2 minute read

Have you ever wondered what the secret of life is?


Ispent a number of very early years thinking about this very topic. Trying to crack that code, analysing, researching, understanding, and I’ve lost count with the number of rabbit holes I went down in search of ‘The Secret Of Life’ (you really need to say that in an epic voice).


Over my years of tapping into the spirit realm as a psychic medium, I have been privy to some of the most deliciously wonderful conversations with spirit. I have asked spirit directly how I can shift from having a Groundhog Day existence to having a mind-blowing, fun-filled experience on the earthly plane. I can tell you now; it isn’t wealth, health or academic prowess. In fact, it is not even the top 10 things you might think it is.

I have had a roller coaster of a life, what can I say; I love adventure! I’m certainly no stranger to ups, downs, twists and turns and up-the-creek moments. Yet, here I am, sitting peacefully in my office overlooking a beautiful lawn, writing, smiling from ear to ear, heart filled to the brim with gratitude.

The secret of life is perception. When it dawned on me that I might actually be in charge of my own thoughts, I was in that mindset of I know, I know. How many times do we catch ourselves already knowing what our ears are now hearing from others? How many times has a friend offered advice and you’ve replied I know, I know! We all do this. At our soul level, our highest self, we actually do know; but knowing and not doing is what keeps us in that safe place of nongrowth. Without growth, our perception will not change.

Our perception creates our reality. If you perceive that life is a giant lemon designed specifically for the purposes of making you sour – this is your reality.

If you perceive that life is an amazing journey – this is your reality.

Perception is a lifetime of conditioning, habits, experiences and continual looping of our subconscious tape. Perception is designed to keep us safe from often over-dramatised dangers. So how do you shift your perception? The greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of growth. To understand the very reasons why you react the way you do is the easiest road to receiving life’s greatest gifts.

Private bookings are available – visit: www.insightsbyjohnita.com