Kurang Dikenal, Bersih, Biaya Rendah, Teknologi Energi Berkelimpah..

Page 249

Bio 7: Mentalist Tricks Mixture: Common Sense, "Somatic Metaphor", & Psychic Effects • ->>cont: ■α BioField: iv-"Mind reading" : Somatic Metaphor: Gröning,Theta Healing etc: Well documented far beyond mainstream effect claim in serious chronic disease (also moderate claim Self BioFeedback[Elm Green+]): But many of such cures are entirely Placebo based: this word can be misnomer. Another eg: placebo water seems to carry the "vibration resonance of drinker's belief"? - because effect disappears from the water when effect blocking chemical(eg naloxone) is added(Fabrizio Benedetti+). • Hence mentalists use muscle kinetic response(Applied Kinesiology: AK [Incidentally strictly speaking, AK effects or others to read mind is labeled pseudoscience, yet mainstream conveniently stretches interpretation of this as valid effect temporarily to debunk mind reading effect. This phenomena is similar to reasonless-skyscraper-rapidcollapse-valid temporary science at geopolitical event), & Ideomotor skill, Eye movement signal reading & feedback Additionally weak torsion/scalar field related biofield/aura sensing seems to be practiced by bulk of high performance mentalists as a minor element yet intricately mixed(Marc Salem, Wane Hoffman, David Blaine+), while some seem to use higher % of further more unconventional skill(Keith Barry+). • Others are suspected to mix conventional magic trick & actual high level unconventional field reading or psychokinesis type effects but difficult to identify which is which( [ ], Lior Suchard, Сергей Листопад, Cyril Takayama, Steven Frayne["skinny" super soldier types?], Dan White+): ->>cont: 248

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