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Many of you may know me as the “Voice in the Streets” on Atlanta’s Hot 107.9 or perhaps you’ve caught me hosting or DJ’ing at some of the most exclusive events in the city at the hottest clubs. However, if are reading about me here for the first time, I go by the name Beestroh.

I’ve been working in the entertainment industry for over a decade now and I’ve seen a lot of individuals come and go. From my formative years in Massachusetts to my current home in the A, the one thing that I know is consistent about this business is that it’s a revolving door. Many people gain access but very few remain. As I was contemplating about what I wanted to contribute to this monthly column, I didn’t have to reflect too hard. I know what true struggle looks and feels like. I also know that reading about how other people ‘made it’ helped me to map out my own plan to achieve and reach my goals. It is in that vein that I will highlight some of the top entrepreneurs that largely go unnoticed, mostly by choice. They are the people *behind* the people if you will. These Q&A style interviews will provide insightful content and points of view from the people that have followed a universal blueprint to success, however added their own personal touches along the way. I’m aiming to capture the biggest, brightest and best names in music and entertainment and also find out what challenges they faced and how they rose above it all. It’s about time that someone highlights the great work of the interesting and newsworthy CEO’s, Managers, Journalists, Attorneys, Publicists, Accountants, etc. that stay ahead of the competition. I want to educate and inspire my readers by giving them the informational support that will help them navigate the challenges and maximize opportunities available to them within the entertainment business. Therefore each month, I will be bringing you the crème de la crème of the new regime of hustlers this industry has to offer. Together we will explore a variety of professionals who not only make things happen, but who relentlessly achieve greatness. So sit back, buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life as the Beest takes you on a journey that will help change your life and hopefully add some zero’s to your bank account. Let’s gooooo!!



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