Family Resources 04.04.15

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Thought for the Week Ann Roda




A few weeks ago, after months of denial, I finally ventured into the anti-wrinkle cream market. I researched popular products to find the best one, as most anti-wrinkle cream is quite expensive. I settled on one that was cruelty-free, plant-based, made of ingredients I could pronounce and even packaged in 100 percent post-consumer paper.

This cream had great reviews and stories of remarkable skin improvements, promising to “lift and re-texturize skin for a more refined, youthful appearance.” It also promised to reduce wrinkle volume by 21 percent and wrinkle depth by 19 percent in eight weeks’ time. Its would improve facial skin almost immediately. It was the ultimate age defense cream. So, I bought it.

The anti-aging business is a huge because women (and, increasingly, men) believe these creams will do what they claim. According to the Global Industry Analysis study, the anti-aging product market will reach almost $300 billion by 2015. That’s a lot of money. That's also a lot people believing that a cream can lift, correct, tone, eliminate wrinkles and tighten sagging eyelids in a few weeks.

In Mark 8, Jesus tells His disciples about His death and resurrection: “He would be killed, but in three days He would rise from the dead” (Mark 8:31). The disciples could not comprehend what Jesus was saying. Two more times (in Mark 9 and 10), Jesus predicted His death and resurrection, and again, the disciples did not understand and believe. As they witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, their disbelief turned into dismay and despair.

In their anguish, they mentally replayed Jesus’ words: “In three days He would rise from the dead.” Perhaps they wanted to believe but were afraid to because it just seemed so unbelievable. In Luke 24:12, Peter himself went to the empty tomb and left “wondering to himself what had happened.” After Jesus appeared to the disciples, He said, “Why do doubts rise in your minds?” (John 24:38). It was not until He showed them His hands and feet that they finally believed.

This Easter, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection because we believe that He did rise from the dead. But Easter is more than just believing that. It is also believing in everything Jesus said. Jesus reminds us not to worry; He will be with us always; He will provide a way for us to overcome temptations; He will love us no matter what we do; He will give us peace that surpasses all understanding (Matt. 6; Matt. 28:20; 1 Cor. 10:13; Romans 8:28-29; Phil. 4:7). Easter is about believing Jesus. Period. But sometimes it is easier for us to believe the claims on a product’s package than it is to believe in Jesus’ words.

This Easter, celebrate Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. Then take time to reflect on His words of comfort, promise, hope and assurance. Then make an effort to believe and live what Jesus says He will do for you. Remember, Jesus’ words are completely guaranteed — 100 percent.

Family Resources April 4, 2015



Kingdom Kids Bible Lesson

Today's lesson is from Mark 16:1-8, "Jesus Is Alive." Children will learn that we celebrate Easter because Jesus is alive.

God’s Daily Word

Each day this week, read the following passages to explore more insights on genuine giving. Sunday: Matthew 20:17-19 Monday: Mark 8:31; Acts 3:15 Tuesday: Luke 24:6-7 Wednesday: John 20:16-18 Thursday: Mark 16:5-7 Friday: Matthew 28:6; Acts 4:33 Saturday: Romans 6:9; Revelation 1:5

Weekly Challenge for Adults Which promises from the Bible do you have a hard time believing? Give your unbelief to God. Jesus said to the father of a boy with an evil spirit, “Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23). Ask God to help your unbelief.

For the Family On Sunday morning, read John 20 together as a family. This is one of the most beautiful accounts of the resurrection story. Then pray together, asking God for the courage to believe completely in Jesus. Celebrate Easter by doing something fun and meaningful as a family.

12350 Hall Shop Road, Fulton, Md. 20759 • 410-541-6394 •

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