How Obesity affects your health

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How obesity affects your health

Studies show that more than 1/3 of North Americans are suffering from obesity, and this is not going to stop unless a change is mad, but what exactly are the effects on your body when you are overweight and in poor health because of it? Here are some of the various health risks that can occur due to severe obesity.

Osteoarthritis Studies show that more than 1/3 of North Americans are suffering from obesity, and this is not going to stop unless a change is mad, but what exactly are the effects on your body when you are overweight and in poor health because of it? Here are some of the various health risks that can occur due to severe obesity.

Sleep Apnea Sleep Apnea is very common in people who are overweight and the results in a person’s airway becoming blocked or obstructed during sleep, resulting in pauses in breathing or shallow breathing. The effects of long-term untreated sleep apnea include excessive tiredness and can lead to minor or even severe driving accidents due to loss of sleep, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, heart failure or arrhythmias.

Heart Disease & Stroke Heart disease and strokes are some of the leading causes of death in the country. People suffering from obesity often have high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, making is much more likely to suffer from one of these issues, if not both. It is a proven fact that people with both high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are much more prone to heart disease and/or a stroke.

High Blood Pressure Being overweight or obese often leads to high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, which is the amount of force that blood is pushing against the blood vessel walls. Increased blood pressure causes the heart to work harder while pumping blood through the arteries. This causes a hardening of the arteries, often resulting in heart failure or kidney disease. Reducing your salt intake is a simple, easy and effective way to reduce your high blood pressure, while also working to lose weight.

Diabetes Diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels; the result of which includes the body’s inability to produce and use insulin properly. Some of the effects of diabetes include extreme tiredness, blurry vision, and bruises or cuts that take a long time to heal. Diabetes can result in loss of vision and even limbs in very severe cases. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep will help you reduce the risk of developing diabetes, as it much more common in occurring in adults who suffer from weight issues.

If you want to reduce your risk of serious health problems like these, then losing excess weight and maintaining a healthy weight throughout the rest of your life is what needs to be done. New England Fat Loss might be the answer for you, with individual metabolic weight loss programs, it could mean the end to your problems with your weight.

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