Stretch Mark Treatments

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Nutrition Enhance Aesthetics-You R what U eat, LITERALLY! Great skin starts from within. NEA gives c

Stretch Mark Treatments

This laser treatment effectively improves stretch marks by ablating the skin with microscopic holes. These injuries trigger a healing response, sloughing off the superficial layer of skin resulting in an overall smooth skin. Office 2007 Crack

The healing process or response causes the body to produce more collagen therefore resulting in tightening of the skin. We use the ER:Yag laser in this treatment to cause ablation of the skin.

These types of lasers work very well for resurfacing the skin as they can provide both deep and superficial ablation




Stretch Mark Treatments


Frac3 Laser Therapy

When seeking laser therapy treatments, it is very important for patients to disclose past laser treatment sessions, because over delivery of laser light may cause the skin to burn more easily. Clear communication during consultations is the best way to achieve your skin rejuvenation goals. If you are interested in the latest fractional laser therapy to rejuvenate the skin on your face and body, contact our office to schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our skin specialist. You can discuss whether FRAC3 skin remodeling treatments are a good option for your skin concerns.

• Improve atrophic scars

• Improve texture of skin

• Reduce static wrinkles

• Eliminate fine lines

• Improve PIH (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation)

• Improve pigmentation (dark spots) in the skin

• Improve dark spots on dark skin tones, which has been a difficulty for most ablative fractional lasers in the past

• Stimulate collagenases

• Reduce skin laxity


Fotona fractional resurfacing treatment is an effective way to target microscopic areas of the skin. The laser will create columns of heat in the skin that specifically target the damaged areas via the laser light pulses. This results in treating only the damaged skin and achieving amazing results. The benefits are noticeable, and include improvements to areas of sun damage, age spots, hyperpigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring and large pores.

When healing from an ablative procedure, your nutrition becomes very important. Eating foods rich in nutrients will help your body heal faster, and help you achieve healthier, more radiant skin. When you purchase a Fractional Resurfacing package, Included with each session is a nutrition consult with a Registered Dietitian. The dietician will help you to understand which foods and nutrients you need to emphasize to achieve optimal results.

What to Expect?

This treatment requires about 4 to 5 days of downtime. This treatment does require numbing cream, which will applied pre treatment at NEA Medical Aesthetic Clinic. The numbing cream will help to minimize any discomfort, providing your skin a minimally invasive experience. The procedure results in slight pinprick bleeding, however, excessive bleeding or scabbing does not occur.


Turn back the hands of time, with this minimal to full epidermal laser peel. The laser precisely and gently removes the micro-thin layers of the epidermis (skin), while its thermal properties penetrate deeper into the skin to stimulate the production of collagen in the dermis. This allows new skin to appear and grow, creating a more vibrant skin surface, giving you a youthful glow. Laser peels are an effective, easy treatment to improve skin texture and tone and to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, pore size, and age spots. Each treatment is tailored to your specific needs.

MLP is effective:

• Fine lines and wrinkles

• Acne scars

• Skin texture and tone

• Skin polish and glow

• Keratoses (pre-cancerous lesions)

• Pigmentation problems

• Sun damage

Laser peels are non-invasive facial treatments that have the ability to remove years off your face with laser beams that are delivered into the epidermis. The laser light in laser peels is used to remove fine lines and wrinkles and even deeper dynamic wrinkles.

Want long lasting results?

Best results are achieved with 3-4 treatments. This treatment can also be combined in a package with micro needling. At NEA Medical Aesthetic Clinic we understand the importance of nutrition, and how it helps the skin heal. When you chose a package, a nutrition consultation with a Registered Dietitian, is included with each visit. Good nutrition can lead to faster healing, and more radiant looking skin.


What happens?

Over the following days and weeks, collagen production is increased, which fortifies the anatomical structures of the skin. Dermal structures are supported by collagen and elastin, so the increased production of these two essential components creates a healthy environment for the skin to regenerate itself after being exposed to the thermal laser peel light.

What Are Treatments Like?

Treatments are different for each person. Laser peels deliver thermal laser energy to the skin, so some people may find the laser light sensation much like heat on the skin. Most people tolerate laser peels very well with minimal to mild discomfort. Patients who are more sensitive can consult with their performing technician about options that may help their treatment experience.

Immediately after laser peel treatments, patients can experience what some may describe as a sunburn like sensation with some warmth felt in the skin and some redness that subsides over the course of a few days. Some people may experience some swelling, which will also dissipate in the following few days. Most patients can resume daily activities immediately, but they should take extra precautions to avoid direct sun exposure by wearing sunscreen and keeping their newly treated areas well hydrated.

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