Safer and Stronger Communities Summer 2012 Newsletter

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Summer social media security Burglars are increasingly using social media to identify potential victims and plan their crimes. A survey of 50 ex-burglars, carried out by UK home security company Friedland, suggests that they believe social media platforms are being used by thieves when targeting homes to burgle. Ÿ



Tablet icon

timer switches to periodically turn lights and radios on and off. Ÿ Ask a trusted friend of neighbour to keep an eye Don't post your location on on your house while you're a social networking site. If away. you want to tell friends and Ÿ Don't hide a key anywhere family about your holiday, on your property. do it in person so you can make sure the only people Summer is also a good time to who know you'll be away make sure you have a record are people you can trust. of all your valuables, should Set your social media the worst happen and you privacy settings so that only friends can read your become a victim of burglary. content, and only add Keep an inventory of high actual friends into your value items including a photo, networks. any distinguishing features, Take care not to post serial number and date of photos that reveal your address, or landmarks near purchase. your home. Don't post messages about Immobilise runs a free database which will store all expensive and desirable these details for you. If stolen items you've recently items are recovered, all Police purchased. forces search on this site to Make sure mail doesn't try to reunite these items with visibly pile up and cancel their rightful owners. To milk and other deliveries. Don't announce that you're register visit away on answerphone messages. Drawing curtains is a clear signal that you're away keep curtains open and move valuables out of sight of windows. Create the impression you're home by using

To protect your home and property while on holiday, follow our simple tips: Ÿ


The survey found that four out of five burglaries, or 80%, are Ÿ planned rather than opportunistic, with burglars Ÿ identifying empty properties on social media sites or walking past properties several times to ensure they are empty. Ÿ

Summer 2012


The Community Safety Team and VANEL have moved In July the Community Safety Team said goodbye to Burwell Drive and joined the Anti Social Behaviour Team and the Neighbourhood Crime and Justice Coordinator at The Elms.

The Elms 22 Abbey Road Grimsby DN32 0HW

The VANEL volunteer centre, however, remains at 14 Town Hall Square and is contactable on (01472) 231123. All Safer and Stronger Communities staff and VANEL staff remain contactable on the same telephone numbers.

Safer and Stronger Communities now has our own Twitter feed.

The Elms building

Our postal address is:

At the same time, the Drug and Alcohol Action Team moved in along the corridor and Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) moved in downstairs.

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'Quick Comms' will now be available for collection from the community safety officers upstairs in room ELM.1.11 at the address above. Spencer Hunt, community safety manager, said “We are all looking forward to working more closely through this new colocation of organisations within one building. This can only lead to the further development of our existing partnership working.�

Twitter is a real-time broadcasting platform, which allows short, concise messages to be shared across many people instantly - ideal for promoting incident details and public appeals for information when it matters most. We will be tweeting crime prevention and personal safety advice, event details, appeals for information and news from our local area. Follow us @EyesAndEarsNEL to hear breaking news and information before anyone else. Since launching in May we now have 55 followers, both agencies and members of the public please help us to reach our first century!

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Don't lose a shed load For convenience we tend to use our shed or garage to store fishing equipment, pedal cycles, golf clubs, power tools and other valuables. These outbuildings often have little or no security making them an easy target for a thief.

Park Ward Action Group Park Ward Action Group held a scone, cuppa and chat event at St Augustine Community Centre. Over 30 local residents were welcomed into the building by members of the community group where there was an opportunity to learn about local services and to raise any concerns with representatives from agencies such as the council, police, health, and ward councillors. The hall was brightened up by a number of displays including a gardening corner by Tukes and a colourful collage of hands by the Hippo Toddler Group which promoted the facilities that are available at the community centre.

Your shed also has equipment that could help burglars break into your house so it’s vital that both the structure and contents are secure and well maintained. Follow these tips to make sure you don’t fall foul to garden thieves.

Park Ward Action Group is a community group serving the Park ward. It meets monthly and welcomes new members. If you are passionate about the area and would like to have your voice heard and make a difference please contact Jane Mansfield Area Co-ordinator on 01472 323007 or Brenda Dixon Secretary on 01472 319541

St Augustine's Community Centre

Domestic abuse training rated excellent As part of the domestic abuse agenda for North East Lincolnshire we work very closely with schools to raise staff and pupil awareness around domestic abuse. We also support children and young people who disclose domestic abuse. Domestic abuse leads recieve their award

This work is carried out by Sue Smith, the education coordinator and lead officer for the education programme. She is supported by Cathy Mason, the health and welfare officer and child protection lead for the Oasis Academy Wintringham and staff from Women’s Aid. Currently staff from 33 schools and academies have received domestic abuse awareness training and training on the education pack. This will enable them to support children and young people affected by

domestic abuse and to carry out preventative work.

Disability games

A nominated domestic abuse champion within each school / academy leads on this work, which is recognised by the awarding of a bronze, silver and gold accreditation.

Inspired by London 2012, the North East Lincolnshire Disability Games closing ceremony will be held on Friday 17th August 2012 10am - 3pm at Oasis Academy Wintringham.

The Home Office approved "In search of Excellence" scheme recently visited North East Lincolnshire to review our domestic abuse service provision. The education work was recognised in the report as an example of excellent practice. As a result we have been asked to share this work with other authorities. On 21st June a celebration event was held to reward the leads for their excellent work. Certificates were presented by Paula Stoneman, domestic abuse coordinator, who said: “It was refreshing to be able to acknowledge and celebrate something so positive.”

There will be an opportunity for visitors to try their hands at many taster sessions including: ŸTrampolining ŸIndoor rowing ŸTable tennis ŸFootball ŸArts and crafts ŸNew Age kurling ŸBoccia ŸSensory room Food and refreshments will be available to buy, and awards will be presented in a ceremony at 1.30pm. For more information please contact Oasis Academy Wintringham on (01472) 871811 or Lucy Johnston on (01472) 323346.

She thanked the leads for all their hard work and dedication to the preventative agenda of Violence Against Women and Girls.


Neighbourhood Watch Every community is different and each has its own specific requirements when it comes to safety. Neighbourhood Watch groups have succeeded by taking a clear look at the needs of their area and responding with intelligent, targeted and innovative solutions. The central ethos of Neighbourhood Watch is simply what is says on the tin – neighbours looking out for each other. This is how a community is built, through friendship and trust. There are currently 79 Neighbourhood Watch groups in North East Lincolnshire, with an additional four groups in the early stages of development. The smallest is just a few homes and the largest is 360 homes supported by several coordinators. Some groups cover parts of streets; others cover networks of multiple streets. North East Lincolnshire also holds quarterly meetings for the coordinators of each Neighbourhood Watch group to meet to share good ideas and support new groups to start up – sharing their vision, the obstacles they met along

Neighbourhood Watch logo

the way, and how they overcame them. Neighbourhood Watch in North East Lincolnshire is supported by Safer and Stronger Communities, Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire, neighbourhood development coordinators and, of course, Humberside Police, who have dedicated links with each group. For more information about joining or starting a Neighbourhood Watch group in your area please call Marcus Czarnecki at Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire on (01472) 324976 or email

Nunsthorpe Olympic week activities Second Avenue Resource Centre secured funding from the ‘Inspired by London 2012’ grant scheme and put together the ‘Nunny Olympic Week’. The week featured numerous activities and involved a wide range of organisations and local residents. In true Olympic style the week commenced with a torch relay around the estate. The torch was made by year 4 pupils at Nunsthorpe Community School and was escorted by Humberside Police as it was carried by local residents. Other events held over the week included a football tournament, kurling competition, obstacle course, chair based exercise and ‘travel the world’. The torch handover

Focus on Jane Mansfield Jane Mansfield

If the Elms was on fire what one item would you save from your office? My handbag... it was a present from my best friend and is full of comforting and vital clutter.

What award would you most like to win? The last award I won was over twenty years Describe your job in 100 ago. I won "Smile Of the words or less. My formal title is area co-ordinator and Week" in the Grimsby Telegraph when I worked in I work in three different the council's housing wards, South, Park and department. I don't really Freshney. I work in the think about awards as my community to help groups and individuals develop and role is about being in the background, supporting and become more sustainable developing others. and at the same time have meaningful and positive Who do you admire most? relationships with service providers and voluntary and People who are passionate about what they believe in statutory agencies. The main objective of the role is and put their energy into that subject. to give local people a voice in their neighbourhood and What makes you angry? Bad a say in the services that manners... I was brought up they receieve. It's a fab job, the old fashioned way and no working day is ever the think that there is no excuse same, there are highs and for rudeness. lows and great people to work with and support. If I gave you ÂŁ100 what would you spend it on? I How long have you worked would put it towards our in the role? I have been in this job for a couple of years family season ticket for Grimsby Town Football Club. but have had roles that I have been going for over have involved working in 20 years and only missed a local communities for over handful of home games. 20 years.

Partnership working in action Safer and Stronger Communities, working with Cleethorpes South community group, identified a problem with litter in and around pubs and clubs at closing time. Community members reported that cigarette ends, empty glass vessels and other litter, especially flyers, were left outside making the resort look untidy and neglected. To address this problem Safer and Stronger Communities attended the Cleethorpes Pub watch meeting in July. Licensees were addressed and provided with a poster to be displayed within their premise as well as a letter of advice.

We hope this will help to address the problem and lead to a safer and cleaner resort. The problem will continue to be monitored.

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