The Bulletin Winter 2021

Page 39

And the Alumni Award Goes To ... Miami HEAT Business Operations President Eric Woolworth ’80 Reflects on the Importance of Social Responsibility The New Canaan Country School Alumni Award is presented each year to honor an alumna or alumnus who has had the courage and confidence to make a positive contribution to the world. This year, the honor went to Eric Woolworth ’80.

Speaking on Oct. 30 from his Florida home

equity and inclusion space and asked for

to Middle and Upper School students,

the details surrounding the decision to

faculty, staff and alumni assembled

make that a priority.

virtually, Alumni Award recipient Eric

“When we decided that we wanted to

Woolworth ’80 spoke candidly about his

make the HEAT the very best organization

path to the executive office of the Miami

it could be, I told my staff that we needed

marketing and community affairs to sales

HEAT Group and discussed in depth

to embrace the community around us,”

and service, human resources, merchan-

his feelings about the importance of

explained Eric. “The people who lived in

dising, finance, event and arena opera-

creating diverse, equitable and inclusive

Miami needed to feel comfortable coming

tions, and more.

environments, professional organizations

to games and events, but also to our

Under his guidance, the HEAT was

and communities.

business offices. In order for them to feel

the inaugural winner of the NBA’s 2018

“Eric responded to our students’ ques-

comfortable, they needed to see someone

Inclusion Leadership Award for the

tions with wisdom and humor, tackling

who looked like them. Over time, we

franchise’s lengthy history and ongoing

complicated themes such as the role of

became more diverse and then learned

commitment to diversity and inclusion.

social responsibility within professional

how to actively and intentionally get

sports head-on with confidence and

and harness the diverse experiences and

conviction. His wisdom and experience

world views of our employees, ultimately

really resonated with the students,” said

creating the successful multicultural orga-

Head of School Aaron Cooper.

nization we are today.”

“I took a risk,” explained Eric when

Following graduation from Country

asked by eighth grader Ifeanyi Ndokwu

School, Eric went on to attend The

if he had dreamed of a career in profes-

Taft School. He graduated cum laude

sional basketball. “I left a profitable

from both Georgetown University and

career in law, took a pay cut and moved

Georgetown University Law Center and


to Miami. Sometimes you’ve got to go for

then pursued a successful legal career in

We welcome your suggestions

it. It’s worked out for me. It was a dream

Washington, D.C. Eric joined the HEAT as

for future Alumni Award

to work in the sports world, although not

general counsel in 1995 and then steadily

candidates. Please send nominations

necessarily in basketball.”

climbed the ranks of The HEAT Group.

to Director of Alumni Affairs

While attending NCCS, Eric

His business acumen and key role in the

Holly Donaldson Casella ’04 at

co-captained three varsity teams:

development of the AmericanAirlines

soccer, hockey and baseball.

Arena in Miami led to his promotion

Please include name, class year

“I have always loved sports, but I

to President, Business Operations in

and a short explanation of the

still cannot dribble left-handed,” he

January 2001.

candidate’s accomplishments.

confessed with a wry smile.

The 2020–21 Miami Heat season marks

Ninth grader Waverly Walters, who

Eric’s 25th year with the HEAT Group and

To find out about previous

attended the 2020 Student Diversity

20th as President, Business Operations.

New Canaan Country School

Leadership Conference, noted that the

His primary responsibility consists of

Alumni Award recipients, visit

HEAT Group had won several awards

directing and overseeing all non-basket-

and recognition for work in the diversity,

ball aspects of the organization from


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