2 minute read


Carmen Le Grange

For many years, Stellenbosch students have been debating and arguing over which coffee spot should be deemed the ultimate favourite. But what does your opinion on which is worthy of being called the favourite say about YOU?


I am here to tell you (in my humble opinion):

Let’s start with the most common campus favourite: MyBrew MyBrew lovers are a very specific breed of students on Stellenbosch University campus. They are the coffee addicts.

Is it because they truly love coffee or because they are trying to survive on four hours of sleep and cannot function without caffeine? We will never know. What we do know is that this group of coffee addicts is easy-going (when it’s not exam season) and keen to spend time and study with friends. They probably (definitely) struggle to stick to a budget unless they have ‘MyBrew coffees’ as its own category in the budget, because there is just no such thing as one coffee a week for these crazy kids

Now, onto a more controversial coffee favourite: DCM. They have been ridiculed. They have been scoffed at. They have even been exiled by some coffee snobs.

Yet, their loyalty (to DCM or to their wallet?) never dies. DCM lovers are steadfast, loyal, and money-wise. They stay true to what they believe: that DCM coffee isn’t THAT bad, and they don’t let what other people say affect them These students are critical thinkers that see the value in spending R19 for a coffee at DCM rather than R24 or more anywhere else All in all, they are likely to be quite a successful bunch

How do you know if someone is a Plato coffee drinker?

They tell you.

Here we have the coffee snobs. The students that drive 20 minutes to Plato and back to spend R36 on something as simple as a cappuccino. They are outspoken, value quality and are willing to make an effort to do something that makes them happy Although they can be quick to share their opinion and maybe even scoff at yours, their hearts are in the right place. They simply want to share the joy they find at Plato with everyone else.

Finally, we have Vida.

We all know that Vida girlies in Stellenbosch are the equivalent of Starbucks girlies in America. They order a very simple, venti standard double shot caramel macchiato (but hold the caramel), with almond milk, no foam, and a splash of vanilla syrup, with whipped cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top. Simple.

They’re sweet, just like their coffee order, and always excited to spill all the tea in their cosy little Vida nook. You can most likely spot them with their laptop and headphones, blasting Ms Tay Tay Swift, living their best lives.

And that’s that on what your favourite coffee spot says about you. I could be wrong here and there, but I think there must be a little bit of truth in every answer, even if you don’t want to admit it And that’s okay! We all spend our money a tad unwisely here and there We all share our opinions a bit too loudly every now and then. We all have to be a little extra in some aspects of our lives. We’re all humans who love coffee.