Issue 54

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There is often a similar theme when it comes to the postevent actions of many individuals after a race such as the Coast to Coast. Chances are you have made significant financial, physical, social, family, and emotional sacrifices to get to the start line of such an event. You elatedly finish, though as you cross the finish line, it is as though there is an anti-climactic paradigm shift. For weeks before, you likely had single-minded determination and focus towards your goal. For weeks, if not months after, you drift without direction, feasting on rubbish food and avoiding the likes of your inhumane fibreglass kayak seat. The realisation that your six-pack has rapidly become a keg, is for many the type of emotional jolt that allows them to reset, and refocus towards a new aspiration. With a goal in mind such a rut is much less likely, even less so if you take it one step further and map out a plan for beyond your event. As I write I am putting the finishing touches on my preparation for the Coast to Coast, and I have also spent some time putting the foundations in place as I build towards Total Sport’s North Shore City Coastal Challenge. I am definitely not suggesting that there shouldn’t be a period of rest and recovery after any event, though by

“unless my goals raised the hairs on the back of my neck... they weren’t powerful enough to guarantee success.” having the intent and desire already present, it allows me to leapfrog in my progression.


ISSUE FIFTY Four • 2010

- James Kuegler shares tips on staying motivated post event.

Most people can force themselves to endure the torment of training through early mornings, aching muscles and unfavorable weather for a (short) period of time. I am willing to bet that

your motivation will fade, as discipline alone will never sustain you over a longer period of time. This is why your goals need to be extremely real, so vibrant in your mind that they are almost tangible. In his book “Lucky Legs”, Steve Gurney makes the comment that “unless my goals raised the hairs on the back of my neck, made my stomach tighten, put a big cheesy smile on my face, made me flush, raised my heart rate or put a really big spring in my step, they weren’t powerful enough to guarantee success.” Goals of this nature never falter, even when things are not going your way. Dr. Kerry Spackman talks of motivation being constantly topped up

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