Qui Suit l'example de la Fusion Froide? .. Over-unity Générateurs C

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As of June 2016: Commercialized LENR generator is not mainstream endorsed/ reported as valid. But applying examples of other fringe inventors' various high efficiency power generators, it is probable that a dozen companies could have been running certain type of projects/prototypes/covert sales with a hold up for open full commercialization?: 1-15

1- E-Cat: Energy Catalyzer/Leonardo Corp(A Rossi: Italy)& their associates continue: a- to claim/indicate expanding pilot & commercial projects(at least 20-100 or more units sold?), b- Web sites: ecat.com & ecat.tech(Ro Green: Australia)- order taking web pages(mostly mainstream ignored) have been active for a few yrs, marketing to industrial users, Mar 2016 Dispute over nonpayment of contracted funds with close US collaborator Industrial Heat after yrs who suddenly now claims "e-cat doesn't work"

■ Warranty is COP>6 for 20yrs, Conditional sales: Require “routine duediligence process & compliance” by seller set criteria(non disclosure clause tied even to Western intel/military consent?- due to fundamental paradigm changing nature?), But actual efficiency is more like COP>20-50?, -->>cont. 227

linkedin.com/in/newnatureparadigm - Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada

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