beed insights issue 4

Page 10

THE BEED EXPERIENCE ANUP SUBEDI It was during my penultimate semester of undergraduate studies that I first got to know about beed. I was exploring opportunities to pursue after my graduation, and after a brief research on beed, I


was determined to be one of the beeds. A few days after joining, I realized beed was a lot more than what I had signed up for. As days passed there were many new things that unfolded. It must be its DNA dream, achieve, and celebrate -

and its work culture that sets it apart from any other organization in Nepal. Something that caught my attention when I first toured the beed office was the beed

professionals are readily available

beed also frequently organizes

for discussions or feedback when

events, guest lecture sessions, and

required. I think it is very rare to

knowledge series, which facilitate

experience such a work setting in

knowledge and experience sharing,


and discussion on different economic





issues. As a result, one often gets


to listen to industry experts, The other thing that caught my

entrepreneurs, writers, and individuals

attention at beed was the relative


lack of competition among co-

backgrounds, giving you key insights on

workers. When I chat with my

various industries and experiences.




friends who are working for the big four firms in the United States,

At a glance, my three years at beed

they often talk about how excessive

does not sound like a long one but

competition among co-workers creates

it feels like a real achievement if I

an unhealthy work environment

were to closely review these years.

that leads to workers resenting one

Over the ensuring period, I have

another. However beeds believe in

been fortunate to have gained

the success of the team rather

extensive experience by being



involved in various projects and

Few days after joining

competition is harnessed to facilitate

assignments across a variety of

growth rather than resentment. The

sectors. At the end beed is more

beed, I realized beed

seating arrangement and the fact

than just projects and assignments

was a lot more than

that beeds are always ready to

where you get to experience more

help each other excel and grow

than what you bargained for,

what I had signed up

has led to a very friendly and lively

rather it has been a key milestone


work environment.

in my personal and professional

lab (an open workspace). This seating arrangement takes working in a team to a whole another level. However, I soon got the concept behind the beed lab, as working became much easier as experienced




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