Portfolio 2018

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College works /

Thesis - Palace of Dreams

Professional projects






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Landsea Taihu Vassar Harrison

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Sketchbooks Art show - Oakland, CA, USA



Nerea Sanz Ferrer 03/02/1992

Disponibilidad inmediata

+34 638 44 74 90


c/Gran Canal 28804 Alcalรก de Henares Madrid


Secondary education and Bachillerato

Instituto Cardenal Cisneros, Alcalรก de Henares, Madrid Sep 2004 - Jun 2010

Degree in Architecture and Urbanism






Erasmus Scholarship

UAH, Madrid

THM Giessen, Germany

Sep 2010 - Jun 2015

Sep 2013 - Aug 2014

Master in Architecture

(Construction and technological research)

UAH, Madrid Sep 2015 - Jun 2017 /



Rhinoceros Vray Autocad Revit Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Sketchup

3D Max Cinema 4D After Effects Sony Vegas Mic. Office Wordpress 3D Print Laser Cut






Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP (SOM)

Architecture and urbanism studio in Madrid, Spain

Architecture and urbanism studio in San Francisco, California, USA

Apr 2016 - Jul 2016

Jan 2017 - Oct 2017







Exchange with native Autocad family Universidad de Alcalá Coleraine, Ireland de Henares, Madrid

Jul 2010 - Sep 2010







Aug 2012

Sep 2012 - Aug 2014

BIM THM Universität, Giessen, Germany

Revit 2018 Udemy, Autodesk official course

Aug 2013

Mar 2014 - Jun 2014

Nov 2017

Art show Publicaction: Palace of Dreams Thesis Alcalá de Henares, Act of Mapping Spain

I’m outgoing, hard-worker and passionate about design. I love traveling because it gives you a very unique understanding and the opportunity to learn different points of view and ways to face certain problems. I have excellent organisational skills, great empathy and, even though I’m independent, I enjoy team work. I understand architecture as a tool to improve people’s life.

German A1 - B2 Goethe Institut, Madrid THM Universität, Giessen, Germany

International Festival of Art and Construction Covarrubias, Spain


Nov 2008

Oct 2011

English Upper-Intermediate Oxford House College, London

Mar 2014 - Jun 2014

Art show Private art gallery DeHenzel Oakland, California, USA


Sep 2017

Spanish native English C2 German B2 French B1


Tutor maths and physics for pupils 12-16 years old Traveling Tennis Handball Illustration Photography /






























College works







Palace of Dreams Madrid, Spain

In a world relying so much on technology and rationality, our human, and intuituve side is often left behind. Nature is no more than just a tool for developed countries in their way to get more power and profit. Our daily basis for the socially considered as success creates stress on us, and a repetitive, alienated life. It´s mandatory indeed that we reconnect to the natural side of our world, and of ourselves. Our rational mind is as important as our irrational side. Maybe our nocturnal visions have the power to balance this situation. Maybe we find ourselves through our own dreams.

Analyzing the historical evolution of Madrid, we can identify three zones inside the core of the city called by Gilles ClĂŠment as ‘third landscape’. This refers to those urban or rural spaces, influenced by the human being, that have been left out of the expansion of the city. In this case, the industrial development and the creation of boundaries such as the highway m-30, limit certain spaces in the city, having as a consequence the lack of cohesion or planning. Manzanares river is the other urban boundary of the city growth. This time, a natural limit that represents most of the oniric spaces in the core, being these the monumental, natural and cultural places that help citizens to escape from their routine lives. The river brings us to the project plot in Delicias. A residual urban space, a void between two well planned neighbourhoods.

Espacios de realidad Desarrollo urbano de una gran ciudad

Espacios de evasiĂłn Ambientes onĂ­ricos dentro de una gran ciudad

Island of the Culture

Island of Diagnosis

Island Big Data

Island of the Oniric Reality

Island of Drowsiness

Palace of Dreams is the union of opposed but complementary spaces. The exterior public garden gets into the building on the ground floor, creating a semi-public space, natural and unaltered topographically. This half wild tropical space brings the visitor to the vertical connections, that go up to the islands. Five islands in total, with five different programs that go from the scientific and psychological study of dreams to the creation of big data, treatments and medical advice. This ‘rational’ part feeds the ‘irrational’ in a bilateral relationship. The two remaining islands will offer workshops on lucid dreams, yoga classes, meditation, oniric experimentation, virtual reality...as well as a library, theatre, art exhibition room, etc. for the learning on the oniric culture and history. The exterior enclosure, rational, gigantic, modulated, organized by raw X, Z, Y directions, holds and shelters the islands, irrational and chaotic, floating in the air and having the core of the activities within them.

Geometry and structure of the islands

La base generadora de la geometría de las cápsulas sirve también para restringir los ángulos con los que las aristas de su estructura se encuentran. A partir de un punto cualquiera en la malla regular, tomamos un círculo cuyo centro sea ese punto y su diámetro sean 4 veces el lado de uno de los triángulos equiláteros que la malla dibuja. Los puntos de intersección de la malla que quedan dentro del círculo serán las posibles direcciones de las aristas.

Ahora comparamos la elevación de las cuatro líneas del cono en planta para ver si algún ángulo de incidencia sobre el origen se repite.

Por tanto, para el rango 1 tenemos un total de 26 ángulos de incidencia diferentes; mientras que para el rango 2 tenemos 13. Esto significa que los nodos de unión entre las distintas aristas deben ser capaces de recoger un total de 39 ángulos de incidencia distintos para dar una uniformidad a la estructura. La pieza para acoger la unión de las aristas es el siguiente nodo estructural:



1 Muros pantalla de hormigón armado e=150cm (a partir de 500cm de profundidad) 2 Muros pantalla de hormigón armado e=75 cm

ISLAS ONÍRICAS 9 Acabado de PVC e=1,5cm 10 Lámina vinílica autoadhesiva e=0,5cm 11 Panel termoactivo prefabricado para el paso de instalaciones de suelo radiante e=3cm 12 Placas triangulares de aluminio soldadas por secciones a la cara superior del entramado e=2cm 13 Entramado de pletinas de aluminio de sección rectangular 15x3 cm 14 Placas triangulares de aluminio soldadas por secciones a la cara inferior del entramado para rigidizar y acoger la unión con las vigas estructurales e=2cm

TERRENO 3 Tierra compactada natural a base de gravas y arenas 4 Sustrato de gravas ESTRUCTURA NAVE EXTERIOR 5 Vigas de acero linealmente soldadas a base de un módulo de 150x150cm ISLAS ONÍRICAS 6 Costillas de acero de sección 30x3 cm 7 Pletinas de acero de sección 15x1,5 cm con salientes para rigidizar el encuentro del cerramiento 8 Nodos de unión de acero con alas de ángulos variables y fijables para acoger las diferentes direcciones de incidencia de la estructura, con unión atornillada para dar cierta flexibilidad a la estructura

CERRAMIENTO NAVE EXTERIOR 15 Perfil de acero en T soldado a las vigas superiores para los cerramiento laterales 16 Perfil de acero en L soldado a las vigas superiores para el cerramiento de cubierta con pendiente del 3% en sentido transversal para la evacuación de aguas 17 Cable de acero Ø5 cm vertical 18 Sujección de cuatro brazos de acero 19 Cable de acero Ø5 cm horizontal 20 Brazo tensor de acero 21 Doble vidrio View Dynamic Glass ® vidrio programable con electrolitos internos que generan 4 grados diferentes de tintado según el nivel de radiación y la luz solar exterior 300x150cm 22 Vidrio practicable auto-retorno para la ventilación de aire caliente generado en el interior de la nave ISLAS ONÍRICAS 23 Triángulos de cerramiento (tres tipos: opaco, translúcido y transparente) explicados en el panel anterior MÓDULOS DE COMUNICACIÓN VERTICAL 24 Perfiles de acero verticales de sección en I 25 Vigas de acero de sección en I 26 Forjado prefabricado de aluminio 27 Caja de ascensor de vidrio translúcido 28 Caja de escaleras de vidrio translúcido siliconado antiincendios 29 Escaleras de aluminio 30 Forjado prefabricado de aluminio 31 Cajas de tabiques sandwich de aluminio con alma aislante e=7 cm DIVISIONES INTERIORES EN LAS ISLAS ONÍRICAS 32 Tabiques de pladur e=5cm con perfilería de aluminio para dar soporte estructural a las cubiertas de espacios ortogonales interiores que sean practicables 33 Tabiques curvos de PVC acoplados al forjado mediante raíles de aluminio ocultos

Professional projects







Landsea Taihu

Developed in: Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP, San Francisco, CA, USA Placed in: Taihu Lake, Huzhou, China

The client asks for the rehabilitation of pre-existing buildings on the plot, as well as the project for a new building in the northern part of the parcel. We will focus on this part and develop a space for conferences, exhibitions and miscellaneous events. The project includes the overall urban planning for the whole plot, besides a special planning for the landscape sorrounding the main buildings.

The main access to the building is achieved through the unevenness of the ground, that climbs up until the first floor. The space in the middle is open and dinamic and it leads to the different rooms, placed around it at different levels depending on the need for light and the relation with the exterior most suitable for the activity that will be developed in it.







Vassar Harrison

Developed in: Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP, San Francisco, CA, USA Placed in: San Francisco, CA, USA

The project joins three different buildings: office tower, hotel and residence. My team will work on the design of the office tower. Considering different aspects, such as surface or volume conditions, program, city regulations and budget, we work in some shape studies and first drafts in the phase of Concept Design.

Vassar Harrison has a shifted core and a programmaticly different podium. The main entrance is placed in the Wintergarden, a inner/outer space that brings the visitor right to the hall, double-height, with a cafe, and some retail spaces. The core will bring us the upper levels, with small halls bringing us into the main office spaces.


























Mucha, ink on paper. Prague, Czech Republic (May 2014)







Sketchbooks During my college trips, I created some notes and drawings of the cities I visited and that impacted on me the most. Thanks to a Erasmus scolarship, I lived in Germany for a year and got to know Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, Krakow, Ljubljana, Vienna...among others. In 2017, last year of Master, I got another scolarship, this time an internship in the architecture and urban planning studio SOM, so I moved to San Francisco, California. This city had an even more special influence on me due to the radical cultural difference and all the social, travelling and learning opportunities I got to experience. Below are shown just a few examples of the skecthes I made during that time of my life.

Untitled, ink on paper. Giessen, Germany (Dec 2013)

BasĂ­lica Sta. MarĂ­a, ink on paper. Krakow, Poland (Apr 2014)

Painted Ladies, ink on paper. San Francisco, CA, USA (Feb 2017)

Untitled, ink on paper. San Francisco, CA, USA (Feb 2017)

Defy and define darkness, pencil on paper. Madrid, Spain (Feb 2016)

Here´s to the mess we make, ink on paper. San Francisco, CA, USA (Feb 2017)

Untitled, ink on paper. San Francisco, CA, USA (Sep 2017)


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