1 minute read

Creative comfort: Creative death


In order to feel deeply, to explore new creative expressions, sometimes we must unshackle ourselves from self-imposed restraints. Stepping outside of our comfort zones and taking financial, physical, emotional, creative and time investment risks, are essential for giving flight to your creative soul. This might require making small or even significant, life changes.


My most notable creative adventure began after we lost everything in the 2011 Brisbane floods. That single event snapped me out of a 30-year life pattern and led to heightened artistic vision beyond what I could have ever imagined. If I had remained in a state of ‘poor me’, I would have retained the intense anxiety I was experiencing and over time my passion would have faded.

These butterflies live no more than seven to ten days. They must take every opportunity to breed, rest and feed to successfully contribute to the continuation of their species. If these creatures were to take an easier path there would be no Cairns birdwing butterflies.

FIND YOUR GREATNESS! Take this opportunity to enhance your creative life. Join leading Australian photographer and publisher, Steve Pari h through his online masterclass, Photography: A Pathway to Purpose. Learn more and see the special 30-day offer: https://bit.ly/3eTbP6S