2 minute read

Re(s)ipes: Meal prep 101

Hanna van Zyl

Being a university student can be a thrilling and demanding experience, with academic commitments, social activities, and limited budgets. One area that often gets neglected is meal preparation. However, with a little planning and creativity, it's possible to enjoy delicious, nutritious, and cost-effective meals.


1. Embrace the Basics: Having a few staple ingredients in your pantry can make meal preparation a breeze. Stock up on essentials such as rice, pasta, beans, lentils, canned tomatoes, spices, and cooking oil. These items are affordable, versatile, and can form the foundation of numerous dishes.

2. Plan Your Weekly Menu: Spending a few minutes each week planning your meals can save you time, money, and reduce food waste. Consider preparing a weekly menu that incorporates simple and healthy recipes. Include a variety of proteins (like chicken, eggs, legumes), grains (rice, pasta, bread), and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Aim for a balance of flavours and textures to keep your taste buds satisfied

3. Prep in Bulk: Allocate time during the week to batch cook and prepare ingredients in advance. This can significantly reduce the time and effort required for daily meal preparation. Cook larger portions of grains like rice or pasta and store them in the refrigerator for quick access throughout the week. Similarly, cook a batch of protein (like grilled chicken, lentils) and chop vegetables in advance, ensuring they are readily available when needed.

4. One-Pot Wonders: One-pot meals are a student's best friend. They are simple to prepare, require minimal clean-up, and can be highly nutritious. Recipes like stir-fries, pasta dishes, curries, and soups can be made using a single pot or pan. By combining proteins, vegetables, and grains in one dish, you can create a complete meal with minimal effort and time.

5. Explore Vegetarian Options: Meat can be expensive, so exploring vegetarian options can help stretch your budget without compromising on taste or nutrition. Incorporate dishes like vegetable stir-fries, lentil curry, chickpea salads, or black bean tacos into your meal rotation. Not only are these options affordable, but they also offer a range of flavours and textures

6. Meal Prepping on a Budget: If you're working with a tight budget, planning affordable meals is essential. Look for sales and discounts at your local grocery store, and consider buying seasonal produce, which tends to be more affordable. Additionally, frozen fruits and vegetables are often cheaper than fresh ones and can be just as nutritious. Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid wasting food and consider sharing the cost of groceries by meal prepping with friends or roommates.

7. Get Creative with Leftovers: Don't let leftovers go to waste! Instead, get creative and transform them into new meals. For example, leftover roasted chicken can be used in sandwiches or wraps the next day. Cooked rice can be turned into fried rice with a few added ingredients like scrambled eggs, frozen vegetables, and soy sauce. Be imaginative and experiment with different combinations to make the most of your ingredients.

Preparing quick, easy, and affordable meals as a university student doesn't have to be a daunting task. By incorporating these tips into your routine, you can make meal preparation a breeze while nourishing your body with wholesome and delicious food With a little planning, creativity, and resourcefulness, you can master the art of meal preparation and enjoy healthy meals throughout your university journey.