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october 13, 2016



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Vol. 40, Issue 7 • October 13, 2016 4

Editorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guest Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Second & Flume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Streetalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 4 5 5 7



Downstroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sifter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9



Appointment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Weekly Dose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15





Eco Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

15 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18






Music feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 This Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Fine arts listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Nightlife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Reel World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Chow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 In The Mix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Arts DEVO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Brezsny’s Astrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70





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oN tHe coVer: IllustratIoN by Jeff Drew

Paid Political Advertisement

Our Mission: To publish great newspapers that are successful and enduring . To create a quality work environment that encourages employees to grow professionally while respecting personal welfare . To have a positive impact on our communities and make them better places to live . Editor Melissa Daugherty Managing Editor Meredith J . Cooper Arts Editor Jason Cassidy Asst. News/Healthlines Editor Howard Hardee Staff Writer Ken Smith Calendar Editor/Editorial Assistant Daniel Taylor

Interns Mason Masis, Gabriel Sandoval Managing Art Director Tina Flynn Editorial Designer Sandy Peters Marketing/Publications Manager Serene Lusano Marketing/Publications Designer Sarah Hansel Production Coordinator Skyler Smith Designer Kyle Shine Director of Sales and Advertising Jamie DeGarmo Advertising Services Coordinator Ruth Alderson Senior Advertising Consultants Brian Corbit, Laura Golino Advertising Consultant Faith de Leon Office Assistant Sara Wilcox Distribution Director Greg Erwin Distribution Manager Mark Schuttenberg Distribution Staff Ken Gates, Bob Meads, Pat Rogers, Mara Schultz, Larry Smith, Lisa Torres, Placido Torres, Jeff Traficante, Bill Unger, Lisa Van Der Maelen

A specific tax increase on the other hand requires; 1) Two thirds super majority vote.

2) The money must be used for something specific.

So if the citizens of Chico really want additional revenues specifically earmarked for say “public safety” the vote should be a specific “public safety tax” and not a “general tax”. I don’t trust politicians or a city bureaucracy with more money extracted from citizen’s pockets to spend anyway they want.

353 E. Second Street, Chico, CA 95928 Phone (530) 894-2300 Fax (530) 892-1111 Website www .newsreview .com Got a News Tip? (530) 894-2300, ext 2224 or chiconewstips@newsreview .com Calendar Events cnrcalendar@newsreview .com Calendar Questions (530) 894-2300, ext . 2225 Want to Advertise? Fax (530) 892-1111 or cnradinfo@newsreview .com Classifieds (530) 894-2300, press 2 or classifieds@newsreview .com Job Opportunities jobs@newsreview .com Want to Subscribe to CN&R? chisubs@newsreview .com Editorial Policies: Opinions expressed in CN&R are those of the authors and not of Chico Community Publishing, Inc. Contact the editor for permissions to reprint articles, cartoons, or other portions of the paper. CN&R is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or review materials. Email letters to cnrletters@newsreview.com. All letters received become the property of the publisher. We reserve the right to print letters in condensed form and to edit them for libel. Advertising Policies: All advertising is subject to the newspaper’s Standards of Acceptance. The advertiser and not the newspaper assumes the responsibility for the truthful content of their advertising message. CN&R is printed at Bay Area News Group on recycled newsprint. Circulation of CN&R is verified by the Circulation Verification Council. CN&R is a member of Chico Chamber of Commerce, Oroville Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Chico Business Association, CNPA, AAN and AWN. Circulation 40,000 copies distributed free weekly.

Do you?


Contributors Robin Bacior, Alastair Bland, Michelle Camy, Vic Cantu, Matthew Craggs, Bob Grimm, Miles Jordan, Mark Lore, Conrad Nystrom, Ryan J . Prado, Juan-Carlos Selznick, Robert Speer, Allan Stellar, Evan Tuchinsky, Carey Wilson

President/CEO Jeff VonKaenel Director of Nuts & Bolts Deborah Redmond Director of People & Culture David Stogner Director of Dollars & Sense Nicole Jackson Payroll/AP Wizard Miranda Dargitz Accounts Receivable Specialist Kortnee Angel Sweetdeals Coordinator Courtney DeShields Nuts & Bolts Ninja Christina Wukmir Project Coordinator Natasha VonKaenel Senior Support Tech Joe Kakacek Developers John Bisignano, Jonathan Schultz System Support Specialist Kalin Jenkins N&R Publications Editor Michelle Carl N&R Publications Associate Editor Kate Gonzales N&R Publications Writer Anne Stokes


Your vote this November is actually pretty darn easy. If you think the conditions of our city streets are great, if you think the transient problem is getting better, if you feel like your safety is improving simply vote for the incumbents that are running for re-election. (Just happens to be all of them with expiring terms)

If you are sick and tired of being feed the same old BS What’s wrong with a general local sales tax increase? and being told to like it, vote for a “change of guard.” Here is a simple fact that voters should be aware of; “A local sales tax measure can be approved by a simple majority - 50 percent plus one vote - if the tax revenue is designed to go into the general fund of the city, town, county or district for unspecified use. If the sales tax is earmarked for a specific use or special fund, a two-thirds supermajority vote is required for approval.” What this means is that a general tax increase will not fix anything. The money will go to the general fund and simply make all those six figure city employee salaries easier to pay.

Status Quo; That’s Latin for “The mess we are in” (Ronald Reagan)

Managers accept the status quo. Leaders challenge it. If I find myself elected to the city council I will not accept the status quo. We deserve better and we deserve it NOW. Jon Scott for City Council 2016 Paid for by Jon Scott. Not a cent of outside contribution. No contributions of any kind will be accepted. I will represent ALL citizens of Chico. I am not for sale to campaign donors. october 13, 2016




Send guest comments, 340 words maximum, to gc@newsreview.com or to 353 e. Second St., chico, cA 95928. Please include photo & short bio.


No place for partisanship Don’t think Chico’s City Council elections are partisan? Then how do you

explain the slates that have developed? On the one side, the local Democratic Party has endorsed four candidates—the three progressive incumbents and a former liberal mayor. And on the other side, the local Republican Party has endorsed Chico’s politically ambitious vice mayor and three other conservative candidates. All this for the “nonpartisan” seven-member governing body of the largest municipality in Butte County. Meanwhile, the aforementioned vice mayor, Sean Morgan, has raised over $50,000 in his bid for re-election. It’s an obscene amount of money for a local campaign, made even more so when you think about how $50,000 could be spent elsewhere in the community by some of our service providers. And that’s not including the funds raised by the 10 others vying for a seat at the dais. So far, by our count, candidates for Chico City Council have raised more than $150,000. Pretty unbelievable. We hate to sound like a broken record here, since we opined on this subject a few months ago, but CN&R believes that this level of fundraising is further proof that the citizenry would benefit from district elections. That is, the city should comprise seven districts, each with its own council seat (much like the Board of Supervisors). Residents within the boundaries of each one would choose their own representative. District elections would do a number of things, including bringing down the cost of running for a seat. That’s because candidates could focus solely on the district they wish to represent. As it stands, the kind of money it takes to win a seat makes it nearly impossible for moderate candidates to compete. As we’re seeing with this election, just as we have in the past, those with ties to the major parties have an unfair advantage. Local elections are no place for partisanship. It’s time to do something about it. □


trump’s card: smug progressives by 14 points in the first national polling in Atheahead wake of Donald Trump’s “locker room” audio,

re we back from the brink? Hillary Clinton surged

and leading election forecaster FiveThirtyEight.com put her odds of winning at over 80 percent (as of the CN&R’s deadline). Those are pretty comforting numbers for the cross-section of Americans—Democrats, independents, even Republicans— alarmed by the prospect of a Trump presidency. Sigh of relief? Not hardly. The race is far from over. If the tweetmaster by general has taught us anything, Evan Tuchinsky it’s that he’s never down for the the author, a chico count. resident, is a former This latest revelation should editor-in-chief of have proven a bridge too far, the cN&r. guarantee of a landslide, but it probably won’t. His true believers aren’t shaken. A friend posted on Facebook this meme: “We don’t care what you said 11 years ago! We need a real president now!” She also shared an article headlined, “Why I’m Still a Trump Supporter, Despite His Comments on



OctOber 13, 2016

Women.” She’s among many. Just how many is unclear. His surrogates have remained stubbornly optimistic in the face of adverse poll numbers, with campaign manager Kellyanne Conway telling the media about “undercover Trump voters” who she says keep their support secret, even from pollsters. That’s not so far-fetched. Backing Trump is not PC. (Similarly, among certain progressives, supporting Clinton is not PC, either.) It takes a certain degree of self-assurance to risk feeling judged negatively, even by a stranger on the phone, so perhaps Conway has a point. Alone, in private, with his/her ballot, a voter can express prejudices with no one else the wiser. Remember, California did pass Proposition 8—an initiative to deny gay and lesbian couples the right to marry—by a comfortable margin. California also passed Prop. 187—an initiative to deny health, education and social services to undocumented immigrants—and re-elected unpopular Republican Gov. Pete Wilson based on his advocacy for that legislation, both by lopsided margins. Hard-right pivots can happen in our left-leaning state. If you oppose Trump, ensure he’s denied the presidency: Vote. Don’t let complacency breed regret. □

Simply the best It’s that time of year again, time for the annual Best of Chico issue, in

which we reveal the winners of this region’s preeminent contest identifying the community’s favorite people, places and things. One of the greatest parts of Best of Chico is that the public chooses the honorees. CN&R’s write-in ballot means that anyone and anything can be voted the best of the best. As a result, earning the title of Best of Chico is a point of pride in our community, especially among members of the local business sector. Taking home the award is a testament to the hard work, determination and creativity of each business, service provider and community leader. For those of us who put together the issue, it’s an opportunity to learn about and highlight that which makes our hometown and the surrounding area such a wonderful place to live. This year, there are a whopping 124 categories, from Best Fine Dining and Best Bloody Mary to Best General Practitioner and Best Place for Kids to Play. In addition, CN&R’s editors have our picks—fun, outside-of-the-box faves. Best of Chico is by far this newspaper’s biggest issue of the year, and as such, it requires a considerable amount of work, from our sales department selling ads, to our editorial department tallying votes and creating the fun write-ups accompanying the winners, to our design department making it a beautiful package, to our distribution department delivering stacks of 76-page papers to hundreds of racks in the tri-county area. Of course, the real stars are the winners who’ve worked tirelessly to secure your votes. You can thank them by shopping for their wares and hiring them for their services. Remember that shopping locally ensures your money stays in our community. Now, kick back, relax and check out this year’s winners. Happy reading! □

LETTERS Send email to cnrletters@newsreview.com

SECOND & FLUME by Melissa Daugherty m e l i s s a d @ n e w s r e v i e w. c o m

Year of incivility Last week, as is the practice at many newspapers prior to an election, I amended CN&R’s guidelines for letters to the editor. In short, I’m allowing only one letter from the same author on a single election-related subject. It’s a good practice in general, and I hope it encourages others to write in with their thoughts on the issues, especially the local races. But it’s also something that needed to happen to keep me sane. That’s in part because I was getting letters with outrageous claims—mostly attributed to partisan websites. I found myself spending hours attempting to verify facts that ended up being part of the whackadoo propagandist paradigm. In many cases, when I refuted the info, I was met with disdain—ALL CAPS responses, lots of exclamation points (sometimes every sentence!) and other times name-calling. Most of the letter writers I’m referring to are Trump supporters. As far as I’m concerned, the year of Donald Trump is the year of incivility. My email inbox has never been filled with so many angry, sometimes hateful letters. Most of them aren’t meant for print but rather are screeds to me personally. The one at right—in which an Orland resident calls me a moron—is one of the exceptions. I’ve left his letter unedited so that readers may get the gist of what the 2016 presidential election is like for the editor of this county’s largest newspaper—and likely for editors around the nation. But not everyone has devolved into name-calling. There are some smart, thought-provoking letters in this week’s issue. They are worth reading. Speaking of which, there are three about District 1 Congressman Doug LaMalfa, a staunch Trump supporter who’s standing by his man this week. That’s unlike many of his Washington cohorts, especially those in the upper echelon of the party—folks like former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and former Gov. John Huntsman—who have not only disavowed Trump’s recently publicized vulgar comments but also are calling for the billionaire businessman to step down. On Sunday, LaMalfa’s camp issued a statement to local TV station Action News Now calling Trump’s language “braggadocio.” LaMalfa goes on to invoke his religion—that he prays Trump has, as he put it, “fully repented of such an attitude. Grace provides that we accept his apology as sincere and that he builds trust and humility from that point forward.” Makes me wonder if LaMalfa listened to the same so-called apology that I saw from Trump on the night the Washington Post published the audio and video of him talking to low-life gossip journalist Billy Bush about his sense of entitlement with women’s bodies. We saw no contrition from Trump, but rather him attacking former President Bill Clinton, spreading hearsay. Here’s the thing. Trump didn’t brag about bedding women. He admitted to sexually assaulting them; that is, that he thinks he doesn’t need permission to grope them. He is a woman abuser, plain and simple. Last time I checked, those aren’t exactly Christian—or conservative—values. Trump is forcing a day of reckoning for the Republican Party. I’m betting there are a lot of local prayers that LaMalfa has his own day of reckoning on Nov. 8.

Melissa Daugherty is editor of the CN&R

Note to the editor

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Again your newspaper is good for two things, Fish wrap and starting fires. Your political hatred of everything Republican, makes you incapable of reputable journalism. Hillary Clinton is nothing more than a socialist bottom feeder, who has nothing more than insults to keep her campaign running. I would think you would have some articles of her corrupt activity, and obismal record as Secretary of State in your paper. Instead you have stupid comic strips of Trump as if he is some kind of monster moron. Melissa the only moron im afraid is you, and people who view your paper as a viable news source. Again please spare us your incesent quest to demonize conservative values, and maybe we can start to make America great again!

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LaMalfa letters


I urge everyone to ask Doug LaMalfa three questions: 1. How are you going to explain your continued support of the Republican presidential nominee and his admitted sexual assault on women to your children, especially your three daughters? No, this is not “locker room talk.” It is talking about sexual assault and Trump “moving on” a married woman within weeks of his own third marriage ceremony. 2. When your children and grandchildren are having to deal with the results of man-made climate change, how will you explain your continued denial of the science that explains it and your pledge with the right-wing Americans for Prosperity to vote against any global-warming-related bill? 3. What is your explanation of the Third World policy of jailing your political opponents, which was espoused by the Republican presidential nominee in Sunday’s debate? Being on the wrong side of all LGBT issues, abortion, voting over 60 times to repeal the Affordable Care Act and his support of the boondoogle at Sites and opposition to the bullet train project passed by a majority of Californians prove that Mr. LaMalfa is as unqualified as his party’s

LETTERS c o n t i n u e d


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LETTERS c o n t i n u e d f r o m pa g e 5 presidential nominee. Flip the house: Vote for Jim Reed! Rich Meyers Oroville

My shock and anger have not ebbed over incumbent Congressman Doug LaMalfa’s hit-piece mailers attacking rival primary candidate Joe Montes. The pieces depicted Montes as a participant in fraud and criminal activity, a “Washington lawyer” out to “steal” the election. Outlandish figures depicted him as dishonest and deceitful, citing as “proof” litigation that had nothing to do with Joe. LaMalfa’s mailers shocked thousands of voters and altered the election. Montes had neither the time nor money to expose these fliers as lies. Anyone who spends time with Montes recognizes him as an exceptionally disciplined citizen, well-grounded in issues facing our district. Although difficult to accept, legal counsel reminds us that in election theaters, guys like LaMalfa can write almost anything outrageous about their opponents. By resorting to despicable tactics, LaMalfa revealed his true character as a deceptive, indecent politician. Upon reviewing his pathetic garbage, veteran political analyst Ed Rollins rated it among the most contemptible he’d seen in years. We should expect better. The town of Richvale and the LaMalfa family should hang their heads in shame over the slimy tactics of their homeboy. To honest observers, it’s quite apparent LaMalfa is the fraud. Should we send him back to Congress? Or maybe vote our conscience for a change. Wayne Cook Chico

I attended the recent League of Women Voters forum where Democrat Jim Reed squared off with Doug LaMalfa, battling for votes for the U.S. House of Representatives. Reed has a clear understanding of crucial issues—in line with Bernie Sanders’ positions on social issues, women’s issues, food stamps, fracking and climate change. LaMalfa spouts the same Republican lies about Planned Parenthood, fracking and climate change. LaMalfa denies that he voted for increased subsidies for millionaire rice farmers (including his family) while voting to reduce 6


october 13, 2016

Should we send [Doug LaMalfa] back to Congress? Or maybe vote our conscience for a change. —Wayne cook

funding for food stamps for the most needy—but the record shows he did. If Reed can rally the support of newly energized Sanders/Stein supporters along with Hillary Democrats, he has a chance to break the Republican grip on District 1 and move the U.S. House toward a modicum of sanity. Middle-of-the-road Democrats to liberals to wild progressives can come together on Jim Reed. And a plug for Chico City Council, in my view: Chico’s best chance for an effective council is to vote for Tami Ritter, Karl Ory, Randall Stone and Ann Schwab. No matter how you plan to vote for president, Chico can get better with this experienced team! Don’t sit out this election. Please vote! Emily Alma Chico

Two on Trump As toddlers we’re taught adherence to the chess principle that players cannot maneuver their own king into “check.” An exception to this rule is the embarrassing game of conservative presidential campaigning. As forewarned months ago: checkmate! Kenneth B. Keith Los Molinos

Trump steaks, vodka, gambling, mindless entertainment (glued together with a trillion advertisements), jets and helicopters, royal weddings, royal offspring, mansions, golf courses, shitting on black tenants, pissing on the homeless, displacing the urban poor, etc. Trumpery has been going on forever and the suffering for humans, animals and ecosystems accumulates. But the whole mess has been idolized and emulated in America: Individual consumerism is a scaled-down version of Trumpism and scaled-down only in proportion to our level of personal affluence. But, what’s on the minds of Americans today? What finally engages and enrages us? Not the brain-injured woman sleeping on the sidewalk in front of Trump

Tower. No, it’s The Donald and “pussy.” The fact that we so strongly object to one facet of Trumpism, while tolerating or embracing a thousand others, that’s our real sickness. To pick an example from a mountain of examples: Until the plight of one steer, jammed into a feedlot (the fate of 99 percent of beef cattle) and standing in slop for five months—to produce that marbled Trump Steak—offends us as much as Trump’s predatory sexuality, we’ll never get it. It’s all one suffering. We are Trump. Patrick Newman Chico

Voters’ helpers The Paradise Citizens Alliance is a nonpartisan organization. We do not endorse candidates for public office. We are pleased to announce that our recently conducted in-studio, taped interviews of most candidates for local nonpartisan, elective offices serving the greater Paradise community will be accessible for voters to view online at our website at ParadiseCa.org until the election on Nov. 8. These interviews constitute our “Election 2016 Speak Up Paradise & Vote!” campaign intended to provide voters with information about the candidates, their positions on the issues, and to encourage greater voter turnout. Chuck Rough, Paradise Citizens   Alliance chair Paradise

Her picks for council I urge you to vote for four highly qualified, experienced individuals for the Chico City Council: Karl Ory, Tami Ritter, Ann Schwab, and Randall Stone. Between them, they have 28 years of experience on the council, and Karl and Ann have each served as mayor. They are tireless public servants, working to improve the quality of our city in countless ways. Their priorities are: improve public safety, maintain fiscal responsibility, job creation, provide more affordable housing and preservation of parks and open spaces.

Our city is most fortunate to have these four outstanding citizens who are willing to devote countless hours serving our community, both as public servants and as private citizens. Together they will accomplish great things for Chico. Debra Abbott Chico

football is the winning item. All proceeds benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Let’s come Out of the Darkness as a strong, compassionate, united community. Robyn Engel, Out of the Darkness volunteer Chico

Use the money for good

Candidate writes in Re “High stakes” (Newslines, by Ken Smith, Oct. 6): Thank you for your timely coverage last week of Sean Morgan’s dominance in fundraising for Chico City Council, at $50,000. My campaign for council is barely six weeks old and grateful that we have had a swelling of support, raising nearly half of Morgan’s total. I think in this election, it is a choice between myself and Mr. Morgan. I am for the farmers’ market, I am for moving the junkyard, and I am for returning commercial air service to Chico. I enjoy the endorsement of 10 former mayors, environmental and community leaders. I support Ann Schwab, Randall Stone and Tami Ritter. We need four votes to overcome the Trump/LaMalfa team at City Hall. Karl Ory Chico

‘No simple solution’ It took me nearly two decades to talk publicly about my brother’s death by suicide. He’d been diagnosed with schizophrenia and ended his life at age 20. The shame, guilt and sense of secrecy I carried all those years poisoned an already indescribable pain. I don’t need to describe that pain. You’ve likely lost loved ones to suicide. You’ve probably wrestled with your own suicidal feelings. Mental illness in the form of severe depression is the world’s No. 1 mental health crisis. A main risk factor for suicide is having lost loved ones to suicide. It’s a vicious cycle. There’s no simple solution. But the more we break down the shame and secrecy, the more likely we are to keep ourselves and our loved ones alive and glad to be. Join Chico’s seventh annual Out of the Darkness event for suicide prevention this Saturday (Oct. 15) at the City Plaza from 9 a.m. to noon. It’s free. We’d like donations (cash or cards) for T-shirts and raffle tickets. A Packers signed

Re “Pro-pot numbers higher than ever” (Sifter, Sept. 29): As a student of social work, I must agree with [this survey]. The fact that pro-legalization percentages are rising is evidence that the culture of marijuana is changing throughout the state, and the laws should reflect the change. Being a social work student, I know that the state of California is in desperate need of funding for social services, child welfare, addiction treatment and police services. Proposition 64 has the ability to resolve these funding issues by funneling the marijuana money back into the state, rather than into the hands of drug dealers and cartels. Of course, there are downsides to Prop. 64, but as long as drug dealers are walking away with the profits, we all lose. Adults are already spending their money on marijuana—let’s turn that money into something good. Money doesn’t grow on trees, but it does grow on marijuana plants. Tara Ames  Chico

Corrections A story in last week’s Newslines (see “High stakes,” by Ken Smith) misidentified the Chico City Council candidate with the secondhighest campaign coffers. That person is Karl Ory. Additionally, in the lead news story (see “Two tales,” by Gabriel Sandoval), some figures were reported incorrectly due to a calculation error that counted some crimes twice. There were 109 liquor law referrals, 21 drug referrals, five aggravated assaults, one report of fondling and four rapes in 2015. We regret the errors, which have been corrected online. —ed. More letters online:

We’ve got too many letters for this space. please go to www.newsreview.com/chico for additional readers’ comments on past cn&r articles.


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A Magalia woman was charged with assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly attacking two people with a machete last weekend. Officers from the Butte County Sheriff’s Office and Paradise Police Department responded to the 6000 block of Allentown Road in Magalia on Saturday, Oct. 8, after a man called to report that his landlord was attacking him with a machete, according to BCSO public logs and a press release. Deputies found two injured victims; one was transported by ambulance to a local hospital and the other was treated at the scene. Police set up a perimeter around a residence occupied by Aina Lozada, 49, and James Peer, 50. Both were eventually detained; Lozada was charged in the assault and booked into Butte County Jail on $30,000 bail and Peer was cited for an outstanding misdemeanor warrant in Plumas County and released.


The plan to expand Chico’s Walmart was approved by the Chico Planning Commission on Thursday, Oct. 6. The panel voted 5-2 to greenlight the project, which will add up to 66,500 square feet to the big box’s Forest Avenue location —most of it grocery—as well as an eightpump gas station, convenience store and two separate parcels totaling 52,000 additional square feet of commercial/retail space in the parking lot. The company can start submitting building permits and plans to alter nearby streets to mitigate projected increases in traffic, said Mike Sawley of the city’s Community Development Department. Unless, however, somebody appeals the commission’s decision by 5 p.m. Oct. 17—in which case the project would go before the Chico City Council.


The trial for Patrick Feaster, the former Paradise cop who shot and killed a man he suspected of drunken driving last Thanksgiving, began last week. A jury was chosen and attorneys offered opening statements in the involuntary manslaughter case. District Attorney Mike Ramsey said the defense attempted to have lapel-cam footage showing the gunshot that killed Andrew Thomas—including Feaster’s admission of the shooting—thrown out as irrelevant because the shot was accidental. Ramsey’s rebuttal argues that the footage “shows not only potential attempted fabrication and destruction of evidence, but clear evidence of a consciousness of guilt by the defendant.” All but a small portion of the footage—in which commanding officer John Alvies says, “Oh my fucking God, are you serious?”—remains in evidence. Ramsey says Feaster (pictured) is expected to testify. 8


OctOber 13, 2016

Lloyd Pendleton is director of Utah’s  Homeless Task Force.

Lessons from Utah Preeminent expert on homelessness calls for housing-first model in Chico slow-onset disaster, according to Lloyd TPendleton, who suggested the affected

he national epidemic of homelessness is a

communities don’t react as they would to floods, earthquakes or hurricanes. story and “If you have a photo by Howard Hardee sudden-onset disaster, you’d rally together and h owa rd h @ the community would n ew srev i ew. c o m solve the problem,” he said. “With a slow-onset disaster, sometimes we don’t cope with it as effectively.” Pendleton was addressing an audience at Bidwell Presbyterian Church on Monday (Oct. 10). He’s well-versed on the subject. For the last 13 years, he’s advocated on behalf of impoverished people and, in 2005, authored Utah’s 10-year plan to end chronic homelessness. As of 2015, the plan had reduced Utah’s population of chronically homeless people by a little more than 90 percent, from about 2,000 to 200. The success gained national media attention, including a segment on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show with Jon

Stewart. During an interview in the clip, Pendleton stated simply: “We did it by giving homes to the homeless people.” Now he’s spreading that message across the country. His presentation, titled “Housing First: A Solution to Homelessness,” was hosted by the Greater Chico Homeless Task Force and sponsored by several local agencies, including the Chico Housing Action Team. With hundreds of Chicoans looking on from church pews, Pendleton was introduced by Laura Cootsona, executive director of the Jesus Center, who looked over the audience and said she was “already heartened by such support.” For two hours, Pendleton outlined the basics

of why Utah was successful in reducing chronic homelessness, but he warned there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Also, he emphasized that his home state still has a problem. “We have never claimed to have ended homelessness,” he said. Some 14,000 people in Utah still live on the streets. His 10-year plan reduced only the percentage of people who are

chronically homeless—defined by U.S. Housing & Urban Development Department (HUD) as “an unaccompanied homeless individual with a disabling condition who has either been continuously homeless for a year or more, or has had at least four episodes of homelessness in the past three years.” Most homeless people do not meet those criteria. For that specific population, Utah, “the reddest of red states,” as Pendleton described it, successfully implemented the housing-first model. It’s based on the principle that people should be moved into housing directly from the streets and shelters without preconditions of treatment acceptance or compliance—i.e., sobriety requirements. The greatest community impact, Pendleton said, is achieved by placing priority on the chronically homeless, the least functional people who continually strain police departments, jails and hospital emergency rooms. And there’s an economic argument on top of the humanitarian one. It costs less annually to house chronically homeless people ($10,000 to $12,000 in Utah, Pendleton said) than letting them repeatedly engage such public services ($30,000 to $50,000, according to HUD). At the latest count—provided by Butte County’s 2015 Point-in-Time Census Report—44 percent of the 571 homeless people in Chico were chronically so. As for solutions, the community needs

compassionate, energetic champions of homeless people—people who care deeply and will work with a sense of urgency, Pendleton said. They must care not only about individuals and families on the streets, but about the well-being of everyone. “If you don’t have champions of the cause, in my experience, it’s not going to go anywhere,” he said. The effort would inevitably include people with opposing viewpoints on homelessness, Pendleton said, which actually can be advantageous. Together, they would seek creation of a plan—not agreement. “We all have different views on our homeless citizens,” he said. “That’s won-

derful. We bring those views together and work for the common good, because our homeless citizens are suffering. They’re in need. They’re there for a reason—trauma in childhood from physical, mental and sexual abuse. “To condemn and judge them doesn’t really help,” he continued. “It doesn’t help at all. ... How we view [homeless people] becomes very important.” The plan itself must be guided by a clear and compelling vision. It also must be results-oriented; the outcome, not the process, is what matters. “Networking and capacity-building are the means, not the end,” he said. For example, Utah explored multiple avenues, including converting abandoned hotels into lowincome housing and leveraging federal funds to build new units, all with the same goal—helping homeless people reintegrate into society. To that end, keeping people housed and supported by a case manager is critical, Pendleton said. “Housing is just the first step, then it’s stabilization, reconnection with family and integration into the community. Once they have the hope and support they need, they can seek treatment, because there are addiction and mental health issues, no question.” Reaching a solution is impossible

without buy-in from local service organizations and elected officials at the city, county and state levels, Pendleton said. Ideally, they would form a committee of community leaders capable of making systemic changes and developing a “crystal-clear vision statement.” However, such a statement is useless without the “political will” to push it, said Chico City Councilman Randall Stone, a progressive who’s up for reelection on Nov. 8. As a member of the executive committee of the Greater Chico Homeless Task Force, Stone was seated front-and-center for Pendleton’s talk. During a phone conversation, he said he can’t picture the current City Council embracing the housingfirst model. Notably, the council’s conservative bloc—Mayor Mark Sorensen, Vice Mayor Sean Morgan, Councilman Andrew Coolidge and Councilwoman Reanette Fillmer—did not attend the event. “One takeaway is that this needs to be a collaborative effort from every single group,” Stone said. “We must work together. … If you don’t have everyone engaging in the discussion, there is no vision.” □

Political operation Local surgeon Eugene Cleek vying for Congressional seat Aug. 20 grand opening of the North Republican Victory Headquarters Tin heState Chico brought out a who’s-who of the

GOP politicians: Rep. Doug LaMalfa, Assemblyman James Gallagher, state Sen. Jim Nielsen and California GOP Chairman Jim Brulte. Among the heavy hitters was Dr. Eugene Cleek. Many Chicoans know him as a preeminent trauma surgeon practicing at Enloe Medical Center, but he was with the Republicans as a candidate—for Congress, no less. He emerged from June’s primary as the Nov. 8 challenger to incumbent Democrat John Garamendi in District 3, covering counties west and south of Butte. Cleek, whose family settled rural Glenn County in 1850, lives in Orland. His ranch doubled as his campaign center until Saturday (Oct. 8), when two staff members opened an office in Fairfield, manned by 12 part-time field representatives. Speaking with the CN&R, Cleek said his campaign has been going well and that Learn more: when voters Dr. Eugene Cleek’s campaign website is hear he’s “not www.cleekforcongress.com. Rep. John Garamendi’s is www.garamendi.org. a career politician, people’s eyes light up.” In the primary, at least, voters favored the established official. Garamendi received 63.1 percent of the vote versus 24.3 percent for Cleek and 12.6 percent for the other challenger, Republican Ryan Detert. Cleek sees cause for optimism. In 2012, Garamendi beat Republican Kim Vann by 8.4 percent; in 2014, against then-Assemblyman Dan Logue, the margin shrank to

5.4 percent. That trend encourages Cleek; so do Garamendi’s low rankings by GovTrack.us, an independent group that monitors representatives and senators on such measures as committee leadership and bills they introduce, sponsor and vote upon. “There are probably 435 surgeons in Northern California,” Cleek said, drawing a parallel to the U.S. House of Representatives. “If I were ranked sixth from the bottom, would you want to go to me for an operation? If I were ranked sixth from the bottom, I’d want to find a new job—and I want to help him find a new job.” Cleek finished his post-graduate medical

studies at UC Irvine and served as an Army surgeon in the Gulf War. Campaigning actively through a district that extends into Yolo and Sacramento counties, Cleek still treats patients at Enloe. He says he’s a doctor first and foremost; he entered the congressional arena not only late in life—at age 67—but also in the manner he sees as the Founding Fathers’ intent. “Our country was set up for citizens to make laws and live under the laws they make,” he said. “That is not the way we are doing it now.” He’s not, nor has he been, a political person. Family dinners with his wife, Laurel, and their five children haven’t been rant-

SIFT ER Trumpsters and tough times If you’re wondering how Donald Trump made it this far in the race to become president of the United States, insecurity among his supporters likely has something to do with it—financial insecurity, that is. According to a poll recently conducted by Gallup, Americans who have a positive opinion of Trump are much more likely to report high levels of financial anxiety. For example, those who view the billionaire businessman positively are 23 percent more likely to say they don’t feel good about their financial situation; 17 percent more likely to say they don’t feel good about the amount they spend; and 13 percent more likely to say they are cutting back on spending.

Dr. Eugene Cleek doesn’t consider himself a political person. PHOTO BY EVAN TUCHINSKY

filled. He hasn’t unleashed diatribes on friends or colleagues. “This hasn’t been my life—my life has been taking care of people,” Cleek said. “I’ve dedicated every moment of my being to being the best surgeon I [can] be and doing the best job I can.” Dr. William Voelker, a retired emergency medicine specialist and fellow military veteran, said by phone that he “never saw [Cleek] push a political agenda. He’s definitely conservative and religious, but he never went around saying, ‘You need to vote for this guy; you need to vote for this proposition.’ “All his reasons for doing this are all above board. I don’t think he’s trying to get power—I think he’s just trying to change the country’s tack and make it better as far as how he sees the world.” Should he get elected, Cleek would take office in January, immediately leaving a gap in the local medical community. He’s medical director of Enloe’s Trauma and Emergency Surgery Program, through which he remains an active surgeon, and 2010 recipient of the hospital’s Physician Legacy Award (annually honoring doctors “whose body of work in and out of the profession has created a lasting impact”). Voelker, a 2014 Physician Legacy Award winner, and Cleek concurred that Enloe could handle a quick transition. “It’s kind of like pulling your fist out of a bucket of water: It doesn’t stay [with] a void too long,” Cleek said. —EVAN TUCHINSKY eva ntu c h insk y @ newsr ev iew.c o m


O N PA G E 1 0



Voting by Mail?


c O n t i n u e d f r O m pa g e 9

Re-elect Doug Teeter District 5 Butte County Supervisor Paid for by Teeter for Supervisor 2016 Fppc# 1382030 • dougteeter.com

Sustaining Chico’s Values ENHANCING: Environment • Economy • Equity www.FriendsofAnnSchwab.com Paid for by Schwab for Council 2016

CAVE at 50 Chico State’s flagship volunteer program celebrates half a century of community service her sophomore year, Briana Azevedo didn’t enjoy Dbeinguring a student at Chico State.

At least not until she joined Community Action Volunteers in Education (CAVE). “I didn’t really like being at Chico,” she said. “I realized it was probably because I didn’t do anything outside of school. So, I was walking down the hallway and I saw a CAVE flier. It was the last day for applications, so I just randomly chose the tutorial program ... and I fell in love with the whole thing.” Four years later, Azevedo, now 22, serves as the nonprofit’s community connections director. She oversees six of CAVE’s programs that focus on volunteering at local shelters and senior homes and during park cleanups. The organization operates more than a dozen programs, including youth outreach and tutoring. This weekend, CAVE is cel-



OctOber 13, 2016

ebrating its 50th year of working in the community. The festivities include an alumni brunch, a meet-and-greet and an anniversary dinner. The main event, however, is Chico Make a Difference Day, which is co-hosted by six other local organizations and set for Saturday (Oct. 15). “We are inviting our alumni, students and community members to be part of a large service day,” said Ann Schwab, CAVE’s program director. “Typically, the clubs and organizations in Chico ... they do their days of service in the community and do great work, and the university usually hosts service days in the spring and the fall— Chico Make a Difference Day:

for information on how to volunteer on Saturday (Oct. 15), go to www.raceplanner.com and search for “chico make a difference day.” for a listing of caVe’s 50th anniversary festivities, go to tinyurl.com/cavefestivities. for general information about caVe, call 898-5817.

but we never join forces together. So this year, in commemorating CAVE’s 50th anniversary, we are joining forces.” CAVE was founded in 1966. Tim

Tregarthen, an economics student at Chico State, wanted to help local children who were struggling in school and proposed pairing undergrads with elementary school students, according to Chico State and CN&R archives. After a successful bid for Associated Students president, Tregarthen and other student leaders launched a tutoring program for local school districts and farm labor camps. The program has since evolved into CAVE. The scope is impressive. “In our 50 years, we have had 93 different programs,” Schwab said. “We’ve had 50,000 volunteers who have served 3 million hours and we’ve served 1 million individuals.”

You are invited to mY studio! Chico State student Briana Azevedo, 22, is the community connections director for Community Action Volunteers in Education.

open studio art tour saturday & sunday oct 22nd & 23rd


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Sally Dimas Art Gallery Students who have worked with CAVE have become judges, mayors and county supervisors after graduating. Others have continued to work for nonprofit organizations such as the Boys & Girls Club, or pursued careers in education. Indeed, CAVE can have a profound impact on its members, Schwab said. As a CAVE alumna who graduated in 1977, she’s served as mayor of Chico and currently is running for her fourth term on the City Council. CAVE students tend to see a bigger picture, she said. “Through the years, I’ve seen a number of students come through CAVE and feel that they were going out and saving the world, changing the world,” she said. The most remarkable change, however, is in the students. “They change how they address and solve problems,” she said. “I’ve seen a tremendous amount of growth that students achieve through the leadership development with CAVE. It amazes me.”

493 east ave., suite 1 | 530.345.3063

Studio Tour Hours: 10am-5pm Regular Hours: Tues-Sat 11am-4pm or by appointment


Azevedo started as a tutor for

math and science. She’s glad she joined CAVE as a challenge to herself to be more involved on campus, because tutoring has set her on a career path. “I remember one day [one of the kids I was tutoring said], ‘You know, Briana, if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be passing these classes,’” she said. “So it was really awesome seeing that I was actually helping them and making a difference. … CAVE really made me realize that I want to go into teaching and have an effect on kids.” Azevedo now offers advice and helps fledgeling CAVE members as much as she can. “I tell freshmen that it’s really good to get involved in something,” she said. “Maybe it’s not your thing, but it’s good to try because you are going to find what you are meant to be in college. If you don’t do anything, you’re not going to like your college experience.”

—Mason Masis


ChiCo: 892-9062 • 2501 S. Whitman plaCe yuba City: 671-7993 • 989 Klamath ln. D av e s T i l e C i T y. C o m

OctOber 13, 2016



HEALTHLINES Nord Country School educators, left to right: language arts teacher Monique Dey, special education teacher Juana Diaz and Kathy Dahlgren, school principal.

or don’t have.” Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown dyslexic brains “stuck in this area where beginner language learners are,” Benaron continued. Typical development includes a child “making these pathways that are shortcuts to make this processing path easier.” This does not occur automatically in a dyslexic brain. “The cool thing is that when they run kids through reading programs designed to help kids with dyslexia, the pattern normalizes,” she said. “The dysfunction really can be helped with appropriate reading interventions.” Interventions for students with dyslexia

should become commonplace under a California law taking effect next year. Assembly Bill 1369, passed in 2015, amends the state code for special education to require dyslexia screening and remediation in public schools. Benaron appreciates this advance. She serves as medical director at the Far Northern Regional Center, which provides services and support to developmentally disabled individuals, and sees the attention as important “so these kids don’t fall through the cracks.” Dey endorses the change, too. As an intervention teacher along with teaching language arts, she’s glad for anything that

‘Strengths and weaknesses’

HEALTHLINES c o n t i n u e d

Local K-8 educators learn to better recognize and accommodate dyslexic students story and photo by

Evan Tuchinsky

evantuc hin sk y @ n ew sr ev i ew. com

at Nord Country School, Juana EDiazteacher worked with a student who would arly in her time as a special education

change not only her professional perspective but also impact the entire campus. Diaz taught second grade until switching into the resource classroom at the K-8 charter school northwest of Chico. This particular boy was a first-grader when, seven years ago, she began a series of educational interventions to help him catch up to his classmates. Everything she tried that year and the next two yielded “no gains,” she recalls. “In third grade I learned about dyslexia—a little bit, a little bit—and he



october 13, 2016

showed some really strong signs that he was probably a dyslexic individual. So he really inspired me to learn more about it.” Diaz did learn more. A lot more. Thanks to a grant administered in part by Chico State, she and three others at Nord Country—including Principal Kathy Dahlgren and language arts teacher Monique Dey—received intensive training in testing for dyslexia and how to teach students who have the disorder. That boy now is in eighth grade, and the school better knows how to identify and respond to students who, like he does, process information differently than others. Those students are common—1 in 5 Americans has some form of language-based learning disability. The most common is dyslexia, which is genetic. If one parent is dyslexic, Dey said, a child has a 50-50 chance of being dyslexic as well. If both parents

are dyslexic, “it’s pretty much a 100 percent chance.” “People often think that people with dyslexia see letters backwards,” Dey said. “It’s not a vision problem; it’s processing. Their brain doesn’t work efficiently with reading, and there are tools that can actually help that.” Dr. Lisa Benaron, a Chico pediatrician who specializes in developmental disorders, explained that dyslexia involves the establishment of neural pathways. “It’s all about brain connections, everything we do,” she said. “Whether we’re coordinated or not coordinated, our strengths and weaknesses, all of that has do do with these ‘superhighways’ of our nervous system. So if there aren’t as many of those connections as there should be—or, as in the case of autism, there are too many, so it gets all muddled up—then you have whatever skill set you do

o n pa g e 1 5


On Saturday (Oct. 15), two events within walking distance of each other will raise awareness for worthy causes. The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk will start at 7:30 a.m. at One-Mile Recreation Area in Lower Bidwell Park. To sign up or make a donation, go to tinyurl.com/ stridesagainst or call 342-8365, ext. 56501. Just down the road, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Walk will start at 9 a.m. at City Plaza. To register (for free!) or for more information, go to tinyurl.com/outdark ness or call 520-6696.



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c o n t i n u e D f r o M pa g e 1 2

increases awareness (October is National Dyslexia Awareness Month) and benefits students. Diaz is more wary than outright optimistic. Many teachers, she says, are still behind the learning curve on recognizing dyslexia. “How are they going to be able to screen and know what to look for?” she asked. Dahlgren, her principal, agrees: “That’s the big thing I’m worried about; that people are trained completely enough and thoroughly enough.” The law does not allocate funding for school districts to implement programs, just for the state superintendent’s office to provide guidelines. Nord Country School faculty received training thanks to grant funds from Teachers Professional Learning for Inland California, a partnership including Chico State that covers 33 counties. The group of teachers and principal attended a week-long session in Chicago with internationally recognized expert Susan Barton. The Barton Reading & Spelling System, her tutorials for people with dyslexia, has stood as a gold standard for almost 20 years. Nord Country School has adopted this and other interventions. They also learned how to use multiple screening tools to determine if a student is dyslexic—a determination that can be made as early as age 5. Since dyslexia long

Anxiety is not a normal process of aging.

Key warning signs:

· Delayed speech · confusion with directionality (e.g., left vs. right) · Difficulty rhyming · Difficulty spelling · Difficulty memorizing More info: http://dyslexia.yale.edu

has gone unrecognized, Dahlgren noted, “a lot of parents don’t even know that maybe that’s what their struggles in school were.” Among students with dyslexia, it’s estimated that up to one-third also have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), according to the National Center for Learning Disabilities. That statistic doesn’t surprise Benaron, who sees specific labels as a “handy shorthand” narrowly categorizing a broader condition. “There are all these patterns … and we’ve subdivided them into diagnostic problems,” she said. “It’s like the blind man and the elephant: educators and reading specialists see dyslexia, and the pediatrician who’s hearing about how hyper the kid is, that part, they’re calling it ADHD. “The brain of a person with ADHD often works similar to the brain of a person with dyslexia, but we’re just calling it ‘ADHD’ and ‘dyslexia,’” she continued. “It’s just a person with a brain that has strengths and weaknesses.” □

Deanna McCoy ACA, BC-HIS*

No athlete is totally immune from injury, no matter how perfect your form or how carefully you warm up. Of course, if you get seriously hurt, see a doctor. If a minor strain or sprain is what ails you, though, here are a few tips for bouncing back fast. • Ice it: Immediately following the injury, wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the injured area for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, about once an hour. After 48 hours, you can alternate by applying heat, too. • Wrap it: With an elastic bandage, wrap it snugly—but not too tight. • Rest it: This one is difficult for really active people, but you’ll only lengthen your recovery period by aggravating the injury further. Stay off it, all right? • Relieve it: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, will lessen swelling and help ease the aching.

Source: Harvard Health Online

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Environmental election A look at the candidates and measures that affect the environment by

Meredith J. Cooper m er ed i t h c @new srev i ew. c o m

Fenvironment—the those who don’t give a hoot about the November ballot is a or the eco-conscious—heck, even for

big’un. Which candidates support environmental protections and which are climate-change deniers? What propositions will affect the planet? Here’s a rundown of some of the races and ballot measures from an eco-perspective. All of the information below was gleaned from official campaign websites, unless otherwise noted.

Presidential race Hillary Clinton: She’s promised to invest in clean energy

infrastructure and cut tax subsidies to oil and gas companies. She opposes the Keystone XL Pipeline and supports the Paris Agreement on climate change. “I won’t let anyone take us backward, deny our economy the benefits of harnessing a clean energy future, or force our children to endure the catastrophe that would result from unchecked climate change.” (Clinton, as quoted on www.hillaryclinton.com.)

Donald Trump: He’s promised to make America

energy-independent. To do that, he will “unleash America’s $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves.” That means fracking. He’s also called global warming a “hoax” (politifact.com). “My plan includes the elimination of all unnecessary regulations, and a temporary moratorium on new regulations not compelled by Congress or public safety. Overregulation is costing our economy $2 trillion a year. On energy, my economic plan unlocks our shale oil and gas, and the energy technologies of both today and tomorrow. … It is perhaps the most progrowth economic plan in American history.” (Trump’s plan for an energy “renaissance,” as posted on www.donaldjtrump.com.)

Congressional District 1, California Doug LaMalfa (R, incumbent): He supports clean

0% 16


OCTOBER 13, 2016

energy, but also fracking. He wants to open up

restrictions on drilling on federal lands. He consistently calls the regulation of California’s water to protect the Delta smelt “bad science.” On the League of Conservation Voters website, which ranks politicians based on their voting record on environmental issues, he gets a 0 percent lifetime score (the lowest in California). At last week’s League of Women Voters of Butte County forum held in Chico, in which the CN&R participated by asking questions of the candidates, LaMalfa said that the “debate is not settled on climate change” and that the cap-and-trade policy we currently work under is a “job killer” that “suppresses innovation.”

Jim Reed (D): He’s anti-fracking (at least in Northern

California) and pro-environmental protections. Per his website: “As an electrical engineer, with a science background, there is no doubt in my mind that global warming is real, and man-made, and this can be confirmed by experiments in laboratories. The only real issue is what we can do about it ….” At the forum, Reed said that the “science is clear” on climate change and that the 2 percent that’s unclear was paid for by Big Oil. He also commended the voters of Butte County for banning fracking, while saying that it may be appropriate elsewhere, like Bakersfield, which “may already have ruined its water.”

California Assembly District 3 James Gallagher (R, incumbent): He takes no position

on the environment on his campaign website, but the League of Conservation Voters compiled his voting record and also gave him a 0 percent. He voted against an ivory ban, against Senate Bill 350—which mandates increased renewable energy in California—and against SB 32, which would have reduced greenhouse gases exponentially. At last week’s forum he said he believes the issue of greenhouse gases need to be addressed, but that the current way we’re going about that is too costly. Edward Ritchie (D): He doesn’t say much about the environment on his site, except for, “As stewards of the land and its resources, it’s our responsibility to pass on this abundance and beauty to the next generations, so they may enjoy and prosper from it, just as we have.” At the forum, Ritchie countered Gallagher’s argument and said that working toward alternative fuels fosters innovation and is an investment in the future of California businesses.

Ballot initiatives Proposition 65:

Dedication of revenue from disposable bag sales to Wildlife Conservation Fund. According to the League of Women Voters of California, Prop. 65 is deceptive, as it appears to favor the environment while actually distracting from the other plastic-bag proposition, 67. It would redirect money collected for disposable plastic bags at retailers to a wildlife fund. Sounds great, but it’s backed by four major plastic-bag manufacturers, which means it warrants a second look. Proposition 67: Reverses veto on plasticbag ban in California. This one’s confusing because of the wording. Voting yes would uphold the voter-approved plastic-bag ban passed in 2014. Ω

ECO EVENT SHOOTING BIRDS A little knowledge of photography can make a big difference for birders who want to share their experiences and rare sightings, and that’s exactly what wildlife photographer Jeffrey Rich will present at Birding Inspirations Through My Lens, a lecture scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 16, at the Chico Creek Nature Center (968 E. Eighth St.). Rich is the author of the recently published book The Complete Guide to Bird Photography: Field Techniques for Birders and Nature Photographers. The event is hosted by the Altacal Audubon Society. For more info, call 891-4671 or visit altacal.org.

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october 13, 2016





building a boutique

Wine for women

“Seek and you shall find” is the motto for Desiree Lynn Johnson and Rachel “Rue” Anna Sullivan, owners of the chic new A Seeker’s Boutique and Art Studio in Paradise. The business offers the work of local artists—including themselves—along with handmade goods. Johnson and Sullivan are unlikely business partners, as they met through a mutual friend only a few months ago. But, they immediately clicked. Johnson needed a storefront that could contain her studio, where she teaches art, while Sullivan needed a place to display her handcrafted jewelry and other works. Together, they have managed to create a boutique that takes every detail into account, from custom, organic gift-wrapping (which Sullivan describes as “giving a hug”) to eclectic merchandising. Find A Seeker’s Boutique and Art Studio at 5660 Skyway, Ste. F. Call (916) 622-7894 or find it on Facebook for more info.

What do you see the business growing into? Sullivan: A much bigger building. Johnson: Rue is good at design and consulting. I have retail experience and teach custom painting. We want to bring sophistication to Paradise. We share a deep need to [empower] our fellow women. We have a big occurrence of stress today. A lot of people come to the classes and push and feel alive.


Meredith J. Cooper

Sullivan: We want to encourage people to shine. Des is the class whiz—she has an amazing way. I’ll see where the jewelry goes.

What do both of you bring to the table? Sullivan: Styling, design and jewelry. I want to explore design and offer it to people as a business. I work on a lot of homes with landscaping and floral design. Johnson: Styling, retail experience, merchandising and teaching. For our grand opening, we invited our competitors—we share in ideas. I’m also a board member for the Paradise Art Center.

You two are strong women. Can anything bring you down? Johnson: When people say, “You’re not going to survive in Paradise.” With my friends, there’s no way I can’t succeed. I’m a very strong and independent person, which my husband loves.

Rachel Anna Sullivan, left, and Desiree Lynn Johnson Photo by Jordonna Lobese

Sullivan: Not external criticism—it’s more internal, of not putting myself out there. Thankfully, our husbands are supportive.

What are the benefits of working together? Johnson: Working together strengthens our differences. We have our adjustment periods. But our hearts and goals are in the right place. Sometimes we are so different yet the same.

Any events coming up? Sullivan: We are open! The grand opening will be Oct. 22. And we are hosting a women’s group through CSU Chico—OLLI, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Johnson: Wine and food pairings, too. —JORDONNA LOBESE

meredithc@newsreview.com If you read my column regularly, you know I like to write about local businesses that give back to the community. In honor of October and Breast Cancer Awareness Month, then, I tracked down Chicoan Mollie Macarthy-Openshaw, whose Mood Swing Wines is doing some super exciting things these days, one of which will benefit local women. “The idea to do Mood Swing Wines came when one of my best girlfriends was going through menopause,” Macarthy-Openshaw told me by phone last week. “She was crying like a baby because of her hormones!” To uplift the spirits of her wine-loving friend, she went right out to buy a bottle and searched the aisles for something, anything, with a smiley face or a silly name. Nada. Many restless nights later, inspiration struck. Macarthy-Openshaw brought her idea to a friend in marketing and before she knew it she was working with a vintner in Lodi to create her own line of wines. That was two years ago. Thus far, she has Zin-o-Pause, Memory Lapse Merlot and Covers Off Chardonnay. A few weeks ago, she signed a deal with Kroger grocery stores and launched in three stores in Indiana. About the same time, after years of going after it, she was granted the exclusive rights to sell wine at Menopause The Musical at Harrah’s Las Vegas. Exciting! This month, she unveiled Peach Bubbles, a sparkling wine, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “I always wanted to have a sparkling wine,” MacarthyOpenshaw said. “One day it hit me: One of my good friends passed away from breast cancer, and others are going through or battling breast cancer. I thought, ‘I need to make this Peach Bubbles something to honor these women who are going through this terrible disease.’” So, she got several local restaurants on board: Forcella, Bidwell Perk, Red Tavern, Unwined at 980, Crush. She sold them the Peach Bubbles and a portion of each sale will go to the Compassion Fund at the Enloe Regional Cancer Center. You can find Mood Swing Wines locally at S&S Produce and New Earth Market. And, of course, look for Peach Bubbles at restaurants around town this month. For more info, go to www.moodswingwines.com.

back to the bag ban ChicoBag CEO Andy Keller reached out to me recently to let

me know that he’s speaking out in favor of Proposition 67 on this November’s ballot. Prop. 67, aka the Plastic Bag Veto Referendum (that’s not a confusing mouthful!), reinstates the state plastic bag ban (by overturning the veto). Obviously, Keller stands to benefit if the ban goes statewide, but it’s been working just fine in Chico, so why not reduce more unnecessary waste? Keller says he has lawn signs available for anyone who wants one—pick ’em up at ChicoBag’s offices at 747 Fortress St.

More do-gooders October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and in honor of that, employees at UnitedHealthcare in Chico organized a drive and last week donated more than 3,000 pounds of food and dozens of boxes of everyday items to Catalyst Domestic Violence Services.

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october 13, 2016




n the grand tradition of the speakeasy, we’ve kept the identities of the winners a secret. Until now ... Every year, the Best of Chico is one of the most painstaking—but fun!—issues the CN&R puts together. Tallying the votes (and throwing out the stuffed ones—you know who you are) is just the first part of the equation. Then there’s the running around, gathering photos and information about Chico’s favorite people, places and things—without telling anyone what we’re doing! (Kind of like taking a swig of white lightning at a juice joint back in the day. And all to prove we know our onions!) It’s all worth it, though. This is a little love letter to Chico, in recognition of all of the amazing things that come together and make it such a special place to live. So, you cast your votes. We tallied ‘em. Now, here comes the big reveal, the moment everyone’s been waiting for: the unveiling of the winners of 2016’s Best of Chico contest. Enjoy!

READERS’ PICKS GOODS & SERVICES .............................22 FOOD & DRINK ........................................31 NIGHTLIFE & THE ARTS .....................38 HEALTH & WELLNESS .........................42 COMMUNITY .............................................44


OCTOBER 13, 2016



ReAdeRs’ Picks


ReAdeRs’ Picks


ReAdeRs’ Picks


ReAdeRs’ Picks


ReAdeRs’ Picks

Goods & Services ChiCoans Choose a few of their favorite things

Eighth & Main Antique Center

Antiques store 1ST PLACE: Eighth & Main Antique Center 745 Main St., 893-5534 If you’re looking for something old or collectible (or both), you need look no further than Eighth & Main Antique Center. Individual sellers fill the enormous two-story building—plus a warehouse out back—with just about everything imaginable. Fine furniture and nicknacks share space with vinyl records and bottle cap collections. No wonder it consistently wins Best Antiques Store.

2ND PLACE: Vintage Hen 973 East Ave., Ste. J, 894-1311 3RD PLACE: Country Squyres’ Antiques 164 E. Third St., 342-6764

Auto paint/body shop 1ST PLACE: Concours Elite 2267 Esplanade, Ste. D, 891-0234 Chicoans have grown to trust Concours Elite with their repair and paint jobs over the shop’s 30 years in business, earning it the top spot in this category. The family-owned collision center boasts more than 17,000 square feet of space for repairs, and customers rave about the staff’s ability to relieve their stress and return their vehicles good as new.

2ND PLACE: Knockout Collision Repair 3225 Esplanade, 899-9202 3RD PLACE: JP’s Paint & Body Works 1840 Park Ave., 342-1328

Auto repair shop 1ST PLACE: Affordable Automotive 2106 Park Ave., 892-1774 For four years running, Affordable Automotive has won Best Auto Repair Shop in Chico. The family-run business strives to help customers maintain safe, reliable vehicles, be they old, new, American or foreign, and their service certainly backs that up.

2ND PLACE: C & M Automotive Services 1188 E. Lassen Ave., 343-5613 3RD PLACE: Boradori Automotive 2303 Esplanade, Ste. 80, 345-5600

Baby/kids’ clothier 1ST PLACE: Apple Blossom Baby 1372 Longfellow Ave., 345-1617 Apple Blossom Baby is one of those unique Chico stores that blends new, hardto-find treasures and consignment. And let’s face it, when it comes to kids, sizes change so fast that finding a good deal on gently used items can make a huge difference. Locals clearly appreciate the model—and the super



OctOber 13, 2016

friendly staff who go out of their way to make parents and baby happy.

2ND PLACE: Kat’s Meow 138 W. Third St., 899-8811 3RD PLACE: The Children’s Place 1950 E. 20th St., 894-2589

Men’s clothier 1ST PLACE: Formal Education 127 Main Street, 809-1839 This is the third consecutive year readers have named Formal Education their favorite source for menswear. Driven by the store’s continued popularity and in order to better serve the fashion needs of Chico dudes, the shop recently moved from its Broadway location to Main Street. The new location is twice the size and features a separate suit room and other amenities.

2ND PLACE: Men’s Wearhouse 1950 E. 20th St., 342-1769 3RD PLACE: Trucker 232 Broadway, 343-1073

Women’s clothier 1ST PLACE: For Elyse 228 Broadway, 893-0106 For 17 years, the women behind For Elyse have been bringing fashion to downtown Chico. Customers keep going back because it’s more than just a store—it’s an experience from the moment you walk in the door and are greeted by personal stylists. Over the years, For Elyse’s success has allowed it to grow to two stores—one in Redding—and, more recently, a bustling online marketplace. No wonder it keeps winning Best Women’s Clothier.

2ND PLACE: 5th Street Clothing Co. 328 Broadway, 345-5754 3RD PLACE: Anika Burke 211 Main St., 918-8850

Vintage/ second-hand threads 1ST PLACE: Three Sixty Ecotique 511 Main St., 342-8752 When Chicoans want to dress trendy but original, their first stop is Three Sixty Ecotique. The shop just south of the post office downtown has grown over the years, and continues to be the No. 1 place for vintage and second-hand threads in town. So, whether you’re attracted to locally made pieces or carefully selected hand-me-downs, Three Sixty is where you’ll find your style.

your collision repair center

Christian & Johnson

2ND PLACE: Bootleg 126 W. Second St., 895-1426 3RD PLACE: Lovene’s Clothing Co. 252 E. Ninth Ave., 343-7210

3RD PLACE (TIE): Campus Bicycles 330 Main St., 345-2081 3RD PLACE (TIE): North Rim Adventure Sports 178 E. Second St., 345-2453

3RD PLACE: Barber John’s 532 Nord Ave., 342-7342

Shoe store

Cab company

1ST PLACE: The Hair Co. 2760 Esplanade, 894-2002

1ST PLACE: Heel & Sole Shoes 708 Mangrove Ave., 899-0725

1ST PLACE: Liberty Cab 898-1776

Year after year, Heel & Sole wins over Chico’s heart—and feet—and is dubbed Best Shoe Store. There’s good reason for that, too. Flip-flops alone cover several racks inside the spacious store, which also has a great selection of athletic shoes, boots and heels appropriate for every occasion.

Uber may have popped into the top three when it comes to catching a ride in Chico, but no one can surpass Liberty Cab. The locally owned company became a Living Legend last year; and this year racks up up its sixth straight win in the Best Cab Company category. That’s because Chicoans know they can rely on fast, friendly service whether they call old-school-style or book a ride via the mobile app.

Customers choose the Hair Co. for the talented stylists, friendly smiles, modern environment and variety of products available. The staff is always eager to send customers home with the perfect cut, color and style. And it doesn’t stop there: The Hair Co. also offers skin treatments, manicures and pedicures, waxing and massage. Talk about full-service!

2ND PLACE: Johnson’s Comfort Shoes 801 East Ave., Ste. 145, 343-8923; and 1950 E. 20th St., Ste. 701, 342-2310 3RD PLACE: Fleet Feet Sports 241 Main St., 345-1000

Bank/credit union 1ST PLACE: Tri Counties Bank multiple locations Founded over 40 years ago right here in Chico, Tri Counties Bank has a long history of fulfilling local banking needs, from checking and savings accounts to home and business loans to investing. Customers have come to know Tri Counties by its core values of trust, respect, integrity, communication and opportunity (TRICO, get it?) that keep it at the top when it comes to handling money.

2ND PLACE: Wells Fargo Bank multiple locations 3RD PLACE: Sierra Central Credit Union 352 E. First St., (800) 222-7228

2ND PLACE: Uber 3RD PLACE: Ecocab 591-3186

Car dealership 1ST PLACE: Chuck Patterson 200 East Ave., 895-1771 Behind buying a house, buying a car is one of the biggest purchases folks make during their lifetimes. Locally, when it comes to shopping for cars—new and used—Chuck Patterson is the dealer of choice. This longtime business (50 years in Chico!) on East Avenue is our town’s No. 1 car emporium time and time again. That could be due to a variety of reasons: the courteous staff, the clean and modern showroom, and the wide selection of makes and models.

Bike shop

2ND PLACE: Courtesy Automotive Center 2520 Cohasset Road, 345-9444 3RD PLACE: Wittmeier Auto Center 2288 Forest Ave., 895-8181

1ST PLACE: Pullins Cyclery 801 Main St., 342-1055


If decades’ worth of bicycle-repair knowledge is what you seek, Pullins Cyclery is your place. Seriously, the guys behind the counter—owner Steve O’Bryan and mechanics David Sykes and Dan Cernuda—will have your bike running smooth as silk, and the shop itself is timeless. Go ahead and ask them about the cool, antique rides and old-school cycling jerseys on the wall, but be prepared: They’re liable to chat you up.

2ND PLACE: Greenline Cycles 515 Main St., 894-7885

1ST PLACE: Gearhead Barbershop 221 Normal Ave., 894-2889 When it comes to updating the ’do, men don’t mess around—they go to Gearhead. Whether it’s a trim, a buzzcut, a dye job or a full-on styling session, the folks at Gearhead know best. Customers also rave about the hot towel and shave service, the perfect kind of primping every man craves.

2ND PLACE: Chico’s Barber Shop 162 E. Third St., 487-7373

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Hair salon

2ND PLACE: Dimensions Salon 810 Broadway, 894-2515 3RD PLACE: SeelaDavid Salon 1209 Esplanade, Ste. 6, 343-3600

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Day spa

Casual Clothing & Footwear

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1ST PLACE: Sweetwater Day Spa 1031 Village Lane, 894-7722 Sweetwater Day Spa is at once elegant, rustic and homey, making it the perfect environment to kick back, relax and let someone else do the work for a change. Customers rave about the brow waxing and deep-tissue massages, saying they always go home with a smile, feeling perfectly pampered.

2ND PLACE: Urban Medspa 3221 Cohasset Road, 891-8772 3RD PLACE: Renew Float Spa 1030 Village Lane, 588-7378




Place for a mani/pedi 1ST PLACE: Tammy’s Nails 1354 East Ave., 899-8912 Getting pampered doesn’t need to cost an arm and a leg. Tammy’s Nails sees to that. From the dozen-plus spa pedicure stations lining the wall to the friendly, talented staff, this nail salon on the north end of town draws customers back again and again. From simple polish to full sets, the nail techs at Tammy’s are top-notch and always up-to-date on the most current trends.

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2ND PLACE: Bliss Nails & Spa 2033 Forest Ave., Ste. 100, 891-3538 3RD PLACE: U.S. Nails & Spa 726 Mangrove Ave., 345-2520

READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

O n pa g e 2 4

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OctOber 13, 2016



READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

f r O m pa g e 2 3

Tattoo parlor 1ST PLACE: Eye of Jade 319 Main St., Ste. 200, 345-5233 Tattoos are pieces of art permanently placed on one’s body. So, good, clean work—from the sterility of equipment to the steadiness of the artist’s hand—are paramount to a good tattoo shop. Eye of Jade has it all in spades. With a large staff of talented artists, Eye of Jade has made a name for itself as Chico’s (and Paradise’s) go-to tattoo parlor.

best car dealership

2ND PLACE: Red Room Tattoo 231 Nord Ave., 342-1287 3RD PLACE: Victory Tattoo 1818 Mangrove Ave., 896-1818


Dry cleaner 1ST PLACE: Chico Express Cleaners 641 Walnut St., 343-6013; and 752 East Ave., 343-8844 Customers love dropping their dirty duds off at the 24-hour drop boxes, and having the clothes come back “sharp and clean.” With two locations, Chico Express Cleaners also offers free pick-up and delivery for suits, shirts and household items—for families as well as businesses. Earning a strong reputation for customer satisfaction has been the goal for more than 20 years at Chico Express Cleaners.

2ND PLACE: 3rd Generation Cleaners 1354 East Ave., 899-0333 3RD PLACE: Esplanade Cleaners 164 E. Second Ave., 342-4306

Feed store/farm supply 1ST PLACE: Northern Star Mills 510 Esplanade, 342-7661

Teresa Larson

When it comes to feeding animals, be it household pets or pasture-dwelling livestock, Chicoans know they can turn to Northern Star Mills to fill their needs. One of Chico’s oldest businesses, Northern Star Mills has a large selection, including steroid-free, nonGMO and even locally sourced feed for all your chickens, goats, horses, cows, pigs and even wild birds. You name it, they can feed it.

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OctOber 13, 2016

*RegulaR pRiced items only

My fave: Paw Prints Thrift Boutique I love the fact that this charitable organization totally supports the Chico community by decreasing the feral cat population by following the trap/ spay/neuter/return program. They are not only professional, but friendly and responsive to calls for help. —LesLi M Kostiz

2ND PLACE: Wilbur’s Feed & Seed 139 Meyers St., 895-0569 3RD PLACE: C Bar D Feed 3388 Highway 32, 342-5361

Florist 1ST PLACE: Christian & Johnson 250 Vallombrosa Ave., Ste. 100, 891-1881 Christian & Johnson got its start as a nursery opened by Annie Bidwell’s gardener over a century ago, and it’s been beautifying Chicoans’ homes and special events ever since. Locals continuously trust the designers at C&J to create the most elegant arrangements for all occasions, from simple to elaborate.

2ND PLACE: Flowers by Rachelle 2485 Notre Dame Blvd., Ste. 240, 345-2661 3RD PLACE: Chico Florist 1600 Mangrove Ave., Ste. 145, 345-1855

Gift shop 1ST PLACE: Hubbs & Co. 956 Mangrove Ave., 892-4940 The newly rebranded Hubbs & Co. is Chico’s go-to shop when it comes to finding the perfect gift. Looking for cute home décor items for a housewarming present? Check out Hubbs. Does your best friend just love sweet-smelling lotions and oils? Hubbs has those, too. With such a wide inventory of fashionable, fun items, you might just walk out with a gift for yourself.

2ND PLACE: Little Red Hen Gift Shop 897 E. 20th St., 897-0100 3RD PLACE: Made in Chico 127 W. Third St., 894-7009

Grocer 1ST PLACE: S&S Organic Produce & Natural  Foods 1924 Mangrove Ave., 343-4930 There’s a reason why locals love S&S. OK, there are many: the carefully selected organic fruits and veggies; the hormone-free, natural meats at the full-service Butcher Shop; the wide selection of vitamins and supplements; and the dedication to supporting local businesses. Did we mention the top-notch barbecue and deli on-site? There’s that, too.

2ND PLACE: Trader Joe’s 801 East Ave., Ste. 110, 343-9920 3RD PLACE: Chico Natural Foods Co-op 818 Main St., 891-1713

Hardware store 1ST PLACE: Collier Hardware 105 Broadway, 342-0195 Collier Hardware has been located in the same spot since 1935, and the space it fills has been a hardware store since the building was erected in 1871. Walking through the store’s beautifully worn interior, it’s easy to imagine John Bidwell himself picking up supplies to knock a few items off Annie’s honeydo list. The store stocks all of the immediate needs for the modern do-it-yourselfer, as well as a wide selection of quality cookwear and other items to make your house a home.

2ND PLACE: Orchard Supply Hardware 231 W. East Ave., 332-9226 3RD PLACE: Lowe’s 2350 Forest Ave., 895-5130

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Hazardous Waste Facility




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october 13, 2016

READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

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Chico’s Premier Auto Repair Facility

Hotel/motel 1ST PLACE: Hotel Diamond 220 W. Fourth St., 893-3100 The copper-topped cupola rising above the roof of downtown’s Hotel Diamond fittingly resembles a lighthouse, as it serves as a beacon to guide visitors and locals looking for a luxurious getaway to Chico’s poshest lodgings. Originally built in 1904, the building fell into disrepair in the latter 20th century, but was refurbished and reopened in 2005. In its current form, the hotel offers all of the modern comforts and conveniences inside of a historic and elegant setting.

Independent Toyota, Lexus & Scion Specialists “I always have a good experience at Chico Car Care. I’ve gone to them for service for many years and they always go above and beyond to help me.” — A.M., Chico

2ND PLACE: Oxford Suites 2035 Business Lane, 899-9090 3RD PLACE (TIE): Hotel James 10 Lost Dutchman Drive, 894-5743 3RD PLACE (TIE): Ramada Plaza 685 Manzanita Court, 345-2491

1369 E. 9th St., Chico • 343-1130 info@chicocarcare.com chicocarcare.com •




Support Group

1ST PLACE: Kirk’s Jewelry 246 W. Third St., 891-0880 Locally owned by Kirk Bengston, Kirk’s is regularly named Best Jeweler and it’s not hard to see why. Bengston has 40 years of experience custom-designing everything from engagement rings to pendants to hand-carved bracelets, ensuring each piece is unique. The personal service, the warm ambiance and the high quality of the jewelry produced all team up to make Kirk’s the best.

2ND PLACE: Olde Gold Estate Jewelry 225 Main St., Ste. 3, 891-4610 3RD PLACE: Gabrielle Ferrar 214 Main St., 345-1500

Liquor store 1ST PLACE: Spike’s Bottle Shop 1270 E. First Ave., 893-8410 It’s no secret that, when it comes to craft beers in particular, nowhere has a better selection than Spike’s. What’s more, owner Kevin Jaradah and his friendly employees are always happy to make suggestions or even special order something if, on a rare occasion, what you’re looking for is not in stock. Couple that with a vast selection of liquors and wines and it’s no wonder Spike’s holds onto its title as Chico’s Best Liquor Store.

2ND PLACE: Star Liquors 959 Nord Ave., 891-4842 3RD PLACE: Ray’s Liquor 207 Walnut St., 343-3249

Northern Star Mills

Are you interested in joining a support group for people living with disabilities? Please come check out our new disability support group! functioning computer or cellphone can create serious problems in a person’s life. Chico Computer Clinic is in the business of ensuring Chicoans’ electronic devices are back in action before their users miss a single byte of important information, as the company’s Facebook page boasts that most repairs are done within 24 hours. They also provide datarecovery services and are a source for good deals on refurbished electronics.

2ND PLACE: PCI Business Services 225 Main St., 924-4848 3RD PLACE: Computers Plus 2477 Forest Ave., Ste. 150, 891-7587

Local pet store 1ST PLACE: Northern Star Mills 510 Esplanade, 342-7661 2ND PLACE: Trailblazer Pet Supply 752 Mangrove Ave., 892-1848 3RD PLACE: Pet Smart 2019 Forest Ave., 961-9188

Nursery 1ST PLACE: Magnolia Gift and Garden 1367 East Ave., 894-5410

Local computer store 1ST PLACE: Chico Computer Clinic 1304 Mangrove Ave., 636-1337 In today’s technology-driven world, a mal-

A stroll through the grounds of Magnolia Gift and Garden is a little adventure. Toward the front you’ll find pottery mixed in with an array of plants of all sorts—perennials, annu-

OUR fave: Preston’s Shoe Repair Preston [Powers] is such a great guy who really takes pride in his work. He has this magical charisma about him that really is rare these days. His work is phenomenal to boot! —Stephanie almond

Simply put, the hippie cobbler puts my feet back on the street. —Johnny david Ricke tSon ii

als, succulents—you name it. But the plant perusing doesn’t end there. Walk around toward the back—be sure to stop and check out the awesome chicken coop made from an old school bus—and there’s even more greenery, including shrubs and trees, to get your landscaping juices flowing. Be sure to check out the offerings in the gift shop on your way out.

2ND PLACE: The Plant Barn & Gift Shop 406 Entler Ave., 345-3121 3RD PLACE: Little Red Hen Nursery 189 E. Eighth St., 891-9100

nd WHEN: 2Every otherof Monday, 2:30-4:00 Monday each month, 2:30pm-4pm, 4th Wednesday of each month, 10:30am-12pm

WHERE: Disability Action Center office, Formerly ILSNC 1161 East Ave, Chico 95926 QUESTIONS? Contact ContactJennique Anna atat893-8527 893-8527or anna.smith@ILSNC.org or jennique@actionctr.org


Place to buy books 1ST PLACE: The Bookstore 118 Main St., 345-7441 Chicoans love The Bookstore, as evidenced by their willingness to come to its rescue a few years back when it was in danger of closing up shop. Now, it’s going strong, offering a huge selection of new and used books for all the readers among us. In addition to selling the written word, The Bookstore has become a prime venue for book signings and poetry readings.

2ND PLACE: Barnes & Noble 2031 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, 894-1494 3RD PLACE: ABC Books and More 950 Mangrove Ave., 893-4342

Place to buy home furnishings


Lawn seed specially blended for a year-round dark green, fine bladed lawn for the Chico area.

in ow r G

1ST PLACE: The Address 2444 Cohasset Road, 898-9000 The Address’ motto is “Live with the things you love,” and anyone who has set foot in the large showroom at the corner of East Avenue and Cohasset Road knows it’s taken seriously. With a “whole room style” approach to home décor, The Address offers more than just furniture; it offers full-service home design. Customers love the attention

READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

Dwarf fesCue

Improved drought tolerable turf-type tall fescue.

g Chico for 118 Y ear s

510 Esplanade (Opposite Bidwell Mansion)



O n pa g e 2 8 OctOber 13, 2016




READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

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to detail and the personal attention paid them by the entire staff.

The Music Connection

2ND PLACE: Nantucket Home 603 Broadway, 895-1038 3RD PLACE: Esplanade Furniture 1750 Esplanade, 891-4788

Place to buy music gear OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK 1815 Mangrove Avenue, Chico • 530.345.5300 www.ChicoCommunityAcupuncture.com

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1ST PLACE: The Music Connection 973 East Ave., Ste. V, 898-0110 The Music Connection is a favorite destination for local music-makers of all skill levels, from those just learning their first scales to seasoned professionals. The store has a full range of new, used and rental instruments, from Stratocasters to sousaphones, in stock or ready to order. It also offers lessons provided by some of Chico’s most accomplished musicians.

2ND PLACE: Herreid Music 824 Oroville Ave., 894-7777 3RD PLACE: Guitar Center 2027 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, 879-1731

Place to buy outdoor gear 1ST PLACE: Mountain Sports 176 E. Third St., 345-5011 This longtime shop in downtown Chico serves as a little hub for mountaineers, campers, hikers and general outdoor enthusiasts. There are all sorts of clothing and outdoor gear, from sleeping bags to portable stoves and lightweight tents to heavy-duty backpacks. You might even pick up some advice from the savvy locals who work in the shop, like how to get to hidden spots throughout the area—but they might swear you to secrecy.

2ND PLACE: Chico Sports LTD 698 Mangrove Ave., 894-1110 3RD PLACE: Sportsman’s Warehouse 765 East Ave., Ste. 170, 897-0500

Sporting goods 1ST PLACE: Dick’s Sporting Goods 1922 E. 20th St., 343-3351 Whether it’s softball, soccer, tennis or water skiing, Chico and its environs offer tons of opportunities to get outside and be active. So, naturally, we need a store that offers all the clothing and specialty equipment for playing said sports. Dick’s Sporting Goods at the Chico Mall certainly fits that bill, with a huge variety of brands to make sure locals are ready to take the field.

2ND PLACE: Chico Sports LTD 698 Mangrove Ave., 894-1110 3RD PLACE: Big 5 Sporting Goods 1717 Mangrove Ave., 891-1545

Thrift store 1ST PLACE: The Arc Store 2020 Park Ave., 343-3666

Locally owned for 38 years!



OctOber 13, 2016

There are plenty of thrift stores in Chico, but the one locals keep coming back to is the Arc Store. Maybe it’s the care volunteers put into choosing only the best furniture, clothing and electronics to fill the shelves, or maybe it’s the store’s mission to help individuals with disabilities lead meaningful lives. Whatever the reason, the nonprofit makes it easy to donate used goods and offers a clean, organized shop for customers to find that new-to-them gem.

2ND PLACE: Thrifty Bargain 2432 Esplanade, 774-2158 3RD PLACE: Goodwill 765 East Ave., 893-8578

Attorney 1ST PLACE: Michael M. Rooney Rooney Law Firm, 1361 Esplanade, 343-5297 When faced with criminal charges or needing an attorney in a family law or personal injury case, Chicoans know whom to turn to: Michael M. Rooney. Clients appreciate his experience having worked as a probation officer and public defender, and they trust he’s on their side no matter what.

2ND PLACE: Nicole Plottel Harris & Plottel LLP, 3120 Cohasset Road, Ste. 10, 893-2882 3RD PLACE: Denver Latimer The Law Office of Denver Latimer, 330 Wall St., 345-1396

Contractor 1ST PLACE: Urban Design Solar 2260 Park Ave., 809-1079 Happy customers rave about every aspect of working with Urban Design Solar—how smoothly it goes from calling for a bid, to installation, to follow-up. The team also gets marks for no high-pressure sales, and answering questions thoroughly. “Prompt, professional and courteous,” one customer says of how the staff “goes above and beyond.”

2ND PLACE (TIE): Alternative Energy Systems 13620 Highway 99, 345-6980 2ND PLACE (TIE): Holt Construction Inc. 37 Bellarmine Court, 899-1011

Insurance agent 1ST PLACE: Joni Ginno (State Farm Insurance) 1915 Esplanade, 891-5881 As one customer put it, “personable service and competitive rates” help make doing business with Joni Ginno a no-brainer. Others say they appreciate her fast, friendly and professional service, coupled with the multiple discounts State Farm offers policyholders. A Chico State graduate who’s been

with State Farm since 1998, Ginno has a particular passion for the safety of teen drivers, helping propel her to the top of the pack as Best Insurance Agent.

2ND PLACE: Gayle Aylward (State Farm  Insurance) 1277 East Ave., Ste 110, 895-1356 3RD PLACE: Brad Jacobson (Farmers  Insurance) 25 Jan Court, Ste. 120, 891-7900

Professional photographer 1ST PLACE: Teresa Raczynski Park Avenue Photography, 15010 Meridian Road, 521-4340 “Cute, cute, cute!” That’s what people say about the family and other portraits by Teresa Raczynski, owner of Park Avenue Photography. From her ranch in north Chico, Raczynski offers an array of backdrop options, both indoor and outdoor, and customers say they appreciate her patience, creativity and professionalism. One returning client says, “Teresa and her staff are completely amazing.”

2ND PLACE: Emily Hajec Photography 686-9033 3RD PLACE: Mark Thau Photography 5867 Cohasset Road, 864-6216

Real estate agent 1ST PLACE: Sabrina Derr (The Group) 2580 Sierra Sunrise Terrace, Ste.110, 718-9115 Local realtor Sabrina Derr is well-liked and respected among her peers, who call her “bright, diligent and honest.” Clients appreciate how she listens to their needs and communicates with them throughout the buying or selling process. It can be a stressful time for people, but Derr moves with confidence the whole way.

2ND PLACE: John Barroso (Keller Williams  Realty) 261 E. Third St., 570-8489 3RD PLACE: Dustin Cheatham (Century 21  Jeffries Lydon) 1101 El Monte Ave., 894-4523

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ReAdeRs’ PICks


ReAdeRs’ PICks


ReAdeRs’ PICks


ReAdeRs’ PICks

Food & Drink All the flAvors thAt sAtisfy ChiCo’s pAlAte

made sure it sticks around by eating there regularly and by voting the restaurant Best International Cuisine year after year.

Local restaurant—Chico 1ST PLACE: The Pour House 855 East Ave., Ste. 270, 893-3000

2ND PLACE: Cocodine Thai Cuisine 2485 Notre Dame Blvd., Ste. 250, 891-1800 3RD PLACE: Roots Catering 3221 Esplanade, 891-4500

For the second year now, The Pour House in north Chico has taken home the win for Best Local Restaurant. That’s no small feat, considering the competition is fierce. But regulars keep going back for the reliable service, good food and fun ambiance, which was kicked up a notch with the addition of the huge outdoor TV screen.

Asian cuisine 1ST PLACE: Tong Fong Low 2072 E. 20th St., Ste. 100, 898-1388

2ND PLACE: 5th Street Steakhouse 345 W. Fifth St., 891-6328 3RD PLACE: Japanese Blossoms 2995 Esplanade, 891-9022

An institution in Oroville for over a century, Tong Fong Low unveiled its Chico location in 2009 and it’s been a hit from the day it opened. Offering Chinese food at its finest, the south Chico restaurant specializes in chop suey—its original name was Charlie’s Chop Suey, after all—and customers return again and again for the consistent quality and fast, always friendly service.

New restaurant

(opened in the last year)

2ND PLACE: Happy Garden 180 Cohasset Road, 893-2574 3RD PLACE: Cocodine Thai Cusine 2485 Notre Dame Blvd., Ste. 250, 891-1800

1ST PLACE: Unwined at 980 980 Mangrove Ave., 809-2634 If you’re new to town, you’d never guess the restaurant space now occupied by Unwined at 908/Ready Chef Go used to be a Blockbuster Video. The owners completed a full overhaul of the building, turning it into a truly elegant, modern dining space. And the food’s great, too. With an eye toward sustainability, the menu includes locally produced foods and shows a dedication to quality wines.

2ND PLACE: Momona Noodle + Bao 230 W. Third St., 487-7488 3RD PLACE: Rallo’s West 234 W. Third St., 636-4468

Chef 1ST PLACE: Ann Leon   (Leon Contemporary California Bistro) 817 Main St., 899-1105 Chef Ann Leon has a wealth of experience under her belt, from graduating at the top of her class at San Francisco’s California Culinary Academy to leading the staff at several high-end restaurants to opening her own spot in downtown Chico. At Leon Bistro, patrons have come to expect the best from Chef Ann, whose menu is filled with creative Mediterranean-inspired dishes using local, sustainable ingredients.

2ND PLACE: Jeramie Sabelman   (Japanese Blossoms) 2995 Esplanade, Ste. 104, 891-9022 3RD PLACE: James Taylor (Sicilian Cafe) 1020 Main St., 345-2233

Italian cuisine 1ST PLACE: Italian Cottage 2234 Esplanade, 343-7000; and 2525 Dominic Drive, 342-7771 For over 50 years, locals have been going to Italian Cottage to satisfy their cravings for all things Italian. The sawdust on the floors gives the place an old-world charm that’s buoyed by the friendly staff and always delicious pastas, pizzas and more.


Food server


1ST PLACE: Amanda Rhoads   (Mom’s Restaurant) 209 Salem St., 893-3447

1ST PLACE: Sin of Cortez 2290 Esplanade, 879-9200

“I am pretty inquisitive about what I am eating,” writes one Yelp reviewer, “and Amanda helped us figure out how to get exactly what we wanted, making suggestions and comments ... I was so impressed by both the service and the joy that we got from Amanda.” Providing great service is one thing, but “joy” takes it to another level. Hungry customers return to the downtown eatery hoping they’ll get that smile, knowledgeability and extra effort from Amanda Rhoads.

2ND PLACE: Tanya Price (The Pour House) 855 East Ave., Ste. 270, 893-3000 3RD PLACE: Laura Baume (Japanese  Blossoms) 2995 Esplanade, Ste. 104, 891-9022

Sin of Cortez is no ordinary breakfast joint. For starters, coffee is a source of particular pride there. As such, the caffeine section of the menu is vast, and includes espresso, drip coffee and a variety of teas. The food menu is no less impressive and shows off the restaurant’s dedication to creativity and supporting local farmers. They even make pancakes for the gluten-intolerant among us—no wonder they’re tops!

2ND PLACE: Café Coda 265 Humboldt Ave., 566-9476 3RD PLACE: Morning Thunder 352 Vallombrosa Ave., 342-9717

Lunch 1ST PLACE: T. Tea Bar & Fusion Café 250 Vallombrosa Ave., 895-8100; and 555 Flying V St., Ste. 1, 809-1545 T. Tea Bar & Fusion Café is such a busy

lunch spot that it had to open a second location just to meet demand. OK, that may be a little hyperbolic, but either way, both spots are now full to the brim during the noon hour. The wraps and bowls function as both hearty and healthy meals, which is part of T. Bar’s claim to fame. It also boasts some amazing teas, which is why it takes home Best Place for Tea as well.

2ND PLACE: Broadway Heights 300 Broadway, 899-8075 3RD PLACE: The Banshee 134 W. Second St., 895-9670

International cuisine 1ST PLACE: Priya Indian Cuisine 2574 Esplanade, 899-1055 To say that Priya Indian Cuisine is a staple in the local food scene is an understatement. Diners go there for delicious, fresh entrees and sides made with savory spices, and also a top-notch lunch buffet. When the north Chico restaurant opened up shop about nine years ago, it filled a hole in the local landscape. Chicoans took notice and have

2ND PLACE: Forcella Bistro 1600 Mangrove Ave., 809-1530 3RD PLACE: Sicilian Café 1020 Main St., 345-2233

Mexican cuisine 1ST PLACE: Sol Mexican Grill 3269 Esplanade, 342-4616 Sol Mexican Grill is no joke. Walk in during the lunch or dinner rush and you’re likely to encounter a line out the door. But, the kitchen staff is on the ball, able to quickly yet carefully produce quality, authentic dishes for eager diners. Everything is good here, so recommendations aren’t neccessary. Just sit back and enjoy.

2ND PLACE: Casa Ramos 216 W. East Ave., Ste. C, 894-0119; and 2490 Fair St., 893-5050 3RD PLACE: La Hacienda 2635 Esplanade, 893-8270

READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d OctOber 13, 2016

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F R O M PA G E 3 1



Cheap eats

1ST PLACE: Upper Crust Bakery & Eatery 130 Main St., 895-3866

1ST PLACE: Aca Taco 133 Broadway, 894-0191; and 1000 W. Sacramento Ave., Ste. D, 343-0909

1ST PLACE: La Comida 954 Mangrove Ave., 345-2254

At Upper Crust, ogling the baked goods in the glass cases tends to cause the imagination to run wild with how many scones, muffins, cookies, cakes and croissants you could make off with at once. That’s not all the downtown bakery offers; there are plenty of sandwich, soup and salad options and rotating specials—but are you seeing that sticky bun? Go for the sticky bun.

2ND PLACE: Tin Roof Bakery 627 Broadway, Ste. 170, 892-2893 3RD PLACE: Lovely Layers Cakery 131 Meyers St., 828-9931

BBQ 1ST PLACE: Smokin’ Mo’s BBQ 131 Broadway, 891-6677 At Smokin’ Mo’s, the secret’s in the sauce. Ahem, sauces. The four signature flavors can be slathered on just about anything on the menu, from the mouth-watering pork ribs to shredded pork, beef or chicken sandwiches to the crave-worthy tri-tip salad. When it comes to Southern barbecue in Chico, locals go to Mo’s.

2ND PLACE: Kinder’s Meat & Deli 221 Normal Ave., 342-3354 3RD PLACE: Ike’s Smokehouse 245 Walnut St., in the Ray’s Liquor parking lot, 343-1901


is the Place ’s y Ra

1ST PLACE: Burgers & Brew 301 Broadway, 879-9100 If there are two things that Burgers & Brew does well, they’re, naturally, burgers and brews. So, winning Best Burger should come as no surprise. In the mood for a bacon cheeseburger? No problem. Maybe you want something more exotic, like a lamb, chorizo or buffalo burger? Sure thing. Bonus: They source their beef, lamb and pork from Bay Area-based Niman Ranch.

2ND PLACE: Nobby’s 1444 Park Ave., 342-2285 3RD PLACE: Burger Hut 2451 Forest Ave., 891-1430; and 3211 Cohasset Road, 342-4555

207 Walnut St. • 343-3249

When hosting a special event, there’s little that’s more important than providing good food. Chicoans know they can trust Bacio Catering to serve quality dishes—full meals or a selection of appetizers—and to do so with pure professionalism. It’s all a testament to the hard work and attention to detail of owner/chef Amanda Leveroni, whose passion includes making every gathering a hit.

2ND PLACE: Roots Catering 3221 Esplanade, 891-4500 3RD PLACE: New Hock Farm 592-3610

Champagne brunch 1ST PLACE: Nash’s 7th Avenue Omelette House 1717 Esplanade, 896-1147 Nash’s 7th Avenue Omelette House always serves up a mean breakfast, but on the weekends it takes it a step further with bottomless bubbly. The popular restaurant has won Best Champagne Brunch since we added the category in 2011, showing again and again that it’s Chico’s go-to spot for that enticing fourth meal.

2ND PLACE: Christian Michaels Ristorante 192 E. Third St., 894-4005 3RD PLACE: Café Coda 265 Humboldt Ave., 566-9476

1ST PLACE: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. 1075 E. 20th St., 893-3520 When it comes to beer in Chico, one name comes to mind immediately: Sierra Nevada. So, while other establishments offer an array of craft beer options, Chico’s hometown brewery has the taps—and the chops to back ’em up. What makes a visit to the brewery special is the availability of some beers that aren’t sold in stores, even in Chico.

2ND PLACE: Winchester Goose 800 Broadway, 715-0099 3RD PLACE: Burgers & Brew 301 Broadway, 895-1350

Date-night dining 1ST PLACE: Crush Italian Cuisine & Lounge 201 Broadway, Ste. 200, 342-7000 When date night rolls around, whether it’s a first date or a 100th, choice of restaurant can affect the tone of the whole evening. For low-key romance, Chicoans turn to Crush. Why, you ask? It could be the creative appetizer menu, or the good wines and great cocktails. Or maybe it’s the reliably delicious entrees and chic ambiance. Sounds like enough reasons for us.

2ND PLACE: 5th Street Steakhouse 345 W. Fifth St., 891-6328 3RD PLACE: Red Tavern 1250 Esplanade, 894-3463


Drunk munchies 1ST PLACE: The Banshee 134 W. Second St., 895-9670

*new customers only

Burgers & Brew

OCTOBER 13, 2016

1ST PLACE: Bacio Catering & Carry Out 1903 Park Ave., 345-7787

Craft beer selection

2ND PLACE: Jack’s Family Restaurant 540 Main St., 343-8383 3RD PLACE: Morning Thunder Cafe 352 Vallombrosa Ave., 342-9717

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2ND PLACE (TIE): Aca Taco 133 Broadway, 894-0191; and 1000 W. Sacramento Ave., 343-0909 2ND PLACE (TIE): Gordo Burrito 1295 E. Eighth St., 809-1211; and Eighth and Pine streets

There’s nothing like a down-home meal to bring the family together. That’s why Chicoans love Cozy Diner. The breakfast fare, which is served all day, is always delicious, and who can resist those “broasted” chickens? Comfort food at its finest.

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2ND PLACE: Gordo Burrito 1295 E. Eighth St., 809-1211; and Eighth and Pine streets 3RD PLACE: Sol Mexican Grill 3269 Esplanade, 342-4616

La Comida is an institution in Chico (and Paradise). In fact, the Chico location opened nearly 50 years ago and has maintained its tradition of serving quality Mexican dishes at an affordable price ever since. And when we say affordable, we’re talking a two-item combo with beans and rice for under $10. Beat that!

1ST PLACE: Cozy Diner 1695 Mangrove Ave., 895-1195

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Burritos are a staple in Chico’s collective diet, so winning the category of Best Burrito is no small feat. Aca Taco holds onto its title for the sixth straight year, and it’s easy to see why: the portions are large, the ingredients top-notch and the flavor second to none. The restaurant with two locations, downtown and on Nord Avenue, also took home the award for Best Taco, proving it’s no one-trick pony.

Downtown pub The Banshee is known for its hip atmosphere and solid selection of craft beers and cocktails. As if that weren’t enough to keep patrons coming back, it also serves


O N PA G E 3 4

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great food (it also took third for Best Lunch). To crank that up one more notch, there’s the late-night menu, offered via its nifty take-out window, which is perfect for satisfying those end-of-the-night munchies. Yum.

2ND PLACE: Aca Taco 133 Broadway, 894-0191; and 1000 W. Sacramento Ave., 343-0909 3RD PLACE: Main Street Pizzeria 331 Main St., 345-6246

Fine dining 1ST PLACE: 5th Street Steakhouse 345 W. Fifth St., 891-6328 For a fancy night on the town or celebration meal, locals know to go to 5th Street Steakhouse. In fact, Chicoans go to 5th Street any chance they get—date night, any night— because the food is just that good. Add to that a stellar serving staff, knowledgeable and friendly bartenders and an elegant ambiance and you have yourself fine dining at Chico’s best.

2ND PLACE: Leon Contemporary California Bistro 817 Main St., 899-1105 3RD PLACE: Crush Italian Cuisine & Lounge 201 Broadway, Ste. 200, 342-7000

Hot dog 1ST PLACE: The Dog House 1008 W. Sacramento Ave., Ste. 1A, 894-3641; and 1354 East Ave., Ste. U, 894-2242 When it comes to slapping meat on a bun, The Dog House does it right. Start with an all-beef hot dog or seasoned Polish dog, then pile on the fixins—everything from basic ketchup, mustard, chopped onions and relish to the adventurous cheese, chili or crumbled bacon. Can’t go wrong with that.

2ND PLACE: Zot’s Hot Dogs & Deli 225 Main St., Ste. A, 345-2820 3RD PLACE: Costco 2100 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, 332-1742

Ice cream 1ST PLACE: Shubert’s Ice Cream & Candy 178 E. Seventh St., 342-7163 Ice cream in Chico is almost synonymous



OCTOBER 13, 2016

with the name Shubert’s. That’s not to say there aren’t other fine cone and shake slingers in this fair town; it just means Shubert’s is the best. CN&R readers say so. There’s nothing quite so refreshing on a hot summer day than a cold scoop of Chico Mint. And when the cool weather hits, who’s to turn down a hot fudge sundae?

2ND PLACE: Woodstock’s Pizza 166 E. Second St., 893-1600 3RD PLACE: Farm Star Pizza 2359 Esplanade, 343-2056

Place for tea

2ND PLACE: La Flor de Michoacan Paletería y Nevería 1008 W. Sacramento Ave., Ste. C, 893-9999; and 1354 East Ave., 774-2219 3RD PLACE: Jon and Bon’s Yogurt Shoppe 300 Broadway, 899-9580; and 1722 Mangrove Ave., 899-0484

1ST PLACE: T. Tea Bar & Fusion Café 250 Vallombrosa Ave., 895-8100; and 555 Flying V St., Ste. 1, 809-1545 2ND PLACE: Naked Lounge Tea & Coffehouse 118 W. Second St., 895-0676 3RD PLACE: Bidwell Perk 664 E. First Ave., 899-1500

Local coffee house

Place for vegetarian food

1ST PLACE: Naked Lounge Tea & Coffeehouse 118 W. Second St.

1ST PLACE: Wild Oak Café 196 Cohasset Road, Ste. 150, 343-4876

A staple in downtown Chico, Naked Lounge serves a wide selection of coffees and teas to a diverse clientele. The comfortable couches and numerous alcoves make it easy to sit for hours engrossed in a book of poetry or to sip on a Bowl of Soul while having an intimate conversation with friends.

For Chicoans adhering to a strict diet—be it vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or paleo— Wild Oak Cafe is sure to have something suitably delicious to fit your needs. We’re not talking substitutions here, because this is the way the menu was created—with you in mind. The awesome salad bar offers something for everyone. And you omnivores out there, don’t fret—there are items for you, too; consider the bison burger or salmon patty.

2ND PLACE: Bidwell Perk 664 E. First Ave., 899-1500 3RD PLACE: Dutch Bros. Various locations

Patio 1ST PLACE: The Pour House 855 East Ave., Ste. 270, 893-3000 2ND PLACE: Tres Hombres Long Bar & Grill 100 Broadway, 342-0425 3RD PLACE: Burgers & Brew 301 Broadway, 879-9100

Pizza 1ST PLACE: Celestino’s 101 Salem St., 896-1234; and 1354 East Ave., Ste. V, 345-7700 A longtime Chico favorite, Celestino’s makes a mean pie. In fact, there are so many delicious combinations available, it’s hard to choose just one. Lucky for the undecided, the thin-crust, New York-style pizza is available whole or by the slice, and is always made fresh, by hand.

2ND PLACE: OM Foods 1008 W. Sacramento Ave., Ste. I, 566-9880 3RD PLACE: T. Tea Bar & Fusion Café 250 Vallombrosa Ave., 895-8100; and 555 Flying V St., Ste. 1, 809-1545

Sandwich 1ST PLACE: Spiteri’s Delicatessen 971 East Ave., 891-4797 No one makes a sandwich quite like Spiteri’s. Despite its reputation as a “hidden gem” on Chico’s north side, obviously the word is out. Because Chicoans again and again cast their votes for this neighborhood deli, testifying to its sandwich-making abilities. Beyond that, they serve killer sides and offer meats and cheeses by the slice so you can try to replicate that top-notch sando at home.

2ND PLACE: Fast Eddie’s Sandwich Shop 788 East Ave., 342-8555 3RD PLACE: Broadway Heights 300 Broadway, 899-8075


O N PA G E 3 7

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READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

f r O m pa g e 3 4

Small bites (apps/tapas) 1ST PLACE: Wine Time 26 Lost Dutchman Drive, 899-9250 2ND PLACE: Basque Norte 3355 Esplanade, 891-5204 3RD PLACE: Christian Michaels Ristorante 192 E. Third St., 894-4005

Spot to satisfy your sweet tooth 1ST PLACE: Shubert’s Ice Cream & Candy 178 E. Seventh St., 342-7163 2ND PLACE: Powell’s Sweet Shoppe 121 W. Third St., 332-9866 3RD PLACE: Jon and Bon’s Yogurt Shoppe 300 Broadway, 899-9580; and 1722 Mangrove Ave., 899-0484

Street food 1ST PLACE: Gordo Burrito Eighth and Pine streets No matter the time of day, if the Gordo Burrito truck is parked in its spot at the corner of Eighth and Pine streets, there’s likely a line. That’s because the food there is truly the best, as the majority of CN&R readers agree. Regulars return for the killer shrimp burritos—no skimping on shrimp here!—or the almost too-good-to-be-true taco deals. Whatever your craving, Gordo delivers.

2ND PLACE: Mayhem! Gourmet Grilled Cheese Various locations, 717-3968 3RD PLACE: Wander Various locations, 680-3871

Sushi 1ST PLACE: Japanese Blossoms 2995 Esplanade, Ste. 104, 891-9022

Local restaurant— On the Ridge

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1ST PLACE: Black Bear Diner 5791 Clark Road, 877-0877 Black Bear Diner is one of those restaurants where you’re bound to run into a neighbor or two while chowing down on chicken-fried steak and mashed potatoes. The service is reliably friendly and the bears never bite. Simply put: It’s comfort food in a comfortable setting.

2ND PLACE (TIE): Ikkyu Japanese Restaurant 5225 Skyway, 876-1488 2ND PLACE (TIE): The Depot Café and  Restaurant 6818 Depot Lane, 876-9903

Local restaurant—Oroville 1ST PLACE: The Steak House Gold Country Casino, 4020 Olive Highway, 532-3171



ing y ou

Mexican food fo r o ver 4 8 ye ar s

The Steak House at Gold Country Casino is regularly voted Best Local Restaurant in Oroville, and for good reason. Just walk into the vast dining room and take in the view out the panoramic windows and you know you’re in for a treat. Executive chef Mike Armstrong knows a thing or two about a thing or two— so, trust that whatever you order here, it’s fine food at its finest.

2ND PLACE: Tong Fong Low 2051 Robinson St., 533-1488 3RD PLACE: Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co. 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville, 533-3885

2ND PLACE: Big Tuna Sushi Bistro 1722 Mangrove Ave., Ste. 18, 345-4571 3RD PLACE: The Rawbar Restaurant & Sushi 346 Broadway, 897-0626

1ST PLACE: New Clairvaux Vineyard 26240 Seventh St., Vina, 839-2200

1ST PLACE: Aca Taco 133 Broadway, 894-0191; and 1000 W. Sacramento Ave., 343-0909 2ND PLACE: Gordo Burrito 1295 E. Eighth St., 809-1211; and Eighth and Pine streets 3RD PLACE: Sol Mexican Grill 3269 Esplanade, 342-4616

Includes: 2 eggs, 2 strips of bacon, choice of fresh cooked spinach, cottage potatoes or hash browns and toasted french bread with butter.

2ND PLACE: Bacio Catering & Carry Out 1903 Park Ave., 345-7787 3RD PLACE: Tong Fong Low 2072 E. 20th St., Ste. 100, 898-1388

Creating sushi is an art that takes years to master, and Jeramie Sabelman, who bought Japanese Blossoms earlier this year and serves as head chef, has certainly made a name for himself in Chico. (He also takes home second place for Best Chef.) The sushi menu at his restaurant ranges from simple sashimi—fish only—to nigiri and, of course, specialty rolls. Given so much competition in town, it’s a serious honor to win Best Sushi.


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$ ness, they make customers feel like family, too. The food, traditional Chinese fare, is always delicious, and the staff is adept at the art of take-out, making the process of ordering and picking up quick, easy and stress-free.

Local winery—Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama)

There are dozens of wineries in the cities and towns surrounding Chico, but none quite like New Clairvaux Vineyard. The Vina winery, also a Cistercian monastery, is home to Trappist monks who happen to make delicious wine. No doubt one of the reasons Chicoans voted New Clairvaux Best Local Winery is the fact that a visit to the grounds offers a history lesson along with a wine tasting.

2ND PLACE: LaRocca Vineyards 12360 Doe Mill Road, Forest Ranch, 899-9463 3RD PLACE: Almendra Winery & Distillery 9275 Midway, Durham, 343-6893



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1ST PLACE: Happy Garden 180 Cohasset Road, 893-2574




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READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

O n pa g e 3 8

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OctOber 13, 2016









Bar 1ST PLACE: Argus Bar + Patio 212 W. Second St., 570-2672 With its top-notch menu of creative cocktails, comfortable atmosphere and one of Chico’s best patio spaces, Argus has become the go-to spot for a casual but classy bar experience. Whether you’re looking for a craft cocktail or just a tall can of Rainier, Argus’ friendly staff will make you feel at home. Add in live music and a food menu from nearby restaurant Ali Baba and Argus covers all the bases of what a great neighborhood bar should be.

2ND PLACE: The Banshee 134 W. Second St., 895-9670 3RD PLACE: Duffy’s Tavern 337 Main St., 343-7718

Watering hole for townies 1ST PLACE: Duffy’s Tavern 337 Main St., 343-7718 You know that place where everybody knows your name? Yeah, if you’re in Chico, it could be your neighborhood bar, but it’s also probably Duffy’s. It’s practically impossible to walk into the longtime downtown dive bar and not run into an old pal, a co-worker or even your lawyer. So, sit back with the Best Bloody Mary in town and enjoy life as a local.

2ND PLACE: The Handle Bar 2070 E. 20th St., Ste. 160, 894-2337 3RD PLACE: Studio Inn Lounge 2582 Esplanade, 343-0662

Sports bar 1ST PLACE: Bella’s Sports Pub 134 Broadway, 893-5253 Regardless of your team or your sport, Bella’s is the perfect spot to catch a game with a cold drink or a basket of spicy wings any time of day or night. With die-hards hanging on the outcome of every play and bartenders waiting to help fuel the celebration of victory or drown the agony of defeat, Bella’s is the kind of sports bar where even casual fans can get caught up in the moment.

2ND PLACE: The End Zone 250 Cohasset Road, 899-7070 3RD PLACE: The Pour House 855 East Ave., Ste. 270, 893-3000

Venue for live music 1ST PLACE: Sierra Nevada Big Room 1075 E. 20th St., 893-3520 It’s hard to go wrong with live music at a renowned craft brewery. What makes the Big Room such a draw, however, is that not only is the music—generally Americana or



OCTOBER 13, 2016

roots—top-notch, but the venue is intimate enough to feel like the audience is really part of the show. Throw in a dinner beforehand and the evening is complete.

2ND PLACE: The Tackle Box Bar & Grill 379 E. Park Ave., 345-7499 3RD PLACE: Lost on Main 319 Main St., 892-2445

Place to dance 1ST PLACE: The Beach 191 E. Second St., 898-9898 With a rotating cast of local and out-oftown DJs spinning everything from hip-hop to electro house, The Beach is the place to be for Chicoans seeking that club atmosphere. Open only on weekends, The Beach offers a variety of dance floors, from the often crowded main room to the VIP lounge upstairs. Bonus: It opens onto the patio at Panama’s—or to the University Bar—if you’re seeking a change of tempo.

2ND PLACE: Crazy Horse Saloon 303 Main St., 342-7299 3RD PLACE: Madison Bear Garden 316 W. Second St., 891-1639

Happy hour 1ST PLACE: Crush Italian Cuisine & Lounge 201 Broadway, 342-7000 Nowhere takes happy hour more seriously than Crush. With specials every afternoon and late-night happy hour Thursday-Saturday, Crush offers ample opportunity to get a great deal on hand-crafted cocktails and an impressive selection of food options. From afternoon appetizers on the patio to latenight drinks and pizza in the lounge, Crush continues its reign as Chico’s Best Happy Hour.

2ND PLACE: The Pour House 855 East Ave., Ste. 270, 893-3000 3RD PLACE: Christian Michaels Ristorante 192 E. Third St., 894-4005

Bloody Mary 1ST PLACE: Duffy’s Tavern 337 Main St., 343-7718 2ND PLACE: Joe’s Bar 749 W. Fifth St., 894-3612 3RD PLACE: Mom’s Restaurant 209 Salem St., 893-3447

Margarita 1ST PLACE: Tres Hombres Long Bar & Grill 100 Broadway, 342-0425 With an entire menu of margaritas, it’s

no wonder Tres Hombres continues to rule this category. The list runs the gamut from the simple house variety shaken or blended to the Cadillac (with El Jimador Reposado tequila) to the fruit-flavored, and can be ordered by the glass or by the pitcher, so the whole table is ready to fiesta.

2ND PLACE: La Hacienda 2635 Esplanade, 893-8270 3RD PLACE: Casa Ramos 216 W. East Ave., 894-0119; and 2490 Fair St., 893-5050

Place to drink a glass of wine 1ST PLACE: Wine Time 26 Lost Dutchman Drive, 899-9250 Wine Time truly lives up to its name. Patrons can choose from an extensive wine

Bella’s Sports Pub

list, which includes plenty of options from local wineries, or from a selection of flights. Chef Lisa Sereda also makes it easy to pair your small plate with the perfect glass. Salut!

2ND PLACE: Unwined at 980 980 Mangrove Ave., 809-2634 3RD PLACE: Crush Italian Cuisine & Lounge 201 Broadway, 342-7000

Mixologist 1ST PLACE: Jason Corona Crush Italian Cuisine & Lounge, 201 Broadway, 342-7000 Jason Corona is no stranger to this category, as the longtime Chico bartender has been impressing Chico’s bar-hopping populace for years now. Regulars at Crush, where he’s the bar manager, swear by Corona’s personable attitude and know-how when it comes to making specialty drinks.

2ND PLACE: Codey Ulsh The Beach, 191 E. Second St. 3RD PLACE: Scott Barwick Formerly of Two Twenty Restaurant, 220 W. Fourth St., 895-1515


(Butte/Glenn/Tehama) 1ST PLACE: Gold Country Casino 4020 Olive Highway, Oroville, 538-4560 When it comes to full-service entertainment, casinos are king. And here in the North State, Gold Country claims the crown once again for Best Casino. The impressive establishment, just south of Chico in Oroville, features slot machines and table games but doesn’t stop there. Big-name bands, comedians and DJs perform in the event center and Spirits Lounge, and a meal at the Steak House can’t be beat.

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2ND PLACE: Feather Falls Casino 3 Alverda Drive, Oroville, 533-3885 3RD PLACE: Rolling Hills Casino 2655 Everett Freeman Way, Corning, 528-3500

Karaoke night 1ST PLACE: Madison Bear Garden 316 W. Second St., 891-1639 Karaoke night at the Madison Bear Garden—known fittingly as Bear-e-oke—has become a Monday-night institution, not just for its awesome location on the Bear’s expansive patio, but for the wide range of participants, from karaoke ringers to firsttimers operating on pure liquid courage. Whether you’re a singer or just a spectator, it’s guaranteed to be a great time.

2ND PLACE: Maltese Bar & Taproom 1600 Park Ave., 343-4915 3RD PLACE: Studio Inn Lounge 2582 Esplanade, 343-0662

Local comedian 1ST PLACE: Chris Bobertz As suggested by the tagline on his Facebook page, “Will travel, will tell jokes for food,” Chris Bobertz is a local comedian willing to put in the miles, and the work, to get the laughs. Wearing a hoodie—typically hood-up—and a disarming smile, Bobertz’s self-effacing jokes based on his experiences

as a father and otherwise average guy are above-average hilarious, and have made him a perennial favorite at comedy shows in Chico and beyond.

2ND PLACE: T.J. Hudson 3RD PLACE: Steve Swim

Local music act 1ST PLACE: Defcats For the second year in a row, the Defcats have been named Chico’s Best Local Music Act. The Defcats cover everyone from the Doobie Brothers to the Stray Cats and have played venues large and small. The six-piece composed of veteran musicians strives to get people’s feet tapping and voices singing along—and clearly it’s working.

2ND PLACE: Smokey the Groove 3RD PLACE: Spy Picnic

Local visual artist 1ST PLACE: Christine Mac Shane An accomplished artist for more than two decades, Christine Mac Shane has made a name for herself as a television host. She’s also left her mark on Butte County, often through murals. She now offers classes and art parties at her Studio 561 in Chico, which attracts novices and experienced painters alike. “Her heart is the right place, and she helps folks feel free to be themselves,” one student says. “She encourages and empow-


O N PA G E 4 0

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F R O M PA G E 3 9

ers you to stretch and develop.”

2ND PLACE: Janet Lombardi Blixt 3RD PLACE: Caitlin Schwerin



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1ST PLACE: Has Beans Coffee & Tea Co. 501 Main St., 894-3033 Many a local musician and poet has cut his or her teeth at an open mic at Has Beans in downtown Chico. The weekly events attract regulars, of course, but also fresh talent ready to try out something new. The positive, supportive environment keeps this longtime institution going strong.

2ND PLACE: Maltese Bar & Tap Room 1600 Park Ave., 343-491 3RD PLACE: Studio Inn Lounge 2582 Esplanade, 343-0662

Place to buy art There is no shortage of galleries and shops in Chico where art aficionados can find the perfect piece to fit in their home. Time and time again, however, Chicoans look to Chico Paper Co. as their go-to spot for all things art. The downtown store houses the works of many artists, including those of the very popular Jake Early, and it also offers framing services.

2ND PLACE: Chico Paper Co. 345 Broadway, 891-0900 3RD PLACE: The Studio 561 561 E. Lindo Ave., 370-1285

2ND PLACE: Art Etc. 122 W. Third St., 895-1161 3RD PLACE: 1078 Gallery 820 Broadway, 343-1973

1ST PLACE: Blue Room Theatre 139 W. First St., 895-3749

1ST PLACE: 1078 Gallery 820 Broadway, 343-1973 Since 1981, the 1078 Gallery has been providing Chico art lovers the opportunity to see contemporary and experimental artwork of local, national and international origins. Open to all forms of art, from fine arts, to performance, film and musical arts, the nonprofit, volunteer-run 1078 Gallery is not just an integral part of Chico’s thriving art

all-volunteer, non-profit store funding spay/neuter of owned cats & dogs & the neighborhood Cat advocates’ feral cat trap, neuter, return program 1360 e. 1st ave, ChiCo (across from in-motion fitness) • 530.892.2687 | tues - sat 10am - 5Pm 40


OCTOBER 13, 2016


1ST PLACE: Chico Paper Co. 345 Broadway, 891-0900

Place to see art

Low Prices on: Clothing • Books • linens • housewares • DeCor • Pet items

MY FAVE: Chico Ceramics Center This is an awesome ceramics studio! The artists in the studio are welcoming, friendly and supportive of each other. I enjoy being a part of these wonderful artists and being inspired by their work.

community, but also a direct conduit to the greater art world.

Theater company Year in and year out, the Blue Room Theatre offers an impressive range of productions, from well-known classics to works from local playwrights, and everything in between. With consistently top-notch local casts, directors, musicians and staff, and community outreach that includes the Blue Room Young Company and the Blue Room Guild, the Blue Room continues to be Chico’s foremost theater hub.

2ND PLACE: Chico Theater Company 166 E. Eaton Road, Ste. F, 894-3282 3RD PLACE: California Regional Theatre (800) 722-4522

The Blue Room Theatre PHOTO BY JOE HILSEE


O N PA G E 4 2


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Health & Wellness here’s to those who keep our community fit and feeling good

Local health-care provider

Dental care

1ST PLACE: Argyll Medical Group 100 Independence Circle, 899-0295

1ST PLACE: Nelsen Family Dentistry 1307 Esplanade, Ste. 4, 898-8511

Started by local physician Dr. Roy Bishop 15 years ago, Argyll Medical Group encompasses several medical practices and offers services ranging from primary care and internal medicine to skin care and addiction services. The medical group also offers patients a range of services typically not covered by insurance—such as afterhours urgent calls with a physician—through its retainer program called Argyll Advantage. No wonder they keep coming back.

For eight years running, Nelsen Family Dentistry has topped Chicoans’ list when it comes to dental care. Owned by husband-wife duo Drs. John and Missy Nelsen, the longtime Chico practice is beloved for its personable staff, caring technicians and knowledgeable dentists who work hard to keep patients smiling bright.

2ND PLACE: Mission Ranch Primary Care 114 Mission Ranch Blvd., Ste. 10, 894-0500 3RD PLACE: Archer & Alonso MDs 1645 Esplanade, Ste. 1, 896-0386

General practitioner 1ST PLACE: Julie Archer Archer & Alonso MDs, 1645 Esplanade, Ste. 1, 896-0386 “Skilled, attentive and dependable care” is how one patient of 25 years describes Dr. Julie Archer’s practice. Archer specializes in internal medicine, and is affiliated with Enloe Medical Center. Satisfied patients go to her seeking relief from conditions such as acute sinusitis, diabetes mellitus, and osteoarthritis, among other ailments.

2ND PLACE: Stuart Mishelof Argyll Medical Group, 100 Independence Circle, 899-0295 3RD PLACE: Herbert Lim Mission Ranch Primary Care, 114 Mission Ranch Blvd., Ste. 10, 894-0500

2ND PLACE: Willow Creek Dentistry 2765 Esplanade, 891-6611 3RD PLACE: William Moon, DDS 227 W. Sixth St., 342-3525

Eye-care specialist 1ST PLACE: Chico Eye Center 605 W. East Ave., 895-1727; and 2056 Talbert Drive, Ste. 100, 893-1695 When Chicoans need to get their vision checked or a new pair of fashionable frames, they know where to look: Chico Eye Center. With full-service eye care, from basic vision correction to LASIK surgery and glaucoma treatment, Chico Eye Center is a one-stop shop with a caring staff that makes patients feel right at home.

2ND PLACE (TIE): North Valley Eye Care 114 Mission Ranch Blvd., Ste. 50, 891-1900 2ND PLACE (TIE): Family Eye Care 2565 Ceanothus Ave., Ste. 155, 899-3939

My fave: Refuel Nutrition This nutrition club is a place that holds free fit camps, serves delicious shakes and teas, and helps change people’s lives by promoting a healthy and active lifestyle! You’ll find more than just health coaches, but lifelong friends and a supportive community. —Erin Johnson

Pediatrician 1ST PLACE: Patrick Tedford 643 W. East Ave., 342-0502 A repeat winner for Best Pediatrician, Dr. Patrick Tedford is beloved by generations of Chicoans. He’s respected by his peers as well, and last year was honored with the Enloe Physician Legacy Award for having changed the community for the better. He’s known for his comforting bedside manner and extensive medical knowledge.

2ND PLACE: John Asarian Chico Pediatrics, 670 Rio Lindo Ave., Ste. 300 3RD PLACE: Daniela Morcos-Gannon 643 W. East Ave., 899-2981

Alternative health-care provider 1ST PLACE: Simply Pilates 2201 Pillsbury Road, Ste. 190, 566-1077 Simply Pilates offers free consultations to allow the skeptical to learn first-hand how pilates instruction can make a difference in their lives and their overall health. Many students stick around for further workouts and they praise the quality of instruction owner Beth Koch provides. At Simply Pilates, classes focus on everything from osteoporosis to chronic pain to basic core strength.

2ND PLACE: Chico Community Acupuncture 1815 Mangrove Ave., 345-5300 3RD PLACE: American Chi Center for Health 1209 Esplanade, Ste. 1, 342-2895

Dr. Roy Bishop of Argyll Medical Group File phOtO by evan tuchinsky

Acupuncture clinic 1ST PLACE: Chico Community Acupuncture 1815 Mangrove Ave., 345-5300 Acupuncture is known to treat a variety of ailments through redirecting the body’s qi—or energy—using strategically placed pins. At Chico Community Acupuncture, they embrace this philosophy and ensure it’s available to



OctOber 13, 2016

all by offering treatments in a group setting for an affordable fee.

2ND PLACE: The Pinwheel Community Acupuncture Project 740 Flume St., 345-5566 3RD PLACE: American Chi Center for Health 1209 Esplanade, Ste. 1, 342-2895

Chiropractor 1ST PLACE: Tenenbaum Chiropractic 1049 Village Lane, 680-8920 Mark Tenenbaum, aka Dr. Mark, and his staff are popular among many area residents for their professionalism, overall knowledge, friendliness and for making chiropractic care affordable. Tenenbaum Chiropractic specializes in chiropractic adjustments and massage and is regularly in the running for Best Chiropractor. “Topnotch, professional service with the best price in town” is how one client sums it up.

2ND PLACE: Preference Chiropractic 1635 Magnolia Ave., 895-0224 3RD PLACE: Spine Chiropractic 1166 Esplanade, Ste. 2, 809-2695

Massage therapist 1ST PLACE: Jenni Miller Prana Endura Therapeutic Massage and Yoga, 1281 East Ave., Ste. 100, 520-3459 Visitors to Prana Endura Therapeutic Massage and Yoga swear by certified massage therapist Jenni Miller’s expertise. Miller offers personalized massage therapies and has studied many areas of specialization within her field. Need a lymphatic massage? Sure thing. How about prenatal therapy or a deep-tissue session? She’s got you covered. One client describes her time on the table as “Amazing! I felt like I was walking on clouds for an hour after she was done.”

2ND PLACE: Babette Maiss 13 Williamsburg Lane, 321-5668 3RD PLACE: Kristen Bobertz The Olive Branch Wellness Spa, 2889 Cohasset Road, Ste. 4, 591-9700

Gym 1ST PLACE: In Motion Fitness 1293 E. First Ave., 343-5678 Do you even lift, bro? If you do pump iron—or like to swim or take yoga, spin and crossfit classes—chances are we’ll see you at In Motion Fitness. At Chico’s biggest gym, it seems like everyone you know has a membership. It’s so poppin’ in the evenings on weekdays, members sometimes have to head to the overflow parking lot. And with a sweeping $2 million expansion currently underway, In Mo is only getting bigger and better.

2ND PLACE: Chico Sports Club 260 Cohasset Road, Ste. 190, 345-9427 3RD PLACE: NorCal Strength & Conditioning 629 Entler Ave., Ste. 17, 605-2766

cn&r file phOtO

Martial arts studio

Place for kids to play

1ST PLACE: Azad’s Martial Arts Family Center 313 Walnut St., Ste. 150, 892-2923

1ST PLACE: Caper Acres

No matter what your skill level or age, Azad’s Martial Arts Family Center has a class for you. Run by Grandmaster Farshad Azad, a black belt several times over and founder of two different forms of martial arts, this training center is no-nonsense all the way. In addition to athletic advancement, students can learn agility, self-defense and to truly master the martial arts.

2ND PLACE: Americana Brazilian Jui-Jitsu 322 Nord Ave., 712-7007 3RD PLACE: Haley’s Martial Arts Center 260 Cohasset Road, 895-3114

1ST PLACE: Yoga Center of Chico 250 Vallombrosa Ave., Ste. 150, 342-0100 Those who frequent the Yoga Center of Chico do so because it’s more than just a yoga studio—it’s a community. With group sessions that range from beginner to advanced in addition to one-on-one work with instructors, the center offers a variety of yoga options. What’s more, yogis Rex Stromness and Tom Hess open the place up for concerts, retreats and other community events.

2ND PLACE: In Motion Fitness 1293 E. First Ave., 343-5678 3RD PLACE: Chico Sports Club 260 Cohasset Road, Ste. 190, 345-9427

Humpty Dumpty, a giant sea serpent, humongous blocks of Swiss cheese with holes to explore. These are just a few of the fun features at Lower Bidwell Park’s iconic fairytale-themed playground. Generations of Chicoans have enjoyed this kids’ play space at One-Mile Recreation Area, and due to its popularity, future generations will, too.

2ND PLACE: Bidwell Park 3RD PLACE: In Motion Fitness 1293 E. First Ave., 343-5678

Veterinarian 1ST PLACE: VCA Valley Oak Veterinary Center 2480 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, 342-7387 Chicoans love their pets and when it comes to keeping them healthy, they repeatedly turn to Valley Oak Veterinary Center. Walk-in hours go till 8 p.m. on weekdays, while emergency service is available 24/7, making Valley Oak a go-to spot for impromptu and after-hours pet care. With boarding options and a vaccine clinic every Sunday, it’s easy to see why Chicoans keep bringing their furry friends back to Valley Oak.

2ND PLACE: Evers Veterinary Clinic 1150 El Monte Ave., 343-0713 3RD PLACE: Chico Animal Hospital 3015 Esplanade, 342-0518

READERS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d


Yoga studio

This guy saves you money.

Rex Stromness inside the  Yoga Center of Chico

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ReadeRs’ PICKs


ReadeRs’ PICKs


ReadeRs’ PICKs


ReadeRs’ PICKs


ReadeRs’ PICKs

Community Recognizing the special people and places that give chico its chaRacteR

Instructor/professor 1ST PLACE: Sanjay Dev Math departments, Butte College and Chico State Sanjay Dev tied for first place in the Best Instructor/ Professor category last year, and this time around he proves his recognition is lasting. Students in Dev’s math classes at Chico State and Butte College rave about his ability to make the subject fun despite its technical nature. His bright smile and infectious positivity are testaments to his love of life, which he also translates to his students.

2ND PLACE: Janet Lombardi-Blixt Chico Art School, 336 Broadway, Ste. 20, 570-3895 3RD PLACE: Lori Jean Phipps Preschool teacher, Kids First Learning Center, 2117 Zuni Ave., 321-2784

Teacher (K-12) 1ST PLACE (TIE): Rebecca Klein Third grade, Little Chico Creek Elementary, 2090 Amanda Way, 891-3285 Third-grade teacher Rebecca Klein just started her third year teaching and clearly she’s made an impression. “What makes Rebecca special is her amazing connection with her students,” says Little Chico Creek Elementary Principal Kristen Schrock. Students love her for her positive attitude, dedication and commitment to making learning fun. She even painted her car with chalkboard paint, so her students could use it as a canvas!

1ST PLACE (TIE): Jennifer Rossovich Second grade, Hooker Oak Elementary School, 1238 Arbutus Ave., 891-3119

Taste of Chico

Charitable cause 1ST PLACE: Butte Humane Society 2580 Fair St. 343-7917 Chicoans hold a special place in their hearts for animals, so it should be no surprise that Butte Humane Society, whose primary function is to care for the homeless pets in our community, regularly wins Best Charitable Cause. In addition to caring for dogs, cats and other animals in need of a home, BHS facilitates foster care for pets, offers obedience and temperament training, and also runs a low-cost vaccination clinic. The organization is also a fun place to be, earning it a second honor for Best Place to Volunteer.

2ND PLACE: Torres Community Shelter 101 Silver Dollar Way, 891-9048 3RD PLACE: The Jesus Center 1297 Park Ave., 345-2640

Community event 1ST PLACE: Taste of Chico Chico is home to hundreds of eateries, breweries, wineries, food trucks and other businesses dedicated to delivering a huge variety of delicious food and drink to the public, and the best way to sample a good number of them in a short time is at Taste of Chico. The streets of



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downtown are closed for the popular September event, which features live music, art exhibits and plentiful peoplewatching opportunities, and is made possible by the hard work of more than 150 volunteers.

2ND PLACE: Saturday Chico Certified Farmers’ Market 3RD PLACE: Thursday Night Market

Place to volunteer 1ST PLACE: Butte Humane Society 2580 Fair St. 343-7917 2ND PLACE: The Jesus Center 1297 Park Ave., 345-2640 3RD PLACE: Torres Community Shelter 101 Silver Dollar Way, 891-9048

Volunteer 1ST PLACE: Farshad Azad Azad’s Martial Arts Family Center, 313 Walnut St., Ste. 150, 892-2923 Farshad Azad has influenced the lives of hundreds of students, from children to seniors. But he’s also known for his activism in the community. Many Thanksgivings ago, the martial arts instructor started a community drive, dubbed the Basket Brigade, to assemble and deliv-

er food baskets for local needy families. He has organized many of the downtown Parade of Lights festivals, bringing together groups and organizations for a bright event celebrating community. He’s also given back through working with the Chico Noon Exchange Club. Is there anything this guy doesn’t do?

2ND PLACE: Nicholas Mertz Relay for Life, Stonewall Alliance 3RD PLACE: Jim Secola Christbridge Ministry, 984 Myrtle Ave., 990-0822

A teacher for Chico Unified School District since 1989, Jennifer Rossovich has seen many changes, but has always been focused on the children. That’s what Hooker Oak Principal Brian Holderman says stands out about the second-grade teacher. Rossovich is known for being a kind and gentle leader, always holding her students to high standards. Students and parents alike recognize her as an excellent teacher, one of three in the Open Structure Program at Hooker Oak.

2ND PLACE: Nicole Nye  Kindergarten, Chico Country Day School, 102 W. 11th St., 895-2650

Place to pray My fave: KZFR I love the variety of programming on KZFR and I associate certain times of my week with their programs. Listener-supported, it is truly a gem of Chico. —Tom o’Connor

1ST PLACE: Bidwell Presbyterian Church 208 W. First St., 343-1484 Bidwell Presbyterian Church was founded in Chico nearly 150 years ago and names John and Annie Bidwell among its first members. Today, the church attracts a variety of congregants between its traditional and contemporary services. Just last month, the congregation unanimously selected a new senior pastor, The Rev. Dr. Henry Hansen, who hails from the Bay Area and promises to continue Bidwell Pres’ commitment to ministry and community.

2ND PLACE: Chico New Thought Center for Spiritual Living 14 Hillary Lane, 895-8395 3RD PLACE: Bidwell Park

Making Memories



Experience amazing quality, excellent service & a knowledgeable staff for all of your special moments

Live Life Juice Co.

Locally produced food—

Farmers’ market vendor

1ST PLACE (TIE): Chico Chai teas 1919 Park Ave., 897-0822

1ST PLACE: Chico Chai 1919 Park Ave., 897-0822 2ND PLACE: Grub CSA Farm 3269 W Sacramento Ave., 680-4543 3RD PLACE: Live Life Juice Co. 220 W. Sixth St., 566-3346

Regional (Butte/Glenn/Tehama) Sarah Adams launched her company, Chico Chai, over a decade ago and locals caught the chai tea bug—and haven’t let go. Adams makes her loose-leaf and “strong brew” teas in small batches using organic, whole spices. It’s her attention to detail and commitment to quality that sets her teas apart and earned Chico Chai the title of Best Locally Produced Food and Best Farmers’ Market Vendor. Congrats!

1ST PLACE (TIE): Live Life Juice Co. juices 220 W. Sixth St., 566-3346 The ladies at Live Life Juice Co., sisters Angelina, Autumn and Abigail Rasmussen, have struck liquid gold with their cold-pressed juices. After launching their company at the Saturday farmers’ market about two years ago, they quickly caught on with locals and earlier this year they parlayed that success into a brick-and-mortar shop, where they serve wellness shots and rotate through about a dozen different juice blends.

3RD PLACE: Lundberg Family Farms rice 5311 Midway, Richvale, 538-3500


Place to tie the knot 1ST PLACE: White Ranch 214 Hagenridge Road, 342-6530 When it comes to the big day, nothing is quite as important as the venue, which brings all the pieces of the puzzle together. Chicoans again voted White Ranch, owned by Tom and Donna White, as the Best Place to Tie the Knot, and it’s easy to see why. Large trees encompass the lush landscape, providing beautiful backdrops for photos and shade for daytime affairs. Who could ask for more?


2ND PLACE: Bidwell Park 3RD PLACE: The Palms 2947 Nord Ave., 894-8000

Youth organization 1ST PLACE: Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley 601 Wall St., 879-5653

Mike “G-Ride” Griffith

With nine locations throughout Butte County that serve more than 2,000 kids and teens, it’s no wonder the Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley is voted Best Youth Organization. The clubs offer not only a safe place to play and make friends, but also homework help, mentoring and positive role models for local youth.

2ND PLACE: Chico Area Recreation & Park District (CARD) 545 Vallombrosa Ave., 895-4711 3RD PLACE: Youth for Change 7200 Skyway, Paradise, 877-8187

Local personality 1ST PLACE: Mike “G-Ride” Griffith G-Ride Pedi Cab, 354-9885 If you’ve spent any time at all in downtown Chico, you know Mike “G-Ride” Griffith. In fact, you probably know he’s coming before he arrives, as his signature ride, a pedicab, is pimped out with a full stereo that he uses to pump upbeat tunes through the streets. Griffith—along with his loveable pup, Lil’ G—can also be found at many community events, from the Thursday Night Market to the annual Parade of Lights, and he takes genuine joy in making friends, acquaintances and even strangers smile.

2ND PLACE: Linda Watkins-Bennett CBS 12 and NBC 24 3RD PLACE: Megan McMann CBS 12 and NBC 24 (formerly)


O N PA G E 4 6 OCTOBER 13, 2016



2016 Editors’ Picks We think these people, places and things are the bee’s knees!



OctOber 13, 2016

Best little house of fun Pageant Theatre 351 E. Sixth St., 343-0663 Last year, Miles Montalbano took over management of the Pageant. Since then, he’s implemented many exciting changes at Chico’s long-running art-house theater. The small screen still hosts the latest in adventurous indie cinema, but added to the schedule are a range of special screenings of pertinent/historical documentaries (When We Were Kings) and restored classics (Beauty and the Beast), theme nights (John Waters) and regular specialty features including the monthly Subversive Cinema Series with anarchist AK Press and semi-regular late-night shows with live bands opening for cult classics. And, perhaps best of all, the Pageant now serves beer! So, you can enjoy a Sierra Nevada or a Pabst with your film as God intended.

Best lunch-time-only hotspot Hashi Asian to Go 1600 Mangrove Ave., Ste. 175, 809-1530 By night, Forcella Italian Bistro serves up fresh-made pastas and other tastes of the old country. By day, however, it transforms into Hashi Asian to Go, offering a simple menu of soups, sandwiches, bowls and salads. Don’t let the word “simple” fool you, though, as the flavor profiles of each dish are both intricate and deep. Hashi makes all its own soup stock, which is perhaps the lunchtime hotspot’s crowning achievement. The teriyaki bowl is also impressive and impeccably fresh, and the salads are created with care. The only downside here is that Hashi is open only on weekdays for lunch.

Best reason to unplug Pocket Points

Best place to get pricked Creative Cacti + Succulents

pocketpoints.com This locally created mobile app offers some great incentives for turning off your cellphone during class— discounts at local stores! Launched two years ago by Chico State grads Rob Richardson and Mitch Gardner, Pocket Points lets you rack up points for every minute your phone is turned off on campus. Currently it’s available at Chico State and Butte College (and dozens of campuses nationwide), but the pair are looking to expand to high schools and middle schools soon. And tons of local businesses are on board, from Pita Pit to The Electric Lounge to, most recently, Office Depot. Also in the works: rewards for unplugging while driving—now, that’s a safety app we can get behind.

www.creativecacti.com Claude Geffray has a pretty amazing green thumb and his plants of choice aren’t your average petunias or daisies. The native of Normandy, France, is a trained artist who specializes in growing cacti and succulents at his nursery in north Chico. The place is home to an impressive variety of offerings, from tiny prickly cacti to large agaves. Geffray caught the bug for propagating the plants after purchasing a cactus at a Bay Area flea market decades ago. He moved to Chico in the mid-’80s, and his booth is a fixture at the Thursday night and Saturday farmers’ markets. His wholesale nursery—Geffray’s Gardens—is also open to the public on special days and by appointment.

Best ray of sunshine at City Hall Mark Orme On top of Chico City Manager Mark Orme’s desk sits a yellow happy-face coffee mug. It’s the perfect decorative touch considering his sunny disposition. Orme may have critics, but even they have to admit that he’s a heck of a nice guy. And, as far as we can tell, it’s genuine. Orme appears to go out of his way for community members of all backgrounds, not just the power brokers. We’ve observed this many times, and we’re convinced he’s the real deal. Don’t forget that Orme became the city’s top administrator during a period of great financial distress. Despite the immense pressure of leading the city back into solvency, he somehow remained fairly upbeat. That’s next-level positivity.

Best place to get your game on Game Night at Woodstock’s Pizza 166 E. Second St., 893-1500 Board games are in the midst of a golden age, with adults taking to the pastime in unprecedented numbers. The social and psychological implications of this trend are intriguing—some posit it’s driven by an urge for human interaction in a disconnected technological world—but the simple answer is that games are fun. A group of game-loving local Redditors started organizing regular meetups every Monday night (at 6ish p.m.) back in June, and the friendly, informal meetings are still going strong. They are currently held at Woodstock’s Pizza, though the venue sometimes changes. The latest details can be found on the Chico Subreddit Web page (www.reddit.com/r/ChicoCA).

Best fancy date night An evening in the “Arts District” This fall semester, Chico State opened its new Arts & Humanities Building on the edge of downtown Chico. With its three art galleries— Jacki Headley University Art Gallery, Janet Turner Print Museum, MFA Gallery—and top-tier Zingg Recital Hall, the new building is at the center of an already bustling area, rounding out what’s been dubbed the university’s “Arts District.” The A&H Building joins Laxson Auditorium and its North State Symphony and Chico Performances programming on one side, and the Performing Arts Center and the School of the Arts music and theater productions at its multiple theaters on the other. And its all just a few steps away from downtown’s many dining and drinking options, making for a good excuse to get dressed up and hit the town.

Best glimpse into your neighbor’s soul 365Chico Project Musician and man-about-town Sesar Sanchez initially began his 365Chico Project on New Year’s Day as a way to sharpen his photography skills, and in exchange his volunteer subjects could walk away with some nice digital portraits of themselves. But from the get-go he realized his subjects also had something to say, and his format was solidified—begin with a lengthy (on average two-hour) chat, ask five questions, take the pictures, and post the answers and pics online. Sanchez’s dedication to the project is admirable, as are the results—a fine collection of the faces and personalities that make Chico special. Check it out on Facebook or at 365chico.tumblr.com.

Best beer-meat infusion Ribs at Ike’s Smoke House 207 Walnut St. (in parking lot), 924-3171 If you’re like us and you love to relax with a nice cold one while chowing down on some dry-rubbed, barbecue-sauce-slathered, smokey ribs, then Ike’s Smokehouse is the place for you. Because sometimes that craving hits midday, midweek, and firing up that smoker and tipping back a Pale Ale just isn’t gonna happen. The coolest thing about owner Isaac Anderson’s smoking process is he uses chopped up Sierra Nevada beer barrels—so you’re getting that delicious beer flavor in every bite. The pulled pork and other offerings are also awesome—try the stuffed potato Grenade!—but the ribs are out of this world. EDITORS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

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EDITORS’ PICKS c O n t i n u e d

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Best burgeoning ag industry The local wineries There are so many new wineries cropping up around Butte County that CN&R did a whole cover story on this up-andcoming segment of the local ag scene (see “Vine to vino,” July 14). Newer outfits such as Oroville’s Purple Line Urban Winery and Nesseré Vineyard in Durham have joined local wine luminaries like LaRocca Vineyards in the “The first thing I want to do is reccraft of bringing our community deliognize the fact that we are on occupied cious wines. What’s more, some of the Mechoopda territory.” Those were the wineries are bottling award-winners. words emcee Samuel White Swan-Perkins Some of the wineries are open for tastsaid to a crowd of several hundred people ings by appointment only, but that’s gathered at Chico’s City Plaza Sept. 12 fine by us. We’re just excited we don’t to show support for Native American and have to drive to Napa, Sonoma or some other protesters fighting the Dakota Access other far-flung place to fill our glass. Pipeline in North Dakota, which threatens the environment, sacred places and water of the nearby Standing Rock Reservation. The event remained Native-centered throughout, featuring speakers and singers from several tribes, some of whom had just returned from the protest’s front lines. Members of environmental group Chico 350—who organized the effort—were on hand to remind the crowd that while the most 641 Nord Ave., 487-7288 immediate danger is posed to Native land Chico has a handful of specialty and water, the pipeline and related threats food stores, ranging from healthy eats from the oil industry affect all people. The to ethnic delicacies. The new kid on event was empowering, diverse and incluthe block offers a taste of Delhi’s spice sive, and it stands out as one of the most 864 East Ave., 891-9355 market, plus a ton of other Indian food powerful local protests in recent years. 3312 Esplanade, 809-1088 So, you’re on a health kick. Trying to eat staples, from rose water and naan to wholesome foods can be quite a chore; all that time yogurt and paneer. The cold case has As it’s located in a converted spent reading labels to avoid things like artificial drinks—such as mango lassis and home in north Chico, entering preservatives, MSG and hydrogenated oils. Chico’s saffron-flavored milk—and a host of produce and frozen Shenanigan’s feels more like walking into your recently opened New Earth Market understands the foods you can only find here. If you’re not sure exactly what friend’s house after the homecoming game circa struggle and does the hard work for us. With an you need to prepare a certain dish, the owners are more than junior year than into an eatery and watering hole. willing to offer suggestions. And better yet, they’re open And, good news—your friend’s late—till 10 p.m.—so when you get that after-dinner craving parents are away on permanent for cardamom-infused rice pudding, you know where to go. vacation, leaving their wellstocked pad for you and your pals to party. No need to raid the liquor cabinet or freezer here, as patrons will find a full bar and excellent pub-grub-heavy Saturday farmers’ market, 532-6384 menu. There’s even a backyard area with horseshoe pits Dave Miller doesn’t make run-of-the-mill bread. The master For the love of Gambrinus, what’s a beer lover gotta do and a basement stocked with baker can be found only at the Saturday farmers’ market in to get some new suds options in Chico? Nearly 3,000 craft pool tables, dart boards and downtown Chico, where he usually sells out of 400 loaves of breweries have opened in America in the last decade, but a jukebox. One thing, whole-grain sourdough bread made from wheat and rye in a despite the trend, Chico has lagged. Thankfully, it looks though—what’s up few hours. And for good reason—his craftsmanship is apparent like things are changing. British Bulldog Brewery is with the apostrophe? to his regular customers. Miller sticks to Old World methods, set to hit local taps with its English-style ales by If there’s actually such as processing grain with an Austrian-crafted wooden mill, the holidays; the locally brewed ciders of Lassen a dude named using a 70-year-old mixer and baking with a wood-fired oven. Traditional Cidery just became available; and Shenanigan runIf you need a compelling reason to wake up early on Saturday both Secret Trail and Zythos Brewing are ning this joint, mornings, make it securing a loaf of Miller’s bread. actively seeking homes to set up shop. C’mon, we want to hang guys! We’re getting thirsty out here! out with him.

Best show of solidarity Dakota Access Pipeline Protest

Best place to find mango lassis and cardamom H.A. Indian Grocery

Best cruel tease Waiting for new breweries to open in Chico



OctOber 13, 2016

Best place to relive a high-school house party Shenanigan’s

Best way to eat healthy without even trying New Earth Market

Best taste of the Old World Miller’s Bakehouse

extensive list of “banned ingredients,” you’re guaranteed to never unexpectedly take home a steak from a cow treated with growth hormones or any fish on the “red list.” Bonus points for highlighting produce and other foods sourced locally.

Best Chico ex-pat to pine for Rob Blair Oh, how we Chicoans miss our beloved Rob Blair, the former co-host of local television stations KHSL and KNVN’s Wake Up! morning show. Alas, the perpetual winner of Chico’s Best Local Celebrity moved to Southern California a few years ago, after the new owners of the stations cut him loose. Big mistake, GOCOM Media! Chicoans are still pining for the upbeat television personality, humanitarian and all-around nice guy. But, good news, Blair’s doing well in the southland. His husband is enjoying his work as a middle-school teacher, and Blair is doing voice-over work for a company called Fuzic Media while finishing up his master’s in divinity.

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Arts &Culture Gruk, with guitarist Scribles, returns to the Monstros stage.

One, two, three, four!



Monstros celebrates 10 years of keeping punk alive in Chico


NPizzaof thebecause first punk show at Monstros nobody can find the flier o one can remember the exact date

for it. It’s a fine detail that doesn’t really matter in light of the decade of consistent punk and metal shows and the memories of the members of Chico Area Punks— the group of friends and music fans responsible for organizing shows on the restaurant’s sawdust-covered floor. Like the first time by Monstros hosted the Ken Smith CAMMIES punk showcase, said Jimmy kens@ newsrev iew.com Lopez during a recent gathering of a halfdozen CAP members, Preview: Ten-year anniversary when the group set party, Saturday, in motion its now Oct. 15, 7 p.m., at infamous annual punk Monstros Pizza marathon by eschewCost: $7 ing what they saw as Monstros Pizza a battle-of-the-bands 628 W. Sacramento Ave. type of competition in www.facebook.com/ favor of giving stage chicoareapunks time to any band that wanted it. Molly Roberts, another member of the group, recalled the night she showed up to work a show for a band she didn’t know anything about—The Fabulous Downey Brothers—to be blown away by the raucous antics of a costumed band of disco-pop performance artists. Or long-lived Chico punk band Gruk’s last show, in 2010, which the band’s guitarist Chris “Scribles” Schreiber described as an emotional experience. “My favorite part was when Dirty Jim picked me up on his shoulders and I ended up crowd-surfing while playing guitar,” Schreiber said. “Yeah … that was fucking epic,”



OCTOBER 13, 2016



added Rachel Love, Gruk’s vocalist. Gruk and a number of other blasts from Chico’s punk/metal past—Zabaleen, Baghdad Batteries, Mad Mom and the semi-active Armed for Apocalypse—will reunite this Saturday, Oct. 15, joining current acts Tri-Lateral Dirts Commission, SICKO and Sleazy Earl Ray & the Two Drink Minimum to celebrate 10 years of live music at Monstros Pizza. “They’re … uh, coming,” Love said sarcastically when asked about the status of the reunion efforts, many of which include Chico expats who are returning to town just for the celebration. She said rehearsals have been complicated by the fact that Cody “Von Peligro K” Kennon—who is in three of the bands— became a father in recent weeks. In addition to memories, the CAP crew shared the two keys to turning a pizza joint into a lasting punk venue that remains a destination for independent touring bands from all over the world: organization and cooperation. In 10 years, they’ve gotten shows down to a science, with multiple members capable of fulfilling all of the necessary positions—booking, publicity, manning the door, sound engineer, setup and cleanup, and patrolling the parking lot to ensure people’s good time doesn’t get out of hand and negatively impact the venue. The cooperation comes in part from

their working relationship with Monstros owner Greg Danielewicz. The CAP members said Danielewicz doesn’t take money from cover charges so it can be distributed among the bands (that also get free pizza), trusts the group implicitly, and is quick to express any concerns he might have. For the past few years, the scene at Monstros has also been bolstered by the presence of another, younger group of community-minded punk-rock idealists called the Jefferson Crew (most CAP members are on the far side of 30). Two members of the newer group, Sawyer Goodson and Mackenzie Zevely-Howlett, are putting together a ’zine commemorating the 10-year anniversary. “I played a show there with a band called Jet Fuel in August of 2007 … I was probably 12 or 13,” Goodson said of his first Monstros memory. “It was with Mosquito Bandito, The Shankers when they were The Spankers, and one of Barbara Manning’s old bands called The Sleaze Tax. We just played a bunch of covers and stuff. “It was such a neat and inspiring little place for me as a young teenager,” he added. “Over the years it’s grown into one of my second homes. It’s one of those places that every town needs … an allages venue with pizza, beer, punk music DQG D WRQ RI FRRO SHRSOH UXQQLQJ LW ³ Ɛ

ful yodeling, harmonious Western melodies and instrumental wizardry with Sourdough Slim, The Saddle Pals and Robert Armstrong, plus the classic rhymes and stories of cowboy poet Jim King. Th, 10/13, 7pm. $20. Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road in Paradise, (530) 521-1984, www.paradise cowboygathering.com.

Theater INTO THE WOODS: The Chico State Department of Music and Theatre present this Tony Award-winning musical from Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine that takes favorite storybook characters and blends them into an evening of musical theater. Th-Sa, 7:30-9pm, & Su, 2pm. $6-$15. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, (530) 898-5152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.



Special Events IT GETS BETTER: Chico Performances presents this moving show produced by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los Angeles, which takes real stories from the LGBTQ community and straight allies from across America and infuses them with dynamic musical numbers. F, 10/14, 7:30-10pm. $10-$20. Laxson Auditorium, Chico State, (530) 898-6333, www.chicoperformances.com.

RALPHIE MAY Sunday, Oct. 16 El Rey Theatre




BLACK CAT BAZAAR Sunday, Oct. 16 Mim’s Bakery


PARADE OF LIGHTS: Annual downtown parade. This year’s theme: Wonders of the Wild. Preparade events start at 5pm and include tricycle races, bed races, wheelchair rugby and a car show. Sa, 10/15, 7:30pm. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico.

PARADISE RIDGE FAMILY RESOURCE FAIR: Community resources for families, live entertainment face painting, children’s activities and complimentary food. Sa, 10/15, 10am-2pm. Free. Paradise Masonic Lodge, 5934 Clark Road in Paradise, (530) 872-3896 ext. 126.

PCW: OFF THE CHAIN: Local independent wrestling promoters Pro Championship Wrestling host this event featuring Zack “Primetime” Reeb versus “The Real Deal” Will Roberts in a steel-cage grudge match, PCW heavyweight champ Synn versus “Bad Boy” Boyce LeGrande, and a full undercard. Sa, 10/15, 7pm. $15/$20 VIP ringside. Oroville Municipal Auditorium, 1200 Myers St. in Oroville, (530) 589-0735.

Music FRIDAY MORNING JAZZ: A weekly morning jazz appointment with local experimental troupe Bogg. F, 11am. Free. Café Coda, 265 Humboldt Ave., (530) 566-9476, www.cafecoda.com.

Theater INTO THE WOODS: See Thursday. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, (530) 898-5152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.

THE PRODUCERS: Mel Brooks’ musical that tells the story of a Broadway producer and an accountant who discover that they could get richer by producing a flop than a hit. Th-Sa, 7:30pm through 11/6. Opens 10/14. $16-$22. Chico Theater Company, 166-F Eaton Road, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheater company.com.

OPEN MIC AT THE LIBRARY Wednesday, Oct. 19 Butte County Library, Chico Branch SEE WEDNESDAY, SPECIAL EVENTS



Special Events AUSTRALIA’S THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER: Male revue featuring a boatload of physically gifted Australian men putting the “show” in showroom. Sa, 10/15, 8pm. $19-$35. Gold Country Casino Showroom, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville, (530) 538-2542.

COCKTAILS AND COMEDY: Bay Area comedians Sean Sinha, Jason Sohm and headliner Mean Dave join host Rachel Myles and a special surprise Chico comedian opening up the show. Sa, 10/15, 7pm. $5. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

DRAGOPOLIS: Monthly “future of drag” show hosted by Claudette de Versailles. All entertainers welcome to perform. Third Sa of every month, 10pm. $5. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

FALL INDIE FAIR: Chico artists and craftspeople selling their work under one roof, including Gemini Jules, Jen Moon Creations, Iris W Fyrdundel, Mary MaryRose Hawkins Lovgren, Michelle Camy, Sue-Sue Vintage and many more. Sa, 10/15, 2-6pm. Free. Independent Realty Group, 30 Landing Circle Ste. 300.

HARVEST FEST: Annual event put on by the Bidwell Bar Association with a variety of food offerings, from sweet treats to baked potatoes, as well as family-friendly games, raffles and more. Sa, 10/15, 11am-3pm. Free. Lake Oroville Visitor Center, 917 Kelly Ridge Road in Oroville, (530) 538-2219.

RIVENOAK CHAMPIONSHIP: Championship tournament for the Barony of Rivenoak, the Chico chapter of an international organization dedicated to researching and recreating the arts and skills of pre-17th-century Europe. Sa, 10/15, 9am-6pm. $15 adult/$10 child (12 and under free). Cedar Grove, Lower Bidwell Park, (530) 896-7800, rivenoak.westkingdom.org.

WATER IS LIFE, WATER IS SACRED: A demonstration of solidarity with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe in their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline, including guest speakers, dancers and singers from local and visiting tribes. Walk starts at 9am at the Food Maxx parking lot and continues to Riverbend Park. Sa, 10/15. Riverbend Park, 1 Salmon Run Road in Oroville, (530) 228-2801.

OUT OF THE DARKNESS COMMUNITY WALK FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION: A 1.5 mile walk to bring awareness and raise funds for suicide prevention. Sa, 10/15, 10am. Free. Chico City Plaza, downtown Chico, (530) 5206696.

Theatre, Chico State, (530) 898-5152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.

THE PRODUCERS: See Friday. Chico Theater Company, 166-F Eaton Road, (530) 894-3282, www.chicotheatercompany.com.

Art Reception DOLORES MITCHELL ARTIST TALK: Local artist Dolores Mitchell discusses her current show Dreaming of San Francisco. Sa, 10/15, 2pm. James Snidle Fine Arts & Appraisals, 254 E. Fourth St., (530) 343-2930, www.jamessnidle finearts.com.

HYPNOTHEQUE: Opening of new exhibition featuring works by longtime Idea Fab Lab member Schuyler Willis created using a kaleidoscope of methods and tools. Free entry for IFL members, all others must RSVP online in advance for admission. Sa, 10/15, 6pm-2am. $15. Idea Fabrication Labs, 603 Orange St., (530) 5920609, www.ideafablabs.com/entry.



Special Events BLACK CAT BAZAAR: Craft fair and carnival fea-

of appearances include Last Comic Standing and four Comedy Central specials comes to Chico. Su, 10/16, 8pm. $22. El Rey Theatre, 230 W. Second St., (530) 342-2727.

WORLD EXPLORATIONS LECTURE SERIES: Two Weeks in Israel: A Secular Sojourn to the Holy Land, a lecture by Chico State professor Dr. Dory Schachner. Su, 10/16, 4pm. Free. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St., (530) 894-1978.

Music THE WRIGHT KEYS FALL FACULTY RECITAL: Scholarship program fundraiser featuring performances by Sandra Wright, Joshua Hegg, Shigemi Minetaka, Alex Milgram and more. Su, 10/16, 2pm. Donations. Trinity United Methodist Church, 285 E. Fifth St., (530) 781-2224, www.thewrightkeys.com.

Theater THE COUSIN CEPHUS IMPROV PROJECT: The debut of a new local improv group featuring off-thecuff improv games, audience participation and all-around fun. Recommended for mature audiences. Su, 10/16, 7pm. $6. Chico Women’s Club, 592 E. Third St., (530) 894-1978.

INTO THE WOODS: See Thursday. Harlen Adams Theatre, Chico State, (530) 898-5152, www.csuchico.edu/hfa.

turing works by local artists, plus food vendors and live music. Su, 10/16, 12-6pm. Free. Mim’s Bakery, 890 Humboldt Ave., (530) 345-3331.

RALPHIE MAY: The stand-up comic voted one of Variety’s “10 Comics to Watch” and whose list


O N PAG E 5 3

YOURS FOR EQUAL JUSTICE: Tours examining the history of Women’s Suffrage in America and the ties both Annie and John Bidwell had to that effort. A special exhibit in the Visitor Center will illustrate the many women and men who crusaded for voting and other rights for women in the 19th and 20th centuries. Sa, 10am through 10/29. $6 adult/$3 children. Bidwell Mansion, 525 Esplanade, (530) 8956144, www.bidwellmansionpark.com.

Theater BLUE STORIES: SHAME: A night of honest, raw and sometimes hilarious true stories. Part of an ongoing series with proceeds going towards supporting the Blue Room. Sa, 10/15, 10pm. $5. Blue Room Theatre, 139 W. First St., (530) 895-3749, www.blueroomtheatre.com.

KIDS FARM DAY: Celebrate North State Parent magazine’s 23rd anniversary with free goodie bags for the first 50 kids, stick horse races, tractor displays, farm animals, reptiles, costume parade and more. Sa, 10/15, 10am-4pm. $5/$2 children under 12. Patrick Ranch Museum, 10381 Midway, (530) 342-4359.

INTO THE WOODS: See Thursday. Harlen Adams

FREE LISTINGS! Post your event for free online at www.newsreview.com/calendar, or email the CN&R calendar assistant at cnrcalendar@newsreview.com. Deadline for print listings is one week prior to the issue in which you wish the listing to appear.


GET MEDIEVAL Hear ye, hear ye! The Baron and Baroness of Rivenoak, jewel of the Prinicipality of Cynagua in the Kingdom of the West, do hereby request the presence of all citizens at the Rivenoak Championship tournament to be held Saturday, Oct. 15, at Cedar Grove in Bidwell Park. In case you aren’t a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism, that means the Chico chapter of the organization—a national group dedicated to keeping the brighter aspects of the Dark Ages alive—is holding a day-long series of competitions to crown their best fighters, cooks and more. The public is welcome. O C TO B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 6





october 13, 2016



F R O M PAG E 51



Where the locals go! real Food real Butter real Good Home cooking


Special Events BIRDING INSPIRATIONS THROUGH MY LENS: Wildlife photographer Jeffrey Rich will present a program based on his new book, The Complete Guide to Bird Photography. M, 10/17, 6:30pm. Chico Creek Nature Center, 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.altacal.org.

Chico Ceramics Center SEE ART

Full EsprEsso Bar!

CELEBRATION ALE RELEASE PARTY: Release party for Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Fresh Hop IPA with live music by Swamp Zen. M, 10/17, 6pm. $10. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St., (530) 892-4647, www.sierranevada.com.



1078 GALLERY: 35 Alive, an exhibition cele-

EXPLORER’S FAIRE: An event for K-8 students and their families to increase awareness and interest in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) careers, featuring interactive exhibits, robot battles, drones, raffles, food trucks and much more. First 200 attendees will receive $5 food truck voucher. Tu, 10/18, 5-7:30pm. Free. Butte College ARTS Building, 3536 Butte Campus Drive, Main Campus in Oroville.

brating 35 years of the 1078 Gallery as well as the founders and other individuals who helped get the gallery off the ground. Through 10/22. 820 Broadway St., (530) 343-1973.

B-SO SPACE: BFA Group Exhibition, new works by current Chico State art students. Through 10/14. Advanced Drawing Exhibition, new works from Chico State art students. 10/17-10/28. Ayres 107, Chico State, (530) 898-5331.


Music SIERRA HULL TRIO: A former teen mandolin prodigy and understudy of Alison Krauss who has become one of the premier performers in American bluegrass. Tu, 10/18, 7:30pm. $20. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St., (530) 892-4647, www.sierranevada.com.



GENE AND CAROLYN SHOEMAKER: A LOVE STORY: North State Public Radio hosts Dave Schlom and Jennifer Jewell present a special lecture as part of the 2016 Museum Without Walls lecture series. W, 10/19, 7:30-8:30pm. $3/Students and members free. Gateway Science Museum, 625 Esplanade, (530) 898-4121, www.csu chico.edu/gateway.

OPEN MIC NIGHT AT THE LIBRARY: Share your original short stories, prose, poetry or other writing at this open mic event. 10 minutes allotted per person. W, 10/19, 7pm. Butte County Library, Chico Branch, 1108 Sherman Ave., (530) 891-2762, www.butte county.net/bclibrary.

STAND-UP COMEDY SHOWCASE: The area’s top stand-up comics perform alongside those trying their hand at comedy for the first time. Sign-ups begin at 8pm. Hosted by Jason Allen. W, 9pm. Free. Studio Inn Cocktail Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (530) 343-0662.


exhibition of canvas and framed print photography, celebrating travel and landscapes. Through 11/30. 1387 E. Eighth St., (530) 894-2800, www.chico beatniks.com.


Bluespace: Televisual Memory and the Implied Catastrophe, multimedia solo exhibition by New Mexico printmaker Ren Adams. Through 10/27. 3536 Butte Campus Drive in Oroville, (530) 895-2208.

PAG E 5 6

JANET TURNER PRINT MUSEUM: Wide Open Spaces, featuring large-scale Janet Turner prints with photos of the Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve by advanced photography students. Through 12/10. Chico State, (530) 8984476, www.theturner.org.

RED TAVERN: Artwork of Amber Palmer, watercolor work by local artist Amber Palmer. Through 10/31. 1250 Esplanade, (530) 894-3463, www.redtavern.com.

SALLY DIMAS ART GALLERY: New Works, pastels by Joyce Rendon and turned wood by Frank Wm. Link and Dave Dragoman Through 10/31. 493 East Ave., (530) 345-3063.

UPPER CRUST BAKERY & EATERY: Painting with Paper, collages by Richard Robinson. Through 10/30. 130 Main St., (530) 895-3866.

Museums CHICO AIR MUSEUM: Ongoing display highlighting local aviation history. Ongoing. 165 Ryan Ave., (530) 345-6468.




CHICO MUSEUM: Chico Through Time, a

Show, exhibit featuring works by participants in the 2016 Open Studios Art Tour. Through 10/30. 450 Orange St., (530) 8958726, www.chicoartcenter.com.

Special Events


2016–17 Season


Special Events

Open Daily 6am - 1:30pm


County Supervisor District 5 and Paradise Town Council. M, 10/17, 6:30pm. Paradise Town Hall, 5555 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-6976.


1144 Park Ave 892-1281

You Think It Is, ceramic sculptures by Dianne West. Through 10/31. 198 E. 11th St. 6, (530) 487-7190.

HEALING ART GALLERY: Northern California Artists touched by cancer team up for a poetry and art show. Paintings, photographs and poetry by Joan Goodreau, Patricia Wellingham Jones, Caroline Burkett, Barbara Luzzadder and Reta Rickmers. Through 10/14. 265 Cohasset Road inside Enloe Cancer Center, (530) 332-3856.

JACKI HEADLEY UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY: Shaker, a new sculpural work by artist team Walczak & Heiss. Through 10/15. Chico State.


Dreaming of San Francisco, bold and brightly colored paintings by Dolores Mitchell of her adventures in the City by the Bay. Through 10/31. no cost. 254 E. Fourth St., (530) 343-2930, www.james snidlefinearts.com.


it gets better


Capitol Steps: What to Expect When You’re Electing


Verona Quartet


Whose Live Anyway?


An Evening with David Sedaris


Asleep at the Wheel and Hot Club of Cowtown


Day and Night, a close look at birds in hand with incredible detail. Ongoing. $2$4. 1968 E. Eighth St., (530) 891-4671, www.bidwellpark.org.

permanent exhibit, featuring a variety of displays depicting Chico’s history— from John Bidwell and the Mechoopda Indians to Robin Hood and remains of an old Chinese temple. Ongoing. 141 Salem St., (530) 891-4336, www.chico museum.org.

GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM: Chico’s science museum features rotating special exhibits, plus a range of permanent displays on local farming, water, famous regional oak trees and a couple of iceage skeletons. Check site for current special exhibition. Ongoing. 625 Esplanade, www.csuchico.edu/gateway.


logging museum in Paradise. Ongoing, 79pm. 5570 Black Olive Drive in Paradise, (530) 877-1919.

FOR MORE INFO & TICKETS: (530) 898-6333

www.ChicoPerformances.com O C TO B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 6



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THE BIG ROOM MONDAy NOVEMBER 21ST, 2016 With a voice that recalls B.B. King and a thick toned Gibson guitar sound reminiscent of Albert King, Cain is forging a unique style that has blues critics everywhere calling him the “future of the blues.” And yes, the dance floor is open.


SierraNevadaBeer 54


OCTOBER 13, 2016




Put the left hip in Mother Hips co-founder rocks debut solo tour Greg Loiacono debuts music from his new album at Lost on Main.

that began with pickTingcareer guitars and singing songs

wenty-six years into a shared

in off-campus housing in Chico with his friend Tim Bluhm—a story and collaboration photo by Carey Wilson that eventually evolved into the Mother Hips— Review: Greg Loiacono Greg Loiacono, has released his Friday, Oct. 7, first solo album, Lost on Main. Songs from a Golden Dream. The long trip to fruition of his personal muse proved well worth the wait when Loiacono brought his stellar band to Lost on Main on Friday (Oct. 7) to kick off his tour in Chico and celebrate the completed work in a live setting. Show openers Shibumi and Sam Chase set a pleasantly mellow tone at the beginning of the evening’s festivities, but Loiacono and his band escalated that chill vibe into a memorable night of rock ’n’ roll communion. And what a band it is. Drummer Todd Roper (Cake, Chuck Prophet) and bassist Scott Thunes (Frank Zappa, The Mother Hips, Fear) along with pedal steel player Joel Martin provided Loiacono with enough musical muscle and finesse to fill his melodic, poetic/literary songs with energy and joy. As he admonishes in the album’s open-

ing song, “The Red Thread Part I (The Gloaming),” the best way to experience the performance is to “Let the music shatter the illusion of control.” With bassist Thunes smiling along, the band moved songs from well-crafted instrumental and vocal arrangements into powerfully rocking improvisational sections that allowed each musician to fully explore the variations of chord progressions and dynamic volume control. The audience was part of a living, breathing happening rather than attending a rote performance of pre-scripted set pieces. For example, “Tell It to the Trees” began with a simple melody reminiscent of traditional country or folk music, with Thunes’ gently loping bass and Loiacono’s twanging guitar riding the shuffle of Roper’s drums, as Loiacono’s deep voice recounted the tale of a party after which the protagonist “never was the same.” But as the first verse gave way to an instrumental interlude, the intensity of the music built exponentially, with the singer’s lead guitar and Martin’s pedal steel locking into an intertwining

exploration of the melody, melding music and narrative until the song’s closing refrain, “Go tell it to the mountains, go tell it to the trees, on your hands and knees.” Funky rocker “Away from the Stones” casts the singer in the roll of Ulysses, who exhorts his companions to “Lash me to the mast, boys, I need to hear that song.” It’s a brave and audacious songwriter who sets himself on the daunting task of summoning music of such mythic quality that it will “sing our minds away.” But judging from the swaying bodies and rapturous expressions on the faces of my dance-floor compatriots, that goal was achieved for quite a few of us as we rode the oceanic pulse of the rhythm section and jagged lightning of the lead instruments all the way to the song’s crescendo. In contrast to sometimes dark intensity of his lyrics and music, Loiacono comes off as a craftsman who very much enjoys his work. That trait fuels the enjoyment of not just his audience, but also the musicians who share in presenting the fruits of that deeply personal yet ultimately collaborative effort. □

october 13, 2016




THURSDAY 10/13—WEDNESDAY 10/19 URBAN PIONEERS Friday, Oct. 14 Maltese Bar & Tap Room SEE FRIDAY

IRISH-MUSIC HAPPY HOUR: A Chico tradition: Friday night happy hour with traditional Irish music by the Pub Scouts. F, 4pm. $1. Duffy’s Tavern, 337 Main St., (530) 343-7718.

through 11/18. Free. Rock House, 11865 Highway 70 in Yankee Hill, (530) 5321889, www.RockHouseHwy70.com.

URBAN PIONEERS: Relentlessly touring string band that touches on old-time hillbilly, Western swing, rockabilly and gypsy music returns to Chico for a night of hootin’ and hollerin’ with locals Sons of Jefferson, Henry Crook Bird and The Vesuvians. F, 10/14, 9pm. $7. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

J-DIGGS: Vallejo rapper whose recently



Th, 8-11pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

DANGER DAVE’S TRIVIA NIGHT: Free weekly trivia event with prizes for top scores. Th, 9:30pm through 11/30. Free. Studio Inn Cocktail Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (530) 343-0662.


blues and swing. Every other Th. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade, (530) 3432056, www.farmstarpizza.com.

OPEN MIC: Singers, poets and musicians welcome. Th, 7-10pm. Has Beans Cafe, 501 Main St., (530) 894-3033, www.has beans.com.



O C TO B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 6


BASSMINT: A weekly bass music party with a rotating cast of local and regional producers and DJs. Check with venue for details. F, 9:30pm. Peking Chinese Restaurant, 243 W. Second St., (530) 895-3888.

BONEYARD BLUES: Veteran Chico musi-

cians playing blues on the patio. F, 10/14, 7-9pm. No cover. The End Zone, 250 Cohasset Road, (530) 345-7330.


country music covers and originals. F, 10/14, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co., 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com/brewing-co.

released album, California Livin’, Pt. 3: Chasin’ My Dreams, features guest spots from E-40 and the late Mac Dre. Young Sav and Winkz open the show. F, 10/14, 9pm. $15 advance/$20 at the door. Lost on Main, 319 Main St., (530) 891-1853.

OPEN MIC: All-ages open mic hosted by Jodi Foster, Julie Bos and Chris Henderson. F, 7-10pm. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

STACEY JOY: An eclectic night of music with touring acoustic soul singer Stacey Joy, local jazz, bluegrass, classical and Vaudeville mash-up Bird & Wag, and The Swigs closing the night with a set of upbeat rock infused with gypsy, country, funk and punk. F, 10/14, 7:30-11pm. $7. 1078 Gallery, 820 Broadway, (530) 518-9751, www.1078gallery.org.


singer/songwriter Jeb Draper. F, 5-8pm


AUSTRALIA’S THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER: Male revue featuring a boatload of physically gifted Australian men putting the “show” in showroom. Sa, 10/15, 8pm. $19-$35. Gold Country Casino Showroom, 4020 Olive Hwy in Oroville, (530) 538-2542.

BIG SAM’S FUNKY NATION: Former Dirty Dozen Brass Band trombonist Big Sam returns with his Funky Nation to bring some New Orleans funk to Chico. Sa, 10/15, 9pm. $15. Lost on Main, 319 Main St., (530) 891-1853.

COCKTAILS AND COMEDY: Bay Area comedians Sean Sinha, Jason Sohm and headliner Mean Dave join host Rachel Myles and a special surprise Chico comedian opening up the show. Sa, 10/15, 7pm. $5. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.


Many musicians try to capture a singular je ne sais quoi that only exists in music originating from New Orleans, but it generally eludes those who’ve never called The Crescent City home. Trombone-blowing bandleader “Big Sam” Williams, a veteran of the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, definitely has it. Williams is leading his own ensemble, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, and the boys from the Big Easy will be spreading that special something all over the stage at Lost on Main this Saturday, Oct. 15.

DRIVER: Good, old fashioned classic rock from Paradise. Sa, 10/15, 9pm. $3. Studio Inn Cocktail Lounge, 2582 Esplanade, (530) 343-0662.

THE HASSLERS: Seattle alt-country Americana band comes to town for a night of sweet-sounding roots rock with local favorites The Rugs. Sa, 10/15, 9pm. Free. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.


Classic jazz favorites. Sa, 6:30-9:30pm through 9/24. Smokie Mountain Steakhouse and Lounge, 7039 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 872-3323.

MONSTROS 10-YEAR ANNIVERSARY BASH: Celebrating 10 years of a true Chico classic with an all-star lineup of locals old and new including Armed for Apocalypse, Gruk, Zabaleen, Madmom, Baghdad Batteries, Tri-Lateral Dirts Commission, Sicko and Sleazy Earl Ray & The Two Drink Minimum. Sa, 10/15, 7pm. $7. Monstros Pizza & Subs, 628 W. Sacramento Ave., (530) 345-7672.

PCW: OFF THE CHAIN: Local independent wrestling promoters Pro Championship Wrestling host this event featuring Zack “Primetime” Reeb versus “The Real Deal” Will Roberts in a steel-cage grudge match, PCW heavyweight champ Synn versus




STACEY JOY Friday, Oct. 14 1078 Gallery SEE FRIDAY

Locals Sunny Acres and Redding instrumental powerhouses Monk Warrior open the show. Su, 10/16, 7-11pm. $3. The DownLo, 319 Main St., (530) 892-2473.

THE POSEYS: Husband-and-wife duo “Bad Boy” Boyce LeGrande, and a full undercard of bouts. Sa, 10/15, 7pm. $15/$20 VIP ringside. Oroville Municipal Auditorium, 1200 Myers St. in Oroville, (530) 589-0735.

RUNNING IN THE SHADOWS: Local Fleetwood Mac tribute band covering the wide spectrum of the band’s catalog. Sa, 10/15, 8:30-11:30pm. Free. Ramada Plaza Hotel, 685 Manzanita Ct., (530) 345-2491, www.mora sounds.com.

SEMI-ACOUSTIC MUSIC SHOWCASE: A benefit for Chico schools, hosted by Keith Kendall and Friends. Sa, 5-9pm. Free. Scotty’s Landing, 12609 River Road, (530) 710-2020.

SLY FOX BAND: A blend of classic and

contemporary rock and country. Sa, 10/15, 8:30pm. No cover. Feather Falls

Casino - Bow & Arrow Lounge, 3

Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 5333885, www.featherfallscasino.com.

STEVE JOHNSON: Live acoustic music in a

relaxed environment. Sa, 10/15, 5-8pm. No cover. Rock House, 11865 Highway 70 in Yankee Hill, (530) 532-1889.

SUPER HUEY: Huey Lewis tribute band covering the singer’s catalog of hits.

Sa, 10/15, 9:30pm. $5. Feather Falls

Casino Brewing Co., 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com/brewing-co.


ICARUS THE OWL: Portland-based indie band known for their frequent time signature changes and tap-guitar lines in otherwise sing-along pop songs.

playing a wide assortment of swing, jazz and blues. Every other Su, 4:306:30pm through 1/1. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade, (530) 343-2056, www.farmstarpizza.com.

RALPHIE MAY: The stand-up comic voted one of Variety’s “10 Comics to Watch” and whose list of appearances include Last Comic Standing and four Comedy Central specials comes to Chico. Su, 10/16, 8pm. $22. El Rey Theatre, 230 W. Second St., (530) 342-2727.


GIRLS NIGHT OUT: Traveling, Las Vegasstyle male revue show with muscular men giving it their all (and we do mean all) on stage. M, 10/17, 8pm. $18-$25. The Tackle Box Bar & Grill, 379 East Park Ave., (530) 345-7499, tacklebox chico.com.


BLUES NIGHT: Live weekly blues music from local musicians. Tu. Italian Garden, 6929 Skyway in Paradise, (530) 876-9988.

MIDWEEK EARLY-EVENING OPEN MIC: Sign up starting at 5pm. Music, poetry and spoken word welcome. Tu, 6-8pm through 12/20. Free. Gogi’s Café, 230 Salem St. Next to transit center, (530) 891-3570, www.gogiscafe.com.

SIERRA HULL TRIO: A former teen mandolin prodigy and understudy of Alison Krauss who has become one of the premier performers in American bluegrass. Tu, 10/18, 7:30pm. $20. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St., (530) 892-4647, www.sierra nevada.com.

CELEBRATION RELEASE PARTY: Release party for Sierra Nevada’s Celebration Fresh Hop IPA with live music by Swamp Zen. M, 10/17, 6pm. $10. Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Big Room, 1075 E. 20th St., (530) 892-4647, www.sierra nevada.com.



Dionne, including sets by house band The Growlers and a special guest. Bring an instrument and sign up to be a guest player or just come check out the music. W, 10/19, 7:30pm. $5/Free for participants. Feather Falls Casino Brewing Co., 3 Alverda Drive in Oroville, (530) 533-3885, www.feather fallscasino.com/brewing-co.

LIVE JAZZ: Eat pizza and enjoy live jazz

by Carey Robinson and friends. W. Farm Star Pizza, 2359 Esplanade, (530) 343-2056, www.farmstarpizza.com.

OPEN MIC MUSIC NIGHTS: Local musicians Jeff Coleman and Jimmy Reno host this open mic night. Bring your instrument of choice. W, 6-10pm. Maltese Bar & Tap Room, 1600 Park Ave., (530) 343-4915.

THE POSEYS: A wide-ranging mix of swing, blues and jazz from local husband-and-wife duo. W, 6:30-8:30pm. Izakaya Ichiban, 2000 Notre Dame Blvd., 3428500.


The Hasslers, a sixpiece, mostly acoustic Americana band, formed five years ago in central Montana. In 2015, the members moved en masse to Seattle to break into the big-city music scene and establish a base from which to spread their soulful roots-rock up and down the West Coast, a mission that will bring the band to the DownLo on Saturday, Oct. 15. The Rugs open.

hosted by Joe Hammons and Leah

pink ride

$1 from every ride in the pink ride in october will go directly to "making strides" american cancer society

mobile booking




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EBirthincident in its director’s past, Nate Parker’s The of a Nation comes to us burdened with a rather


daunting load of cultural ballyhoo and socio-political baggage. Maybe that makes the film’s poor openingweek at the box office a little by more comprehensible, but it Juan-Carlos shouldn’t be allowed to deflect Selznick recognition of Parker’s film as a very rewarding movie experience with multiple points of interest. Part of that baggage is, of course, built-in with the title— D. W. Griffith’s landmark silent film of the same name, from The Birth of 1915, in effect took American a Nation movies out of the nickelodeons Starring Nate Parker, colman Domingo, Aja and into the era of big studios, Naomi King, Armie big budgets and feature-length Hammer and Penelope productions with grand aspiraAnn Miller. Directed by tions. But what matters most in Nate Parker. cinemark 14. rated r. this case is that the rousing Civil War melodrama of 1915 was laden with obnoxious caricatures of black people and a fevered portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan as defenders of the South’s white virtue. Parker “answers” Griffith with a rousing pre-Civil War melodrama in which the protagonists are black and the various Southern whites, virtuous and otherwise, are seen from the vantage points, also various, of black slaves. The story this time is based on an episode of pre-Civil War history—the 1831 slave rebellion led by Nat Turner. Parker himself plays Turner, and his calmly charismatic performance is one of the film’s high points. Parker’s Nat Turner is a profile in courage, moral and physical alike, and the actor brings life-size credibility to a character who is both a man of action and a man of Christian faith. As both actor and director, Parker’s understated approach to the story’s religious dimensions, a rarity in American movies in general, is one of




OctOber 13, 2016

the film’s special distinctions. Colman Domingo has a haunted intensity as Hark, Turner’s closest associate in the slave revolt. Aja Naomi King is very good as the young woman Turner wants to marry, and Dwight Henry’s brief, impassioned embodiment of Turner’s father makes a lasting impression on the entire story. Elizabeth Turner (Penelope Ann Miller) and her son Samuel (Armie Hammer), heads of the well-to-do family that owns Nat Turner’s family, are marginally sympathetic studies in white privilege and moral paralysis. The performances of Jackie Earle Haley and Mark Boone Jr., as (respectively) a vicious field enforcer and a boisterously hypocritical clergyman, bring a little lived-in depth to what might otherwise have been stock figures of violent racist males. Overall, Parker’s Birth is a vigorous action drama with a pungent array of characters and a provocative set of social and historical reference points. Artistically, it’s not quite in the same league with 12 Years a Slave, but there’s no missing its significance as a social and cultural event and as a cinematic/ mass-media landmark. □

FILM SHORTS Reviewers: Bob Grimm and Juan-Carlos Selznick.

Opening this week The Accountant

Ben Affleck stars as a math whiz who cooks the books for criminal organizations, and when a treasury agent (J.K. Simmons) starts sniffing around, people start to die. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.

Dolly Deadly

The Chico premiere of local filmmaker Heidi Moore’s grindhouse horror flick about a boy named Benji whom you don’t want to tease for playing with his dolls. Director Moore will introduce her film for this Late Nite showing, Saturday, Oct. 15, 11 p.m. Pageant Theatre. Not rated.

FILM SHORTS c O N t i N u e D

O N PA g e 6 1



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october 13, 2016



to the higher ups and technicians, there’s a cataclysmic clog in the works, causing mud to explode upward, eventually followed by a massive gas leak, and you probably know the rest. It’s not all about the fire and explosions, as Berg, his writers and performers all give the movie a true heroic element, one that results in heartbreak as the film plays out. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —B.G.

The Hollars

The eponymous Hollars are a family in turmoil. Father (Richard Jenkins) is a nervous wreck. Son Ron (Sharlto Copley), out of work and regretting the divorce that separates him from his children and their mother, is back living with his parents. The family matriarch (Margo Martindale) is gravely ill but still ruling the roost. Semiestranged son John (John Krasinski, who also directed) is about to become a father but still hasn’t fully committed to the expectant mother. Mother’s illness brings John running home, soon to be followed by pregnant Rebecca (Anna Kendrick). The resulting mixture of moderately rambunctious comedy and gently earnest drama feels a little like a sardonic TV sit-com with aspirations toward something a little more serious and “adult.” Martindale delivers a bravura performance, and she and Krasinski have some particularly touching moments in a scene in which an unexpected haircut is the central action. Jenkins and Copley, by turns amusing and irritating, seem at times to operate at cross purposes with James Strouse’s screenplay, but Krasinski’s film embraces that as well. Pageant Theatre. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

Emily Blunt plays a recently divorced woman who fantasizes about the relationship of a neighbor couple and is subsequently drawn into a missing-persons mystery when the wife disappears. Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated R.


The Magnificent Seven

What Antoine Fuqua’s remake has going for it is mostly a matter of Denzel Washington and a diverse and appealing set of supporting roles, including a Mexican (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), a Native American (Martin Sensmeier), a Korean (Byung-hun Lee) and a woman (Haley Bennett). Chris Pratt, Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio and Peter Sarsgaard make solid contributions as well. Denzel is Denzel, and that’s always a good thing, although the film never really gives him a chance to be more than good. Pratt has some fun amid the boy’s club/frat-house posturing of some of the central seven, and burly, hirsute Jack Horne (D’Onofrio) might be the most distinctive and intriguing character in the bunch. Hawke and Sarsgaard both look unwell, something their respective roles require, except that Hawke eventually seems terminally bored with his entire role, while Sarsgaard’s campy villain seems sickened by the whole enterprise, right from the start. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

Max Steel

Based on the action-figure toy of the same name (that was also made into a TV cartoon), the film version tells the origin story of the superhero born of a teenager named Max McGrath and his alien buddy, Steel, combining powers. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated PG-13. The second film in the Pageant’s monthly Subversive Cinema series—co-presented with AK Press—is John Carpenter’s cult classic starring Rowdy Roddy as a gumchewin’ ass-kicker who stumbles upon a very special pair of sunglasses. Shows Sunday, Oct. 16, 7 p.m. Pageant Theatre. Rated R. A biopic about Phiona Mutesi, a Ugandan whose life circumstances are changed drastically after being introduced to chess and becoming an international sensation. Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.

Now playing


The Birth of a Nation

See review this issue. Cinemark 14. Rated R —J.C.S.


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Comedian Kevin Hart’s latest stand-up was filmed in front of an intimate crowd of 50,000, outdoors at Philly’s Financial Field. Cinemark 14 and Feather River Cinemas. Rated R.

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Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life

Rafe Katchadorian is a middle-schooler who is stifled by the rules at his school and leads a rebellion to break them all. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

A teen boy travels to an orphanage on a remote island and encounters the fantastical inhabitants as he investigates the strange world of the stories his grandfather told him. Eva Green, Asa Butterfield, Samuel L. Jackson, Judi Dench and more star in director Tim Burton and screenwriter Jane Goldman’s adaptation of Ransom Riggs’ best-selling young-adult dark-fantasy. Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG-13.

Thank you for your votes!



Deepwater Horizon

Director Peter Berg’s film drops you into a situation where fire and explosions are so realistic, you can feel the heat and disorientation of the 2010 BP oil disaster. The setup is a doozy: Oil workers Mike Williams (Mark Wahlberg) and Jimmy Harrell (Kurt Russell) head out for a three-week stay on the Deepwater Horizon along with a couple of BP stuffed shirts. Much to their amazement, some men who were supposed to be conducting important tests are leaving upon their arrival without conducting anything. This leads to a showdown with a sleazy BP employee, played by a slithery John Malkovich. Some backward reasoning leads to the rig being cleared to start up. Unbeknownst

A Christian faith-based film telling the story of a military veteran who protests the abortion clinic that’s opened up across the street from his church. Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.

Still here Masterminds

Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13.


Cinemark 14, Feather River Cinemas and Paradise Cinema 7. Rated PG.



Cinemark 14. Rated PG-13 —J.C.S.

1 2 3 4 5 Poor



Very Good

Excellent OctOber 13, 2016



CHOW Unpacking dinner from Blue Apron. PhOtO by DOn hinchcliffe (via flickr)


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october 20 This night will transport you straight to the heart of Mexico City, featuring Chef Micheal’s favorites from his recent trip and dive into the culture. There will be live mariachi music and delicious food beginning at 6pm in the dinning room. live music Fri 7p • Happy Hour Tues-saT 2:20p-5p

Meal kits are changing the way we cook first to admit he’s not much of M a cook—or wasn’t, that is, until he y friend Richard would be the

started subscribing to the meal kit company Blue by Apron. Robert Once a week, Speer an insulated box containing the rob e r t s @ new srev i ew. c o m premeasured— and wonderfully fresh—ingredients for three meals for two is delivered to his doorstep. Now, simply by following an illustrated preparation guide, he cooks three sophisticated and delicious meals each week—and, he says, greatly enjoys doing so. Blue Apron is the largest and most successful of the more than 100 companies that deliver ready-to-make meals to customers’ doorsteps. It sends out more than 8 million meals a month, which is a lot but amounts to only 7 percent of the fast-growing meal kit market. In less than a decade, meal kits have become a multibillion-dollar Five popular meal kits:

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OctOber 13, 2016

blue apron (blueapron.com) the Purple carrot (purplecarrot.com) Plated (plated.com) hello fresh (hellofresh.com) Green chef (greenchef.com)

business that has attracted a number of celebrity chefs and food writers to join the party. TV chef Jamie Oliver has signed on with Hello Fresh, and Mark Bittman, the long-time New York Times food maven, helped start The Purple Carrot, a plant-based (read: vegan) meal kit company. Also—no surprise here—home goods mogul and cookbook author Martha Stewart has gotten into the game, partnering with the meal kit company Marley Spoon. “It is, I think, the way to cook for the future,” she told The Associated Press. Here’s how it works: You do an

Internet search to locate the meal kit companies that seem to meet your needs. Then you go to their websites to look over the packages they offer. Some kits are for couples, some for singles, others for families of four; prices range from $35 to $70 for six to eight meals. Most include meat or fish, but it’s possible to order vegetarian and vegan alternatives. When you decide what company and which meals you want to try, you subscribe and place your order. Within a few days, you will receive an insulated cardboard box containing the ingredients for your first week’s meals.

Some companies charge for delivery; others don’t. You can change your order at any time, or suspend it if, for example, you’re going to be out of town next week. My own experience with Blue Apron was much like Richard’s. Having the ingredients before me, measured out and ready for preparation, made cooking much easier. I was confident that, if I followed directions, all would turn out fine. I enjoyed chopping the vegetables and adding the spices knowing that it was going to result in a delicious meal. It was a relief, as well, not to have to plan a trip to the store to purchase the ingredients. On the other hand, every ingredient comes in its own package, and there’s something weird about a single bay leaf in a plastic bag. On the plus side, there’s zero food waste, and the companies encourage customers to return the boxes with the packaging inside so it can be recycled. For Richard, meal kits have an additional benefit. He lives alone, and because he orders meals designed for couples, three times a week he’s able to invite a friend to join him for dinner, knowing that whatever meal he cooks will be much appreciated. □



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october 13, 2016

IN THE MIX Fleetwood Mac Warner bros. It was a strange time for Fleetwood Mac when it released Mirage in June 1982. The album came three years after the band’s excessive, coke-fueled double-LP Tusk. It was also the longest gap between albums for the band up to that time, a period filled with solo records from Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham. The group entered the 1980s—after owning the decade prior—at a bit of a crossroads. To this day, Mirage stands in the shadow of Fleetwood Mac’s classic work. But the back-to-basics pop of “Love in Store,” “Gypsy” and “Book of Love” is as good as anything they’ve done. This reissue deluxe set—in particular the disc of demos minus the gloss and layered harmonies (“Empire State” is especially good)—will also remind listeners that, while Fleetwood Mac’s music has come in and out of vogue, the band’s influence on modern rock will always be enormous.


—Mark Lore

Ghosts Raina Telgemeier Graphix As with her previous work, Bay Area author and artist Raina Telgemeier (Smile, Drama) excels at capturing slice-of-life stories and characters at organically important moments. A gentle love letter to California’s coasts and history, Ghosts is the story of a family—including Catrina and her younger sister with cystic fibrosis, Maya—that moves to a supernatural hotspot just in time for Día de los Muertos. At opposite ends of their “tweens,” Cat is trapped in impending adulthood while Maya’s childhood is unshakable even while grappling with her own mortality. Telgemeier herself doesn’t shake childhood from the story—a tear-jerker, no doubt—which enables her to maintain an innocence that breathes boundless beauty into the panels. The straightforward layout provides readability for the young demographic, but Telgemeier packs a lot into the linear panels. The diverse California landscapes, Cat’s Día de los Muertos makeup, and the ghosts—a crossed style between vintage cartoons and Hayao Miyazaki—all bring a wealth of life to a surreal vision of love and death.

This guy saves you money.

Mirage (Deluxe)

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—Matthew Craggs

Piano music The Girshevich Trio & Mike Jones Trio tapestry records & capri records



The classically trained Uzbekistan pianist Vlad Girshevich is accompanied on Algorithmic Society by famed bassist Eddie Gomez—who was an integral part of pianist Bill Evans’ trio for 11 years—and Girshevich’s 12-year-old son, Aleks, who “created the grooves” that propel his father’s compositions. Things get underway in a hurry on the first track, “Healing the Chaos,” which has Lebanese percussionist Rony Barrak livening up the enterprise. Gomez gets his licks in, too, with some fine arco work here and there and a great solo on the liveliest tune—“A Rainbow on Your Carpet”—with Girshevich pere really flying. Mostly, it’s rather slow going as several tunes are as cerebral as the CD’s title. On Roaring, two-fisted pianist Mike Jones— accompanied by bassist Katie Thiroux and drummer Matt Witek—digs into 10 songs from the 1920s with considerable skill. Tempos range from relaxed (“If I Had You”) to roaring (“I Can’t Believe You’re in Love With Me”). Delightful goods! —Miles Jordan

OctOber 13, 2016




This guy saves you money.

by Jason Cassidy • jasonc@newsreview.com

Killin’ it In a horror flick, bullying the little boy who plays with dolls doesn’t

turn out too well for the abusers—whether they’re of the nasty schoolyard variety or the cruel and drunk adults around the dinner table. And in dolly deadly, a new psychological horror flick by local filmmaker Heidi Moore, when young Benji (played by Moore’s son Justin) snaps, he takes a cue from his inanimate friends and dolls himself up for a little dead-eyed revenge. And judging from the trailer, things get pretty damn gruesome, as they should in a grindhouse-style horror film. Moore’s flick is making the art-house/film-fest rounds and will stop in Chico at the Pageant Theatre this Saturday, Oct. 15, at 11 p.m. Moore lived in Chico a few years ago, but moved back to her hometown of Chester to save on living costs while she spent the last three years making Dolly Deadly, which features a handful of locals in the crew/cast, including filmmaker Josh Funk (editing, animation), musician/engineer dale Price (sound editing), and even a cameo by local spooky rockers skin Peaks. Moore will be on hand at the Pageant to Dolly Deadly introduce the film.

JOin the chOrus In a program that travels around the country to pro-

mote tolerance, the Gay Men’s Chorus of Los angeles caps off a week of it Gets Better workshops in each city it visits with a musical-theater performance that brings to life the stories of members of the LGBTQ community and their allies. Chico Performances hosts the It Gets Better tour Friday, Oct. 14, at Laxson auditorium, where eight actors will present real-life stories using musical numbers, video-production elements and even collaboration with local artists.

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OctOber 13, 2016



Trump sits down at the next table, you have a squeeze bottle filled with Horsey sauce in each hand. And … act! This Sunday, Oct. 16, at the Chico Women’s Club, will be the debut of a new local comedy troupe, the Cousin Cephus improv Project, featuring a collection of local comedians—annie Fischer, Chaz Kelley, drew McGillicuddy, Eve Hamilton, nick stiles and Jason allen—who dig making it up as they go along. Things get underway at 7 p.m. for what promises to be a “mature audiences” affair featuring various improv games, audience participation and other shenanigans. Also, beer for sale (benefiting the Women’s Club’s scholarship fund).

Cousin Cephus Improv Project phOtO by elizabeth Graham

true blue Shame, boatloads of shame/Day after day, more of the same/

Blame, please lift it off/Please take it off, please make it stop. Though they sing it well, The avett Brothers certainly haven’t cornered the market on feeling like shit in front of others. If we’re telling the truth, each of us has at least one doozy of a shame story we could tell. This Saturday, Oct. 15, at 10 p.m., at the Blue Room Theatre, a lineup of local writers and performers will be doing just that, baring their souls for “a night of honest, raw and sometimes hilarious true stories.” Readers for Blue stories: shame will include Hilary Tellesen, Evan schuman, Evin Wolverton, arielle Mae, Blake Ellis, Joey Haney, Marta shaffer, Rob davidson, suzanne Papini and steve swim. Tix are $5, the bar will be open, and the shame will roll in.

PAid Advertisement

october 13, 2016



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FREE WILL ASTROLOGY FOR THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 13, 2016 ARIES (March 21-April 19): A study pub-

lished in the peer-reviewed Communications Research suggests that only 28 percent of us realize when someone is flirting with us. I hope that figure won’t apply to you, Aries, in the coming weeks. According to my analysis of the astrological situation, you will be on the receiving end of more invitations, inquiries, and allurements than usual. The percentage of these that might be worth responding to will also be higher than normal. Not all of them will be obvious, however. So be extra vigilant.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): The an-

cient Greek sage Socrates was a founder of Western philosophy and a seminal champion of critical thinking. And yet he relied on his dreams for crucial information. He was initiated into the esoteric mysteries of love by the prophetess Diotima, and had an intimate relationship with a daimonion, a divine spirit. I propose that we make Socrates your patron saint for the next three weeks. Without abandoning your reliance on logic, make a playful effort to draw helpful clues from nonrational sources, too. (P.S. Socrates drew oracular revelations from sneezes. Please consider that outlandish possibility yourself. Be alert, too, for the secret meanings of coughs, burps, grunts, mumbles and yawns.)

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The Helper

Experiment, Part One: Close your eyes and imagine that you are in the company of a kind, attentive helper—a person, animal, ancestral spirit or angel that you either know well or haven’t met yet. Spend at least five minutes visualizing a scene in which this ally aids you in fulfilling a particular goal. The Helper Experiment, Part Two: Repeat this exercise every day for the next seven days. Each time, visualize your helper making your life better in some specific way. Now here’s my prediction: Carrying out The Helper Experiment will attract actual support into your real life.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): New rules:

(1) It’s unimaginable and impossible for you to be obsessed with anything or anyone that’s no good for you. (2) It’s unimaginable and impossible for you to sabotage your stability by indulging in unwarranted fear. (3) It’s imaginable and possible for you to remember the most crucial thing you have forgotten. (4) It’s imaginable and possible for you to replace debilitating self-pity with invigorating self-love and healthy self-care. (5) It’s imaginable and possible for you to discover a new mother lode of emotional strength.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): It’s swing-swirl-

spiral time, Leo. It’s ripple-sway-flutter time and flow-gush-gyrate time and jivejiggle-juggle time. So I trust you will not indulge in fruitless yearnings for unswerving progress and rock-solid evidence. If your path is not twisty and tricky, it’s probably the wrong path. If your heart isn’t teased and tickled into shedding its dependable formulas, it might be an overly hard heart. Be an improvisational curiosity-seeker. Be a principled player of unpredictable games.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Some English-

speaking astronomers use the humorous slang term “meteor-wrong.” It refers to a rock that is at first thought to have fallen from the heavens as a meteorite (“meteor-right”), but that is ultimately proved to be of terrestrial origin. I suspect there may currently be the metaphorical equivalent of a meteor-wrong in your life. The source of some new arrival or fresh influence is not what it had initially seemed. But that doesn’t have to be a problem. On the contrary. Once you have identified the true nature of the new arrival or fresh influence, it’s likely to be useful and interesting.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Most of us

can’t tickle ourselves. Since we have conscious control of our fingers, we know we can stop any time. Without the element of uncertainty, our squirm reflex doesn’t kick in. But I’m wondering if you might get a temporary exemption from this rule in

BY ROB BREZSNY the coming weeks. I say this because the astrological omens suggest you will have an extraordinary capacity to surprise yourself. Novel impulses will be rising up in you on a regular basis. Unpredictability and spontaneity will be your specialties. Have fun doing what you don’t usually do!

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): During

the final 10 weeks of 2016, your physical and mental health will flourish in direct proportion to how much outworn and unnecessary stuff you flush out of your life between now and October 25. Here are some suggested tasks: (1) Perform a homemade ritual that will enable you to magically shed at least half of your guilt, remorse and regret. (2) Put on a festive party hat, gather up all the clutter and junk from your home, and drop it off at a thrift store or the dump. (3) Take a vow that you will do everything in your power to kick your attachment to an influence that’s no damn good for you. (4) Scream nonsense curses at the night sky for as long as it takes to purge your sadness and anger about pain that no longer matters.


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A Buddhist monk named Matthieu Ricard had his brain scanned while he meditated. The experiment revealed that the positive emotions whirling around in his gray matter were super-abundant. Various publications thereafter dubbed him “the happiest person in the world.” Since he’s neither egotistical nor fond of the media’s simplistic sound bites, he’s not happy about that title. I hope you won’t have a similar reaction when I predict that you Sagittarians will be the happiest tribe of the zodiac during the next two weeks. For best results, I suggest you cultivate Ricard’s definitions of happiness: “altruism and compassion, inner freedom (so that you are not the slave of your own thoughts), senses of serenity and fulfillment, resilience, as well as a clear and stable mind that does not distort reality too much.”

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Now

is a perfect moment to launch or refine a project that will generate truth, beauty and justice. Amazingly enough, now is also an excellent time to lunch or refine a long-term master plan that will make you healthy, wealthy and wise. Is this a coincidence? Not at all. The astrological omens suggest that your drive to be of noble service dovetails well with your drive for personal success. For the foreseeable future, unselfish goals are well-aligned with selfish goals.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Has

your world become at least 20 percent larger since September 1? Has your generosity grown to near-heroic proportions? Have your eyes beheld healing sights that were previously invisible to you? Have you lost at least two of your excuses for tolerating scrawny expectations? Are you awash in the desire to grant forgiveness and amnesty? If you can’t answer yes to at least two of those questions, Aquarius, it means you’re not fully in harmony with your best possible destiny. So get to work! Attune yourself to the cosmic tendencies! And if you are indeed reaping the benefits I mentioned, congratulations—and prepare for even further expansions and liberations.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Some

astrologers dwell on your tribe’s phobias. They assume that you Pisceans are perversely drawn to fear; that you are addicted to the strong feelings it generates. In an effort to correct this distorted view, and in accordance with current astrological omens, I hereby declare the coming weeks to be a Golden Age for Your Trust in Life. It will be prime time to exult in everything that evokes your joy and excitement. I suggest you make a list of these glories, and keep adding new items to the list every day. Here’s another way to celebrate the Golden Age: Discover and explore previously unknown sources of joy and excitement.

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SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PARADISE CLEANING SERVICES at 5812 Golden Oaks Road Paradise, CA 95969. KATHLEEN SEVENNS 5812 Golden Oaks Road Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KATHLEEN SEVENNS Dated: September 8, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001124 Published: September 22,29, October 6,13, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as EL GUAYACAN MEXICAN RESTAURANT at 2201 Pillsbury Rd Ste 124 Chico, CA 95926. JESUS J. GOMEZ-CASTELLON 540 Howard Ct Unit A

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We're Hiring! Foothill Distributing Co is looking for exceptional talent to join our team of beverage industry professionals. We are an equal opportunity employer that values our employees and recognizes their contribution to our success as a company.

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Susanville, CA 96130. ANA E RODRIGUEZ-MEJORADO 540 Howard Ct Unit A Susanville, CA 96130. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: ANA RODRIGUEZ Dated: August 30, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001079 Published: September 22,29, October 6,13, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SIMPLY-PUBLISHING CO at 1055 East Lassen Ave #73 Chico, Ca 95973. RICHARD HUBBARD 1055 East Lassen #73 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: RICHARD P. HUBBARD Dated: August 29, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001071 Published: September 22,29, October 6,13, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as MONTZ FAMILY FARMS at 2468 Marsh Ct Durham, CA 95938. HELENA MONTZ 2468 Marsh Ct Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: HELENA MONTZ Dated: September 14, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001164 Published: September 22,29, October 6,13, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as KINDER KIDS CHILD CARE at 2845 Esplanade Chico, CA 95973. NEYSA NEELY 9668 Teal Ln Durham, CA 95938. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: NEELY Dated: September 14, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001155 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PAULA’S HANDYWOMAN SERVICES at 2 Comstock Rd Chico, CA 95928. PAULA ANN CARR 2 Comstock Rd Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: PAULA A CARR Dated: September 16, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001170 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICO EXPRESS CLEANERS at 614 Walnut Street Chico, CA 95928. HUSAM MAKHOUL 18 Noyo Ct Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: HUSAM MAKHOUL Dated: September 16, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001171 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as GRAND OLE AND DISCOUNT CHIMNEY SWEEPS at 10386 Chayote Drive Durham, CA 95938. GRAND OLE AND DISCOUNT CHIMNEY SWEEPS LLC 10386 Chayote Drive Durham, CA 95938. MICHAEL JAMES HIDAHL 10386 Chayote Dr Durham, CA 95938. GARY LEE PARKER 5612 Glen Park Lane Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Signed: MICHAEL JAMES HIDAHL, PRESIDENT Dated: September 2, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001104 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as MERCHANT BROKER DIRECT at 702 Mangrove Avenue Suite 234 Chico, CA 95926. RICHARD COLE LYON, INCORPORATED 702 Mangrove Avenue Suit 234 Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: RICHARD COLE LYON, PRESIDENT Dated: September 22, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001185 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 20161

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name DISCOUNT CIGARETTES at 1124 Oro Dam Blvd #J Oroville, CA 95965. MAZEN HANOUN 14 Nicole Ln Chico, CA 95926. TONY NAOUM JARJOUR 2995 Lower Wyandotte Ave #4 Oroville, CA 95966. This business was conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: MAZEN HANOUN Dated: September 14, 2016 FBN Number: 2015-0001075 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as GOLDEN MINDSET APPAREL at 1051 E Lassen Ave #5 Chico, CA 95973. TAYLOR MARIAH IRVINE 1051 E Lassen Ave #5 Chico, CA 95973. CODY DAVID ROOSA 1051 E Lassen Ave #5 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by a General Partnership. Signed: TAYLOR M IRVINE, CODY ROOSA Dated: September 12, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001145 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as GIFTS OF BLESSINGS at 1199 Parque Drive Chico, CA 95926. CHRISTINA MIRANDA

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coNtINUeD oN 71

1199 Parque Drive Chico, CA 95926 AI#: 971. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: CHRISTINA MIRANDA Dated: September 26, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001199 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PRO NAILS AND SPA at 1950 East 20th Street #A102 Chico, CA 95928. THONG NGUYEN 1290 Notre Dame Blvd Apt 69 Chico, CA 95928. BINH T TRAN 1290 Notre Dame Blvd #69 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: BINH Dated: September 6, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001112 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as BITER BEADS at 3254 Tinker Creek Way Chico, CA 95973. ANDREA MONTGOMERY 3254 Tinker Creek Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: ANDREA MONTGOMERY Dated: August 30, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001078 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016

FICTITOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as PEAK PROPERTY SOLUTIONS at 1850 Humbolt Road Apt #20 Chico, CA 95928. JUSTIN EDWARD LARIOS 1850 Humbolt Road Apt #20 Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JUSTIN LARIOS Dated: September 7, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001121 Published: September 29, October 6,13,20, 2016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as SPUN TONGUE NUTTERY AND DRY GOODS at 778 Sierra View Way Chico, CA 95926. KATHERINE ANNA LANDRY 778 Sierra View Way Chico, CA 95926. ROBERT WAYNE LANDRY 778 Sierra View Way Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: KATHERINE ANNA LANDRY Dated: September 14, 2016 FBN Number: 20161-0001162 Published: October 6,13,20,27, 20116

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as CHICOPARTY.COM, CONFETTI PARTY HEADQUARTERS, PARTYCONFETTI.COM at 2961 Hwy 32 Suite 15 Chico, CA 95973. LINDA LEE CRAWFORD 101 Risa Way Apt 13 Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: LINDA LEE CRAWFORD

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Dated: August 24, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001051 Published: October 6,13,20,27, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as REAL TIME AUTO RECOVERY at 4950 Cohasset Road #6 Chico, CA 95973. GREG HOWELL 19 Top Flight Court Chico, CA 95928. VANNESSA HOWELL 19 Top Flight Court Chico, CA 95928. This business is conducted by A Married Couple. Signed: VANNESSA HOWELL Dated: September 12, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001143 Published: October 6,13,20,27, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as FORESOLAR at 1258 Arch Way Chico, CA 95973. WALTER M BECK 1258 Arch Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: WALTER M. BECK Dated: September 29, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001220 Published: October 6,13,20,27, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ROOTED LIFE REIKI at 1 Williamsburg Lane Suite C Chico, CA 95926. JANE VICTORIA MINERS 1933 Mars Way Chico, CA 95923. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: JANE MINERS Dated: September 8, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001119 Published: October 6,13,20,27, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENTS The following person is doing business as FRANK MATTEI CONSTRUCTION at 215 Tonea Way Chico, CA 95973. FRANK GINO MATTEI 215 Tonea Way Chico, CA 95973. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: FRANK MATTEI Dated: September 23, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001193 Published: October 6,13,20,27, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as THE DOG SPOT at 105 Shady Oak Drive Oroville, CA 95966. MARIE L MARINO 131 Shady Oak Drive Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: MARIE MARINO Dated: September 28, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001213 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as DAVE’S TILE CITY at 2501 South Whitman Place

this Legal Notice continues

Chico, CA 95928. DAVE’S TILE CITY, INC. 2694 Foothill Blvd Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: DAVID GRESHAM, PRESIDENT Dated: October 7, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001256 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as COAST BOARD SHOP at 1950 E. 20th St #307 Chico, CA 95973. BOARDS ON NORD INC 641 Nord Ave Ste D Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: JOSH MORROW, CFO/PRESIDENT Dated: October 6, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001248 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as ABSOLUTE RECOVERY at 3083 6th Street Biggs, CA 95917. VICTOR E THOMAS 3083 6th Street Biggs, CA 95917. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: VICTOR E. THOMAS Dated: September 8, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0000549 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as FEATHER RIVER PROPERTIES, FEATHER RIVER REALTY at 681 Oro Dam Blvd Oroville, CA 95965. WILLIAM BRADLY WHITE 1775 Bridge Street Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: WILLIAM BRADLY WHITE Dated: October 5, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001241 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as FEATHER RIVER PROPERTIES, FEATHER RIVER REALTY at 681 Oro Dam Blvd Oroville, CA 95965. KRISTYN JULE MARQUEZ 43 Oman Dr Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: KRISTYN MARQUEZ Dated: October 5, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001240 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as OPEN HOUSE 411 at 2495 Esperanza Ave Palermo, CA 95968. LAURA LEA CHANDLER 2495 Esperanza Ave Palermo, CA 95968. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: LAURA LEA CHANDLER Dated: October 3, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001227 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as BIDWELL PERK at 664 E. 1st Ave. Chico, CA 95926. SYMMETRY ENTERPRISES INC 1424 Manchester Road Chico, CA 95926. This business is conducted by a Corporation. Signed: MICHELLE POWER, PRESIDENT Dated: September 19, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001179 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME - STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT The following person has abandoned the use of the fictitious business name TLC HAIR DESIGN at 6184 Center St Paradise, CA 95969. BARBARA J RYAN 5734 A Copeland Dr Paradise, CA 95969. This business was conducted by an Individual. Signed: BARB RYAN Dated: October 4, 2016 FBN Number: 2012-0000879 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as SALON CONCEPTS at 6607 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969. BARBARA J RYAN 4333 Pentz Rd 4B Paradise, CA 95969. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: BARB RYAN Dated: October 4, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001236 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016 FCITITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person is doing business as OROVILLE GIRL FRIDAY at 21 Tarn Circle Oroville, CA 95966. BETH BELLO 21 Tarn Circle Oroville, CA 95966. This business is conducted by an Individual. Signed: BETH BELLO Dated: October 6, 2016 FBN Number: 2016-0001243 Published: October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

NOTICES NOTICE OF LIEN SALE Pursuant to CA Business Code 21700, in lieu of rents due, the following units contain clothes, furniture, boxes, etc. TIMARIE BELL #306ss (10X12) Couches, Mirror, Dresser, misc. furniture RONNIE SMITH #342cc1 (10X12) 4 tires, kitchenware, computer, boxes Contents to be sold to the highest bidder on: October 22, 2016 Beginning at 12:00pm Sale to be held at: Bidwell Self Storage 65 Heritage Lane Chico, CA 95926. (530) 893-2109 Published: October 6,13, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner LINDA KAYE SALANTI filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:

this Legal Notice continues

Present name: LINDA KAYE SALANTI Proposed name: LINDA KAYE GLENN THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: November 4, 2016 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBD The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: STEPHEN E. BENSON Dated: September 9, 2016 Case Number: 16CV01899 Published October 6,13,20,27, 2016

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner KATHERINE DIANE HOGAN filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: MALLORY ANN OJAN Proposed name: MALLORY ANN KINSEY THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: November 4, 2016 Time: 9:00am Dept: TBD The address of the court is: Butte County Superior Court 1775 Concord Ave Chico, CA 95928 Signed: MICHAEL P. CANDELA Dated: September 16, 2016 Case Number: 16CV02027 Published October 13,20,27, November 3, 2016

letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: MARK JOHNSON 2531 Forest Ave, Ste 100 Chico, CA 95928 (530)345-6801 Case Number: 16PR00308 Published: September 29, October 6,13, 2016

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PETITION NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE JOHN LEE HOLMES aka JOHN HOLMES, JOHN L HOLMES, JACK HOLMES To all heirs and beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: JOHN LEE HOLMES aka JOHN HOLMES, JOHN L HOLMES and JACK HOLMES A Petition for Probate has been filed by: MARION REEVES in the Superior Court of California, County of Butte. The Petition for Probate requests that: MARION REEVES be appointed as personal representative to administer the

this Legal Notice continues

estate of the decedent. The petition requests the decendent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: October 25, 2016 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept: Probate Address of the court: Superior Court of California County of Butte 1775 Concord Ave. Chico, CA 95926. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of

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ChicoOpenhouse.com 1003 Lia Way • ChiCo This lovely home is located on a cul-de-sac street, near a school and park. The back yard is landscaped, with green hedges that line the back yard fence, giving you privacy, while enjoying the koe pond and relaxing in the hot tub. The back yard allows room, for a pool and also features RV parking with clean out, room for your toys. Also, the home has a newer 50 year roof and a tank-less hot water heater. The home has an open floor plan, wide hall ways, and the kitchen features a large walk in pantry. The 4th bedroom is used for an office, which has custom desks and cabinets. This is a home you need to see for yourself, to truly appreciate it.


Listed at: $485,000

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6635 clark rD

1834 mangrove

serving all of Butte county paraDise–magalia chico aDDress


BD/Ba sq. ft






BD/Ba sq. ft




14385 Carnegie RD





Shannan Turner


536 Plumas Av





Tara Taylor


13947 Creston RD





Annette Gale


15484 Nopel Av





Brandi Laffins


945 Bille RD





Julie Rolls


332 Street S Butte





Vicki Miller


620 Elliott RD





Nikki Sanders


2 Flanders Ct





Blake Anderson


972 Madison ST





Julie Rolls


1714 Elm St





Steve Depa


3345 Hamlin Canyon CT





Jamie McDaniel


29 Sierra Lakeside Ln





Dan Bosch


555 Vallombrosa AV #66





Kandice Rickson


2329 Fair St





Bob Contreras


6266 Coppel CT





Brian Voigt


1185 E. Lassen Av





Dan Bosch


1024 Maple Park DR





Susan Doyle


711 W Cedar St





Vicki Miller


6441 Rocky LN





Brian Voigt


448 W 2nd Av





Brandi Laffins


438 Plantation DR





Annette Gale


5 Alden Ct





Bob Contreras


1865 June WY





Kandice Rickson


920 W 11th Av





Brandi Laffins


5939 Del Mar AV





Brian Voigt


1048 Southampton Dr





Blake Anderson


766 Edwards LN #A & B





Christina Souther


1289 Palmetto Av





Dan Bosch


1366 Elliott RD





Rhonda Maehl


406 Cherry St





Brandi Laffins







Rhonda Maehl


41 Redeemers Loop





Carolyn Fejes


61 Sutter RD





Brian Voigt


5954 Hazel Wy





Bob Contreras


5906 Hazel WY





Rhonda Maehl


3 Hidden Grove Ct





Marty Luger


5247 Laguna CT





Annette Gale


3547 Shadowtree Ln





Shane Collins


4620 Sandpiper LN





Christina Souther


1 Scarlet Grove Ct





Matt Depa


6217 Mountain View DR





Heidi Wright


374 Spanish Garden





Steve Depa


calBre # 01991235

Dream with your eyes open

“ outstanDing agents. outstanDing results! ”

calBre # 01996441

october 13, 2016



Cindy Cosby (530) 899-5913

Alice Zeissler (530) 899-5955

Mendi Powell Admin Assistant

Kim Finlan (530) 894-4507 Daniel Frumkin (530) 514-6161

Ron Matz (530) 518-1583

Rita Dane (530) 894-4515

Kathy Kelly (530) 899-5939

Emmett Jacobi (530) 899-5996

Effie Khaki (530) 899-5915

Dustin Cheatham (530) 894-4523 Katherine Ossokine (530) 899-5917

Dennis Louber (530) 571-7795 Justin Jewett (530) 899-5959

Joyce Turner (530) 571-7719 Oakley McElhinny (530) 571-7712

Paul Champlin (530) 571-7714

Johnny Klinger (530) 571-7722 Norm Atkin (530) 571-7787

Christie Hicks (530) 899-4585

Chris Martinez (530) 894-4522

Ashley Wallace Admin Assistant

Yvonne Carroll Office Manager (530) 899-5916

Shelinda Bryant Assistant Manager (530) 571-7725

Doug Love Sales Manager (530) 345-6618 Nate Smith (530) 899-5912

Michele Bridgeford (530) 894-4533

John Spain (530) 899-5933

John Wallace (530) 894-4514

Carol Roniss (530) 894-4516

Barbara Boeger (530) 228-7838

Dan Jacuzzi Broker/Owner (530) 345-6618

ChiCo’s best real es

Open Houses & Listings are online at: www.century21JeffriesLydon.com 2358 Alba 3 bed 1 ba Only $209,500 Call today.

right next to enloe. 1663 magnolia ave. 3bd/ 2 ba, 1340 sq. roof, central heat/air & sewer line replaces in 2013. Wood floors. $279,000. there will be another avenues listing coming up soon. Call me for details

Steve Kasprzyk (Kas-per-zik)

you don’t have to spell it out for me to sell it! Jeffries Lydon

(530) 518–4850 www.steve.kasprzyk.c21jeffrieslydon.com

New Listing: 1003 Lia Way 2,588 sq ft 4/3 $485,000 SMILES ALWAYS

Paul Champlin | (530) 828-2902 Making Your Dream Home a Reality

Joyce Turner

570–1944 • joyce_turner@ymail.com

Homes Sold Last Week ADDRESS




40 Taige Way 13384 Moonlight Ct 4501 Wilder Dr 3501 Shadowtree Ln 384 E 9Th St 100 2680 Passiflora Ct 12971 Center Gap Rd 329 Denali Dr 373 Balboa Ct 779 Halie Ct 1306 Normal Ave

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico

$749,999 $736,499 $579,999 $499,000 $485,000 $460,000 $395,000 $385,000 $366,000 $341,000 $315,000

5/3 4/3 3/3 3/3 2/2 4/2 3/2 3/2 3/2 4/2 2/1



october 13, 2016

SQ. FT. 3,955 3,208 2,174 3,209 3,351 2,481 2,201 1,966 1,964 1,630 780

Sponsored by Century 21 Jeffries Lydon ADDRESS





13524 Autumn Ln 17 Patches Dr 1169 Dog Leg Dr 954 Royal Dr 1212 Whitewood Way 40 Birdwing Ct 7 Clara Ln 12 Sir Andrew Ct 2628 E 20Th St 1089 Windsor Way 2088 Marilyn Dr

Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico Chico

$310,000 $308,500 $300,000 $300,000 $286,000 $280,000 $280,000 $279,000 $270,500 $269,000 $268,000

3/2 4/3 3/2 3/2 3/2 3/3 4/2 4/2 2/2 3/2 3/2

1,930 1,661 1,503 1,539 1,817 1,357 1,506 1,421 1,280 1,467 1,306

Cabin on Butte Creek on 1 acre. $315,000

AMBER GROVE, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 car garage, family room plus living room, 2151 sq ft, $425k


4 bed 2 bath in Chico large yard $279,500

IMMACULATE 1960’s HOME w/ large parklike yard located on a cul de sac & not far from Bidwell Park, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1807 sq ft $325k

Lots for sale starting at $67,500


KIMBERLEY TONGE | (530) 518-5508

Alice Zeissler | 530.518.1872

Camdena Conner (530) 894-4511 Veronica Heras (530) 899-5920

Teresa Larson (530) 899-5925

Traci Cooper (530) 899-5937

Michael Clifford (530) 571-7715

Robert Johnson (530) 894-4584

Jennifer Stelle (530) 894-4503

Jim Aguilar (530) 899-5927

Brandon Siewert (530) 894-4581

Maya Noble (530) 717-3302 Jeff Condon (530) 894-4582 Mark Reaman (530) 899-5962

Heather Humpherys (530) 521-1321 Sherry Landis (530) 899-5922

CLASSIC CHICO AT ITS BEST, old world charm w/ the upgraded conveniences modernin day, 2144 gsq ft., 3 bed, 2.5 peofnd baths & inground pool $439k

Steve Kasprzyk (530) 899-5932

Leili Coney (530) 899-5946

Layne Diestel (530) 894-4502 Sherrie O'Hearn (530) 571-7718

Gee Singh (530) 899-5957

Heather DeLuca (530) 899-5949

Bob Sereda (530) 899-7400

Becky Williams (530) 899-5936 Laura Willman (530) 899-5963 Kiefer Williams (530) 828-1889

Garrett French (530) 571-7790

Kristin Wilson Ford (530) 899-5934 Sandy Stoner (530) 899-5950

Sandra Grill (530) 894-4529

Kimberley Tonge (530) 899-5964

Jennifer Parks (530) 864-0336

Frank Condon (530) 899-5945

Anita Miller (530) 899-5923

Annie Foster (530) 345-6618

state offiCe

(530)345–6618 Century21JeffriesLydon.com

Ag zoning, 6.78 acs, pe vineyard, stunning inghome, 5,000 +, income producing, + shops too ...............................$1,219,000 nd Senior condo, 2 bed/2 bth, 1,300 sq ft, 1-car garage, nice unit w/updated kitchen ....................................... $195,000 Cul de sac,, 3 bed/2 bath, ft, g needs updating................................................................................. updating $255,000 ndsqin pe1,440 home, College Rental! 2 bed/1 g studio, 1,280 sq ft total, needs work, selling AS IS .......................... $195,000 Teresa Larson inseparate nd pebth (530)899-5925 Longfellow Area, Lovely 4 bed/2 bth, 1,824 sq ft with large yard ................................................................ $284,900 www.ChicoListings.com Yesteryear charmer with today’s updates. Avenues 3 bed/2 bth, 1,678 sq ft, backyard w/inground pool ........ $369,900 chiconativ@aol.com

the following houses were sold in butte county by real estate agents or private parties during the week of September 26, 2016 – September 30, 2016. the housing prices are based on the stated documentary transfer tax of the parcel and may not necessarily reflect the actual sale price of the home. ADDRESS








949 Karen Dr




SQ. FT. 1,143

1133 Sunset Ave




SQ. FT. 1,257

20 Amber Way





2865 Pennyroyal Dr





14 Terrace Dr





1034 Salem St





2793 Ceres Ave





1040 Raven Ln




1,866 1,881

7 Wysong Ct





1553 Champlain Way




1955 Palm Ave





1114 Nord Ave 14





1226 Yosemite Dr





10806 Doreene Ct





15 Whitewood Way





6475 Danika Ct





2732 Revere Ln





815 Palmer Hill Rd





1485 Filbert Ave





6565 Gregory Ln





2636 Burnap Ave





1340 Sequoia Ct





october 13, 2016



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