Emerging Modes of Architecture Practice

Page 58


For all questions with numbers or percentages, please refer to the last two years.

3. What percentage of your projects have physical/built products involved? (eg. built: a building or installation, unbuilt: planning recommendations or publications or events.)

Service Offerings 1. What services do you offer? (list as many as apply and the percentage of your workload and total revenue each has been in the past two years.) ______________________ __ __ SERVICE % of workload % of revenue ______________________ __ __ SERVICE % of workload % of revenue ______________________ __ __ SERVICE % of workload % of revenue ______________________ __ __ SERVICE % of workload % of revenue ______________________ __ __ SERVICE % of workload % of revenue ______________________ __ __ SERVICE % of workload % of revenue

4. What is the average size (in sq. ft) of your built projects? 5. What percentage of the projects you worked on in the past 2 years didn’t make it to completion? 6. What is your most profitable service type? 7. What is the service type that you think contributes most to the reputation of your firm? 8. What percentage of your projects are funded? (eg. ones not done on your own/firm time.)

2. What sectors is your work in? __% Residential __% Institutional __% Commercial __% Mixed Use __% Urban Development _% Other List___ [please list as many as you need and note the percentage]


Clients 9. Who are your typical clients? (from projects in the past two years) __% Individual __% Developer __% Government __% Organization/Company

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