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FOCUS ON Papua New Guinea A Brief History of the Lord’s Work in Papua New Guinea The first contact made in Papua New Guinea goes back 34 years ago in the year 1977. A local man, Rea Heni and his family had just returned from a fishing trip and were unpacking near his home in Port Moresby when he saw a stranger talking with his local Pastor. He approached them and introduced himself to the stranger who was the Evangelist Jim Eyerman from the USA (later the Rector of Windsor congregation in Brisbane, Australia). At the end of the discussion the Evangelist promised to return to PNG but in the meantime assured them he would keep in touch. His visit was brief but a pathway was created. On August 31 the same year two gentlemen appeared at the Heni family’s door. They introduced themselves as the Evangelist Bert Woll [later Apostle] and Priest Geoff Moxon. 8 Australia District News

The following day Evangelist Woll conducted a Divine Service during which the Heni family (husband, wife and son) received the Holy Baptism. Subsequently the Apostle Wagner visited and the family received the Holy Sealing. At the same time contacts were made in the Western Province and soon the interest in the church grew in that area also. By the end of 1978 some congregations had already been established in Daru and in the Fly River area. At this time District Apostle Kraus of Canada asked District Apostle Gerke of Australia to take over the responsibility for that area. From that point on, the ministers from the Canada District worked in the northern part of the country as well as in the capital city, Port Moresby and the ministers of the Australian District worked in the highlands and the southern part of the country.

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