to be less “noise” people and more “fun” people. The songs are weird yet cohesive, with jittery grooves and inventive hooks.

Throw a dart at the album and hit “Hot Panther, Cold Moon” for one random sample: an unrelenting fuzzed-out bass dances with insistent drums; a sharp turn into sparse tin-can-guitar break; then a return to the dance floor with a bonus overdriven bass riff and full-throttle drums. The Panther stays hot whether she’s under the “hot hot sun” or the “cold cold moon.”

It’s all very irresistible and, yes, really really fun.

SINCE 1993

This month, my wife and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary of marriage. All I need to say here about this is look at this picture of Connie Cassidy, sitting outside a cafe in Rome, Italy, just as a parked car on the street turned on its headlights to illuminate just how lucky this guy is.

La dolce vita con un bella donna.

Happy anniversary, beautiful.

28 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
GET READY TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITES Picking Season IS HERE! Vote Now Vote for all your favorites now through July 26th FREE VOTING & DETAILS ONLINE: chicobestof.com See more details on page 12

50 years, thousands of homes, countless hope.

CHIP Turns 50

For 50 years, the Community Housing Improvement Project has helped create affordable housing opportunities in Chico and the surrounding counties with one common factor across the motivation, work, and people—it’s plain neighborly.

The impetus and first project for CHIP’s formation in 1973 was rehabbing dilapidated homes in areas south of CSU–Chico, where the founders were enrolled.

“A lot of those houses were occupied by women who were raising children by themselves or seniors,” says Fran Wagstaff, who was one of CHIP’s first volunteers before running the organization, beginning in 1974. “They didn’t have the means or the money to fix these houses.”

Wagstaff recalls that an employee from the college’s construction management program supervised the repair work by volunteers largely consisting of college students, veterans returning from the Vietnam War, people assigned to community service, and women.

“It was the years of the Women’s Movement,” Wagstaff says, “and women wanted to get into non-traditional jobs and learn skills that’d pay more than the crappy jobs they were getting.”

In the early days, Wagstaff recalls that about half the crew were women. And while some workers received a small stipend from federal programs, the organization relied mostly on spare change and donated materials.

“You can’t imagine how little money there was to run the place,” Wagstaff says.

Still, the program was a success and grew to meet the changing needs of the community.

“It became obvious, the need went beyond houses falling apart around their ears,” Wagstaff says. “People who were renting were really strapped.”

In response, in 1979, CHIP partnered with the Berkeleybased nonprofit Community Economics for guidance and funding to form the Multi-Family Housing Program, which continues today.

A few years later, CHIP formed the Self-Help Housing Program in cooperation with USDA Rural Development. Using

sweat equity to decrease the cost and open doors for first-time homeowners, the program has helped build more than 2,000 homes since 1981.

After Wagstaff left CHIP in 1982—to con tinue her work in the Bay Area before retiring in 2009—new programs were created, while changing costs and needs moved the projects from urban areas into the surrounding rural counties.

In 2003, CHIP formed a Resident Services program that brought community events and educational, social and fitness classes into the rental units they owned.

“The cool thing about CHIP is we adapt,” says Seana O’Shaughnessy, CHIP’s President and CEO since 2019.

“We’re truly grassroots and we fit into the community to truly support the communities’ needs.”

An example?

“After the Camp Fire,” O’Shaughnessy says, “we learned a lot about building resiliently and how to support families that are returning and want to repopulate.”

Rebuilding from scratch in Magalia, for example, CHIP’s upcoming 64-unit property is designed with community input to provide walkable access to transportation and amenities.

Additionally, CHIP has two additional 70-unit properties in Paradise—one devoted to seniors—opening in the next few years as the demand for affordable housing only grows. It’s typical, O’Shaughnessy says, for CHIP to receive 10 times more applications than the number of units available.

Beyond new rental properties, O’Shaughnessy says CHIP’s future focus is on handling rising construction and insurance costs, expanding Resident Services, and adding more permanent supportive housing opportunities for residents who need additional support—such as case management or mental or physical health services.

O’Shaughnessy says CHIP has long leveraged partnerships with government, private and nonprofit organizations to

provide services and run successful programs. But she believes an individual who is supportive of CHIP housing in their neighborhood can have an even bigger impact.

“There are still misapprehensions about who lives in affordable housing,” O’Shaughnessy says, “that it’s criminals or undesirables. But when people share their experiences, it helps educate people. ‘Oh, it’s my neighbor or my aunt, uncle or cousin who benefits from these type of houses.’”

It’s that understanding and empathy that both O’Shaughnessy and Wagstaff believe has fueled CHIP’s success for 50 years.

“Basically, accepting people where they are and kindness for the people who need the help and also for the people participating.” Wagstaff says. “It’s basically, neighbors helping neighbors.”

To learn more about CHIP’s programs, visit chiphousing.org

The cool thing about CHIP is we adapt. We’re truly grassroots and we fit into the community to truly support the communities’ needs.”
Seana O’Shaughnessy
CHIP’s President and CEO
Top photo: Volunteers help a homeowner rehab their home in Chico. Middle photo: CHIP completes construction of a new housing development. Bottom photo: CHIP staff, volunteers, and the Self-Help team pose for a picture. PHOTOS COURTESY OF CHIP
JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 29

ARIES (March 21-April 19): History tells us that Albert Einstein was a brilliant genius. After his death, the brain of the pioneer physicist was saved and studied for years in the hope of analyzing the secrets of why it produced so many great ideas. Science writer Stephen Jay Gould provided a different perspective. He said, “I am less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” I bring this to your attention, Aries, in the hope it will inspire you to pay closer attention to the unsung and underappreciated elements of your own life— both in yourself and the people around you.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Human life sometimes features sudden reversals of fortune that may seem almost miraculous. A twist in my own destiny is an example. As an adult, I was indigent for 18 years—the most starving artist of all the starving artists I have ever known. Then, in the course of a few months, all the years I had devoted to improving my craft as a writer paid off spectacularly. My horoscope column got widely syndicated, and I began to earn a decent wage. I predict a comparable turn of events for you in the coming months, Taurus—not necessarily in your finances, but in a pivotal area of your life.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): I am weary of gurus who tell us the ego is bad and must be shamed. In my view, we need a strong and healthy ego to fuel our quest for meaning. In that spirit and in accordance with astrological omens, I designate June as Celebrate Your Ego Month for you Geminis. You have a mandate to unabashedly embrace the beauty of your unique self. I hope you will celebrate and flaunt your special gifts. I hope you will honor your distinctive desires as the treasures they are. You are authorized to brag more than usual!

CANCER (June 21-July 22): One study reveals that British people own a significant amount of clothing they never wear. Other research suggests that the average American woman has over a hundred items of clothing but considers just 10 percent of them to be “wearable.” If your relationship to your wardrobe is similar, Cancerian, it’s a favorable time to cull unused, unliked, and unsuitable stuff. You would also benefit from a comparable approach to other areas of your life. Get rid of possessions, influences, and ideas that take up space but serve no important purpose and are no longer aligned with who you really are.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In July 1969, Leo astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon. But he almost missed his chance. Years earlier, his original application to become part of NASA’s space exploration team arrived a week past the deadline. But Armstrong’s buddy, Dick Day, who worked at NASA, sneaked it into the pile of applications that had come in time. I foresee the possibility of you receiving comparable assistance, Leo. Tell your friends and allies to be alert for ways they might be able to help you with either straightforward or surreptitious moves.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Great shearwaters are birds that travel a lot, covering 13,000 miles every year. From January to March, they breed in the South Atlantic Ocean, about halfway between Africa and South America. Around May, they fly west for a while and then head north, many of them as far as Canada and Greenland. When August comes, they head east to Europe, and later they migrate south along the coast of Africa to return to their breeding grounds. I am tempted to make this globetrotting bird your spirit creature for the next 12 months. You may be more inclined than ever before to go on journeys, and I expect you will be well rewarded for your journeys. At the very least, I hope you will enjoy mindopening voyages in your imagination.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): One of the central myths of Western culture is the Holy

Grail. For over 800 years, storytellers have spun legends about the search for a precious chalice with magical qualities, including the power to heal and offer eternal youth. Sober scholars are more likely to say that the Holy Grail isn’t an actual physical object hidden away in a cave or catacomb, but a symbol of a spiritual awakening or an enlightening epiphany. For the purposes of your horoscope, I’m going to focus on the latter interpretation. I suspect you are gearing up for an encounter with a Holy Grail. Be alert! The revelations and insights and breakthroughs could come when you least expect them.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): June is Dare to Diminish Your Pain Month for you Scorpios. I hope you will aggressively pursue measures to alleviate discomfort and suffering. To address the physical variety, how about acupuncture or massage? Or supplements like boswellia, turmeric, devil’s claw root, white willow bark, and omega-3 fatty acids? Other ideas: sunshine, heating pad, warm baths with Epsom salts, restorative sleep, and exercise that simulates natural endorphins. Please be equally dynamic in treating your emotional and spiritual pain, dear Scorpio. Spend as much money as you can afford on skillful healers. Solicit the help of empathetic friends. Pray and meditate. Seek out in activities that make you laugh.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

A hungry humpback whale can hold more than 15,000 gallons of water in its mouth at once—enough to fill 400 bathtubs. In a funny way, their ability reminds me of you right now. You, too, have a huge capacity for whatever you feel like absorbing and engaging with. But I suggest you choose carefully what you want to absorb and engage with. Be open and receptive to only the most high-quality stuff that will enrich your life and provide a lot of fun. Don’t get filled up with trivia and nonsense and dross.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Funny story: A renowned Hollywood movie mogul was overheard at a dinner party regaling an aspiring actor with a long monologue about his achievements. The actor couldn’t get in a word edgewise. Finally, the mogul paused and said, “Well, enough about me. What do you think of me?” If I had been in the actor’s place, I might have said, “You, sir, are an insufferable, grandiose, and boring narcissist who pathologically overestimates your own importance and has zero emotional intelligence.” The only downside to speaking my mind like that would be that the mogul might ruin my hopes of having a career in the movie business. In the coming weeks, Capricorn, I hope you will consistently find a middle ground between telling the brazen truth to those who need to hear it and protecting your precious goals and well-being.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When faced with important decisions, most of us benefit from calling on all forms of intelligence. Simply consulting our analytical mind is not sufficient. Nor is checking in with only our deep feelings. Even drawing from our spunky intuition alone is not adequate. We are most likely to get practical clarity if we access the guidance of our analytical mind, gut feelings, and sparkly intuition. This is always true, but it’s extra relevant now. You need to get the full blessing of the synergistic blend.

PS: Ask your body to give you a few hints, too!

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Has your intuition been nudging you to revise and refine your sense of home? Have you been reorganizing the domestic vibes and bolstering your stability? I hope so. That’s what the cosmic rhythms are inviting you to do. If you have indeed responded to the call, congratulations. Buy yourself a nice homecoming present. But if you have resisted the flow of life’s guidance, please take corrective measures. Maybe start by reorganizing the décor and furniture. Clean up festering messes. Say sweet things to your housemates and family members. Manage issues that may be restricting your love of home.

30 CN&R JUNE 1, 2023
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JUNE 1, 2023 CN&R 31 Laurie Aaron Joseph Acciaioli Maria Aguilar Kim Agur Karen Aikin Kanji Aiso Ron Aker Glenna Akers Robert Alber Lory Allan Emily Alma Jeanette Alosi Karen Altier Pilar Alvarez Lance Anderson Davy Andrek Jean Andrews David & Lori Angel Ronald Angle Karen Ann Nelson Anthoine Amy Antongiovanni William & Cheryl Appleby James & Mary Aram Christina Archuleta Vicki Artzner Janet Ashley Laura Askim Wayland Augur Ted Baca Mat Bacior Shereen Baker Karen Balestieri Antoine Baptiste Florin Barnhart Kathleen Barrera John Barrett Kathy Barrett Thomas Barrett Linda Bates Maureen Baumgartner Roger Beadle Claudia Beaty Norman Beecher Christianne Belles Daniel & Charlene Beltan Mary Kay Benson Kathy Berger Gordon Bergthold Bryan Bickley Robert Biehler John Bisignano Earline Blankinship Erica Blaschke Mark Bloom Barbara Boeger Pamela Boeger Jamie Boelter Stephen Bohnemeyer April Boone Daniel Botsford Janice Branch Michael Branton Vicky Breeden Marlene Brenden Janet Brennan Trish Briel Lindsay Briggs Gregory Brislain Diane Brobeck Dennis Broselle Caryl Brown Christopher Brown Danielle Browning Cindy & Martin Buckley Laura Burghardt Terry Burgoyne Anika Burke Barbara Burke CJ Burkett Stacey Burks John Burnham Carol Burr Robert Burton Lynne Bussey Julie Butler Philip Butler Sherry Butler William Bynum Candace Byrne Deborah Cady Vic Cantu Michael Capelle Caroline Carey Jennifer Carey Mark Carlsten Douglas Carroll Daniel Carter Linda Cartier Jeanine Cartwright Joel Castle Elen Castleberry Delena Cavaness Lisa Ceynowa Michelle Chambers Amanda Chambless Beth Chase Randy Chase Marion Chase Susan Chin Susan & Michael Christensen A. Christodoulides Jeanne Christopherson Judy Clemens Rosemarie Colson Felecia Commesso Gail Compton Christine Connerly Justin Cooper Paralee Cooper Jack Coots Keitha Corbit Danetta Cordova Jackie Cordova Robert Cottrell Helen Coupe Michael Coyle Roy Crabtree Susan Cragle Mary Cree Holly Creighton Joe Crispin Scott Cronk Gene & Elizabeth Currey Lisa Currier Marcel Daguerre Olivia Dakof Love Dalal Jessica Daly Nathan Daly Jude Darrin, Ph.D Mike & Marie D’Augelli Debra Daugherty Rob Davidson Jake Davis Deann Dawson Marycarol Deane Michelle Deese Marie Demers Sharon Demeyer Sanjay Dev Elizabeth Devereaux Anthony Devine Ken Devol Lechia Dickinson Jodie & Bruce Dillman Joseph Dimaggio Tim Dobbs Susan Dobra Graham Dobson Kenneth Doglio Carin Dorghalli Sophie Duckett Trudy Duisenberg Doug & Gayle Edgar Kristi Edwards Patricia Egan Phil Elkins Andrew Elliott Henry Elliott Tim Elliott Sharron C. Ellis Heather Ellison Richard Elsom Robyn Engel Craig & Dorcas Erickson Timothy Ervin Adele Etcheverry Sheets Tyler Evaro Nancy Evens Kathleen Faith Annette Faurote Kathy Favor Adam Fedeli Mitzi Felix Steve Ferreira Phillip Filbrandt Elizabeth Finch Greg Fischer Clare Fisher Denise Fleming Laura Fletcher Steven Flowers Ramona Flynn Lorraine Forster Kris Foster Cheryl Foti John & Janet Fournier Gary Francis Leslie Freeland Christopher Freemyers Dan Fregin Sandra Fricker Paul Friedlander Diane Friedman Stephen Fritter Lea Gadbois Marian Gage Mark & Cynthia Gailey Francine Gair Nicolette Gamache Celeste Garcia Matthew Garcia Maureen & Michael Garcia Bill Gardner Suzanne Garrett Kenneth Gates Nalani Geary Kim Gentry Cynthia Gerrie Scott Giannini Jesica Giannola Tovey Giezentanner Sharon Gillis David & Kathy Gipson Bradley Glanville Jay Goldberg Bryce Goldstein Diana Good Nancy Good Janet Goodson Sandra Gordon Lucy & Richard Gould Judith Graves Diane Gray Jim Graydon Sean Green Stephen Green Susan Green Amy Greenfield David Guzzetti Linda Haddock James & Edith Haehn Deborah Halfpenny & Dan Eyde Kim Hamberg Bonnie Hamilton Steven Hammond Matthew Hammons Laurie Handelman Linnea Hanson & Harold Carlson Richard L. Harriman Jennifer Harris Adele Harth Suki Haseman Lynn Haskell Jeannette Hassur Erik Havana Tom & Cheryl Hawk Alma Hayes Laurel Heath Ryan Heimlich Kimberly Heines Jeri Heiser Phillip Hemenway Judy Henderson Tyson Henry Christel Herda Ruben Heredia Rebecca Herring Reiner Keith Herritt Shannon Hester Scott Hodgkinson Terrence Hoffman Debra-Lou Hoffmann Janice Hofmann Pam Hofstad Andrew Holcombe Cydney Holley Kurt & Debra Holve Lindy Hoppough Michael & Amy Hornick Leslie Howard Scott Howard John Howlett Minjhing Hsieh Dennis Huff Susan Hughes Roger & Nancy Hull Debra Humes Dr. Ralph Huntsinger David Hurst Cathy Inzer Florence Ives Kathryn Jackson Richard & Giovanna Jackson Jake Jacobson John James Jeanette Jassur William Jennings Sarah Jensen Mary Jeppson Jennifer Jewell Tony Jewett Brian Johnson Dan Johnson Janet Johnson Jim & Mary Johnson Keith & Karen Johnson Leslie Johnson Megan Johnson Sharon Johnson George Johnston Thomas Jordan Timothy Jordan Jo Ellen Kaiser Alexandra & Ed Karacostas Mayer Robert Karch Stephen Kasprzyk Jennifer Kasza Henry & Logan Katka Dan Katz Ann Kauffman Annie Kavanagh So Keehn Beth Kelly Steve Kennedy Edith Kenny Mark Kernes Judy Keswick Elizabeth Kieszkowski Wayne Kilburn Zack Kincheloe Cheryl King Diana King Darlene Kirby Jeanine Kitchel Lana Kitchel Roger Klaves Ladona Knigge Marilyn Knox Bill Knudsen Lauren Kohler Larry & Maureen Krik Carol Krok John Kuhn Wendy Kuo Gary Kupp Michelle Ladcani Nicole Lagrave Judy Lambert Mark & Tomoko Lance Tom Lando Lisa Langley Steve Larned Frank Larose Denver Latimer Scott Laursen Daniel Law Evelyn Lawson Jana Lawton Jean Lebaron Tim Leefeldt Patricia Lennon Sarah Lerda Fredrick Lester David Lewis Stephen Lewis Kate Leyden Keith Lickey D. & K. Lieberman Kim Lieberman Jeff Lindsay Anna Ling Jeffery Livingston Kenneth Logan Sally Loker Edith Lopez Howard Lucas Ed Luce Chuck Lundgren Kaelin Lundgren Tanha Luvaas Lee Lyon Don Lytle Mercedes Macías Linda MacMichael Malama MacNeil Michael Magliari V.S. Maier Vic Makau Jilly Mandeson Lisa Marin Bob Martin John Martin Kristy Martin Marilyn & Daniel Martin Stacie Martin Grace Marvin Keitha Mashaw Susan Mason Alexandra Matteucci Treva Mauch Stuart Mayer Caroline Gregory McCleary Miller Robin Mccollum Judy McCrary Paul McCreary Suzy McCreary Lisa McDaniel Olive McDonough B. Lynn McEnespy Leah McKean Brandon McKie Angela Mclaughlin Oden McMillan Robert Meads Marv Megibow Lauren Meichtry John Merz & Carole Ross Stephen Metzger Teresa Metzger Carol Meurer Richard Meyers Dave Miller Karen Miller Ryan Miller John Miller-George Shirley Mills Katie Milo V. & Silvia Milosevich Paul & Susan Minasian Peggy Mitchell Stephanie Mittman Charles Mohnike Sea Monster Ronald Morgan Abbie Moriarty Cathy Mueller Charles Mueller Katherine Murray Cynthia Muskin Richard Narad Christine Nelson Jaime Nelson Mary Nelson Charles Nelson & Paula Busch Pamela Nett-Kruger Jan Ng Gary Nielsen Chuck Niepoth Robert Nilsen Claudie Nooner Stephanie Norlie Leah Norling Jane Oberg Jeffrey Obser Michael Oconnell Dexter O’Connell Theresa O’Connor Evan Odabashian Maria Olson Jean & Nancy Oriol Sienna Orlando-Lalaguna Karl Ory Susan Osborne John O’Shea Marie O’Sullivan Janet Owen Cecilia Pace Michael Panunto Jamie Parfrey Nancy Park Elena M. Patton Charles Peckham Betty Penland Jessica Perelman Diane Perrault Nathaniel Perry Christopher Phipps Robert Pierce Wendy Pine Pat Plumb Ann Polivka Ann & James Ponzio Anthony Porter Harold Pringer Deborah Pruitt Zoe Race Alan Raetz Daphne Raitt Sal Ramirez Peter Ratner Janet Rechtman Barbara Reed Cleo Reed Jannafer Reed John Reed Susan Reed Tom Reed Marilyn Rees Jeff Reid Rich Reiner Silona Reyman Pam & Rick Reynolds Sandi Rice George Richard Michael Richman Michael Rickard Reta Rickmers Mary Riley Ernesto Rivera Kate Roark Diane Robel Jeff Robel Jess Robel Jose Roberto William Robie Joan Robins Drusilla Robinson Eileen Robinson Sarah Rogner Susan Ronan Larry Root Casey Rose Wendy Rose Jennifer Rossovich William Rowe Suellen Rowlison Dale Rudesill Brian Rush Scott Rushing Anne Russell Stacy Russell Samuel Ruttenburg Yvonne Saavedra Rozemary Sabino-Blodget Susan Sagarese Bradley Sager Sarah Salisbury Sheryl Sanchez Gabriel Sandoval Robert Sandstedt Christy Santos Steve Santos Grant Sautner Sarah Sautner Thomasin Saxe Stephen E. Sayre Dennis Scammon Jerry & Barbara Schacht Walter Schafer Leeann Schlaf Heather Schlaff Nancy Schleiger Brad Schreiber Frank Schulenburg Adrienne Scott John Scott Sherri Scott Kim Seidler Michael Seko Nancy Selby Bradley Sellers Linda Serrato Linda Sheppard Ron Sherman Diana Shuey Richard & Dana Silva Briggs Judy Simmons Ellen Simon Abbe Simpkins Regina Simpson Nowelle Sinclair Anna Skaggs Gabriella Smith Genevieve Smith Joe Smith Kristin Smith Larry Smith Lawrence Smith & Max Zachai Christina Solomon Elaine Soost Lisa & Marc Sorensen Crista Souza Roy Spaeth Patrick Spielman Heather Springer Pamela St. John Tao Stadler Alissa Stallings Roger Steel Suzanne Steel Jim Steele Bruce & Leslie Steidl Richard Stein Elizabeth Stewart Pamela Stjohn Pam Stoesser Becky & Robert Stofa Larry Strand Robert Streed Fred & Willo Stuart Linda Stukey Doug & Joy Sturm Tara Sullivan-Hames Tom Sundgren Kenneth Sutten Diane Suzuki Brobeck Clyde Switzer Paul Switzer Jason Tannen Erin Tarabini Carole Taylor Jamie Taylor Susan Taylor Stephen Tchudi Susan Tchudi Jeanne Thatcher Waistell Charles Thistlethwaite Lorna Thomas Heidi Thompson Vickie Thompson Brooks Thorlaksson Graham Thurgood Ron Tietz Hugh Tinling Andrew Tomaselli Shelley Townsell Linda Townsend Yparraguirre John Tozzi Robin Trenda JL Trizzino Quintin Troester Kristin Uhlig Leanne Ulvang Bill Unger A. Christopher Urbach Charles & Carol Urbanowicz Richard Utter Kim V. Natalie Valencia Robert Van Fleet Derek Vanderbom Emily Vanneman Debra Vermette Barbara Vlamis Pamela Voekel Albert Vogel Camille Von Kaenel Brittany W. Erin Wade Laurens Walker Martin Wallace Jeremy Walsh Jane Wanderer Wade Warrens Blaine Waterman Elaine & George Watkin Carol & John Watson Stacey Wear Catherine Webster Vicki Webster Tristan Weems Kim Weir Dorothy Weise David Welch Suzette Welch Eve Werner Jeffrey White Susan Wiesinger Emily Williams Will Williams Denise Wills Joseph Wills J.T. & Retta Wilmarth Louis Wilner Mark Wilpolt Tina Wilson Addison Winslow Marie Winslow Nancy Wirtz Charles Withuhn Bruce Wohl Gordon Wolfe Kjerstin Wood Susan Wooldridge Charles & Denise Worth James Wortham Erica Wuestehube Marc Wysong Charlie Yarbrough Christopher Yates Laurel Yorks Monica Zukrow Paul Zwart A.D.M. Andy Daniel Diane Fera Harold & Jean Karen M.L. Matthew & Todd Muria Nita Pam Rosemarie Silkshop LLC Steve Shelley Townsell Linda Townsend Yparraguirre John Tozzi Robin Trenda JL Trizzino Quintin Troester Kristin Uhlig Leanne Ulvang Bill Unger A. Christopher Urbach Charles & Carol Urbanowicz Richard Utter Kim V. Natalie Valencia Robert Van Fleet Derek Vanderbom Emily Vanneman Debra Vermette Barbara Vlamis Pamela Voekel Albert Vogel Camille Von Kaenel Brittany W. Erin Wade Walker Martin Wallace Jeremy Walsh Jane Wanderer Wade Warrens Blaine Waterman Elaine & George Watkin Carol & John Watson Stacey Wear Catherine Webster Vicki Webster Tristan Weems Kim Weir Dorothy Weise David Welch Suzette Welch Eve Werner Jeffrey White Susan Wiesinger Emily Williams Will Williams Denise Wills Joseph Wills J.T. & Retta Wilmarth Louis Wilner Wilpolt Tina Wilson Addison Winslow Marie Winslow Nancy Wirtz Charles Withuhn Bruce Wohl Gordon Wolfe Kjerstin Wood Susan Wooldridge Charles & Denise Worth James Wortham Erica Wuestehube Marc Wysong Charlie Yarbrough Christopher Yates Laurel Yorks Monica Zukrow Paul Zwart A.D.M. Andy Daniel Diane Fera Harold & Jean Karen M.L. Matthew & Todd Nita Pam Rosemarie Silkshop LLC Steve The following individuals stepped up to support
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