5 tips to increase hits to your website or blog

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5dicasArtigo 5 tips to increase hits to your website or blog Whatever the reason to create a blog , it is very essential to a good traffic diverted so there is a large audience of readers to your blog . Here are some ways that describe how to increase visits the blog . See below for 5 Tricks To Increase Blog Views 1. Guests Posts Instead of writing a blog and hoping that people will come , you better reach your target audience , the guests is a good way to do it . Invited articles involves placing posts on other blogs , exposing the person and their writing skills to a completely different audience . If the content is written very well , but can increase visits the blog . Furthermore , backlinks , which are the basis of getting high rankings in search engine ratings , can be obtained in the process. A person becomes a better writer , writing for others and in the process can make new friends and get the necessary exposure , resulting in more visits Blog . 2 . SEO Marketing Search engine optimization ( SEO ) means promoting a site that is highly ranked in search engine ranking . SEO marketing techniques help websites or blogs to be highly ranked in the search engines so that when a user enters a keyword , a blog or website , if related is mentioned in the initial few pages of search engines . Traffic to a blog can be generated by placing relevant keywords in blog so that when researching a particular topic , your blog is featured . 3 . Article Marketing This technique involves writing articles on some issues and put those articles on other sites and blogs for free. The goal is to make the readers aware of their expertise in writing on a topic . Well written content can conduct visits on the blog . A good article requires the proper use of keywords and best SEO techniques to be chosen by the search engines , thus increasing more visits on the blog . 4 . Comments on Blogs Pรกgina 1

5dicasArtigo This refers to the social and interactive nature of a blog . Since blogs are a way to give their opinion on a particular subject , opening it to comments is a good way to make it interativa.Um static website is one in which a person can not put in their comments , even if he disagrees with the information on the site. However, with blogs is different . They should be interactive and allow people to express their opinions and that is what makes blog commenting . The links that are left behind by those who say it can be a resource for finding new blogs and bloggers . 5 . Social Networks You can increase traffic and gain confidence to follow the path of social media . Interact with potential clients on social networking sites is a good way to back linking them to their blogs . You can provide relevant content at these sites so readers know him well and visit your blog .

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