Cold fusion, Tesla, Scalar wave, Torsion field, "Free energy", Zeropoint Extraction..

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Energy From Vast Biomass 19, Plastic to Oil: Pyrolysis • -->> cont; •3 MAINLY NONWOOD WASTE: ✔ 3b Plas%c to Oil: • But substan)al benefit to the plas)c to fuel conver)ng opera)on or community that owns it, generally unreported in west but ac)ve opera)on world wide, more in oil shortage China and India etc, than in west. • Large Western mainstream corpora)ons so far infrequently involved and even when do, they oAen avoid direct involvement & work through subsidiaries or as joint venture. • i -Pyrolysis: Oxygen deprived hea)ng causes genera)on of liquid fuel, gas, and char. Most system can only take selec1ve plas1c(usually no PET & PVC), some can recover fuel with all types of plas1c but most of cases oil quality suffers beyond 3-5% range PET/PVC and emit toxic fume, corrode or clog process line. Many system can only produce "crude oil", and need further processing to use as gasoline or diesel replacement. Some system has adjustment to change recovery ra)o of oil vs char: when focused to generate fuel, )res are generally weightwise 30-40% recovery to fuel, plas)cs are 60-90% level. • It can be adjusted to have lower fuel produced with higher char/carbon recovery(agriculture etc use). All infeed material needs to be shredded. 117 -Ben Rusuisiak: Specialty Cleantech Analysis, Vancouver, Canada

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