Bio- Identical Hormones Benefits

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Newport Center Bio-Identical Hormones Orange County Reproductive Medicines Orange County

Identical Hormones and Reproductive Medicine- for Overall Wellbeing • Hormones in our body are crucial for our wellbeing because they regulate all our physiological functions. From helping our body with the metabolism to improving cellular regeneration, they are a vital component for our good health in general. We are often in better shape physically and mentally when a balance of hormones is maintained in our bodies. However when that equilibrium is affected we start seeing its effects and need Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy to set the balance right once again.

Bio-Identical Hormones Orange County • Bio-Identical Hormones Orange County differs from commonly prescribed hormone products in this way they are exactly the same as those produced by the human body. Unlike the majority of prescribed hormone medications bio-identical hormones are not synthetic, simulations, or replicas. They are made from soy and other natural plant-based ingredients and possess the identical molecular configuration of human hormones.

Following are the benefits that you must know to make a sensible decision for your physical and emotional wellbeing:

Bio-identical hormones match your own hormones exactly i.e. they are matching. They don't interfere with your own hormone production.

•They leave the body more quickly than synthetics and don't pose the same long-term health problems and risks.

•When used in the correct dosage, they are free from the side effects of standard HRT drugs. •They can be individualized and custom tailored to meet individual hormone needs.

Reproductive Medicines Orange County • Reproductive Medicines Orange County offers a comprehensive range of investigations and treatments for couples presenting with fertility problems, recurrent miscarriage and reproductive endocrinology. • The male reproductive system is a crucial part of the male body. Like the rest of the human body it is affected by the lifestyle, diet and exercise that the human body receives.

Reproductive Medicines Orange County • Reproductive Medicines Orange County is a branch of medicine that deals with prevention, diagnosis, and management of reproductive problems; goals include improving or maintaining reproductive health and allowing people to have children at a time of their choosing. • Thus, when the reproductive health of a couple is being investigated doctors may recommend a change in lifestyle, better eating habits and a more vigorous exercise routine.

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