La Fusion Froide : L'énergie Gratuite = Pseudo-Science? /Cold Fusion : Free Energy = Pseudo Science?

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Scalar "Wave" 8: Radionics Commercialization • ->>cont. wave coupling: 6. Radionics mechanics: ●B-III-(eg- d- Broadcast specific nutrients-minerals needed for plant crop as info wave to increase agriculture yield; von Reichenbach, Y Kronn+) (, (eg e- farm removes pests by: placing pesticides on area photo, then modulate into "scalar wave form" & transmit; high % of experimental success records in mainstream Soviet groups by use of torsion field generators(АА Деев, ВА Соколов +), mainstream Western use in 1940s by US State Gov Farm Bureau PA, AZ, CA+, Dow Chemical, UKACO+; Knuth+), Significant trial success in 1970s Eastern Canada with largest prv land owner was “classified”(And Michrowski+), some prominent Canadian politicians promoted it as “best way to replace all chemicals”(Chesley William Carter, Margaret Norrie+) but results data debunked/ignored, If metal plates are tagged to subject, it can be used as nonlocal vaccine(Виктор Краснобжижев) • Modern era very low key services: Crop Services International(Phi Wheeler), Quantec(von Buengner), Kybertron, Kelly Research Technologies, QuantumAgriculture(Hu Lovel+), Slightly differently with torsion field generator based mechanics: done but state backed small use in Russia/Soviet+(Lomonosov, АВ Бобров+), Русноинком wl-tech(Podchufarov), Human medical homeopathic use psychotronic field frequency emitter should also be possible to be placed on farm photo to cause effects on the farm?(Радамир+)(VD Stepanenko), China seems to be quietly researching, Some farmers do own radionic farming by using some popular device(SE-5+), Mostly human focus(SelfHealGo+) 215

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