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Scott: Awesome, awesome. Dax: I think it was really good. Scott: More people need to see that. Dax: Yeah. Scott: And not be afraid of it. For the people that are listening right now, they can go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72U7Upx0074. You can see I've got all over my house these clips of abs and arms and legs. I've also got inspirational quotes attached to them and I have my goals all over the place as well. It's on my bathroom mirror, on my alarm clock. It's all over. I'm not embarrassed by it. People come and they see that this is my goal. I want to look like that. It's realistic. Well, I can't use that word. Dax: You'll never use that again now, will you? Scott: That's right, man. That's right, I love it. But this person has a body type that's very similar to mine and I know I can definitely achieve it. If they can and they have the same body frame, I can definitely go after that. Dax: Absolutely. Scott: I surround myself by it, and I love it. Dax: And it comes back to suspending disbelief. Because you find examples of people that are already out there with your similar type of body frame. But, they already have the leanness or the hardness or the muscle bulk that you're looking for. You go, "Hold on. What's so special about these guys and girls? If they've done it, why can't I do it?" Scott: Right. Dax: That's also what you're reaffirming through your own unconscious mind. Hold on, there are some examples of people here that have already got what I want. That means that, hey, that's quite amazing. If there's one person out there who is able to achieve something that means everybody can achieve that. Scott: That's right. Dax: That's amazing. Scott: It is amazing. It is, definitely.

Copyright ďƒ“ 2009, Scott Tousignant and www.FatLossQuickie.com. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this book with your friends and family.


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