ASID Colorado Crystal Awards 2011

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a million ideas. thousands of choices. one website to ďŹ nd it all.


to the 13th Annual ASID Colorado Crystal Award Winners program. First, I want to congratulate all of this year’s winners. Every project submitted was excellent and I know the Texas ASID Chapter, who handled the judging, had a tough time deciding which projects to award. I also want to personally thank this year’s Crystal Awards committee. This event would not happen without all of them. As you take a look at the winners in this booklet, you will see some extraordinary work being done right here in Colorado. I would like to tell you about the process that goes into planning this event. It is ASID Colorado’s largest event of the year and it takes a very dedicated group of volunteers to make it happen. Each year, in late summer, a committee Chair or Co-Chairs are chosen by the President Elect to lead the effort. The President Elect and the new Chair, with the help of last year’s committee, choose six to eight committee members consisting of Professional, Allied Professional, Industry Partners and Students. There is an eight-month planning commitment to this event, but it is a very exciting and rewarding eight months. If you are interested in volunteering to help plan the next Crystal Awards, please visit

The planning of the Crystal Awards coincides with our Annual Sponsorship drive, which is very important to the success of this event. Our Media, Platinum and Slide Sponsors are all directly involved as sponsors for the Crystal Awards. Colorado Homes & Lifestyles and Mountain Living magazines have long supported our chapter. For the past four years, they have been our Crystal Awards Media Sponsors. They volunteer a member of their team to sit on the committee and support the planning of the program. It requires a lot of time and effort and we are truly grateful to them. This year’s Platinum Sponsors include DSKB Plumbing & Tile, Haworth, Pear Commercial Interiors. Thank you Steve, Kathy and John. Without your support year after year, we could not make this event the success that it is! And an additional thank you to our Slide Sponsors— Source Four, Johnsonite and Florida Tile—as well as the rest of our annual sponsors at the Gold and Silver levels. We truly appreciate your continued support. I hope you had the opportunity to attend this year’s event; it was spectacular and illuminated the entire Denver Art Museum’s Ponti Hall. Look for the 14th Annual Crystal Awards next year if you did not attend this year. We look forward to seeing you all then!

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Cher Schuck, CS Design, Inc., Photographer: Thomas Cooper, Lightbox Images

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HEALTHCARE Grand River Medical Center Office Building 83<<743@ 63<@G 1G<B67/ AB37<0@3163@ 2/D7A >/@B<3@A67> /@167B31BA ROdWa^O`b\S`a Q][ 16/::3<53( B] RSaWU\ O V]a^WbOZ ORRWbW]\ bVOb W[^ZS[S\bSR bVS 5`SS\ 5cWRS T]` 6SOZbVQO`S O\R caSR ]\Zg Z]QOZ [ObS`WOZa ^`]RcQba O\R dS\R]`a A=:CB7=<( 1`SObS O\ W\bSU`ObSR [cZbW caS Sf^O\aW]\ bVOb T]QcaSa ]\ O []c\bOW\ OSabVSbWQ O\R U`SS\ RSaWU\ ^`OQbWQSa 23A75< 23B/7:A( B] Q`SObS O []`S Q]`^]`ObS Z]]Y bVO\ bVS ]`WUW\OZ V]a^WbOZ bVS RSaWU\S`a caSR SfbS`W]` ¿\WaVSa W\ bVS W\bS`W]` acQV Oa aZObS O\R P`WQY j B] P`W\U []`S eO`[bV W\b] bVS a^OQSa eObS` eOa caSR Oa O Q]\QS^b bV`]cUV]cb) O ZO`US eObS`TOZZ eOa RSaWU\SR Ob bVS S\b`g j C^RObSR ¿\WaVSa eS`S QV]aS\ QO`STcZZg b] [OW\bOW\ O Q]VSaWdS Z]]Y eWbV bVS SfWabW\U ¿\WaVSa



La Hacienda Club 97;03@:G B7;;=<A /A72 j 97;03@:G B7;;=<A 7<B3@7=@A YbW\bS`W]`a \Sb 16/::3<53( 1`SObS O Q][T]`bOPZS O\R W\bW[ObS QZcPV]caS eWbVW\ O ZO`US PcWZRW\U eVWZS OPWRW\U Pg ab`W\US\b Z]QOZ S\S`Ug Q]RSa A=:CB7=<( 3[P`OQW\U bVS ^VWZ]a]^Vg ]T µ`Sa]`b ZWdW\U ¶ bVWa QZcPV]caS T]` O\ OQbWdS # ORcZb Q][[c\Wbg caSa bW[SZSaa O\R acabOW\OPZS RSaWU\ 23A75< 23B/7:A( BVS Q]\QS^b ]T µ[]RS`\ W\ bVS a^W`Wb ]T b`ORWbW]\¶ ^Oga V][OUS b] bVS `WQV VWab]`g O\R c\W_cS ZO\RaQO^S ]T /`Wh]\O j / eO`[ ^OZSbbS O\R \Obc`OZ [ObS`WOZa UWdS bVS QZcPV]caS O []RS`\ gSb bW[SZSaa O^^SOZ j BV]cUV bVS PcWZRW\U VOa [O\g Tc\QbW]\a bVS a^OQSa aSO[ZSaaZg À]e b]USbVS` Pg [OW\bOW\W\U O Q]\aWabS\Qg W\ [ObS`WOZa Q]Z]` ^OZSbbS ZWUVbW\U O\R Tc`\WaVW\Ua

SINGLE SPACE 83<<G E3AB j 53<A:3@ US\aZS` Q][ 16/::3<53( B] Q`SObS O dWacOZZg O^^SOZW\U a^OQS O\R P`O\R OeO`S\Saa `ScaW\U Oa [cQV ]T bVS VWab]`WQ a^OQS Oa ^]aaWPZS OZZ eWbVW\ O\ Sfb`S[SZg aV]`b bW[S T`O[S A=:CB7=<( 0g ]`UO\WhW\U O U`]c^ ]T µb`cabSR ORdWa]`a¶ b] ]dS`aSS bVS ^`]XSQb O acabOW\OPZS OcbVS\bWQ a^OQS eOa Q][^ZSbSR W\ T]c` []\bVa 23A75< 23B/7:A( &# ]T bVS SfWabW\U a^OQS eOa ZSTb W\bOQb( SfWabW\U À]]`a QSWZW\U O\R P`WQY O\R ab]\S eOZZa j 0`O\R WQ]\]U`O^Vg O\R [ObS`WOZ b`O\aZObW]\a W\ Q]\Xc\QbW]\ eWbV bVS ab]`S ZOg]cb O\R [S`QVO\RWaW\U ab`ObSUg eS`S caSR b] ^`]dWRS bVS µ[O^¶ b] aQ`W^b bVS Qcab][S` Sf^S`WS\QS ]T bVS ES\US` ZSUOQg ab]`g j / VWab]`WQ VO\R ^OW\bSR eOZZ O`b [c`OZ POaSR ]\ dW\bOUS AeWaa b`OdSZ ^]abS`a `STS`S\QSa bVS `WQV VWab]`g ]T O ZSUS\RO`g P`O\R O\R cbWZWhSa SfWabW\U O`QVWbSQbc`OZ Q]\RWbW]\a

EDUCATIONAL Casey Middle School 23<7A3 >=HD39 j @0 0 /@167B31BA `PPO`QVWbSQba Q][ 16/::3<53( @SRSaWU\ O $ abcRS\b [WRRZS aQV]]Z b] [SSb :332 >ZObW\c[ abO\RO`Ra eVWZS V]caW\U Wba VWab]`WQ ' " `]]ba A=:CB7=<( AOdW\U bVS ]`WUW\OZ PcWZRW\U eOa Q]ab ^`]VWPWbWdS) V]eSdS` bVS RSaWU\S`a eS`S OPZS b] W\Q]`^]`ObS a][S SfbS`W]` eOZZa O\R `SQgQZS ]bVS` ]`WUW\OZ [ObS`WOZa 23A75< 23B/7:A( 1ZOaa`]][a O`S U`]c^SR W\ bSOQVW\U bSO[ O``O\US[S\ba O`]c\R Q][[]\ a^OQSa eVS`S abcRS\b Z]QYS`a abcRg P`SOY ]cb a^OQS O\R bSOQVS` ^ZO\\W\U O`SOa O`S Z]QObSR j BVS bV`SS ab]`g QZOaa`]][a O`S \]`bV TOQW\U OZZ]eW\U [OfW[c[ ROgZWUVb W\b] bVS ZSO`\W\U O`SOa eWbV [W\W[OZ UZO`S j E]]R Ug[ À]]`W\U T`][ bVS RS[]ZWaVSR PcWZRW\U eOa `ScaSR Oa eOZZ ^O\SZW\U O\R PS\QVSa


Wenger, Maker of the Genuine Swiss Army Knife

Judge’s Award for Merit




Semper Fidelis Memorial Park Chapel 1C@B7A 43<B@3AA j 43<B@3AA /@167B31BA TS\b`SaaO`QVWbSQba Q][ 16/::3<53( =^bW[WhS bVS b`O\a^O`S\Qg STTSQb eWbV UZOaa eOZZa eVWZS Q]\QSOZW\U cbWZWbWSa) Sf^`Saa bVS QVO^SZ¸a \Obc`OZ aSbbW\U bV`]cUV [ObS`WOZ QV]WQSa A=:CB7=<( 1]ZZOP]`ObW]\ eWbV OZZ b`ORSa ac^S`W]` Q`OTba[O\aVW^ O\R ObbS\bW]\ b] SdS`g RSbOWZ `SacZbSR W\ O `SdS`S\b [caSc[ _cOZWbg a^OQS 23A75< 23B/7:A( B`O\a^O`S\b UZOaa eOZZa O`S SbQVSR eWbV e]`Ra Sf^`SaaW\U bVS ;O`W\S 1]`^a¸ bW[S V]\]`SR WRSOZa j /`bTcZZg Q]\QSOZSR cbWZWbg agabS[a Q`SObS O QZSO\ OSabVSbWQ j ;ObS`WOZa acQV Oa \Obc`OZ ¿ SZRab]\S bW[PS` ab]\S O\R U`O\WbS a^SOY b] bVS QVO^SZ¸a \Obc`OZ aSbbW\U

OVER 15K SQUARE FEET United States Olympic Committee Headquarters ACA/< 9=6CB6 /A72 j =H /@167B31BC@3 ]hO`QV Q][ 16/::3<53( 1`SObS O Rg\O[WQ ^`]TSaaW]\OZ S\dW`]\[S\b O\R W\Q]`^]`ObS OZZ RS^O`b[S\ba W\b] ]\S TOQWZWbg OZZ eVWZS ^c`acW\U :332 AWZdS` abObca A=:CB7=<( 2SdSZ]^ e]`Y a^OQS abO\RO`Ra b] Q`SObS Q]\aWabS\Qg W\ a^OQS OZZ]QObW]\ O\R cbWZWhObW]\) caS P]ZR U`O^VWQa b] S\S`UWhS S\dW`]\[S\b 23A75< 23B/7:A( :O`US dWacOZ U`O^VWQa O`S caSR bV`]cUV]cb b] W\bSU`ObS P`O\RW\U QO^bc`S S\S`Ug O\R `SÀ SQb bVS Q][^O\g¸a VWab]`g j 4cZZ eOZZ U`O^VWQa ^`W\bSR ]\ dW\gZ O`S YSg T]QOZ ^]W\ba bVOb P`W\U W\ dWdWR Q]Z]`a j 4W\WaVSa bV`]cUV]cb ^`]dWRS O QZSO\ POQYR`]^ OZZ]eW\U bVS W[OUS`g b] PS bVS T]QOZ ^]W\b >`]XSQb ^V]b]a \]b `SZSOaSR T]` ^`W\b Pcb g]c QO\ dWaWb bVS a^OQS W\ ^S`a]\ DWaWb bSO[caO ]`U T]` RSbOWZa


Judge’s Award for Merit

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SINGLE SPACE Greenwood Village Remodel 163@ A16C19 j 1A 23A75< 7<1 QaRSaWU\aV][Sa Q][ 16/::3<53( B] Q`SObS O aS\aS ]T be] aS^O`ObS a^OQSa O\R Tc\QbW]\OZ ab]`OUS eWbVW\ ]\S PObV`]][ T]` be] U`]eW\U P]ga A=:CB7=<( /\ W\US\W]ca µR]cPZS aW\Y¶ O\R Q`SObWdS OZZ]QObW]\ ]T ab]`OUS a^OQS) O`bWabWQ O\R ^ZOgTcZ gSb bW[SZSaa RSaWU\ 23A75< 23B/7:A( / QOPW\Sb O\R Q]\Q`SbS µb`]cUV¶ aW\Y QS\bS`SR ]\ O ab]\S eOZZ QO\ PS caSR Ob bVS aO[S bW[S T`][ ]^^]aWbS aWRSa j AS^O`ObS PcWZb W\ ab]`OUS YSS^a ^S`a]\OZ WbS[a ]`UO\WhSR O\R QZcbbS` Ob POg j / R]cPZS aWRSR [W``]` Vc\U T`][ bVS QSWZW\U SZW[W\ObSa bVS \SSR T]` O ^S`[O\S\b eOZZ



MERCHANDISING Columbine Street Spec House 83<<743@ ;32=44 j 2@/5=<4:G 23A75<A 16/::3<53( B] [S`QVO\RWaS O PcWZRS` a^SQ V][S W\ O Q`SObWdS O\R Q]Z]`TcZ eOg eVWZS `S[OW\W\U c\WdS`aOZ W\ abgZS) e]`Y eWbV ZW[WbSR `Sa]c`QSa O\R O bV`SS eSSY bW[S T`O[S A=:CB7=<( CaS O eO`[ SO`bV b]\S ^OZSbbS VWUVZWUVbSR eWbV `SRa PZcSa O\R ^c`^ZSa Oa eSZZ Oa QZSO\ ZW\SR Tc`\WaVW\Ua O\R W\bS`SabW\U OQQSaa]`WSa 23A75< 23B/7:A( 1cab][ ¿\WaVSa acQV Oa O abOW\SR UZOaa eW\R]e W\ bVS eW\S QSZZO` R]]` O\R O be] ab]`g QVO\RSZWS` W\ bVS T]gS` ORR R`O[O j 3O`bVg bSfbc`Sa ]T ab]\S e]]R O\R VO\R b`]eSZSR ^ZOabS` Q`SObS O `WQV W\bS`W]` a^OQS j 4c`\WaVW\Ua eS`S YS^b \Scb`OZ eWbV a[OZZS` ^c\QVSa ]T Q]Z]` O\R O``O\USR b] [OfW[WhS dWSea ]T ab`cQbc`OZ T]QOZ ^]W\ba

@3A723<B7/: RESIDENCE UNDER 3,000 SQUARE FEET Artful Urban Living 9/B3 27F=< j 6;6 /@167B31BC@3 7<B3@7=@A V[VOW Q][ 16/::3<53( B] VSZ^ S[^bg \SabS`a [OYS bVS b`O\aWbW]\ T`][ O ZO`US acPc`PO\ V][S b] O aW[^ZS` c`PO\ ZWTSabgZS A=:CB7=<( 2SaWU\ O\ c`PO\ Z]Tb bVOb S^Wb][WhSa ]`UO\WhObW]\ O\R QO`STcZ h]\W\U ]T a^OQS Oa eSZZ Oa bVS ^S`a]\OZWbg ]T bVS V][S]e\S`a 23A75< 23B/7:A( :O`US aZWRW\U R]]`a aS^O`ObS bVS BD `]][ T`][ bVS [OW\ ZWdW\U a^OQS) bVS BD `]][ OZa] aS`dSa Oa O UcSab `]][ j BVS UcSab PObV`]][ VOa O UZOaa aZWRW\U R]]` bVOb b`O\aT]`[a Wb T`][ O ^]eRS` `]][ W\b] O TcZZ PObV`]][ j BVS ^S`a]\OZWbWSa ]T bVS a^OQSa `O\US T`][ aQcZ^bc`OZ O\R eVW[aWQOZ b] T]`[OZ O\R ]`RS`Zg

RESIDENCE BETWEEN 3,000 & 7,000 SQUARE FEET Country Manor 2=<</ >=117 j >=117 23A75< 5@=C> ^]QQWRSaWU\U`]c^ Q][ 16/::3<53( 5WdS O\ ]^S\ Q]\QS^b TSSZ b] O RO`Y V][S eWbV c\caOPZS QZcabS`SR a^OQSa) bOYS ORdO\bOUS ]T []c\bOW\ dWSea O\R ROgZWUVbW\U A=:CB7=<( 7\bSU`ObS OZZ Oa^SQba ]T bVS PcWZb S\dW`]\[S\b W\b] bVS ac``]c\RW\U ZO\RaQO^S Oa O aW\UZS eV]ZS


23A75< 23B/7:A( EW\R]ea R]]`a RSQYa O\R bS``OQSa eS`S O``O\USR b] bOYS ORdO\bOUS ]T bVS Sd]ZdW\U ZO\RaQO^S O\R []c\bOW\ dWSea j BVS YWbQVS\ QO\ OQQ][[]RObS QObS`W\U ]T ZO`US ^O`bWSa gSb TSSZa Q]hg eVS\ ]\S ]` be] ^S]^ZS O`S Q]]YW\U j EO`[ e]]Ra O\R O Q][PW\ObW]\ ]T b`ORWbW]\OZ O\R O\bW_cS Tc`\WaVW\Ua Q`SObS O µQ]c\b`g [O\]`¶ TSSZ

KITCHEN Lookout Mountain Kitchen Remodel 93::G >3BBG 16/::3<53( C^RObS O YWbQVS\ T]` O g]c\U TO[WZg bVOb V]aba P]bV a^]`ba bSO[ RW\\S`a O\R W\bW[ObS ORcZb UObVS`W\Ua A=:CB7=<( 2SaWU\ O aOTS` PSbbS` Tc\QbW]\W\U C aVO^SR ZOg]cb bVOb ^`]dWRSa O aS\aS ]T a^OQS O\R ORRWbW]\OZ ^`S^ QZSO\ c^ O\R ab]`OUS O`SOa 23A75< 23B/7:A( 1]\bS[^]`O`g [ObS`WOZa QOPW\Sb`g O\R O^^ZWO\QSa ORR c^ b] O bW[SZSaa RSaWU\ bVOb eWZZ Q]\bW\cS b] Tc\QbW]\ eSZZ T]` O U`]eW\U TO[WZg j / QS\bS` WaZO\R eWbV ^`S^ aW\Y OQQ][[]RObSa [cZbW^ZS Q]]Ya j :O`US VWUV S\R O^^ZWO\QSa W\QZcRW\U be] RWaVeOaVS`a O\R O eW\S Q]]ZS` [OYS S\bS`bOW\W\U O a\O^

UNBUILT/NONCOMMISSIONED WORK DaVita World Headquarters - Design Competition A1=BB @75A0G 8/19 ;=CAA3/C /1?C7:/<= :3A:73 7<1 ;=/ /@167B31BC@3 OQ_cWZO\] Q][ []OO`QV Q][ 16/::3<53( B] Q`SObS O\ WQ]\WQ PcWZRW\U ]\ O\ ]RRZg aVO^SR aWbS eWbVW\ O ab`WQb PcRUSb O\R aV]`b bW[S T`O[S A=:CB7=<( / eSZZ RSaWU\SR PcWZRW\U bVOb ac^^]`ba bVS ^VgaWQOZ ^agQV]Z]UWQOZ O\R S[]bW]\OZ eSZZ PSW\U ]T Wba bSO[ [S[PS`a O\R bVS ^S]^ZS bVSg aS`dS 23A75< 23B/7:A( AcabOW\OPZS SZS[S\ba W\QZcRS À]]` b] QSWZW\U eW\R]ea bVOb OZZ]e T]` [OfW[c[ ROgZWUVb O\R `OW\eObS` Q]ZZSQbW]\ b] acabOW\ `]]Tb]^ UO`RS\a j EObS` TSObc`Sa O\R OPc\RO\b ^ZO\b ZWTS Q`SObSa O \Obc`OZ aS`S\S S\dW`]\[S\b j Ab`WYW\U O`QVWbSQbc`S a^SOYa b] O `Sa^SQbSR Q][^O\g¸a e]`ZR VSOR_cO`bS`a

DESIGN ELEMENTS Crop Production Services

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:G<< 1=7B /A72 j 0=F ABC27=A P]fT]`[ObW]\ Q][ 16/::3<53( 1`SObS O c\W_cS [WZZe]`Y ^WSQS T]` O `SQS^bW]\Wab RSaY bVOb [SSba c\WdS`aOZ RSaWU\ abO\RO`Ra Z]]Ya eSWUVbZSaa O\R caSa acabOW\OPZS [ObS`WOZa A=:CB7=<( 2SaWU\ O RSaY bVOb Wa P]bV Tc\QbW]\OZ O\R OSabVSbWQOZZg ^ZSOaW\U´O abObS[S\b ^WSQS W\ O ZO`US [cZbW Tc\QbW]\OZ `SQS^bW]\ a^OQS

STUDENT DESIGN Sèk de lavi, A Haitian Orphanage

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Sybase, Inc.

ESCO Field ish from INV n ďŹ d n a rt a t st s. Courses h single poin ts in all of u it is w cl ll cy a e s, th e d ward nce ri enver area. ics geared to the metro D d short dista n in g a cl in g d cl n n cy a lo f s f o o ie S topography emos, activit family TWO DAY and diverse S exhibits, d g the whole ty n LU u ri P a b ; e h b d l n ig a H ra ls tu e at Mile t the na VESCO Field training whe vels highligh Festival at IN ghten up the e ti cl , y e ic ik B for all skill le b in ’s ta id k Rocky Moun ll down the r cruiser, pu Ride and the ry tu n e C r Dust off you enve play at the D to ride and . at Mile High Community IN TANDEM WITH:

Mile Ride



This annual celebration brings together the most popular brands in the bicycle industry, custom frame builders, advocates and non-proďŹ ts, touring and service companies, demos, clinics, and a range of activities for the whole family. Whether you are a TFBTPOFE SJEFS PS B OPWJDF KVTU HFUUJOH JOUP UIF TQPSU 5IF 3PDLZ .PVOUBJO #JDZDMF Festival provides the greatest concentration BOE WBSJFUZ PG FYIJCJUPST JO UIF 3PDLZ Mountain region.

From 5 to 22 miles‌ pick your distance. This level course is great for cruisers, mountain bikes, families, children and all leisure riders. A child size and child friendly aid station is available around mile 3. t 3FHJTUSBUJPO TUBSUT BU KVTU GPS LJET BOE GPS BEVMUT t (SPVQ TUBSU BU BN

Saturday, June 11th Century

Metric Century

Mile Ride

Mile Ride

Denver’s downtown dealership...since 1944





Scenic courses with steep elevation up Lookout Mountain and rolling hills throughout the ride.

Sunday, June 12th

All rides begin and end at INVESCO Field at Mile High. Free parking both days for cars and bikes!

To register for a ride and ďŹ nd more details visit

Is your closet in desperate need of a makeover? Do you dream of an organized space with everything neatly in its place?

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Light can create drama and art in a way no other design feature can. I like to group similar lights in a central area as a focal point; the grouping becomes installation art. A/@/6 @=</< 6=@<4319 @=</< 23A75< 5@=C>

Abundant light, large windows and outstanding panoramic views are always desirable. Control the amount of natural light coming into a room with orientation, architectural overhangs, window shades and curtains. The use of mirrors to reect the natural light and view can create the illusion of a larger space. 1/A3G A73D7:/ 16/;03@:7< /@167B31BA

I have recently discovered LED strip lighting for use in glass cabinets. It is easy to install and the light seems to make the glass glow. We have plans to add this lighting along the edge of a glass back splash‌ maybe we can get the glass tile to ‘glow.’

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The use of full-height glass ofďŹ ces with glass doors allowed us to ood the interior ofďŹ ce space with as much natural light as possible, delivering an open and airy sensation and a connection to nature that supports overall employee health.

We are so pleased with the increasing availability of LED options in both decorative and functional ďŹ xtures. LED is the greenest option available right now and we’ve found stunning, artistic and efďŹ cient LED ďŹ xtures to beautifully fulďŹ ll the requirements for many projects.

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It is possible to create a modern, minimalist space without it feeling cold or stark by using the right mix of color, contrast and texture.

Design with natural light! It saves energy and brings life to a home. When artiďŹ cial light, design it so that it emulates the daylighting.

For new construction in particular we focus on incorporating as much borrowed lighting from external spaces to internal rooms to both increase natural daylight and reduce electrical output. The use of clerestory windows or ďŹ xed openings above eye level helps maintain visual privacy between spaces but also creates an open plan. 9/@3< ;/BB713 ABC27= "2 7<1

Lighting can create drama like no other design element. I like to use colored light to create a theatrical effect to complement a sleek, modern space.

Accent lighting is the key to creating drama, shaping a space and ultimately lending the design its fundamental character. I love keeping the elevator lobby darker and more restrained so that the reception area beyond sparkles with light, creating intrigue and drawing the visitor further into the space.

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In ofďŹ ce spaces we use inverted lighting from Focal Point, which diffuses the uorescent lighting by throwing the light upwards. Focal Point has great ďŹ xtures with an interesting style that work well within a dropped ceiling grid.

LEDs don’t have a ďŹ lament to burn out, and they don’t get ‘hot’.This makes them particularly effective for a temperature-sensitive spaces, like wine cellars. Installing sconces into Always use under-cabinet lighting Try using uplighting a mirrored vanity wall is in a kitchen. It provides great task to accentuate architectural features. a great way lighting for the work space right Using directional to make a where you need it and adds beauty ďŹ xtures to create shadows and small powder to a tile backsplash. And, when highlights is a great room appear dimmed, it serves as soft mood way to add drama to grander. lighting during a party. any room.

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