Fall/Winter 2019 No. 13

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N O W O N N E W B E R R Y. O R G

Shelf Life Michelangelo’s Handwriting The Newberry’s collection includes a 1545 letter written by Michelangelo. The content of the letter is fairly mundane: Michelangelo is writing to a bank, requesting payment for a project. But the style of handwriting he uses is very revealing. In this episode of the Newberry’s Shelf Life podcast, scholars Bill Wallace and Isabella Magni tell us what Michelangelo’s handwriting says about who he was as an artist and his position in Renaissance Italian society. [Read more about this letter on page 9.]

#NLDocumentCam Geographical Playing Cards We launched our “Newberry Document Cam” video series recently with a video featuring Newberry research fellow Jennifer Park, whose work on learning, games, and cartographic imagination led her to an 1839 deck of geographical playing cards in our collection. The deck organizes the world into the four suits and, within each suit, ranks countries hierarchically from 10 on down. Jennifer put these playing cards under the document cam and showed us how they represented the world in the nineteenth century.

Listen at www.newberry.org/shelf-life


Fall/Winter 2019

Watch at www.newberry.org/source-material

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