Education for Sustainability India

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Education for Sustainability India

Recognizing the Context

Our Vision INTRODUCING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AS A SEPARATE SCHOOL SUBJECT We do not aim to propose the specific details of a Sustainable Development course itself; this task will require the combined efforts of local educational authorities, sustainability researchers and school curriculum development experts, a skills base that we do not pretend to possess. However, below we list our recommendations as to the scope and structure of the subject:

→ The subject of Sustainable Development should include teaching on environmental sustainability, and should also focus on overlooked aspects of social and economic sustainability. → We suggest the curriculum includes some degree of focus on the following areas: food and drink; energy and water; travel and traffic; consumption and waste; construction; citizen participation; local well-being; and global citizenship. → Lessons should tackle both local and global issues. They should encourage the analysis of local cases, using local examples, with the aim of generating local solutions. It should also be emphasised to students how our behaviour has a global impact, ensuring all issues are framed within their international context. → Lessons could incorporate practical elements and outdoor activities, focusing on themes such agriculture, construction, and recycling; or could involve creative activities, incorporating elements of the arts. → The educational programme should have a broad approach to the subject, with a complexity of reasoning and analysis designed to suit the students’ level and knowledge .


Our Strategy for 2015 in India Fostered by positive feedback and encouraging progress, our plan is to strengthen our actions by focusing on advocacy, while continuing to widen our network through communication, and by promoting and holding events and activities with young people and communities. Our actions fall within the framework of the post -2015 development agenda, through definition, process, and launch, as well as the negotiations towards an agreement under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) expected to be reached in the 21st Conference of the Parties, both scheduled for 2015.

“Find your passion, and let that passion guide you and inspire you day in and day out. Never stop searching for answers, never stop asking questions, because standing still is a terminal illness�. / Sandra Antonovic , Co-founder and CEO, Nektarina Non Profit


Our Organizations Nektarina Non Profit is an international nongovernmental organisation dedicated to Educating, Connecting and inspiring people to care about their communities and their environment. Nektarina was founded in Croatia in 2009. Although the main office has been relocated to the United Kingdom, our highly diverse and multicultural team still has members working in Pakistan, India, Croatia, Spain, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago, Ghana, and Sierra Leone. Our work is based on intercultural dialogue, encouraging mutual respect and understanding. Led by its the co-founders, both of whom are full time volunteers, and supported by a small but growing team of staff, Nektarina relies a great deal on its global network of dedicated volunteers.

Zest Youth Movement is a national youth movement working to empower children and young people to take an active role in society and fight for their rights. ZYM educates them on the basis of five values: equality, democracy, peace, cooperation, and friendship.

ZYM also strives to improve the situation in priority areas like health, the environment, employment, and the rights of girls and women.

This publication was produced under Creative Commons License. Publisher: Nektarina Non Profit, UK; Editor-in dia landscape photographs copyrights: Marianne Poisson; Design and layout: Sandra Antonovic; Printing : (inse thanks to Sarah, Anam, Vladimir, George, Peter, Lisa, Claudia, Daniel, Dan and Philip. For more information abo 4

Our Team “We aim to promote and facilitate the idea of a responsible global community, striving to include the principles of the Earth Charter in all our projects. The idea of a sustainable world is at the core of what we do, keeping in mind the three pillars of sustainability: economic, social and environmental. The projects we have developed aim to engage people, in particular young people , from all over the world and promote responsibility at a community level, a global level, and for future generations in line with our three key actions; ‘Educate. Connect. Inspire.’” Sandra Antonovic , - Co-Founder & CEO of Nektarina

“Our principles are grounded in a vision of responsibility for the planet and its inhabitants, recognising the world’s interdependence and the fact that the challenges we face today are often interconnected. We believe that human existence is about being more, not having more. Our vision is a peaceful and sustainable world formed of a community of responsible global citizens.” Marianne Poisson, Project Head Coordinator

“Our intentions with Zest Youth Movement is to move towards creating and maintaining social cohesion in our region, and especially to promote the emergence of a multicultural and sustainable society.“ Suresh More , Founder and President of Zest Youth Movement, Education for Sustainability Country Manager— India

n-chief: Sandra Antonovic; Content: Marianne Poisson and Suresh More; Photographs: Nektarina Non Profit; Inert name); Cover page logo by ; Back cover page logo by; Editing: Alice Rees. Special out the project please visit . Produced in January 2015. 5

The Education for Sustainability Project OUR GOAL - Our goal with the Education for Sustainability project is to provide a platform for embedding Sustainable Development as a SEPARATE SUBJECT into school curricula, thereby educating students about sustainable living,, practices, and futures. A TWO-SIDED APPROACH - Our approach is organised around two main components. We work at a GRASSROOTS LEVEL with schools and organisations in our target countries in order to promote knowledge on sustainability, particularly among young people. This is achieved through events such as workshops, contests, video talks , and rallies. With these grassroots organisations and through intense networking and communication, we are working towards engaging Ministries and other relevant governmental institutions with the project, ADVOCATING A LEGAL CHANGE and supporting them in the initial stages of introducing the subject of Sustainable Development.

INCENTIVES AND ANTICIPATED BENEFITS The inclusion of Sustainable Development in the curriculum brings benefits to students, in the form of knowledge and attitude, and to many sectors of society. We see the anticipated benefits as being: → Engagement of pupils with sustainability issues in a critical and creative manner, resulting in greater ownership and then willingness and desire, to become active and responsible global citizens who participate in community life. → Increased awareness of society as a whole, once pupils apply their knowledge within their homes, communities, and future workplaces. → In the long-term, a decrease in environmental problems due to a more informed and responsible attitude among the population. → An education system relevant to the realities and challenges posed by the world of today, providing students with a clear view of how our planet works and how human actions and choices influence it. → An innovative policy that would highlight the government’s willingness to tackle global issues.


OUR WORK SO FAR With a network of partners, local experts, communities, and civil society organisations in South East Europe and Central Asia, we conducted extensive research on environmental, social, and economic issues. Based on the results of that research, we designed strategies for implementing the project, which focused on educational systems, legislative framework, and decision-making processes. The content phase was completed in September 2012; we developed strategies for approaching target groups, prepared accompanying materials, and launched the project’s website and Wiki section. We reached the implementation stage shortly after, entering into constructive dialogue with Governments and Ministries of Education. Having initiated projects in several countries (Azerbaijan, Georgia, Latvia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Romania) we have since handed them over to local organisations who have taken ownership of the projects and their implementation.

Our current international focus We are currently active in INDIA, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, GHANA, THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, VENEZUELA AND to a lesser EXTENT SIERRA LEONE, organising local events, working with schools, and approaching decision makers, enabling us to understand the best methods for introducing Sustainable Development as a new subject. “By bringing sustainable consciousness to our kids and connecting them through technology all around the world, we will initiate a significant change that will be stored in the noosphere making the experience replicate and grow quickly enough to change the system and save the world. Our only hope to start changing the planet is youth. Every country is relevant, every person is needed, everything is possible and we are part of the solution.” Vladimir de Chelminski - Film producer and E4S Country manager, Venezuela


Some of our accomplishments ON THE GROUND → Supporting the ‘Sustainable Sea Transport in the Pacific Talanoa’ conference in Fiji: As the marine environment is so key to Fiji’s sustainability, we are proud to have supported ‘Sustainable Sea Transport in the Pacific Talanoa’ as part of our partnership with the University of South Pacific. This was the second event of its kind and took place in Suva, Fiji in July 2014 with the theme “Celebrating the Past – Sailing into the Future”. → Education for sustainability initiation in Cameroon: In August 2014 we ran a workshop for children and teachers in Yaoundé, Cameroon focusing on Education for Sustainable Development. We incorporated a drawing competition around the theme ‘‘Make a Green Wish for the Planet’’. Participants were called to produce inspiring drawings that reflect their vision and wish for a better planet, where sustainable energy is used, waste recycling and management is better organized, and where all citizens protect their planet. → Community Awareness on Sustainability in Ghana: Over 250 people from the Volta Region of Ghana joined the community awareness event on ‘Sustainable Development as a separate subject in schools’ that took place in November 2014. This event included the participation of the District Government, Ministry of Education, National Disaster Management Organization, students, pupils and community members.



→ Presence on social networks – we have developed a community of almost 4,000 people. → Blog: Regular articles aiming to raise awareness about sensitive and current topics, regional and global issues that affect the way we perceive the world today, and the way we approach our (sustainable) future. → Sustainability Footprint Calculator: A global tool which calculates the users ‘sustainability,’ that considers all components of sustainability and takes into account the residential location of users. → Partnership with ‘Alternative Magazine’: Indian online media tackling topics related to sustainability → Crowd funding campaigns: to help activities and causes we feel strongly about (India, Sierra Leone).


“Education for sustainability is the smarter path to a sustainable future, today. It re-orientates and redirects communities to adopt sustainable practices as a bedrock to a safer future for all.” George Mansaray - Social worker, Sierra Leone


Education for Sustainability project in India Since 2012, Nektarina has been partnered with India based civil society organisation, Zest Youth Movement, to implement the Education for Sustainability project in India. The project has achieved the preparatory and content phases, and our strategy is based on complementary ways of acting in India. → Approaching governmental institutions (Ministry of Education, Parliament and other decision makers) in order to convince them that education for sustainability teaching is a necessity, → Organising on-line and off-line events to both raise the population’s awareness about sustainability (in particular young people) and to help us in empowering our arguments to reach our goals. → Collaborating with school councils and boards; parent’s groups and civil societies; and promoting events and education for sustainability in media, internet and social networks.


Our events in India International Youth Day and Drawing competition Following the main topic “My Green Planet,” drawing competitions were held, involving pupils from elementary and secondary schools in Pune, India. They visually expressed their thoughts, ideas, and hopes on how they see the Earth free from pollution, where waste is recycled and where most things run on renewable energies.

To celebrate International Youth Day 2014, a drawing competition on the theme "Happy Lifestyle” was organised. Participants were asked to consider questions such as “What does happiness means to you? How do you imagine a joyful and cheerful world? How could we work towards reaching it?” either as direct ideas, or as inspiration, to draw about a happy life, what happiness means to them, or why it is important for all of us, by using any drawing technique they like. Over 3500 students from different schools participated in the drawing event where they showed what sustainability means to them and why it is important for all of us.

Free bicycles and school supplies for children Students (belonging to adivasi tribes Thakar) from Thakarwadi Dist Ahmednager State MH walk 6 km every day to attend school. The majority of these are girls. Providing bikes will enable children to spend less time travelling to school each day and therefore more time on other activities. It is a low-cost, simple technology option which is appropriate and sustainable for the community. It will encourage them to continue attending, and promotes girls’ education. We gave free bicycles and books to the students from this place by organising a function. Vice Chancellor of Nagpur University Dr. S. N. Pathan was chief guest at the function, and parents, people from local communities, Sarpanch (Village Head), and school committee members were present at the occasion.


Environmental awareness programme and World Environment Day celebration Aiming to contribute to work on sustainability with young people, the event brought together government representatives; people from different social organisations, education institutes, and medical foundations; young people and students from different colleges and schools; and people from companies and political parties. Girls and women have been notably present, as well as disabled and elderly people who took part in the rally.

The World Environment Day was the highlight of June. As we consider the environment to be a matter of vital importance, we celebrated the World Environment Day with more than 200 people in Pune City, leading a riverbank cleaning activity. Not simply a celebration, the event aimed to increase awareness of the protection of the environment among the population, with a particular focus on youth and education for sustainability.

The rally was launched by a delegation of special guests, among them Prof. Madhav Gadgil, world famous environmentalist, and Mr Anil Shirole, current Member of Parliament of the Pune Constituency. Mrs Bharati Kadam and Mr Prakash Kadam, Municipality Members, were also present. The participants then walked in procession through the roads of Pune, bearing banners with environmental awareness slogans. When they reached the polluted riverbank, with appropriate equipment, participants started to pick up waste and finally took an oath for a nonpolluted river.


“Environment growth and active participation of the citizens regarding the 74th amendment of the Constitution and as per the Biological Diversity Act gives an excellent opportunity but we fail to take advantage of it. With the Zest and Nektarina movement we can make people more active and achieve a lot with such persistent efforts.” Professor Madhav Gadgil- Environmentalist

“Protecting the environment is an urgent need. Let us all come forward and work towards it. As a citizen of this country, I will be committed for the next five years to work actively on the issues of transport management in the city, waste management, sewage, water purification, river improvement and planting of trees, among other things. It is only possible with active citizen support and cooperation. I congratulate all participants for the wonderful work done to celebrate WED. Let us begin a new movement for protecting our environment.” Anil Shirole - Member of Parliament of the Pune Constituency, India


Sustainability Awareness session We conducted a two day Sustainability Awareness session with students from a number of schools. Around 400 students attended the session, which focused on environmental issues in India and their causes and prevention measures, recycling, etc. A home documentary by YANN ARTHUS BERTRAND was screened.

Best Out of Waste contest Students from Pune schools were invited to take part in a competition by preparing any object they want, utility or decorative objects, accessories, furniture articles, showpieces, etc, from any waste material, using their inspiration, ideas and creativity. More than 600 students from different schools participated in this activity. Exhibitions were organised in all schools displaying the students’ work. All participants were given certificates for participating, and selected winners were awarded with prizes.

Interactive Sustainability Awareness session During the indoor programme for students organised by Sakal, an Indian media group, we conducted an innovative and interactive session between India and our United Kingdom based team. More than 100 students and parents from Pune took part in the activity, which aimed to present and share ideas about sustainability in a very concrete way. Participants showed a very good interest and there were some great responses on the topic

Medical Health Check up Camp Knowing that many people in India are severely suffering from different lung diseases caused by the air pollution, and being convinced that we should do something for them, we decided to organise a free medical health check camp for the most vulnerable and needy people of Pune City. Pollution is one of the main issues that India faces, particularly in big cities like Pune. As a consequence, people’s lungs could be weakened, sometimes even vitally affected. The first symptoms of lung disease might be chest noise (heavy breathing), feeling tired, a dry cough, sweating, coughing, sneezing, etc. The aim of the camp was to help people by diagnosing potential diseases. A Pulmonary Function Test was provided, with the help of a spirometer (an instrument which costs around 1000 Indian Rupees, here provided for free) and around 100 people benefited from the camp.


Media coverage We put a significant effort into promoting our main events to society, as they are a large contributing factor in reaching our goal. We are proud to say that our events are successful, as shown by the numerous participants and their involvement, as well as the interest demonstrated by the media. We have managed to get our actions covered by a variety of different media outlets over the last year.


CONTACT US Suresh More |Project Manager INDIA Tel: +919850788999 /+917588539359 Email: Marianne Poisson | Project Head Coordinator Email: Sandra Antonovic | Co-Founder & CEO Editor-In-Chief Nektarina (S)pace Magazine Email:

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