Nebraska Wedding Day Summer 2017

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CREATING THE LIST The first step after reaching an estimated guest count is to divide that number by three. List the names of all the people you wish to invite on one of three worksheets. (Microsoft Excel is common software used to organize these lists and allow for easy changes as needed.) The first sheet should represent the couple’s guest list. The second sheet should include one set of parents’ guest list and the third sheet should delineate the other set of parents’ guest list. In the first column on each sheet, enter the guest’s name. In the second column on each of the three lists, designate “A”, “B” or “C” next to the name. The names designated as “A” are must-haves that include siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Your “B” names are should-haves, such as good friends, distant relatives, etc. This is the most difficult category to decide. Many couples struggle with coworkers or friends from high school or college. The final category, “C,” is like-to-haves that may include neighbors, former coworkers, and the like. Should it become necessary to trim the guest list, sorting the names by category will allow you a clearer picture of who could be omitted. Also, as RSVPs are returned, you may find some expected guests cannot attend. At that time you can reevaluate your cut list to reconsider extending an invitation to any of those guests. You could send out a second group of invitations, but only if just a brief time has passed since mailing the first group to avoid hurt feelings for those not included in the first mailing. If you need help organizing your guests’ contact information, consider opting for a digital address book via Postable ( This site allows your guests to electronically submit their contact information to your confidential online address book, which allows you to stay organized by keeping all the information in one place. Once you’ve collected all your guests’ addresses, you can then export the information to an Excel document, transfer to another address book or print them directly on your paper goods. The best part, it’s free! ESTIMATING THE RSVPS The invitation RSVP will assist you in estimating the actual attendance at the wedding. The standard RSVP estimation tool calls for you to double the number of invites you send (since an invitation usually includes two people) then subtract 33%. In other words, two-thirds of your guest list will most likely attend your wedding. While this rule of thumb usually rings true, there can be factors that affect attendance. If your guest list includes a high percentage of out-of-town guests, your rate of attendance may be a bit lower due to guests not being available to travel. One thing is certain, there are always a few surprises when receiving RSVPs. When guests are asked to write in their names and the number attending, they may add a friend or child that you were not including on your guest list. Should this occur, do not despair as most likely it will not affect your budget. Should a guest add multiple children’s names and you do not wish for children to attend the wedding, politely call and explain your wishes. Just be certain to make no exceptions for other children attending, as this could cause hurt feelings among your guests. // NWD


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