What Makes an Effective Leader: Neil Varma

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What Makes an Effective Leader?

Neil Varma

Neil Varma

Neil Varma has managed sizable, complex projects throughout his career — one that spans across both the public and private sector and includes more than four years of military service in the U.S. Air Force.

Neil Varma

A proven project manager, Varma has time and again demonstrated the qualities of an effective leader, someone capable not only of keeping a team-oriented project on track.

Neil Varma

but who also knows how to inspire people to action and perform beyond even their own expectations.

So, What Makes an Effective Leader?

Project leaders like Neil Varma tend to possess certain traits that set them apart, and which are essential to bringing people together in pursuit of shared goals.


which is demonstrated in the leader’s ability to stick to their guns and refuse to compromise their inner values no matter the adversity.


that often-innate talent for motivating others to go above and beyond when needed most.


Communication, or the ability to share information and convey common goals clearly and effectively.

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