Creating the Ultimate Website for Your Small Business

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Small businesses often struggle to attract new customers due to their competitive industry or niche market, but a good website can help You don't need to build the website yourself; just find a good web development company to do the hard work for you

Why you need a website

Having a website is essential for any business, both positive and negative

75 percent of users base the credibility of a business on how their website looks It takes about 0 05 seconds for a user to form an opinion about a site's visual appeal

57 percent of consumers won't recommend a website unless it has a mobile-friendly website

88 percent of consumers won't revisit a website following a bad user experience

76 percent of consumers look for a company ' s online presence before visiting a store inperson

Roll out the dough to the desired thickness

Having a website should meet user expectations, but failing to do so can lead to harm

About us: Small businesses should actively engage with customers by creating an "About us " page

Contact information: Small businesses should make contact avenues clear and monitor them to ensure they have the resources to deliver their advertised products

High-quality images and design: Quality of images should be prioritized over speed when running an ecommerce store

Call to action: Working with a professional web development company can help clarify the user journey and increase conversions

Links to social media: Having clear links to your company Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn accounts can reassure users that you ' re a functioning and trustworthy business

Customer testimonials: The most important idea is to include positive and constructive reviews in online testimonials to increase conversion rates

Look for a web development company with experience working with other small businesses to understand your challenges and opportunities

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